8DPO: Early Symptoms That Indicate Pregnancy

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Many women trying to conceive may want to know about 8dpo symptoms. Once conception happens, a woman’s body produces a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone brings several changes in the body, and women may experience symptoms such as headaches and morning sickness (1). These symptoms may appear about eight days after the fertilized egg gets implanted in the uterine lining (2). Therefore, the term 8dpo or eight days post ovulation is commonly used. However, many women do not experience these symptoms exactly eight days after ovulation. Some women may experience these symptoms early, while some may take nearly two weeks after they miss their period. Read about the 8dpo symptoms and their other attributes in this post.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • 8dpo symptoms include apparent pregnancy indications such as missed period, nausea, constipation, and breasts sensitivity.
  • When the hCG levels are high enough, a positive pregnancy test can be considered accurate after eight to eleven days following implantation.
  • Observe the signs and consult your ob/gyn for confirmation.

What Are The 8dpo Symptoms?

Here are some of the 8dpo symptoms that you could look out for:

1. Implantation bleeding

The absence of menses is the first sign of pregnancy. Sometimes, implantation bleeding is an early sign of pregnancy that usually occurs six to twelve days after conception. The implantation of an embryo into the uterine lining causes spotting or light bleeding. Most women consider it as menstruation spotting as it may occur before or around the time of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation bleeding or light spotting is common and nothing to worry about, as the bleeding stops after a short period (3). The key difference between implantation bleeding and a menstrual period is that implantation bleeding is lighter and brown in color (4). So, when you see this happening, it is better to get your 8 dpo pregnancy test done as soon as possible.

2. Frequent or increased urination

Frequent urination could be a 8dpo symptom

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Increase in urination even when you are not taking a lot of fluids, could be one of the symptoms of pregnancy that you may experience eight days after ovulation. GravidiCarrying a developing egg. uterus puts pressure on bladder, and causes increased frequency of micturitioniProcess of expelling urine from the body. (5).

3. Constipation

Increasing hormone levels after conception might slow down the process of digestion and lead to constipation or fewer bowel movements. This is another sign that you could watch out for 8dpo symptoms if you are trying to get pregnant (6).

4. Morning sickness

Is the most common symptom at any stage of pregnancy, in addition to heartburn, gas, and bloating. However, some women may start experiencing vomiting and nausea soon after implantation, making it an early sign of pregnancy (7).

5. Headache and dizziness

Fluctuating hormone levels after ovulation are the main reason you may feel headaches and dizziness. You may also experience a slight faintness, which is also a common and early symptom of pregnancy (8).

6. Hyperosmia

During early pregnancy, it is common to experience a heightened sense of smell, which can lead to the development of food cravings or aversionsiStrong feeling of dislike. It is possible to experience both a congested nose and shortness of breath. In addition, it is normal to have an increased appetite during the early stages (9).

7. Breast changes

8dpo symptom include tingling and discomfort around the nipples

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An increase in the hCG levels after implantation could make your breasts sensitive, tender, and swollen just after one or two weeks of conception. Other symptoms you could experience eight days post ovulation include tingling and discomfort around the nipples (10).

8. Vaginal discharge

Shortly after conception, hormonal changes cause the vaginal walls to thicken, leading to a white, milky discharge. This discharge is normal and may continue throughout pregnancy (11).

9. Lethargy and tiredness

After a few days of ovulation, the progesterone levels go up, regulating your mood and making you sleepy during the day. These hormonal changes could lead to bodily tiredness and fatigue (10). Additionally, you may have emotional and mood swings during this time, mainly due to the hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy (7).

In the next section, we will see if it is possible to test 8dpo and confirm pregnancy.

protip_icon Quick fact
Some women may experience lower back discomfort around 8dpo (12).

In addition to the listed symptoms, one of the possible early signs of pregnancy is an increase in basal body temperature (13). Megan, a vlogger, shares her experience at 8 days past ovulation (DPO). She says, “Eight days post ovulation, my basal body temperature was 98.20. At this point, my temperature had been rising for a couple of days, which I knew could be a good sign (i).”

