20 Cute Eagle Coloring Pages For Your Little Ones

Eagle on 4th Of July with flag coloring page_image
Angry eagle coloring page_image
Bald eagle on rocks coloring page_image
Black eagle coloring page_image
Crescent serpent eagle coloring page_image
Crowned eagle coloring page_image
E for Eagle coloring page_image
Golden eagle coloring page_image
Griffon eagle coloring page_image
Beautiful Harpy eagle coloring page_image
Marahute eagle coloring page_image
Martial eagle coloring page_image
Philippine eagle coloring page_image
Sam the Eagle coloring page_image
Colorign Page of Steller’s Sea Eagle_image
Tawny eagle coloring page_image
Wedge-tailed eagle coloring page_image
White-tailed eagle coloring page_image
Booted eagle coloring page_image
Eagle attacking Tinker Bell coloring page_image

The majestic eagle is one of the most powerful birds of prey. It is a member of the Accipitridae family, and more than 70 species of eagles exist. Eagles are commonly found in Africa, the Americas, Australia, and Eurasia. The eagle is the national symbol of the United States. Let your child’s imagination soar wild with our eagle coloring pages. The article includes an extensive range of eagle coloring sheets–those with various backgrounds, eagles settled on branches, eagles flying in the sky, and those with the American flag.

20 Cute Eagle Coloring Pages Your Little One Will Love

1. E for eagle

Here is a fun eagle coloring sheet that doubles up as a handwriting practice worksheet. Get your child to trace the uppercase and lowercase E, write the word eagle, and then, color the image of the eagle.

2. 4th of July

Here is an image of a bald eagle soaring in the sky with the national flag of the United States of America. The Bald Eagle is the national bird of the United States. It appears on all of its official seals, including the Seal of the President of the United States. The Continental Congress of the United States decided on the pattern of the seal on 20th June 1782. This powerful and patriotic image will make an awesome 4th of July activity for your child. Tell your child a brief history of American independence after they have colored the image.

3. Bald eagle

The bald eagle is unique to North America. It was once close to becoming extinct, but efforts from animal lovers saved this glorious bird of prey, and the wildlife authorities removed the eagle from the endangered species list in 2007. Bald eagles are large birds that can grow up to three feet tall and have a wingspan of seven to eight feet. Adult bald eagles have white tails, white heads, dark brown feathers, and yellow feet and beaks. Bald eagles usually prefer living near water bodies and build their nests in the trees. Their favorite food is fish, which they catch with their strong talons.

4. Golden eagle

The golden eagle is more of a predator and less of a scavenger. Golden eagles search for their prey by flying over the lower slopes and watching the prey from high perches. When they spot the prey, they plunge to capture it in their talons. They regularly prey on cranes and foxes. The magnificent golden eagle is commonly found in Europe, Asia, and North America and holds significance among North American tribes, who believe it has mystical powers. The bird usually resides in the foothills, open countries, and open mountains.

5. Harpy eagle

The harpy eagles are the largest and most influential of all the eagles. Just the rear talon of this eagle is about four inches long, the same size as a grizzly bear’s claws. Harpy eagles are around one meter in length and have a wingspan of two meters. They usually inhabit southern Mexico and northern Argentina. Harpy eagles bring green twigs and branches to the nest after the birth of their chick. The fresh twigs help keep parasites and insects away and provide a calm environment for the nestling. Sadly, harpy eagles are disappearing due to poaching and habitat loss.

6. Wedge-tailed eagle

The wedge-tailed eagle, commonly found in the coastal and alpine regions, is one of the most common species of eagle. It has characteristic long, wedge-shaped legs and tail that have feathers all the way to the base of the toes. The eagle is reddish brown to dark brown. Its bill is cream or pale pink, the feet are off-white, and the eyes are brown to dark brown. They turn black for at least ten years of life. Now that’s one unique feature!

7. White-tailed eagle

The white-tailed eagle is a huge eagle with a wingspan of over eight feet. The eagle became extinct in England in the 1910s. The plan to reintroduce the white-tailed eagle has not been successful because of the theft of its eggs by the locals. The meager population of the white-tailed eagle now thrives only in Scotland’s highlands and islands. These birds mostly prefer the sea lochs to the exposed coastal regions. They also nest in trees rather than on cliffs and feed on seabirds, fish, and ducks.

8. Philippine eagle

The Philippine eagle is one of the largest birds of prey. It is also famous as the monkey-eating eagle because it preys on monkeys, besides pigs, rodents, and monitor lizards. These eagles inhabit the region of Mount Apo in Mindanao. The bird is now close to extinction, primarily because of illegal logging in the country. In light of this and to create awareness, the government of the Philippines made it the national bird.

9. Crowned eagle

The crowned eagle is the most powerful eagle in Africa. It is a colorful bird with black or dark brown wings and cream-colored breast with black barring or mottling. Its tail has three black bands, and its rounded wings have white undersides. The crowned eagle is quite a vocal bird–it produces far-carrying calls during flights and also uses its shrill voice to send warning signals. The bird is also a formidable predator–it can kill prey up to several times its weight.

