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If you want to wish your father on Father’s Day or help your child wish theirs, we bring you some loving and meaningful Father’s Day messages and wishes. This special day, which happens to fall on the third Sunday in June, is celebrated worldwide.
Children enjoy expressing their gratitude and admiration for their fathers by doing something special. One way to do this is by writing a heartfelt message or quote on a greeting card, thanking their dear dad for all the guidance and knowledge he provided to help them achieve their goals and aspirations. Another option is to create a handmade card that holds even more value. So, if you want to help your child make this day memorable for their dad, refer to the messages and ideas we have curated for you. Read on to find the right quotes to use.
Key Pointers
- Father’s Day is celebrated every third Sunday of June worldwide.
- Making a card with a wonderful message is a thoughtful Father’s Day gift.
- Different ways to say ‘father’ in different languages are Tata in Czech, Babbo in Italian, and Pere in French.
Say Father In Different Languages
Before you check out the gifts, here is a quick look at how to say the word ‘Father’ in different languages:
- Afrikaans – Vader
- French – Pere
- Bengali – Baba
- Chinese – Baa
- Czech – Tata
- East African – Baba
- Filipino – Tatay
- German – Papa
- Icelandic – Pabbi
- Irish – Athair
- English – Father or Dad
- Italian – Babbo
- Japanese – Otosan
- Malay – Bapa
- Latin – Pater or Papa
- Norwegian – Pappa or Far
- Portuguese – Pai
- Russian – Papa
- Spanish – Papa or Viejo
- Swedish – Pappa
- Romanian – Parinte
- Sanskrit – Janak or Tatah
- Urdu – Abbu
- Welsh – Tad
- Venetian – Pare, Popa, Opa or Papa
Top 25 Father’s Day Messages, Wishes, SMS

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So, celebrate this Father’s day by honoring and paying tribute to your daddy, your provider, in special ways. To help you out, here is our collection of 25 Fathers day wishes, messages, SMS and sayings that will make your dad feel like the world’s best father on Father’s Day:
- Delightful And Loving,
Loved And Admired,
Dad, You’re My Hero,
My Life You’ve Inspired.
And When All My Blessings
Are Counted Each Day,
I Thank God In Heaven
For Dad When I Pray.
Dad Thanks For Your Presence
Throughout Thick And Thin;
You’re More Than A Parent,
You’re My Wonderful Friend.
Happy Father Day
- Fathers need not fathers be.
All one needs to do is choose
To love for life, and that embrace,
Held long and hard, bestows the grace
Each craves. For all in time must lose,
Restored alone by memory.
So now it is with you and me.
- Having You For A Dad
Was the best beginning I could’ve had…
Ever since that you’ve made sure it gets only better!
You mean the world to me!
Happy Father’s Day
- I talk and talk and talk,
And I haven’t taught people in 50 years
What my father taught by example in one week. Thank you dad.
- Little girl & her father crossing a bridge.
Father Said: Please hold my hand
Girl: No dad.. You hold my hand.
Father: Whats the difference?
Girl: If I hold your hand & something happens to me.
Chances are that I may let your hand go,
But if you hold my hand,
I know for sure,
You will never let my hand go..!
- Happy, Happy Happy Father’s Day!
No one has a father so sweet
Your kind ways just can’t be beat
Happy Happy Happy Father’s Day
I love you in a big big way!
- My father is a man who has smiles that brighten each of my days. My father is a man who made me feel so good with his warm words of praise. And what is more is that he knows just what to do to make my wishes and ambitions come true. My father is someone who always has the best stories to tell me. And just as importantly, he is a good listener as well. My father is patient; my father is kind and the best. He is also the best friend I could ever hope to find. And I am proud to say it out loud that father, I love you.

