250 Sweet And Sassy Flower Names For Girls And Boys

If you are looking for flower names for girls and boys that sound beautiful and are meaningful too, you are at the right place. Floral baby names give a delicate and graceful air, and they will remind you of your baby’s distinct qualities even when they grow up. In recent years, celebrities such as Meg Ryan and Ben Affleck have also popularized them by naming their children after flowers. Since floral baby names are here to stay, we have carefully curated a list of unique flower names for girls and boys. Our collection contains some rare, fun, and whimsical names, among which you can pick your favorite for your munchkin.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • Flower names are not only for girls. A few interesting masculine names for boys are Alder, Calix, Cedar, and Ren.
  • Flower names originate in different languages around the world—for example, Hinata (Japan), Zahur (Urdu), and Celandine (Greek).
  • A few unisex flower names are Manuka, Rue, Liatrice, and Saroj.

Gorgeous Flower Names For Girls

1. Acacia

Acacia is a rarely used Greek name that is gradually catching the fancy of the parents. It is the name of a shrub with yellow or white blossoms. Some varieties of these trees can grow up to a height of 100 feet (1). These trees also symbolize immortality and resurrection.

2. Aletris

The beautiful flower ‘Aletris’ is used as a mild sedative, and to treat joint pain, muscle pain, menstrual disorders, and digestion problems such as colic (2). It will make for a distinctively pleasant name for a girl.

3. Altheda

Altheda, a Greek word, meaning ‘like a blossom’ possesses an edgy and modern appeal.

4. Alyssa

Alyssa, the informal variation of Alicia, gained popularity in 1980 and remained the top name for baby girls since.

5. Amaranth

The name Amaranth is derived from the Greek term amarantos, meaning ‘unfading’. This beautiful herb, with bright pink flowers, has the potential of being one of the rising floral girl names. We love the fresh sound of this name.

6. Amapola

The classic sounding name “Amapola” is a beautiful red flower whose seeds are used to bake flavored bread. The name has a unique freshness.

7. Ambretta

The yellow evergreen flower “Ambretta” can be appealing to anyone. Ambretta is a modern name suitable for a girl.

8. Amaryllis

If you want a showy flower name, then you can consider Amaryllis. The name means ‘to sparkle’ and was first used in Greek poetry as a designation for pastoral beauties.

9. Anemone

In Greek, the crimson flower “Anemone” means “daughter of the wind” and is a blossoming name for a girl.

10. Aster

Aster is the name of the delicate flower meaning ‘star’. It came into the spotlight by the little girl on the television show “Dexter”. The name has not hit the mainstream yet, but with its similarity to the high-profile name Astor, it could pretty soon.

11. Ayana

Ayana, meaning beautiful flower, has a bright and creative ring to it. The name has never made an entry to the top 100 names in the US, so Ayana would make an original pick for your baby’s name.

12. Azalea

Azalea is one of the freshest floral names that made its debut on the Social Security list in 2012. Interestingly, Azalea is now one of the fastest rising names on the list.

13. Azami

In Persian, the exotic flower Azami means “greatest or thistle flower”

14. Begonia

The sweet smelling flower Begonia looks a lot like roses. Begonia can be a beautiful name for your baby girl.

15. Betony

The flower blooms in summer and gives out a minty smell. Betony sounds like a variant of “Bethany” and is a pleasant name for a girl.

16. Blanchefleur

The name is pretty common in Europe and refers to a white flower. “Blanchefleur” has a delicate feminine touch with ‘-fleur’ in its name.

17. Blimah

Blimah, one of the daintiest and earliest Hebrew names, meaning ‘blossom’, is beginning to enter the spotlight now.

18. Blossom

Blossom, meaning ‘to bloom’ will always be remembered for the eponymous character in the sitcom “Blossom”. Blossom is the name of one of the Powerpuff Girls as well.

19. Bluebell

Bluebell is a delicate flower with a dainty and divine smell. Its bulb contains mucilage and inulin which was used as a glue for bookkeeping, starching clothes, fixing feathers and arrows (3). Geri Halliwell named her daughter Bluebell.

20. Briar

The light pink sweet-smelling rose is a native to West Asia and Europe. “Briar Rose” is also the name of the popular Disney princess Sleeping Beauty.

21. Briony

“Briony” or “Bryony” refers to “sprout,” just like the upward growing of the greenish-white tiny flowers. If you wish to give your daughter one of the cute baby girl names, “Briony” can be a suitable choice.

22. Buttercup

The name of this yellow, shiny flower given to a princess in ‘The Princess Bride.’

23. Calantha

Calantha, a Greek baby name meaning ‘beautiful flower’, spares the spunk of other cool floral names like Calla and Camellia.

24. Calla

This unique flower name is derived from the Greek term kallos, meaning beauty. It is a delicate version of Lily. Calla is also associated with the heroine of the novel “The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder.”

25. Camellia

These creamy, fragrant roses are most loved all across the world for their aroma and beautiful appearance. Camelia sounds sweet just as its fragrance and can be a sweet name.

26. Carnation

It’s near impossible not to fall in love with this cheerful flower and its name.

27. Cassia

The Cassia tree is known for emitting its spicy and sweet fragrance. “Cassia” in Greek refers to cinnamon and could be a lovely name for your daughter.

