Top 20 Father's Day Coloring Pages For Toddlers

Father’s day is a one of the most popular holidays in the world. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of June all across the world to honor and thank the fathers and father figures. It is the day to appreciate the efforts your father put into managing the family.

Top 20 Happy Fathers Day Coloring Pages For Toddlers

Fathers day coloring pictures are something that can help your little ones express the love and respect they have for their father’s in a special way. The kids will also have fun creating these fathers day coloring sheets as a special gift to their dads.

So here are 20 amazing Fathers Day coloring pages to print and color that you can give your little toddler.

1. Daddy With Twins:

Here, in this page, you see a father carrying the twins. Handling twins, especially for the father can be difficult. They can even make him go crazy at times. This coloring sheet will help your kids understand the importance of family and relations. It will surely make your dad feel special.

[ Read: Rainbow Coloring Pages ]

2. Daddy Receiving A Gift:

This one is a beautiful and heart warming photo of a blindfolded dad receiving Father’s day gift from his kids. Dads love showing off the gift they get from their kids. Receiving gifts from children fill the daddy with both joy and pride.

Colour and print out this beautiful picture to hang on the fridge.

3. Father Reading A Book To His Kids:

This is a beautiful scene showing a father reading to his kids seated in this favourite armchair. Reading is a perfect activity for both kids and father to spend a perfect time with each other. It creates memories that will last with the family for the rest of their life.

Just print and colour the cards the way you like and present it to your dad. I am sure your father will be touched seeing this colouring sheet.

[ Read: Cupcake Coloring Pages ]

4. Day Out With Daddy:

The best gift you can give your dad on the Father’s Day is by spending some quality time with him. Father’s Day is the perfect day for the whole family to indulge in fun activities such as playing games, playing with the dog or going for a walk. The image captures a beautiful family moment with the father and kids enjoying outdoors.

The only thing that is missing in this picture is a splash of colour. Print the coloured sheet and create a special card for your dad this Father’s day. Your father will definitely save this drawing sheet throughout his life as a souvenir.

5. Father Receiving A Tie:

A tie is the most popular gift that children give their father on the Father’s day. The drawing shows the elation of the father on receiving the tie on the Father’s day.

This year, skip giving a ready-made tie and give a handmade colouring sheet instead. Your father will be equally happy seeing this image too. You can colour the image online or take a print out and colour it yourself.

[ Read: Tweety Bird Coloring Pages ]

6. Father Doing Household Chores Happily:

This is a heart touching colouring page of a father doing the household chores like cleaning and cooking, while taking care of the baby- all with a smile. A father is always a superhero for his children. He manages all the work without stress being displayed on his face. This is a perfect colouring page to thank the father for what he does every day.

[ Read: Minnie Mouse Coloring Pages ]

7. Father Receiving A Card:

The picture depicts a father’s thrills and happiness on receiving a Father’s day card prepared by his kids. You can also create a greeting card using this colouring sheet. Print out this sheet to create a unique handmade card for your father.

8. Father and Son:

Fathers and sons have a special bond. They turn more like friends after a period of time. Father’s day is the perfect occasion for the sons to show how much they love their father. Here is a picture of both father and son enjoying their private fishing session. This image is perfect for creating Father’s day card.

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9. Father With The Baby:

Babies are a great addition to the family. Being a father is the happiest moment in a man’s life. This is a terrific colouring page of a father holding his newly born baby. You can clearly see both the happiness and thrill on the father’s face.

Surprise your dad this father’s day by presenting this tender colouring sheet.

10. Father and Daughter:

Daughters love their father. They look up to their father as an ideal man and even dream to marry a man like him one day. A father not only protects his daughter, but also listens to all her problems patiently and helps her whenever she is in need. This is a beautiful picture of a father teaching his daughter to walk.

This drawing sheet is perfect for little girls who want to make a special gift for their father.

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11. Father’s Day Certificate:

This is very unique card you can give to your dad on Father’s Day. Your dad must be giving you treats often, as a reward for being an obedient child. Now, it is your turn to appreciate your dad for taking care of you and loving you so much!

You can fill your dad’s name and the date. Encourage your child to experiment with different colors to make this certificate look less conventional. You can use glitter tubes and blow pens to make this page look really bright! Your father will surely pin it up as a poster!

12. Father’s Different Looks:

Children tend to watch their parent’s closely and often imitate them. You will not even realize how your child pays attention to even very minute details. This coloring picture will give you the opportunity to analyze your child’s observation powers.

Ask your child to fill in the features in the outline of the faces already there in the picture. Don’t be surprised if your child captures your various moods in this picture. Other than mood, you child will be able to draw different looks of his daddy dearest, like a holiday look and the office look.

