15 Telltale Signs An Aries Man Is In Love With You

Aries is recognized as passionate, energetic, and self-assured when dealing with others. Their impulsive and spontaneous personality allows them to face any personal or professional situation bravely. As a result, having an Aries man in love can make you feel over the moon.

But sometimes, when it comes to initiating a new romantic relationship, Aries men are prone to self-doubt and introspection. They may also be shy due to a fear of rejection. Read through this post to learn if an Aries man loves you or if he’s interested in you.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • An Aries is passionate, energetic sign, and spontaneous.
  • He could be a shy person in a romantic relationship.
  • If he shares his innermost feelings and spends more time with you, he could have feelings for you.

Relationship Dynamics Of An Aries Man

In relationships, an Aries man is renowned for being lively and passionate. He frequently expresses his emotions clearly and with great enthusiasm. He also likes to take the lead in romantic relationships and enjoys making elaborate gestures to express his affection. He has a reputation for being daring, and he may organize exciting dates or unexpected vacations.

His intense personality, nevertheless, can occasionally come across as impetuous or impatient. He values a woman who shares his enthusiasm and willingness to go on adventures. Open communication and common interests are essential for a successful relationship with him because he values excitement and honesty.

15 Signs An Aries Man Loves You

While an Aries man can be a little tough to read, some indicators could help you figure out if he loves you.

1. His views align with yours

Aries are known to be people-pleasers, but it is never more apparent when an Aries man tries to woo a woman.

While he tries to make his points and opinions heard, he will never push on a subject that you feel strongly about and tend to agree with you at the end of the discussion. For instance, if you suggest going to an art gallery during the weekend, but he wants to go hiking instead, he will ultimately agree with your plan because he wants to make you happy, even though it is not his first choice.

It stems from a need to avoid conflict so that you are not upset. However, there will be times he would not agree on everything. You may likely not see this side as he will keep his opinions to himself if he loves you.

2. He believes in being a gentleman

He will be the perfect gentleman to you
Image: Shutterstock

Chivalry is the go-to love language of an Aries man in love. He will be the perfect gentleman to you, your family, and your friends. Whether it’s opening your car door, pulling a chair out for you, or lending you his jacket when you’re cold, you will find him tripping over himself to be an old-fashioned gentleman. He will even regulate his behavior around you, such as avoiding curses or smoking if he knows you don’t like it or if it bothers you.

3. You are always his top priority

All men have something of a “savior complex,” but this trait is magnified when it comes to Aries. If an Aries man is in love with you, he will unselfishly drop anything and everything to be with you when you need him. He will take a day off work to see you if you’re unwell, cancel plans with his friends if you need to be picked up from somewhere, or he may even leave work halfway if you’re upset about something.

4. He showers you with love

While Aries may be less extroverted or vocal about their emotions than some other signs, they are no less devoted, adoring, or passionate. If you can break through an Aries man’s initial shyness, he will reward you with consistent, quiet, dependable love. It may be a smile or a touch of the hand instead of some grand gesture, but it will be heartfelt and all the more charming. He may get you your favorite coffee or send you a sweet and reassuring text about how much he appreciates you. His love for you is tender, gentle, and caring.

protip_icon Did you know?
There is never a dull moment when you are romancing an Aries man. Once he finds the right partner, he is loyal to a fault.

5. He typically does not initiate physical contact

It may not be correct to say that he does not desire or need to share physical intimacy. An Aries man is a bit reserved and shy when it comes to these things, so he will wait for you to initiate or give him a sign that it is something you want. He won’t hold hands or hug you until you initiate contact and show him that you are comfortable with it. Once he gets the all-clear signal from you, you can find his passionate side and warmth, letting his feelings out for you.

6. He has a protective streak

Aries man in love will be protective of you
Image: Shutterstock

You will find him defending you or your opinions in an argument or confrontation. Also, he will make sure you’re feeling better when you fall sick, and he will check up on you constantly to see you reach home safely. More often than not, he will insist on dropping you. More than anything, though, he will be protective of you when he thinks others are not behaving well with you. He will drop everything to go to your side if you are feeling down. His love is unyielding, with a determination to support and protect you.

7. You are the core of his being

While crushes or partners can often be a big part of your life, an Aries man in love with you will make you the center of his entire existence. His job, family, friends, and life take a backseat as you become the priority. He may spend less time on his hobbies or interests, opting instead to focus on you. He will make it clear how much you mean to him and how you’ll never be alone while he’s around. Also, he will go a long way to make this feel natural and comfortable for you.