28. Canna

The beautiful Lily flower with large petals and leaves, sounds like a lovely name for a girl.

29. Celandine

The tiny yellow flower comes from the poppy family and means ‘swallow, a bird’ in Greek.

30. Chloris

Chloris is the name of the Greek goddess of vegetation (4). It would make one of a kind name for your daughter.

31. Chrisoula

The female name “Chrisoula” has Greek origins and refers to ‘golden flower.’

32. Chrysanthemum

This is one of the least common flower inspired baby names. If you want a rare name for your daughter, Chrysanthemum is the best choice.

33. Cineraria

Cineraria is a flower symbolizing warmth and protection. They are a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family and would make the ideal name for a cheerful little one. 

34. Cleome

The pink and lilac flower name is also known as spider flower due to its long, thread-like stamens and the elongate seedpods that develop below the blooming flowers (5). It would be the ideal name for a little princess.

35. Clover

Clover, a charming and perky name, has become a favorite with the celebs. It’s also associated with good luck, which is a great feature for a name.

36. Crisantha

Crisantha isn’t related to Christine. It’s a short form of Chrysanthemum and means ‘golden flower’.

37. Columbine

The spring flower “Columbine” is an English name from Latin that means ‘dove.’

38. Corymbia

The botanical name “Corymbia” is a suitable girl’s name and refers to the pretty red flowers.

39. Daffodil

This floral moniker is so uncommon that it would make a strong name for spring babies. Daffodils are often referred to as Narcissus, after the mythological boy, Narcissus, who loved to admire his own beauty (6). It is also the name of the musician Michael Hurley’s first girl.

40. Dahlia

Dahlia is a cute flower name, bringing to mind small, lovely flowers. These flowers are octoploids, which means that they have eight sets of chromosomes (7). This vintage name, pronounced as Da-lee-Ah, also conjures to mind a glamorous silver screen legend or tough femme fatale.

41. Daisy

Daisy will make a hippy, yet cool name for the little girl. The name brings to mind the bubbly and happy baby with a cute smile. Daisy is a popular nickname for Margaret as the French word for Daisy is ‘marguerite’. Even Daisy Buchanan did her bit to popularize the name in “The Great Gatsby”.

42. Danica

Danica, the pattern of Royal Copenhagen “Flowers of Denmark”, is a unique and delicate Slavic moniker, meaning ‘morning star’.

43. Diantha

The pink flower “Diantha” emits a spicy fragrance that means ‘divine flower’ in Greek.

44. Embelia

Embelia, Flower names for girls
Image: Shutterstock

The girl’s name “Embelia” is inspired by the white and pink tiny flowers.

45. Edelweiss 

The classic name for a girl means ‘noble white’. This flower is used in anti-aging cosmetics and sunscreen (8). Edelweiss also means adventure and notoriety.

46. Elestren

Elestren is a sweet ancient name that means “Iris” in Cornish origin.

47. Erica

It is a species from the Ericaceae family that offers elegant purple flowers. Another quality of the flower is, it grows abundantly. Erica can be a beautiful and graceful name for your daughter.

48. Evanthe

The Greek origin name “Evanthe” means ‘blooming’ and is a suitable name for a girl.

49. Fern 

Of all the botanical names, Fern has been the most static in terms of performance. If you select this girl flower name, you can be assured that it will never go out of style.

50. Fiorella

This lyrical Italian name, meaning ‘flower’, could be used to pay tribute to your grandmother or aunt Flora or Florence. For the nickname, you can snip it down to Ella.

51. Fflur

Pronounced as ‘fleer,’ “Fflur” means flower in Welsh.

52. Fioralba

The romantic name “Fioralba” refers to ‘flower of the dawn.’ It’s a unique flower name for a girl.

53. Fleur

Fleur is the freshest of all the flower names in the name bouquet. It is associated with Saint Fleur of Beaulieu, who devoted herself to tending the poor and the sick in the hospital (9). The name currently holds the 12th spot in the Netherlands.

54. Flora

Flora is the name of the Roman goddess of spring and flower (10). It is an eternal favorite of baby name experts.

55. Floortje

Floortje comes from Dutch origin and is pronounced as flor-che. “Floortje” means ‘little flower’ and is a sweet name for a girl.

56. Florentina

The Latin origin name “Florentina” means “to bloom.” This name sounds pleasant to the ears and can keep your girl blossoming.

57. Florine

Florine is not only a floral name but is part of war history. “Florine” was a French crusader who lost her life by taking arrows in her chest (11). Your girl could draw inspiration from her indomitable spirit and become a brave woman.

58. Forsythia

Forsythia, named for the beautiful yellow bush, cannot challenge Violet or Rose in terms of popularity, but is sure to be one of the most unique.

59. Freesia

An exotic German name that refers to Freese’s flower can be the most uncommon and lovely name.

60. Fuchsia

The bright pink flower name “Fuchsia” was chosen by English musician Sting for her daughter.

61. Galanthus

The Greek name refers to milk flowers, which are tiny, pretty white flowers. These flowers produce galantamine, a substance used to help treat the symptoms of Alzheimer’s (12). It would make for a unique choice as a name for a girl.

62. Garance

Garance is suitable for a girl and a boy. It is a fashionable name inspired by deep colored flowers.

