Top 10 Abraham Coloring Pages For Your Little Ones

Abraham, also known as Abram, plays an important role in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. He is a biblical superhero and richly deserves a place in the Old Testament Hall of Fame.

The story of Abraham is that God spoke to him personally, visited him in his home, and considered him as a friend. Abraham obeyed God completely, served him, and was even willing to sacrifice his son to prove his love for Him.

Top 10 Abraham Coloring Pages

The story about Abraham is about God’s promise and provision. God chose Abraham out of all men on the earth to become the father of his chosen people, the nation of Israel.

Abraham was not a perfect man, but he was credited with righteousness because of his faith in God. Here is a small collection of Abraham coloring sheets to teach your child about Abraham. These Abraham pictures to color depict the important occurrences in the life of Abraham.

1. Abraham

Here is a coloring sheet of Abraham, one of the first three Biblical patriarchs. The story of Abraham is told in the book of Genesis in the bible. He was born in a place called Ur, around 4000 years ago. Abraham believed in one, true God, but the people of his city worshiped the sun, moon, and stars. God, then told Abraham to leave the place and go to a special land, which would belong to millions of his descendants. Abraham obeyed and then left the place with his wife Sarah.

2. God’s Promise To Abraham

This coloring sheet highlights Abraham’s encounter with God. God promised Abraham and Sarah that one day they would be parents, even though they were old and childless. He told him that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. After a span of a few years, his son Isaac became the father of Jacob and Esau. Later Jacob became the father of twelve sons, who became the ancestral father of the twelve tribes, which made up the nation of Israel.

3. Abraham And Sarah With Their Newborn Child

This coloring sheet depicts the happiness of Abraham and Sarah on seeing their newborn child Isaac. Abraham and Sarah loved their newborn dearly. Isaac was the joy of their lives. They cuddled and fed him. They were thrilled when he spoke his first word. Before they could realize anything, he had grown to be a young man.

4. Abraham To Sacrifice Isaac

The coloring sheet illustrates the attempted sacrifice of Isaac by his father Abraham. It shows the boy tied to an altar with his father standing over him. When Isaac was in his teens, God decided to test Abraham’s faith. He told Abraham to bring Isaac to a certain mountain and sacrifice him. Abraham trusted God so much that he was even ready to sacrifice his son for him.

5. Abraham Offering Sacrifice

When Abraham and Isaac reached the mountain, Abraham built an altar and placed firewood on it. He then raised his hand to sacrifice Isaac. At that moment, God cried out to Abraham to leave Isaac and sacrifice a ram caught in the bush. Abraham did as he was directed. His son was spared!

6. Abraham And The Lot

This coloring sheet highlights Abraham’s generosity. When Abraham came back to the Bethel, the land could no longer support his and the Lot’s herd and families. This became a problem for the herdsmen who were assigned to each family’s cattle. Even though Abraham was a lot older than the Lot and could claim the land he wanted, he graciously let the Lot choose where to settle.

7. Abraham And Isaac

This coloring sheet displays the bond that Abraham shared with his beloved son Isaac. Abraham would spend his maximum time teaching Isaac to love and obey God. He would also narrate his experiences and encounters with God. As Isaac grew, he worshipped God just as his father Abraham did.

8. Abraham And Sarah

This coloring sheet features Abraham and Sarah. One day, when Abraham was 99 years of age, he saw three visitors coming their way. One of the visitors announced that this time next year his wife Sarah would have a son. Both Sarah and Abraham laughed at the idea, as they were too old to have children. The next year they had a son and named him Isaac, which means laughter. The couple then thanked God for Isaac.

9. Abraham With His Herd

This coloring sheet features Abraham with his sheep. Abraham and his descendants fed their flocks on the rich plateau of East of Jordon and on the mountains of Palestine and Syria. Abraham loved spending time with his sheep. He would spend day and night tending his flocks on the plateau.

10. Abraham Praying To God

Abraham and his wife had been childless for a long time. God, then promised Abraham that he would be the parent of many children. Abraham, then wondered how God could fulfill his promise of so many descendants as he was 75 years old. They arrived at the Promised Land and years went by without any sign of the child, let alone a son to carry on the family name. This made Abraham helpless and he broke down in front of God.

Abraham is an exemplary individual. He did not lead a perfect life but illustrated so many truths of the Christian life. Through Abraham, we can learn about the importance of redemption and sacrifice.

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