150+ Paragraphs For Best Friends To Share Their Feelings

The love you feel for your best friend is indescribable. They are your constant companion and confidante and stand by you through thick and thin. Sometimes, it’s necessary to express your gratitude by writing a paragraph for best friend and letting them know how special and invaluable they are to you.

Of course, whatever you write should come straight from the heart, as a meaningful message for your best friend—whether it’s for a special occasion or simply to thank them for something they’ve done—helps convey all the emotions you feel for them. A letter or a paragraph on your friendship can make them feel great about themselves and deepen the connection you share.

However, if you are searching high and low for inspiration to put into words, here are some beautiful and endearing paragraphs dedicated to best friends that you can use. So, read on and start composing your letter filled with fond memories and sincere appreciation for everything your best friend has done for you.

In This Article

Paragraphs About Best Friend

If you want to send your best friend a message to appreciate their understanding, supportive, generous, and compassionate nature, choose one from the ones below.

  1. Time and again, our friendship has been tested. I had lost all hope that I would lose such a dear friend, but you were the ones who held onto us because you believed that our friendship could overcome any barrier. Thank you for believing in us and for believing in me.
  2. I want you to know that having a fantastic friend like you is a blessing. Your friendship is more valuable than all the treasures in the universe. I could never have imagined how you could have touched my heart in so many different ways, and I will always cherish our friendship with everything I have in me. I adore you, my lovely friend.
  3. “It isn’t the red ribbon that binds us together. The root that unifies us does not derive from a tree on the wall. This bond knows no genetics. Friendship is a peculiar seed. No matter the season, the weather, nor the time of the day. When planted on a nourishing soul, it will always bear fruit.” – Clairel Estevez
  4. Friendship is a special bond that can help you sail through the most brutal storms of life. In you, my friend, I have found a support that’s unwavering and unconditional. No matter where we stay, I always know you are the one I can always count on. So, a big thank you to you for being my bosom buddy for life!
  5. I miss you when something good happens to me, and you aren’t there to share the moment. I miss when someone misunderstands me because you are the one who understands me the most. I miss you when I cry or laugh because you wipe my tears and make me laugh even more. I miss you always, but I miss you the most when I am alone, and I think about all the times we have spent with one another because I cherish those comforting memories always and forever in my heart.
  6. I adore you for everything you are, for all of our happy memories together, for our supportive interactions, and for all the ways you have helped me grow. I wouldn’t have it any other way because a friend like you is a rare diamond I dearly value. Love you, buddy. Words just can’t describe how much you mean to me.
  7. You came to me at the most unexpected time in my life, and I couldn’t thank you enough for that. You have laughed and cried with me. When everything was falling apart, you picked up the pieces and put them back together, I love you, my dearest friend. Thank you for being so caring, devoted and faithful. I want to let you know, you can always count on me, for I know, I can, too.
protip_icon Quick tip
Use this paragraph when you feel overwhelmed by strong emotions for a friend who helped you in the past, and you want to express your gratitude.
  1. Friends like you are rare, so I am grateful to have found you. Even though we have our fair share of differences, you never left my side when I needed you the most. I just want you to know that you can always count on me, no matter what may come or go.
  2. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. No matter where you are in this world, our friendship will grow stronger. Your vivacious and radiant energy is contagious. I miss you every day, and looking back at the older times makes my heart feel joy. Come back soon, and I can’t wait to hug you.
  3. Nothing is more important to me than our friendship, and it seems like everyone is aware of this. Even though we don’t see each other as frequently as we used to, I appreciate you standing by my side and never losing sight of me. That means more to me than you can imagine. Love you, pal, you are truly one-of-a-kind!
  4. You’re a treasure that I would cherish in my life forever. I should thank you more often for bringing good luck into my life. You’re the apple of my eye, the silver lining on my clouds. I wish you the utmost happiness in this world. May our friendship last forever.
  5. We connect like peas in a pod. We have moved beyond being friends and have settled into a family dynamic. I love you, buddy, and I promise to always be there for you. Remember, our bond is like no other; we have each other even if the whole world stands against us.
  6. My dearest friend, may our friendship grow stronger with each passing day. Just like the vast ocean that stretches endlessly to the horizon, so does my love for you. Each day is anew, and I am grateful to start it with you in it.
  7. To say that you are unique would be an understatement. I sincerely hope that you are aware of this and genuinely believe it. I can honestly say what makes you stand out as the amazing friend that you are because we’ve experienced ups and downs together. Being able to get to know every single facet of you makes me one of the fortunate few.
  8. The first time I saw you, there was a warm and affectionate glow emanating from your eyes, it was kindness. The kindness you show when I am going through my darkest days, the kindness you show to a passer-by who has lost everything, the kindness you show to a stray animal in need of a home. You have shown me to see everything with kindness, and I love you for that.
  9. I wish you to understand how much I value you. You are my entire world, and I will stop at nothing to protect you. I owe much of my discovery of my calling and pursuit of my goals to you. I promise to be there if you ever need me for anything, and by anything, I mean ANYTHING!
  10. My dear friend, you are not the Sun who brightens up my day, but you are my moon and stars who show me the way on the darkest night. I will forever be grateful to God to have someone like you by my side whenever I needed you.
  1. I could talk about you all day and all night, and even then, I will have a ton to say. Nevertheless, using too many words would be pointless, so I’ll just say, “You are the most amazing person I have ever met, and I can’t imagine my life without you.” You are my guide, philosopher, and confidant I deeply respect.
  2. “’Two a.m.’ He swallowed, then said, ‘You know. The person you can call at two a.m. and, no matter what, you can count on them. Even if they’re asleep or it’s cold or you need to be bailed out of jail … they’ll come for you. It’s like, the highest level of friendship.’” – Sara Dessen
  3. I still vividly remember our first day at college when you asked me for help filling out a form. Let me admit, I did not find anything special in you back then until we became friends and grew into best buddies. Today, after spending more than a decade with you, I can confidently say – you are a rockstar who has inspired me to face all adversities with a smile and positivity.
  4. Hellen Keller once said, “True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.” This is especially true for us my dearest friend, even though I miss you, I know my love for you will never grow less, and I know for a fact, it won’t for you either.
  5. “If ever there is a tomorrow when we’re not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we are apart, I’ll always be with you.” – A.A. Milne
  6. When I am with you, nothing ever seems out of place. It’s like the universe hand-picked you for me. Your lovable, humorous, and altruistic presence brings a touch of magic to our friendship. I forget my problems and share the best time with you. When we are together, nothing else ever matters, and I guess that’s exactly how one feels when they love someone truly.
  7. Whether or not we meet regularly, our friendship has always been special. It’s a bond between two constantly evolving human beings who have decided to be each other’s support for life. I am grateful that we have crossed paths and stayed together ever since.
  8. Family doesn’t end in blood. I have understood the true meaning of this with you. You have been like a sister to me, we fight and make up, but at the end of the day, we know that we can count on watching each other’s backs whenever times get hard.
  9. You’re my crime partner, drinking buddy, travel companion, telepathic friend, gossip source, personal life coach, dancing partner, and so much more. Thank you for all the beautiful memories that make me cry and laugh at the same time.
  10. I have evolved and changed into a better human being, and it is all because you showed me love and support when no one else did. You have nurtured me into becoming the best version of myself, and I will forever be grateful to you for that.
  11. “Close friends are truly life’s treasures. Sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves. With gentle honesty, they are there to guide and support us, to share our laughter and our tears. Their presence reminds us that we are never really alone.” – Vincent Van Gogh
  12. I am not perfect, yet you have kindly accepted all my flaws and loved me from day one. What did I ever do to deserve someone like you? Thank you for making me feel special with your kind words. I will cherish the time we spend together forever in my heart.
  13. I adore how we can discuss anything and everything, from the silliest memes to our greatest fears. I value your thoughtful acts and motivating remarks, which always inspire me to be the best version of myself.

