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Congratulations on giving birth to a cute baby boy!! To help you select the best name for your little prince, we have put together a list of the most popular baby boy names. Finding the right name for your little ray of sunshine is important because that is the most important aspect of his life, and his name has to match his attributes. Taking opinions from friends, and family, searching the web, reading scores of books, all of this can be too much work. Do not fret. Dive into this post, scroll through the names given in this post, and choose the one you feel will resonate with your baby’s traits and personality the most.
Key Pointers
- Choosing a suitable name for your baby boy is an important decision.
- Noah, Thomas, James, and Anthony are popular baby boy names in the US.
- You may also consider unique baby boy names like Khari, Justus, Konor, and Zander.
- Make sure you choose a name that is easy to pronounce and goes well with the surname.
List Of Top 1000 Baby Boy Names
Both the parents need to brainstorm on the names they shortlist so it becomes easier to make a final decision.
Becky, a mother and radiologist, shares how she and her husband, Dereck, came up with the name Liam as the perfect name for her son. She says, “Dereck had always wanted William, it was both his middle name and his grandfather’s name. I wasn’t too sure of William at first because it was such a popular name, and had friends who had named their boys William already, but also understood it was a family name. I did love the name Liam though, so Dereck and I were able to come to an agreement that if we had a boy his official name was going to be William, but we would call him Liam (i).”
Let us find more popular names for boys here.
- NamePronunciationMeaning
- LiamStrong-willed warrior; Protector; Guardian; My nation; My people
- Noah Rest; Comfort
- William Will; Protector
- James Supplanter
- Oliver Olive; Olive tree planter; Ancestor’s descendant; All cautious
- Benjamin Son of the right hand; Son of the south
- Elijah Yahweh is my God
- Lucas Bringer of light; From Lucania; Light
- Mason Stone worker
- Logan Little hollow
- Alexander Defender of mankind
- Ethan Enduring; Firm; Strong
- Jacob May God protect; Holder of the heel; Supplanter
- Michael Who is like God?
- Daniel God is my judge
- Henry Home ruler
- Jackson Son of Jack
- Sebastian From Sebaste; Venerable; Exalted
- Aiden Little fire
- Matthew God’s gift
- Samuel Name of God; God has heard
- David Beloved; Uncle
- Joseph He will add; Praise
- Carter Tourist; Sojourner; Son of Carter; One who uses a cart
- Owen Well-born; Noble birth; Born from the yew tree
- Wyatt Brave at war; War strength
- John God is gracious
- Jack God is gracious; Healthy; Supplanter
- Luke Bringer of light; From Lucania; Light
- Jayden God will judge; Thankful
- Dylan To tide; To flow
- Grayson Son of a gray-haired person
- Levi Joined; Attached; He will join
- Isaac He will laugh; He will rejoice; Laughter
- Gabriel God is my strength
- Julian Youthful; Bright; Juvenile; Downy-bearded
- Mateo God’s gift
- Anthony Flower
- Jaxon Son of Jack; God is gracious
- Lincoln Pool or lake colony
- Joshua God is salvation
- Christopher Bearer of Christ; One who carries Christ
- Andrew Man; Manly; Brave; Strength; Warrior
- Theodore God’s gift
- Caleb Dog; Brave; Devoted to God; Whole-hearted
- Ryan Little king
- Asher Happy; Blessed; Someone who lived by an ash tree or ash grove
- Nathan Gift of God; God has given; He gave
- Thomas Twin
- Leo Lion
- Charles Free man
- Josiah Jehovah supports
- Hudson Son of Hudde; Mind; Thought; Spirit
- Christian A Christian; Follower of Jesus Christ
- Hunter A Hunter; Pursuer
- Connor Lover of wolves; Hunter; Desiring wolves
- Eli Ascension; My God; My God is an oath; Torch
- Ezra Help
- Aaron Exalted; High mountain
- Landon Long hill
- Adrian Man from Hadria
- Jonathan Gift of God
- Nolan Champion; Famous; Loud; Descendant of Nuallán
- Jeremiah Yahweh will exalt
- Easton From the east town
- Elias My God is Yahweh
- Colton From a coal town
- Cameron One with the crooked nose
- Carson Son of marsh dwellers; Descendant of Carra
- Robert Bright fame; Shining glory; Bright in counsel
- Angel A messenger
- Maverick Independent person who avoids conformity
- Nicholas People’s victory
- Dominic Belonging to God
- Jaxson Son of Jack
- Adam Son of the Earth; Formed of earth; Red; One from the soil
- Ian Yahweh is gracious
- Austin Grand; Majestic; To grow
- Santiago Saint James; Holder of the heel; Supplanter
- Jordan To descend; To flow down
- Cooper Barrel builder
- Brayden Broad valley; Wise; Brave; Descendant of Bradán; Salmon
- Roman From Rome
- Evan Yahweh is gracious; God is gracious; Youth; Born from the yew tree
- Ezekiel God will strengthen
- Jose God will give; He will add
- Jace Healer; To heal
- Jameson Son of James; Supplanter
- Leonardo Brave lion; Hard; Brave; Hardy
- Bryson Freckled; Son of Brice; Speckled man’s son
- Axel Father is peace
- Everett Brave boar
- Parker Keeper of the park
- Kayden Fighter; Companion
- Miles Gracious; Merciful; Soldier
- Jason To heal; Healer
- Declan Full of goodness
- Micah Who is like Yahweh?
