About The Community Helpers and People

Are the summer vacations or weekends taking “their” toll on your children and you? Do you want to find an interesting and creative activity that your children can do on their own, as they learn something new? Then you can introduce them to the world of community helpers – selfless caregivers who strive to make the world a better place!

Top 8 Community Helpers Coloring Pages For Your Children:

Here are eight coloring pages that feature various community helpers. Teach your child about each community helper even as he colors them. You can also take this opportunity to teach your child about the alphabet and letters and use phonetics to teach the correct pronunciation of the names.

1. Firefighter:

The image here shows a firefighter.

• It is a big coloring picture with lots of easy space to color and fill in.

• The picture will also be very suitable for smaller children who are not yet adept at coloring inside boundaries.

• The image shows the word FIREFIGHTER written on top. It will allow your child to learn the spelling of the community helper as well.

• You can ask your child to color the bigger parts first, like the hose, the uniform and such. Once done, your child can move on towards the smaller parts like the fingers, smaller parts of the hose and inner detailing on the uniform.

• To make it more realistic, you can also take your child to a nearby fire station and let him see a firefighter in person.

• Make sure you tell your child how a firefighter helps us and why his job is so important.

2. Mailman:

Here is an image of a mailman, who helps deliver your letters and mail.

• It is a big image of a mailman or mail boy and has lots of big spaces for your child to color in.

• The image does not have the word mailman written on it, but it does say the word MAIL on the cap and the bag. You can teach your child the full spelling of the word MAILMAN and help him write it out on top.

• To make it easier, you can ask your child to first color the bigger parts in the image, like the bag, dress and arms and legs. Your child can then color the intricate and smaller parts by using your help.

• Writing letters is a dying art today, but you can encourage your child to try letter writing. Write a letter to your child and ask him to write you one too. You can then take your child to the post office and show him how the letters are sent and delivered.

3. Teacher:

If your child goes to school, he already knows all about a teacher.

• The image here shows a sweet lady teacher standing in class in front of her white board.

• There is also the image of a cat drawn on the board behind her. It shows the letter C that denotes the cat.

• The word TEACHER is also written on the image and will help your child to learn the spelling.

• The image has many big spaces that your child will easily be able to color without using your help.

• Sit down with your child and ask him about a few things he loves about his teacher. Tell him the importance of a teacher and how she helps you learn and grow. You can also take this opportunity to tell your child that it is important to respect the teacher and listen to them.

4. Farmer:

In this age of supermarket and shopping at the mall, it is quite possible that your child does not know where vegetables and fruits actually come from.

• Here is a chance to teach your child all about farmers, if you have not yet done so.

• In this image, your child can see a man, who is a farmer, tending to crops in the ground.

• The farmer is tending to the plants with a hoe and the word FARMER is written on the image.

• Your child can learn the spelling of the word farmer even as he colors it.

• To make your child understand the importance of a farmer, try and show him a real farm. You can also take him to a nearby farmers’ market and show him all the fresh produce that farmers help to make.

5. Street Sweeper:

Does your child know or ever wonder how the streets of his city are kept clean? Maybe it’s time to tell him about the street sweeper.

• The image shows a man sweeping garbage from the streets.

• He is holding a broom with a long handle and cleaning the streets.

• The street sweeper is dressed in work clothes and is wearing protective gloves and boots.

• The word STREET SWEEPER is written on top of the image.

• Teach your child about the importance of helpers like sweepers who keep our streets and city clean. You can also teach your child that no job is low and every person should be respected for the work they do.

• Use the image to teach your child about the importance of cleanliness and encourage him to clean up after himself.

6. Police:

The Police is not always looked at with love and trust, but teach your child that they are an important part of our society.

• The image shows a smiling policeman who is ready to help.

• The policeman is decked in proper police hat and uniform, with a file in hand and handcuffs at the waist.

• The image has many big spaces that your child will easily be able to color. There are also many small places where he will need your help.

• Tell your child about how a policeman helps keep everyone safe and how they nab the bad people.

7. Chef:

Here is the image of a cute chef ready with a ladle.

• The image can easily be colored by small children as it has many big spaces.

• Your child will love coloring this image as the chef is ready with a smile.

• Take time to teach your child the spelling of the word CHEF.

• Also, make sure you tell him that a chef’s coat is always white.

• Next time you take your child out for a meal, try to take him to the kitchen and meet a real chef.

8. Doctor:

Your child may still be scared of the doctor because of any injections he has received, so use this time to change that view.

• The coloring page can easily be colored by younger children as it has many big spaces to color.

• It shows a smiling female doctor who has a report in hand and a stethoscope around her neck.

• Teach your child all about how a doctor helps us stay healthy and works round the clock to take care of those who are not well.

• You can also encourage your child to say thank you to his doctor on the next doctor visit!

Use the eight coloring pages shared here to teach your child about various community helpers. Does your child know about them yet?