Image: Shutterstock
- Over the years, as we grow old, we remember our father, so brave and bold. In the garden, leaning on the plow, he would listen to me, I see him now. He would share his knowledge and experience, give advice, and understand; he was always there to lend a hand. God made fathers strong and firm, for he knew our lives would have great concerns. So he gave us fathers to teach us to pray, guide our lives, and show us the way. So on his day, let’s take the time to say, ‘Thanks, Dad, I’m glad you’re mine.’
- Bedtime came, we were settling down, I was holding one of my lads. As I grasped him so tight, I saw a strange sight: My hands. . .they looked like my dad’s! I remember them well, those old gnarled hooks,
there was always a cracked nail or two. And thanks to a hammer that strayed from its mark, his thumb was a beautiful blue! They were rough, I remember, incredibly tough, as strong as a carpenter’s vice. But holding a scared little boy at night, they seemed to me awfully nice! The sight of those hands – how impressive it was in the eyes of his little boy. Other dads’ hands were cleaner, it seemed (the effects of their office employ). I gave little thought in my formative years to the reason for Dad’s raspy mitts:
The love in the toil, the dirt and the oil, rusty plumbing that gave those hands fits! Thinking back, misty-eyed, and thinking ahead, when one day my time is done. The torch of love in my own wrinkled hands
will pass on to the hands of my son. I don’t mind the bruises, the scars here and there or the hammer that just seemed to slip. I want most of all when my son takes my hand, to feel that love lies in the grip.
- Fathers are wonderful people Too little understood, And we do not sing their praises As often as we should… For, somehow, Father seems to be The man who pays the bills, While Mother binds up little hurts And nurses all our ills… And Father struggles daily To live up to “HIS IMAGE” As protector and provider And “hero or the scrimmage”… And perhaps that is the reason We sometimes get the notion,
That Fathers are not subject To the thing we call emotion, But if you look inside Dad’s heart, Where no one else can see You’ll find he’s sentimental And as “soft” as he can be… But he’s so busy every day
In the grueling race of life, He leaves the sentimental stuff To his partner and his wife… But Fathers are just WONDERFUL In a million different ways, And they merit loving compliments And accolade of praise, For the only reason Dad aspires To fortune and success Is to make the family proud of him And to bring them happiness… And like OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, He’s a guardian and a guide, Someone that we can count on To be ALWAYS ON OUR SIDE.
- Who can fix my broken bike? Whose strong hands can hold me tight? When I need someone to make things right, It’s my dear old Dad. Who does things that help me grow? Who shows me so I will know? When I need someone to catch or throw, It’s my dear old Dad. Dads come in all shapes and sizes, Big or small, short or tall, Someday I hope that I will be, Half as great as he. Who helps me know right from wrong? Who works hard all day long? When I need someone to sing along, It’s my dear old Dad.
Dads come in all shapes and sizes, Big or small, short or tall, Someday I hope that I will be, Half as great as he. At night before I go to sleep, I thank the stars for giving me, The greatest man in history, It’s my dear old Dad. It’s my dear old Dad. It’s my dear old Dad.