- Ayden Little fire
- Luca Bringer of light; From Lucania; Light
- Damian Master; To tame; Divine power
- Zachary Yahweh has remembered; To remember
- Silas Of the forest; Of the woods; Asked for; Prayed for
- Gavin Son of the smith; White hawk; Hawk field
- Chase To hunt; Capture; Huntsmen; Chase
- Kai Sea; Keeper of the keys; Shell; Pier; From the sea
- Emmett Truth; Universal; Whole; Great
- Harrison House ruler; Son of Harry
- Nathaniel Gift of God; God has given
- Kingston King’s town; Farmstead estate
- Cole Charcoal; Victory of the people
- Tyler The tile maker
- Bennett Blessed
- Bentley Bent grass clearing; Bent grass woodland
- Ryker Rich; Wealthy; Ruler
- Tristan Sad; Melancholy
- Brandon Prince; Chieftain; Gorse hill; Hill covered with broom
- Kevin Handsome by birth; Gentle; Lovable; Fair; Peace
- Luis Famous in battle
- George Farmer; Earth worker
- Ashton Ash tree town; From the ash tree farm
- Rowan Red-haired; Little redhead; Descendant of Ruadhán; River in paradise
- Braxton Bracca’s settlement
- Ryder Mounted warrior; Knight; Messenger
- Gael My father is joy
- Ivan Yahweh is gracious
- Diego Teacher; Saint; Supplanter
- Maxwell Dweller by the great stream
- Max The greatest
- Carlos Free man; Army
- Kaiden Loving companion; From the wetlands; Warrior
- Juan God is gracious; God is merciful; Yahweh is gracious
- Maddox Son of Madoc; Fortunate
- Justin Fair; Just
- Calvin Bald
- Giovanni God is gracious
- Jonah Dove; Peaceful
- Abel Breath; Vapor; Son; Noble; Strength; Fortitude
- Jayce Healer; To cure
- Jesus The Christian God; To save; Yahweh is salvation
- Amir Ruler; Prince; Commander
- King Monarch; Ruler
- Beau Beautiful; Handsome
- Camden Enclosed valley
- Alex To defend; To protect
- Jasper One who brings treasure; Treasurer
- Malachi My angel; Messenger of God
- Brody Broad eye; Broad island; Ditch; Fort; Fortification; Muddy area
- Jude Praised; Minor ruler; Prince; Jew
- Blake Pale
- Emmanuel God is with us
- Eric Eternal ruler
- Brooks Stream; One who lived near a brook or stream
- Elliot My God is Yahweh
- Antonio Priceless
- Abraham Father of multitudes; Father of nations; High father; Crossing; Passage
- Timothy Honoring God
- Finn White; Blessed; Sámi people from Finland
- Rhett Advice; Counsel; Ardent; Fiery
- Elliott The Lord is my God
- Edward Rich guard
- August Respected; Esteemed; Venerable; Exalted
- Alan Handsome; Little rock
- Dean Valley; Leader
- Lorenzo From Laurentum; Laurel
- Bryce Freckled; Strength; Swift; Speckled
- Karter Transporter of goods by carts; One who uses a cart
- Victor Winner or conqueror
- Milo Soldier; Peaceful; Favored
- Miguel Who is like God
- Hayden Hay hill
- Graham Gravelly homestead
- Grant Large; Tall; Big; Great
- Jesse God exists; Gift
- Joel Yahweh is god
- Richard Brave ruler; Mighty king; Firm ruler
- Patrick Nobleman
- Emiliano Rival; Industrious
- Avery Ruler of elves; Elf counsel
- Nicolas Victory of the people
- Brantley Fire; Steep meadow
- Dawson Son of David; Beloved; Uncle
- Myles Peaceful; Gracious; Soldier; Mill
- Matteo God’s gift
- River Someone who is like a river
- Steven Crown; Wreath; Renowned
- Thiago Supplanter
- Zane Yahweh is gracious; Lily
- Matias Gift of Yahweh
- Judah Praise; To be praised; Thanksgiving
- Messiah Savior; Anointed
- Jeremy Exalted by the Lord
- Preston One who is from the priest’s settlement or town
- Oscar God’s spear; Friend of deer
- Kaleb Devotion to God; Faithfulness; Bold; Whole; Heart
- Alejandro Defender of mankind
- Marcus Warlike; Dedicated to Mars
- Mark Mars; God of war; Male; Warlike; Hammer; Defender
- Peter Rock; Stone
- Maximus Greatest; Supreme; Maximum; Eldest
- Barrett Strong as a bear; Quarrelsome
- Jax Son of Jack; God has been gracious
- Andres Manly; Valiant
- Holden Hollow valley
- Legend Story; Myth; To read; A very famous person
- Charlie Free man; Army
- Knox Round hill; A hillock; Hump
- Kaden Fighter; Battler
- Paxton Peaceful town
- Kyrie Lord; Master
- Kyle Narrows; Channel; Strait
- Griffin Lord; Prince
- Josue God is my salvation
- Josué Yahweh is my salvation; God is my salvation
- Kenneth Handsome; Comely; Respect
- Beckett Beehive; Stream
- Enzo Ruler of an estate or a house; Victorious
- Adriel Flock of God
- Arthur Bear king; Bear
- Felix Blessed with good fortune; Succesful
- Bryan Strong; Noble; High; Hill
- Lukas Illumination; Light
- Paul One who is humble and small
- Brian High; Power; Hill
- Colt Young male horse; Horsekeeper
- Caden Son or descendant of Cadán; Strength; Battle spirit; Warrior
- Leon Lion
- Archer Bowman
- Omar Flourishing; Long-lived; Wealthy; Famous; Eloquent; Gifted
- Aidan Little fire
- Theo Gift of God; God; Folk; People
- Javier The new house
- Remington Settlement by the Riming stream
- Jaden God has heard; Thankful; He will judge
- Bradley A broad clearing or field
- Emilio Rival; Eager
- Colin Victory of the people; Whelp; Young dog
- Riley Clearing of rye; Valiant
- Cayden War; Fighter; Son of Cadáin
- Phoenix A bird that gets reborn from ashes; Dark red; Excellent person
- Clayton Clay settlement
- Simon Hearing; Listening; Flat-nosed
- Ace Highest rank; One; Defending men
- Nash At the ash tree; Cliff
- Rafael God has healed
- Brady Spirited; Descendant of Brádach
- Jorge Farmer; Earthworker
- Jake Holder of the heel; Supplanter; Yahweh is gracious
- Louis Famous warrior
- Damien Master; To tame; Divine power
- Karson Son of marsh-dwellers
