50+ Engaging Bible Stories For Children

Moral stories are a great way to inculcate a rigid value system in kids. Bible stories for children focus on shaping your child’s outlook towards life. It puts a sense of right and wrong in your kids and can be a great way to instill faith in them.

The Holy Bible is a book filled with wisdom and faith! Here is a list of Bible stories that your children can learn from. Keep reading!

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • The Bible is a rich collection of stories that provides children with wisdom and builds a solid foundation of faith in God.
  • Some most-loved and classic stories from the Bible include The Creation, The Story Of Noah, The Last Supper, and The Good Samaritan.
  • The moral lessons from these stories can offer unique lessons that children can incorporate into their lives to lead a good and faithful life.

Pious Bible Stories For Kids

Tales from the Bible are often seen as inspirational stories with morals for kids. They teach children the importance of moral values, the difference between right and wrong, and help strengthen their moral compass from a young age. Read on to discover some of the most well known stories from the Old and New Testament, and lead your little ones to the path of spirituality.

1. The creation story

The creation story from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


Have you ever wondered how this beautiful universe came into being? This creation story is what you need to look back in time. In the beginning, there was nothing. There was no time, no light, no darkness – nothing existed but God.

Then God decided to bring forth his power. On the first day, God created the heavens and earth. But the earth had no form. So God said ‘let there be light.’ And there was light! And that is how night and day were born.

On the second day, God created all the oceans, lakes, and rivers.

On the third day, God commanded dry land to appear on earth. Soon, God created all the beautiful trees and plants you see today.

Then came the fourth day! God filled the sky with the sun, the moon and countless stars.

But there was more to come!

On the fifth day, God breathed his life into the waters and created the sea creatures. He also created all the beautiful birds on the fifth day.

Next, God called forth living beings – animals of all shapes and sizes – to fill the earth on the sixth day. Reptiles, insects, and animals now called earth their home. God also created the first humans – Adam and Even – on the sixth day of creation.

Now that the earth was ready and buzzing with life, God declared the seventh day as the day of rest! This is a perfect old testament bible stories for children.


God is the creator of everything we see.

2. The story of Adam and Eve

The story of Adam and Eve from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


After God had created heaven and earth and filled it with life of all kinds, he decided to create humans in his image.

So, God took some clay and molded it into the shape of a man. Then God breathed into the clay man and gave it life! Soon, the man opened his eyes and saw the wonder that was heaven. God named the first man ‘Adam’.

God loved Adam very much and created a beautiful garden for him. The Garden of Eden became Adam’s home.

But God soon saw that Adam was lonely and needed company. So he took a rib from Adam and created a beautiful woman. He called her ‘Eve.’ Now Adam and Eve were very happy in their beautiful home. They had all that they could ever need. All the beauty of God’s creation was theirs. But God forbids them from eating the fruit from a tree in the middle of the garden. That was the tree of knowledge.

But Satan did not like this happy family. So he took on the form of a snake. He called Eve and tempted her to eat the fruit of knowledge. Eve could not resist the temptation and along with Adam took a bite of the forbidden fruit.

Soon, everything changed. Adam and Eve were no longer the happy and carefree souls. God was very sad that his children had disobeyed him. But he could not stop the consequences. So he told them ‘Now you’ll have to suffer. You’ll have to earn your living and live in pain. Nothing will come easy for you. And one day you’ll die.’ This is one of the best kids bible stories from the old testament.


We should obey God’s laws.

3. The birth of Jesus

The Birth Of Jesus from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


Waiting for Christmas? Did you know that Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ? Do you know the wonderful story of Jesus’s birth?

When Mary gave birth to baby Jesus, it was nighttime. Some shepherds, who were tending to their sheep nearby, were startled when an angel appeared before them. But the angel had brought good news! He told the shepherds that their Savior had finally come, and it was time to see him.

Soon, other angels appeared and showed the way to find baby Jesus. So, the shepherds made their way to Bethlehem, following the wonderful, bright star in the sky.

Not just the shepherds, the three wise kings too made their way to see baby Jesus – their savior. And so all the world converged at a modest manger to see the Savior of the world! It was a time to rejoice and celebrate.


Jesus is the savior of man.

4. The Baptism Of Jesus

The baptism of Jesus from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


The baptism of Jesus is one of the major events in the Bible. It is described in all the first three Gospels of the New Testament- Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

Jesus himself was the son of God, but before he started God’s work, he went to John the Baptist to get baptized in the Jordan River. When John saw that Jesus was coming to him, he said that he needed to be baptized by Jesus. But Jesus made him understand and John consented.

John took Jesus to the river Jordan and baptized him. The minute Jesus came out of the water, heaven opened and John saw the Spirit of God come unto Jesus like a dove. He also heard a voice from the heavens saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”


Jesus is the Son Of God who came to earth for us.

5. The First Miracle In The Cana

The first miracle in the Cana from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


The New Testament of the Bible is full of miracles and healings performed by Jesus, but do you know when these miracles began?

The Gospel of John mentions that the first miracle by Jesus happened in the Cana city of Galilee. It was a wedding in Cana to which Jesus’ mother Mary, Jesus, and his disciples were all invited.

The wedding was in full swing, but Mary suddenly came and said to Jesus that the organizers had no wine left. Then she went to the servants and instructed them to follow whatever Jesus told them.

Jesus saw six stone jars and told the servants to fill them with water to the brim. Then he instructed them to take some from the jar to the master of the banquet.

When the master of the banquet tasted the water, it was turned into wine. He called the bridegroom aside and said that they had saved the best wine for the last. He rejoiced with the wine served to him but did not know where the wine was from.

Jesus had turned the water into wine.


Jesus’ presence is sufficient to witness miracles in our lives.

6. Jesus’ 40 Days Of Temptation

Jesus’ 40 Days Of Temptation from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


When we fall into troubles and temptations, remember that even Jesus was tempted by the devil. Let’s read how Jesus came out from those temptations.

Once, the devil led Jesus into the wilderness and Jesus fasted for forty days and nights there. After those forty days of fasting, when Jesus was hungry, the devil came to him to test him, saying, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

But Jesus told him that man does not live on bread alone, but the word of God keeps us alive.

Then, the devil took Jesus to the highest point of the temple of the holy city and tempted him by saying, “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:

‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands,   so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’

But Jesus warned the devil to not test the Lord.

Thirdly, the devil took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed him the world and its splendor. He said to Jesus that if he will worship the devil, he can have everything.

But Jesus told the devil to stay away from him, stating that the Bible says to worship the Lord only.

The devil ran away from him and God sent angels to attend him.


When we see temptations around us, remember to not fall unto them, and God will help us to overcome every temptation.

7. Jesus Brought A Girl Back To Life

Jesus Brought A Girl Back To Life from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


Jesus healed many sick and even raised the dead Lazarus. But do you know, Jesus also raised a little girl from death?

Once, there was a man named Jairus, who was one of the synagogue leaders. His twelve-year-old daughter was sick, so he went to Jesus and requested him to come to his house and put his hands on her.

But when Jesus was going to his house, some people from the house of Jairus came and informed him that the girl was dead.

