60 Naughty Drinking Games For Couples To Play

Drinking games for couples are fun, sexy, and a great way to spice up your relationship. It doesn’t matter whether you are a new couple or have been together for a while. For new relationships, couple drinking games are a way to understand each other better. Couples who have been together for a long time might lose the spice in their romantic lives. Drinking games can bring back/ strengthen the chemistry between partners.

We have listed some of the funniest and sexiest drinking games you can play with your partner. But before you start playing the drinking games, we remind you to drink responsibly. Make sure you have someone sober and trustworthy drive you back home.

According to the National Institute On Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism (NIAAA), drinking alcohol can impact one’s ability to think and make well-thought-out decisions. It can lead to mistakes and increase the chance of getting hurt (1). So, focus on having fun, not on winning. Always play with someone you trust, and stay safe.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • Reignite the spark by quizzing your partner on memorable life events, and pick some hot consequences for the loser.
  • Add a spicy twist to the fun “Simon says” game with some naughty instructions for your partner.
  • Try the classic body shots and follow the rules to set the mood.
  • Russian Roulette, Naughty Jenga, and Striptease Dice are some of the many interesting games.

Fun Drinking Games For Couples

When playing drinking games with your partner, you can be as naughty as you can be. Drinking games for date nights are great for spicing up your relationship and creating unforgettable memories. Couples’ drinking games are usually based on old classics and are quite creative and fun. They are designed to bring couples closer and have an intimate time together.

The addition of alcohol adds more fun and spice to the games. This is what Neil Cake, who has a keen interest in booze, remarks that he is not huge on playing games but can try drinking games. He says, “I’m not immensely experienced at drinking games (just the drinking part), but it seems to me that they are based around the idea that games are fun, alcohol is fun and games are more fun when mental and physical capabilities are impaired by consumption of alcohol. It’s like fun to the power of fun (i).”

We have browsed through different drinking games online and have picked the most enjoyable ones for you. Here are some drinking games for couples that you can try to spend some quality time with your partner:

1. The Quiz Game

Quiz game for couples
Image: iStock

The classic drinking game is one of the best for couples. You can go as straight or as naughty as you want to. The game is simple. You can ask your partner to answer certain questions. Here are a few examples:

  • What is my birth date?
  • Where did we meet first?
  • What were you wearing when we first met?
  • What is my favorite color?

If you wish to add more zing to your relationship, you can ask questions like:

  • Where can we go for the next date?
  • When can we move in together?
  • When did we first kiss each other?

Write these questions on pieces of paper and put them in a bowl. Both the partners must randomly pick a paper from the bowl in turns. Write a consequence on the paper. If you answer correctly, your partner has to execute the consequence. If your answer is wrong, you have to complete the consequence. With every wrong answer, you must take a drink. Consequences can be simple or quirky, from a kiss to a full body massage; let your imagination run wild but remember to keep it romantic.

protip_icon Quick tip
Follow the golden rule: whatever happens during the game stays in the game. It will help avoid unwanted conflicts and confrontations. Also, do not record what you or your partner say during the game.

2. Drunken Artists

The game is a combination of drinking and drawing. You need a paper or a whiteboard and a marker. You can also use your finger or your partner’s body as a canvas. Your partner must be able to see what you are drawing.

Once you start drawing, your partner has to guess what you are drawing, as quickly as they can. Draw quickly to make your partner take a drink every 20 seconds. The more the partner delays, the more he or she has to drink.

At the end of each round, both of you have to take a shot. If you feel your partner has deliberately delayed you from guessing the correct answer (so that you drink more), you can get back at them in the next round.

3. Battle Shots

Did you ever play BattleShips? This one is right up your lane. You can get a new board or make one yourself.

  • Take a piece of paper and draw a 7×7 grid on it. Mark the columns alphabetically and the rows numerically. That way, you get an alphanumeric name for each box, e.g., the top left box is A1.
  • Place your “boats” on the grid. Three Xs are for the battleship, two are for the destroyer, and one is for the submarine. Do not show your partner where the Xs are. One X represents one shot.
  • Each of you takes turns in guessing where your partner’s battle shots are. Every time they hit an X, take a shot. The first one to sink all their opponent’s boats is the winner. The loser must drink all the remaining shots.

4. Higher Or Lower/Red And Black

This is one of the popular games that people play at parties. You can tweak it into a drinking game to play with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Set hotter and spicier rules for a more romantic experience. The game is simple. All you need is a set of cards and drinks.

