Image: Midjourney/ MomJunction Design Team
Boils on babies may resolve without interventions or simple home remedies. However, it is recommended to seek pediatric care if the boils are not cured within a few days. These are also called furuncles, an infection of hair follicles deep in the skin due to bacteria or fungi and a type of folliculitisiAn inflammation of hair follicles that looks like small red bumps or pimples (1). Staphylococcus aureus is the most common causative agent; usually, the infection may begin with scratches or insect bites on the skin. These are painful red nodules filled with pus (2). Immediate medical attention is needed for recurrent boils or those growing in size (3).
Read on to learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatments for boils on babies.
Key Pointers
- Boils, also called furuncles, are infections of the hair follicles caused by bacteria or fungi. They occur in areas with hair such as the face, neck, armpits, and buttocks.
- Infants with a weakened immune system, existing skin infections, and frequent insect bites are highly susceptible to boils, although they can also develop in healthy babies.
- Symptoms range from a white or yellow head on an inflamed area to high fever, pain, and swelling.
- Home remedies can help with the healing process: Apply a warm compress to drain out the boil; use an ointment if the compress does not help; apply alcohol and keep the infected area clean.
- Large boils are treated by incision and drainage. An antibiotic dosage is prescribed to clear the infection and relieve the symptoms.
- It is important to maintain utmost hygiene to prevent boils. Wash your baby’s towels and clothes after every use, and look out for early signs of symptoms. If the baby has been treated, keep the wound clean and sterilized.
Are Boils Common In Babies?
Boils most commonly appear in teenagers or young adults. Although not very common, they may be observed in babies. A boil can develop in healthy infants, but babies with weakened immune systems, existing skin infections, and skin injuries such as cuts, grazes or insect bites are at a higher risk. Additionally, babies with diabetesiA condition where your body has trouble controlling blood sugar levels may be more prone to developing boils (4).
Where Do Boils Appear On The Body?
Babies can get boils anywhere on the body since boils can spread from one part of the body to another. The most common areas for boils to occur are places where there is friction and/or places that tend to be sweaty, such as face, neck, shoulders, thighs, armpits, and buttocks (4). It is essential to know the symptoms to differentiate boils from other skin conditions.
Symptoms Of Boils In Babies
A boil clinically presents as red, swollen, painful, and tender nodules of varying size and at times with an overlying pustule (5). It usually measures between ½ to 1 inch (1 to 2 cm) in diameter (6). You may notice other symptoms as the boil grows larger (7).
- The appearance of a white or yellow head on the inflamed area
- Increasing size and soreness of the lump
- Increasing pain
- Fever and chills (rare)
- Inflammation of the nearby lymph nodes (rare)
The baby could display more symptoms depending on the cause of the boils.

When To See A Doctor?
In most cases, boils heal within two weeks. However, it is good to consult a doctor when you notice the following conditions (6) (7) (8) (9).
- A boil is increasing in size or in number.
- Several furuncles form a cluster or carbuncle, causing a condition called carbunculosis.
- It has become large and painful, making your baby feel uncomfortable.
- Fever of more than 100°F (37.7°C).
- Redness of the skin around the boil with uncontrollable itching.
- Recurrent boils at the same spot or other parts of the body.
- Boil appears on the face or spine.
- Extensive red rash
- Your baby seems unwell or shows concerning behavior.
If a boil bursts, you also might seek medical advice.
Home Remedies For Boils In Babies
When a boil first appears, the pus-filled cavity (abscess) is absent. In this phase, doctors might recommend the following home remedies (10).
- Warm and moist compresses: You may apply a warm and moist compress to the boil for 20 to 30 minutes, three to four times a day. This could make the boil drain. Once the boil is drained, cover the boil with a clean, antiseptic bandage to protect the infection from spreading.
- Ointment: If the boil does not drain out with warm compresses, then try using topical creams or ointments that draw (pull) the pus out of the boil. This type of ointment is referred to as “drawing salve.” It typically contains a drug called ammonium bituminosulfonate, also known as Ichthyol which causes the surface of the boil to break.

