You must be searching for an adventurous baby name for your little one if the great outdoors, adventure, and thrill are your cups of tea. Those who are into hiking, trekking, and other outdoor activities often have their heroes that they look up to. Giving your child an adventurous and outdoorsy name, inspired by people who pushed their limits and dared to explore unexplored locations through time and space, is the ideal approach to inspire children to embrace courage and curiosity. In this post, we compiled a list of baby names inspired by famous personalities known for their brave, adventurous activities. Keep reading!
Key Pointers
- These baby names are associated with people or characters known for being brave or taking risks.
- Edmund, Archer, Tom, Christopher, and Marco are some of the most popular adventurous boy names.
- Freya, Amelia, Jane, Mae, and Sojourner, are some famous adventurous girl names.
- Some outdoorsy boy names made famous by fictional characters are Indiana, Don, Sawyer, Phileas, and Huck.
- Some spunky fiction-inspired names for girls are Dora, Alice, Wendy, Lara, and Merida.
70 Adventurous And Outdoorsy Baby Names
Do you want to give your child a name that motivates them to push boundaries? Adventurous and outdoorsy baby names should be right up your alley. These names are inspired by famous adventurers and explorers, real and fictional, and represent the spirit of curiosity and discovery.
Famous Adventurous Baby Names For Boys
Some adventurous baby names for boys are based on renowned explorers, navigators, and adventurers. If you want your son’s role model in life to be placed right into his name, choose one of these names.
1. Aaron
Aaron Burr was the US Senator and Founding Father who went on a mysterious expedition, which he undertook perhaps to capture Mexico (1). The name Aaron has Biblical Hebrew origins and means ‘high mountain.’
2. Anthony
Anthony de la Roche was an English merchant credited with sighting South Georgia, the first land discovery in the Antarctic region (2). The name Anthony has Greek origins and means ‘priceless’ or ‘praiseworthy.’
3. Archer
The name Archer is occupational and means ‘one who excels in archery’ or ‘a bowman.’ It is a gender-neutral name with origins in Latin and English. The name is also associated with Gabriel Archer, an American explorer and one of the first settlers in Jamestown, Virginia (3).
4. Bear
This name is rising in popularity because of Bear Grylls, a British adventurer, writer, and survival expert, well-known for his television shows. Although the name Bear denotes the animal, it symbolizes an adventurous spirit due to this connection.
5. Bertrand
Swiss scientist and explorer Bertrand Piccard, belonging to the family of adventurers, gained notoriety when he flew a balloon nonstop around the world (4). He was a true trailblazer. This name means ‘bright rim of a shield’ and has Old German origins.
6. Christopher
Honor the saint of travelers by naming your son Christopher (5). The name is also associated with Italian navigator Christopher Columbus. This Greek name means ‘bearer of Christ.’
7. Drake
Sir Francis Drake was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the Earth and the second-ever person to do so (6). The name Drake is no less adventurous; it has Old Norse origins meaning ‘dragon’ or ‘serpent.’
8. Ed
Ed Viesturs was the mountaineer who wasn’t afraid to make a summit. He climbed Mount Everest in his first attempt (7). Ed is a diminutive of Edward and means ‘wealthy.’
9. Edmund
Edmund Hillary, the first man to climb Mount Everest, is still an inspiration for many mountaineers (8). This sophisticated English name means ‘wealthy protector’ or ‘rich protection.’
10. Emin
German-born Emin Pasha was a physician, explorer, and Ottoman governor who was known for his valuable contributions to the knowledge of African geography, languages, and ethnology (9). His name has Turkish, Bosnian, and Azerbaijani origins meaning ‘truthful.’
11. Giacomo
Giacomo Casanova was a Venetian adventurer, traveler, and spy (10). His name is the Italian variation of James and means ‘supplanter.’
12. Henry
Henry Hudson was the English explorer after whom the Hudson River and Hudson Bay are named (11). This German name means ‘estate ruler.’
13. Marco
Marco Polo was the Venetian merchant and traveler whose journey is recorded in Livres des Merveilles du monde. He chronicled his journey along the Silk Road from Europe to Asia (12). Marco is the Spanish and Italian form of Mark and means ‘warlike’ or ‘of Mars.’
14. Ranulph

Ranulph Fiennes gained popularity when he and his friends traveled around the world on a polar axis using surface transportation (13). This rarely-heard name means ‘wise wolf’ or ‘wolf shield.’