- Maximiliano Greatest; Supreme; Maximum; Eldest
- Amari Promised by God; Courage; Moon; Gracious; Immortal; Surplus; Long-lived
- Sean Yahweh is gracious
- Chance The one who has good fortune; Lucky
- Martin The god of war; Mars; Dedicated to Mars; Warlike; Male
- Finley Fair hero; White Warrior
- Andre Strong; Manly
- Tobias Yahweh is good
- Cash Money; Money box
- Corbin Raven; Person with dark hair
- Arlo Fortified hill; Between two highlands
- Erick Eternal ruler; Powerful ruler
- Emerson Son of Emery; Great ruler; Brave; Vigorous; Unceasing
- Gunner Army warrior
- Cody The son of Oda; Descendant of the helpful one
- Stephen Crown; Wreath; Fame; Honor; Reward
- Francisco Frenchman; Franks; Someone who is free
- Killian Little church; War; Strife; Bright-headed; Little warrior; Monk’s cell; Fiery; Strife
- Dallas From valley meadows; Valley house
- Reid Red-haired
- Manuel God is with us
- Lane Narrow lane; Path; Meadow
- Atlas To endure; Bearer of the heavens
- Rylan A meadow on an island; Little king
- Jensen Son of Jens; God is merciful; God is Gracious
- Ronan Little seal; A pledge; An oath
- Beckham Becca’s homestead
- Daxton Name of a town in France; Leader
- Anderson Son of Andrew
- Kameron Crooked nose
- Raymond Counseling protector; Advice; Decision
- Orion Light of the heavens; Boundary; Dawn
- Cristian Christian; Followers of Christ
- Tanner To tan; Prepare leather by tanning; Fir tree; Pine tree
- Kyler Archer; Narrows; Channel; Strait; Victory of the people; Hole
- Jett Jet aircraft; Intense black color
- Cohen One who performs sacred rituals; Priest
- Ricardo Powerful ruler
- Spencer Dispenser of provisions
- Gideon Great warrior; feller; hewer
- Ali Elevated; High; Superior; Noble; Champion
- Fernando Adventurous; Bold journey
- Jaiden Thankful one; God will judge
- Titus Title of honor; Strong
- Travis To cross over
- Bodhi One who is awakened and enlightened
- Eduardo Rich guard
- Dante Steadfast; Enduring
- Ellis My God is Yahweh
- Prince Royal descendant
- Kane Son of Cathán; Warrior; Battle; Barnacle goose
- Luka From Lucania; Light
- Kash Box-maker; Wealth
- Hendrix Home ruler
- Desmond One from South Munster
- Donovan Brown-haired chieftain; Dark
- Mario Warlike; Mars; Male
- Atticus From Attica; Athenian; Rugged coast
- Cruz Cross; Crucifix
- Garrett Spear; Little spear; Strength of the spear; Warrior
- Hector To check; To have; To hold; To restrain; Brown horse
- Angelo Messenger; Angel
- Jeffrey Pledge of peace
- Edwin Rich friend
- Cesar Long-haired; Head of hair; Emperor
- Zayn Beauty; Grace; Handsome; Excellent; Adornment
- Conor Lover of wolves; Hunter; Desiring wolves
- Odin Inspiration; Frenzy; Rage
- Romeo From Rome; Roman; Bright; Clear
- Julius Downy-bearded; Jove’s child; Devoted to Jove
- Jaylen Tranquil; Blue-crested bird
- Hayes Fence; Enclosure; Fire; Descendant of Aodh;
- Kayson Enclosure; Yard; Town
- Muhammad Praiseworthy; Praised one; Praise; Commendable
- Jaxton Son of Jack; God is gracious
- Joaquin Raised by Yahweh; Yahweh will establish
- Caiden Strength; Battle spirit; Gentle
- Dakota Allies; Friends
- Major Council spear
- Keegan Son of Aodhagán; Son of Fire
- Sergio Protector; Servant; Soldier
- Marshall Horse-keeper; Master of horses; Stable boy; Keeper; Servant; Military chief commander
- Johnny God is gracious
- Kade From the wetlands; Round; Sturdy
- Edgar Prosperous spear
- Leonel Lion
- Marco Dedicated to Mars; Roman God of war; Warlike
- Tyson High spirited; Firebrand; Son of Tyson
- Collin Victory of the people; Cub; Whelp
- Troy A foot-soldier; Curly haired
- Nasir Helper; Protector of religion; Defender of the faith; Friend; The one who gives victory
- Conner Desiring wolf; Inspector
- Adonis Lord; Master; Beautiful young man
- Jared He who descended; Rose; One who rules
- Rory Red king; Joyful
- Andy Manlike; Brave
- Jase Healer; The Lord is salvation
- Lennox Place of elms
- Shane God is gracious
- Malik King; Wave; Sea
- Ari Lion; Eagle; Brave; Most holy; Sun-like; Visible; Generous; Chief; Superior
- Reed The one with red hair or complexion
- Seth Appointed; Placed
- Clark Clerk; Priest; Scribe
- Erik Eternal ruler
- Lawson Son of Lawrence
- Trevor From the large village; Crossing; Cautious
- Gage Pledge; Measure
- Nico Victory of the people
- Malakai My messenger; My angel
- Quinn Wisdom; Reason; Chief; Descendant of Conn
- Cade Battle; Spirit of the battle; Sturdy; Round
- Johnathan God has given; Gift of God
- Sullivan One-eyed; Having dark eyes
- Solomon Peace
- Cyrus Sun; Lord; Young; Hero
- Fabian Bean farmer
- Pedro Rock; Stone
- Frank Free person; Open-hearted; Germanic tribe
- Shawn Yahweh is gracious; God is gracious
- Malcolm A devotee of St. Columba
- Khalil Friend; Companion; Trustworthy
- Nehemiah God comforts; Yahweh comforts
- Dalton Settlement in valley
- Mathias God’s gift
- Jay Victory; Jaybird
- Ibrahim Father of many
- Peyton Fighting man’s estate; Warrior’s town
- Kason An enclosure for calves; Calf town; Fruit; Village; Mist
- Zayne God is gracious; Grace; Beauty
- Noel Christmas
- Princeton Prince town
- Matthias God’s gift
- Gregory Alert; Watchful; Swift; Quick
- Sterling Excellent; Little star
- Dominick Belonging to God
- Elian My God is Yahweh; My God is an oath; God is my strength; Light
- Grady Noble; Renowned; Illustrious
- Russell A little red one; Red-haired
- Finnegan Fair-haired; Little white one