- Washing the infected area: Affected areas must be washed with an antibacterial soap. Wash your hands before and after washing the boil to prevent the spread of the boil to other parts of the baby’s body.
- Alcohol: Disinfect the area by rubbing alcohol, which is entirely harmless for the baby’s skin (11). Sometimes, this alone might be enough to treat boils that may have been caused by a simple infection. However, always consult a doctor before applying alcohol to your baby’s skin to ensure it is safe and suitable.
- Coconut oil: If there are multiple boils on the scalp, it might be because of heat and weather. In this case, apply extra virgin coconut oil on the boils. Extra virgin coconut oil has antibacterial and emollient properties that could potentially help in healing boils (12).
- Honey, porridge, and parsley: Although these home remedies are largely anecdotal, the use of honey, porridge, and parsley may provide symptomatic relief to your baby.
In addition to the above, homeopathic interventions may also help treat boils. A study assessed the effectiveness of various homeopathic remedies in treating boils. The report states, “In the present study of 30 cases of Furuncle and Folliculitis, the most commonly indicated remedies were Silicea, Graphitis, Nat. Mur (Natrum Muriaticum), Sulphur and Sepia (13).”
Always consult a doctor before using any home remedy on the baby’s skin.
Causes Of Boils In Babies
Bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus (staph), which is present on the baby’s skin, is the most common cause of boils. Other types of bacteria or fungi present on the skin’s surface can also cause them (14). It usually does not cause a problem. However, an infection might develop due to the following reasons.
- Spread from an infected person: Boils caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA can spread from an infected person to the baby (2). It is important to note that rather than boil, it is the pus in the boils that is contagious and thus the main cause of the spread of the infection. Understanding the cause of contagiousness can help prevent spread.
- Other skin infections: If your baby has other skin infections, then they are more vulnerable to boils. This happens due to the weakening of the skin barrier often caused by skin problems, such as in eczema (1). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that approximately 10.4% of children between the ages of zero and five years experience eczema (15).
- Skin injuries or bug bites: A skin injury or a bug bite can provide a point of entry for bacteria, thus causing boils (7).

- Broken boils: Broken boils can cause the spread of pus from one part of the body to another. It can lead to the spread of boils to unaffected parts of the body (5).
- Poor hygiene: Poor infant hygiene can cause the deposition of sweat and dead skin cells within natural skin creases and crevices. It becomes a hospitable place for infection-causing bacteria, thus leading to boils (3).
- Skin friction:Tight-fitting clothes result in friction with skin and also poor skin ventilation. It can make the skin a breeding ground for bacteria and lead to boils (6).
Diagnosis Of Boils In Babies
A timely diagnosis of the cause can help prevent discomfort to the baby. Following is the possible course of diagnosis that your doctor would follow (16).
- Health history: This is the preliminary step of diagnosis. The doctor will check the symptoms and know the baby’s health history.
- Physical examination: The boil is examined to assess its severity.
- Culture: This method of diagnosis might be used in moderate to severe cases of boils by collecting a sample of the pus for microbiological analysis and determination of the type of bacteria.
- Blood tests: Blood tests may be done in severe cases, associated with systemic signs of infection or in recurring boils (10).
The diagnosis of the underlying cause determines the course of treatment for the boils.
Treatment For Boils In Babies
Sometimes boils get better on their own or with the help of a home remedy. But if they do not, the following treatment could be prescribed (5).
1. Incision and drainage
It is the standard treatment for large boils. The doctor gives local anesthesia or uses a cooling agent to numb the area and gently slits the boil. Then, cotton gauze is used to compress and extract the pus out of the boil. The wound is not stitched but covered with an antibiotic plaster to promote healing.
The entire process is performed as a minor surgery at an outpatient clinic, and you can take the baby home after the procedure. The doctor may ask you to return the next day or a few days later to change the dressing and inspect the progress of healing.
2. Systemic antibiotics therapy