15. Tom
Tom Avery has the reputation of being the youngest Briton to reach the South Pole on foot (14). The meaning of this classic English name is ‘twin.’
Famous Adventurous Girl Names
Naming your daughter after a female trailblazer is one of your best choices. These famous adventurous girl names are inspired by women who took risks and ventured where no one had ever dared to before. Read on to learn more about them.
16. Alexandrine
Dutch explorer Alexandrine Tinne is the first woman to cross the Sahara Desert (15). Alexandrine is the feminine version of Alexander and means ‘defender of mankind.’
17. Amelia
This name is inspired by Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean (16). Amelia means ‘unceasing’ or ‘brave.’
18. Delia
Born at a time when women were not even allowed to leave the city, let alone the country, American explorer Delia Akeley made expeditions to Africa to study the ethnography of reclusive tribes (17). The Greek origin name refers to the island of Delos.
19. Freya
Freya Stark dared to be the first woman from Europe to set foot in Iran and wrote numerous books about her travels in the Middle East and Afghanistan (18). Her name originally belonged to the Norse goddess of love, beauty, war, and fertility and it means ‘lady.’
20. Gertrude
Gertrude Bell, the English writer, archaeologist, and traveler explored the vast lands of the Middle East in the 19th century (19). Her name may not be in vogue now, but we believe it will make a comeback soon. Gertrude is an Old German name and means ‘strong spear’ or ‘spear of strength.’
21. Hester
The British explorer, archeologist, and aristocrat Lady Hester Stanhope led an adventurous life. She cruised to Athens and conducted Palestine’s first archeological excavation (20). Her name might be obscure but has an air of aristocracy, which might appeal to traditional parents. It is a variant of Esther and means ‘star.’
22. Isabella
Isabella Bird, the first woman to be accepted into the Royal Geographical Society, became a celebrity after her explorations to Korea, China, and Morocco (21). This name has Hebrew roots and means ‘my God is an oath.’
23. Jane
Jane Goodall was a famous adventurer and a primatologist (22). The meaning of Jane is ‘God is gracious’ and it has Biblical Hebrew roots in the name John.
24. Junko
This name is inspired by Junko Tabei, the first female to touch the summit of Mount Everest (23). Junko is a Japanese name, so pick it if you want something uncommon for your daughter. Junko means ‘pure child’ or ‘obedient child.’
25. Louise
This name is tied with Louise Arner Boyd, the first female to reach the North Pole (24). Louise was one of the top 1000 names for over 100 years, before it dropped off in 1992. The meaning of Louise is ‘renowned fighter.’
26. Mae
Mae Jemison was the first African-American woman to travel to space (25). This is a sweet and spunky name, meaning ‘May,’ or referring to the Roman goddess of spring, Maia, whose name means ‘greater.’
27. Nellie

The name refers to the groundbreaking journalist Nellie Bly, who took a trip around the world in a record-breaking 72 days (26). You can pick Nellie as a pet name for Eleanor or Helen. It means ‘shining light.’
28. Octavie
Octavie Coudreau was the French writer and explorer who explored the Amazon at the beginning of the last century (27). Octavie is the French form of Octavia and means ‘eighth’.
29. Osa
If you want something short and sweet for your daughter, pick Osa, after Osa Johnson, an American adventurer, photographer, and writer (28). This cute outdoorsy baby name has Old Norse roots and means ‘godlike.’
30. Sojourner
This outdoorsy baby name is tied to Sojourner Truth, the African-American women’s rights activist (29). She adopted this name when she began traveling. This name means ‘traveler’ or ‘one who stays temporarily.’
31. Valentina
Russian engineer Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to travel into space (30). This exotic name entered the top 1000 list in 1994 and was even picked by actress Salma Hayek for her little girl. Valentina has Lain origins and means ‘healthy’ or ‘vigorous.’
Fictional Adventurous Baby Boy Names
The world of fiction is rife with characters that are known for their courage and tenacity. If these characters inspire you, why not name your child after them? Here are some unique, adventurous baby boy names with fictional roots you can consider.
32. Bilbo
There’s no way we could leave him out. Bilbo Baggins did not just go on an adventure, but also slew a fire-breathing dragon. The name comes from the protagonist of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit.
33. Dirk
Dirk Pitt, the treasure hunter from Clive Cussler’s novel, has a name that can never go unnoticed. His name is a contracted form of Derek and means ‘people’s ruler.’
