FOS, A Soluble Fiber Good For Your Baby's Gut

New parents are often worried about their baby’s nutrition because they want to ensure that their child is healthy and developing properly. Babies have specific nutritional needs that differ from those of adults, and providing the right nutrition is crucial for their growth and development. Breast milk is the best start you can give any infant as it contains all the nutrients in the right amount to support the baby’s gut and growth.

“Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) – this may sound as a complicated word but it is probably one of the most important ingredients that can help build your baby’s digestive system. FOS is a soluble fibre, meaning it turns into a jelly-like mass in your baby’s gut and supports digestion. It is naturally found in bananas, apples, honey, onions, artichokes, etc. FOS supports a healthy gut in infants as it increases the count of good gut bacteria,” says Munazzah Qazi, dietitian.

FOS also helps your baby absorb bone-building minerals like calcium and magnesium from food. “A healthy tummy is important for absorbing essential vitamins and minerals. The good bacteria are also known to produce some vitamins important for good health of your baby,” adds Qazi.

Additionally, FOS absorbs water making it easier for your baby to pass stools. Very often when a baby is newly introduced to food that contains FOS, you will notice the baby pass stools frequently and it may be softer than usual – this is the good change that FOS is bringing in his/her digestive system.

Qazi shares some do’s and don’ts while giving your baby FOS:

  1. Speak to your pediatrician before introducing any new food/supplement to your baby
  2. Initially, introduce FOS in a small quantity for your baby’s body to adjust to it
  3. Observe how your baby reacts to FOS and discuss progress with your pediatrician

Disclaimer: This article was originally published on MomJunction has reposted the article with only the title and image changed.

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