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Albania’s diverse history is reflected in its surnames, showcasing multicultural and multiregional influences. Over the years, the country has undergone several transitions and Albanian last names are witness to these changes. These surnames exhibit the influence of all the cultures that entered this country. Albania is a secular nation with a mix of diverse religions. However, Islamic and Christian surnames are relatively common. They depict the distinctive geography of the country that stretches from the rugged mountains in the north to the sunny shores of the south. These surnames not only denote an individual’s family and culture but also their religion and profession.
Albania is less explored, so let’s get a glimpse into this beautiful country through Albanian last names with meanings.
Key Pointers
- Albanian surnames are mostly Islamic or Christian. There are other religions too but these two Abrahamic religions form the majority in the country.
- Most of these last names are also popular in the neighboring country of Kosovo.
- External cultures such as Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, and Slavic show great influences on Albanian surnames.
150+ Common Albanian Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings
Most Albanian surnames have familial or occupational connotations. Let’s look at the most common surnames and explore different meanings.
Common Albanian Last Names
Discover Albania’s complex linguistic heritage through the most common Albanian surnames.
1. Adem
The Albanian surname Adem is derived from the masculine name Adam, which means ‘man’ or ‘son of red Earth.’
2. Agolli
Agolli is a patronymic surname that could be inspired by the Ottoman Turkish title aga or agah, which means ‘lord’ or ‘elder brother.’
3. Alla
The surname does not have any known meaning or origin. However, it is a popular title in Albania. Footballer Albi Alla is known for playing for Albania’s national team.
4. Asllani
Asllani could be derived from the given name Asllan meaning ‘lion.’ Albanian poet and activist Ali Asllani is known for writing the famous Albanian song ‘Hanko Halla.’
5. Bajrami
The Albanian surname is derived from the Islamic name Bajram. It is a common family name not only in Albania but also in Kosovo and North Macedonia.
6. Balla
In Albanian, balla means ‘shoe repair.’ Hence. Balla could be an occupational surname for a person involved in shoemaking or shoe repairing.
7. Basha
Derived from the Turkish başa or the Arabic Pasha, the Albanian surname means a ‘head’ or ‘chief’ of a group or region.
8. Bardhi
In Albanian, Bardhi means ‘white.’ Professional footballer Enis Bardhi, from Macedonia, is a popular name bearer.
9. Bektashi
A surname and a given name, Bektashi’s meaning is unknown. However, it is believed to be derived from the Turkish given name Bektaş or Bektash meaning ‘equal’ or ‘peer.’
10. Belegu
Common in eastern Albania, the surname Belegu could be derived from the Turkish name Bilge meaning ‘wise.’
11. Berisha
The surname denotes a person belonging to the Berisha tribe who lives in the Berishë village in Albania’s northern region.
12. Biba
The surname Biba could be a derivative of the Albanian nickname bibë, which means ‘duckling’ or ‘young goose.’ In some cultures, Biba is also a given name.
13. Boga
The surname Boga has multiple roots and meanings. It may have arrived in Albania via Turkey. In Turkish, boğa is a nickname for a ‘bull.’
14. Bogdani
The patronym Bogdani means ‘son of Bogdan.’ It could also be derived from the Slavic name Bogdan meaning ‘God given.’
15. Bojaxhiu
In Albania, Bojaxhi means ‘painter.’ Mother Teresa is a noteworthy name bearer whose real name was Anjezë Gonxhe Bojiaxhiu.
16. Brahimaj
The surname could be a patronym meaning ‘descendant of Brahim.’ Brahim is a diminutive of the known Islamic name Ibrahim.
17. Brahimi
The surname Brahimi has no known origin or meaning. However, the surname is popular around the world and has several noteworthy individuals contributing to its popularity. Abdelhamid Brahimi who served as the Prime Minister of Algeria is a known personality.
18. Camaj
The surname is a patronym that means ‘son of Cama.’ It is derived from the given name Camë, a variant of the Italian Cama meaning ‘mud.’
19. Cena
Cena could be derived from the name Cenë, and is considered a diminutive of the Albanian Muslim personal name Hysen or Isen.
