16 Strong And Powerful Prayers For Teenagers' Well-Being

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It is not easy for parents as their children enter their teenage years. Everything gets challenging as you have to mold them into good individuals. Reciting prayers for teenagers can help you invoke God’s blessings upon them and help them navigate a crucial stage in their lives. With the Almighty’s blessings, they can choose promising careers and good friends and make good decisions. Prayers can also give you peace of mind as you help your children navigate adolescence. Engaging in prayer can have benefits similar to meditation, such as helping calm the nervous system, managing negative emotions effectively, and reducing anger. Amy Wachholtz, an associate professor and director of clinical health psychology at the University of Colorado Denver explains, “It lets you put down your burden mentally for a bit and rest (1).”

We have come up with some original prayers for teenagers, suitable for various occasions and situations. So, keep scrolling for some thoughtful prayers and benedictions curated for your teenagers’ health and mental state.

In This Article

16 Powerful Prayers For Teenagers’ Well-Being

These supplications for teenagers are powerful ways to communicate with the higher power and receive guidance in life.

Don Longworth, a Christian missionary and blogger, shares why he thinks children need a close connection with God through prayers. Longworth says, “I’ve been on a personal journey of discovering the incredible power of prayer. For most of my life, though, prayer seemed ridiculously boring, powerless, and mundane.

“The reason I’m pondering this is because I don’t want my children to grow up with the same distaste for prayer. I want to empower them with it early on. Looking back, I think it would have helped to have a true spirit-filled prayer warrior take us, youngsters, under his/her wing and teach us to pray with faith and power that shakes hell (i).”

So scroll through for some inspiring and encouraging words of prayer for teens that can instill an innate strength to face any challenging situation.

Morning Prayers For Teenagers’ Well-Being

  1. Lord, let my teenager follow in Your footsteps today so that each step brings him/her closer to You. Protect them from careless thoughts, words, and actions. Keep their hearts pure and full of love. Help them remember that this day is a gift to them from You and teach them to revel in the joy You have given them. Let them spend the day in happiness and bliss. Let them guide others to walk on the path of righteousness and truth just as You have taught them.
Morning prayer for teenagers
Image: iStock
  1. Lord, I thank You for the teenager You have sent my way. He/she is the best gift You could have given me. Ever since he/she was a little child, he/she has given me only joy as You intended. Let him/her grow to their full potential. Give me the strength to assist them in the path. May this day be full of light and laughter for my teenager. Just as You have given me only joy all these years, gift my teen a joyful day as well. May she/he remain grateful all their life.
protip_icon Quick tip
Children learn from what their parents do rather than what they say. So make praying a habit for yourself to inculcate it in your teen.
  1. Father, my teen, knows that You are his/her personal savior and that You are always watching over him/her. I pray to You to give him/her the grace and knowledge to accept the love of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. May he/she be mature enough to handle the challenges the evil world throws at him/her. Protect him/her from all the malevolent forces in the world and give her the strength to turn to You even when the whole world is against him/her. With Your guidance, my teenager will be able to sail through life with success and strength.

Bedtime Prayers For Teenagers’ Well-Being

  1. Oh Lord, I thank You for giving my teenager a good day. May he/she be grateful for the food You put on our plates, the roof over our heads, and the comfort You provide when we are in trouble. Sometimes, life might be confusing for my teen. Please help him/her in such troubling times and let them overcome all odds. Thank You for today, and thank You for tomorrow. Thank You for all the relatives and friends You have given us. Without Your generous gifts, we would have been lost.
Prayers for teenagers
Image: iStock
  1. Dear Lord, if my teenager has not followed Your wishes and not fulfilled Your promises, please forgive him/her. Give him/her the strength to get up and follow Your wishes tomorrow. According to Your wishes, all will be well. Let no one talk him/her out of following his/her spirituality. They should learn to put their foot down and explain to everyone that Your word is gospel and it should be followed at any cost. When they follow Your word and fulfill Your wishes, they live the life that they deserve. Amen.
  2. Holy Father, thank You for teaching my teen to revere You. Revering You is the seed of true knowledge. Teach him/her wisdom and let them be disciplined in all walks of life. Let them excel in studies and their relationships with others now and in the future. Help them do what is right and never let them go astray. Give them insight and the power to discern right and wrong. Help them listen to the corrections and instructions of those with more experience. With all this only, Your gift to me will be able to live a happy life as You decreed for Your followers.