63. Gardenia

Baby name Gardenia sounds a lot more powerful and exotic than other names like Lily and Rose. It’s named after the botanist Dr. Alexander Garden.

64. Garland

The name can be used for a girl and a boy, and refers to fragrance. It is a surprisingly interesting floral name.

65. Geranium

It is an exotic flower from crane’s family and an off-beat name for a girl.

66. Giacinta

Inspired by the pretty and bright blue and violet flowers, “Giacinta” is also a saint’s name and suits a girl.

67. Hana

It is a popular floral name among Slavic, Czech, and Hebrew that means “blossom.”

68. Hazel

Hazel is most commonly known as a tree or nut, but there’s also a flowering plant with long yellow strands called witch hazel. The name has become quite trendy in the last few years, thanks to books and movies – “The Hunger Games” and “The Fault in Our Stars”.

Here is why blogger McKenzie Sue chose the name Hazel for her daughter. She writes, “I liked the name Hazel enough by itself since it’s unique yet classic. Slightly disappointed that most name books just said that the name Hazel refers to the tree and has English heritage, but after I did a little digging, I found an alternative meaning of Hazel in the Bible that I fell in love with and became a big part of the reason why we chose to name our daughter this beautiful name. The name Hazel is a derivative of the Hebrew name Hazā’ēl meaning “God has seen” (i).”

69. Heather

This old, yet timeless, two syllable name brings to mind a classy woman with the mind of her own. In fact, Heather was so popular in the 70s and 80s, that there was also a movie after the flower – “Heathers.”

70. Heliotrope

It is a violet flower from the Heliotropium genus. It is derived from the Ancient Greek words helios, meaning “sun,” and tropein, meaning “to turn.”

71. Holly

Holly is a beautiful baby name inspired by flowers; it suits perfectly for a baby girl born during Christmas. Holly is the name of Audrey Hepburn in “Breakfast at Tiffany”.

protip_icon Trivia
New York Times bestselling author Holly Black, who wrote more than 30 fantasy novels, is a famous bearer of this name.

72. Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is a rare yet sweet name for a little girl. The honeysuckle family  includes a number of useful shrubs. A famous bearer of this name is the British actress Honeysuckle Weeks. 

73. Hyacinth

Hyacinth may not be as gentle and feminine as Rose and Violet, but it will appeal to parents who want an exotic floral name for their daughters.

74. Ianthe

In Greek, Ianthe refers to a purple flower. “Ianthe” is a romantic name chosen by poet Shelly for her daughter.

75. Larkspur

If you want a unique nature inspired name for your daughter, Larkspur could just be it. It is the English word for the flowering plant with purplish-blue flowers. The lark in the name is due to the flower’s resemblance to a lark’s large hind claws.

76. Iolanthe

This unusual and interesting name is best known from the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta of the same name. It means ‘violet flower’.

77. Ione

The Greek origin name “Ione” means ‘violet.’ If you think the name “Violet” would be common but are set on giving your child a name that means purple or violet, you can name your daughter “Ione.”

78. Lobelia

Lobelia is the name of a flowering herb which is also known as blue moon due to its dark blue flowers (13). This name was used by the author J. R. R. Tolkien in his novel ‘The Lord of the Rings.’

79. Iris

Iris is a purple flower. It is also associated with Iris, the goddess of rainbows and the messenger between the gods and humans in Greek mythology (14). Since it is a rarely used name, it will make an intriguing choice for your baby, especially if you are spiritually oriented.

80. Irit

The Hebrew origin name “Irit” means ‘asphodel flower.’ It’s a classic name for your daughter.

81. Ivy

Ivy is the hottest flower-inspired name right now, all thanks to Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s baby girl.

82. Blue Ivy

Apart from being charming, Ivy has a surprising number of spelling variations such as Ivie, Ivee, Ivi, and more.

83. Ixora

The red tiny flowers are used by Hindus for worshipping. “Ixora” is an interesting name suitable for a girl.

84. Jacinta

If you think Hyacinth sounds inane, you can pick its sweeter Spanish version Jacintha. The correct pronunciation of this name is ha-Seen-ta.

85. Jasmine

The name gained popularity in the early 20th century, following the release of Disney’s “Aladdin”. Jazz will make a spunky and cute nickname for Jasmine.

86. Jazlyn

It is a suitable name for a girl that means a lovely fragrance.

87. Jesmyn

It is a flower from the fragrant olive family and is a suitable name for a girl.

88. Jessamine

This Spanish variation of Jasmine was once limited to England, but is now gaining popularity in the US as well.

89. Jonquil

It is an English flower and is a lovely name for a girl.

90. Juniper

What could be better than naming your daughter after an evergreen shrub that has the largest geographic range of any woody plant in the world? (15). For the nickname, you can pick Juno, Junie, June, or Junebug.

91. Kalina

Kalian, a pretty Polish name, translates to flower. You can consider its variations such as Kalene, Kalena, or Kaline.

92. Kantuta

The bell-shaped red flowers usually grow in high valleys. It stands as a traditional symbol during Christmas and the name sounds lovely for a girl.

93. Kassia

A variant of “Cassia,” it is inspired by the Cassia tree that produces a spice like cinnamon. The Greek origin name “Kassia” can be a good pick for your daughter.