34. Don
Every traveler or adventurer has its inspiration in Don Quixote, the eponymous protagonist of Miguel de Cervantes’s book, who embarked on one of the most famous adventures ever. The meaning of Don is ‘ruler of the world.’
35. Fox
If you still find yourself humming to the song “What does the Fox say?” this name might interest you. It’s sleek, simple and of course, wild. This name was further popularized by Fox Mulder from X-Files.
36. Huck
Huck, the main character of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, deserves a place on this list. This adorable short form of literary name Huckleberry has a hipster feel to it, doesn’t it?
37. Indiana
We wouldn’t be wrong to say that Indiana Jones is every child’s favorite adventure film. The name was recently chosen by the superstar couple Casey Affleck and Summer Phoenix. The name means ‘land of the Indians’ derived from the US state Indiana.
38. Nemo

No, we’re not talking about the fish from Finding Nemo, but the captain from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Nemo is a Latin name that means ‘nobody.’
39. Phileas
Phileas Fogg was Jules Verne’s hero who circumnavigated the world in just 80 days. It’s also the name of a Greek saint. Phileas means ‘one who loves.’
40. Rocket
Rocket comes from the famous raccoon character from Marvel comics’ Guardians of the Galaxy. This word name is for the child who aspires to go on a space adventure. If you feel it’s too supercharged for real life, use it in the middle.
41. Sawyer
If you are a fan of the adventure drama TV series ‘Lost,’ Sawyer might be a fitting name for you. It’s also the name of the leading character of Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Sawyer means ‘timber cutter.’
Fictional Adventurous Baby Girl Names
Fictional female explorers and adventurers may be less common, but are no less loved than their male counterparts. If these characters inspire you, read on to choose a beloved fictional adventurous baby girl name for your little one.
42. Alice
Perhaps, the adventurer role model of every child is Alice from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Alice means ‘noble.’
43. Dora
Dora from the animated series Dora the Explorer is a terrific role model for children. This prim and proper name means ‘gift of God.’
44. Lara
Lara Croft is the female lead of the video game series and film Tomb Raider. In Roman mythology, Lara or Larunda was a nymph known for being talkative. The name means ‘to talk’ or ‘to chatter.’
45. Lyra
We’re referring to Lyra Belacqua, the heroine of Philip Pullman’s trilogy, His Dark Materials. Lyra is a constellation name, meaning ‘lyre.’
46. Merida
Merida is the name of the strong-willed character in Disney’s movie Brave. Just like the character, even your daughter will be independent, feisty and athletic. Merida means ‘veterans of Augustus,’ referring to the Spanish city of Merida.
47. Wendy
Wendy, the absolute ‘Darling,’ was Peter Pan’s friend who accompanied him on his trip to Neverland in J. M. Barrie’s play. This name, meaning ‘friend’ can also be derived from the Welsh name Gwendolen, meaning ‘white’ or ‘blessed.’
48. Zelda
Inspired by the adventurous character Princess Zelda from the popular video game series The Legend of Zelda, this name represents bravery and resourcefulness. It comes from Griselda, which combines two Old German elements meaning ‘grey’ and ‘battle.’
Adventurous Boy Names
Even though they are not connected to a famed explorer, some names imbibe the spirit of adventure and symbolize the grand outdoors in their meanings. These are some adventurous boy names that fit this exact criteria.
49. Ash
We love the brevity of this unisex name, which comes from the ash tree. Use it as it is or as a short form for Ashley, Ashton or Asher.
50. Cedar
One of the most popular gender-neutral nature names, Cedar is of Latin origin. It is a name that reflects nature as it refers to a cedar tree. The cedar tree symbolizes resilience, longevity, and strength.
51. Cliff

This one is for the little mountaineer in your house. This name has never been too popular, yet it’s widely known. It will work as a short form for Clifton and Clifford as well! Cliff means ‘river ford near a cliff.’
52. Everest
It wouldn’t be wrong to assume that any child named Everest, after the tallest mountain in the world, is destined to be an adventurer. Everest comes from the surveyor George Everest, after whom the mountain is named (31). It means ‘dweller on the Eure river.’
53. Hunter
Another ideal adventurous name, Hunter, has occupational origins. It ranks among the top 150 names in the present century, making it a fairly popular name (32).