  • Start by guessing if a card is red or black.
  • If you are right, you get to guess whether the card is higher or lower than the one before it.
  • If you select the wrong color, you have to take a drink.
  • If your guess about the higher or lower card is wrong, you have to remove a piece of clothing.

The game sounds simple, but it can get hotter as it goes further.

5. Going To The Bar

You must have played the game “I’m Going on a Picnic” when you were in school. “Going to the Bar” is just its drinking version.

  • Start the game by saying, “I’m going to the bar to get…” You can add a drink of your choice.
  • Your partner will then repeat the same sentence and add a drink of their choice.
  • This continues until one of you makes a mistake and has to take a shot.

We guarantee, after the sixth or seventh shot, you will be too drunk to continue. Be ready for the giggles and mispronunciations.

6. Spin The Bottle – With A Twist

Spin the bottle game for couples
Image: Shutterstock

In this familiar game, you spin a bottle and whoever the arrow points to has to do something you want them to do. But here comes the twist.

  • Spin the bottle on objects.
  • The objects can be something innocent like chocolate, fruits, whipped cream, or something naughty like handcuffs and whips.
  • When the bottle stops spinning, you can tell your partner to do something creative and sexy with the object the arrow points to.
  • Your partner does the same to you when his or her turn comes.
  • Have a shot with every act.

7. Simon Says…Drink!

Become Simon and tell your partner what you want them to do. Since it is a couple drinking game, you can be naughty in your instructions. Something like, “Simon says…remove your shirt and take a shot!” to speed things up.

8. Speed Facts

If you are a long-term couple, this drinking game can be fun. Speed facts are a test to check how much your partner knows about you. You just need your partner and lots of alcohol to play the game. Take turns in stating facts about your partner. Every time you say something wrong or take more than three seconds to recall a fact, you lose a round. For every three lost rounds, you have to take a shot. You can adjust the number of lost rounds for taking shots according to your tolerance to alcohol.

9. Russian Roulette

Take a lot of shot glasses. Fill one with alcohol and the remaining glasses with water. Shuffle all the glasses so that even you will not know which glass contains alcohol. Start drinking in turns. The one that gets the alcohol has to perform a dare. In the next round, increase the number of glasses with alcohol. If the drink is vodka, gin, or any other colorless alcoholic spirit, you can opt for dark shot glasses. Otherwise, you can close your eyes and drink.

10. The Movie Or TV Show Drinking Game

The movie or tv show for couples
Image: Shutterstock

Pick a movie that both of you love or a completely new film. You have to guess the scenes from the movie or a TV show and note the possible scenes. If your partner guessed the scenes correctly, then you have to sip a drink. With your partner, you can go a bit bolder and watch an R-rated movie. Nothing else is needed to spice things up.

A variation to the regular game is you can guess the dialogues from the movie and take a shot every time your partner gets it correct.

11. Two Truths And One Lie

Two truths and one lie is a daring drinking game and can be exciting for new couples. Each one of you has to reveal three things about yourself. Of these, two things will be the truth, and one will be a lie. Your partner will have to guess the lie. For every wrong guess, you will have to down a drink. For every correct one, your partner will do the same. The game is intoxicating and helps you know each other better.

12. Never Have I Ever

“Never Have I Ever” is a popular party game, primarily known for growing wild by the minute. Originally a childhood sleepover game, it gets wilder when you add drinks to it. In the game, partners take turns asking about things they have not done. For instance, you start with the statement ’Never Have I Ever’… (e.g., … been to Machu Picchu or refused a kiss). The one who refused a kiss or was in Machu Picchu shall drink. The best part of the game is that you can say anything from bungee jumping to a new sex position, and you will come to know indirectly whether your significant other wants it or not.

13. Truth Or Dare Or Drink

Everyone loves this game. Adding liquor to the mix only adds to the fun. This classic drinking game is the perfect way to get to know your partner. Here are two ways you can play this game:

  • Play only the “truth” part. Start asking personal questions in turns. The one who refuses to answer shall drink. Speaking the truth is a valued trait among couples, and this classic game will only bring you closer. Consider using some intriguing truth or dare questions for couples to make the game even more engaging.
  • You can play only the “dare” part. Both of you do the dares in turns. If you don’t, take a drink. As the drinks start flowing, the dares start getting sexier and sillier. And your relationship gets back the spice it had lost.