20. Çifligu
A toponymic, the surname could be based on the city of Çiflig, Albania. Çiflig is a Turkish word used to denote land management in the Ottoman Empire.
21. Çupi
The surname could be derived from the given name Jakup, which is the variant of the Latin Iacobus or the Hebrew Jacob.
22. Deda
The surname Deda could be a cognate of the personal name Dedë, which is a diminutive of the given name Domenik or Dominick meaning ‘of the Lord.’ Alternatively, it could also be inspired by the Illyrian feminine name Teuta meaning ‘tribe.’
23. Dema
The surname Dema could be inspired by the given name Demë, which is considered a diminutive of the Islamic given name Demir or Demiri meaning ‘iron.’
24. Dibra
As a surname, Dibra could be a habitational title associated with people who came from the Debar city of Macedonia.
25. Doda
Doda could be derived from the given name Dodë, which is the variant of Dedë, a diminutive of Dedalij. In Albanian mythology, Dedalij was the name of a tall and strong giant.
26. Duka
As a surname, Duka could be inspired by the name Duke, which is derived from the Latin Dux meaning ‘leader.’ Apart from Albania, this surname is also known in Ukraine and the Philippines.
27. Dushaj
Rooted in the Serbian language, dusha means ‘soul.’ It could also be a patronymic associated with the name Dush.
28. Filipi
The surname could be derived from the masculine name Filipî, which is the Kurdish variant of the Greek Philippos meaning ‘lover or friend of horses.’
29. Gashi
The surname is associated with the people belonging to the Gashi tribe living in the Gash region in northern Albania. Apart from Albania, it is also a known surname in Kosovo.
30. Gega

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The surname has German roots as it could be referring to the ‘cackling of or sounds made by geese.’ Albanian athlete Luiza Gega is known for winning multiple international championships in running.
31. Gjergji
The surname could be derived from the given name Gjergji, which is the Albanian counterpart of the English name George. It is a popular last name amongst Christians in Albania.
32. Gjini
Gjini could be derived from the name Gjin, which could be a diminutive of Gentius. Albanian leader Mark Gjini is a popular namesake known for heading the negotiations with the Pope against the Ottoman Empire.
33. Gjoni
Gjoni could be derived from this given name Gjon, which is the Albanian counterpart of the Hebrew name John meaning ‘God is gracious.’
34. Grajçevci
A habitational surname, Grajçevci refers to someone from Greiçec, a place located in the town of Suva Reka in Prizren, Kosovo.
35. Guli
In Persian, gol means ‘rose’ or ‘flower.’ Guli could be a surname denoting a flower. Apart from Albania, it is also a known title in Georgia and Armenia.
36. Hajdari
The surname Hajdari is derived from the masculine name Hajdar, which is the Albanian counterpart of Haidar meaning ‘lion’ or ‘warrior.’
37. Hasaj
The surname could be associated with the Hasaj tribe that belongs to the Nikç region located in Shkodër County, northern Albania.
38. Hoti
The surname is associated with the Hoti tribe from the Hot village located in the northeast region of Lake Skadar. The surname is one of the most common titles in Kosovo.
39. Isufaj
Isufaj is derived from the masculine name Isuf, the Albanian variant of the given name Yusuf, meaning ‘God will add.’
40. Isufi
The surname is derived from the given name Isuf, which is linked to the Arabic name Yusuf, which means ‘God will add.’
41. Jusufi
Jusufi is a surname inspired by the masculine name Jusuf, which is a variant of the Islamic name Yusuf. The name Yusuf itself is derived from the Hebrew name Yosef, which means ‘God will add.’
42. Kasa
Having multiple connections, Kasa could be derived from the given name Kasë meaning ‘maker of cheese.’ Alternatively, it could also be a diminutive of the Latin Cassianus or the Muslim name Kasëm.
43. Kastrati
The surname Kastrati is associated with the people belonging to the Kastrati tribe who live in Malësia, a region in northern Albania.
44. Koculi
A habitational surname, Koculi could be associated with people who belong to the Kocul village located in the Vlorë County in southern Albania.