Jesus reassured Jairus and told him to believe. When Jesus reached his home, people were wailing and crying, but Jesus went in and told them that the girl was only sleeping and not dead.

Everyone started laughing at what Jesus said, but Jesus said to let everyone out, except for the girl’s parents and his disciples. He then went near the girl, took her hand, and said, “Talitha koum!” meaning “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”

And the girl came to life and stood up.


If we trust Jesus, he can even do things that seem impossible.

8. Jesus stops a storm

Jesus Stops A Storm from Bible stories for children
Image: iStock


The New Testament


Do you know of the miracles Jesus performed? Want to hear a cool miracle story?

Once, Jesus Christ was traveling through the Sea of Galilee with his disciplesiA dedicated follower that believes in their leader’s teachings . But soon a violent storm engulfed them. Water filled the boat, and it began to sink. Jesus was asleep, so his disciples woke him up.

So Jesus woke up, stood facing the sea, and commanded it to be calm. And just like that, the storm withered away! It is a very short bible story for kids and it is easy for you to act out.


With faith in God, nothing is impossible.

9. Jesus walks on water

Jesus Walks On Water from Bible stories for children
Image: iStock


The New Testament


What happens when you throw a rock in the water? It sinks, right? What will happen if you try to walk on water? You’ll drown. But not Jesus!

A long time ago, Jesus asked his disciples to wait for him on the boat while he went up to a mountain to pray. As the disciples waited for the boat for Jesus, a strong storm blew the boat away to the middle of the sea. The disciples tried hard to row the boat back to the shore, but to no avail.

The disciples were worried about Jesus and wondered what they could do to get their master to the boat. Suddenly, they saw a man walk into the water! The disciples panicked, thinking that a man was about to drown. But it was Jesus, and he did not drown. Instead, he walked over the water and reached the boat safely.

One of Jesus’s disciples, Peter, asked if he too could walk on water. Jesus said yes, as long as he kept Jesus as his focus. Soon, Peter too was walking on water. But the moment he took his eye off Jesus and concentrated on the waves, he began to sink.

Jesus grabbed Peter and saved him. Finally, the disciples realized that Jesus was the Son of God. It can be one of the best bible stories for kids to teach about Jesus.


Make God your focus, not your problems.

10. The story of the blind man

The Story Of The Blind Man from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


We have all heard about the miracles Jesus did. Want to hear about another one of his great miracles?

There was a time when the disciples of Jesus still had a hard time understanding his miracles. So, once when they were in the city of Bethsaida, the disciples brought a blind man to Jesus. They requested Jesus to heal the man so he could see God’s wonderful creation.

So, Jesus led the man out of the city. He then spat on his eyes and touched them. And there it was – another miracle. A blind man who could now see! This is one of the simple and short bible stories for kids that will allow them to learn about the wonderful things done by the Lord.


Trust in God and you’ll see the true beauty of his creation.

11. The truth of everlasting water

The Truth Of Everlasting Water from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


Here’s another short but beautiful story about the divinity of Jesus Christ!

Once Jesus was passing through a city called Samaria with his disciples. Samaria wasn’t a popular destination for Jews but Jesus had a mission there!

Once in the city, Jesus asked his disciples to search for food. In the meantime, Jesus set off and stopped by a well. There was a woman near the well, busy filling water.

Jesus asked her ‘Do you want some everlasting water?’ The woman did not understand what Jesus meant, so Jesus explained ‘the water from the well quenches the body’s thirst. But soon, you’ll be thirsty again and return for more water. But if you accept me as your lord, you’ll find salvation – the everlasting water, which will quench your soul’s thirst!’


God is the only source of salvation.

12. The story of Moses

The Story Of Moses from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


Moses is one of the most important characters in the Bible. There are many wonderful short bible stories for kids about Moses. Here is one for you!

One day, Moses saw an Egyptian man beating a Hebrew man. The sight of such injustice broke young Moses’ heart. As he tried to stop the fight, the Egyptian man was killed. Left with no other option, Moses had to flee Egypt to save his life.

Moses wandered around as a shepherd, trying to understand the purpose of his life.

One day, as he sat near Mount Horeb, tending to his sheep, he saw a miraculous sight! The Lord himself appeared to Moses in the middle of a burning bush.

As Moses looked on with wonder, God spoke out “Remove your sandals as you stand on sacred ground.” Then he told Moses that the people of Egypt needed him, so he was to go back to save the Hebrew slaves.

Moses was confused and said, “I am but a common man. How can I convince the Pharaoh to let slaves go? And in any case, the sons of Israel, the Hebrews in Egypt won’t follow me!”

God knew that Moses still did not trust his strength, so he said, “ Throw your staff to the ground.” Moses did as the Lord said, and lo behold, the staff turned into a serpent! And as Moses picked up the serpent it again became a staff!

Moses finally understood that he was God’s chosen one. With complete faith and trust in the Lord, Moses left for Egypt to save the sons of Israel. The story of Moses will be one of the kids favorite bible stories.


We all have the strength to change the world.

protip_icon Trivia
The ruler of Egypt, King Pharaoh, wanted Moses killed after the astrologers told him that a savior of the Jewish people was born. However, Moses’ mother, Yocheved, saved him from death by putting him into a basket and floating it along the Nile River.

13. God Protected Baby Moses

God Protected Baby Moses from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


At the time of Moses’ birth, the Pharaoh of Egypt gave the order to throw every newborn Hebrew boy into the river Nile, but let the girl babies live.

So, when Moses was born, his mother hid him for three months at first. But when she could not hide him any longer, she prepared a papyrus basket coated with tar and pitch for him and placed baby Moses inside the basket. Then, she placed the basket among the reeds of the Nile river bank and instructed his sister to keep an eye on the basket from a distance.

Later that day, when Pharaoh’s daughter came to take a bath in the Nile River, she saw the basket and instructed her slave to fetch it. She opened it and saw a crying baby inside it, so she took pity and took him in.

When Moses’ sister saw this scene, she ran to Pharaoh’s daughter and asked her if she should bring a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby.

And that’s how Moses was saved and even nursed by his own mother. Pharaoh’s daughter named the baby Moses as she drew him from the water.


God protects his own people.

14. Parting Of The Red Sea

Parting Of The Red Sea from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


Parting of the Red Sea is one of the most important incidents in the Old Testament, showcasing God’s mighty strength and glory.

After years of slavery in Egypt, the Pharaoh of Egypt finally let go of the Israelites under Moses’ leadership. However, Pharaoh changed his mind suddenly and decided to chase after them.

He sent all his horses, chariots, horsemen, and troops to capture the Israelites again. Seeing the Egyptians approaching, the Israelites became terrified since they couldn’t go further because of the Red Sea. They cried out to the LORD, but Mosed told the people not to be afraid as God would fight for them.

The Lord instructed Moses to raise his staff and stretch it over the Red Sea. So, when Moses stretched his hand over the sea, a strong wind blew and parted the sea, creating the dry land in between.

Israelites started walking through the dry land to cross the sea, but Egyptians kept chasing them there too. When all the Israelites safely made their way to the other side, Moses stretched out his hand again, and the sea returned to its place. All the Egyptians who were chasing them in the sea got washed away and drowned in the sea.


God guides us and protects us from our enemies and troubles.

