200 Cheerful Afrikaans Baby Names For Boys And Girls

Afrikaans is a West-Germanic language spoken mostly in South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. Although the language has Dutch origins, the language has evolved over the time. It is also inspired by Malay, Bantu, and Portuguese, which is why the Afrikaans baby names may include Spanish, French, English, and American names. Keep reading to find the right Afrikaan name for your baby that not only depicts their personality but also has an African-European touch to it. If you go through this list, you will have a fun time figuring out the origins of each name.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • The Afrikaans baby names may include French, Spanish, English, and American names.
  • Some cool and trendy choices include two-syllable baby boy names such as Hansie, Imka, and Lencho.
  • Parents seeking gender-neutral options for their little ones can pick names like Ade and Kai.
  • Parents interested in naming their baby after the day of the week they were born may pick names such as Aba and Abina.

Afrikaans Boys Names With Meanings

1. Ade

Ade, meaning ‘royal’, falls in line with popular American names such as Jade.

2. Adem

Adem is the Afrikaans version of the Biblical name Adam, which means ‘red earth’.

3. Adiel

Parents looking for a unique animal inspired name can go for Adiel, which means ‘goat’. It’s entirely unheard of in America.

4. Adonis

A name with true blue masculine beauty, Adonis means ‘God of peace and love’.

5. Adriaan

Adriaan, meaning ‘from Adria’, is definitely a winning choice.

6. Aitan

Aitan is technically a variant of the Biblical name Ethan and means ‘strong or fights of possession’.

7. Ajani

Ajani, meaning ‘he who wins the struggle’, is one of the most inspiring names we’ve heard in recent times.

8. Ajayi

Afrikaans baby boy name Ajayi, meaning ‘born face down’, is generally given to baby boys who are born face down.

9. Alake

Alake, meaning ‘one to be honored’, is one of the coolest Afrikaans boy names in our opinion.

10. Amiri

Amiri, meaning ‘prince’, would make an excellent alternative to the common name, Amir.

11. André

This international form of Andrew has been familiar in Africa for decades. It means ‘man’.

12. Arno

Arno is a modern sounding Afrikaans name, meaning ‘eagle’.

13. Barke

Barke is classic, serious, cheery, fashionable, and sensitive, all at the same time. It means ‘blessings’.

14. Bash

Bash is an Afrikaans name, meaning ‘forerunner’. But it’s highly unlikely that American parents would pick it for their son because of its English meaning.

15. Bast

A name with great jazz, Bast means ‘of the city of Bubastis’.

16. Bayode

Bayode is a thoroughly positive and shining name, meaning ‘he comes with joy’.

17. Belay

Belay is a cool, windswept name, meaning ‘above or superior’.

18. Ben

Ben is usually used as a short form of Benedict and Benjamin, but stands strong on its own too. It means ‘son of’.

19. Bern

Apart from being a Swiss place name and a short form of Bernard, Bern also means ‘peace’ in the Afrikaans language.

20. Bokamoso

Bokamoso, meaning ‘the future’, is on the rise in South Africa and its nearby regions.

21. Christiaan

This Dutch variant of Christian makes a bold statement of faith.

22. Christo

Christo is the Afrikaans short form of Christian or Christopher and means ‘follower of Christ’.

23. Daniël

A perennial favorite in South Africa, Daniël means ‘God is my judge’.

24. Danté

Also associated with famous poet Dante Alighieri, Danté means ‘enduring’.

25. Dawie

The name Dawie is related to the Hebrew name David and means ’beloved’.

26. Dian

Dian is a feminine name, meaning ‘divine’, but is used for boys by Afrikaners.

27. Fabunni

Fabunni is a sophisticated Afrikaans name, meaning ‘God has given me this’.

28. Francois

Francois is an Afrikaans form of Francis and means ‘free man’.

29. Frederich

Dashing name Frederich is the Afrikaans of Friedrich and means ‘peaceful ruler’.

30. Gazali

Beautiful and uncommon name Gazali has its origin in the Arabic name Gazal and means ‘mystic’.

31. Gerhardus

Gerhardus, a variant of Gerard, may seem as a grandpa name, but it’s still preferred by several Afrikaners.