45. Kodra
In Latin, corda means ‘rope.’ The surname Kodra could be derived from the Polish variant Korda, making it an occupational name as it was a nickname used for monks who used ropes as belts.
46. Korbeci
Korbeci’s roots could be traced back to Germany. It could be derived from the German term Korb, which means ‘basket.’
47. Kovaçi
Kovaçi is an occupational title derived from the term kovaç, which means ‘blacksmith’ in Albanian.
48. Kraja
The habitational surname refers to the natives of the Krajina region located in the southeastern region of Montenegro.
49. Krasniqi
The surname Krasniqi could be a habitational title for people who belonged to the Krasniqi tribe who lived in the northeastern region of Albania, near the border of Kosovo.
50. Kreshnik
Kreshnik does not have any known meaning or origin. However, numerous name bearers have helped popularize this surname across the world. Belgian kickboxer Rustemi Kreshnik was one such famous name bearer. Kreshnik is also used as a first name in many cultures.
51. Kristo
The surname is the short version of the given name Kristofor, which is the Albanian variant of the masculine name Christopher, meaning ‘bearer of Christ.’
52. Kryezi
In Albanian, Kryezi means ‘blackhead.’ It could be a habitational name for the people who came from the Kryezi village located in Tirana County, Albania.
53. Kukiç

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The Albanian surname could be derived from the Serbian family name Kukić, which means ‘hook.’
54. Kuklis
The surname Kuklis has diverse roots. It could be derived from the Latvian nickname kūklys, which means ‘miser.’
55. Kuqi
In the Albanian language, kuq means the color ‘scarlet’ or ‘red.’ The surname Kuqi could be derived from kuq bearing the same meaning.
56. Lala
Having traditional Albanian roots, Lala is likely to be derived from the nickname lalë, which means ‘uncle’ or ‘elder brother.’ This surname is also used as a term of respect and intimacy for another person.
57. Lama
Lama could be a surname created out of the popular nickname lamë, denoting ‘under eye bags.’ It is also believed to be a diminutive of the name Islam.
58. Latifi
Having Persian roots, the surname Latifi is derived from the Arabic name Latif meaning ‘kind’ or ‘gentle.’
59. Llapashtica
The surname is likely to be a habitational name for individuals who belonged to Llapashticë e Poshtme villages in Kosovo.
60. Lila
An occupational surname, Lila could be derived from the term lilë which refers to a ‘loop-ring’ or a ‘link.’ It could also be connected to the Islamic name Halil meaning ‘a dear friend.’
61. Lika
In Albanian, Lekë is considered the short form for Greek Aléxandros, meaning ‘defender of people.’ Lika is believed to be a derivative of Lekë. Alternatively, Lika is also used as a given name.
62. Likaj
Having Slovenian roots, the last name Likaj is derived from the term likati meaning ‘to polish.’ It could be an occupational title for a ‘polisher’ or ‘husker.’ Alternatively, the surname could also be derived from the Greek Lekë meaning ‘defender of the people.’
63. Losha
There is no specific meaning attached to this surname. However, it is likely to be connected to the Albanian term word lios meaning ‘pockmark.’
64. Luka
Luka could be a derivative of the Albanian masculine name Lukë, from the Latin name Lucas, meaning ‘to shine.’ Luka is also a popular given name in many cultures.
65. Maloku
Of Albanian origin, the surname Maloku means ‘highlander.’ Footballer Elvir Mehdi Maloku is a notable namesake who plays for the Cypriot club PAEEK.
66. Mema
Having multiple origins, Mema could be a derivative of the Demë meaning ‘my blood.’ It could also be a diminutive of names such as Demir or Adem.
67. Muka
Some surnames cross boundaries with their people. Muka finds its roots in the African ethnic group, Lozi tribe and it means ‘bee.’
68. Murataj
Murataj is a traditional Albanian surname with no certain meaning. A popular namesake is Albanian footballer Valentino Murataj who plays for the national club Partizani.