94. Lavender

This floral name is gaining traction among parents of late.

95. Leilani 

If you want an exotic plus botanical name for your child, you can use the Hawaiian name Leilani. Meaning ‘child of heavenly flower’, Leilani has a lilting and beautiful feel to it. For the nickname, you can pick Leia.

96. Liana

Liana, Names inspired by flowers
Image: Shutterstock

It is a graceful name for a girl that is inspired by a tropical vine flower.

97. Lilac 

Lilac, the light purple flower with a beautiful scent, would make a nice name for your baby. Yes, it may not be as famous as Lily or Violet, but it is rising in the rankings steadily.

98. Lilias

It is a variant of “Lily” and a lovely name for a girl.

99. Lillian

Lillian, a variant of Lily, is symbolic of purity, innocence, and beauty, exactly what Mother Mary was. Lillian means ‘pure’.

100. Lily

Lily is the most famous of all the flower names for girls. It just rolls off the tongue and sounds incredibly charming. The beautiful blooms of the flower represent purity.

101. Linnea

This attractive Scandinavian name, meaning ‘twin flower’, is super popular in Norway and Sweden. It’s an excellent name to honor your Aunt Linda or Lynn.

102. Lotus

Lotus, the exotic and mystical flower, carries a special meaning in different cultures. Lotus signifies enlightenment and purity in Buddhism and represents rebirth to the Egyptians.

103. Madelief

It is not a common name for a girl that comes from Dutch, and refers to daisy.

104. Marguerite

In French, “Marguerite” refers to daisy. If you’ve been looking for a cheerful name for your little angel, this one can be a unique choice.

105. Magadhi

It is an Indian name that means “the aromatic jasmine flower.” “Magadhi” is a pleasant name for a girl.

106. Manuka

The unisex name “Manuka” is inspired by a tree that is known to have flowers that produce honey.

107. Magnolia

Magnolia would be a perfect name for your daughter if you’re a diehard fan of “Steel Magnolia”. Adrian Young of “No Doubt” fame named his daughter Magnolia.

108. Marigold

This bright and beautiful name, found in English novels, is beginning to be considered in the US as well.

109. Marrila

The Latin origin name means ‘shining sea’ and is inspired from the flower Amaryllis.

110. Myrtle

Myrtle is a pretty, popular, and ubiquitous name and comes from a plant with white or pink fragrant berries.

111. Maryam

It is the name of a flower in Iran. The meaning of “Maryam” in Arabic and Hebrew is ‘beloved’ or ‘drop of the sea.’

112. Mawar

The graceful name is of Urdu origin and refers to rose. If you are looking for a unique name, Mawar can be as sweet as Urdu language.

113. Mignon

It is pronounced as “meen-yawn” and means ‘dainty.’ The name is inspired from a flower called Mignonette.”

114. Mimosa

If your daughter is not a social butterfly, Mimosa could be the ideal name for her. It refers to the Mimosa pudica or more commonly known as the touch-me-not plant.

115. Muguet

Looking for a French floral name for your little one? “Muguet” means ‘lily’ and sounds like a wonderful name.

116. Myrthe

It is inspired from a flower called Myrtle, and has its origin in Dutch. That’s a pretty name for a girl.

117. Narcissa 

Narcissa, a Daffodil inspired name, has a lovely ring to it. But unfortunately, it hasn’t been able to make it to the top of the list because of its association with narcissism.

118. Nasrin

It is a modern floral name popular in Turkey and Iran, and refers to wild rose.

119. Neeja

The feminine name “Neeja” has its origin in Hindi and refers to Lily.

120. Orchid

Orchid, the name of the flower symbolizing beauty, love, and sophistication, would be an exotic option for your daughter.

121. Ornella

The Italian name refers to ‘flowering ash tree’ and is a popular name used in the theatre craft too.

122. Orquidea

It is a Spanish name that means ‘Orchid.’ That’s a pretty name for your little one.

123. Pansy

The French floral name refers to ‘thought’ and is also beautiful and colorful flowers.

124. Palesa

It is a South African name that means ‘a flower.’ “Palesa” is a sweet name for a daughter.

125. Papatya

The Turkish origin name “Papatya” means ‘daisy.’ It is an exotic choice for a girl’s name.

126. Peony

Peony, meaning ‘healing’, is one of the rarest floral names. Signifying honor and riches, Peony would make a distinctive name for your little one.

127. Pema

The Tibetan origin name “Pema” means ‘lotus flower.’ It is a delightful name similar to Padma, a Hindu name.

128. Penthia

In Greek, Penthia means ‘flower’, and can be an enchanting name for your beautiful daughter.

129. Petal

This soft, sensitive, floral name belonged to a character in the film and the book “The Shipping News”. The moniker sounds exotic, yet down to earth and distinctive.

130. Petunia

With the increase in all kinds of floral names, Petunia, the name of the trumpet-shaped flower, is gaining ground. Its gentle, lilting sound will secure its well-loved status for years to come.

131. Phlox

Phlox, the name of tiny, purple flowers, would sound beautiful on your little one. This moniker is easy to spell and sounds feminine without being too frilly.

132. Picotee

It is one of the carnation types that could be a lovely name for your pretty daughter.