32. Gidea

Gidea is a form of Gideon, a Hebrew name which means ‘was neglected for long, but has started to climb now.

33. Hansie

Hansie has to be the coolest version of Johannes. It means ‘God is gracious’.

34. Heinrich

This traditional German name has now moved into the Afrikaans name pool. It means ‘home of the king’.

35. Helouise

Helouise is an ancient name with unclear derivation. It means ‘healthy or wide’.

36. Henrico

This appealing Afrikaans name can easily cross boundaries. It means ‘state ruler’.

37. Imka

Imka is an Afrikaans baby name meaning water
Image: Shutterstock

Imka, the Afrikaans form of Ime, sounds like a continental classic. It means ‘water’.

38. Isabeau

Isabeau, a variant of Isabel, is renowned for its bearer Isabeau of Bavaria. It means ‘pledged to God’.

39. Jaco

This interesting twist of Jacob means ‘supplanter’.

40. Jacques

Jacques is a completely non-pretentious name, meaning ‘supplanter’.

41. Jaivyn

Jaivyn is a cheerful and friendly Afrikaans name, meaning ‘light spirit’.

42. Janco

Janco is the Dutch-Hungarian form of John and means ‘Jehovah has been gracious’.

43. Jaquan

Jaquan, meaning ‘loving or good spirit’, also happens to be a Hebrew name, meaning ‘raised by Yahweh’.

44. Jengo

Jengo is an Afrikaans name, meaning ‘one with a reddish complexion’.

45. Johan

Johan, pronounced as ‘yo-Han’, means ‘God is gracious’.

46. Junior

While the rest of the world uses Junior as the nickname, South Africans prefer it as a first name. It means ‘young’.

47. Kabili

Kabili, meaning ‘possession’, will definitely get loads of attention once it surfaces into the mainstream.

48. Kai

If you have a water sign baby, name him Kai, which means ‘sea’.

49. Kaikara

Kaikara, originating in the Ugandan language, is the traditional name of a God.

50. Kaikura

Kaikura is actually an Afrikaans word for ‘ground squirrel’, but is used as a baby name too.

51. Kamogelo

Kamogelo is a soft and sensitive name heard widely in Africa. It means ‘acceptance’.

52. Kian

Kian is a friendly version of the name Cian, meaning ‘ancient’.

53. Kores

This form of Cyrus has a down-home image, which makes it stand out from other names. It means ‘throne’.

54. Lateef

Parents who want their children to grow up into mature and civilized adults can consider the name Lateef, which means ‘civilized’.

55. Leeto

For travel loving parents, Leeto, meaning ‘journey’, would be perfect.

56. Lencho

If you’re looking for an alternative to Leo, you can consider Lencho, which means ‘lion’.

57. Lethabo

Lethabo, meaning ‘joy’, will definitely fill your son’s life with happiness.

58. Lodewikus

This spelling of Lodewikus, the Afrikaans form of Ludovicus, is inspired by the Dutch spelling Lodewijk. It means ‘war or battle’.

59. Lolonyo

The meaning of Lolonyo is ‘love is beautiful’. And, this is indeed beautiful.

60. Louw

This nickname of Lodewikus, meaning ‘war or battle’, is also used as a first name by the Afrikaners.

61. Luan

The name Luan means ‘lion’ in Afrikaans and ‘justice, fair, transparent’ in Vietnamese.

62. Luca

Luca is a charming and venerable name, meaning ‘man from Lucania’.

63. Maghiel

Maghiel is derived from Machiel, the Dutch form of Michael, meaning ‘Who is like God?’

64. Mattys

Mattys, a form of Matthis, has survived the modern times solely because of Afrikaners.

65. Mpho

Cutting edge parents are sure to love this name, meaning ‘gift’.

66. Nelius

Nelius is the Afrikaans form of Cornelius and means ‘horn’.

67. Philippus

If you’ve always wanted an uncommon form of Philip, you can go for Philippus, meaning ‘lover of horse’.

68. Ricus

The name Ricus is an English name meaning ‘sovereign ruler’.

69. Ruan

Ruan is believed to be either a combination of Rudolf and Johan or a form of Ruadhan.

70. Ruben

This variation of Rueben is way more popular than the original. It means ‘behold, a son’.