69. Neziri
The surname Neziri does not have any known meaning or origin. However, it is a popular surname in Albania. Singer Inis Neziri is famous for winning multiple national and international singing competitions.
70. Ndoj
Ndoj does not have any known meaning but it could likely be a derivative of the name Ndue, which is the Albanian form of the Latin Antonius, meaning ‘praiseworthy.’
71. Nika
Having roots in multiple languages, Nika is a surname also used as a given name in different cultures. In Albanian, it is derived from the masculine name Nikë, a diminutive of Nikolla or Nicholas.
72. Nikolla
The Greek Nikolaos is a common masculine name amongst the Christians in Albania and it means ‘triumph of the people.’ The surname Nikolla could be derived from it.
73. Noka
The surname has Czech and Slovakian roots. It is derived from the term nosek which means ‘little nose.’
74. Nuhiji
The origins of Nuhiji are uncertain but it is a known family name in Albania. Arben Nuhiu, a Macedonian footballer is known for playing multiple international games.
75. Pali
The patronym Pali is derived from the Hungarian name Pál, which is a variant of the masculine name Paul meaning ‘humble.’
76. Papa
Papa is a title given to priests. This surname could be inspired by the Greek Pappas meaning ‘priest.’
77. Pasha
In Albania, Pasha is a status or honorific title that was used in the period when Albania was ruled by the Ottoman Turkish.
78. Peçi
The surname does not have any known meaning but is widely known in Albania. Albanian composer, Aleksandër Peçi is known for bagging numerous national and international awards for his exceptional work in the field of music.
79. Pepa
Pepa derives its meaning of ‘rock’ from its likely source name Pepë, which is a diminutive of the English name Peter.
80. Plaku
Plaku does not have any known meaning. However, the term plaku means ‘elderly person’ in Albanian. So, as a surname, it could refer to an ‘old man.’
81. Plaka
Plaka could be a name derived from the Albanian term plak meaning ‘old.’ Plaka is the name of a place in Greece that was populated by Albanians who moved to the region during Ottoman Turkish rule.
82. Prenga
As an Albanian surname, Prenga does not have any definite meaning. However, it has been borne by several notable personalities including footballer Herdi Besnik Prenga known for playing in the Latvian football league Optibet Virslīga.
83. Prifti
A Christian status title, Prifti is inspired by the word prift, which is the Albanian term for ‘priest.’ Albanian politician Mihal Prifti is a noteworthy personality known for being the country’s first ambassador to the Soviet Union.
84. Qosja
Qosja does not have a certain meaning. However, it is believed that this surname belongs to the Kelmendi tribe who were descendants of Qosa Stanishaj and hailed from Vukël in northern Albania.
85. Ruçi
A habitational surname, Ruçi could have been adopted as a family name by natives of the Ruç or Ruçi village located near Tirana, Albania.
86. Selimaj
Selimaj does not have any known meaning but is a popular surname in Albania and Kosovo. Journalist and music producer, Dardan Selimaj from Kosovo is popular for producing over 300 TV shows.
87. Shkurti
The surname could be derived from the given name Shkurt, which means ‘short’ or the month of February.
88. Simoni
Simoni is derived from the individual name Simon, which is a variant of the Šimʻôn, meaning ‘to listen.’
89. Sokoli
In Albanian and some Slavic languages, Sokoli means ‘falcon.’ As a surname, it is popular in Albania and Kosovo. Albanian musician Ramadan Sokoli is a notable personality known for his deep knowledge of Albanian and Balkan music.
90. Spahiu
Spahiu could be derived from the occupational term spahi, which refers to a cavalryman who held fiefs in the Ottoman Turkish army.
91. Subashi
Probably an occupational or status title, the surname Subashi is derived from the term Soubashi, which means commander of the town or castle.
92. Sulaj
Sulaj could be a surname inspired by the Czech term šulák meaning ‘swindler.’ Agron Sulaj is a footballer from Albania who is currently the coach of the country’s national team.
93. Sulejmani
The surname could be derived from the masculine name Süleyman, which is the Turkish variant of the famous name Solomon, which means ‘peace.’