134. Poppy

Unlike most of the overtly sweet floral names, Poppy carries a lot of spunk and style with it. It’s widely popular in the US, especially on the southern side.

protip_icon Did you know?
Poppy flowers were a symbol of remembrance before world wars 1 and 2. Poppies are believed to thrive on the lime from the shattered concrete from the debris caused by artillery bombardments.

134. Posey

Daughters bring joy to their parents just like the fresh flowers in the spring season. So how about naming your child Posey, which means “a bunch of flowers”?

135. Primrose 

This elegant and dainty moniker is derived from the Latin phrase prima rose, which means ‘the first rose’. We’ve seen plenty of Primroses in quaint British novels, but never really found it in use in day to day life.

136. Primula

It refers to the ‘first rose’ in Latin. If you have a charming daughter, then “Primula” can be a good choice.

137. Raisa

The feminine name “Raisa” has Yiddish roots and means ‘rose.’ It sounds like a queen’s name too.

138. Raizal

The Yiddish name “Raizal” means ‘rose.’ It is a lovely flower name for a girl as delicate as the pink Raizel flowers.

139. Rayen

The name is inspired from the yellow flower and is a popular name in the Netherlands. If you want a stylish floral name for your baby, it can be a pleasant choice.

140. Rhoswen

Pronounced as hros-wen, it is a Welsh origin name that refers to ‘white rose.’ 

141. Rhodora

Rhodora is commonly used in the Philippines. It is the name of a plant with rosy-purple flowers that are native to North America.

142. Rosa

It is a variant of “Rose” and is a sweet sounding name for a girl. If you wish to have an uncommon name, then “Rosa” it can be.

143. Rosamel

The romantic Spanish and Italian name means ‘rose and honey’, and can be a good choice for your angel. “Rosamel” was also the name of a Chilean poet in the 20th century.

144. Rose

This graceful name, dating centuries back, has stayed on because of its feminine flair. You can even credit David Cameron’s “Titanic” for its resurgence. And be rest assured it will never go out of style.

145. Rosemary

The name Rosemary, derived from the Latin elements ‘ros’, which means ‘dew’, and ‘marinus’, which means ‘of the sea’, is as beautiful as the purple flowers of this plant.

146. Rowan

The name comes from the flowering Rowan tree and is from an Irish origin. It is a beautiful tree to watch.

147. Rue

It is a unisex name from Greek origin that means “herb.” “Rue” is an inspired name from the yellow tiny flowers.

148. Senna

The cheerful name Senna is derived from the senna plant which bears bright blue flowers year after year. This pretty sounding Arabic name means ‘brightness’.

149. Shoshana

Shoshana refers to the pretty lily and is a suitable name for a girl. The stylish and modern name was also a character in the popular series ‘Girls.’

150. Sigal

It is the beautiful violet flower that is not so commonly found. Naming your baby “Sigal” can make her a unique person just like the name.

151. Sireli

It is an Estonian origin name that refers to the lovely ‘lilac flower.’ “Sireli” is a beautiful name for a girl.

152. Soma

Soma is derived from the name of the medicinal plant Somavalli (16). It also refers to the ‘lunar nectar.’ “Soma” is an authentic name in Hinduism. The name can be used for girls too.

153. Susan

Susan means graceful lily
Image: Shutterstock

as in black-eyed Susan, resembles a daisy flower, but is actually a species of sunflower. Coming from the Hebrew language, Susan means ‘graceful lily’.

154. Suzanne

Want to give a French name to your little girl? “Suzzane” is a chic name that refers to ‘lily.’

155. Tancy

It is inspired from “Tansy flower” and is a variant of daisy and lily. The Greek origin name “Tancy” refers to ‘immortal.’

156. Tulip

The cute Persian name “Tulip” is inspired by the blooming flower and means ‘turban.’

157. Suzette

The charming name comes from Hebrew origin that refers to ‘lily.’

158. Varda

That’s a common name in Israel for girls. “Varda” means ‘a pink rose’ in Hebrew. If you think Rosy and Rosa are too common, then this one could be a lovely choice.

159. Verbena

The beautiful name Verbena is inspired by a sweet smelling plant. It’s unlikely you’ll come across two girls with this name in the same class or school.

160. Veronica

The strong and graceful name for a girl is inspired from the blue leaves and flowers. “Veronica” also means ‘she brings victory.’ If you want your girl to succeed, this can be a great choice.

161. Violet

Violet is an eternal floral baby name. No matter what year, decade, or century it is, Violet will sound as fresh as it was when it began being used as a given name. It means ‘purple’.

162. Viola

It is one of the most distinctive feminine and girly names. This name has Latin roots and refers to “violet.” “Viola” was the name of an actress in Shakespeare’s tale too.

163. Wisteria

It is a Latin name that stands for a flower, and is uncommon for a girl. “Wisteria” can be a classic choice.

164. Willow

The flowers of the willow tree, known for their resilience, grace, and flexibility, have gained favor in recent years as a baby girl name. It means ‘peaceful or resolute’.

165. Yasmin 

Yasmin could be the one if you want to name your daughter Jasmine with a unique twist. This feminine name is derived from the Persian word yasamin and refers to the jasmine flower as per The Dictionary of Muslim Names (17).

166. Zainab

The Arabic name means a ‘fragrant blooming flower.’ “Zainab” was the name of a daughter and wife of Prophet Muhammad.

