Image: Shutterstock
The Christmas season is all about fun and frolic with family and friends. And as winter vacations keep the kids at home, it’s time for you to come up with ways to keep the kids involved and entertained. In this post, we present to you a list of Christmas activities for kids to enjoy. These activities are here to save you some trouble, and your kids are going to love them. Read on to find out the material and preparation required for these activities.
Top 25 Christmas Activities For Kids To Enjoy
Here are 25 fun christmas games for kids that your kids will surely love:
1. Christmas Cookie Decorating:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Plain biscuits
- Icing in different colors
- Various cookie decorations such as nuts, sprinkles and more
- Wooden ice cream sticks
How To:
- First place out the icing in different bowls and put the cookies on a sheet of baking paper or even aluminum foil.
- Let your kid decorate the cookies using the icing and the cookie decorations. Ask them to spread the same on the cookies with the help of the wooden ice cream sticks.
- Once it is done, place them out separately to keep the decorations intact.
2. Christmas Story Time:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- A small book for each kid wrapped in special paper
- A Christmas story
How To:
- Ask all the kids to sit down together and form a circle. Now give each kid a separate story book that will be wrapped in paper.
- Make sure that the books that you choose for the kids are all age appropriate.
- As the host of the game, you also have to hold a Christmas story book in your hand.
- Start reading out the story and choose a word from the same. The kids will have to find the same word in their own book too.
- The moment a kid finds the word in their story book they have to pass the book in their hand to the kid who is sitting to their right. All kids have to pass on their book too.
- By the time you finish reading your story, the kids will be interested to see which book they finally have in their hands. Let the kids keep whatever book they have with them in the end.
It is one of the exciting Christmas game ideas your kids will enjoy.
3. Create Your Own Christmas Poem:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- A pen and paper for each kid
How To:
- Ask all the kids to sit down and form a circle and then start thinking of a poem that they will write down on the paper.
- As it is a Christmas activity, the poem will have to talk about something that gives the idea of Christmas.
- Tell your kids that there is no rule or pattern they have to follow while writing the poem and that it can be of any length and type.
- You can help your kids start writing the poem by giving them some keywords that are reminiscent of Christmas. Alternatively, you can ask them to think of words that come to their mind when they think of Christmas.
- A few words you can share with them are words such as tree, fir, pine, mistletoe, Santa, gifts, love, family, friends, happiness, blessings, care, share, hope, ornaments, decorations, home, people and more.
- Ask the kids to find out more words that will rhyme with the chosen words so that they can make a complete poem out of the same.
4. Christmas Bells Bingo:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Bingo cards
- Cut outs of Christmas related images
- Glue
- Mini candy canes to give as gifts to the winners
How To:
- Use a bingo grid of 5 X 5 boxes with the help of a Christmas themed image in each of the box and pass on the sheets to the kids.
- Use some more Christmas images and place them all in a bowl. Make sure the images are same as the images that you have used to cover the grid of the bingo.
- Ask your kid to draw the first Christmas themed bingo image from the bowl and tell the others what it is.
- Your kid has to then wait and give all the other kids time to go through their own Christmas themed bingo images to see if they have it on their grid. If any of the kid does have the same image on their grid too, they will have to cut it off from their grid.
- Let all the kids do the same and mark off the images one by one as your kid announces each image.
- The first kid who manages to get five images marked out in a row will be the winner. The images can be marked out as horizontal, vertical or even diagonal. The kid also has to remember to call out the word BINGO immediately as they get five images on the grid, else some other kid can do the same and become the winner.
Your little one will enjoy playing this kids Christmas activity.
5. Christmas Cake Shuffle:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Chalk
- Paper
- Bowl
- Music
- Cake
- Pair of scissors
- Glue
How To:
- Draw a big circle with the help of chalks or different pieces of paper that you can tape to the floor. Make sure you create numbered spaces in the circle.
- Whatever numbers you are writing on the papers or with chalk in the circle, write the same on more pieces of paper and put them in a bowl.
- One person has to switch on the music and the players will have to move around the circle from one number to the next.
- As soon as the music is paused, all the kids have to stop and stand still wherever they are.
- Now take out one number from the bowl and announce it out loud.
- The kid who is standing closest to that number will get a piece of the Christmas cake.
6. Christmas Memory Game:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Paper for each kid
- Pens for each kid
- 15 different items that could be toys, Christmas ornaments, decorations or more
- A box
How To:
- Put all the 15 items inside the box. Once all the items are in place, let all the kids have a look in the box to see what all items are there.
- You can decide a time that you will give the kids to memorize the items.
- Now remove the box from their sight and take out any one item and place it away. Bring the box back to the kids and ask them to guess which item you have removed from the box.
- Once any kid is able to correctly guess what item has been removed, ask all the players to write down the names of as many items as they can remember from the box.