94. Tabaku
Derived from the Polish term tabaka meaning ‘tobacco,’ Tabaku could be an occupational name for a tobacco dealer.
95. Tola
Tola is derived from the Albanian given name Tolë, which is a diminutive of the personal name Apostol. This name is a variant of the Greek Apostle meaning ‘person who is sent out.’
96. Toska
Tosk is a group of languages spoken in south Albania. People speaking these languages are known as Tosks. The surname Toska could refer to a person who speaks these languages.
97. Tusha

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Tusha means ‘shower’ in Albanian. Competitive shooter Afërdita Tusha is a noteworthy namesake known for being the first woman athlete to compete in the Olympics for Albania.
98. Vrioni
A habitational surname, Vrioni could be used as a last name for people who came from Vrion village in Albania.
99. Xhafa
Xhafa is a patronymic linked to the given name Xhafë. Contemporary artist Sislej Xhafa is known for holding several successful exhibitions of his work and for bagging numerous awards for the same.
100. Xhaferaj
As an Albanian surname, Xhaferaj could be derived from the masculine name Xhafer, which is a variant of the Arabic Jafar meaning ‘stream.’
101. Xhaferi
Xhaferi is derived from the Albanian name Xhafer, which is a variant of the Arabic Jafar meaning ‘stream.’
102. Xhani
Xhani is the name of an Albanian tribe who live on the western side of the upper Kir river in northern Albania. This name is derived from the given name Iohannes.
103. Zaimi
The surname could be derived from the Islamic masculine name Zaim which means ‘chief or leader.’ Alternatively, it could be a patronym meaning ‘son of Azim.’
104. Zeneli
The origins or meaning of Zeneli are unknown. However, it is a known surname in the Southern region of Albania. Ahmet Zenel Gjonbalaj is a famous name bearer known for his tremendous contribution towards Albania’s freedom struggle.
105. Zoto
Zoto is not just an Albanian surname but also a given name. It is derived from the term zot, which means ‘Lord’ or ‘master.’
Popular Albanian Last Names
Some Albanian surnames have managed to leave a mark in society and have become more popular than other surnames.
106. Çela
As a surname, Çela could be derived from the nickname Çelë, which refers to a brother-in-law in Albanian. It could also be a diminutive of the Turkish çelebi, a title used for royalties, noble, and educated men.
107. Dervishi
Dervishi is believed to have Persian roots as it could be derived from the term dervish or darvish, which is used to denote the Sufi people. Alternatively, it could also mean ‘poor.’
108. Gjoka
The surname is derived from the personal name Gjokë, which is a nickname for Gjon. Gjoka is also considered a variant of the English name John in the Arvanitic language.
109. Hoxha
Having roots in the Persian title Khawaja or the Turkish term hoca, the surname Hoxha means ‘master.’ It can also be linked to the Islamic khoja referring to a teacher to a priest.
110. Koçi
The surname Koçi could be derived from the term koç, which means ‘calf of a domestic buffalo.’ It may have been used for a strong or muscular man. It could also be derived from Koç, which is a nickname used for individuals named Kostandin.
111. Kola
A common surname in Albania, Kola is derived from Kolë, which is mostly used as a nickname for Nikollë (the Albanian variant for Nicholas).
112. Kurti
Kurti could be derived from the given name Kurt, which means ‘fox’ in Turkish. The surname could mean ‘son of Kurt.’
113. Leka
Leka is likely to be derived from the given name Lekë, which is a diminutive of the Greek Alexander meaning ‘defender of the people.’ Leka is not only used as a surname but is also known as a given name.
114. Lleshi
Lleshi does not have any known meaning but is a popular surname in Albania. Albanian politician Ismail Lleshi is a notable namesake who was appointed as the defense minister of his country multiple times.
115. Marku
The surname Marku is derived from the masculine name Mark. As a given name, Mark is inspired by the Latin Marcus meaning ‘dedicated to Mars.
116. Muça
The meaning of the surname Muça cannot be ascertained. However, it is a popular surname in Albania. Footballer Gentian Muça is a popular namesake who is a part of the Albanian club Tirana.