71. Rylond

Rylond is Afrikaans spelling for Reynold and means ‘counselor or ruler’.

72. Sebastian

One of the most used names in South Africa, Sebastian means ‘person from the ancient city of Sebasta’.

73. Shakir

Shakir is an Arabic origin name, meaning ‘grateful’.

74. Thys

Thys is equivalent to the name Thijs, which means ‘gift of Yahweh’.

75. Tinus

Tinus is used as a short form for names such as Martinus and Constantinus.

76. Tjaart

Tjaart is a variant of Tjaard and means ‘people watcher’. A famous bearer of this name is the South African professional golfer Tjaart van der Walt.

77. Tyrese

A famous Afrikaans name, Tyrese means ‘talented leader of the well-being’.

78. Unys

This moniker comes from the word Denuys.

79. Upendo

Upendo is an Afrikaans baby name meaning love
Image: iStock

This Afrikaans moniker signifies the most powerful emotion in the world – ‘love’.

80. Wasaki

If you’re cool with strong meaning names, go for Wasaki, which means ‘the enemy’.

protip_icon Quick fact
Wasaki is also a Japanese surname that means ‘harmony’ or ‘peace.’

81. Wikus

This name is generally used as a nickname for Lodewikus.

82. Yaro

Yaro, meaning ‘son’, is used extensively for baby boys by Afrikaners.

83. Yerodin

Parents who want their children to be academically brilliant can name them Yerodin, which means ‘studious’.

84. Zander

Zander, a diminutive of Alexander, has been on the rise as a standalone name. It means ‘defending men’.

85. Zayden

Zayden, a modern invented moniker, is one of the fastest climbing names.

86. Zea

Derived from Hebrew, Zea is an ancient male name, meaning ‘light’.

Afrikaans Girl Names And Their Meanings

87. Aba

Aba is an Afrikaans baby girl name given to ‘girls born on Thursday’.

88. Abebi

Abebi is a traditional Afrikaans name, meaning ‘we asked and got her’.

89. Abina

The name Abina means ‘born on Tuesday’.

90. Adelheid

Adelheid is the Dutch form of Adelaide and means ‘nobility’.

91. Adowa

The Afrikaans name Adowa is equivalent to the English name Adelaide. It means ‘noble’.

92. Agetha

Agetha is the Dutch form of Agatha and means ‘good woman’.

93. Aia

Aia could be a diminutive of several names, but it’s a legit name of the Afrikaans and means ‘eternal mother’.

94. Akpena

The name Akpena, meaning ‘thanks to God’, is chosen by parents to thank the Almighty for their baby girl.

95. Aletta

Aletta is the Afrikaans form of the Greek name Alethea and means ‘truth’.

96. Alizea

This distinct moniker is originally a form of Hebrew name Aliza, meaning ‘joyful’.

97. Amahle

Honor your ancestors by naming your daughter Amahle, which means ‘the ancestors are here’.

98. Amogelang

If you want your daughter to be a welcoming woman, name her Amogelang, which means ‘welcoming.

99. Amore

A romantic name in the truest sense, Amore means ‘love’.

100. Andrietta

If you want a long and elegant name for your daughter, pick Andrietta, a variant of Andrea, which means ‘strong and manly’.

101. Aneke

This graceful moniker is the Dutch and Afrikaans diminutive of Anna and means ‘grace’.

102. Anika

Anika, meaning ‘sweet-faced’, is a sweet name too.

protip_icon Trivia
The name Anika is also one of the many names of Hindu Goddess Durga. In Sanskrit, anīka means ‘fearless’ or ‘soldier.’

103. Anja

Anja is the Afrikaans variant of Anne and means ‘grace’.

104. Annalie

The musical and slightly unusual form of Hanna means ‘grace’.

105. Anneline

Anneline is the diminutive of Anne, which was once common in the French territory, but is now an Afrikaans name.

106. Arabella

This flighty and happy go lucky name will add a bright aura to any girl’s day. It means ‘yielding to prayer’.

107. Ava

The simplicity and charm of Ava are just hard to overlook. It means ‘life’.

108. Azelle

Azelle is the feminine form of the Hebrew name Azel and means ‘reserved’.