This coloring page is sure to bring a broad grin on a father’s face to see his child noticing and appreciating his looks. Nothing can be more satisfying than a handmade card on a Father’s Day! This coloring page once completed by your kid will reflect how much respect your child has for his father.

13. Morning Walk with Daddy:

Walking is the best exercise, your dad must have told you always. In this picture, we see a father with his children and a pet dog. We see the little boy sitting on his father’s shoulders, pointing out at something with excitement. The father is also smiling at his little daughter, who is also smiling back at him. The pet dog is also looking at his master lovingly.

This picture has a cheerful note to it. It shows how affectionate fathers are, and how careful they are about their children’s needs. So father’s day is just an opportunity to express your gratitude for all the love and care he showers on you everyday!

14. Daddy Deserves a Holiday:

You must have seen your father working so hard, so that you can have a comfortable life. Sometimes, fathers need rest too! So in this picture we see a man relaxing on a hammock, smoking a pipe and smiling at a Father’s day greeting card given by his children.

In this picture we see different objects like a radio, a newspaper, a glass of juice with ice and a rugby ball. These objects reflect the person’s hobbies. Children notice what their parents enjoy doing in their free time; they tend to do pick up exactly those hobbies. Like if your father plays a sport like rugby in the weekends, you as his son will tend to pick up the nuances of his game naturally. Hobbies like talents tend to get transferred from father to their children.

Children learn lessons of life from their father.So one should be lucky to have a father who can be easily approached whenever you feel like, he will always be ready to give you sound advice and show how much he really cares for you!

15. Fathers are a Blessing:

Yes it is important to thank God to gift you with a wonderful father, who always takes care of you. This picture has the message, “Thank You Lord….fathers are a blessing!”

In this picture, we see two children looking at an open book along with their father. There are tiny hearts everywhere. So your child can experiment with different colors, and make this picture brighter. This message on the picture will surely make your father emotional. He will also realize that his children are happy to have a father like him. It will give him a sense of deep satisfaction!

16. Make Your Dad Happy:

This is a very cute picture of a little boy giving his father some flowers that he picked from the garden. You need not give your dad a big gift, a card or few flowers given by you will make him happy. Since your emotions or feelings are much more important than the gift for him. The gift is just a symbol of your respect for your daddy dearest. So your child will connect with this picture immediately. He will really enjoy coloring this picture.

17. A Day at the Beach:

Isn’t it fun to spend time with your father? It is important to bond with your father and spend quality time with him, if you want to learn from his experiences. In this picture, we see a small kid going to a beach with his father. He looks really happy and excited to spend a day at the beach with his dad. The man is carrying the parasol, the cane basket and a big flask. The child has a big box in his hand. The man is very protective about his little one and is looking at him to ensure whether he is able to carry the weight.

This is how fathers are, they keep a watch on everything you do and try to solve your troubles by giving a helping hand. So don’t forget to show your love for your father, not only on father’s day but every single day. Try to find out some time for your father like he does always!

18. Daddy the Expert Chef:

You are even luckier if daddy knows how to cook! We see this father making a steak on the electronic barbeque. His daughter is watching his cooking skills with rapt attention.

Father’s day definitely calls for a grand feast at home or a family dinner outside. Give your daddy a break from the kitchen on father’s day and let him enjoy some delicious food instead.

This picture is sure to whet your appetite and itshows daddies are not far behind when it comes to cooking! The happy Father’s day message written on the day expresses gratitude for the yummy food your father cooks to make you happy.

19. Father Taking Care:

In this picture we see the man is feeding his baby a bottle of milk. Becoming a father is a different kind of experience, and we see this father looking proudly at his infant. The feeling of becoming a father takes time to sink in.

Your child will love to color this picture in contrast to the black background. This will teach him the nuances of shading. His imagination will bring out the emotion in this picture. This picture is the mark of gratitude for the troubles your father had while bringing you up.

Your daddy dearest will instantly connect with this picture and will tell definitely tell you some funny anecdotes about you as a baby. Just like a mother’s bond is important for child’s mental growth, father’s affections and support is equally essential for a child’s all round development.

20. Daddy Teaches Swimming:

Here is a picture of a father carrying his son on his shoulders while he plays with other children in the swimming pool. The child looks thrilled to learn swimming from his father.

A father inspires his children to develop healthy habits and exercise regularly. Swimming is a best exercise and it is always fun when your father is your mentor at the pool!

Your child will love coloring this picture and make it look bright and cheerful.

To conclude, coloured pages will be a unique and special gift for your father. Remember, it is not the cost, but the enthusiasm and effort you put that matters the most.

Hope you liked this wonderful collection of free printable father’s day coloring pages. Do share your experiences below.

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