167. Zinnia

This unusual floral name has more energy and edge than most floral names we’ve come across.

Unique Flower Names For Boys

168. Aciano

It is a Spanish origin name that means a ‘blue bottle flower.’ That’s a modern name for a handsome boy.

169. Alder

Alder, the name of the flowering plant from the birch family, has an old school feel to it. It means ‘from the alder tree’.

170. Anthos

The versatile ‘Anthos’ is a Greek word for Rose. It can work both as a first name and a nickname.

171. Antonio

In the 17th century, the name Antonia was linked to the Greek name ‘Anthos’, which means flower. So go for Antonio if you want a flower name for your boy.

172. Aoi

The Japanese origin name “Aoi” refers to ‘Hollyhock flower.’ If you are looking for short and cute baby boy names, “Aoi” can be a good pick.

173. Araj

The name comes from Urdu origin and refers to ‘floral fragrance.’ “Araj” can be an authentic name for your son.

174. Aweinon

The native American name “Aweinon” refers to moving flowers. Aweinon is a one-of-a-kind floral name for a boy.

175. Bakul

It means a ‘sweet-smelling flower’ and is a suitable name for a charming boy.

176. Basil

Basil, a fragrant herb with purple and white flowers, is a very common name for boys. It remained on the US popularity list, reaching a high 327 in 1904.

177. Blathma

Blathma refers to flower in Irish. If you want your boy to have a rare name in school and college, “Blathma” sounds cool.

178. Bud

Bud isn’t just a cute Irish nickname, but also stands for the male flower name meaning Blossom. If you’re hesitant to use it for a first name, you can use it as a nickname or middle name.

179. Calix

It encloses a flower and comes from Latin origin. “Calix” can also be named as “Chalice” and sounds suitable for a boy.

180. Catkin

It is a group of small flowers and is derived from Middle Dutch Katteken as it resembles the flurry tail of the kitten. “Catkin” is a creative name for a boy.

181. Carmel

That’s a biblical name common in Ireland that refers to ‘vineyards of God.’ If you want your baby boy to have a Catholic name, “Carmel” can be a good pick.

182. Cedar

While most people associate it with trees and woods, there’s also a Cedar flower, which is breathtakingly beautiful.

183. Clem

The name Clem refers to Clematis, the climbing vine of beautiful flowers. Clem sounds humble, laid back, and has a distinctive down to earth charm.

184. Corey

Corey would be a fresh and snappy short form of Coreopsis, the cheery and long lasting flower. To make it more unconventional, you can spell it as Cory. Corey means ‘from the hollow’ – this sounds like one of the cool flower names.

185. Cresento

It means a ‘gold flower’ in Spanish. Your boy would be called a golden boy with the name “Cresento.”

186. Crocus

The name Crocus is derived from the Greek word krokos. In Greek mythology, Crocus was a mortal youth who was turned into saffron flower.

187. Cypress

The cypress flower, resembling the five-pointed stars, looks absolutely adorable. It’s also the name of a town in Orange County, California.

188. Elm

Elm is an excellent middle name for boys
Image: iStock

Elm, a tree that blooms white flowers, would make an excellent middle name for boys. It sounds straight, strong, and robust, just like the flower.

189. Fiorello

Fiorello is one of those floral names that would work amazingly on a boy. It was made famous by Mayor La Guardia during the Second World War. In fact, he was also the basis of a musical called Fiorello. Fiorello means ‘little flower’.

190. Florent

The French name Florent, meaning ‘flowering’, may sound a bit too flowery for American guys, but it’s quite popular in some parts of Europe.

191. Florian

This Latin name, meaning ‘flowering or flourishing’, may sound feminine to some, but it’s used mostly for boys. The name has a worldly appeal as well.

192. Florionio

In French, “Florionio” means ‘flower.’ That’s indeed a stylish name for a boy.

193. Florizel

The Bohemian name was invented by Shakespeare and is a unique floral choice for a boy.

194. Florus

Looking for a modern and stylish name? “Florus” refers to a flower in Latin and is a suitable choice.

195. Gajijens

The native American name “Gajijens” means ‘flower’s fall.’ It’s an interesting and classic name.

196. Gladiolus

The pleasant pink flowers “Gladiolus” can be a suitable choice if you are looking for a masculine name for your baby boy. It means “sword lily.”

197. Gulzar

That’s a classic Arabic name for a boy that refers to ‘blooming.’ It is the name of a famous poet too.

198. Indigo

If you are brave enough, name your child Indigo. Indigo is the plant that creates a purplish-blue dye. We think it is one of the most evocative and appealing plant names for girls and boys.

199. Indivar

It is a Hindi name that refers to ‘blue lotus’ (18). “Indivar” is an ancient name that also means ‘blessing.’

200. Jared

If you want a masculine name, inspired by rose, Jared could be your pick. It means ‘rose’ in Hebrew. Its namesake is none other than Jared Leto.

201. Kairav

It refers to the “white lotus.” If you wish your boy stands out from the rest, then “Kairav” cannot go wrong as a name.

202. Kamal

It is a Hindi origin name that means ‘lotus’ (19). “Kamal” is a beautiful floral name for a boy.