- Ruben Behold, a son
- Gianni God is gracious
- Porter One who guards the gates
- Kendrick Royal ruler; Bold Power; Chief hero; Greatest champion
- Leland Fallow land
- Pablo Small; Humble
- Allen Handsome; Little rock
- Hugo Mind; Spirit; Thought
- Raiden Thunder; Lightning; God spirit
- Kolton Cola’s town; Charcoal town
- Remy Oarsman; Rower; Cure
- Ezequiel God will strengthen
- Damon To tame; Agile
- Emanuel God is with us
- Otto Fortune; Prosperity; Glorious wealth
- Bowen Son of Owen; Noble; Victorious
- Marcos Warlike; Little warrior; Man; Dedicated to Mars
- Abram High father; Exalted father; Father of multitudes; Father of nations; Crossing; Passage
- Kasen Calf; An enclosure of calves; Flower fan
- Franklin Free landowner; Freeman
- Royce Rose; Ruddy; Of renowned king
- Jonas Dove; God is gracious
- Sage Type of herb; Wise person
- Philip Horse lover
- Esteban Crown; Wreath; Fame
- Drake Dragon; Serpent
- Kashton Town of box-makers
- Roberto Bright fame; Bright in counsel; Shining glory
- Harvey Strong in battle
- Alexis Defender; Helper
- Kian Ancient; Grace of God; Enduring one; King; Realm
- Jamison Son of James; Supplanter
- Maximilian Greatest; Supreme; Maximum; Eldest
- Adan Man; Son of the red earth; Fire
- Milan Gracious; Dear; Middle of the plain
- Phillip Horse lover
- Albert Noble; Bright
- Dax Name of a town in France; Leader; Badger
- Mohamed Reliable; Always worthy of trust and belief; Worthy of high responsibility; Commendable; Praised
- Ronin Little seal; Masterless samurai; Anaconda
- Kamden Enclosed valley; One from the crooked valley
- Hank Home ruler; God is gracious
- Memphis Enduring Beauty
- Oakley From the oak meadow; Meadow of oak trees
- Augustus Exalted; Venerable; Majestic
- Drew Manly; Masculine; Virile
- Moises Savior; To pull out of water
- Armani Son of Ermanno; Army man; Soldier; From the palace; Hope; Wish
- Rhys Ardor; Enthusiasm; Fiery warrior; War hammer
- Benson Son of Benedict; Blessed
- Jayson Healer
- Kyson Son of Ky; Firebrand
- Braylen Broad valley; Salmon; Marsh
- Corey Cauldron; Curly-haired; Maiden
- Gunnar Bold warrior
- Omari Populous; Flourishing; Full of life
- Alonzo Noble; Ready for battle
- Landen From the long hill
- Armando Soldier; Army man
- Derrick Ruler of the people
- Enrique Ruler of an estate; Home ruler
- Bruce From the woods; The willowlands
- Nikolai Victory; People
- Francis Frenchman; Freeman; Frank
- Rocco Rest; Repose; Rook; Crow; Battle cry; Roar
- Royal A king
- Zachariah God remembers; Yahweh remembers
- Arjun White; Clear; Made of silver; Lustrous; Dazzling
- Deacon Servant; Messenger
- Skyler Scholar; Sky; Cloud
- Eden A place of delight; Pleasure; Plain; Wealthy bear
- Alijah The Lord is my God
- Rowen Little red one; Red-haired one
- Pierce Rock; Stone; Son of Piers
- Uriel God is my light; An archangel
- Ronald Ruler’s counsel; Ruler’s advice
- Luciano Light; Shining
- Frederick Peaceful ruler
- Kieran Black; Black-haired; Army’s edge
- Lawrence From Laurentum; Bright; Shining
- Moses Draw out of water; Savior; Deliver
- Rodrigo Famous ruler
- Brycen Son of Brice; Speckled man’s son
- Leonidas Lion-like; Son of a lion; Lion
- Nixon Son of Nick
- Keith Wood; From the battleground
- Chandler Candle seller; Candle maker
- Case Vigilant; Watchful
- Davis Son of David; Beloved; Uncle
- Asa Physician; Healer; Goddess; Morning; Child of light
- Darius Possessing goodness
- Isaias God saves; Yahweh is salvation
- Aden Little fire; Son of red earth; Formed of Earth; Pleasure; Delight
- Jaime Supplanter; One who follows; Holder of the heel
- Landyn Long hill
- Raul Counsel; Advice; Wolf
- Niko Victory of the people
- Trenton Trent’s town
- Apollo Greek Sun God; Strength; Father lion; Father light
- Cairo The victorious; The conqueror; The vanquisher
- Scott Gael, Gaelic speaker
- Dorian Gift; Of Doris; Child of the sea
- Julio Sacred to Jupiter; Youthful; Downy-bearded
- Santino Little saint
- Dustin Thor’s stone
- Donald One who rules the world
- Raphael God heals
- Saul Asked; Loaned; Grave; Prayed for
- Ayaan Natural disposition; Path; Precession; Unmoving; Watchful; Seeing; Good luck
- Duke Leader
- Ryland Land of rye
- Tatum Tata’s homestead
- ahmed Highly praised; Most commendable
- moshe Savior; Draw out of water; Son; Deliver
- edison Son of Eda; Son of Adam
- emmitt Whole; Great; Universal
- cannon A church official; Reed
- alec Defender of the people
- Danny God is my judge
- keaton Place of hawks
- roy King; Red
- Conrad Brave counsel
- roland Famous land; Glorious territory; From the famous land
- quentin Fifth
- lewis Famous in battle
- samson Sun
- Brock Badger; Badger-like
- kylan Narrows; Channel; Strait
- cason Son of the marsh dwellers
- ahmad Much praised; Most commendable
- jalen Supplanter; Brave lion
- nikolas Victory of the people
- braylon Broad valley; Hill; Salmon
- Kamari Moon; The adversary of desire; Gambling; Shiva
- Dennis Danish; The Dane; Greek God Dionysus
- Callum Dove
- justice Righteous; Just; Fair
- soren Stern; Severe
- Rayan Wise; Smart; Thinker; Watered; Luxuriant; Little king; Gate to Heaven
- Aarav Peaceful melody; A calm noise
- gerardo Spear strength; Firm spear; Brave spear
- Ares Bane; Ruin; Throng of battle
- Brendan Fiery hill; Prince; King
- jamari A good-looking man; Beauty; The pool
- Yusuf God increases; He will add
- jasiah Yahweh supports
- callen War; Rock; Descendant of Cathalán; Battle rule
