19 Top Baby Development Apps To Track Milestones

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Developmental milestones refer to the physical and behavioral skills that children display as they grow. Baby milestone apps can be extremely useful for new parents as they allow them to monitor their baby’s growth regularly. After the baby is born, parents need to be completely involved in their growth and development. To ensure their optimum growth and identify early signs of health issues, their milestones need to be monitored closely. Studies show that early intervention in developmental services leads to better outcomes for children (1).

A baby development app enables you to keep track of your baby’s growth and mark every milestone they achieve. It also helps you examine early signs of health concerns in the child. These baby milestone development apps focus on ease of use, features to track milestones, reliability, and expert reviews.

Keep scrolling as we tell you about some of the best baby development apps available online.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • Apps that track milestones help keep your baby’s development in check.
  • The CDC Milestone Tracker app recommends activities to help promote baby growth.
  • Baby Nursing, Glow, Babysparks, and many other similar apps are mentioned in this post.

19 Best Baby Development Apps

Developmental milestones help track a child’s growth. Reaching these milestones at the expected ages means normal development, while reaching them earlier suggests the child may be ahead of others their age (2). It’s time to stress a little less, as these baby development apps will help you track your baby’s major and minor details. The list below shares some of the best baby apps that are compatible with both Apple and Android devices.

Baby Development Apps For Tracking Physical Milestones

Certain apps help parents track physical milestones like rolling over, crawling, or walking, giving insights into their child’s growth. These apps often offer customizable features to monitor progress, spot any concerns, and provide age-appropriate tips for development. Here are some of them:

1. Kinedu

Kinedu, the baby milestones app
Image: Shutterstock

Available for free/Specific features only for premium members

Download: iOS and Android

Nervous about caring for newborns? Don’t be, as this app will guide you through activities best suited for your little one. You can avail personalized plans for your baby and access ‘how-to’ videos and live parenting sessions. It also gives you access to interactive play sessions created by experts. You can also record your baby’s milestones in it.

protip_icon Point to ponder
When new parents face tough times and sleepless nights, the apps facilitate a better understanding of the baby’s mental development, monitored against leaps and bounds.

2. Growth: Baby and Child Charts

Available for free/ Specific features only for premium members

Download: iOS

This app is specifically to track your child’s physical growth. Record your child’s measurements, such as height and weight, as it gives you a curve chart displaying your child’s growth over the years. It also gives you a BMI calculation, so you know that your child’s weight is within the healthy range. The chart is available in PDF form, so you can easily download it when required.

3. Baby Tracker

Baby tracker, baby milestone apps
Image: Shutterstock

Available for free/ Specific features only for premium members

Download: iOS and Android

This customizable app allows you to record every little detail of your baby. Log in your baby’s habits, such as feeding time, nap time, and playtime, to make it easy for their nanny and doctor to understand their diet and habits. You can keep track of your child’s height and weight over the years to ensure that your baby is growing as per normal standards. Its health feature allows you to record your child’s medical history pertaining to vaccines, medicines, etc.

4. Huckleberry

Available for free/ Specific features only for premium members

Download: iOS and Android

Doctors say that babies grow in their sleep. This app helps manage your child’s sleeping schedule. Log in their daily habits, and the app will give you a chart summarizing statistics. It has the provision to feed in details of multiple children, so you know you have details about all your children in a single app. It also has a feeding, medication, and nappy change tracker.

5. CDC Milestone Tracker

Available for free/ Specific features only for premium members

Download: iOS and Android

Milestones give an idea of your child’s health. Keep track of their milestones in this app to understand your child’s growth and progress. This app recommends activities to promote growth in babies. It gives a timely indication of any apparent problem and if you need to check up with your child’s doctor based on the logs you feed in.

Baby Development Apps For Monitoring Developmental And Behavioral Skills

These apps help parents track their child’s developmental and behavioral milestones. They monitor growth, from motor skills to language skills, offering insights that can support early intervention and healthy child development. Have a look!

6. The Wonder Weeks

Available for $5.99

Download: iOS and Android

For a first-time parent, understanding newborn care can be a tad confusing, especially when you have no idea why they are crying even after being fed and changed. This app guides you through the various stages a baby generally goes through, so you know how to tackle their changing habits. It also gives you tips and tricks to adapt to your baby’s changing behavior.

7. Babysparks

Babysparks, baby milestone apps
Image: Shutterstock

Available for free/ Specific features only for premium members

Download: iOS and Android

This app is designed to help you create a personalized play program for your infant. It comes with ten activities and demonstration videos regarding baby care. Each activity is targeted at developing certain skills such as gross motor development and retentive memory. This app has a tracker that helps record milestones, so you can closely monitor your child’s progress.

8. Playfully

Available for free/ Specific features only for premium members

Download: iOS and Android

As the name suggests, Playfully is one of the most entertaining baby game apps that recommends games based on your child’s age, health, and milestones. The games in this app help in the child’s mental and physical growth. The makers of this app believe that playing is an effective method to make a baby learn something. It has easy games that target specific skills that your child needs to develop. It also provides tips to make every activity easier. You can keep track of your child’s growth with data and pictures.