- The player who is able to write down the highest number of correct answers within a given time will be the winner.
Do not forget to include this fun christmas activities for kids.
7. Christmas Floating Lanterns:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Styrofoam
- Wooden stirrers
- Wood glue
- Tissue paper in different colors
- Press lights that work with battery
- Knife or pair of scissors
- Clothes pegs
How To:
- Help your kid to cut out the Styrofoam into a wide square base.
- Now let them press one of the wooden stirrers in each corner of the base to help make the poles.
- Ask your kid to put some glue near the base so that it will help to secure the pole in place.
- Let your kid coat the top surface from the outside of all the four poles using glue. Now ask them to join the same with the help of cross beam poles so that they make a kind of cube shape.
- Keep all the poles in place with clothes pegs on the corners till they become completely dry.
- Ask your kid to use the colored tissue papers to cover the sides of the lantern. Also ask them to add some of the paper on the top of the lantern, while leaving out some space through which you can place in the light.
- Now help them to turn on the battery pressed light in the middle of the Styrofoam base and release the lantern.
It is an amazing Christmas activities for children that will keep them all excited.
8. Paper Christmas Wreath:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- 2 A4-size green construction papers
- 2 A4-size red construction papers
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Stapler
- Glue
- Pair of scissors
How To:
- Ask your kid to fold up the green construction paper lengthwise in half.
- Make a line about two cm. from the open side.
- Now ask your kid to start cutting from the folded side towards the line and make one cm. slits all over the length of each of the green construction paper sheet.
- Now your kid has to roll the sheet to make a tunnel kind of shape and then join one construction sheet to the other. Your kid will have to use the stapler to keep the two in place.
- Ask your kid to coil up the entire length of the sheet around it so that it forms a sort of circular shape. Use the staple to hold both the ends together in place.
- Help your kid to make red bows and berry shapes using the red construction paper and add them to the wreath as decoration.
9. Jingle Bells Sing Along:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Just the interest to sing
How To:
- Divide the kids into different groups depending on who will sing which part of the Jingle Bells song.
- Tell the kids to sing their parts and stop so that the other team picks up the song soon.
- In the end, let all the groups sing along together. A merry christmas games for kids they love.
10. Christmas Tree With Pipe Cleaner:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Green pipe cleaners
- Mini pom poms
- A small piece of box cardboard
- A small piece of green foam board
- Glue
- 1 gold star to put on the top of the tree
- 1 wooden beat
- Pair of scissors
How To:
- Help your kid to cut out a small circle from the box cardboard as well as from the green foam board.
- Now help your kid to glue the wooden bead in the center of the circle from the box cardboard.
- Ask them to coil the pipe cleaner to make a coil sort of shape and form the body of the tree.
- Use the mini pom poms to decorate the tree and make small snowflakes.
- Ask your kid to add the star on top to finish off the Christmas tree decoration.
11. Dear Santa Letter:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Pen
- Paper
- Stamp
- Envelope
How To:
- Make up an address for Santa Claus and give it to your kids so that they can address the same on the envelope when they post the letter.
- Your kid can use any type of paper to write out a letter to Santa Claus.
- Help them write the same by giving suggestions such as thanking Santa for last time’s gift or for taking the time out to come and deliver the gifts.
- Let them write out their wish to Santa in the letter and make sure your kids know about the types of gifts they can really ask for and what are not practical.
- Through the letter writing, you can also teach your kids about how to write the opening for a letter, how to be polite while requesting something and how to even end one.
12. Glitter Christmas Wreath:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Cardboard or heavy paper
- Glitter
- Glue
- Old paint brush
- Plastic crystals or glittery beads
- Ribbon
- Pencil
- Pair of scissors
How To:
- Help your kid to make the shape of a wreath at the back side of the cardboard or heavy paper.
- Also let them make a spot through which they will be able to loop in the ribbon that will help them hang up the wreath.
- Now help your kid cut out the wreath as well as cut out the hole through which the ribbon will go.
- Now put the wreath on a flat surface and let your kid apply a layer of glue on the same, covering the entire surface on the wreath.
- Let your kid add the glitter and any other decorative item on the wreath and cover the entire surface. Set it aside to dry completely.
- Once the wreath is dry, loop the ribbon through the hole and hang it up.
13. Christmas Tree Toss:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Small rubber balls that are the size of tennis balls
- Empty cans
How To:
- Use all the empty cans to help your kids build up a kind of Christmas tree on a table or on the floor.
- Draw a line on the back of where the tree is placed and let your kids stand behind the line.
- Let your kids take turns to knock down the empty can Christmas tree using the rubber balls. Decide how many turns each kid will get at a go.
14. Christmas Gift Wrap Relay Race:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Empty boxes
- Gift wrap papers
- Cut outs of images of Santa, Rudolph the reindeer, elves and Christmas tree
How To:
- Divide the kids into teams.