15. Joshua And The Wall Of Jericho

Joshua and the wall of Jericho, Bible stories for children
Image: Midjourney


The Old Testament


After Moses, Joshua had been given the responsibility to lead the Israelites to the promised land of Canaan. Let’s read how God helped Joshua to win over the mighty city of Jericho.

When the Israelites arrived at Jericho, they found that the city had strong and tall walls that seemed impossible to invade.

But God told Joshua not to be afraid. God instructed him to take his soldiers and march around the city once a day for six days. They should also have seven priests carry trumpets of rams’ horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, God told him to march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing their trumpets. Upon hearing the last trumpet sound, all the Israelites should shout together and the wall will crumble down.

Joshua and the Israelites did the same as God instructed them for seven days. The wall collapsed, so everyone went straight in and took over the city.


God fulfills all his promises.

16. The story of Noah

The Story Of Noah from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


No matter how many times you hear the story of Noah, it never grows old! Here is the classic story, once again!

Once there lived a man named Noah. He was a God loving person. And God too loved Noah. But unfortunately, this was also the time when a man was led astray by Satan and committed many sins. God loved his children, and their actions made him very sad.

God needed to bring back the balance, so he told Noah “ Go, Noah, gather all the wood you can and build a huge ark. Build many rooms in the ark and put a coat of tar on it. “

Once the ark was ready, God said to Noah “ Take your family to the ark as I don’t want you to die with the corrupt. Also, take a pair of each living being so that life can begin again.”

Now when all was ready according to God’s command, it began to rain. It rained, without a break, for 40 days. The great flood washed away all the sin from the Earth. All that was left was Noah’s ark – to restart a pure life on the earth.


God can give, and God can take it all away.

17. The Tower Of Babel

The Tower of Babel from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


You might wonder how there are so many languages in the world. So, let’s learn how languages came to the Earth.

After the great flood, everyone on Earth spoke the same language. They all speak and understand each other and settle on the beautiful plain in a place called Shinar.

They then decided to build bricks and make a tower that reaches to the heavens. So that, they will make a name for themselves and will not get scattered over the Earth.

God came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. He saw that nothing they planned would be impossible for them because they all worked together and spoke the same language. God knew that their pride and ambition for fame could drive them away from Him.

Therefore, God decided to confuse their language so they wouldn’t understand each other anymore. Suddenly, everyone started speaking in different languages.

Since they couldn’t communicate, the people stopped building the city and the tower and God scattered them all over the Earth.


Always listen to God and work together in ways that honor him.

18. Abraham And His Son For Sacrifice

Abraham And His Son For Sacrifice from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


Abraham is mentioned as the father of Nations in the Bible, but do you know that Abraham did not have children even when he was old? Read this story to learn how God blessed him and rewarded his obedience.

God promised Abraham lots of descendants and gave him and Sarah a baby boy during their old age.

However, one day, God spoke to Abraham and asked him to take Isaac on a journey to a mountain in Moriah and offer Issac as a burnt offering.

Abraham obeyed God and took his son, a donkey, and two of his men for the journey. On the third day, they reached the mountain. Abraham then instructed his servants to stay at a distance and took Issac with him. Abraham built an altar, a place for an offering, and prepared some wood.

Just as he was about to sacrifice Isaac, an angel from God appeared and stopped him. It was never God’s intention to hurt Issac but he wanted to test Abraham’s faith.

He then sacrificed a ram caught by its horns in the mountain to offer to God.


God loves all his children and he never intends to harm us.

19. The Story Of Joseph And His Eleven Brothers

The story of joseph and his eleven brothers, Bible stories for children
Image: Midjourney


The Old Testament


The story of Joseph and his eleven brothers is a significant chapter in the history of Israel, as they became the forefathers of the twelve tribes of Israel.

In the land of Canaan, a man named Jacob also called Israel, had twelve sons. Among them, Joseph, the eleventh son was Jacob’s favorite son as he was born in his old age. Jacob shows his love by making a beautiful and colorful robe for his son. This gesture stirs up envy and resentment among Joseph’s brothers.

Joseph has the ability to interpret dreams. He shares his dreams with his brothers that one day he would reign over his family. This further sparks hatred and jealousy in his brothers, and they decide to get rid of him.

They initially plan to kill him but then decide to sell him as a slave to traders. The brothers inform their father that he had been devoured by a wild animal. Joseph is taken to Egypt where he faces hardships with false accusations landing him in prison. In the prison, he interprets dreams of his fellow prisoners, including Pharoah’s prisoners.

When Pharaoh has troubling dreams that no one else could understand, Joseph is called out of prison to interpret the dreams. Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams as a warning of coming prosperity followed by famine. Recognizing his wisdom and insight, Pharaoh gives him the position of second-in-command. He offers him the responsibility to prepare for the upcoming famine in Egypt. Some years later, with his position of power, Joseph saves his family during famine and reconciles with his brothers.


Trust in God, and never give up. He can change every difficult situation into something good.

20. The brave queen Esther

The Brave Queen Esther from Bible stories for children
Image: iStock


The Old Testament


The Bible is full of stories about brave and strong women. Have you heard about the beautiful queen Esther?

A long time ago, in the Persian Empire, the brave king Ahasuerus was looking for a wife. The king ruled over many lands, including the land of the Hebrew people. One day he saw and fell in love with a Hebrew girl named Esther.

But Esther had a secret! Nobody knew that she was Hebrew! Many people in the Persian Empire harbored distrust and hatred towards the Hebrews. That is why Esther’s brother, Mordecai, had told her not to tell anybody about her real identity.

So, King Ahasuerus and Esther got married and lived a very happy life. But their happiness was short-lived.

One day, the king’s assistant, Haman, made a plan to kill all the Hebrew people. Fortunately, Mordecai discovered the plan on time and sent word to Esther to save her people.

It was a difficult time for the Queen. She knew that if she told the king about her Hebrew heritage, she could lose her life. But it was a risk she was willing to take!

So, Queen Esther went to the king and proposed two grand feasts! This made the king very happy. But the night before the feast, the king discovered that long ago, Mordecai had saved his life!

Next day, the king rewarded Mordecai. During the feast, Esther, the brave queen, very humbly asked King Ahasuerus to save her and her people. But instead of being angry, the king did just that! He put the evil Haman to death and saved the Hebrew people! All thanks to the brave Queen Esther! This is an interesting old testament Bible story for kids to learn.


Bravery lies in helping others.

21. Elijah And The Widow Of Zarephath

Elijah And The Widow Of Zarephath from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


A rich man can easily help others in need, but if the poor decide to help those in need, his offering and service is greater.

Once upon a time, there was no rain for a long time in Israel, so there was a great famine. The Lord commanded the prophet Elijah to hide in the Kerith Ravine of Jordan and drink from the brook. But, after some time, the brook dried up.

Then, the Lord commanded him to go to the Zarephath in a widow’s house who would give him food.

When Elijah arrived, he saw a woman gathering sticks. He politely asked her for a drink of water. As she went to get it, Elijah called out again to ask for a piece of bread.

The woman looked worried because she barely had enough for herself and her son. Elijah told her to not be worried as God would provide; her jar of flour would not be used up and the jug of oil would not run dry until it rains.

