25 Interesting And Useful Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids

As the Christmas season approaches, you must be wondering about what gifts to get your children. So, we have created a list of some interesting Christmas gifts for kids that are easy to make. Although gifts are an essential aspect of Christmas, children are the most excited about it. Gifting is all about choosing something that the person would appreciate and use on a daily basis. However, these gifts don’t need to be elaborate or expensive. You can also choose something that would be heart-touching, such as homemade DIY gifts. These gifts will hold their interest for a long time and they will cherish the effort forever. So, take a look at the ideas compiled for you to prepare adorable and fun Christmas gifts for your little one. Read on to learn more.

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25 Fun Christmas Presents For kids

1. Paint Notebook

Paint notebook as Christmas gift for kids pinit button

Image: Source

You Will Need:

  • Paint sample cards in various sizes.
  • Paper cutter
  • Scissors
  • Computer paper
  • Stapler
  • Ruler
  • Embellishment

How To:

  1. Take a paint sample card, fold and crease one end. A 3/4th inch would be perfect.
  1. Take the top edge and fold the flap on the bottom to make little matchbook.
  1. Chop off ½ inch of the paper using a paper cutter.
  1. Take a bundle of computer paper, tuck it inside the paint sample card and staple the bottom flat to the paper inside.
  1. Fold down the top flat and tuck it just like a matchbook. If the matchbook is long, then slice it off and try tucking under again.
  1. You can use embellishment like beads, stick, jewels, and beads to decorate the notepad.

2. Photo Snow Globe

Photo snow globe as Christmas gift for kids pinit button

Image: Created with Dall·E

You Will Need:

  • A clean jar with a lid
  • Photographs
  • Scrapbook paper
  • Spray paint
  • Craft paint
  • Glitter
  • White pompoms
  • Hot glue
  • Embellishments

How To:

  1. Soak the jar in warm water to remove the labels and clean it thoroughly. Leave it overnight to dry.
  1. Apply a coat of spray paint on the lids. It will act as a primer to hold the craft paint to the metal surface. Once the first coat dries, apply another coat. Leave it aside to dry.
  1. Cut a piece of scrap paper to fit inside the jar. It will serve as the background of your photo.
  1. Take the pictures and cut out the images you would like to place in the jar. Fold the bottom ½ inch of the photo to make the base on which the image will stand. Glue a Popsicle stick to the back of the photo to secure it.
  1. Apply glue to the bottom of the picture and stick it to the place. Place some white pompoms behind and around it to give an appearance of snow. Cut a pompom in half, pull it apart a bit and place on the front.
  1. Embellish the lid with glitter, bows, sequins, ribbons or anything you like.

One of the cool Christmas gifts for kids they will love.

3. Christmas Crack Toffee

You Will Need:

  • 50 saltine crackers
  • two sticks butter cubed
  • 2 cups of chocolate chips
  • 1 cup soft light brown sugar, packed.
  • 1 cup M&M’s
  • Cooking spray
  • Red and white container.
  • Green and white string.

How To:

  1. Line a baking tin with aluminum foil. Spray the cooking oil over it and place the saltine crackers over it.
  1. In a medium sized pot, put sugar, butter, and heat over medium flame until the butter melts. Once the butter melts, boil the mixture for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from the pan and pour over the crackers. Spread the mixture evenly.
  1. Place the pan in oven and bake for 6 to 8 minutes.
  1. Remove from the pan and sprinkle chocolate chips on top of the toffee. When the chocolate melts, spread it all over the toffee mixture with a spatula.
  1. Sprinkle M&M on the top and freeze for 30 minutes.
  1. Once the chocolate hardens, cut into pieces and transfer to the container.
  1. Tie a string and it’s ready to gift to the kids.

4. iPad Case

You Will Need:

  • A piece of long thick felt, 19 inches and 10.5 inches wide.
  • A pair of scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Need and thread that matches the felt.
  • 2 buttons, matching the felt.
  • Embroidery floss
  • 2 pins
  • 3 black snaps.

How To:

  1. Lay out the felt flat and place the iPad 3 inches from the top of the felt.
  1. Fold the felt and make a mark with your pen leaving the 3 inches for the flap.
  1. Fold down the flat and trace the scallops on the bottom edge using the spool. Cut out the traced scallops using scissors.
  1. Pin the felt and stitch the sides of the case. Do not forget to do the reverse stitch.
  1. Sew the snaps on two ends of the flap, two on the inside of the flap and two on the scallops.
  1. Sew two buttons of the same colors, 1 inch apart. Make sure one button is one the flap.
  1. Take the embroidery floss, make a loop around the buttons and tie a knot.

