Image: MomJunction Design Team
Teenagers enjoy parties and having a good time. Whether it is a birthday bash or a casual dance party for your teen and their friends, incorporating engaging party games for teenagers can elevate the fun and create lasting memories. If you are looking for some party game ideas, look no further, as we have compiled a list of some exciting party games for teens that you may incorporate into your next party’s theme to show your affection for your teen.
Key Pointers
- These thrilling party games are designed to entertain small or large groups of teens.
- Most games mentioned here can be played with minimum materials, facilitating easy setup and unlimited fun.
- Games such as Act It Out, Balloon Stomp, and Find The Leader foster coordination and team spirit among teenagers.
- To ensure maximum participation and enjoyment, select games that best suit the age of the participants.
40+ Fun Party Games For Teenagers
1. Wink Assassin
Wink Assassin, commonly known as “Wink Murder” or “Killer” is a highly popular stealth game that teenagers love playing. The game needs less than five minutes to set-up.
Number of players: Four or more
You will need: Space for players
How to play:
- The game has one assassin or murderer who can secretly kill the others by winking at them. Players can pick chits of paper to determine who the murderer is.
- All players have to make eye contact with one another while observing the rest, to identify the killer.
- If the assassin winks at a person, the player has to count five and feign sudden death.
- If another player guesses who the murderer is, he or she will say “I accuse”. At this point, the accuser can ask other players if they suspect anyone.
- The second person also says “I accuse” and at the count of three, the two accusers point to the suspect. If they point to the same person who happens to be the murderer, the game ends.
Otherwise, the accusers are eliminated, and the game continues until the murderer is identified or all players are eliminated.
2. Medusa
Medusa is an amazingly fun game that works well when you have a big group. It is one of the best birthday party games that children can play.
Number of players: 10 or more
You will need: Space for players
How to play:
- The players have to stand in a circle with their arms around their neighbors’ shoulders.
- Initially, players keep their heads bowed.
- On the count of three or any other indication, the players have to look up at another player.
- If two people find themselves looking at each other, they instantly scream and drop dead.
- The game continues until there are only two people left.
Infographic: Super-Fun Party Games For Teenagers

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Another game for teenagers who love the supernatural world is A Vampire Murder Mystery. Teens love such thrilling games where they get to dress up like supernaturals. Tayler Nichole, who loves to host such games, says, “I hosted this vampire-themed murder mystery party back before I was consistently blogging, and since so many of my friends were loving the online murder mystery parties, I decided I might as well host it again (i).”
3. Guess Who Am I?
Here is a game for friends who have known each other for a long time. It is a fun way to tease each other.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: Nothing
How to play:
- Select one player from the group and ask them to mimic any person from the group.
- The others have to guess who that person is by observing the player’s mannerisms and body language.
- Once a person has been mimicked, the next player has to choose a different person to mimic.
- Ensure the mimicry is in jest and does not get offensive to anyone.
4. Who Am I?

Who am I? is a fun game that is likely to create a lot of confusion and be a complete entertainer.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: Sticky notes, a pen for every player
How to play:
- Ask the players to sit in a circle.
- One player writes the name of a celebrity on a sticky note and pastes it on the head of the person sitting to their right.
- Ensure that the player does not get a peek into the sticky note that is to go on top of their head.
- Now, every player has to move around and ask the other players questions that can help them guess the celebrity written on their respective sticky note. For eg: they can ask questions like, ‘Am I a male or female celebrity?’ ‘Am I an actor or a singer?’
- The person who guesses their celebrity correctly first wins.
5. What’s In The Box?
Be ready for some hilarious guesses. What’s in the box? is a guessing game that might leave everyone in splits.
Number of players: No upper or lower limit
You will need: A large box, stuff from toys or household items
Cut a hole in the big box through which the player will insert his or her hand. Cut out one side of the box so that the audience can see what’s inside the box.
How to play:
- Ask a player to sit next to the box that contains an item that they need to touch and guess what it is correctly.
- The player has to insert their hand through the hole made at the side of the box.
- Without peeking into the box, they have to guess the item they are touching or holding.
- Each player gets a minute to make a guess.
- The player who guesses correctly within the shortest time wins.
6. Emoji Pictionary
Emoji Pictionary is for teens who are glued to their phones and enjoy chatting all day long. It can be played through their respective phones or even with a whiteboard.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: Names of movies, cellphones, social media group
How to play:
- Create a group, on WhatsApp or any other messenger service, that includes all the teens invited to the party.
- Divide the teens into groups.
- A player is chosen from each group. The chosen player will give the name of the movie to the other player who will have to make his team guess the movie name.
- The player has to convey the name of the movie through emojis only. They cannot speak or give a hint in any other way.
- The team members can guess the answers live or can even guess through the chat group.
- The team that makes the maximum number of correct guesses wins.
7. Balloon Stomp
Balloon stomp is one of those outdoor games for teens that they can play in your backyard. It is a group game and can get noisy with the balloons bursting and players shouting with joy.
Number of players: 10 or more
You will need: Balloons and some string (different colors)
How to play:
- The aim of the game is simple –burst the opposing team’s balloons without losing yours.
- Split the participants into two teams with an equal number of players.
- Use strings of different colors for each team. Ask players to tile the balloon to their legs with a long string, so that the balloon is not too near.
- As soon as the moderator (parent can be one) says “go”, the players must move around quickly and step the other team’s balloons, only with their legs.
- The team that successfully bursts the other team’s balloons first, wins. The game is bound to inculcate team building skills in teens.
8. Balloon Blow