The woman trusted Elijah and gave him some bread. Miraculously, no matter how much they used the flour and oil, there was always more. They had enough food every day, just like God promised.


Even when everything seems impossible, God can take care of us if we trust him.

22. Elijah And The Prophets Of Baal

Elijah and the prophets of Baal from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


There was a time in Israel when people started worshiping Baal. So, God became angry and sent a famine over Israel.

During the third year of the famine, God spoke to the Prophet Elijah to go and show himself to Ahab King and God will bring rain to the land.

As per God’s instruction, Elijah went to Samaria and challenged King Ahab to a contest against the prophets of Baals.

Hundreds of Baal prophets gathered on Mount Carmel, but only Elijah was standing against them, representing the true God. They build an altar for their God and place an offering. Now the challenge was to pray to their Gods to send fire down and burn the offering.

The Baal prophets went first. They chanted, danced, and even hurt themselves, but nothing happened. When it was Elijah’s turn, he built a small altar, soaked it in water, and then prayed to God.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck Elijah’s altar and burned everything, proving the glory of one true God.

Afterwards, all the prophets of Baal were slaughtered and the Lord ended the famine with a heavy rain.


God listens to our prayers, and he will never let us down in front of our enemies.

23. The Healing Of Naaman

The healing of Naaman, Bible stories for children
Image: Midjourney


The Old Testament


You might have heard and sung songs about Naaman in Bible school. Let’s learn who Naaman really was!

Naaman was the commander of the army of the king Aaram. He was great and a highly regarded man, but he was suffering from leprosy.

One day, a small girl from Israel who served Naaman’s wife told her mistress about the prophet in Samaria who could cure him of his leprosy.

Desperate for a cure, Naaman traveled all the way to Israel with fancy chariots and gifts to meet the prophet Elisha. But, Elisha sent his messenger to him, instructing to go and wash himself in the Jordan River seven times.

Naaman was furious but his men coaxed him to follow Elisha’s instructions. He dipped himself seven times in the Jordan River, just like Elisha said. His skin became healthy and clean. He was completely healed.

Naaman wanted to offer some gifts but Elisha refused, saying that the healing came from God and not from him.


If we submit ourselves to God-led obedience with humility, God can do wonders in our lives.

24. Jonah In The Fish Belly

Jonah in the fish belly from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


The story of a man in the fish belly is a popular story in the Bible. It teaches us how disobedience can bring trouble.

Once upon a time, there was a righteous man named Jonah. One day, the Lord told him to travel to a big city called Nineveh to warn them about the upcoming destruction.

Jonah didn’t want to go to Nineveh, so he decided to run away. He hopped onto a ship going in the other direction to the city of Tarshish.

Suddenly, God sent a strong wind and the waves tossed the ship back and forth. The sailors were terrified as they knew someone had done bad to anger God.

Jonah knew it was his fault for disobeying God, so he came forward and confessed. He also suggested that he should be thrown into the sea, but sailors tried their best to row the ship to land. They didn’t want to hurt Jonah, but the storm was getting worse. With a heavy heart, they threw Jonah into the raging sea.

However, as soon as Jonah was thrown, a big fish, provided by God, swallowed him whole. Jonah remained in the fish belly for three days and three nights and prayed for forgiveness.

Therefore, the Lord commanded the fish to vomit Jonah on a dry land.


God forgives and gives us chances, even when we disobey him.

25. The Story Of Samson

The story of Samson from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


Samson is a mighty character in the Bible, known for his great strength. Let’s read more!

Samson was born when people used to live their lives away from God. But Samson was the chosen one by God. He was incredibly strong, and would never cut his hair because that’s where his strength came from.

He saw a Philistine woman from Timnah and wanted to marry her. But his parents did not approve.

One day, when going towards the Timnah with his parents, he tore apart a young lion with his bare hands. Another day, he took the honey from the lion’s carcass. This showed his mighty strength.

But he had his weakness that he trusted the woman named Delilah. Delilah was bribed by the Philistines to find out the secret of his strength. After many tries, Delilah finally came to know that Samson’s power was in his hair.

One day, when he was sleeping, she cut his hair, and that’s how he got captured, tortured and mocked by the Philistines.


It is important to listen to God’s instructions and advice as it protects us from any harm.

26. God Called Samuel

God called Samuel from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


When the Israelites did not have a King, the priest used to serve in the temple of God. Let’s learn about one of the most important priests in the Bible- the prophet Samuel.

Samuel used to live in the temple from a younger age and helped the priest Eli in the temple.

One day, when he was sleeping at night, he heard a voice calling his name.

He thought it was Eli, so he jumped out of bed and went to him. He said, “Here I am, Eli.” But Eli told him to go back to sleep as he didn’t call him.

This happened two more times and Eli realized that it might be God calling Samuel. He told Samuel that the next time he hears the voice, he should say, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”

And so, when the voice called him again, he said the same.


Even if we feel that we are just children, we can talk to the Lord and receive his blessings.

27. The Judgment Of King Solomon

The judgment of King Solomon from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


King Solomon was the son of King David who was known for his intelligence. Read a story about one of his great judgments.

One day, two women came to King Solomon with a peculiar problem. They were both claiming to be the mother of the same baby.

King Solomon let each of them talk, but they insisted that the other was lying. The first woman said that she woke up to find her baby dead, and claimed that the second woman had swapped their babies in the night. But the second woman insisted that her baby was alive and well.

King Solomon needed a clever way to find out the truth. He ordered a soldier to bring a sword and threatened to cut the baby in half, giving each woman a piece. Everyone was surprised.

The real mother cried out in horror and pleaded not to hurt the baby. She begged to give the baby to the other woman, but not kill him. But the other woman was not worried if the baby was hurt. She said they could just split him in half.

Seeing their reactions, King Solomon knew he had found the answer. He knew a real mother would never want her child harmed, even if it meant not having them at all.

With a smile, King Solomon awarded the baby to the first woman.


Mother’s love is unconditional. She will never let her child get hurt.

28. The three wise men

The Three Wise Men from Bible stories for children
Image: iStock


The New Testament


One of the most endearing stories in the Bible involves the three wise men! Do you want to know more about them?

When Jesus was born, the whole creation rejoiced! The news of the savior’s birth reached far and wide.

The three wise men too heard about this amazing news. They set out to visit the savior. The wise men traveled a long distance, following the star and finally reached Jerusalem. They searched for baby Jesus everywhere, but could not find him. Finally, someone told them that the baby savior was in Bethlehem.

So, they finally found baby Jesus. The moment they saw the Lord, they fell to their knees in worship. They knew that their hard days were on their way out!


The road to God is hard and long, but the reward makes it all worth it.

29. Jesus at the temple

Jesus at The Temple from Bible stories for children
Image: iStock


The New Testament


Do you want to hear another Jesus story? Here is a wonderful one that you will surely love!

Once, Jesus went with his family to Jerusalem as a young boy to celebrate the Passover festival.

But on their way back, Mary and Joseph realized that Jesus was missing! Afraid for their son’s life, the couple returned to Jerusalem and searched for Jesus. It took them three days before they found the young Jesus at the temple. He was sitting there calmly, learning from the teachers.