9. Owlet Dream

Download: iOS and Android

Owlet Dream Lab is a baby development app designed to help parents track and improve their baby’s sleep milestones. Targeted at babies aged four to 12 months, the app offers personalized sleep plans, video tutorials, and email support from Owlet’s certified sleep experts to support optimal sleep development for your baby.

Baby Development Apps For Feeding, Diaper Tracking, And Health Management

Baby development apps that track feeding, diaper changes, and health management are great tools for new parents. They make it easier to monitor growth, manage routines, and understand health patterns. Here are some you might find helpful:

10. Baby Connect

Available for $7.99

Download: iOS and Android

Are you looking for an app that allows you to store and record almost everything related to your little one? Here it is. It provides you with reports and charts to track your child’s progress and gives you notifications for medicines, vaccines or immunization, and so on. You can also store photos on this app. A single subscription gives multiple access so your spouse and child’s nanny can access the app anytime.

11. Hatch Baby

Available for free/ Specific features only for premium members

Download: iOS and Android

A baby entering your life means a ton of added chores. This app helps you keep track of everything your child needs, right from feedings to diaper changes and sleeping. It tracks and sends you reminders of almost everything and anything that has to do with your little munchkin.

protip_icon Did you know?
The apps help exhausted mothers handle every critical detail of their little ones. It makes new moms enjoy their motherhood.

12. Baby Nursing

Available for free/ Specific features only for premium members

Download: iOS and Android

Introducing an app that functions as a baby journal for you. You can write and keep detailed accounts of all significant events related to your baby, including their weekly food intake, and store photos and videos of their progress. Additionally, you can track your baby’s growth in height and weight over the weeks. You can easily sync this app with other users so they, too, can access your baby’s details when required. Back up of data is also available, so even if you change your phone, you can still have all the records.

13. Baby Daybook

Baby daybook, baby milestones app
Image: Shutterstock

Available for free/ Specific features only for premium members

Download: iOS and Android

This app provides a log for 20 activities: diaper change, breastfeeding, potty training, and so on. If needed, you can even create your own activity log in which you can record activity type with customized icon and title. You can also create a photo album to save some memorable images during your child’s growth period. The statistics you store creates a chart to give you a quick glimpse of your baby’s health update.

14. Glow Baby

Download: iOS and Android

Glow Baby is a parenting app designed to assist parents in tracking and managing various aspects of their baby’s life. It offers features such as baby feeding and diaper change tracking, sleep logging, and developmental milestone monitoring. With a user-friendly interface, Glow Baby helps parents stay organized and informed about their baby’s routines.

Baby Development Apps For Memory Tracking And Photo Journals

Baby development apps that track memory and allow photo journaling offer a unique way to capture milestones and special moments. These apps help create a digital memory book, tracking everything from first words to first steps while offering a visual record of your baby’s growth.

15. Tinybeans Family Album

Available for free/ Specific features only for premium members

Download: iOS and Android

Track your baby’s development in pictures. No, do not worry! This app is not a social media app but a private app where you can share pictures of your baby’s milestones only with those you want to share with. It comes with a calendar and chart view, so you get a quick glimpse of your child’s progress. You can even create a picture book of it.

16. Qeepsake: Journal & Milestones

Available for free/ Specific features only for premium members

Download: iOS and Android

Turn your baby’s special moments into memories by storing images in this app. Feed in all your baby’s firsts in the app, which can be accessed by anyone you want, enabling quick and easy sharing. Store journal entries about your child’s period of growth. You can also print a photo book out of the images you store in the app, which you can share with your baby when they grow up.

17. Time Hut

Download: iOS and Android

The Time Hut – Baby Album app is a useful tool for tracking your baby’s development milestones. It lets parents easily capture and organize photos, videos, and notes, creating a personalized album of their child’s growth. Features like milestone tracking, memory sharing, and storing important dates help parents cherish and keep track of their baby’s special moments.

Comprehensive Pregnancy And Baby Development Apps

Comprehensive pregnancy and baby development apps help you track milestones, monitor health, and support well-being during pregnancy and your baby’s early years. Here are a few worth exploring:

18. Glow

Glow, baby milestone apps
Image: Shutterstock

Available for free/ Specific features only for premium members

Download: iOS and Android

When looking after a baby, there will be many instances where you may not understand what to do. This app has a feature where you can connect with other parents and get some authentic parental guidance and answers to questions you have. It also gives you a detailed account of your baby’s milestones. The tracker feature notes your baby’s feeding, pooping, sleeping, and other habits, to help you monitor their growth.

19. Pregnancy Tracker – Babycenter

Download: iOS and Android

BabyCenter’s Pregnancy Tracker app is a go-to guide for expectant parents. You may enter your due date for personalized updates and week-by-week baby development info. The app offers expert-reviewed articles and helps track your baby’s growth with 3-D videos. It also provides access to parenting tools post-birth. Developed by medical experts, Pregnancy Tracker is a reliable resource for pregnant women. You may also join the supportive community, use helpful tools like the Ovulation Calculator, and make informed choices throughout your pregnancy journey.

How To Select The Right Baby Development App?