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- I remember when I was a little boy At home on a rainy day My father would go and he’d look in his room And bring out his music to play He’d open his case and play us a tune For me and the family And the sound was so clear and full of life As I played a harmony. He played polkas and jigs, a two-step and more He played them with style and finesse But when it came time for a Viennesse waltz I knew then that’s what he loved best. He’d pick it and dance it and play it again. He’d sing us a serenade And the rain was the rhythm that faded away And left us a sunny day.
- Chorus:
Yes, when my dad played the mandolin
You could almost hear the orchestra play
When my dad played the mandolin
A waltz is what he played.
Now I am grown. I live on my own. I’m home on a rainy day I thought of old times so I called up my dad
Long distance, ’cause I wanted to say “I’ve been thinking about you and those good old songs The ones we used to know.” “Well,” he said, “I put the mandolin down More than a year ago.” Now it’s taken me years to finally know The gift of that rainy day When my father would go and he’d look in his room And bring out his music to play He’d be playin’ a tune so sweet and so free As I sat there and followed along
Now I give back to him what he gave to me than He gave to me a song.
- Chorus
Yes, when my dad played the mandolin
You could almost hear the orchestra play
When my dad played the mandolin
A waltz is what he played.
- Daddy is my special friend,
The two of us are buddies.
I always like the things we do,
I’m thankful for my daddy.
- One little, two little, three little hugs.
Four little, five little, six little hugs,
Seven little, eight little, nine little hugs,
Ten little hugs for Daddy.
One big, two big, three big hugs,
Four big, five big, six big hugs,
Seven big, eight big, nine big hugs,
Ten big hugs for Daddy
- My Daddy helps me when I’m sick.
My Daddy helps me when I’m blue.
My Daddy helps me when I’m sad.
Thanks, Dad, for all that you do!
You help, you help,
You help me feel so much better.
You help, you help,
You help me feel so much better. - He loves me and I love him too
There’s a man who really loves me his name is daddy-o
Do he love me
YES he do
Yes he do
Yes he do
And he loves me a lot
And I love him too
Do I love him
Yes I do
Yes I do
Yes I do
He loves me and I love him too and that is a fact.

Image: Shutterstock
- Everyday my papa would work
To try to make ends meet
To see that we would eat
Keep those shoes upon my feet
Every night my papa would take me
And tuck me in my bed
Kiss me on my head
After all my prayers were said
And there were years
Of sadness and of tears
Through it all
Together we were strong
We were strong
Times were rough
But Papa he was tough
Mama stood beside him all along
Growing up with them was easy
The time had flew on by
The years began to fly
They aged and so did I
And I could tell
That mama she wasn’t well
Papa knew and deep down so did she
So did she
When she died
Papa broke down and he cried
And all he could say was, “God, why her? Take me!”
Every day he sat there sleeping in a rocking chair
He never went upstairs
Because she wasn’t there
Then one day my Papa said,
“Son, I’m proud of how you’ve grown”
He said, “Go out and make it on your own.
Don’t worry. I’m O.K. alone.”
He said, “There are things that you must do”
He said, “There’s places you must see”
And his eyes were sad as he
As he said goodbye to me
Every time I kiss my children
Papa’s words ring true
He said, “Children live through you.
Let them grow! They’ll leave you, too”
I remember every word Papa used to say
I kiss my kids and pray
That they’ll think of me
Oh how I pray
They will think of me
That way
- A son rarely tells his Father
How he really feels,
A handshake or a pat on the back
Is all that he reveals,
I’d like to right that wrong,
Here in this little song.
- Thank you for shaping my life,
Thank you for teaching me all you can,
You are no ordinary man,
You make me everything I am.
- Thank you for taking the time,
Thank you for showing me the way,
And thank you for being there
When I need you,
Thank you for every single day.
- Now I’ve been blessed with a son of my own,
Got my own bedtime stories to tell,
If I can raise him half as well
As you raised me,
Guess I’ll be doing pretty well.
- Thank you for your guiding hand,
Thank you for making my dreams come true,
You’re an extraordinary man,
And I hope you’re as proud of me
As I am proud of you.
- Thank you for giving me life,
Thank you for showing me good from bad.
I guess I’m only really trying to say,
Thank you for being my Dad.
- Even though the years drift away,
I never took the time just to say,
‘I love you, and I always have,
And thank you for being my Dad.’
- ‘Thank you for being my Dad.’
- It’s not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and son (or daughter).
- Who is a father? A father is someone who wants to catch you before you fall, but instead, picks you up and brushes you off, and lets you try again. A father is someone who wants to keep you from making mistakes but instead lets you find your own way, even though his heart breaks in silence each time you get hurt. A father is someone who holds you when you cry, scolds you when you break the rules, shines with pride when you succeed and has faith in you even when you fail.
- Dear Father – I just want to let you know, you mean the world to me, only a heart as dear as yours, would give so unselfishly. The many things you’ve done, all the times that you were there, help me know deep down inside, how much you really care. Even though I might not say, I appreciate all you do, richly blessed is how I feel, having a Father just like you.