Long Best Friend Paragraphs

If you’re struggling to find inspiration for a letter to your best friend, here are some lengthy paragraphs that beautifully convey your heartfelt emotions toward your dear friend.

  1. “Real friendship is beyond the ritual of tags, jokes, gossip, shopping, and selfies. Real friendship is when you can feel the pain in your heart when they cry. Real friendship is when you get happier for their success than even they are. Real friendship is staying with them when everyone leaves. Real friendship is beautiful but rare. If you have a real friend, don’t let that soul twin go.” – Rahul Kaushik
  2. Time might come when we don’t see each other as frequently as we once did. We might also develop differences and feel like calling it quits. But it is then that we need to remember how we gave each other wings to fly. We must remind ourselves of our unconditional love for each other, for we are friends connected through hearts and souls!
  3. When I am with you, I love my version. I am upbeat, I am real, without any facade on. I can laugh when I want to and cry when I want to, and I know you won’t judge me for it. When I am hurt, you cushion my broken heart with your soft words and console me in the sweetest manner possible. When I am with you, I am truly happy.
  4. When we became friends, I did not know you would become integral to my life. You will become a part of my identity, a reason for considering living life worthwhile. I did not believe in small things or big joys, but you changed me, my friend. And thanks to you! Now, I have a life full of unforgettable memories created out of every small thing that makes me who I am.
  5. You are so special to me, my dearie. Words are not enough to express my love for you. I would lose my sleep for you if you ever needed me at 1 am in the night. I will always be loyal and look out for you because that’s what best friends do.
  6. I am eternally grateful to the universe for providing me with such a wonderful friend. Only you know all my secrets, which I never divulge to anyone else. You are my only friend who laughed with me in my teens and cried with me when I was a child. Since you have always been by my side, I cannot envision my life without you. So, I want you to be with me forever, no matter what course life may take.
  7. No matter how many people I befriend, your place cannot be replaced by anyone. You are chivalrous and kind. In my eyes, you will always be irreplaceable. You have my heart, and I know I have yours.
  8. In addition to being one of the smartest young people I have ever met, you are one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. You should be treasured and kept in a glass box because you have a heart of gold. Your infectious smile can instantly win hearts and take away anyone’s gloom.
  9. Just like a fish cannot survive without water, I cannot survive without you. You have been my guardian angel when I had no one to look after me. I am grateful that I have met you, for my life would have been empty without your presence.
protip_icon Do remember
Send a heartfelt message to a close friend who will understand and appreciate your message. Sending an emotional message to a random friend will only generate mockery.
  1. “There is magic in long-distance friendships. They let you relate to other human beings in a way that goes beyond being physically together and is often more profound.” — Diana Cortes
  2. You know me better than I know myself. You face my temper tantrums, and you don’t judge me for it. You know every little detail about my life that no one does. You celebrate the smallest of victories with me and console me on my biggest losses.
  3. It seems like we were meant to be best friends. You are my arm to hold on and my shoulder to cry on. There aren’t many people for whom I would give my life, but if you asked me to, I would die a million times over for you. I love everything about you because you are the best friend anyone could ever hope for.
  4. Thank you for all the times when you have gotten me out of trouble. You have been number one for the longest time. You are my partner-in-crime, confidant, sister, guardian angel, and so much more wrapped into one.
  5. I appreciate you believing in me when I couldn’t believe in myself. Thank you for encouraging me and for saying the affirmations. Thank you for not passing judgment on me when I acted in a highly foolish manner and for letting me know that I was an idiot for doing what I did. I appreciate you always being sincere.
  6. For all the beautiful moments that we have shared, I thank you for them. It was you who made it possible. Had it not been for your originality and uniqueness, I wouldn’t have had such glorious times. I love you, bestie.
  7. “Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it’s all over.” – Octavia Butler
  8. Even when we don’t communicate regularly, you would reply to my message instantly or pick up my call in a second. When I was silent, you became my voice and motivated me. If I could, I would thank you a million times for loving me for who I am.
  1. We have been together for so long. I have seen you grow and evolve into the fabulous person you are. Your compassion, kindness, and empathy towards every being encourages everyone around you to believe in good. I am sincerely grateful to find a confidant in you. Thank you, pal. Stay as you are forever.
  2. I am lucky to have someone like you in my life. You don’t judge me on my wrongdoings, instead you show me the path of what is correct and what must be done. Everyone needs a friend like you in their lives.
  3. Every time we are together, I enjoy each moment. Our deep conversations and petty fights over trivial matters strengthen our beautiful bond. I am unsure if I am your best friend, but you are the only friend I trust unquestioningly. Your presence in my life taught me the value of friendship.
  4. You are an amazing human being. Did anyone tell you that? Oh yes, I have told that to you a hundred times, and I mean it because never have I had such a close friend who I could rely on or who loves the real me, I love you, my dearest. May all your dreams come true.
  5. They claim that you can’t choose your relatives. However, you do have a say when picking friends. When we first met, we didn’t instantly become friends. But gradually, we developed a strong connection. You know all of my darkest secrets and encourage all of my wackiest fantasies. It is why I often wonder, what would I do without you?
  6. God came to a realization one day that I need a guardian angel. Not only have you gotten me out through the trickiest situations that I have been in, but also you have looked after me like a mother would after her child. Honestly, what would I do without you?
  7. They claim that you can’t choose your relatives. However, you do have a say when picking friends. When we first met, we didn’t instantly become friends. But gradually, we developed a strong connection. You know all of my darkest secrets and wackiest fantasies. You are the only one who genuinely understands me. Thank you for being there for me, my friends. I adore you unlimitedly.
  8. I am so proud of you for the person that you have become today. You have fought through all the demons that had come into your life, but you won. I always knew you would. The journey was not smooth, but you have made it, my friend.
  9. It’s the little and simple things you do that make me smile. You should always know that I will be there for you. I will always be the shoulder to lean on; if you need me, please give me a call. Because I understand you and you understand me, we are forever best friends. Love you, buddy!
  10. There is family, there are friends, and there are those friends who become family. If anyone were to ask me to describe you, I would say that you are my family, you have been beside me from day one, and I don’t know how I would have survived without you.
  11. If laughter is the foundation of friendship, we have the strongest friendship ever. You made me giggle at the silliest things. Your humor and wit have helped us create fond memories that I will cherish even in the next life. I can’t express what I feel for you, buddy. I deeply value our friendship!
  12. Finding a best friend who understands you is as rare as finding a four-leaved clover. Just like the clover, you have turned into my lucky charm. I consider myself lucky to have found you. I may not be this lucky always, but finding you was my best day ever.
You have turned into my lucky charm