Isn’t it an amazing Christmas presents for kids?

5. Cute Button Bookmarks

You Will Need:

  • Paper clips
  • Hot glue
  • Felt
  • Fancy buttons

How To:

  1. Stick the paper clip to the back of the button.
  1. Cut a small piece of felt and hot glue to the back of the button. It will help secure it and will give a smooth finish.
  1. Create the button bookmarks in different colors, put in a fancy box and present to the bookworm in the house.

6. Merry Kiss-Mass

You Will Need:

  • Tag template
  • Kisses sticker template
  • Hershey Kisses
  • Cellophane bag
  • Red string or ribbon
  • ¾ inch paper punch

How To:

  1. Print out the templates. Cut out the tag and punch out the circle.
  1. Stick the circle stickers to the bottom of the Hershey’s Kisses.
  1. Fill the cellophane bag with the chocolate and tie the tag using a string or ribbon.

7. Satin Flower Headbands

You Will Need:

  • Satin fabric in green and yellow color.
  • Glue
  • Hot glue
  • White filler beads
  • Lighter
  • Scissor
  • Felt
  • Stretchy headband

How To:

  1. Cut out six circles from the satin material. The largest blue circle should be 3 inches in diameter, and the largest green circle should be 2 ½ inches in diameter. And ensure that one circle is shorter than the other.
  1. Use a lighter to melt the edges of the each flower. It will curl the petals a bit.
  1. One by one, hot glue each circle upon another, starting with the largest circle and ending with the smallest.
  1. Put a blob of hot glue in the center of the ‘flower’ and dump a pile of filler beads on it. Shake off the excess.
  1. Draw and cut out petals from the brown felt. Melt the edges using the lighter.
  1. Hot glue the petals together and glue the flowers right on the felt.
  1. Glue the stretchy headband to the back of the flowers and leave it to dry.
  1. When it dries, add a layer of hot glue over it and leave it to dry. The headband is complete.

8. Superhero Cuffs

You Will Need:

  • 3 colors of felt
  • Velcro
  • Cuff template

How To:

  1. Print out the template and cut off two felt pieces of different color and a star for each cuff. The template provided here is perfect for toddlers.
  1. Stack the cuff pieces and stick them together all around.
  1. Affix the star in the middle.
  1. Cut out two pieces of Velcro. The Velcro should be as long as the short edge.
  1. Stick one piece of Velcro on the front and another at the back of the opposite side.
  1. Stick the Velcro together and the little cuff is ready. The best Christmas gifts kids can make.

9. Snappy Bag

Snappy bag as Christmas gift for kids pinit button

Image: Source

You Will Need:

  • Fabric in different colors.
  • Decorative trim, optional.
  • Tape

How To:

  1. Cut two pieces of 6*12 inch fabric and place them right sides together.
  1. Sew the ends of the fabric, leaving ¼ inch seam.
  1. Now flip and press with an iron.
  1. Carefully open the tape measure. Cut the tape to 5*5 inch length, round the corners and wrap with tape.
  1. Make a 1-inch wide casing for the tape and slide the tape in. Fold the right sides together and sew it. Now, turn the bag, fill with candies or tiny toys and present.

10. Hot Cocoa Bucket With Marshmallow Dippers

Marshmallow dippers in a hot cocoa bucket as Christmas gift for kids pinit button

Image: Source

You Will Need:

  • Small bucket
  • Plastic baggie
  • Twist tie
  • Hot cocoa mix
  • Small cellophane bags
  • Tall candy sticks
  • Marshmallows
  • Baking Twine

How To:

  1. Spoon the cocoa mix in the plastic baggie and secure with a twist tie. Tuck the baggie into the bucket.
  1. Now push the marshmallow through the candy stick and wrap with a small cellophane bag. Tie the cellophane with some baking twine.
  1. Let the marshmallow sticks stand up by tucking them between the cocoa baggie. Wrap the bucket with baking twine or ribbon.

11. Mini Cookie Snow Globe

You Will Need:

  • Cookie jar
  • Mini Christmas cookie cutter.
  • Your favorite sugar cookie recipe.
  • Icing
  • Food coloring
  • White nonpareils

How To:

  1. Bake the sugar cookie using the mini cookie cutter and decorate with the icing. Leave it to dry for some time.
  1. Use the 1.25-inch cookie to make the stand. Frost it generously and place the dried cookie on it. You can decorate the cookie stand with sprinkles.
  1. Put a small amount of royal icing on the lid to keep the tree in place. Leave it for a few hours to dry.
  1. Pour some white, nonpareils in the jar, screw the lid and flip it over. Finish it by tying a ribbon at the base of the jar.