- forrest Forest; Woodlands; Outside
- makai Who is like God; Ocean
- crew A band or force of armed men; Weir
- kobe Holder of the heel; May God protect; City of Kobe; Tortoise
- Bo To live; Exist; Reside; Wave
- julien Jove’s child; Youthful; Downy-bearded; Devoted to Jove
- mathew God’s gift
- Braden Broad valley; Brave; Salmon
- johan God is gracious
- marvin Famous friend; Sea friend; Bone marrow; Eminent; Noble; Wish; Desire; Young goat or kid
- stetson Stithweard’s town; Fighter; Boxer
- casey Vigilant; Watchful
- ty Rock; Sharp; Silk
- ariel Lion of God
- Tony Priceless; Flourishing
- Zain Beauty; Grace
- callan Battle; Rock; Battle rule; War-like
- Cullen Colony; Whelp; Pup; Young hound; Holly; Handsome
- Sincere Genuine; Heartfelt; Pure; Whole
- Dillon A loyal or faithful one
- colby From a coal town; From a dark town
- Axton Acca’s stone; Town of ash trees
- Cassius Empty; Vain; Hollow
- quinton Fifth; Queen’s town
- mekhi One equal to the Almighty; Who is like God
- reece Enthusiasm; Ardor
- Alessandro Defender of mankind
- Jerry God will exalt; Sacred name; Power of the spear
- mauricio Moorish
- sam Name of God; God has heard; Sun
- trey Three
- mohammad Praised; Commendable
- alberto Noble; Bright; Famous
- gustavo Staff of the Gods
- arturo Bear; King
- fletcher Arrow-maker; People’s army
- marcelo Warlike; A young warrior; Dedicated to Mars
- abdiel Servant of God; One who serves God
- hamza Strong; Steadfast
- alfredo Elf counsel; Sage; Wise
- chris Follower of Christ; Bearer of Christ
- finnley Fair hero; White warrior
- Curtis Courteous; Polite; Well-bred
- kellan Slender; Son of Alan; Beautiful; Little rock; Son of Colin; Young one
- harry Ruler of the household
- kyree Benevolent; Noble lord or lady
- cayson Enclosure; Settlement
- hezekiah God strengthens; Yahweh strengthens
- kohen Priest
- neil Champion; Cloud; Passion; VIctory
- mohammed Praised; Commendable
- Raylan Counselor; Beam of light; Rye land
- lucca Bringer of light; Marshy
- sylas Of the forest; Prayed for; God of the forest or the countryside
- mack Son; Great
- leonard Lion-like; Brave man
- lionel Young lion
- ford A causeway across a river or stream
- roger Famous spear
- rex King
- alden An old friend
- boston Botwulf’s stone
- colson Victory of the people; Swarthy; Son of Col
- briggs Bridge
- Zeke God strengthens; To strengthen
- dariel Open; From Airelle
- kingsley King’s meadow; King’s wood
- Valentino Brave; Strong
- jamir He who is handsome; Beautiful; The pool
- salvador Savior
- mitchell Who is like God?
- lance Weapon; Land
- lucian Light; Illumination
- Darren Great; Oaktree; One who is from Airelle
- jimmy Holder of the heel; Supplanter; May God protect
- alvin Friend of the elves; Noble friend; Old friend
- amos Carried by God; Love; Affection; Friend
- tripp Three; Third; To Stumble; To dance; A journey
- Zaire River that swallows other rivers
- layton Leek town
- reese Enthusiasm; Ardor
- casen Son of the vigilant one; Observant
- colten From a coal town
- Brennan Rain; Moisture; Drop
- korbin Raven; Dark-haired person
- sonny Young boy; Son; Glorious
- Bruno Armor; Protection; Burnished; Polished; Brown
- orlando Famous in the land
- huxley Inhospitable place; Hugh’s meadow, clearing, woodland
- Boone One who grows beans; Good
- maurice Moorish
- nelson Son of Neil; The son of Nell; Cloud; Champion
- Douglas Dark river; Dark water
- Randy Strong Defender; Son of the Shield; Wolf on shield rim; Admirable; Wonderful
- gary Enclosure; Spearman; Watchful
- lennon Cloak; Lover
- titan Giant gods; A person with enormous size or ability
- denver From Anvers; Green valley; Dane Ford
- noe Repose; Rest
- jefferson Son of Jeffrey; Peaceful territory
- ricky Brave ruler; Famous ruler; Peaceful ruler; Ruler of the people; Home ruler; Nobleman
- lochlan From the land of lakes; Vikings; Scandinavian
- rayden Ray of light; Advice; Counselor; Wise protector; Little fire; Thunder
- Bryant High; Hill; Might; Power; Honorable; Virtuous
- langston Long stone
- lachlan Land of the lakes; Warlike
- Clay Clay worker; Made of clay; Clay settlement
- abdullah Servant of Allah; Servant of God
- lee Clearing; Meadow
- baylor One who delivers goods; Measuring stick
- leandro Lion-like person
- Ben Son
- kareem The one who gives a lot; Generous; Noble; Dignity
- layne Narrow lane; Country road; Path
- joe God will add
- crosby Residing by the sign of the cross; Shrine of the cross
- deandre Manly; Masculine
- Demetrius Earth mother; Devoted to goddess Demeter
- kellen Strong; Bright-headed; Slender; Great warrior; Swampy area
- Carl Free man; Army
- jakob Holder of the heel; Supplanter; May God protect
- ridge A person who lived near a ridge; A continuous elevated mountain crest; Back or spine
- Bronson Son of Brown; Son of the dark-skinned
- Jedidiah Beloved; Friend; Beloved of Yahweh; Praise of Yahweh
- rohan Ascending; Red-haired
- larry From Laurentum
- stanley Stony woodland or clearing
- tomas Twin
- shiloh Tranquil; Abundance; His gift
- thaddeus Heart; Courageous; Gift of God
- baker One who bakes professionally
- koda Allies; Companion; Rice paddy of happiness
- Jagger Carter; Peddler
- nathanael Gift of God; God has given
- carmelo Garden; God’s vineyard; Plantation; Mountain
- shepherd Shepherd; Sheepherder
- graysen Son of the steward
- melvin Bad town
- ernesto Earnest; Serious; Sincere; Resolute