117. Shehu
A common surname in Albania, Shehu is derived from the title sheh, which refers to a spiritual leader of the dervishes of the Bektashi Sufi.
118. Sula
Sula is probably derived from the given name Sulë, which is a diminutive of the masculine name Sulejman or Suleiman meaning ‘peace.’
Albanian Muslim Last Names
Albanian Muslim last names show great influence of the Ottoman empire that once ruled Albania.
119. Ahmeti
The surname Ahmeti is derived from the masculine name Ahmet, which is the Turkish variant of Ahmad meaning ‘worthy of immense praise.’
120. Aliaj
The patronymic surname could be an ancestral name followed by a suffix denoting genealogy. Aliaj means ‘son or descendant of Ali.’
121. Aliu
Aliu could be derived from the masculine name Ali, which is of Arabic origin and means ‘exalted’ or ‘noble.’
122. Beqiri

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Beqiri could be a surname derived from the Islamic given name Beqir, which is a variant of Arabic personal name Bakr meaning ‘young camel.’
123. Demiri
The surname is likely to be derived from the Turkish demir, which means ‘iron.’ Besir Demiri is a known Albanian footballer who plays for SC Gjilani.
124. Halili
Halili is derived from the given name Halil, which is of Arabic origin and means ‘happy.’ As a surname, it could mean ‘son of Halil.’
125. Hasanaj
The surname is a patronym meaning ‘descendant of Hasan.’ The Arabic masculine name Hasan means ‘handsome.’
126. Hasani
Hasani finds its roots in the Muslim personal name Hasan, which means ‘handsome’ or ‘good.’ This surname is mostly adopted by the descendants of Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Hasan ibn Ali.
127. Hoxhaj
Hodja is an Islamic term for a ‘teacher.’ The Albanian last name Hoxhaj, derived from the name Hodja, means ‘son of hodja.’
128. Islami
A unique title based on a religion. Islami is derived from the term Islam, which means ‘submission’ to the will of God.
129. Ismailaj
As a patronymic surname, Ismailaj means ‘descendant of Ismail.’ Apart from Albania, the surname is also prevalent in Greece and Kosovo.
130. Ismaili
Ismaili is a patronymic surname that means ‘descendant of Ismail.’ The Arabic name Ismail means ‘God has heard.’
131. Mehmetaj
As a surname, Mehmetaj is a patronym that means ‘descendant of Mehmet.’ Apart from Albania, it is also a popular surname in Kosovo.
132. Mehmeti
is a popular Turkish name and Mehmeti could be a derivative of it. Mehmet means ‘the one who is praiseworthy.’
133. Meta
Meta could have Turkish and Arabic origins as it is likely to be derived from the first name Metë, which is a diminutive of the masculine name Mehmet.
134. Murati
Murati is an Albanian family name that could be derived from the given name Murat. The masculine name Murat is derived from the Turkish Murad, meaning ‘wanted’ or ‘desired.’
135. Mustafa
Mustafa is a popular Islamic given name that means ‘the chosen one.’ In Albania, it is also used as a surname in certain cultures.
136. Mustafaj
Mustafaj is a patronymic surname, which means ‘descendant of Mustafa.’ The Arabic name Mustafa means ‘the chosen one.’
137. Osmani
Osmani is a derivative of the popular Islamic name Osman meaning ‘wise.’ Osman was a popular title in the Ottoman Empire.
138. Rama
The Albanian surname Rama could be derived from the given name Ramadan, which is based on the Muslim holy month of Ramzan.
139. Rexhepi
Rooted in Arabic history, the surname Rexhepi is derived from the given name Rexhep, which is the Albanian variant of Rajab. In Islam, Rajab or Rajaba is the seventh month in their calendar. Also, it means ‘respect’ or ‘admiration.’
140. Sadikaj
Sadikaj is a patronym that means ‘son or daughter of Sadik.’ Sadik is a Turkish term that means ‘faithful’ or loyal.’
141. Sahatçiu
A professional surname, Sahatçiu is derived from the Turkish term saatçi, which means ‘maker of watches.’