Image: IStock

  1. I would take nine hundred and ninety-nine steps if we had to take a thousand steps to get back together; you could only take one. I would travel nine miles, so you could travel just one mile if we had to travel ten miles across the city to see each other. I consider it an honor to be with such a great friend as you, and I will always value our relationship. I cherish you more than you can ever know.
  2. Just like a pirate chasing around a rare treasure and feeling victorious after finding it, I too, am quite like the pirate. My dear friend, you are someone I would treasure for my whole life, I won’t ever let anything happen to you. This is a promise. I love you.
  3. I’m grateful you have overlooked my flaws and been my strength when I was weak. You are a friend that everyone longs to have, and I am incredibly fortunate to have you. You hold a special place in my heart because your friendship means the world to me. I love you, dear friend!
  4. You are an omen of good luck, and a harbinger of all the best things ever happened to me. Since I met you, you brought laughter and joy into my life, and I have become infinitely happier. Thank you, my dearest. Thank you, my dearest. I will forever be indebted to you.
  5. I apologize if I haven’t always been there for you. However, I want you to know that you are more than just a friend; you are like family. You are my anchor who keeps me grounded. I do not know if I will ever be the friend you want me to be, but I promise to try my best to prove your faith in me.
  6. My life has taken a beautiful turn after meeting you. I look forward to every day, and I greet it with a smile because you taught me to. You have brought so much joy and value into my life. I know it is because of you that I have changed for the better.
  7. Friendships begin casually but need trust, loyalty, and unconditional love to survive and thrive. I want to thank you for all the efforts you have put into keeping our connection alive. We became friends and grew into buddies without even realizing each other’s value. However, today, I want you to know that I cherish our friendship and would do everything to keep it growing older and wiser, just like you and me.
  8. It’s been a long time since we have seen each other regularly, but it still does not change that you are my best friend and my family. I think about you every day, and I look forward to the days when I get to meet and hug you, my dear friend.
  9. You have witnessed my heartaches, disappointments, and even failures. When I failed that exam and was rejected from my dream school, you saw me break into pieces and cry. You have seen me in my best and worst, for you were there for me all along. So, thank you, my friend, for everything.
  10. You are Chandler to my Joey, Harry to my Hermione, and Timon to my Pumbaa. Everyone says we are inseparable and I agree, I say we are incomplete without each other. You cannot be my better half but you definitely are my insane half. Thank you for being you and letting me be me always.
  11. I had many friends, but your patience made you take the “best friend” trophy. I often wonder how you have put up with me for so long! My rants, constant self-doubt, illogical arguments, and eccentricity – nothing shook your affection for me. You accepted me for who I am and helped me become better, if not the best. Thank you, bestie, for always being there for me.

Expressing emotions through a heartfelt note on special occasions like birthdays is a wonderful idea. This is what Amruth Pillai, a blogger and photographer, did for his best friend. He writes, “It’s my best friend’s birthday, and what better way to commemorate it than writing a really huge note that no one else but her will have the interest of reading? Seriously speaking though, for anyone who knows this amazing lady, you’ll love this read and to those who don’t know her, there’s no time like the present. Read on to know more about my best friend…

My best friend, is… and I say this with complete confidence… my entire life. And this note is just to re-embellish how much my life has been impacted by the one special person, that’s you, Seema Kumawat (i).”

He even made a collage of beautiful snaps of his friend and added it to the blog.

True Friend Paragraphs

A few thoughtful messages for your true friend can make their day.