14. Dare Beer Pong

Played the classic beer pong game? Here is a drinking game for couples, with a twist. Arrange beer glasses in a triangular shape on a table at opposite ends. The first glass contains the minimum amount of beer, then increases incrementally in the other glasses. You throw a ping pong ball into your partner’s set of glasses. They have to drink from that glass. Here comes the twist: put a piece of paper under each glass with a dare written on it. Now, your partner has to perform the dare. Take turns and let the game take you on an exciting ride.

15. Answer A Relationship Question Or Drink

This couple drinking game is strictly for serious couples. You start by asking a relationship question. You can get as personal as you want. Your partner has to honestly answer your question or take a drink to ignore you. The first person who leaves the game upset is the “loser”. You can ask questions like

  • When should we move in together?
  • When should we have children?
  • When are you planning to propose?
  • Do you think we should buy a home?

16. Quarters

If you are a ’Netflix freak, Quarters is right up your alley. Hide quarters between the cushions on your sofa. After each Netflix episode, dig between the cushions and pull out a quarter. The first one to get a quarter takes a shot. Repeat in turns. You can increase the fun by increasing the hiding places. The loser has to face the consequences.

17. Power Hour

This intimate drinking game takes no losers. You and your partner have to drink an ounce of beer every minute of an hour. And you have to look deeply into your partner’s eyes while doing so. No guesses where the game is going to lead.

18. Flip Cup

If it is only the two of you, Flip Cup is going to end immediately. Pour your drink of choice into plastic cups and place them on the opposite ends of the table. The amount of liquor in each glass should be the same. Each player drinks alcohol, puts the glass back on the table, and flips it upside down. The first one who gets the correct measure of liquor in minimum attempts will be the winner. You can prolong this game by increasing the number of shots each player must take before flipping the glass.

19. Beer Mile

Beer Mile one is for fit couples or fitness freaks. All you need to do is drink a 12-ounce glass of beer and run a mile. Repeat this exercise four times. Drink and run. The one who completes four laps without keeling over is the winner.

protip_icon Be watchful
If you think your partner is going overboard with drinking or losing control of themselves, stop the game immediately.

20. Boat Race

Boat Race is similar to Flip Cup. You don’t need a boat for this game. Boat is an acronym for “beer on a table”. The game is simple: The one who finishes the beer is the winner. The loser faces the consequences. The game can be fun unlimited in a large group.

21. Naughty Jenga

Jenga for couples
Image: Shutterstock

Naughty Jenga is perfect for a couple who is keen on rediscovering the excitement in their relationship. The game is a naughtier, raunchier version of the regular Jenga. In the game, you and your partner have to pull out blocks in turns. But these blocks have tasks and body parts written on them. You have to perform these tasks with the body parts mentioned. If you cannot, you have to take a shot. If you topple over the tower, you have to take two shots. Don’t forget to add kinky tasks for an unforgettable time ahead.

22. Kinky Cards

Kinky Cards is meant for you and your partner to get drunk and naked. So if you are planning a sexy night, Kinky Cards is the game you must choose. You need a set of playing cards and some paper. Label each odd-numbered card with a body part and each suit with an action (the naughtier, the better). Every even-numbered card is the number of shots you must take. That’s it. Choose a card. Do the action on the assigned body part.

23. Snakes And Ladders Or Chutes And Ladders

Wondering how a childhood game can turn into a sexy couple drinking game? Here’s how… You just need to play it like a regular snakes and ladders game. Only, when you climb up a ladder, you have to take a shot. Every time you slide down a snake, you have to remove a piece of clothing. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

24. Flip, Sip, Or Strip

Flip a coin. Let your partner guess how it will land. If they get it wrong once, they take a shot. Twice wrong, they have to remove a piece of clothing. And then it is your turn.

25. Pizza Box

Take an empty pizza box or a large sheet of paper. Toss a coin on it. Draw a circle of any size and write a rule within the circle. Your partner goes next. If the coin lands within the circle, they have to do whatever is written on it. If it lands outside, they get to draw their circle and make their new rule. Go on playing until there is no more space left. Make up naughty rules for a romantic ending.

26. Go Fish

“Go Fish” is a classic game with a kinky twist. When you ask for a card and your partner doesn’t have it, you have to drink. If they have the card and give it to you, they have to drink. When either of you makes a set of four, the other partner has to remove a piece of clothing and finish their drink. You both are guaranteed to get drunk and intimate in no time.