109. Aziza

Aziza is the female form of the Arabic name Aziz and means ‘precious’.

110. Behati

Behati Prinsloo, the Namibian supermodel, introduced this Afrikaans variation of Beatrice to the world. It means ‘she who brings happiness’.

111. Berhane

Berhane is a lilting and rhythmic Afrikaans name, meaning ‘my light’.

112. Betje

Betje is a Biblical name, meaning ‘devoted to God’.

113. Bibi

The name Bibi is often reserved for the daughter of the king. It means ‘lady or grandmother’.

114. Brunelda

Brunelda, the Afrikaans form of Brunilda, is frequently used in South Africa. It means ‘armor or protection’.

115. Cazimira

Cazimira is the feminization of Casimir and means ‘destroyer of peace’. That’s a pretty harsh meaning.

116. Cezanne

Cezanne is often used as a female name by Afrikaners because of its similarity to Suzanne. It means ‘big flower’.

117. Christien

Christien, the Dutch form of Christine, has a spelling which is more or less phonetical in nature. It means ‘follower of Christ’.

118. Collien

Cute and adorable Collein is possibly a variant of the English name Colleen and means ‘girl’.

119. Corli

Corli means horns
Image: Shutterstock

Corli is the Afrikaans diminutive of Cornelia and means ‘horn’.

120. Dane

Dane is a form of Danae, a word used by Homer to designate the Greeks.

121. Dolinde

Dolinde is an archaic form of Adelinde, which is now heard occasionally in Netherlands and South America.

122. Elize

A name that probably needs no introduction, Elize is Afrikaans form of Elise and means ‘consecrated to God’.

123. Elna

Elna is either a form of Elin or a contracted form of Eleonora. It means ‘beloved’.

124. Elsabe

Elsabe, the medieval Dutch form of the name Elizabeth, is considered a classic among Afrikaans. It means ‘consecrated to God’.

125. Elspeth

Elspeth is also a variation of Elizabeth and means ‘consecrated to God’.

126. Elzebe

Elzebe is one of the least common variants of Elizabeth, meaning ‘consecrated to God’.

127. Emmarentia

Afrikaans baby name Emmarentia is influenced by the super popular name Emma, which means ‘universal’.

128. Erco

Erco is a spelling variation of Erko, which in itself is a diminutive of Erk. It means ‘eternal ruler’.

129. Esca

Esca is likely to be a form of Eska, an Inuit name, meaning ‘a creek’.

130. Estia

This name throngs from Greek moniker Hestia, which is associated with the Greek goddess of home, heart, and chastity.

131. Estie

Estie is the diminutive of Ester, which is the simplified spelling of Esther, meaning ‘star’.

132. Fleur

Fleur is a delicate and generic floral name, meaning ‘flower’.

133. Genever


is the Afrikaans form of Juniper and means ‘juniper tree’.

134. Gizelda

A name with balletic, graceful, and gazelle-like feel, Gizelda means ‘hostage’.

135. Hanneleen

This Afrikaans name is basically a combination of Hanne and Leen.

136. Hanneli

Hanneli is an elaborate version of Hannah and means ‘grace’.

137. Isebel

Nope, Isebel isn’t derived from Isabel, but has its origin in Jezebel, which means ‘not exalted’.

138. Itha

Itha is a stylish vowel name, meaning ‘industrious one’.

139. Izelle

This moniker, with uncertain origin, would fit well with recent favorites such as Giselle and Isabelle.

140. Jacomie

Jacomie, pronounced as ‘yah-ko-meeh’, is a feminine form of James and means ‘supplanter’.

141. Jadine

Jadine is either an elaborate form of Jade or a feminine variant of Jaden.

142. Jan

Jan is a short, sweet, and understated name, meaning ‘gift of God’.

143. Jeanique

This moniker is a blend of Jeanne with the ending ‘ique’.

144. Johanika

This version of Johanna, meaning ‘God is gracious’, is used mostly in South Africa.

145. Jozette

This variant of Josette emigrated to South Africa in the last century and has already become one of the the popular Afrikaans names.

146. Juane

Juane, meaning ‘Lord is gracious’, is ubiquitous everywhere in the Afrikaans speaking world.