The worried parents scolded Jesus lovingly and said, “where were you son, we were looking all over for you.”

Hearing this, Jesus replied, “Why were you worried? Didn’t you know I would be at my father’s temple?”


God is our father.

30. Story of John the Baptist

Story of John the Baptist from Bible stories for children
Image: iStock


The New Testament


Have you heard of John the Baptist? Here is a beautiful story about this interesting Biblical character.

There once lived a man called Zacharias with his wife, Elizabeth. They were good people and very happy together. The only thing that made them sad was that they had no children!

God loved this beautiful couple so one day he sent his angel to them. The angel told them that God would soon give them a son, and they should name him John.

And soon, the miracle happened! The couple was blessed with a beautiful baby boy.

When John was older, he moved to the desert and began to live there. He may have looked like an odd character – wearing clothes made of camel hair and eating locust – but his heart was in the right place.

John spent his time baptizing people in the Jordan River. He also taught people to confess their sins and ask God for forgiveness.

One day, Jesus came to John and asked to be baptized. But soon the holy-spirit engulfed Jesus and God spoke from heaven “This is my son, and I love him.”

John fell to knees and cried tears of joy because finally the son God was here! The story of John the Baptist is one of the interesting short Bible stories for kids.


God dwells in all hearts.

31. The story of the 12 Apostles

The Story of 12 Apostles from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


Of the many miracles Jesus performed, this one is very underrated. Read on to find out another amazing facet of Jesus Christ.

The day was like any other, and Jesus was teaching several people near a lake. The place was crowded, and there was no place to stand.

So, Jesus asked Simon, the fisherman, to take him to the middle of the lake on his boat so he could preach from there.

Once Jesus was done with the teaching, he asked Simon and his friends – James and John – to spread out their net so they could catch some fish.

Simon was apprehensive because they had spent the whole of last night fishing without any success.

But being the followers of Jesus, Simon and his friends did as asked. As soon as they pulled their nets back, they were shocked to see the nets teeming with fish!

The miracle startled the three men, but Jesus said to them kindly “ You are the chosen ones. Don’t be afraid and come with me.”

Jesus then chose nine other men and made the twelve men his messengers – the apostlesiA person who practices as a missionary or a teacher of a belief such as Christianity , to teach men more about God.


Everybody who trusts God and tells others about him is an apostle.

protip_icon Did you know?
Two of the Apostles were Brothers to Jesus Christ. The Apostle Jude and the Apostle James were brothers and their mother Mary was also the mother of Jesus Christ.

32. A Net Full Of Fish

A net full of fish from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


After the resurrection, Jesus showed himself to his disciples. This is one such incident when Jesus went to his disciples.

One day, six of Jesus’ disciples- Simon Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples went out to fish together. The whole night went by but they did not catch any fish.

In the early morning, Jesus was standing by the shore, but no one recognized him. He asked the disciples if they had any fish, but they answered no.

So, Jesus told them to throw their net on the right side of the boat. When they threw the net on the right side, they caught so many fish that they couldn’t pull the net back into the boat.

They recognized that he was the Lord and Simon Peter jumped into the sea to go to him, while others followed in the boat, towing the net.

When they reached the shore, they saw a fire with fish cooking on it and some bread. Jesus asked them to bring some fish, so Peter went back to the boat to help drag the net. There were about 153 large fish in the net, but the net was still not torn.


Put your faith in Jesus Christ, and he will bless you and provide for you.

33. The man from the roof

The Man From the Roof from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


Jesus’ life is like a wondrous storybook, filled with magic and miracles. Here is another wonderful story about Jesus.

A long time ago, Jesus was at home, teaching his disciples and followers.

His modest home was filled to the brim. People were jostling for space. But Jesus went on calmly to fill the people’s heart with God’s love.

Soon, four men made their way to Jesus’ home. They were carrying their paralyzed friend with them. The poor man could not walk and was helpless.

But there was no way for them to reach Jesus. But the friends had faith in Jesus and believed that only he could help their disabled friend. So they climbed onto the roof, cut a hole in it and lowered their friend towards Jesus.

Jesus was touched by the simplicity and faith of these strong men. So he looked at paralyzed man and said “ Arise and go home.” And in an instant the man could walk again!


With faith, everything is possible.

34. Five loaves and two fish

Five Loaves And Two Fish from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


Jesus is the very epitome of kindness and virtue. Here is a beautiful story that showcases these very characteristics.

One day, Jesus was holding a congregation near a mountain. There were nearly 5000 people gathered there to hear Jesus and watch his miracles.

Many of these people were poor and hungry. But their faith was strong. They stayed on for the day, just listening to their savior without a complaint.

But Jesus’ heart was filled with kindness. So he said to his disciple Philip “we must feed these people.” But Philip told Jesus that they didn’t have enough money to feed all these people.

On hearing this, Another of Jesus’ disciples, Andrew, said, “there is a little food we have – five loaves of bread and two fish. But we cannot feed 5000 people with this food.”

But Jesus, the miracle maker, didn’t utter a word. He took the food and blessed it. Then he began to distribute the food among his followers. And the food refused to run out!

All the 5000 people ate to their heart’s content and still there were 12 bucketfuls of leftover food remaining!

Seeing this miracle, the gathered people tried to make Jesus their King. What they didn’t know yet was that Jesus was God’s son!


Believe in God and you’ll never go hungry

35. The tax collector

The Tax Collector from Bible stories for children
Image: iStock


The New Testament


One of the biggest lessons we get from Jesus is the need for compassion. The next story is a perfect example of Jesus’ compassion.

Once, while passing through the town of Jericho, Jesus showed the world the meaning of hating the sin, not a sinner! As he was passing through the down, a crowd of people followed him. They wanted to hear Jesus talk about God’s Kingdom!

In that crowd, there was also a man called Zaccheus, the tax collector. He too wanted to see Jesus Christ. But he was a short man and could not see over the crowd.

So, Zaccheus hit upon a clever idea. He climbed to the top of a tree so he could see who Jesus was.

As Jesus was passing under the tree, he looked up and said “

“Zaccheus, come down, I must stay at your house today.”

The jubilant Zaccheus climbed down and began walking with Jesus towards his home.

But the crowd was not pleased with this change of events. Most people in Jericho did not like tax collectors as most of them were greedy and dishonest.

Jesus’ followers did not want their savior to be kind to such a sinner. But Zaccheus was a changed man. He promised Jesus that he would give half of his earnings to the poor and also return the money he had grabbed from common folks.

This is just what Jesus had hoped for. He blessed Zaccheus and showed that one must hate the sin, not the sinner.


Hate the sin, not the sinner.

36. Parable of the lost sheep

Parable Of The Lost Sheep from Bible stories for children
Image: iStock


The New Testament


Many stories in the Bible are in the form of parablesiSimplified version of a story to convey the message to the reader that is usually a life lesson or good morals . Parables make the real teachings of the Bible easy to understand.

The kind lord Jesus spent a lot of his time with sinners. One day, as was his routine, Jesus sat sharing his teachings with a group of tax collectors and sinners.

But many people, including the Jewish spiritual leaders, named Pharisees, did not appreciate this kind of meeting. Jesus knew that it wouldn’t be an easy task to change people’s minds. So he told them a story to make Jesus’ intentions easier to understand.