- jamie Supplanter; Holder of the heel
- Clyde Warm; Friendly; From the River Clyde
- eddie Rich protector; Rich guard
- grey Gray-haired; Pleasing; Welcome; Brindled coloration
- Ray Wise; Counsel; Decision; Beam of light
- samir Companion in evening talk; Wind; Air
- Ramon Famous protector; Advice; Counsel
- santana Saint Anne; Favor; Grace; Holy; Follower of Saint Anne
- kristian Christian; Follower of the Christ; Anointed
- marcel Belonging to Mars; Roman god of war; Male
- Byron Barn; From the barn; Place of the cow sheds
- otis Wealth; Son of Ode
- reyansh First ray of the morning sun; Part of a stream; A name of Lord Vishnu
- axl Father is peace
- joey God will increase; God will add; God is gracious
- Trace Domain or region belonging to Thracius; Warlike; Fighter
- morgan Born of the sea; Sea chief
- Musa Muse; Son; Deliver
- harlan Hare’s land; Flax
- enoch Dedicated; Disciplined; Trained
- henrik Lord of the house; Estate ruler 80
- kristopher Bearing Christ
- Talon Bird’s claw; To touch; Heel; Destroy
- Rey King; Female roe deer
- guillermo Will helmet; Desired protection
- houston Hugh’s town
- jon God is gracious
- Dane The one from Denmark; Valley dweller
- azariah God helps; Yahweh has helped
- castiel God’s shield
- kye Ocean; To rejoice; Triumph; Victory
- Augustine To increase; Venerable; Great
- joziah Yahweh supports
- kamryn Crooked nose
- Hassan Handsome; Good; Beautifier; Improver; Benefactor
- jamal Beauty
- bodie Awakening; Enlightenment; Large-bodied
- emery Ruler; King; Unceasing; Brave; Home
- branson Burning sword; Son of Brandr
- kole People’s victory; Charcoal
- aryan Noble; Illustrious; Honorable; Educated
- Alonso Ready for battle; Noble
- madden Dog; Hound
- allan Handsome; Little rock
- Flynn Blood-red; Ruddy; Crimson
- jaxen Jack’s son; God is gracious; Supplanter
- harley Hare’s meadow
- magnus Large; Great
- sutton Southern homestead
- Dash To run or sprint; One from Chiel
- Anders Manly; Male; Virility; Brave
- Brett A Breton or a person from Brittany
- emory Faith and sweet; Home strength; Industrious
- Jadiel God is my fortune; To know God
- mordechai A great soldier; One who worships Marduk; Servant of Marduk
- dominik Belonging to the Lord; Our Lord
- Junior Young; Child; Younger
- eliseo God is salvation
- fisher Fisherman
- Harold Army king; Commander; Powerful; Mighty
- kamdyn Enclosed valley; Camper’s valley
- maximo Greatest; Supreme; Maximum; Eldest
- caspian White; Caspian sea
- kelvin From the narrow river
- damari Gentle; Goddess of fertility; Eternal; Strength; Long lived; One who builds
- fox Fox-catcher; Brave people
- trent One residing near the river Trent
- hugh Mind; Thought; Soul; Spirit
- Briar A group of thorny bushes; Heather; Son of the friar
- franco Frank; Frenchman; Spear
- keanu Cool breeze over the mountains
- terrance Smooth; Soft
- ameer Prince or ruler; Commander
- kaiser Emperor; Hairy
- thatcher To thatch
- koa Warrior; Koa tree
- merrick Fame; Power; Rule
- Coen Brave counsel; Advice
- rodney Roda’s island; Island near the clearing
- brayan Hill; Noble; Power
- london From the city of London
- rudy Famous wolf
- gordon Fertilized pasture; Spacious fort
- Bobby A short form of Robert; Bright; Famous
- aron Exalted; High mountain; Teaching; Singing
- marc Warlike; Roman god Mars; Male
- Anakin Warrior
- canaan Low; Humble
- Dario Possessing goodness
- reginald Advice; Counsel; Authority
- darian Possessing goodness
- ledger To sit or lay; People; Spear
- leighton Town with a leek garden; From a meadow farm
- maxton Greatest; Supreme; Maximum; Eldest
- tadeo Heart; Gift of God
- aldo Noble; Old; Wise
- nickolas Victory of the people
- Toby Yahweh is good
- dayton Ditch town
- jacoby Son of Jacob
- Billy Warrior; Strong-willed protector
- elisha God provides salvation
- jabari Almighty; Powerful; Brave one
- jermaine Brother
- alvaro Elf army; All guard
- marlon Little hawk; Mars; Dedicated to Mars; Male; Little warlike one
- mayson Stoneworker
- Blaze Stutters; Lisping; Fire
- jeffery Foreigner; Peace; Territory
- kace Vigilant
- braydon A wide hillside; From Bradden
- brysen Freckled; Son of Brice; Speckled man’s son
- saint Holy; Saintly
- aydin Fire; Enlightened; Illuminating; Clear
- eugene Well-born; Noble; Born to nobility
- Adrien Man from Hadria
- cain Acquired; To get; Clear water; Beautiful
- nova New; New star
- onyx Claw; Nail; Fingernail; Gemstone
- Arian Noble; Educated; Golden life; Ram
- Bjorn Bear
- Jerome Sacred name
- miller Mill, Mill keeper
- alfred Elf counsel
- kenzo Humble; Healthy; Wise; Three
- leroy The king
- maison Stoneworker; Home
- jordy Flowing down; Farmer
- Benicio Blessed; Benevolent
- kendall Kent river valley; Valley of kings
- Blaine Yellow
- tristian Sad; Noise; Tumult
- anson Son of Agnes
- gannon Descendant of Fionnán; Son of Finan; White; Blessed
- jeremias Yahweh will exalt
- marley Marshy meadow; Pleasant wood; Boundary; Pleasant seaside meadow;
- ronnie Rule’s advice; Ruler’s counsel; True image; Bringer of victory
- dangelo Divine messenger
- kody Descendant of the helpful one; Son of Odo; Helpful
- Will Determined guardian; Resolute protector
- bentlee Grass clearing; Meadow
- gerald Ruler of the spear; Power of the spear
- salvatore Savior; Rescuer; Deliverer
- turner Lathe worker
- Chad Battle; Warlike; Lake; Large expanse of water
- misael Who is like God
- Mustafa The chosen one; Appointed; Preferred