- Cut out the images in multiple numbers. For example, if you are using a Santa image cut it up in five pieces and place each image in one box.
- Now ask the kids to wrap the boxes using the gift wrap papers.
- Place the gift wrapped boxes at one end of the room or in a different room.
- One player from each of the team will have to run to the boxes, unwrap one of the box and take out the image. They will then have to come back to their team and show them the piece of the image.
- The next team member will run to get the next image and bring it back to the team.
- The team that guesses their image correctly in the given time or the fastest will be the winner.
15. Backyard Cricket:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- 1 cricket bat
- Some tennis balls
- 2 sets of stumps or even buckets that you can use upside down
How To:
- Place the stumps at least ten meters apart or six meters apart depending on how old your kids are.
- Decide which of the kid will bat and which one will bowl as well as who will be the fielders.
- Make sure that all the kids get a chance at the bat and the bowling. It is a fun Christmas activity for kids.
16. Christmas Present Scavenger Hunt:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Pen
- Paper
- Christmas gifts wrapped up in gift wrap
How To:
- Make out a list of clues on the paper that will help your kids identify spots in or around the house.
- Hand out the list to the kids. If the kids are playing in groups give one list to each team, or hand out individual clue lists to each kid.
- Make sure that before you do so, you place the gifts in or around the house in such a way that it is hidden but that your kids will still be able to find them.
- Set a time by which your kids have to try and find out all the gifts.
17. Egg And Spoon Race:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- A teaspoon for each kid
- A hard-boiled egg for each kid
How To:
- Ask all the kids to line up at one end and let them all hold their teaspoon in hand.
- Now carefully place the egg in each teaspoon and ask the kids to stand still.
- On the signal, ask the kids to start walking towards the finishing line.
- The kid who reaches first without dropping the egg will be the winner. Your tots will certainly love playing this christmas game for kids
18. Christmas Stocking Filling Race:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Christmas stockings
- Small candies that will fit inside the stockings
- A bowl in which all the candies will fit
How To:
- Divide the kids into groups and hand each team the same number of stockings.
- Make sure you keep a time limit in which the teams have to finish filling their stocking.
- At the signal, ask the kids to start taking the candies from the bowl and fill it up in their stockings. Also, make it clear that each kid can pick up only one candy at a time from the bowl.
- The team that will have the highest number of candies in their stockings at the end of the decided time will be the winner.
19. Find The Words:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Pen for each kid
- Paper for each kid
How To:
- Hand out a pen and paper to each kid.
- Now give them all a list of words that are all based around Christmas, words such as Santa, reindeer, elves, tree and more.
- Ask the kids to use the letters from the given words and try to make as many words as they can and write it down on their paper.
- The kid who can make the highest number of words by the end of the given time will be the winner.
20. Build A Snowman Contest:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Snow
- Props that can be used for the snowman
How To:
- Put all the props in one place and ask the kids to stand together till you give the signal.
- Once you say the word ‘go,’ the kids will have to start making a snowman with the help of the snow.
- They will also have to use the props and decorate their snowman as they wish to.
- You can decide a winner based on how fast the kid made the snowman and what all different decorative ideas they used.
21. Snowball Throwing Contest:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Food coloring
- Snow
How To:
- Use the food coloring to make a bulls’ eye on the snow.
- Ask all the kids to stand at a distance and throw the snowballs from their spot.
- The kids who can throw their snowballs the closest to the bulls’ eye will be the winners.
22. Pin The Nose On Rudolph:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- A cut out of Rudolph
- A board pin
- A blindfold
How To:
- Put up the Rudolph image on the wall and blindfold one kid at a time.
- The kid who can place the board pin on or closest to Rudolph’s nose will be the winner.
You can choose this as a fun Christmas party games for kids.
23. Ornament Count Guess:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- A Christmas tree with ornaments on it
How To:
- Ask your kids to stand in front of the tree and take a guess about how many ornaments it has.
- The kid who guesses the best will be the winner.
24. Name The Carol:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Knowledge of Christmas carols
How To:
- Say out only one line or three or four words from the carol and ask the kids to guess the name of the carol.
- The team or kid who gets the maximum answers correct will be the winner.
25. Favorite Christmas Moment:
Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Your kids and family around
How To:
- Let all your kids and family members share their stories about their favorite part of Christmas or their best Christmas memories.
Christmas is a festival of lights, delicious treats, and plenty of surprise gifts. Make your celebrations fun and exciting with these Christmas games for kids. From Bingo to Christmas present scavenger hunt and Jingle bells sing along, you can include these games in your Christmas party or event. These entertaining games will keep children engaged throughout the celebrations. Since these games are suitable for most age groups, you can play along with your children and create beautiful Christmas memories together.

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