In this process, antibiotics are administered through an intravenous drip or injection. Antibiotics help combat the bacteria that led to the infection in the first place, thus ultimately leading to relief from boils. This mode of treatment is usually used in cases of severe boils that can cause complications and thus cannot be drained.
3. Keeping still
Another treatment for boils is “keeping still,” which is considered when the boil is on the face in order to minimize the risk of spreading the bacteria through the bloodstream. In this method, the affected part of the skin is kept as still as possible and not touched. However, this method can be difficult to implement in babies since they are active, and it is hard to teach them to stay still or not touch a part of the face.
If your baby has secondary symptoms, such as fever, then the doctor will prescribe relevant medications.
Complication Of Boils In Babies
Prompt treatment can not only treat and heal boils but can also prevent some complications, such as those mentioned below (17) (18).
- Scarring: Large boils might cause scarring. Generally, the scar fades over a period, but may not disappear completely.
- Spread of infection: Once a baby is infected, it is usually recommended to be careful about its spread. The bacteria inside a boil could spread to other parts of the body. This can potentially initiate a secondary infection such as cellulitis, which is a common benign secondary infection. In some cases, the spread of infection can also cause sepsis and meningitis.
- Cavernous sinus thrombosis: is a very rare complication of boils (19). It usually occurs when an infection initiates the development of a blood clot in the spaces behind the eye socket and causes increased brain pressure. The symptoms include sharp and severe headaches, swelling of the eyes, and severe eye pain. This condition is life-threatening if not treated with antibiotics in a timely way.
- Recurrence: Recurrent boils, also known as recurrent furunculosis, are considered a complication due to their persistence and potential impact on overall health. This condition is generally defined as experiencing three or more episodes of boils within a 12-month period (20).
Complications arising from boils are rare and mostly occur when severe boils are ignored and not provided medical attention. They can be prevented through simple precautionary measures.
Prevention Of Boils In Babies
Texas-based pediatrician Dr. Lisa Ehl Lewis advises, “If your baby develops a boil, clean it carefully to prevent the infection from spreading. Use a gentle antibacterial soap and avoid applying pressure. After cleaning, apply an antibacterial ointment and cover it with a bandage to contain the spread of the bacteria and promote healing.”
Here are some simple steps to prevent boils (21) (22).
- Maintain proper hygiene and note that washing hands is key to preventing Staph skin infections. Have everyone in the home wash their hands often. Use a liquid antibacterial soap or alcohol hand sanitizer for sterilization. Avoid nose picking. People have Staph bacteria in their nose.
- Look for symptoms of boils, and as soon as you notice any, take prompt action.
- If your baby has developed a boil, clean it carefully, and avoid the spread of the infection.
- Wash your baby’s clothes and towels after each use, in an antibacterial solution to avoid the spread of any existing skin infection to healthy skin.

- If your baby has an existing boil, then see to it that your baby does not rub, squeeze, or poke the boil.
- If the baby has been treated, keep the wound clean and covered with sterilized gauze until it heals.
- Avoid tight clothing and dress your baby in comfortable, well-fitting clothes to prevent friction, which can lead to boils.
Boils Vs Other Skin Conditions
While boils can appear similar to other skin conditions, there are key differences that can help you identify them accurately. Understanding these distinctions is essential to ensure your baby receives appropriate care.
Condition | Appearance/symptoms | Causes |
Boils (16) | Red, painful, swollen bump with a pus-filled center. May feel warm to the touch. | Bacterial infection (commonly Staphylococcus aureus). |
Eczema (23) | Red, dry, and scaly patches. Often itchy. May ooze or crust over in severe cases. | Genetic predisposition or allergens. |
Heat rash (Miliaria) (24) | Tiny red or pink bumps on the neck, back, or diaper area that may be itchy. | Blocked sweat glands due to heat. |
Impetigo (25) | Red sores or blisters that ooze and develop a yellowish crust. Appears often around the mouth or nose. | Bacterial infection (Streptococcus or Staphylococcus). |
Baby acne (26) | Small red or white/black bumps or pustules, often on the cheeks, forehead, nose, scalp, chest, or neck. | Mother’s hormones or due to the yeast infection |
Hives (Urticaria) (27) | Itchy, swollen areas on the skin that are pink or red. | Allergic reaction (to food, medicine, etc.). |
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long does a boil last?
Boils generally last for two weeks in most cases. Therefore, if the boil stays for more than two weeks and is still painful, then consult a doctor.
2. Does teething cause boil in babies?
No, teething is not known to cause boils.
3. Are baths good for boils?
Bathing your child with antibacterial soap might help reduce the chances of the boil spreading further. However, it might not remove all the bacteria from the skin’s surface. Thus, showers are more effective in removing staph bacteria from the skin (6).
4. What happens if I squeeze a boil on a baby?
Squeezing a boil can be painful for the baby and increase the risk of it spreading to other body parts, including the blood (28). Alternatively, squeezing a boil can also introduce additional bacteria into the area, worsening the infection and potentially leading to complications, such as impetigo. Impetigo in babies is a highly contagious infection that commonly affects infants and young children.
Boils on babies are characterized by red, swollen, painful, and sensitive nodules of varied sizes and an underlying pustule in certain cases. Usually, babies recover from boils within two weeks. However, if you have observed serious symptoms for which treatment is suggested, you must follow the method on newborns exactly as advised to avoid complications. Several home treatments, like warm and moist compressions, may be beneficial in the early stages. Moreover, maintaining hygiene, washing the baby’s clothing and towels after usage, cleaning and concealing the wound, and other preventative measures may be effective.
Infographic: How Do You Know If It’s A Boil Or Not?
Knowing the characteristics of boils can help parents differentiate them from other skin conditions. It may also help you seek doctors’ attention if something other than usual is happening on the baby’s skin. Check out the infographic to learn more about what babies’ boils look like. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Illustration: Boils On Babies: Pictures Causes Remedies & Treatment