This is an unique Christmas gifts for kids.

12. Ombre Wood Bead Bracelet

You Will Need:

  • Ribbon
  • Round Wood Beads.
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Sealer
  • Yarn Needle
  • Fray Check

How To:

  1. Measure your kid’s wrist and figure out how many beans You Will Need to paint. For a small and thin wrist, you will need around 12 beads.
  1. Divide the number of beads in three and color them in three shades of pink. You can easily lighten a shade by adding a few drops of white paint.
  1. Apply a single coat of paint. Leave it to dry for a while and then give a second coat for full coverage.
  1. After the paint has dried, apply a coat of sealer to ensure durability.
  1. Use a yarn needle to string the beads to the ribbon. Make sure you leave plenty of ribbon for tying.
  1. Tie a double knot on each side of the bracelet and trim the ribbon to four inches.
  1. Apply a fray check on the ribbon to prevent it from fraying. That’s all! You will get a beautiful Christmas gift for kids.

13. Glow In The Dark Slime

You Will Need:

  • 4oz bottle of clear or blue gel Elmer’s glue.
  • 2-3 tablespoons of glow-in-the-dark paint.
  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 1/3 cup of warm water
  • Green Neon Food Coloring.
  • 2 teaspoons of Borax.
  • Mason jar

How To:

  1. Mix 1 cup of hot water with Elmer’s glue. Now add in the paint and food coloring.
  1. In another bowl, combine 1/3 cup warm water and two teaspoons of borax. Stir well.
  1. Now add two tablespoons of the borax solution to the glue solution. Make sure you stir well while adding the solution. The more borax you add, the stiffer your slime will be. So if you want to gift a runny and thin slime, then two teaspoons of the borax solution would be enough. You can even add a bit of green food coloring to get your desired color.
  1. Transfer the slime to a mason jar and wrap it around with a ribbon.

14. Homemade Bookmark

You Will Need:

  • A plastic vinegar jug.
  • Sharpie Fine in different colors.
  • Rubbing alcohol.
  • Spray varnish
  • Medicine dropper
  • Ribbon, cording or twine.
  • Button
  • Scissors
  • Hole punch

How To:

  1. Wash and clean the jar thoroughly. To remove the label, fill the jug with hot water and leave it to sit for 10 minutes. The heat will soften the glue, and the label will peel off easily.
  1. Trace the bookmark on the plastic with the pencil and cut it out using a sharp scissor. You will get four bookmarks from one vinegar jug.
  1. Cover the bookmark with bright colors using the colored Sharpie. Make sure you fill the whole bookmark.
  1. Fill the dropper with rubbing alcohol and drop randomly on the bookmark.
  1. Leave it to sit for a while and do not move it. You will see the colors blending and fusing together. Leave it to dry for some time.
  1. Lightly spray the varnish on the bookmark to prevent the art from rubbing off. Do not use too much of the spray. You can even spray a second coat of varnish after the second coat has dried.
  1. Punch a hole at the top of the bookmark, thread a cord or ribbon and embellish with a button.

15. Plastic Perler Bowl

You Will Need:

  • Oven friendly bowl
  • Cooking spray
  • Perler beads

How To:

  1. Spray a layer of cooking spray in the bowl.
  1. Put a handful of Perler beads in the bowl and push them down to form a layer. As you start pushing down the beads, the beads will climb the bowl. If you want a larger bowl, then add some more beads.
  1. Now bake the beads for 14 minutes at 375 degrees. Soon the plastic will begin to melt, and the bead will stick together.
  1. When the bead has cooled, remove it carefully from the bowl. It is not that expensive inexpensive Christmas gifts for kids.

16. Clipboard And Glitter Clips

You Will Need:

  • 12×10 wooden board
  • Paint (color of choice)
  • Paint brush
  • Binder clip
  • Decoupage
  • Glitter
  • E-6000 glue

How To:

  1. Paint the board with the color of your choice. Apply a coat of paint, leave it to dry and give another coat.
  1. Tape the metal part of the binder clip and paint on the decoupage to the front side.
  1. Dust some glitter on the top and leave it to dry. Shake off the excess.
  1. Once the board and clip are dry, attach to the clipboard using the E-6000 glue.
  1. Clip your favorite picture or quotation and give to the kid.

17. DIY Painted Heart Jeans

You Will Need:

  • A bright orange colored jean.
  • Pencil
  • Thick paper like a cardboard.
  • Sponge brush
  • White fabric paint.