  1. You are irreplaceable. No one can ever take your place. You are a unique soul who is not only reliable, kind and forgiving but also so sweet and caring. You have loved me at my lowest and looked after me. I love you, my sweetest friend. Take care of yourself.
  2. “When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand.” — Henri Nouwen
  3. “We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over.” ― James Boswell
  4. Every quality that sets you apart from everyone else is the best set of qualities that you have. You are beautiful, simple, and kind-hearted. You are unaware of your qualities, but if I could show you those qualities, I would.
  5. Since we were young children, you have never left my side. We’ve always supported one another, from kids with grazed knees to teens with broken hearts. I just want to say how grateful I am for having you as my best friend. Loads of love and kisses are your way to express my adoration for you!
  6. I sometimes wonder what I ever did to deserve you in my life. You are truly a gift to my life. You have helped me navigate through my life, and I solve every problem in no time at all with you in it. Thank you for being there when I needed you the most.
  7. You have always been a comfort to me, and I am the same way about you. Just as I know you’ll always be there for me, I’ll always be there for you, buddy. If you ever feel alone and doubt your self-worth, just turn around, and you’ll find me. I will take you through all the qualities you possess that have made me your biggest fan.
  8. “You magnify my happiness when I am feeling glad; you help me heal my injured heart whenever I am sad. You are such a pleasure in my life; I hope that you can see how meaningful your friendship is; you are a total joy to me.” – Joanna Fuchs
  9. Although not all friendships endure forever, I am confident we will stay close for the rest of our lives. How do I know this for sure? You are my partner in crime, inspiration, and biggest supporter. You are the other half of my soul. You are a one-in-a-million kind of friend, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. I adore you a lot.
  10. “Friendship–my definition–is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don’t have trust, the friendship will crumble.” – Stieg Larsson, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
  11. You are my sister, my closest friend, and my partner in crime. You continue to see the best in me even when all I can see is the worst. You serve as a reminder of my identity and my goals. You have improved me as a person. You are my true friend for life.
  12. “You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own.” – Alan Garner, The Hangover
  13. When I look back and recall how we began, I feel amazed to see how far we have come. We never celebrated birthdays or gave each other gifts, but we have fought the world head-on if they ever questioned our unity. Even today, I know you will always be there for me, even if no one else is available.
  14. “Why did you do all this for me?” he asked. “I don’t deserve it. I’ve never done anything for you.” “You have been my friend,” replied Charlotte. “That in itself is a tremendous thing.” – E.B White, Charlotte’s Web
  15. I can honestly say that I’ve found a true friend in you. And I hope that in 20 years when we look back on our time together, we’ll be so grateful that we had such a deep and meaningful friendship. I adore you to the moon and back because you are the best friend I’ve ever had.
  16. “I find I’m so excited, I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it’s the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.” – The Shawshank Redemption
  17. Friendship is a journey where two strangers come together to create beautiful memories. I have been fortunate enough to have many friends, but my blessings double when it comes to you. From talking for hours to not saying anything, we have enjoyed each other’s company in every way possible. I hope our bond stays like this forever and ever.
  18. 4“If ever there’s a tomorrow when we’re not together, there’s something you must remember. You’re braver than you believe and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart… I’ll always be with you.” – Carter Crocker
  19. Certain events take place in a certain way at a certain time and location. And occasionally, God places certain people in our lives for a reason. Whatever motives He may have had for bringing us together, I don’t mind because I’m grateful and honored that He did. You are my one true friend, and I am yours. May we stay together…ALWAYS!
  20. This world is filled with madness and insanity, but you need true friends to keep you sane. When there is sincerity and loyalty among friends, anything can be born. My dearest friend, you have shown me just that, and for that, I will forever be grateful to you.
  21. I often ask myself if I have matched your expectations. Have I done everything I should to assure you never feel lonely? Did I offer the support you needed to pick up your broken pieces and start afresh? To be honest, I do not know if I have been the buddy you wanted, but one thing I know with absolute confidence is – you will always have me, no matter what may come.
  22. You are my friend, which is the biggest gift I ever received. I would not want anyone else in my life. But please do not leave my hand. Be with me today, tomorrow, and forever.
Paragraph for best friend