8. He will introduce you to everyone

He will introduce you to everyone who matters to him
Image: Shutterstock

When an Aries man loves you, he will ardently introduce you to everyone who matters to him. It could be his best friends, roommates, or even his parents and family. He could also casually mention you when conversing with important people in his life, signaling that he is serious about you. Aries tend to be close to their families, and men are dear to their mothers. So, look out for any signs of him trying to make you and his mother get along. It could indicate his long-term plans for your relationship and how seriously he sees it.

protip_icon Point to consider
If you are planning to date an Aries man, bear in mind that they are particular about their freedom. They don’t like being controlled or restricted.

9. He takes your opinions seriously

An Aries man will respect your opinion and actively ask for your advice and input on various subjects.

He will listen and implement your feedback on things, including what you think of him, what kind of clothes you prefer, what he should do about his career or family, and more. He will ask for your input when changing jobs, redecorating his apartment, and future decisions. He will also consider your advice and even act on some of them to show he takes you seriously.

10. He expresses his feelings for you subtly

While Aries may be a little shy when it comes to gestures, he will more than compensate for it by articulating his love with words. If an Aries man loves you, expect sincere declarations of affection and heartfelt texts detailing how he feels about you and how you make him feel. He will not make over-the-top or grandiose gestures, but he will express his feelings vehemently, never holding back his affection for you. Throughout the day, you can expect a flow of jokes, compliments, and expressions of love that can brighten your day.

11. He talks to you for hours

He talks to you for hours
Image: Shutterstock

Aries are not introverts, but they can be a little shy and conservative when it comes to romance. An Aries man will take time and patience to get to the core, but once you earn his trust, he will open up to you and engage you on any amount of topics. He will want to talk to you for hours about anything under the sun, whether it’s day-to-day things, plans, old memories, books, and movies, or even something philosophical or profound like core values and life goals, and cherish all your moments together.

12. He wants to know everything about you

An Aries man falls in love quickly and hard, making him want to know who he’s so smitten by and fond of.

It could manifest in the form of asking mutual friends or even asking you directly about your likes, dislikes, and ambitions. He will want to get to the core of everything that makes you unique and love you for who you are. For instance, he will want to know about your childhood, your dreams and goals, and about the things that make you happy. If an Aries man loves you, prepare for long soul-baring conversations about yourself and expect him to share the same with you.

13. He wants to keep you close in every way

Aries man in love wants to keep you close in every way
Image: Shutterstock

Aries tend to be in control of any situation they are in. So, they like to think and internalize things before putting them into practice. He will also want some level of control and oversight in the relationship. For instance, whether he may want to move closer to you or move in with you, he will want to be with you as often and as close as possible. It reassures him and makes him feel that he’s able to protect you, care for you, and nurture you.

14. He’s impatient when it comes to love

Aries can sometimes be reasonably impatient and impulsive when it comes to matters of the heart. If he feels that you both connect well, he is likely to ask you out or tell you how he feels about you. He may even push for the relationship to move forward quickly. Once he gets to know you and feels the relationship is ready to be taken to the next level, he will not hesitate to convey.

protip_icon Did you know?
Aries man needs constant assurance of love and affection from his partner to feel happy in a relationship.

15. He expresses himself through actions

Although an Aries man is pretty expressive when it comes to words and often finds himself in hour-long conversations, he will reflect his character through actions. It could be doing little favors for you or leaving small gifts or cute messages for you to find. He may cook you dinner or fix something that’s broken in your apartment. There is little doubt that he will spend most, if not all, of his free time with you. He remains faithful and dedicated, unwavering in his commitment to you.

Speaking about how her Aries boyfriend participates in her interests to show his love, an anonymous blogger shares, “He watches my favorite TV shows with me. From the Big Bang Theory, to Scandal. He’s in it to win it. In return I have watched some things that I would have never considered before: Vampire movies, Deadpool, and I think we have a Netflix date to watch some more guys blowing up things and doing things I don’t quite understand, but fair is fair right? He’s worth it. (i)”

Most people consider Aries men to be relatively simple when it comes to matters of the heart. While this can be true while comparing them to other volatile signs, they can also have layers to their character. Once you get past the shyness, gain their trust, and peel away these layers, you will be able to see them for who they are.

Tips For Building A Relationship With An Aries Man

To build a strong and lasting bond with an Aries man in love with you, you have to understand his personality and adjust to potential challenges with strategies. Here are some tips that can help you:

  1. Be more adventurous and spontaneous: Aries men like excitement, so when you suggest fun and adventurous activities, he is bound to be more drawn to you.
  2. Be confident and independent: When you are self-assured and value your individuality, your Aries man will appreciate you more for it.
  3. Be honest and communicate openly: Being transparent about your feelings and concerns will help you build a strong and secure connection with your Aries partner.
  4. Be appreciative of him: Aries men often need reassurances of love and appreciation, so express how much you like him and tell him what you like about him so he feels valued and cared for.
  5. Be supportive of his ambitions: Aries men are go-getters, full of passion and drive. So, show interest in his dreams and encourage him to achieve them.