27. Straight Face

Take a lot of paper chits and write naughty sentences on them. Put them in a bowl. Both of you have to take turns picking up a piece and reading whatever is written in it out aloud. The catch is: You have to keep a straight face while doing it. You cannot laugh, grimace, wince, or show any other expression. If you are a natural at keeping a poker face, you can win easily. The one who reacts takes a shot.

28. Striptease Dice

Striptease Dice game for couples
Image: iStock

What if the roll of a dice could lead to sexy time? You roll a die in turns. If you get an even number, you take a shot. If you get an odd number, you remove a piece of your clothing. You can make the game more exciting by assigning each number an activity like kissing, massage, removing a piece of cloth, or hugging.

protip_icon Point to consider
Make sure you are having fun but do not mix drinks as it may create a mess and spoil the fun and party mood, upsetting both of you.

29. Body Shots

This will surely take your temperatures to scorching levels within no time. All you have to do is write down the names of various body parts on a sheet of paper. Make a similar list for the ways to take a shot. Roll a pair of dice. The number on the first die will decide the body part from which you will have a shot, and the number on the second die will tell you how to do it.

30. Find The Spot

Which part of your body do you want your partner to kiss? Your partner gets three chances to get the spot right. If the partner guesses correctly, both of you take a shot. If the partner fails to guess correctly, they must take the shot before continuing the game. You can go on for as long as you want and get all your kissing fantasies fulfilled.

31. Who Is ‘Most Likely To’

Write some naughty questions on pieces of paper and put them in a bowl. The questions should start with ‘Who is most likely to….’ followed by what you want to ask. For instance, ‘Who is most likely to sleep right after an intimate moment?’ or ‘Who is most likely to laugh while kissing?’ Either of you can pick a chit, and both have to point out to the person they feel most likely to do it. If your answers do not match, you might have to take a drink.

32. Eye Contact

Look intently into one another’s eyes as you sit in a relaxed position. The person who averts their eyes first would have to take a shot. The game can be made more difficult by attempting to maintain eye contact in different positions, such as while crouching or standing on one leg. The game is simple and can ignite lost passion with an intense look into your partner’s eyes.

33. Sit Or Stand

The only rule of this game is to do the opposite of what your partner instructs you to do. So, if you are asked to sit, you must stand, and vice versa. If they say, ‘do not kiss me,’ you have to kiss them. Each of you gets a minute to give instructions. In that minute, each time the partner following instructions makes a mistake, they have to either take a shot.

34. Drunken Tower

If you do not have the Jenga game, you can try building your tower with a pack of cards. Each time your tower drops, you have to take a drink. Doesn’t matter who wins the game, you are most likely to end up laughing out loud.

35. Queen Of Hearts

Lay out a pack of cards facing down on a table. Take turns to pick one card at a time. Each time a partner pulls a queen of hearts, they must perform a romantic task. The one unable to complete the assigned task must take a shot.

36. Tongue Twisters

Look up some tongue twisters online. You have to take a shot before attempting one. You must take a shot each time you fumble or fail to complete the line. The game gets challenging with each round as you get drunk.

37. Drunken Twister

This one is simple. You just have to play the game of twister but with the twist of booze. For this, you need to assign either booze or water to all the numbers of the sheet. Then you have to drink whatever is assigned to the number before you place your hand or leg on the same.

38. Blind Guess

You have to blindfold your partner and ask them compatible questions. The correct guess will get a point, but a wrong one might lead to drinking a cocktail shot.

39. Drinks And Darts

Each partner takes a turn to hit at a dart board. Each number on the board corresponds to a dare or a drink. So, if you hit a number that has ‘take a shot of vodka’ or ‘kiss your partner’s nose,’ then you have to do it. Keeping a mix of drinking shots with some romantic dares can make the game and your evening interesting.

40. Blow Out The Cards

Place a few cards atop a beer bottle. Your partner and you sit on either side of the bottle, and on ‘go,’ you start blowing at the cards. The person with more cards on their side loses and has to sip from their glass. It’s fun to play this game with your partner and a group of friends.

41. Buzzed Tic Tac Toe

Create a grid on a table. Instead of drawing Xs and 0s, place your shot glasses in the empty squares. The one to complete a row wins, while the loser has to drink all the shots placed in the grid. If a loser cannot drink, they might have to fulfill a romantic dare suggested by the winner.