Image: IStock

  1. Strong friendships do not need daily conversations. Neither do they need big promises or expensive gifts. Instead, they need love, trust, unconditional support, and unwavering faith in each other. Rest all falls in place automatically.
  2. True bonds do not diminish as the distance grows. Moreover, distance makes the heart grow fonder. Even though you are miles apart from me, my love for you has not lessened a bit, and I know yours hasn’t either. You care for me, and I care for you. It is all that matters to me.
  3. Friendships aren’t perfect, but they do have the ability to bring out the best in you. Until we became friends, I never knew if I could be someone’s strength. But your belief in me helped me grow into someone who can support you in life’s darkest hours.
  4. My best friend, you have accepted my real self whole-heartedly, and you have done without any judgment, for that, I don’t think a hundred thank you would even be enough. I can be my honest self without feeling insecure. It is for your deep love and support that I have become the version of myself.
  5. After reflecting on everything we have been through, I am more confident than ever that you are a unique treasure that deserves to be cherished. Your support and inspiration have been my pillars. My secrets are more secure with you than I am. My friend, I love you.
  6. You know our friendship is beautiful because even when we are sitting together in silence, there’s no need for us to talk, it’s just me and you enjoying each other’s presence. What more do we want in our lives?
  7. Since we were young children, you have never left my side. From young children with grazed knees to teenagers with broken hearts, we always had each other’s shoulders and backs. I want to express my gratitude for always being there for me because you are the best friend anyone could ask for. I love you, best friend!
  8. “Well, maybe sometimes it’s easier to be mad at the people you trust. Because you know they’ll always love you, no matter what.” – Ann Brashares, The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants
  1. “Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing.” – Elie Wiesel
  2. The world is better, for I have you by my side. Inside and out, you are the most gorgeous person I have ever known. You are incredibly giving, sympathetic, and wise beyond your years. I genuinely think that I struck a lifetime fortune when you snuck into my life and filled my days with happy tears and laughter.
  3. Me and you, we have always been alike, no wonder people always mistake us for sisters. The first time I saw you, I remember the way we bonded over our similar tastes in all things, yet when we tend to disagree on things, you respect my opinion. It is for the love and care we share for one another that our bond has grown deeper.
  4. You give a thousand justifications for why no one should doubt me. You alert me when I’m about to make the worst error. You are always there to lend a hand and lift me amid mishaps, and you always do it with a smile. Dear friend, I love you unconditionally.
  5. I would take a bullet for you, as dramatic as it might sound, there isn’t any length to which I wouldn’t go to make you happy. You have done so much for me, I only wish to do the same for you, my dearest. I adore you more than anything.
  6. You are an angel in human form, a guardian who guides me through all life’s obstacles. I might not have thanked you enough for your support, and it amazes me that you didn’t care about it. For you, being with me was more important than making me realize your worth, which is why I hold you in the highest regard, buddy. You are a diamond that had fallen into my lap straight from the heavens.
  7. Life is easier when you have friends who understand you. You have stuck with me through the thick and thin, and it is because of you that I have become victorious. We fight and makeup, but at the end of the day, I know whenever I need you, you’ll always be there for me.
  8. All the assurance I need is that you are always there for me. No matter what comes our way, I will always be here for you because you are a friend worth keeping forever. If I ever fail you in any way, just hold my hand and guide me through but never leave me ever, buddy, for I will be lost without you.
  9. There have been so many challenges that have tested our bond, but when a bond is true, it is difficult to sever it. Even though we have faced a terrible tempest that has tested our friendship to the utmost level, no one can ever replace you.
  10. Often, friendships do not have the same excitement and thrill as they do when they begin. However, they evolve into a bond that gives you peace. They assure you that your friends will always be there for you. Above all, it pushes you to do the best when your friend needs you, as true friendship is more about giving than taking.
  11. You have been an anchor to me throughout my life. For as long as I can remember, you have looked after me and cared for me. You are my truest friend, and I wish people could get someone like you as their best friend because you are truly amazing and one-of-a-kind.
  12. “For it would then be true friendship, such as no hope, no fear, no self-interest can sever. That is a friendship that stays with people until they die—and that people die for.” — Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Short Paragraphs On Friendship

If you wish to send short and sweet messages to your friend, pick any from here and make her smile.