54. Jack
Jack is a fun, adventurous name made famous by numerous fairy tales and nursery rhymes. The name means ‘supplanter’ or ‘God is gracious.’ This cheery form of John and Jacques has been chosen by countless celebs, including Meg Ryan, Luke Perry, and Matt Lauer.
55. Lynx
Here’s another name for wildlife lovers. This fierce name, with the wildcat as its namesake, is fresh and relatively underused. It is also the name of a constellation (33).
56. Roan
Roan, meaning ‘red head,’ is a term used to describe coats of the main color interspersed with hairs of another shade like chestnut or bay. A fitting name for wildlife explorers.
57. West
West is one of the best outdoorsy baby boy names. It sounds like it was coined for a brave, fearless, and adventurous soul. And West is considered one of the most fashionable direction names as well.
58. Wilder
This name has adventure written all over it. It sounds like someone who would love to climb mountains. Gene Wilder is the name of an American actor as well. This name means ‘wild’ or ‘untamed.’
Adventurous Sounding Names For Girls
Outdoorsy girl names are not just inspired by famous real-life or fictional personalities; some have courage, determination, and curiosity built into their meanings. If you want a unique and powerful name for your daughter, choose one of these.
59. Beatrix
The name Beatrix is derived from the Latin name Viator, which means ‘voyager’ or ‘crusader.’ The final ‘x’ adds a playful note to this name. Trixie would make an adorable nickname for Beatrix.
60. Brave
Why not name your daughter after the powerful word Brave itself? It will pay tribute to Disney’s film ‘Brave’ as well. Brave is a unisex name that can denote ‘fine’ or ‘show off,’ as well.
61. Journey
This word name would appeal to parents who like voyaging. This name jumped 600 places in two decades and is currently sitting among the top 350 names in the US (34). You can also opt for its spelling variation Journee.
62. Kelby

The unisex name Kelby draws inspiration from the greatest source of life, water. In English, Kelby means ‘dweller at the farm near the stream’ and in Irish, it means ‘place by a flowing water.’
63. Kestrel
We are nearly obsessed with this name, which is a term for an American falcon. Kestrel is a feminine name derived from Old French roots meaning ‘rattle,’ referring to the bird’s cry.
64. Lake
The name Lake has been growing in popularity for both girls and boys, but we’d suggest this for your daughter. It came into the mainstream via American actress Lake Bell and was further popularized when Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen used it for their daughter.
Casey and Kaci, a YouTube couple, vlogs about their family and lifestyle. In one video, they shared a few baby names that they don’t intend to use for their next baby, along with their reasons. Kasi mentioned how they met at a lake and he asked her to be his girlfriend next to one, which is why lakes have a lot of significance in their lives. She says, “The last pregnancy was so brutal and I just said I was done, so I gave her my favorite girl name of all time, which was Indy and then her middle name is Lake (i).”
65. Marlow
Is there anything more outdoorsy than naming your child after natural elements? Marlow, meaning ‘remnants of a lake,’ could be an excellent choice for you.
66. Ollie
Ollie is a move that a surfer pulls while surfing. This name also harkens to Olli’s Point, one of the most popular surfing spots in the world. Technically, Ollie is a unisex variation of ‘olive tree.’
67. Rainier
If you are choosing Everest for your son, you can pick Rainier for your daughter, after Mount Rainier. This Washington mountain itself was named after Admiral Peter Rainier by his friend Captain George Vancouver (35). The name means ‘wise army.’
68. River
Among the vast list of nature baby names, River is a perfect name for your little explorer. The name evokes feelings of tranquility and calm, just like the glossy surface of the river.
69. Sloane
This sleek and sophisticated surname, meaning ‘raider,’ is moving up the list with every passing year. Its association with Sloane Square of London makes it even more outdoorsy.
70. Vale
This one is truly poetic. Vale, meaning ‘valley,’ is the 21st-century replacement for Brooke. It feels substantial and interesting. Broadcast journalist Savannah Guthrie recently picked this name for her daughter.
Parents who love being outdoors and are adventurous may prefer adventurous baby names for their little ones. Such names can add a special spark, style, and confidence to a child’s personality. Using an adventurous name for your little wanderer or nomad is an excellent way to pass on a legacy of exploration and courage as they navigate life’s adventures. Pick your favorite name and pass on your wanderlust to your little pioneer. This will also give your child a unique way to introduce themself when they grow up.