Prayers For Teenagers In Trouble

  1. Heavenly Father, my teenager is struggling with some problems and temptations right now. Though he/she knows right from wrong, his/her mind is weak, and it wants them to take the incorrect decisions which will land him/her in more trouble. Give him/her the strength and discipline to do right by Your Word. Help them overcome temptation and avoid sin. Let them not indulge in any activity that will dishonor his/her name.
Prayers for teenagers in trouble
Image: iStock
  1. Dear Lord, my teenager indulged in some hurtful activities on social media. He/she passed some sarcastic comments on other people and hurt them with his/her words. Just as sharp words spoken in person hurt, sarcastic online comments also hurt. Please consider my entreaties and extend your mercy and guidance to them. Forgive them for their error and help them see the light.
protip_icon Point to consider
Teenage can be a time of emotional turmoil for most children. So, prayer can help your teen remain hopeful and make them stronger to face challenges.
  1. Forgive my teenage son/daughter for their wrongdoings. Help them to know that you are always with them. Guide, direct, and comfort them. Sow the seed of faith in their heart and let them follow Your Word. With Your guidance, let their life be full of light and fruit.

Daily Prayers For Teens

  1. Dear Lord, as we start another day with Your blessings, please let my children’s lives be filled with Your kind spirit. Let them spread joy and positivity wherever they go. May peace and goodness follow them everywhere today. Teach them to become more like You and worship You in all they do. Let them remember You are in everything they see and do. Thank You for always walking ahead of us. You are our Protector and Savior.
Daily prayers for teenagers
Image: iStock
  1. Dear God, thank You for Your infinite power over our lives. Your work, blessings, and sacrifices are what make us what we are today. Thank You for looking after us and caring for us. Thank You for letting Your angels watch over us so that we don’t get distracted by the evil power of the Devil. You are our guiding force, and Your blessing is what makes our day great. Thank You for sacrificing Yourself at the altar of selfishness and greed so that we may live good lives. We are indebted to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
protip_icon Quick fact
Engaging in prayer daily for 12 minutes impacts the brain profoundly, subdues negative emotions and gives a heightened sense of compassion (2).
  1. Holy Father, I don’t know who or what will cross my child’s path today. Yet I am not worried, for I know that Your watchful eyes will always be on us and protect us from harm. You are our Rock, our Fortress, our Shield, and our Strong Tower. Anchor Your blessings to my teen today so that they can stand strong in the face of adverse circumstances and come out stronger than before. Fill their hearts with the power of kindness and peace so that they can spread it to all they meet. I ask that you hear my intercessions and bless my child abundantly today and always. Thank You for Your unwavering love and protection. Amen.

Prayers For Helping Teens In Daily Life

Prayers for helping teens in daily life
Image: iStock
  1. Heavenly Father, give my teenager the power of discernment so they do not blindly follow the crowd. When he/she is enticed by their friends to do something morally wrong, give them the strength to stand up for what’s right even if their friends are making bad choices. Teach him/her that hurting others or harming themselves is wrong. Let them be courageous to walk on Your path of justice and fairness. Help them keep away from the path of destruction. Only with Your guiding light will they overcome the temptations others offer them.
  2. Dear Lord, my teen has to make different decisions. You have given them the ability to make wise decisions, and they need Your guidance to make the right decision every time. Your Holy Spirit has the wisdom to make them understand the knowledge to make a decision. Let them always keep the bigger picture in mind and not make hasty decisions seeing only the smaller things. Help them learn from their past mistakes and experiences. Teach them not to procrastinate and seek wisdom from books, knowledgeable elders, and You when confused.
  3. Lord, You have always been my teenager’s friend and have held his hand when he/she needed someone to support them. But now I ask You to give him/her earthly friends who will share their interests and values. They can be supportive of each other in their lives. Please grant my teenager friends who encourage and motivate him/her. Let these friends walk with my child on the path of righteousness, and may they not lead them astray. Let my teenager be a good friend to them by being their pillar of strength in their time of need.

Prayer For Helping Teens Gain More Strength

  1. Dear Lord, I place my teen in your holy hands. They are going through a new phase they have never experienced before and may be confused and lost. They may feel sad and dejected. But under your guidance, I know they will never feel lonely and depressed. I pray to you, dear Lord, to give them the strength to overcome self-doubt. Give them the strength to say “no” to temptation and always stick to the right path even when it’s tough. Bless them with the sight of your light at the end of their dark tunnel of failure. Give them the fortitude to stand up even after every setback. May my teen always walk in your divine light and never fall astray.

How Do Prayers Help Teenagers?

Prayer helps teenagers by supporting their emotional, mental, and spiritual needs.

  1. Comforts emotionally: Prayer provides a safe space for teenagers to express their fears, hopes, and concerns, offering reassurance and peace during difficult or uncertain times.
  2. Reduces stress and anxiety: Like meditation, prayer can help teenagers relax by redirecting their focus from challenges, easing stress and anxiety, and fostering calmness (1).
  3. Builds self-confidence: By encouraging positive thoughts and hope, prayer strengthens teenager’s belief in themselves, giving them the confidence to face obstacles with resilience.
  4. Encourages self-reflection and growth: Prayer helps teenagers engage in self-reflection, enabling them to evaluate their choices, actions, and values, promoting personal and moral development.
  5. Strengthens resilience: Prayer offers teenagers strength and hope during difficult moments, empowering them to remain determined and overcome hardships (3).
  6. Improves relationships: By fostering empathy and compassion, prayer helps teenagers develop stronger relationships and a deeper sense of community.
  7. Cultivates gratitude: Prayer encourages teens to reflect on the good in their lives, promoting appreciation and enhancing their overall well-being through a positive outlook (4).