- konnor Desirer of hound; Lover of wolves
- maxim Greatest; Supreme; Maximum; Eldest
- rogelio Famous spear; To ask; To request
- Zakai Pure; Clear; Spotless; Free from blemishes
- cory In a cauldron; In a hollow; Maiden
- judson Son of Jud; Son of the one who descends; Son of Judah; Son of the praised one
- brentley A hilltop; Steep hill
- Darwin Dear friend
- louie Famous warrior
- dakari Rejoice
- rocky Rest; Crow; Rook
- alfonso Noble; Ready
- payton Fighter’s estate; Noble; Descendant of Peatan
- Dwayne Dark; Black; Little dark one
- juelz Downy-bearded; Devoted to Jove
- Duncan Brown battle
- keagan Son of Aodhagán; Fiery
- Bode Order; Command
- bridger Someone living or working near a bridge
- skylar Scholar; Shield; Eternal life; Strength; Love
- brodie Mire; Muddy place; Ditch; Second son
- landry Land ruler
- avi Father; My God; Sun; Air
- keenan Ancient; The descendant of Cianán
- reuben Behold a son
- rene Reborn
- Yehuda Praise
- Yael Mountain goat; Ibex
- alexzander Defender or helper of people
- cristiano Follower of Christ; Clever and judicious person
- heath Someone who lived on or near a moor or heath
- lyric Songlike
- davion Beloved; Uncle
- elon Oak tree
- karsyn From the marsh; Son of marsh-dwellers
- jairo He shines; God enlightens
- maddux Fortunate; Good
- ephraim Fruitful; Productive
- aries Ram
- boden Messenger; Bottom; Small hut; Descendant of Buadan; One who takes shelter
- lyle Island; One from the island
- Ralph Wolf counsel
- reign To rule; Royal power; Kingdom
- camilo Religious attendant; Priest’s helper; Noble
- draven Hunter; Child of shadows; Of the raven
- terrence To prompt; Smooth; Soft
- javion Greece; Noah’s grandson; Young
- jericho Moon; Fragrant
- khari One who is born to rule; Royalty; Pure; Honest
- marcellus Dedicated to Mars; Roman God of war
- creed I believe; To believe
- shepard Herder of sheep; Shepherd
- terrell To pull
- Camdyn Enclosed valley
- Cedric An invented name
- howard High defender; Chief guardian; Heart-brave
- jad Serious; Generosity; Gift; Benevolent; Root
- Zahir Clear; Manifest; To shine; Helper; Supporter
- Harper Someone who plays the harp
- justus Fair; Just; Upright
- forest Woodlands; Woodsman; One who lives near the forest; Outside
- gibson Son of Gib; Bright pledge
- Zev Wolf
- alaric Ruler of all; Noble ruler
- Decker One who works as a roofer; Covering
- ernest Earnest; Warrior; Serious
- jesiah Yahweh gives
- torin Chief; Holding fast
- Benedict Blessed
- Bowie Yellow; Fair-haired
- deangelo Angel; Messenger
- genesis Origin; Birth
- Harlem A vibrant neighborhood in New York city; Home on a forested dune
- kalel The voice of God
- kylen Boomerang; Narrows; Channel; Strait
- Bishop Overseer
- lian Church; Lotus; Graceful willow tree
- Zavier The new house
- archie Holy and bold; Genuine and brave; Brave master
- davian Beloved; Uncle
- gus Exalted; Majestic; Great; Venerable
- kabir Great; Powerful; Leader
- korbyn Raven
- Randall Rim of a shield; Wolf
- Benton Settlement in a grassy place; Bent grass enclosure; One who is from the place where the bent grass grows
- coleman Dove
- markus Mars; The god of war; Warlike; Male
- Isaiah Yahweh is salvation; God saves
- Greyson Son of the gray-haired man; Son of the steward
- Xavier New house; Bright
- Sawyer Who saws wood
- Weston From the western town
- Wesley West meadow
- Vincent Conquering
- Waylon Craft; Cunning
- Xander Defender of people
- Zion Holy place; Utopia
- Tucker A cloth fuller; Torment
- Zayden God; Divinity; Growth
- Israel God contends
- Derek The people’s ruler
- Zander Defender of men
- Walker Cloth walker
- Walter Army ruler; Power of the army
- Iker Visitation; Visitor
- Devin Poet; Fawn; Divine; Seer; Fortune teller
- Warren Protector; Guard; Animal enclosure
- Jayceon Healer
- Ismael God hears
- Wade A ford; To depart
- Winston Stone of joy
- Zaiden God; Divinity; Growth
- Dexter Right-handed; Skilled; One who dyes
- Kairo Victorious; Attractive; Summer color
- Tate Cheerful; Well-built; Heart; Gift of God
- Izaiah Yahweh is salvation
- Wilder Wild; Untamed
- Taylor Tailor; To cut
- Kaison Calf; Pollen; Warrior
- Issac He will laugh
- Zaid Increase; Growth
- Uriah God is my light; My light is Yahweh
- Kannon Church official; Esteemed; Free; Cane; One who observes sounds
- Quincy Fifth; Fifth born
- Kase Descendant of Cathassach; Vigilant; Cheese; Dwarf; Torrent
- Wilson Will helmet; Son of Will
- Kaysen Son of the marsh-dwellers
- Vihaan Dawn; Morning
- Devon Poet; Worshipers of the god Dumnonos; Warrior of God
- Jaziel God is my maker
- Watson Son of Watt; Power of the army
- Vicente Conquering
- Yosef God shall add
- Tristen Sadness
- Tommy Twin
- Wells Spring; A person who lived near a well or spring
- Zyaire River swallowing rivers; Congo river
- Brecken Freckled; Speckled
- Vincenzo To conquer
- Terry Ruler of the people Rich people
- Jaxtyn God is gracious; Town of Jack; Son of Jack
- Wayne Wagon builders
- Brixton A district in South London; Stone of the Saxon lord Brixi
- Westley West woodland; West clearing
- Yousef Jehovah increases
- Jaxxon Son of Jack
- Yahir He will enlighten
- Ishaan Lord; Guardian of the north-east direction; Lord Shiva
- Van Marsh; Fen
- Westin From the western town
- Gatlin Companion; Kinsman
- Xzavier New house; Bright
- Kylo Sky
- Kyng Sovereign ruler
- Wallace A Welshman; A Celt
- Zayd Increase; Growth
- Ulises To hate
- Wesson West town