142. Shahini
Shahini is a patronymic surname that means ‘descendant of Shahan.’ It could also be derived from the Persian term shāhānī meaning ‘royal.’
143. Shaba
The surname could be derived from the Islamic masculine name Shaban, which refers to the Holy month of shaʿbān.
144. Shehi
The Albanian surname Shehi could be derived from the Persian word shāhī meaning ‘royal.’ It was a title given to the rulers in the Eastern countries like Persia.
145. Shabani
In Arabic, the term shaʿbān means the eighth month of the Muslim year. The surname Shabani could be derived from it. Alternatively, it could also be derived from the masculine name Shaban meaning ‘scatter.’
146. Shahini
The surname is likely to be derived from the Persian name Shahin, which refers to a ‘falcon.’ It could also be derived from the Persian word shah meaning ‘king.’
147. Sinani
Rooted in the Arabic language, Sinani is inspired by the given name Sinan, which means ‘power.’ Ismet Sinani is a popular personality bearing this surname. He is a Kosovan footballer who plays for the club Clodiense.
148. Sina
Sina could be a habitational name denoting a person from the village of Sinë, Dibër County. Sinë is also a diminutive of the Turkish masculine name Sinan, meaning ‘power.’
149. Tahiri
Derived from the Arabic name Tahir, the surname means ‘chaste’ or ‘virtuous.’ Footballer Dodë Tahiri is remembered by his fans for being the goalkeeper in Albania’s first international match against Yugoslavia.
150. Turku

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The surname could be derived from the Albanian term turk, which is the local term for a Turkish national. Alternatively, it could also be associated with the people who hail from the Finnish city of Turku.
151. Zeqiri
Zeqiri is likely to be derived from the given name Beqir coming from the Arabic personal name Bakr, meaning ‘young camel.’ The surname is also popular in Kosovo and North Macedonia.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. How are Albanian last names traditionally given?
Traditionally, Albanians are given a personal name followed by their family name that is passed down through generations. They do not have middle names. The surnames are adopted from the paternal side. Albanian surnames are mostly derived from first names or are habitational names. Occupational names are less common in the country.
2. How do Albanian last names contribute to one’s identity?
Albanian surnames reflect familial lineage and ancestry. For an individual, their surname provides a sense of belonging to their family and community. It gives them an idea about their background and legacy. It also helps them to connect to their past to better understand themselves in the present.
3. Do Albanian last names indicate a person’s region or city of origin?
There are several habitational Albanian surnames that denote the name bearers’ native village or city. Surnames such as Llapashtica, Koculi, Grajçevci, and Kryezi are all derived from places in and around Albania.
4. What is the cultural significance of Albanian surnames?
Albanian surnames are deeply rooted in the nation’s history and serve as more than mere identifiers. They carry significant cultural meaning, often reflecting the family’s heritage, profession, or geographical origin. Albanian surnames often don’t align with religious identity due to secularization, interfaith marriages, or historical reasons like conversions during the Ottoman era. Some Christians adopted Muslim names due to Muslim societal dominance. Surnames starting with “Papa-” usually indicate Christian origins, though exceptions exist. Additionally, many Albanian surnames derive from place names, significantly when families relocated, adopting their hometowns as surnames.
Albanian last names are like time capsules holding the history of Albania. Whether the surname is as popular as Hoxha or less popular as Sina, every title has a story to share. And surnames without a story may have a strong link to people who have proudly carried it forward through generations. For the younger lot, these surnames are a link to their ancestors. They are a window showing them their ancient trades and professions. They are like routes guiding to their ancient land and territories. Albanian surnames are here to keep the country’s culture and heritage alive.
Infographic: 8 Traditional Albanian Muslim Surnames
People in Albania follow different types of religions, of which Muslims are the majority. This is because Albania was under Ottoman rule for almost five centuries. Let’s look at the prominent Muslim surnames in Albania to see how they stand out from Muslim surnames from other countries.

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
- Lama, Lāmā: 11 definitions.
https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/lama - Hoxha.

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