10. Martial eagle

Martial eagles are the largest of all the African eagles. They are incredibly powerful and can easily knock an adult person off their feet or break their arms. Martial eagles weigh almost 6.5 kilograms and have a wingspan of about six feet. They are dark brown with black streaks and have very large talons. Martial eagles feed on mammals like antelopes and Hyrax. They spend much of their time on the wings and usually soar about the hill slopes, often invisible to the naked eye.

11. Black eagle

Black Eagles are large, forest-dwelling eagles found along a range spanning from Pakistan to the Malay Peninsula. As the name indicates, black eagles are entirely black with yellow feet and brown eyes. The beak of the black eagle is yellow to gray, with a black tip. Black eagles usually occupy the evergreen, lowland, and Montana forests, around 4000 meters above sea level. Black eagles often prey on rats, squirrels, frogs, reptiles, bats, and some birds. They hunt by soaring over creeks, rivers, ridges, and forests.

12. Booted eagle

The booted eagle is a stocky and small eagle with heavily feathered legs and a round head. It occurs in two colors, light brown and dark brown.  It feeds on reptiles, mammals, and small birds. This species of bird is migratory, but its population in the northern Balearic Islands is somewhat permanent. The booted eagles reside in a broad range of habitats, such as deserts, woodlands, and plantations. They usually live in Asia, North Africa, and Europe.

13. Tawny eagle

Tawny eagles are large, handsome birds of prey with heavily feathered legs. They are generally rusty brown, with dark marks on the wings. These eagles can, however, vary in terms of size, color, and markings. They soar high in the sky or stay on top of trees, watching the ground for prey. These birds can tackle large hares and mice easily.

14. Steller’s sea eagle

Steller’s sea eagle is one of the largest eagles that preys on fish. They are native to eastern Russia and mostly inhabit the estuaries and coastal cliffs from where they can access fishing territories. They mainly feed on salmon, which they catch by swooping from the lurches located by the sea’s edge. This large, blackish-brown bird has an enormous yellow bill, and the feathers on its legs, tails, and shoulders are white.

15. Crescent serpent eagle

The crescent serpent eagle is a medium-sized eagle found throughout Indochina and southern Asia. These eagles are dark brown and have a light brown underside. They have white streaks or spots on the wings. The crescent-shaped eagles are found in habitats like mangrove swamps, ravines, evergreen forests, rainforests, and deciduous forests. They love feeding on snakes, frogs, and toads.

16. Eagle attacking Tinker Bell

Tinker Bell is in danger here. A giant eagle is just about to devour her. Can your child help her by splashing some colors on this page? Tinker Bell, fondly called Tink, is a character from the film “Peter Pan.” She is the symbol of the magic of Disney. She is a stubborn, sassy, and opinionated pixie. She never thinks before undertaking any adventure. Tink is also a hot-tempered fairy–her face turns red in anger.

17. Marahute

Here’s a coloring page of Marahute, a giant female golden eagle from the Disney feature film “Rescuers Down Under.” Marahute is a kind and gentle giant eagle whose massive wings once knocked Cody off a tall cliff, well almost. She is a hybrid of a golden eagle and a wedge-tailed eagle. She has a slender build with ruby-red eyes, golden wings, a yellow beak, and white head, legs, and body. Marahute is also an intelligent eagle with a great sense of humor.

18. Angry eagle

The Eagle in this coloring page looks infuriated. What could be the reason for its anger? We think adding some bright colors to its figure can help it calm down. While your child is painting, test their knowledge by questioning them about eagles. Also, tell them how some eagle species are going extinct because of the carelessness of humans.

19. Griffon

A Griffin or griffon is a legendary character from Greek mythology. The beast is a cross between an eagle and a lion. A Griffin has a large orange beak, yellow ears, cat-like eyes, and front talons. The neck, head, and chest have thick, red feathers. The rest of the body is that of a lion. And this beast is huge! It is at least as big as a truck. A griffon has some of the most incredible powers and abilities and is fearsome. Griffins cannot speak, but they can easily understand modern languages.

20. Sam the Eagle

The happy-go-lucky eagle you see here is Sam, the American Eagle who hosted the Disneyland attraction “America Sings.” You will always see him dressed in patriotic attire. He wears a red and blue suit and a white top hat and carries a shield. The change in his outfit depends on the era he is living in. Sam always begins and ends the show by singing the modified version of the song “Yankee Doodle.” Ollie the Owl is Sam’s sidekick.

These eagle coloring pages will help your child identify the majestic bird better, thereby helping them in their school activities. From the iconic bald eagle of North America to the crowned eagle of Africa and Marahute to Griffon, each eagle featured in these coloring pages inspires awe and admiration. Join your child in coloring these pages and have a quality bonding time. Make sure you also tell them stories and facts about these mighty creatures.

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