- Deshawn Yahweh is gracious
- Jaxx Son of Jack
- Imran Exalted nation
- Willie Resolute protector; Son of William
- Krew Weir; Group of people
- Ignacio Fire
- Vivaan Full of life; Twisting; Rays of the morning sun
- Vance Marshland; Fen
- Idris Interpreter; Ardent lord
- Ira Warrior; Period of time: To be chosen; Fern; Watchful; Enjoyment; Devoted
- Ahmir Commander; Prince; Immortal; Boss; Leader; Crown; A sheaf of grain, barley, wheat
- Immanuel God is with us
- Rafferty Flood tide; Prosperity wielder
Unique Ways To Choose A Name For Your Baby Boy
Deciding your baby boy’s name can be a very positive experience. But with so many choices, it can be a bit tricky to narrow down the options to one or two. If you’re wondering how to choose a baby name that fits your personal and cultural preferences, here are a few tips to help you find the perfect name for your little prince.
1. Put together a list of names
Sit down with your partner and make a list of names that you both like. Research on the shortlisted names and find out their popularity.
2. Say the names out loud
Say the selected names aloud to understand how they sound. A mix of one, two and three syllables works great together.
3. Pick a family name for your son
You can express your love for your grandfather or anyone who’s close to you by giving your son their name.
4. Select a name that indicates your heritage
If you have close ties with ethnicity, consider a name from your culture. Ensure that the spelling of that name is simple to pronounce.
5. Pick a name that’s meaningful to you
There may be a name or a word that represents a turning point or a critical moment in your life. It can also refer to someone who inspired you in your career or supported you in your difficult time.
Common Mistakes While Choosing A Name And How To Avoid Them
1. Embarrassing initials
Samuel Andrew Davis and Alison Sarah Smith are lovely names until you notice the initials. So check the initials first to avoid the rude awakenings. Such initials can lead to teasing, making a child self-conscious and affecting their social confidence. Parents should always test how first, middle, and last names combine to form initials, ensuring they avoid unintended meanings or negative associations that could impact the child’s social experiences and self-esteem.
2. Clinging tightly to the name you swore to give your first son
Women decide on the names of their kids even before they are pregnant. But if the name has become too familiar or clashes with your last name, just let it go!
3. Not testing the name in the real word
Some names may look nice on the paper, but may not work that well in life. This is true for both traditional and uncommon names. So pick names that can be pronounced easily and with confidence.
4. Giving your baby boy an androgynous name
According to a study published in Education Finance and Policy, boys who are given borderline female names like Jamie, Shannon or Riley tend to face behavioral problems than those with boy-alone names. So stick to using unisex baby names only for girls.
Discover More Names
When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do cultural and social trends affect the popularity of baby boy names?
Cultural and social trends play a significant role in shaping the popularity of baby boy names. Names that were popular in the past may become less popular as society’s values and beliefs change. Social trends, including an increased emphasis on diversity and inclusivity, can also influence naming choices.
2. How do celebrity names and trends influence the popularity of baby boy names?
Celebrity names and trends can have a significant impact on the popularity of baby boy names. When a celebrity chooses a unique or uncommon name for their child, it can inspire parents to choose similar names for their babies.
3. Are there historical or traditional factors that play a role in popular baby boy names?
Yes, historical and traditional factors often play a significant role in popular baby boy names. Many names have deep roots in cultural or religious traditions, and parents may choose them to honor their family heritage or as a way of conveying a particular message or meaning.
One of the most important parenting duties is to select a perfect name for your little one. People with unusual names may be mocked sometimes, especially in high school. Choosing a popular name can help one blend in. Pick a name that would match your last name and the child’s middle name. This exhaustive list of the most popular boy names can be helpful if you are looking for some fun options.
Infographic: Some Legendary Names For Your Baby Boy
While choosing a name for your little Rockstar can be a task, make sure you pick a famous and inspirational name to make him stand out from the crowd. Scroll through the infographic below for some legends across different walks of life after whom you can name your baby boy. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Illustration: Unique And Popular Baby Boy Names In The US

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Check out our top modern baby boy names. Get inspired and find the perfect name for your little one!
Personal Experience: Source
MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Liam’s name.https://fortheloveofbabyliam.blogspot.com/p/whats-in-name.html

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