42. Dare Or Drink

Write unusual dares on pieces of paper and put them in a bowl. The one who picks the piece has to perform the dare written on it. This is an interesting way to reignite lost passion and intimacy in a relationship.

43. Smell And Tell

Take turns to blindfold each other and smell an item your partner places close to your nose. Try to guess what it is, and for each incorrect guess, the rule is simple: take a sip. Here’s a romantic tip, try to make your partner sniff items that can turn them on.

44. Eat And Tell

Similar to Smell And Tell, you have to blindfold each other and keep tasty treats handy. Feed each other bites of different items, and then the guessing game starts. The winner gets to make a cocktail shot for the loser.

45. Complete The Story

Create your naughty story. You may start by narrating, ‘Betty and Ben met in a class.’ Then your partner has to add a line to it to take the story forward. Each time a twist element is narrated, the other partner has to take a shot. For instance, if the line is ‘Betty stumbled and accidentally kissed Ben,’ the partner listening must drink. You never know what could happen between Betty and Ben or you guys.

46. Love Karaoke

This game should be easy. Sing romantic songs to each other. Whoever messes up the lyrics or tune has to take a sip. All that drinking, dancing, and singing can lead to fun yet intimate moments between you and your partner.

47. Two Truths And A Lie

Your partner and you have to share two truths and one lie about yourselves. If you guess the lie correctly, you can ask your partner to complete a romantic dare like sing a romantic song for you or recite a love poem. If you guess it wrong, you have to take a sip.

48. Guess The Song

Play snippets of romantic songs and ask your partner to guess either the title or the name of the artist. To make it challenging, you can even ask them to complete the song. For every wrong answer, the loser has to take a sip. Some love songs can infuse nostalgia. So, drinks plus nostalgia can be a beautiful combination for the night.

49. Role Play

Play a romantic scene and try to act it out accurately. Each time someone messes up with the dialogue or timing of an action, they have to take a sip. Booze, coupled with a romantic scene and music, can sprinkle magic dust on to rejuvenate a dull relationship.

50. Say It Right

You can deliver a romantic dialogue if you do not want to enact a romantic scene. Share a dialogue you would love your partner to recite for you. They have to then repeat the dialogue verbatim. If they mess up, they have to take a shot. Remember to pick the cheesiest of dialogues you can find for utmost fun.

51. Love Theme Countdown

Set a timer for a minute and list as many romantic terms or phrases as you can without taking a break. The moment you stop, you have to take a sip. After love words, you can try nicknames and even romantic movie titles. Ensure the topic is love. Some romantic movies might remind you of a romantic scene that can set the mood for the evening.

52. Repeat My Whisper

You have to whisper sweet nothings into your partner’s ear, and they have to say it out loud. If they cannot repeat it or say something wrong, they must drink the most unusual combination. Remember to record the fun sessions for a laughing riot.

53. Love Scavenger Hunt

For this game, you have to set up a romantic scavenger hunt, which you can play in two ways. You either plant clues leading to love notes and small surprises around the house or ask your partner to find certain items around you within a set time limit. If they find the item on time, you take a shot; if they fail, they take a shot. Your love notes can make them all mushy and even romantic for you.

54. Would Rather – Booze Version

Ask your partner ‘Would You Rather’ questions. Give them two options, and when they refuse to make a choice, they have to take a sip. This can be a fun game if you ask them intimate questions such as ‘Would you rather kiss me at home or in a mall’ or ‘Would you rather cuddle with me or kiss me.’ Keep the questions naughty and intimate.

55. Guess The Movie

Describe a movie giving the right hints but in a way your partner cannot guess. For instance, to describe Titanic, you can say, ‘A story of star-crossed lovers in a tale of love, hope, and destiny. Fighting against all odds and a devastating calamity to be together.” If they fail to guess the movie, they have to finish their drink bottoms up. To make it enjoyable, you can describe an intimate scene from the film. The scene may or may not be the best hint for the movie, but it surely can be a hint of your intentions.

56. A Short Drunken Poem

Take a shot together and compose two rhyming lines describing your feelings for your partner. You get only five minutes to compose a line. If you fail, you have to take a sip. Sometimes good wine can bring out the hidden romantic poet in you. Your romantic lines might move your partner’s heart and make them fall in love with you again.

57. Love Words

You have to share a love term for your partner, starting with all the letters of the alphabet. For instance, you start with A for ‘adorable,’ then your partner goes B for ‘beautiful,’ and the game continues. The one who cannot think of a word has to take a sip. It’s a game oozing with romance and affection.