Discover More Names
When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I choose an adventurous baby name that’s not too outlandish?
Considering names with historical or mythological significance inspired by other cultures or nature, having a unique spelling or combination of names, and using an adventurous middle name are a few ways to choose an adventurous baby name that’s not too outlandish and perfect for a rebel.
2. How do I handle any negative reactions to an adventurous baby name choice?
Handling negative reactions to an adventurous baby name choice requires you to be confident and prepared to positively explain the name choice, its history, and your reason for choosing the name when needed. You must also be able to objectively listen to feedback without feeling argumentative.
3. How do I avoid a name that may be too cliché or trendy in the future?
To avoid a name that may be too cliché or trendy in the future, you must consider avoiding names that are too popular or too specific to a particular time or place. It’s important to strike a balance between uniqueness and timelessness.
Illustration: Fierce Adventurous And Outdoorsy Baby Names For Girls And Boys

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Infographic: Baby Names Inspired By Travel And Adventure Sports
Far from the city rush, taking a trip in the wild and trying adventurous sports is a great way to recharge our minds. So, if you’re an adventurous person and want to give a travel-inspired name to your baby, check out the infographic below. Share the list with your buddies too! Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
If you are in search of some adventurous baby names for your little explorer, look no further! Check out this video to discover the perfect moniker for your bundle of joy!
- The Burr Conspiracy.
https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/duel-burr-conspiracy/ - Anthony de la Roche Dock.
https://inara.cz/elite/station/21578/ - Gabriel Archer (ca. 1574–ca. 1610).
https://encyclopediavirginia.org/entries/archer-gabriel-ca-1574-ca-1610/ - Dr. Bertrand Piccard – Inspiration and Action
https://www.unep.org/championsofearth/laureates/2012/dr-bertrand-piccard - St. Christopher.
https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=36 - Sir Francis Drake facts.
https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/sir-francis-drake-facts - Ed Viesturs.
https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/everest/exposure/viesturs.html - Sir Edmund Hillary.
https://achievement.org/achiever/sir-edmund-hillary/ - Emin Pasha – 1840–1892 – Collectors in East Africa – 15.
https://conchsoc.org/collectors_east_africa/Emin-Pasha.php - Giacomo Casanova and his time.
https://pric.unive.it/projects/giacomo-casanova-and-his-time/home - Henry Hudson.
https://www.hrmm.org/henry-hudson.html - The Travels of Marco Polo.
https://www.loc.gov/item/2021668052/ - Ranulph Fiennes.
https://www.explorers.org/journals/ranulph-fiennes/ - Avery Tom.
http://www.explorapoles.org/explorers/profile/avery_tom - Alexandrine Tinné.
https://womeninexploration.org/timeline/alexandrine-tinne/ - Amelia Earhart.
https://www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/amelia-earhart - Delia “Mickie” Akeley.
https://womeninexploration.org/timeline/delia-mickie-akeley - Freya Stark.
https://womeninexploration.org/timeline/freya-stark/ - Gertrude Bell: ’Daughter of the Desert’.
https://www.rsgs.org/blog/gertrude-bell-daughter-of-the-desert - Hester Stanhope.
https://womeninexploration.org/timeline/hester-stanhope/ - Isabella Bird.
https://www.cogreatwomen.org/project/isabella-bird/ - Jane Goodall.
https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/jane-goodall/ - Junko Tabei.
https://womeninexploration.org/timeline/junko-tabei/ - The First Woman to Lead Arctic Expeditions.
https://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/louise-arner-boyd-first-woman-lead-arctic-expeditions-wetprz/14106/ - Mae Jemison.
https://www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/mae-jemison - Nellie Bly.
https://www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/nellie-bly-0 - Octavie Renard-Coudreau.
https://womeninexploration.org/timeline/octavie-renard-coudreau - Osa Johnson.
https://wfpp.columbia.edu/pioneer/ccp-osa-johnson/ - Sojourner Truth.
https://www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/sojourner-truth - Who was the first woman in space?
https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/who-was-first-woman-space - Sir George Everest and Survey of India.
http://www.surveyhistory.org/sir_george_everest1.htm - Popularity of name Hunter.
https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/ - Lynx.
https://noirlab.edu/public/education/constellations/lynx/ - Popularity of name Journey.
https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/ - Rainier, Peter, Admiral, 1741-1808.

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