147. Kayla

A name with several pop culture references, Kayla means ‘crown or laurel’.

148. Kerina

Kerina is the elaborate form of Keri, the feminine form of the name Kerry. It means ‘dark haired’.

149. Kesiah

While Kezia is waiting for emancipation in America, its variant Kesiah is used in full force in Afrikaans speaking countries.

150. Klara

Klara is the Afrikaans form of Clara and means ‘bright and clear’.

151. Landi

This moniker, associated with South African model Landi Sanepoel, is a short form of Yolandi and means ‘violet’.

152. Laurienne

This form of Lauriana is used widely in non-francophone countries, including South Africa.

153. Lesedi

If you like the name Lucia, but cringe at the fact that it’s too common, you can consider the Afrikaans name Lesedi, which means ‘light’.

154. Liandri

The name Liandri, meaning ‘precious gift’, displays exactly what babies are to their parents.

155. Lieve

Lieve is a delicate short form of the name Godelieve and means ‘loved by the gods’.

156. Lindia

Lindia is the elaboration of the name Linda. It means ‘soft and tender’.

157. Loraina

This sweet name, meaning ‘from the province of Lorraine’, is ripe for reconsideration.

158. Lorelei

Lorelei is a German mythology name, associated with mermaids infamous for luring sailors, which led to their death.

159. Lou

Lou is the short form of the name Louise and means ‘renowned warrior’.

160. Lusea

Lusea means light
Image: iStock

This lovely name, generally given to babies born during the breaking of daylight, means ‘light’.

161. Maline

This multicultural name, meaning ‘high tower or woman of Magdela’, is both simple and exotic.

162. Mardene

Mardene is either a variant of Mardena or a combination of Martine and Mardi. Either way, it’s a really cool name.

163. Marelize

Marelize is a modern invented name, created by using the Afrikaans suffix ‘ize’.

164. Maretha

A name that’s traditional, quiet and tasteful, Maretha means ‘lady’.

165. Marieke

Marieke is a form of Marie and means ‘bitter’.

166. Mariete

One of the least-used forms of Marie, Mariete means ‘bitter’.

167. Marlize

The moniker Marlize is a combination of Maria and Lies.

168. Melisse

Melisse, meaning ‘honeybee’ originates as the name of a nymph in Greek mythology.

169. Merinda

Merinda, meaning ‘admirable’, could be used as a short form of Rosmerinde.

170. Mia

This multicultural name, meaning ‘bitter’, is enjoying a meteoric rise in South Africa too.

171. Miems

If you’re picking Willemina for your daughter, use short and snappy Miems as the nickname. It means ‘helmet or protection’.

172. Minenhle

Minenhle is a Zulu baby name, meaning ‘beautiful day’.

173. Minuit

Minuit is an uncommon French name, meaning ‘midnight’. The nickname Minnie would be truly delightful.

174. Mischa

Mischa, a form of Mikhail, was a true blue boy’s name until Mischa Barton of “The OC” appeared. It means ‘who is like God’.

175. Naemi

If you want a soft and melodious Biblical name, pick Naemi, which means ‘pleasantness’.

176. Nelleke

Nelleke is the sweetest way to get Nel in your daughter’s name. It means ‘a horn’.

177. Norne

Norne is a form of Norna, a moniker used by Sir Walter Scott for his novel, “The Pirate”.

178. Ottoline

Ottoline is the feminine form of the name Otto and means ‘wealth or fortune’.

179. Peta

Peta is the Dutch feminine form of the name Peter and means ‘rock’.

180. Quintilla

This Mexican name, meaning ‘fifth born’, is generally used for the fifth girl in the family.

181. Qume

Qume is a combination of Quinton and Amy.

182. Rachela

Rachela is a delicate and soft name, meaning ‘ewe’.

183. Rethabile

Baby name Rethabile, meaning ‘we are glad’, has its origin in Sotho, Setswana, and Sepedi language.

184. Riana

Riana is the feminine form of Rian and means ‘little king’, but is used by girls as well.

185. Rosalie

Rosalie, meaning ‘rose’, is one of the neatest ways to get a Rose inspired name.

186. Ruandi

This Afrikaans female name is likely to be a combination of Ruan and Yolandi.