  1. “I told him a story of two people. Two people who shouldn’t have met, and who didn’t like each other much when they did, but who found they were the only two people in the world who could possibly have understood each other.” – Jojo Moyes, Me Before You
  2. I wish we would have even more stories, jokes, and secrets to share as we get older. We might grow old together and go for morning strolls while chatting about our days. I can already picture that happening. I want to stay friends with you forever, and I will.
  3. “I have a dream too, but it’s about singing and dancing and making people happy. It’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share it with. And I found a whole group of friends who have the same dream, and that makes us sort of like a family.” – The Muppet Movie
  4. “I think if I’ve learned anything about friendship, it’s to hang in, stay connected, fight for them, and let them fight for you. Don’t walk away, don’t be distracted, don’t be too busy or tired, don’t take them for granted. Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff” – Jon Katz
  5. “Oh, you’re the best friends anybody ever had. And it’s funny, but I feel as if I’d known you all the time, but I couldn’t have, could I?” – Wizard Of Oz
  6. Our friendship is special, and I would not trade it for anything in the world, not even a million dollars! Remember, you are as vital to me as I am to you. I adore you for so many reasons that even words aren’t enough to express my genuine feelings for you. So be with me always!
  7. People come and go in our lives, don’t they? But what happens when you are in a muddled-up situation, who looks after us then? The answer lies in those who are your true friends. You are the one who has stuck with me when no one did, and for that, I love you with all my heart. Friendship is not about empty promises, instead, it’s about being together when your friend needs you the most.
  8. “The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  9. My gossip girl, life coach, guardian angel, godmother, 2 am drinking buddy, partner-in-crime and so many other things that this list would go on endlessly. With all the gleeful and spectacular memories that we have ever made together, I will forever remember and cherish them in my heart.
  10. “Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing.” – Elie Wiesel
  11. “A friend like you is hard to find, one that touches you deep inside. You’ve given me strength to carry on, you’ve offered your hand to hold on. When times are tough, I know you’re there to offer support and show you care. If not for you, I would have drowned, but you help keep me on solid ground.” – Lisa M. Chapin, A Friend
  12. Whenever I feel like yelling and bursting into tears, yours is the only name that comes to my mind. With you, I can talk my heart out without fearing about being judged. Your support and guidance always help me find a solution to the worst of my problems. I do not know how I will ever be able to repay you for your kindness, but I promise to be by your side forever and ever.
  13. Whenever you are upset or depressed, and life has tested you to your limit, my friend, always remember that I am by your side. You never walk alone. I am one call away. You have always stuck with me, now it’s time for me to do the same.
  1. “No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth.” — Robert Southey
  2. Even though there is beauty everywhere, for me nothing is as beautiful as the bond that we share. There may be treasures worth a lot of value, but nothing is as valuable as your friendship to me. It’s the warmth in your hug and the way you listen to me that makes you so special. Thank you for your friendship, my dear friend.
  3. “There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.” – Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
  4. Your caring yet gentle soul sets you apart from anyone that I have ever met. I never knew I could find someone who understands me so well. The love that you have for me is a treasure that I will always keep buried deep inside my heart. You wipe my tears and lift my spirits. I don’t know what I would ever do without you in my life, I thank God every day for sending you to me, my dearest.
  5. “What I realize now in hindsight is that there is a natural ebb and flow to friendships. There are times you think there’s nothing left between you, that you’ve hit the bottom, but the special ones survive, find ways of restoring themselves.” — Colette McBeth
  6. When I met you, I never knew you would become so valuable to me, it is hard to imagine my life without you in it. Life has been tough, but you have made it easier. I know for sure that our bond is something that will never end, I have found my soul sister, and I am never letting you go.
  7. “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” – Anais Nin, The Diary of Anaïs Nin, Vol. 1: 1931-1934
  8. You are my best friend, even though our friendship has faced a lot of ups and downs, we have emerged victorious time and again. It has only made our bond stronger. Even though we have known each other since we were children, it feels like I know you from another lifetime. Strange, how two strangers can become family and share such an unbreakable bond.
  9. No matter how grumpy I am, you can still make me smile. You always have the right words to say at the appropriate time. Every time you speak, you continue to touch my soul. Sometimes, I wonder what I did to deserve you in my life.