58. Love Confessions

Share funny and embarrassing love confessions with your partner. For instance, you can say ‘When I was a kid, I wanted to marry my Math teacher.’ Each time your partner laughs, you both have to take a sip. Don’t limit yourself to just innocent love confessions. Some personal and steamy details can turn on your partner.

59. Sip Of Love

You have to say something romantic that can touch your partner’s heart and make them take a sip. For instance, you can say ‘I fell in love with you the moment I saw you help an old lady in Walmart’ or ‘You are the most kind-hearted person I have ever met.’ You have to sip your drink each time you feel moved by something your partner says.

60. Love Emoji

Your messenger will have tons of emojis. Show your partner the emoji you want them to act out. For instance, you can ask them to imitate the tongue-out emoji or the frustrated emoji. If they manage to successfully make that expression, you take a sip. Seeing your partner make funny faces can be hilarious, especially when they are high.

In addition to these games, try playing Drunken Uno, Drunken Scrabble, Drunken Checkers, or even Drunken Dominoes to enhance your gaming experience. Games such as Kings Cup or Drunk Speed Game can ignite your relationship’s flame of excitement.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any drinking games that don’t require alcohol?

You can replace alcohol with any other non-alcoholic drink of preference for playing these games. Truth or Dare Jenga, Skill pong, and Never Have I ever are some popular couple games for party that don’t require alcohol.

2. What are the rules for the King’s Cup drinking game?

The rules for the King’s Cup or Ring of Fire drinking game involve placing a deck of cards face down in a circle, each representing a different rule or action that players must follow. The game is over when the fourth King is drawn.

3. Are there any drinking games that require no supplies?

Some drinking games that require no supplies include Truth or Dare, Two Truths and a Lie, Speed Game, and The Alphabet Game.

4. Which drinks work best for couples drinking games?

For couples drinking games, drinks that are easy to prepare and share, such as cocktails or wine, work best. But one can choose the beverage of their preference for playing the game.

5. How can we make sure couples drinking games stay fun and safe?

To ensure couples drinking games stay fun and safe, set clear rules and boundaries, refrain from personally attacking each other by using demeaning comments, monitor alcohol intake, and avoid pressuring anyone to drink more than they feel comfortable with.

6. What are some tips for setting up a successful couples drinking game night?

To set a successful drinking game night with your partner, ensure you are both in a comfortable setting. Prepare the drinks and food in advance, and make sure you have all your favorites at hand. Don’t pick drinks your partner dislikes or those that are too strong. Make sure you both are aware of the rules beforehand so that you do not accidentally cross boundaries.

Playful couples are often happy as they talk more openly, solve conflicts quickly, and feel happier about their relationship (2). If you and your partner want to spice things up, try some drinking games. Drinking games for couples are a great way to bond with your special someone and get to know them better. You can try a question game like Never Have I Ever or a novel option like Dare Beer Pong or the ever-popular Spin The Bottle. These games are guaranteed to make for a memorable time. However, set the rules and drink responsibly to avoid any complications. Remember, driving under the influence (DUI) is illegal and endangers lives. Hence, do not drive or operate any heavy machine after playing any of these drinking games. The moment you feel you’ve had enough of alcohol, stop right there and do not overdo it.

Infographic: Some More Drinking Game Suggestions

Drinking games are a fun way to spill out some secrets that you otherwise would not have. When you play with your spouse, the games might give your married life an exciting turn. So what are those games? Well, we have prepared the following infographic with a list of games belonging to that genre. Give it a read, and remember to save it for sure.

drinking games to play with your spouse (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: Fun And Naughty Drinking Games For Couples To Play

drinking games for couples_illustration

Image: Dall·E/MomJunction Design Team

Couples, grab your drinks and get ready for a night of fun with Doubles! Get ready to grab your favorite drinks and dive into an unforgettable night of fun with the best drinking games for couples from this video!

Personal Experience: Source


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  1. Alcohol’s Effects on Health.
  2. What Playfulness Can Do for Your Relationship.
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JoAnn Moore
JoAnn MooreMaster Wedding Planner
JoAnn is a Master Wedding Planner, a Certified Professional Wedding Consultant, a Certified Green Wedding Planner, and a Certified Sandals Specialist. She has also authored a book titled “Laughing All the Way to the Altar.

Read full bio of JoAnn Moore
Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

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Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

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