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- I love you Dad – What can you say to someone who has always been one of the most essential parts of your world, someone who took you by the hand when you were little, and helped to show the way? What do you say to someone who stood by to help you grow, providing love, strength and support, so you could become the person you are today? What can you say to let him know that he’s the best there is, and that you hope you’ve inherited some of his wisdom and his strength? What words would you say if you ever got the chance? Maybe you just say – I Love You Dad – and hope he understands.
- A little girl needs her daddy for many many things. Like holding her high off the ground where the sunlight sings. Like being the deep music that tells her all is right, when she awakens frantic with the terrors of the night. Like being the great mountain that rises in her heart, and shows her how she might get home when all else falls apart. Like giving her the love that is her sea and air. So diving deep or soaring high, she’ll always find him there.
- A dad is a person who is loving and kind, and often he knows what you have on your mind. He’s someone who listens, suggests and defends. A dad can be one of your very best friends. He’s proud of your triumphs, but when things go wrong, a dad can be patient and helpful and strong. In all that you do, a dad’s love plays a part. There’s always a place for him deep in your heart, and each year that passes, you’re even more glad, more grateful, and proud, just to call him your dad. Thank you dad, for listening and caring, for giving and sharing, but especially for being my best role model and mentor.
- Dad – If I could write a story, it would be the greatest ever told, of a king and a loving dad, who had a heart of gold. I could write a million pages, but still be unable to say, just how much I love and miss you, every single day. I will remember all you taught me, I will always think of you and not be sad, because in my heart you will send me answers, coz I will always have you as my dad.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do you express gratitude to your dad on Father’s Day?
There are many ways to show your appreciation for your dad. You can write him a card or letter expressing your heartfelt wishes, get tickets for his favorite sport, or spend quality time bonding with him. You can also cook his favorite meal or take him to his preferred restaurant. Alternatively, you can give him a thoughtful gift to create enduring memories.
2. What kind of Father’s Day messages are suitable for a father who lives far away?
While composing Father’s Day messages for a father who lives far away, include how you miss him but love him despite the distance. Write how the distance has not been able to reduce the amount of gratitude you feel for him. Let him know that though he is miles away, he is always close to your heart, and you can feel his love’s warmth from any corner of the world.
3. How can you use Father’s Day messages to show appreciation to a father figure who is not biologically related to you?
You can use Father’s Day messages in many ways to express your appreciation for a father figure who is not biologically related to you. You may include how his love and support have guided your life. You can thank him for the life lessons he has taught you and how the affection he has bestowed upon you is no less than a parent. Tell him how grateful you are to have him by your side and that he is a blessing who guided you to live with integrity and virtue.
Make your father feel special on Father’s Day by sending him beautiful Father’s Day messages, wishes, and sayings that are a reflection of your love and respect for him. You can add meaningful Father’s Day quotes to make your message more memorable. You may write Father’s day wishes or poetry on a card or surprise your father in the morning by sending him a lovely Father’s day SMS on his phone, even if he is at work. It will undoubtedly brighten his day and put a smile on his face. So go ahead and pick your favorite one or get inspired and write your own feelings for him to make the Father’s day celebrations memorable.
Infographic: Caring And Heartfelt Father’s Day Wishes
Father’s Day gives us the opportunity to dedicate a day to our fathers and celebrate and appreciate his love, care, sacrifice, and guidance in our lives. The infographic below includes some sweet and lovely wishes you can use to wish your Dad “Father’s Day” and express your gratitude to him.

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Illustration: Sweet Father’s Day Messages Wishes And Quotes

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Make your fathers feel extra special this Father’s Day. Watch this video and take inspiration from some lovely messages presented here.

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