  10. One of the biggest blessings in my life has been to find a best friend like you. Your friendship has been the biggest gift you could ever give me. Your compassion, kindness, simplicity, gracefulness, and beauty—I am in awe about all of them. You give me strength when I break down. You lift me and give me confidence. You have loved me at my lowest and cheered me on at my highest, I love you for that, thank you.
  11. “How many slams in an old screen door? Depends how loud you shut it. How many slices in a bread? Depends how thin you cut it. How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live ’em. How much love inside a friend? Depends how much you give ’em.” – Shel Silverstein
  12. When I was facing my darkest times, you came to me like a beacon of light. When I cried, you wiped away my tears and made me smile. When I was lost, you showed me the way, when my heart broke, you glued it back together. When no one cared for me, you did. A million thank you would be less to the kindness that you have shown me.
  13. “In everyone’s life, our inner fire goes out at some time. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” – Albert Schweitzer
  14. If I could make a box of gold and preserve your unique personality, I would. You are beautiful, smart, kind-hearted, sweet, loving, graceful, hilarious, and elegant. I am forever thankful because I got a best friend like you who is also like a sister to me. I will cherish you forever in my heart, and I will never let you go my dearest.
  15. “Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” – Muhammad Ali
  16. Friendship requires commitment. It requires love and patience, and my friend, you have shown me that. You stuck with me when I was facing troubling signs or when my so-called other friends bailed on me. I am proud to call you my best friend because you are the one who understands me the most.
  17. “If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together — there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart — I’ll always be with you.” – Winnie the Pooh
  18. A friend who asks me to call them as soon as I reach home safely, a friend who does not eat until I have eaten a proper meal, a friend who does not sleep until I am feeling better—you are the friend who does all this, and in return, you ask for nothing. Your selfless love and kind soul make me love you more each day. Thank you for looking out for me when no one else did.
  19. “The real test of friendship is, can you literally do nothing with the other person? Can you enjoy those moments of life that are utterly simple?” – Eugene Kennedy
  20. We have flaws, but you tell me I don’t have any. You tell me I am perfect in every sense possible. Even though I know I have imperfections, you overlook them and love me, nonetheless. The care and support you give me is proof that you are my true friend. They say family ends in blood, but they are wrong because I have found it in you like you have in me.
  21. “If you have two friends in your lifetime, you’re lucky. If you have one good friend, you’re more than lucky.” – S.E. Hinton
  22. You are my best friend, a family to me. I tell all my secrets to you, the first person I wish to talk to when I wake up and the last person I wish to talk to before going to sleep. You are a harbinger of all the good things in my life. Whenever I am worried, you are the first person I go to find comfort because you are my haven. I am such a happy person because I have found trust in a friend like you.
  23. Friendships aren’t inherently special. Instead, two people’s adoration for each other makes it worthwhile. I still remember the day we became friends and our journey so far. And I can’t stop thanking God for blessing me with a companion like you.
  24. You have picked me up when I have fallen. You have always held out your hand to help when I need it the most. Life has thrown me several obstacles and you have always stood beside me to give me strength and stability. What more could I ever ask from my dear best friend? You deserve every good thing in this world and nothing less.
  25. True friendships do not happen. Instead, they are made brick by brick by two individuals who refuse to give up on each other. Thank you for sharing your life with me, dear buddy. With you, life seems less complicated and so much more fun.
  26. I feel blessed and filled with joy to have a friend like you in my life. You are always the first one to congratulate me whenever I find success in anything and the first one to lend a hand when I am in trouble. You are my life advisor, who has guided me through the tough situations in my life. I would have been so lost had it not for your constant support.
  27. “Silence make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying, but the never needing to say that counts.” – Margaret Lee Runbeck
  28. “I know we can do this. I know it’s not how you would have chosen it, but I know I can make you happy. And all I can say is that you make me… you make me into someone I couldn’t even imagine. You make me happy, even when you’re awful, I would rather be with you – even the you that you seem to think is diminished – than with anyone else in the world.” – Jojo Moyes, Me Before You
  29. Dear pal, you are one of those people who never made me feel judged. You gave me constant love and support and helped me overcome my fears. I do not know if I have impacted your life in any way, but you have been my walking angel who taught me to be myself without any regrets.
 I can make you happy