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Boils can appear anywhere on a child’s body, causing pain and itchiness. Learn how long it takes for a boil to heal and get tips on how to help your baby feel better and speed up the healing process.
- Conditions Related to Eczema.
https://nationaleczema.org/eczema/related-conditions/ - Boils Abscess & Cellulitis
https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/infections/Pages/Boils-Abscess-and-Cellulitis.aspx - Boils.
https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/boils - Pediatric Folliculitis Furuncles (Boils) and Carbuncles.
https://www.childrensnational.org/get-care/health-library/folliculitis-boils-and-carbuncles - Boils and carbuncles: Learn More – How are boils treated?
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK513136/ - Boil.
https://www.seattlechildrens.org/conditions/a-z/boil/ - Boils In Children.
https://www.kidshealth.org.nz/boils-in-children - Boils (abscesses).
https://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/boils-abscesses - Boils.
https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/diseases-conditions/boils - Overview: Boils and carbuncles.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK513141/ - Boil.
https://dermnetnz.org/topics/boil - Vermén M Verallo-Rowell et.al; (2008); Novel antibacterial and emollient effects of coconut and virgin olive oils in adult atopic dermatitis.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19134433/ - S. Sonna and Supriya; (2009); A Clinical Study on Homoeopathic Management of Furuncle and Folliculitis.
https://www.proquest.com/openview/0b7563e0333eebd5f6112ce928c4306a/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=2026366&diss=y - Boils.
https://ufhealth.org/conditions-and-treatments/boils - Diagnosed Allergic Conditions in Children Aged 0–17 Years: United States 2021.
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db459.htm - Boils and Carbuncles.
https://www.stlouischildrens.org/conditions-treatments/boils-and-carbuncles - Boils & Carbuncles.
https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15153-boils-and-carbuncles - Boils.
https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/boils#caused - Causes-Cavernous sinus thrombosis.
https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cavernous-sinus-thrombosis/causes/ - Ibler K and Kromann C; (2013); Recurrent furunculosis – challenges and management: a review.
https://www.dovepress.com/recurrent-furunculosis-ndash-challenges-and-management-a-review-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-CCID - Folliculitis Boils and Carbuncles.
https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content?contenttypeid=85&contentid=p00285 - Boils and carbuncles.
https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/boils-carbuncles/ - Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis).
https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/eczema-atopic-dermatitis.html - Heat Rash (Prickly Heat) in Babies & Young Children.
https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/bathing-skin-care/Pages/Heat-Rash.aspx - Impetigo: What to Know About This Common Skin Infection in Children.
https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/skin/Pages/Impetigo.aspx - Everything You Need to Know About Baby Acne.
https://www.columbiadoctors.org/news/everything-you-need-know-about-baby-acne - Urticaria (Hives) in Children.
https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/conditions/health-library/urticaria-hives-in-children - Abscess.

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- Dr. Lisa Ehl Lewis is board certified in pediatrics by the American Board of Pediatrics and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She works in Fort Worth, Texas and has over 20 years of experience.Dr. Lisa Ehl Lewis is board certified in pediatrics by the American Board of Pediatrics and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She works in Fort Worth, Texas and has over 20 years of experience.
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