The story went something like this – “If you are a shepherd with 100 sheep and if you lose one, what would you do? Won’t you leave the remaining 99 and go search for the one lost sheep? And when you find him, won’t your heart be full of joy and happiness? And when you reach home, you’ll call all your friends and family and celebrate because you found your lost sheep.”

Jesus continued, “Just as you will rejoice about the lost sheep, so will the heavens rejoice when even one sinner repents and reaches out to the Lord.”


Bringing one man to see the light of God is a reason to rejoice.

37. The parable of the prodigal son

The Parable Of The Prodigal Son from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


Here’s another story within a story! This popular parable also reflects Jesus’ love, grace, and acceptance for everyone.

It was another beautiful day, and Jesus was trying to explain why he loved sinners so much. So he told the story of the Prodigal Son!

“There once lived a man with two sons” Jesus began. “The younger son developed a greed and asked his father to give him his part of inheritance early. The man loved his sons very much and gave him what he asked for.

Soon, the younger son took all the money and went to a far away land. With the recklessness of youth, he spent all the money on meaningless expenses. Soon he had no money left. This was also the time when famine struck the land. With no money, the younger son began to starve.

With no other option available, he went to a rich man’s house and asked for a job. The rich man had only one job on offer – that of feeding the pigs! No other man was willing to accept such a dirty job. Amidst this hardship, the younger son soon realized what a blunder he had committed! He said to himself “I will go and beg for my father’s forgiveness. I will ask him to make me his servant”.

With that thought in mind, he returned to his father’s house. When the father saw his younger son, he was overjoyed. He hugged him. But the son was filled with repentance and wanted to work as his father’s servant. But the father would have none of it! He ordered the best clothes and shoes for his beloved son and hosted a feast in his honor too!

But the elder son was unhappy and refused to attend the feast. Seeing this, the father asked why he was so unhappy. To this, the elder son replied, “I have never left your side and loved you always. And yet you love my younger brother more.

On hearing this, the old man smiled and said, “Your brother has returned and repented. That is surely a reason to celebrate. As for you, my son, you own all that is mine, now and forever!”

Upon hearing this story, the people understood exactly why Jesus loved the sinners because they returned from their sin!


God loves all his children equally.

38. The Parable Of A Sower

The parable of a sower from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


Do you know how and where a sower should seed? Let’s hear this interesting story of a sower.

A sower went out to sow seeds for the plantation. As he scattered the seeds, they fell on different types of ground.

Some seeds fell on a hard path and birds quickly came and ate the seeds.

Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where there was not much soil. The seeds sprouted quickly, but because the soil was shallow, the plants couldn’t grow strong roots. So, when the sun came up, the plants withered and died.

Some seeds fell among thorns, so the thorns grew with seeds and choked the plants.

Finally, there were some seeds that were scattered on a good soil. These seeds grew into strong, healthy plants, bearing crops that were a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown.


Keep your heart open to God’s words and teaching and let it grow in your heart.

39. The Parable Of A Wedding Feast

The parable of a wedding feast from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


To simplify his teachings about the kingdom of heaven, Jesus compared it with the wedding banquet. Let’s read about this parable.

Once, a man threw a wedding banquet for his son. He invited some special guests to the banquet, but they all refused to come.

He sent his servants to the guests, stating that the oxen and fattened cattle had been butchered and prepared for the wedding banquet.

But the guests paid no attention to his invitation, and some even mistreated and killed his servant. The King got angry and had all the murderers killed and their cities burned.

He then asked his servants to go to the street corners and invite everyone they could find. And so, the wedding hall was filled with guests of all types of people.

However, the king noticed a man who was not dressed properly for the banquet. He was thrown out in the darkness.


We all should prepare our hearts to the Lord, and accept Jesus Christ as our savior.

40. The Unforgiving Servant’s Parable

The unforgiving servant’s parable from Bible stories for children
Image: iStock


The New Testament


Forgiveness and forgiving are important virtues that Jesus talks about in his teachings. Let’s read one such parable on forgiveness.

Once, there was a king who had accounts to settle with his servants. One of his servants owed him ten thousand bags of gold but he was unable to pay. Therefore, the king gave out an order to sell him, his wife, and his children to repay the debt.

Hearing this, the servant began to plead and begged on his knees to be patient. The king took pity on him and eventually canceled his debts.

As he was going back to his house, the servant met his fellow man who owed him a hundred silver coins. He demanded his money immediately and started choking him.

The fellow servant begged for more time on his knees, but the wicked servant refused his pleas and threw him in prison. When other servants saw this, they went to the king to tell him about the wicked servant. The king summoned the first servant back and said to him that he should have forgiven and shown mercy to his fellow servant just as he had been forgiven.


Since God forgives us and delivers us from our sins, we should also learn to forgive.

41. The Rich Man And Lazarus

The Rich Man And Lazarus from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


Through the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, Jesus warns us to not run after money.

There was a rich man who used to dress up in purple linen and lived a luxurious life. At the gate of his house lived a beggar named Lazarus, who had sores all over his body. He used to sit outside to eat the crumbs from the rich man’s table. His sores were so bad that dogs used to lick them.

One day both the beggar and the rich man die. The angels took Lazarus to heaven to Abraham’s side. But the rich man was sent to Hades. When he was being tormented and saw Lazarus by Abraham’s side, he requested Abraham to let Lazarus dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off his tongue because he was in great agony.

But Abraham replied that Lazarus had received all bad things before and was now being comforted. He also said that it is impossible to cross.

The rich man then begged Abraham to send Lazarus to his five brothers to warn them, saying that they would listen to the dead and repent.

Upon hearing this, Abraham replied that if they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, the dead can not convince them either.


All the world’s riches and earthly possessions mean nothing in front of God if our hearts are not with God.

42. The Parable Of Ten Virgins

The Parable Of Ten Virgins from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


Jesus used to talk in parables so that everyone could understand his teachings. Let’s read one of the popular parables of ten virgins.

Here, Jesus tells everyone to be prepared for the kingdom of heaven. He gave an example of five virgins who carried their lamps along with extra oil in jars to meet the bridegroom. The other five foolish virgins took their lamps but did not bring any extra oil. While waiting for the bridegroom, everyone became drowsy and fell asleep.

At midnight, the bridegroom came and there was a sound in the city to come and meet him. All the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. But then the foolish virgin saw their lamps going dim and asked the wise one for some oil.

However, wise ones refused to give them any, fearing that it might not be enough.

When the foolish virgins went to the seller to buy some oil, the bridegroom arrived. The wise virgins who were ready went with the bridegroom to the banquet and the door was closed.

When foolish virgins came, knocking on the door, the bridegroom refused to recognize them.


Trust in God and be in his presence at all times since we do not know when the kingdom of heaven will come upon us.

43. The story of Lazarus

The Story Of Lazarus from Bible stories for children
Image: iStock


The New Testament


Death is the ultimate reality. Nobody can cheat death. But Jesus? Well, he can do anything!

Jesus had two very good friends – Mary and Martha. One day, Jesus got the news that his friends’ brother Lazarus was on his death-bed. The news filled Jesus with sadness for he knew how much his friends loved their brother. But he did not rush to meet the dying man for he knew that God had plans for him.