Image: IStock

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some benefits of expressing one’s appreciation for the best friend in words?

Expressing appreciation and gratitude towards your best friends helps make your bond stronger, gives you a chance to reflect on the good memories you share, and generates positive emotions.

2. How can writing a paragraph for my best friend help build trust and communication?

Writing a paragraph or letter to your best friend allows you to express your feelings wholeheartedly and say things you may not have been able to tell them yet. It creates a pathway for more open conversation and helps build trust between you both.

3. What are some topics I might include in a paragraph for my best friend?

Some topics you could include in a paragraph on best friend are why they are your best friend, what you appreciate about them, their unique qualities, your shared bond, and funny memories you’ve shared together.

4. What are some tips for writing a heartfelt and meaningful paragraph for my best friend?

Write it in your own words, include shared memories, secret jokes, and personal catchphrases, and express how much you miss spending time with them.

Best friends form some of the strongest pillars of our lives. They have celebrated our happy times and supported us during the hard times. So, it is necessary to thank them for all they do for us and help them know how important they are to us. These paragraphs for best friends double as simple messages of gratitude and appreciation. They can help put your thoughts and feelings into words and let your friends know how much they mean to you. You may add your personal touch to these messages through letters and poems about friendship to compose the perfect paragraph and make them feel special. They will surely cherish the gesture and appreciate the effort.

Key Pointers

  • A paragraph conveys your gratitude and appreciation for your friend more deeply than a single text.
  • You can send a paragraph through text message, letter, or a sticky note.
  • Honesty and vulnerability are two main things you should remember while penning a long paragraph.
  • Celebrate your friendship by praising your friend’s best qualities.
  • Include some shared memories and inside jokes to bring a smile to their face.

Personal Experience: Source

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Loic Ekinga is a writer from the Democratic Republic of Congo. He is the author of the poetry collection How To Wake A Butterfly (Odyssey Books, 2021). His works of fiction and poetry have appeared in Agbowò, Type/Cast Magazine, Salamander Ink,  Ja.

Read full bio of Loic Ekinga
Ratika holds a master's degree in commerce and a post-graduate diploma in communication and journalism from Mumbai University. She has 6 years of experience writing in various fields, such as finance, education, and lifestyle.

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Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

Read full bio of Akshay Nair