Is 8dpo Too Early To Check For Pregnancy Symptoms?

Some women may show early pregnancy symptoms shortly after implantation, and some may not. But it is always advised to observe any subtle changes your body might show after implantation. So, it is good to learn about the 8dpo symptoms to help you identify the early signs that you’re pregnant.

Can You Test For Pregnancy Eight Days After Ovulation?

The pregnancy test results within eight days of ovulation may be negative

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Yes, you can test for pregnancy after eight days of ovulation. Note that if you take the test within eight days, the results may be negative. This happens as hCG can be detected only eight to eleven days after ovulation, which is just after implantation (14). Also, in some women, the quantity of pregnancy hormones produced may not be sufficient to give a positive result eight days after ovulation.

A study examined how often home pregnancy tests give false-negative results when used early in pregnancy. The report states, “Women testing less than nine days after menstrual period was due had false-negative rates of 33 percent contrasted with 21 percent for those testing after the nine days (15).”

Aileeah Colgan, a mother and vlogger, recounts her experience taking a pregnancy test at 8 Days Past Ovulation (DPO) to determine if she was pregnant. She expresses, “In the morning, I had taken a Dollar Tree pregnancy test, so there was, like, there’s a little faint line. It could have been an evaporation line, who knows? So, I go about my day and take another test in the evening. Faint line again. I didn’t know that any faint line meant that it was positive.” The following morning, she repeated the test, revealing another faint line. Expressing uncertainty, she remarks, “I just don’t know what it means when a cheap Dollar Tree test has a faint line for like three days in a row. The two-week wait is just freaking crazy. I hate it (ii).” As it turns out, she was indeed pregnant and is now the proud mother of a beautiful girl.

protip_icon Quick tip
If you experience implantation bleeding, it is recommended to test for pregnancy three days after it stops (12).

What Are The Next Steps?

In case the test results are negative, take the pregnancy test again after a few days or after your missed period. You can also visit the clinic and get a blood or urine test to confirm your pregnancy.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should be the hCG levels at 8 DPO?

According to experts, around eight days after ovulation, trace amounts of hcG can be detected if the woman has conceived (12). Pregnant women usually attain blood serumiClear liquid part of the blood after removing the blood cells and clotting proteins. concentrations of at least 10 mIU/ml in 9 to 10 days after follicular ruptureiRupture of the fluid-filled sac of the embryo containing an immature egg. (16).

2. How likely am I to get a positive pregnancy test at 8dpo?

In some women, the hcG levels can be detected as early as eight days after ovulation. However, in some others, the levels may not be sufficient to detect a pregnancy. Hence, the likelihood of a positive pregnancy test at 8dpo varies from one woman to another.

3. How accurate are pregnancy tests at 8dpo?

Pregnancy tests are about 70% accurate in detecting pregnancy eight days post-ovulation. After pregnancy implantation, trace levels of hCG can be detected, considering the instructions have been followed diligently (14). For further confirmation, one may get tested by a certified medical professional.

4. Can I experience cramping at 8dpo?

Along with implantation bleeding, some women may experience light cramping. However, some may confuse it with the light cramping they experience before their period. Women should look out for the amount of bleeding and consult a doctor for further concerns, as it may be a sign of early pregnancy (17).

5. Is it normal to experience bloating at 8dpo?

Bloating is a sign of early pregnancy, alongside other symptoms such as headache, fatigue, and back pain. It is recommended to wait for two weeks to check if you may have missed your period, to test for pregnancy (17).

6. How to differentiate between pregnancy and PMS symptoms at 8dpo?

After ovulation, fatigue, mood swings, and breast pain and tenderness are common symptoms of PMS or early pregnancy. However, symptoms such as nausea, light bleeding, and a missed period help differentiate between pregnancy and PMS. If you experience these symptoms, you may take a home pregnancy test, or visit a doctor for a more accurate diagnosis (17).