Soon, Lazarus died. Jesus went to meet his friends four days after Lazarus’ death. But before Jesus could reach their home, he met Martha. She was angry because she felt that Jesus had let them down. She had faith that if Jesus had come on time, her brother could have been saved. So Jesus said to her “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who lives and believes in me, even though they are dead, yet shall they live.”

Saying this, Jesus asked Martha to lead him to Lazarus’ grave. Once there, he said, “Lazarus, come forth.” And with those short three words, he breathed back life into Lazarus’ body!

Finally, the world could see that God had sent his son to save them! The story of Lazarus is one of the popular short Bible stories for children.


God has a plan for our lives.

44. The last supper

The Last Supper
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


The story of the last supper has been told a million times. It is even the subject of a famous painting! So, do you want to know what happened at the last supper?

Jesus, the Son of God, knew that his time as a mortal was nearly over. His job on earth was nearing completion. But there was still some work to do. He knew that his final gift to mankind would be his death on the cross.

But before that, he had a few more things to share. So, on his last night alive, he called his apostles for the last supper. He spent the evening sharing his wisdom and knowledge because now it would be up to the apostles to spread the word of God.

Then Jesus got down on his knees and washed their feet. This was a teaching on how to treat each other once Jesus was gone.

Then all of them sat down for supper. Jesus shared food and drinks with them. He told the apostles that they must remember him whenever they had their supper.

As they were eating their supper, Jesus told his friends that one of the 12 apostles would betray him. Though Jesus knew that it was Judas who would betray him, he did not confront him because he knew that it was all God’s plan.

Soon Judas left the table on some pretense and returned with soldiers to arrest Jesus. Peter tried to protect him, but Jesus told him not to. He knew that it was time for the final sacrifice.


Love even those who betray you for they too are doing God’s work.

protip_icon Trivia
Leonardo da Vinci’s renowned painting, The Last Supper, is preserved at the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy. It could not be moved to any museum from the wall due to its bad condition.

45. The good news

The Good News from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


Many think of Jesus’ crucifixion as a sad event. But if you read the Bible you’ll understand that it was the greatest gift that God could ever give you!

After Jesus’ arrest, he was taken to the high priest. It was a trial only in name. Jesus’ guilt was already established in the minds of his enemies.

He was insulted, beaten up and spat upon! His enemies wanted him dead. So, the high priest ordered that Jesus be killed by crucifixion.

So, the Son of God was nailed to the cross where he died hours later – hungry and thirsty. But before he died, he asked his father, God, to forgive us! That was Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice.

Jesus’ brokenhearted followers buried their savior in a cave-tomb and covered its entrance with a large stone.

On the first day of the next week, Jesus’ friends Mary Magdalene, Peter, John, and Simon came to the tomb to worship. But what they saw shocked them!

The stone covering the cave’s entrance was rolled to the side, and Jesus’ grave was empty!

At first, they thought robbers had stolen their savior’s body. But Mary saw two angels inside the cave and as she turned to return saw Jesus standing by her side!

Yes, the Messiah had risen from the dead! Jesus went back to his friends – the 12 apostles. They all were overjoyed to see their friend and savior again. They also knew that Jesus was God’s very own son.

Jesus told them that God sacrificed him, the Lord’s son, to wash away humanity’s sins. And whoever believed in him and came to him with complete faith will live on forever in heaven.


God sacrificed his son to wash away our sins.

46. The new Heaven and Earth

The New Heaven And Earth from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Book Of Revelation


Did you wonder who wrote the Bible? Do you wonder how they knew God’s words? Here’s a story about the revelation that the apostle John experienced.

John was the blessed one to have the truth revealed to him. In his words “ On the day the Savior was nailed to the cross, I was there. I saw him die in pain and agony. But soon he was alive again! He was, after all, the Living One!

Then the angels also showed me many more wondrous things. I saw the Holy City, the beautiful Jerusalem, waiting for all believers.

I also saw the new Heaven and Earth, waiting for God’s children. God spoke to me and said ‘I am the Alpha and Omega. I am everything. I built all this for my children – for you. Whoever believes in me will never go thirsty. To the hungry I will give food. This beautiful new world is now all yours!’”

So, John wrote down everything God told him and gave us this beautiful book called the Holy Bible! The New Heaven and Earth is one of the simple and short Bible stories for kids.


The Bible is God’s word.

47. The good samaritan

The Good Samaritan from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


Here’s a very interesting story from the Bible, which explains the true meaning of justice.

There once lived a man who knew all there was to know about the law.

One day, he asked Jesus “How can I achieve eternal life?”

Jesus replied, “Follow the law. Do you know what the law to eternal life is?”

The expert replied, “Yes if I love the Lord with all my heart and soul. And if I treat my neighbor with the same respect, I will achieve eternal life.”

Jesus was happy and said, “You are right. Follow this simple rule and you will be saved.”

But the law expert was still not sure. So he asked his savior “ But who is my neighbor? Is it the person staying next to me?”

Jesus realized that the law expert was confused so he told him a story. He said, “ One day a man was traveling to Jericho from Jerusalem. But a gang of robbers soon overtook him and robbed him of all that he possessed. They even took his clothes and beat him ruthlessly.

The poor man could not walk to safety. A priest soon passed by but did not try to help the man. Levite, too, ignored the wounded man and went his way.

But a SamaritaniPeople belonging to the Ancient city of Samaria, in Israel, as depicted in the Bible or someone helpful passing by took one look at the man and took pity on him. He washed his wounds and tied a neat bandage. But that was not the end of the Samaritan’s kindness. He then took the wounded man to an inn and nursed him back to health.”

Now Jesus asked the law expert a question “ “Which of the three – the priest, the Levite, and the Samaritan – do you think was a neighbor to the robbed man?”

“The Samaritan for he showed mercy to the poor man.” The law expert replied.


Love all beings as you would love God.

48. A roaring rescue

A Roaring Rescue from Bible stories for children
Image: iStock


The Old Testament


This interesting story will teach an important lesson to kids, of having faith and strength even during times of trial.

Babylon was ruled by King Darius. He had appointed several men as advisors, soldiers and various ministers. Daniel was appointed as the leader of advisors. He was a religious man who had immense faith in Christ. But others did not like Daniel and wanted to get him removed from the position.

They devised a plan and approached the king. The plan was to convince the king to make a new law saying, people of Babylon should only pray to King Darius. If any person is found offering prayers to someone other than King Darius, they will be punished and thrown into the lion’s den.

Daniel was aware of the new law but could not stop himself from offering his prayers to God. He was also very dear to King Darius but when the other men complained about Daniel’s prayers, the king had no choice but to punish Daniel.

King Darius punished Daniel by imprisoning him in the lion’s den, but said ‘May your God rescue you Daniel.’ Daniel showed no signs of worry and started offering his prayers to Christ.

On the following day, King Darius visited the den and asked if Daniel was doing ok. Daniel was delighted to see the king was concerned about him and replied, saying, “My lord majesty, my God has shut the mouths of lions and kept me safe.” Hearing this, King Darius opened the door and set Daniel free. Everyone was surprised to see Daniel come out safe and healthy.