187. Saartjie

Saartjie derives from the Hebrew name Sarah, meaning ‘princess’.

188. Saskia

Saskia is a cute and unique name, meaning ‘Saxon woman’.

189. Simone

This elegant name is the feminization of Simon and means ‘the listener’.

190. Skylar

Skylar, a name with a hippie flair, means ‘fugitive’.

protip_icon Did you know?
Skylar Gray is the stage name of American musician Holly Brook Hafermann.

191. Sybella

Sybella is a unique Afrikaans name, meaning ‘oracle or prophetess’.

192. Thandolwethu

There could be no better way to show your daughter how much you love her than by naming her Thandolwethu, which means ‘our love’.

193. Theolene

Theolinde, meaning ‘people or soft’, has a long and honorable pedigree.

194. Trudene

Trudene is a sincere and bright-eyed name, meaning ‘spear of strength’.

195. Tshegofatso

Keep the blessing of the Almighty on your daughter forever by naming her Tshegofatso, which means ‘blessing’.

196. Violett

Violett is an Afrikaans baby name meaning violet color
Image: Shutterstock

Violett is the variant of the English name Violet, meaning ‘violet color’.

197. Vivette

Vivette is either a form of Vivienne or an independent name, meaning ‘alive’.

198. Wilhelmina

Wilhelmina, meaning ‘helmet or protection’, will fit well in the category of longer and unique names.

199. Winnifred

This spelling of Winifred is exclusive to the Afrikaners. It means ‘white or fair’.

200. Zonja

Zonja is the Afrikaans form of Sophia and means ‘wisdom’.

Discover More Names

When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which African name means king?

Some African names that mean “a king” are Malik, Oba, Eze, Sultan, Kgosi, and Mandlenkosi. Parents who want their children to be brave like a king or reach greater heights in life can choose any of these names for them.

2. Which African name means brave?

Jabari is an African name that means brave. It is a popular name of Egyptian origin and is usually given to boys. Another meaning of Jabari is ‘famous.’

3. Which African name means queen?

The name ‘Malika’ refers to a queen in Africa. If you are looking for a similar royal name, you may choose ‘Nkosazana,’ which refers to a princess.

4. How are Afrikaans names culturally significant?

Afrikaans names typically have roots in Dutch and African heritage. They carry meanings related to nature, strength, and wisdom, and can also be inspired by historical and biblical figures. These names highlight local traditions and regional diversity, making each one culturally significant and meaningful.

5. What makes Afrikaans names unique?

Afrikaans names have unusual spelling patterns, phonetics, and meanings. While they may have roots in languages like Spanish, French, and Dutch, they also carry African influences. For example, they have unique sounds and suffixes such as ‘ette’ or ‘elle.’ The distinct pronunciations and sounds set these names apart from names in other cultures and languages.

Afrikaans baby names have been inspired by many cultures and origins that reflect in them. These names can be an exciting choice for your baby as they are uncommon and will make your baby’s name stand out from the rest. You could also pick out a few names from this list and suggest someone you know who is looking for the same. We are sure that this list will come in handy when required. So scroll through and choose a unique name for your little bundle of joy.

Infographic: Afrikaans Boys And Girls Names With Meanings

Afrikaan names are unique-sounding ones that are influenced by different cultures and countries. So if you are curious about their names, browse the infographic below to learn about them and their beautiful meanings. You may also find the best one for your baby.

beautiful names of the afrikaans language (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: Cheerful Afrikaans Baby Names For Boys And Girls

Afrikaans Baby Names_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Explore the rich tapestry of African culture with this captivating video featuring 60 beautiful African girl names and their meanings. Discover unique and meaningful names for your little princess.

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Arshi Ahmed
Arshi AhmedMA (English)
Arshi Ahmed did her graduation from Shri Shikshayatan College, Kolkata, and post graduation in English from Lovely Professional University. With nearly four years of experience, she specializes in writing baby names articles as she loves to help new parents find a name for their child.

Read full bio of Arshi Ahmed
Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

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Praven is an English literature expert. He did his bachelors in English from Delhi University and masters in English from Manipur University. Besides, he holds a certificate in multimedia design and content creation from NIELIT Imphal and presented papers at various national and international conferences.

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