7. Can cervical mucus changes be a symptom at 8dpo?

After ovulation, the cervical mucus tends to dry up or thicken, leading to menstruation. However, if you have conceived, you may still produce some cervical mucus, indicating pregnancy. Some women may also notice a tinge of brown or pink color in the cervical mucus, indicating implantation (18).

Look out for these 8dpo symptoms that indicate early pregnancy if you are planning your pregnancy. Knowing about these distinctive symptoms, such as morning sickness, unusual tiredness, and breast tenderness, can help you prepare and schedule your doctor’s appointment for a healthy pregnancy. However, sometimes you may not experience these exact symptoms even when pregnant, and do not worry if that is the case. If your gut tells you that you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test and consult your Ob/GYN to confirm.

Infographic: Why Do You Feel 8dpo Pregnancy Symptoms And Test Negative?

Pregnancy symptoms are not fully reliable to confirm pregnancy since various conditions can cause similar symptoms. The tests can also give false negative results even when you are pregnant. Ultrasound evaluation helps to confirm pregnancy if you are uncertain about the pregnancy test results. Go through the infographics to know the reasons for negative test results in the presence of pregnancy symptoms.

reasons for 8 dpo symptoms followed by negative pregnancy test (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: PO: Early Symptoms That Indicate Pregnancy

8dpo Symptoms_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Personal Experience: Sources


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. Hormones During Pregnancy.
    https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/staying-healthy-during-pregnancy/hormones-during-pregnancy#:~:text=Human%20chorionic%20gonadotropin%20hormone%20(hCG,vomiting%20often%20linked%20to%20pregnancy.” rel=”follow noopener noreferrer
  2. Implantation — Penetration of the Uterine Wall.
  3. Dr. Kalyani Singh; (2016); Assessment of First Trimester Vaginal Bleeding Using Ultrasound Sonography.
  4. What Color Is Implantation Bleeding?
  5. Katie F Foxcroft; (2013); Development and validation of a pregnancy symptoms inventory.
  6. Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period: Do you know them?
  7. Early Pregnancy Symptoms After Ovulation.
  8. Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy.
  9. E Leslie Cameron; (2014); Pregnancy and olfaction: a review.
  10. Deborah C. Davis; (1996); The Discomforts of Pregnancy.
  11. Early Pregnancy Symptoms.
  12. What is Implantation Bleeding?
  13. Don’t Miss These Early Signs of Pregnancy.
  14. How early can home pregnancy tests show positive results?
  15. B G Valanis and C S Perlman; (1982); Home pregnancy testing kits: prevalence of use, false-negative rates, and compliance with instructions.
  16. C Gnoth and S Johnson; (2014); Strips of Hope: Accuracy of Home Pregnancy Tests and New Developments.
  17. Is it PMS or Am I Pregnant?
  18. Cervical Mucus.
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Dr. Swati Chitnis is a gynecologist and endoscopic surgeon with over 8 years of experience. She did her bachelor in medicine at BJ Medical College & Sassoon Hospital, Pune, India  and MS at the prestigious King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.

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Ghazia Shah
Ghazia ShahMSc, MA, BEd
Ghazia is a scientist-turned-writer with three years of research experience in Cancer Biology. She did her masters degree in Biotechnology at the University of Kashmir and bachelors in Education at the same university. Ghazia then delved deeper into the science of language with a masters in English.

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Rebecca is a pregnancy writer and editor with a passion for delivering research-based and engaging content in areas of fertility, pregnancy, birth, and post-pregnancy. She did her graduation in Biotechnology and Genetics from Loyola Academy, Osmania University and obtained a certification in ‘Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy’ from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU).

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Reshmi Das has over four years of experience as a clinical coordinator, medical content writer and medical conference coordinator. Her continuous interest in medical journals and writing makes her write well-researched articles for MomJunction.

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