203. Kastur

The musk fragrance from the Kasturi plant or flower is “Kastur.” It’s a sweet-sounding name for a boy.

204. Ketak

Ketak has Sanskrit roots and refers to the screw pine (20). It was once considered a bit pompous and grand for baby boys in India, but it’s now being opted by a significant number of parents.

205. Kunal

Here’s a name for the traditional parents. Kunal is a Sanskrit origin name meaning ‘lotus’. It is quite popular in India.

206. Laurence

Laurel is a lovely white and pink flower usually found in the Eastern side of the United States. You can name your boy “Laurence” and find him blooming all his life.

207. Lotem

In Hebrew, “Lotem” refers to ‘bush of golden flowers.’ That’s a classic name for a boy.

208. Lupin

It is the name of a flower and also means ‘pertaining to the wolf.’ That sounds like a brave name for a boy. However, it can be used for a girl too.

209. Mallow

The American name “Mallow” means ‘flower’ in American English. It’s a simple name yet so uncommon.

210. Moss

Moss, the soft, plush, and evocative nature name is heard more frequently as a surname rather than a name. Take Moss Hart for example.

211. Mranal

That’s a beautiful and rare name for a boy. “Mranal” refers to the ‘root of the lotus plant (21).’ It would be an outstanding name for Hindus.

212. Nalesh

It refers to ‘king of flowers.’ If you want your baby boy to grow up and be the king of his work, then “Nalesh” can be a fantastic pick.

213. Narcissus

Narcissus, a name for daffodil, will make a perfect pick for your baby boy. It is also the name of a mythological young man who fell in love with his own image reflected in water (22). It hasn’t been able to make it to the top of the list because of its association with narcissism.

214. Oleander

Oleander, the name of a shrub which bears beautiful flowers, would make an excellent alternative to Oliver. It sounds playful, charming, sophisticated, and comes with nicknames such as Olly or Ollie.

215. Oliver

Just like the orange Oliver flower, your baby boy can flourish and shine with “Oliver” as a name.

216. Oncidium

It is a type of orchid that is a delight to watch. “Oncidium” can be a delightful name just like the flower.

217. Palash

The orange colored flower “Palash” is considered sacred in many Asian countries. Your boy can shine just like the flower with this name.

218. Pallav

It refers to the ‘budding leaf’ in Hindi (23). The name is not a common choice and can be perfect for a son whose parents are looking for a Sanskrit name.

219. Pahukumaa

It refers to ‘the edge of a sunflower.’ That sounds like an old school name, but is trending even today.

220. Peregrine

If you are looking for earthy baby names, consider Peregrine. This name for boys refers to ‘traveler’ in Latin. It is also a flower from the daisy flower.

221. Pine

The flower of a pine tree looks different from other flowers. So is the name “Pine,” unique from other names.

222. Quill

The name Quill refers to Jonquil, the hardy, spring flower. The moniker would serve as a tribute to ancestors named Bill, Gil, or Phil.

223. Raanan

The fresh name “Raanan” has its origin in Hebrew and refers to ‘flourishing’ or ‘green.’ It is an energizing name for a boy.

224. Raihan

It refers to ‘heaven’s flower’ and is inspired from the ‘sweet flower.’

225. Ren

Ren is Japanese for ‘Lotus’. In Japan, the Lotus is a symbol of perfection and purity, traits that every parent wants in their son.

226. Reed

The water reed flowers look fragile and delicate. If you wish your boy grows up and becomes sensitive and sensible, then “Reed” can be a suitable choice.

227. Risay

The Muslim name “Risay” is inspired from ‘black rose’ and also refers to ‘one who is beloved.’

228. Rhodes

The boy’s name “Rhodes” has its origin in Greek that means ‘where roses grow.’ 

229. Romy

It is a vibrant name used for a boy that comes from German origin. “Romy” is also a short form of Romeo and Roman. The name is suitable for a girl and is inspired from rosemary.

230. Saffron

Contrary to what most people think, the Saffron flower isn’t yellow or orange but purple. Saffron is a gender neutral name, but will suit boys more.

231. Sage

The name refers to an aromatic herb and also means an intelligent person. As a name, Sage is strong and short, fitting the criteria sought after by most modern parents.

232. Saroj

Saroj is an unisex name that means vermillion
Image: iStock

It is a unisex name that refers to “lotus” and also means ‘vermillion.’ Saroj is an authentic Hindi name (24).

233. Sheroze

The Urdu name “Sheroze” means ‘king of roses.’ Your boy can become a charming person with this name.

234. Shirish

The Hindi name “Shirish” refers to the ‘flower’ or a ‘rain tree.’ It is a sweet sounding and ancient name for a boy.

235. Spruce

The handsome name “Spruce” is suitable for a boy. It is a food and flower plant that grows in winter.

236. Sorrel

Sorrel is the name of a beautiful red flower of the Caribbean. It is a gender-neutral name, so you can also give it to your girls.

237. Stephanotis

Sounds different? It refers to the Hawaiian wedding flowers, which are tiny and white (25). Naming your boy “Stephanotis” can make him look unique.

238. Talasi

It refers to the “cornflower” in native American origin. If you are looking for a fresh name for your baby boy, then “Talasi” can be an appropriate choice.

239. Tarragon

It is inspired by the yellow blooming flowers. “Tarragon” means ‘aromatic.’ Your boy will spread his fragrance wherever he goes with this name.