How To:

  1. Draw and cut out the heart stencil from the cardboard cereal box. The stencil should be a perfect square in shape.
  1. Place the stencil on your ‘canvas’ and begin stenciling. We’re sure the little fashionista will love it.

18. Finger Print Key Chain

You Will Need:

  • Metallic Paint
  • Oven Bake Clay
  • Key Chain Rings
  • Heart shaped cookie cutter.
  • Heart Jewels
  • Small Jewelry Rings.

How To:

  1. Roll out the clay and cut out the heart shapes using the cookie cutter.
  1. Press your little finger into each heart and poke a hole in each heart at one corner. Bake the oven clay according to the instructions.
  1. When the little hearts have cooled, paint it using the metallic colors. Two coats will give a complete coverage.
  1. Once the paint has dried, put a small jewelry ring through each heart. You can even place 2 to 3 heart jewels on the jewelry ring.
  1. Thread through both the small jewelry rings through the keychain.

19. Washer Windchime

You Will Need:

  • A variety of steel washers from the hardware store.
  • Acrylic paints in colors of your choice
  • A pompom and clothespin for each color of paint.
  • Craft wire
  • A wooden dowel or metal ring to hang wind chimes.
  • Spray on shellac or Mod Podge.

How To:

  1. Paint the washers in different colors. Using the pompom and clothes pin, dab the paint on the washer. Leave it to dry.
  1. When the washers have dried, spray them with matte, waterproofing spray.
  1. Cut lengths of wire and tie the each washer to the wire. To tie the washer, thread the wire through the center of the washer and twist.
  1. Attach the washers to the dowel in an attractive arrangement.

20. DIY Wool Felt Ball Coaster

You Will Need:

  • 1 cm wool felt balls (you will need 90-100 per coaster, depending on the size).
  • Cork coasters
  • E600 glue

How To:

  1. Glue one felt ball to the center of the coaster. Now glue the other felt balls until the coaster is covered completely.
  1. Leave it to dry overnight. The coasters are ready for gifting.

This is one of the easy homemade Christmas gifts for kids to make.

21. Popsicle Stick Frames

You Will Need:

  • Regular or Jumbo sized popsicle sticks.
  • Washi tape
  • Glue
  • Freckled Fawn wood chips.
  • Magnets

How To:

  1. Roll out a stick of wash tape and lay the popsicle stick on top of it. Wrap the washi tape around the edges. You can wrap as many sticks as you want, depending on how big a photo frame you want.
  1. Take two plain popsicle sticks and put a layer of glue down them.
  1. Lay the decorated popsicle stick across the two plain sticks in the opposite direction.
  1. Affix a magnet in the top center of the back of the photo frame.
  1. Once the frame dries, decorate it with pictures, sequins or anything you like.

22. It’s Not A Glitter Wand

You Will Need:

  • A plastic container with a lid
  • Small sensory objects like beads, pompoms, ribbon, plastic stickers and so on.

How To:

  1. Fill the container ½ full with water. Now add the objects of your choice in the container.
  1. Fill the bottle or container with water up to the brim.
  1. Apply hot glue to the inside of the water and screw it tightly.

23. Lacing Card

You Will Need:

  • Shoelace or ribbon
  • Drill with ¼ or 3/16 bit
  • Clay cutout

How To:

  1. Draw and cut out a flower shape from the cardboard. You can even purchase ready-made clay cut outs from the stationary store.
  1. Drill holes on the edges of the flower. Give a quick, little and on the back of the holes.
  1. Take a lace or ribbon and thread through the holes.

24. Stamped Leather Bracelet

You Will Need:

  • Leather bracelets
  • Alphabet stamp set
  • Sponge
  • Mallet

How To:

  1. Wipe the leather bracelet with a damp sponge.
  1. Place the bracelet on a hard surface and beat the end of the stamp twice with force. The stamp will leave the letter impression behind.
  1. You can either leave the bracelet that way or color it using acrylic paint. Seal the paint using shoe polish.

25. Snow Globe

You Will Need:

  • A small figurine of a dog
  • Water resistant glue
  • Jar with lid
  • Water
  • Glitter

How To:

  1. Apply water resistant glue on the lid and affix the small figurine in the middle.
  1. Fill the jar with glitter and fill water in it.
  1. Close the jar tightly and let it snow.

We totally adore these Christmas present ideas for kids, and we believe that you will like it too. Which of these kids Christmas gifts will you make the kiddos in your family? Share your choice with us by commenting below!


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Debolina Raja
Debolina RajaMA (English)
Debolina Raja came into the writing world while she was playing around with words and participating in various literary events. She found her writing interest in various genres such as health, wellness, parenting, relationship, and brand management and gained more than five years experience in it.

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