Choosing the right baby milestone app can be tricky, as it should match your child’s growth stage and needs. An appropriate baby milestone app is essential for tracking and supporting their development. Here’s a simple guide to help you choose the best one for your baby’s progress.

  • Age-appropriateness: Select an app that tracks milestones for your child’s age group, focusing on motor skills, language, cognitive, and social-emotional development.
  • User-friendly interface: Look for a user-friendly app with customizable features. For instance, Glow Baby offers a simple interface to track milestones without clutter.
  • Scientific backing: An ideal app is based on scientific research and expert advice for accuracy. The Wonder Weeks app, for instance, offers validated insights from child development experts.
  • Parent community and support: Some apps include a community feature where parents can share experiences and ask questions. For example, BabyCenter provides milestone tracking along with an active parent community to exchange advice and insights.

How Can Parents Use The Baby Development Apps To Track Milestones?

Baby milestone tracker apps are a helpful tool for tracking your child’s development. To make the most of these apps, it’s important to use them effectively. Here are some tips to get started.

  • Set realistic expectations: Every baby develops at their own pace; use the app as a guide and avoid stressing over exact timelines for milestones​.
  • Regularly update milestones: Input milestones to keep the information accurate and up to date to track growth over time​.
  • Review milestone suggestions: Many apps offer milestone recommendations based on your baby’s age. Check them often to know what’s coming next and track progress.
  • Share progress with caregivers: Most apps allow you to share milestones with family or healthcare providers, simplifying communication and ensuring appropriate growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What milestones should a one-month-old hit?

One-month-old milestones may include more alertness and response to human faces when you speak or hold them, jerky arm movements, hands kept as tight fists, strong reflex movements, eyes wandering and may cross occasionally, bringing hands close to eyes and mouth, side-to-side head movement when lying on stomach, unsupported head flops backward, preference for black-and-white or high-contrast patterns, and turning toward familiar sounds and voices (3).

2. How much is the BabySparks app?

The app is free for a few features, $29.99 annual charges for the basic package, and $95.99 for the premium subscription that includes all features.

3. Can baby milestone apps be customized to track specific milestones?

Most baby milestones apps offer the customization option where you can add or modify your child’s developmental journey. For example, you can add specific dates, milestones, and achievements of your baby. You can even add notes with photos that signify each milestone.

4. Are there any privacy concerns associated with using baby milestone apps?

Privacy is a major concern with mobile apps, especially when sharing sensitive information about your child. Exercise caution and choose apps with robust security measures and clear privacy policies. Before downloading an app, review user feedback and examine its reputation.

5. What are the benefits of using baby milestone apps?

Baby milestone apps provide useful benefits for parents who want to track their child’s development. They make it easy to record and monitor growth, physical skills, and cognitive progress over time. Many apps include standard timelines based on pediatric research, helping parents know when to expect certain skills. They also allow parents to share information with healthcare providers, which can help identify developmental delays early. Additionally, these apps often include personalized tips and activities to support a child’s growth.

Baby milestone apps help parents and caregivers follow their baby’s growth and development. These apps can also be used for toddlers. This may help identify developmental delays. Kinedu, the wonder weeks, baby sparks, baby connect, hatch baby, playfully, and baby tracker are popular apps to track developmental milestones in babies. Although there is an average time for developing each milestone, there can be slight changes between babies. Some may achieve milestones a bit later or earlier than their peers. However, you may seek pediatric advice for noticeable delays.

Infographic: Baby Development Apps To Track Milestones

Although some babies achieve milestones sooner or later than others, keeping track of them is essential to rule out any developmental delays and ensure proper overall growth. Check out the below infographic for some helpful apps that help track your baby’s progress.

apps to track your little ones progress (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: Top Baby Development Apps To Track Milestones

baby milestone apps_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. Developmental Milestones Record.
  2. Module 2: Why understanding developmental milestones is important?
  3. Developmental Milestones: 1 Month.
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Aleksei Pichukov
Aleksei PichukovTechnology expert
Aleksei Pichukov is a software developer with 15 years of experience. For the past 12 years, he has been focusing on mobile development, working with startups as well as large financial institutions. Currently, Aleksei is working as a technical product owner at Raiffeisen Bank International, where he is responsible for ensuring the technical harmony of multiple mobile application projects.

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Shivali Karande
Shivali KarandeBPharm, MBA
Shivali holds a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy and a master’s in management from Chetana's R.K Institute of Management and Research Mumbai. After working for nearly five years in the market research sector, she discovered her passion for writing and started freelancing in 2020.

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Rohit Garoo
Rohit GarooBSc, MBA
Rohit Garoo is a writer-turned-editor with over 9 years of experience in content writing, editing, and content marketing. He did his bachelors in Science at St. Xavier's College, Hyderabad, and masters in Business Administration at Osmania University.

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Vidya Tadapatri
Vidya TadapatriMSc (Biotechnology)
Vidya did her post-graduation in Biotechnology from Osmania University, Hyderabad. Her interest in scientific research and writing made her pursue a career in writing, in which she now has over five years of experience. She has done certified biotechnology-related training programs under renowned organizations such as Centre For Cellular & Molecular Biology and Department of Biotechnology.

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