Illustration: Strong And Powerful Prayers For Teenagers

prayers for teenagers_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I help my teenager to pray?

Firstly, discuss the benefits of praying with your teen. Then, you may motivate them to pray by modeling praying, choosing age-appropriate orisons, asking them to repeat after you, helping them overcome timidness, and being supportive of their concerns and willingness to pray.

2. Why is prayer important for youth?

Prayer is the ultimate way for believers to connect with God. It helps them converse their feelings and comprehend solutions to their problems. It also aids them start their day positively and end their day in gratitude. Therefore, encourage your teenager to pray. You may also introduce them to Bible verses for teens and make them recite them when praying.

3. How can prayer help teenagers develop compassion and empathy for others?

Prayer can help teenagers care more about others by giving them quiet time to think about their values, be thankful, and ask for help. This can make them understand and care about others’ well-being and become more kind and empathetic.

4. Are there any prayers that can help teenagers cope with stress or anxiety?

Yes, some prayers can help teenagers cope with stress and anxiety. They can pray for peace, calmness, and strength during challenging times. They can also ask for guidance and support in managing stress and finding inner resilience.

5. Are any specific resources or guidance available for parents or mentors to support teenagers in their prayer practices?

To help teenagers become more involved and serious about their faith, parents need to join them on their faith journey. Parents can join a group specifically for parents of teenagers to learn how to support their teens’ spiritual growth. They can use resources to practice and discuss their faith at home, like praying together as a family and talking about faith-related topics. Parents and teenagers studying together in a faith education program can be beneficial too. Support groups and resources are available for parents with concerns about family and raising children. Lastly, parents should remember to spend quality time with their kids, simply hanging out and building strong relationships.

6. How can prayer help teenagers with academic challenges?

Prayers can help teenagers feel calm and focused when they feel pressured or anxious and make them study better. Through prayer, they can seek wisdom and understanding and ask God to motivate them to study and overcome academic challenges.

Praying helps one gain spiritual confidence. With these prayers for teenagers, you can help your child develop a sense of religiousness and spirituality. Praying can also help them stay down-to-earth, calm, and focused on their goals. Along with praying, you can also teach meditation for teens. Further, teaching your children the importance of praying daily from an early age will help them include it in their daily routine and maintain it in the future. However, you should try not to force your child to pray but encourage them and lead by example to help them develop this habit.

Infographic: Bible Scriptural References For Welfare Prayers

Bible teaches us the right way to live our lives. Spending a little time in God’s presence, reading scripture, and praying before we start our day or go to bed can give us the energy and courage to get through it. Look at the infographic below to learn some powerful verses to help you learn how to pray.

bible verses regarding prayers for a healthy life (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Praying is one of the most common ways spiritual parents connect with God to wish for their children’s health and happiness.
  • It can have a therapeutic effect on one’s mind, helping them relax and destress, submitting their worries and fears to God’s grace.
  • When parents pray for teenagers, they wish God to grant them good judgment, wisdom, compassion, and forgiveness.
  • Parents can also teach their kids and teens to pray alongside them to help them become calmer and spiritually inclined.
  • Prayers for teenagers are a powerful way to connect with divine energy and find peace and fulfillment.

A prayer for your teen’s faith can help them stay strong in their beliefs and nurture deep faith. Join us as we explore how to pray for your teen’s spiritual growth.

Personal Experience: Source


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. The Science of Prayer
  2. How Faith and Prayer Benefit the Brain.
  3. Associations between Prayer and Mental Health among Christian Youth in the Philippines
  4. Adolescents Mental Health and the Benefits of Private Religious Worship
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Emily Louis
Emily LouisWorthiness coach
Emily is a worthiness coach, helping Christians break free from the cycle of performance and embrace their God-given identity with confidence. As a coach and host of the Abundant Grace podcast, Emily empowers Christians to let go of the need to prove themselves, instead encouraging them to rest in their God-given identity and confidently embrace their true selves.

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Nisha Bharatan is a writer with six years of experience. After completing her engineering from Savitribai Phule Pune University, she did content marketing courses to complement her interest in writing. Nisha discovered her passion for writing in 2016 when she started documenting her journey into motherhood.

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Harshita MakvanaB.Com, PG Dip
Harshita is a graduate in commerce and holds a PG Diploma in Patent and Copyrights Law from NALSAR University. She has also pursued CA and has more than three years of internship experience in auditing. Her love for travelling has taken her to various parts of the world, and writing the travelogues was what brought out her love for content writing.

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