240. Thistle

It represents graciousness and is inspired by a light purple flower. “Thistle” is a rare and pleasant choice for a boy. However, it can also be used for a girl.

241. Hawthorne

Hawthorne are small white and pink Hawthorn flowers from the Rosaceae family. “Hawthorne” is a positive name and suitable for a boy.

242. Hinata

In Japanese, “Hinata” means ‘sunflower.’ It is a unique choice for your boy.

243. Tsvetan

It refers to a ‘flower’ in Bulgarian. “Tsvetan” is the name of many legends from all over the world. For instance, “Tsvetan Dimitrov” is a Bulgarian footballer, and “Tsvetan Todorov” was a French-Bulgarian philosopher.

244. Vared

In Hebrew, “Vared” refers to ‘rose.’ If you want your boy to grow up and be gentle, you can choose this name for him.

245. Viburnum

It’s a flowering plant known to be evergreen. Your boy can gain its lovely characteristics if you name him “Viburnum.”

246. William

Surprised to see William on this list? Don’t be! William is also the name of a sweet flower.

247. Yarrow

Yarrow, the name of the strong and fragrant herb that blooms into a bright yellow flower is gender neutral, but it sounds better on boys.

248. Zahir

It is an Arabic origin name that refers to ‘blossoming.’ “Zahir” is a common name among Muslims and is an evergreen choice for a boy.

249. Zahur

In Urdu, “Zahur” means a ‘flower that smells lovely.’ It is also a variant of “Zahir.”

250. Zein

That’s a modern name for a boy that means ‘fragrant flower.’ If you want your son to spread his beautiful fragrance wherever he goes, then that’s the name.

Discover More Names

When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there any difference in the meanings between flower names of girls and boys?

Flower-inspired names can be both gender-specific and gender-neutral. For example, names, such as Rose, Lily, Jasmine, and Petunia, are usually used for girls, while boys can have names such as Aoi, Araj, Basil, Jared, and Oliver. However, names such as Poppy, Florent, Clover, Saffron, and Peregrine are gender-neutral options that may appeal to modern parents looking for distinctive and versatile choices.

2. What impact do flower names have on a child’s personality and identity?

Flowers generally symbolize beauty, colors, fragrance, freshness, and elegance. So, choosing any flower-inspired names for your baby boy or girl may help build these qualities in your child as they grow.

3. Why is it common to give flower names to girls and boys?

The trend of giving a flower-inspired name has been common practice because most parents think of their child as delicate and beautiful. Also, the love for nature can be the reason for the popularity of flower-inspired names.

4. What are the things to consider when giving my children flower names?

Consider choosing either gender-specific or gender-neutral names. Look for the alternate meaning of the name across different cultures and languages. Also, make sure the name is easy to pronounce and research for any good or bad history associated with the name.

5. What is the origin of giving flower names to girls and boys?

Different flowers grow in specific regions, or the same flower growing in other regions might have a different name. Therefore, flower-inspired names can originate in several regions, cultures, and languages. For instance, the name Lotus can also be called Pema (Tibetan origin), Kamal (Hindi), Kunal (Sanskrit), and Ren (Japanese).

Garance, Iris, Erica, Daisy, Elm, Jared, or Kastur? What is your favorite name for your precious little child? A child is synonym to a flower in many ways. They fill your life with the fragrance of their innocence and the beauty of their love. It is only fair to give this little bloom of your life a flower’s name. Match these names with the middle name and the last name and pick the one that sounds the best.

Infographic: Flower Names For Girls And Boys

Everyone adores flowers. They can make everything seem brighter and better. Taking inspiration from the same, we have listed a few names in the following infographic that might come in handy to you. So, give it a read and share it with other friends and family.

baby names inspired by flowers (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: Sweet And Sassy Flower Names For Girls And Boys

Flower Names For Girls And Boys_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Flower names have always been a popular choice for baby names. Want to give your baby a slightly more distinctive floral name? Watch this video.

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  1. Acacia
  2. Yellow colicroot
  3. A guide to bluebells in the UK
  4. Flowers in Greek mythology
  5. Spider flower Cleome hassleriana
  6. Daffodils
  7. 8 flora facts about dazzling Dahlias
  8. The mystical and mythical edelweiss
  9. The Feast of Saint Fleur of Beaulieu
  10. Flora
  11. The Age Of The Crusades
  12. Fun facts about Snowdrops
  13. Lobelia erinus
  14. Iris
  15. Juniper facts
  16. Soma Somā: 61 definitions
  17. A Dictionary Of Muslim Names
  18. Indivar: 1 definition
  19. Kamal Kamaḻ: 6 definitions
  20. Ketak: 2 definitions
  21. Mranal: 1 definition
  22. Narcissus
  23. Pallav: 4 definitions
  24. Saroj: 2 definitions
  25. Stephanotis floribunda
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Srija holds an MA in English Literature from the University of Calcutta and a PG Diploma in Editing and Publishing from Jadavpur University. Her interest in editing ranges across niches, including academics, human psychology, and child development.

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Angela is an honors student with a master's degree in Linguistics from The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in History from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi. Her combined interest in history and the science of language has taught her the skills to understand how language and its use have changed over time.

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