Potential problems and how to tackle them

Being in a relationship with an Aries man in love with you is no bed of roses. There will be challenges you need to overcome. Here is how:

  1. Balance their independence and commitment: An issue with Aries men is that they value their freedom and hate the idea of being tied down. So, encourage him to be independent with his career goals and personal achievements to show him that being in a relationship does not mean losing one’s autonomy.
  2. Help them navigate their impulsiveness: Aries men are often impatient and impulsive, which can lead to hasty decisions and disagreements. Be patient and understanding with your man so your relationship can flourish without pressure.
  3. Handle their assertiveness: An Aries man is known to be too direct, which can lead to heated conflicts. To combat this, learn communication strategies, calmly stand your ground, and be diplomatic when you address arguments.
  4. Prevent your relationship from stagnating: Aries men often lose patience and become restless when the relationship is too routine or predictable, even when they love you. So, keep the passion alive by suggesting spontaneous activities or exploring new things and interests together.
  5. Address concerns regarding commitment: Even if an Aries man is in love with you, he may have concerns regarding long-term commitment. Communicate with him to establish trust, show how emotionally stable you are, and emphasize how your goals align with his to prove your commitment.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I make an Aries man fall in love?

While there are no step-by-step rules on how to attract an aries man, knowing his traits and likes and dislikes could help. An Aries guy is attracted to intelligent people, so you could show him your creative and intellectual side to make him fall for you. Also, you could try healthy flirting and participate with him in some adventure sports to get closer to him. If your vibes match, then he could fall in love with you.

2. What does an Aries man need in a relationship?

An Aries man is ebullient, known for his high energy levels. Hence, he looks for a zealous partner who can hold his hands in fulfilling his passion. An ideal relationship for him is where partners keep trying new things to keep the spark alive. Also, he likes being pampered and cared for by his partner.

3. What does an Aries man find attractive in a woman?

He is pulled toward the feminine characteristics of a woman. An Aries guy not only falls for the physical features but also is attracted to the intellectual side of a woman. The best match for an aries man is someone who is mysterious–he is easily pulled by such a woman.

An Aries man in love is passionate and generally does not portray a false image of himself. Their love involves old-school chivalry. You become the center of his world, and he can go to any extent to protect and support you. He may not initiate physical contact or declare his love openly but will shower you with affectionate texts and messages. He will also introduce you to all his near and dear ones. Once you understand his love language, you can recognize the signs of his care and affection. This innately loyal personality makes an excellent partner for any woman as his love will not be smothering.

Infographic: How To Make An Aries Man Open Up?

An Aries man is highly masculine and likes to be in control. Perhaps, that’s why he takes the time to trust and open up about his feelings. Since winning him over often gets trickier, our infographic brings you practical ways to help him open up about his feelings for you. Go through the infographic and share it with friends who might also need help to make an Aries man express his feelings and emotions.

making an aries man express his feelings for you (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: Telltale Signs An Aries Man Is In Love With You

aries man in love_illustration

Image: Dalle E/MomJunction Design Team

Aries men are attracted to intelligent, confident, and independent women. This video tells you the 8 qualities an Aries man likes.

Expect to be any Aries’ top priority if you’re on their radar as a love interest, as he will push everything else behind to take care of you. If the signs mentioned above ring true and you feel the chemistry, your Aries man likely loves you.

Personal Experience: Source

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Alice Alta
Alice AltaAstrologer
Alice Alta is an author and practicing astrologer with eight years of experience. For four years, she worked as the head of content for the Futurio: Horoscope & Astrology app. Currently, she is a freelance astrologer whose favorite topics include solving love issues, addressing life’s challenges, discovering one’s soul’s purpose, and unlocking personal potential.

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Rohan was an HR analyst before transitioning into a freelance writer/ editor. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resources from Christ University, Bangalore, and previously worked as an analyst in Goldman Sachs.

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Siddharth Kesiraju
Siddharth KesirajuMA, Certification in Relationship Coaching
Siddharth holds a certification in Relationship Coaching and a masters degree in communication and journalism from the University of Hyderabad. He has around seven years of experience in various fields of writing and editing.

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Ipshita Chakraborty is a creative content writer with an avid interest in human relationships and literature from around the world. She completed her bachelors in English literature at Patna University and masters in English literature at Sharda University.

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