King Darius punished the men who schemed against Daniel and issued a decree stating that the people of Babylon must fear the God of Daniel.


God is mightier than any of our fears. Therefore, trusting and honoring the almighty will ensure we are on the right path in life.

49. Survival Of Daniel’s Friends In Fire

Survival of Daniel’s friends in fire from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The Old Testament


We learned how God was with Daniel during the times of trial, and this story is about Daniel’s friends.

Daniel along with his three friends- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (or Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah in Hebrew), were brought to Babylon to serve at the king’s court. During those times, King Nebuchadnezzar set a decree to fall down and worship his gold image. But Daniel’s three friends only worshiped and bowed to God. One day, a few officials of Babylon informed the king about this matter. Raging with anger, the king summoned the three of them to be questioned.

Daniel’s three friends remained certain and refused to bow before their gods or the king’s gold image. Therefore, Nebuchadnezzar commanded to throw them in a fiery furnace, tied firmly. The flame was so high that it even killed the soldiers who went to throw them in the furnace.

However, the king saw that there were four men, instead of three, walking freely and unharmed in the furnace, with the fourth one looking like the son of God.

The king called them out and praised their God who saved them from the hot fire. He also promoted all three of them in his province.


When life gives you challenges, hold onto God and trust him because he can deliver you from every problem.

50. David And Goliath


The Old Testament


A long time ago in a faraway place, there were two tribes of people, the Israelites and the Philistines. The Philistines had a big, scary giant named Goliath. He challenged the people of Israel to a fight, but everyone was scared because Goliath was so strong and tough.

But then came a young shepherd named David. He was not a big warrior, he was just a child who took care of sheep. David heard about the challenge and said, ‘I’ll do it!’ People were surprised because David was small and did not wear heavy armor like the other fighters.

David went to face Goliath with his sling and five smooth stones. Goliath laughed at David because he looked so small.

But David did not give up. He trusted in God and used his sling to aim a stone right at Goliath’s forehead. The giant fell to the ground, and David grabbed Goliath’s sword to finish the job. The Israelites were astonished and overjoyed. They cheered, and David showed everyone that even if you are not the biggest or strongest, you can still be really brave and do amazing things when you trust yourself and believe that God is on your side.


Even the smallest can be the bravest. Trust in yourself and God and face challenges with courage.

51. Peter And John Healed A Lame Man

Peter and John healed a lame man, Bible stories for children
Image: Midjourney


The New Testament


After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Peter and John along with other disciples of Jesus continued spreading the Gospel of Jesus and performed miracles. Let’s hear one of the miracles that Peter and John performed in Jesus’ name.

One day when Peter and John were going to the temple in the afternoon, they saw a lame man sitting by the temple gate called beautiful. He was lame by birth and was put at the temple gate every day to beg. When  Peter and John passed by him, he asked them for money. But Peter and John asked him for his attention.

He was expecting something from them, but then Peter looked at him, and said that he did not have any silver or gold, but commanded him to walk in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. After saying this, Peter helped him to stand and he instantly got strength in his feet and ankles. He jumped, walked and praised God, and went into temple courts with them.


We can do anything in Christ if it’s God’s will.

52. Paul Encountering Jesus

Paul encountering Jesus from Bible stories for children
Image: Shutterstock


The New Testament


We all know about Paul the Apostle who spread the Gospel- The Good News. But do you know, he was once a person who used to torture Christians? Let’s learn how his life was transformed.

Earlier, Paul was called Saul and he used to torture and prison Jesus’ disciples and his people. One day, he was going to Damascus to get the acceptance letters from the synagogues to capture the Lord’s people. But, God had other plans for him!

When he was near Damascus, suddenly, a bright light flashed around him from heaven. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Saul asked who the voice belonged to and he heard a voice saying that he was Jesus.

All his men were speechless because they could only hear the sound but not see anyone. Finally, when he stood up and opened his eyes, he could not see anything. His men took him to Damascus by hand where he remained blind for three days and did not eat or drink anything.

After three days, a disciple named Ananias got a vision from God to go to Saul and restore his sight. Ananias obeyed God and went to Saul to restore his sight. Once he got his eyesight back, he got up and was baptized. From then onwards, his life was transformed and he became the apostle Paul.


Jesus always has a plan for our lives, we just need to listen to his voice.

Popular Bible Stories Categories

Bible stories can be categorized into New Testament or Old Testament tales. However, stories of both these categories feature many sub-themes within them. For instance, popular historical narratives in the Old Testament, such as the Creation Story and the Story of Adam and Eve, feature prophetic messages from God, the religious laws to be followed by people, and the relation between God and his chosen ones.

On the other hand, New Testament stories, such as the Birth of Jesus and the First Miracle at Cana, are about the resurrection and teachings of Jesus Christ. These stories also teach about faith, the idea of salvation, and the importance of the Church in people’s lives.

Benefits Of Reading Bible Stories

Reading Bible stories is an excellent way for younger children to learn about kindness, empathy, honesty, forgiveness, and courage. These stories’ rich narratives and settings can also help develop their comprehension and storytelling skills and stimulate their imagination.

Older children can find comfort in these stories during challenging times or situations. For religious families, reading Bible stories can strengthen their spirituality and deepen their connection with God.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who was swallowed by a big fish and later released onto the shores of Nineveh?

According to the Holy Bible, Jonah was a prophet who was swallowed by a giant fish. He remained in its belly for three days and three nights, praying for forgiveness. God commanded the fish to vomit him out before commanding Jonah to travel to Nineveh. The story about Jonah and the whale teaches the lesson that God is omnipresent.

2. Which prophet called on the people of Israel to repent and return to God?

God commanded the prophet Jeremiah to ask all men to give up their wicked ways, idol worship and return to worshiping Yahweh.

3. Who received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai?

Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai and engraved them on two stone tablets.

4. What was the woman’s name who helped the Israelite spies escape from Jericho?

A Canaanite woman named Rahab, living on the outskirts of Jericho, helped Israeli spies escape the town.

5. Who was sold into slavery by his brothers but later became a powerful ruler in Egypt?

Joseph, one of Jacob’s 12 sons, was envied by his brothers and sold into slavery, after which he became the ruler of Egypt.

6. Who cared for baby Moses after he was placed in a basket on the Nile River?

After Moses was released in the River Nile by his mother Jochebed, he was found by Pharaoh’s daughter, who saved him by taking her home.

To receive blessings is to help those in need, and true happiness is in giving. These Bible stories, such as David and Goliath, the good samaritan, and Adam and Eve for kids, are excellent ways to make children understand the art of living and help them distinguish virtue from vice. Early exposure to such stories etches in young minds that counter hatred never yields anything good but destroys peace. The holy book is a treasure trove of ancient wisdom, and these stories are just a drop in the ocean that is the Bible. So guide your child to the path of righteousness through these fascinating stories.

Illustration: Short Bible Stories For Children To Read

Short Bible Stories For Children To Read_illustration

Image: Dall·E/MomJunction Design Team

Tabitha was a woman of faith who used her gifts to help others. She was a loyal follower of Jesus Christ. She was an example of courage and generosity, inspiring us to be kind and generous.

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