Balloon blow is one of the best indoor games that your teens will love.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: Balloons (different colors)
How to play:
- Divide the people in the room into pairs.
- Each pair has one simple task – to keep their balloon in the air only by blowing at it.
- Make sure there is enough space for pairs to play without bumping into the others.
- The pair that can keep its balloon in the air long after the others have dropped theirs is the winner.
9. Catch The Peanut
Catch the Peanut is an advanced version of the lemon and spoon race. This is a relay race that is created to test the balance and focus of every player.
Number of players: 10 or more
You will need: 1 plastic spoon for each player, a handful of peanuts
How to play:
- Divide the players into equal teams.
- Like a relay race, one player walks balancing a peanut on their spoon, which is held in their mouth.
- As the game starts, one player will walk towards their teammate and transfer the peanut to their spoon without dropping it. If the peanut falls, they have to start the round again.
- The team that crosses the finish line first, wins the round or the game.
10. Vroom! Vroom!
Vroom Vroom is a silly, yet fun game for teen parties. This is about how good the player is at observing and following simple rules.
Number of players: 8 or more
You will need: Space for players
How to play:
- Ask the boys and girls to stand in a circle. Tell them to put their arms in front of them, as they would when holding a steering wheel.
- One player says “Vroom” to start the game. Then the player makes a hand movement as if turning the steering wheel to the left or right.
- The other players copy the lead player.
- To change the direction, a player says “E-r-r-t” and then “vroom” to indicate the new direction.
- A player is eliminated if he makes a mistake. He or she will have to write their name in the air, using their butt.
- After that, the players continue until there is just one of them left.
11. Baby In The Air
Baby in the air is one of those fun challenges that test alertness. It is also competitive and is usually played by teams of two.
Number of players: 8 or more
You will need: Balloons, water, and space for playing
How to play:
- Fill each balloon with water before the game begins. Have at least 10 such water balloons.
- The participants arrange themselves in a circle, with one person in the center.
- Allocate a number to every individual.
- The person in the middle calls out “Baby In the Air, I call number ___.” and throws up the water balloon at the same time.
- The person whose number has been called out has to be quick enough to move to the middle and catch the “baby” from falling to the ground.
- Whoever drops the balloon is out.
- The right timing of throwing the balloon and calling out is what makes the game fun.
12. Find The Leader
Wacky Duck is a fun party game that can be played at any place that has space. The game requires proximity between players, which makes it all the more exciting for teens.
Number of players: 10 or more
You will need: Space for players
How to play:
- Have the players sit in a circle. Make a large circle with enough room for one person to be in the center.
- The person in the center, you can call him or her “it”, is blindfolded and spun around a few times. In the meantime, the other players quickly change seats and rearrange themselves.
- Once everyone is back in the circle, “It” feels the other players in the circle with a rolled-up newspaper or with a wooden spoon.
- “It” stops at a person and sits in the player’s lap. The player then quacks like a duck in a silly or ‘wacky’ voice.
- The player has to identify who it is – if “It” guesses right, the sitter takes the place of “It”. Otherwise “It” continues for another lap until it guesses right.
- Your teens can have a lot of fun trying to use fake voices to fool their friends in this game.
13. Limbo
When on a budget, Limbo is the best bet. It is easy to play and teens have a lot of fun showing off their flexibility.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: A long horizontal bar balanced on two vertical bars, space for players
How to play:
- Every player gets a chance to cross the horizontal bar dancing and bending backwards. The player who makes contact with the bar gets out.
- Once every player has taken their turn, the bar is positioned a few centimeters lower and the players have to once again pass from under it but by bending backward only.
- The player who survives until the end without hitting the bar wins.
14. Wacky Duck

Find the leader is a favorite party game enjoyed by people of all ages. Your teens can show their creativity with the moves and have a lot of fun.
Number of players: 8 or more
You will need: Space for players
How to play:
- Ask the players to form a large circle with enough space in the center and between each other to move freely.
- One player, or two if the group size is large, is “It” and sent out of the room and asked to wait.
- The rest of the players decide a leader. The leader will make a gesture, movement, or posture and the rest of the players have to imitate him or her.
- Once the leader is picked, the player or players who are out of the room are called back in.
- “It” has to stand in the center, and as the rest of the players move like their leader, “It” guesses who the leader is.
- Caution the players about looking at the leader directly and at all times, as that would be a giveaway to “It.”
- If “It” guesses the leader right, the leader becomes “It” and the game continues.
- The game can be made fun when the players introduce different and funny postures, movements, and actions.
15. Junk In The Trunk
Junk In The Trunk is a fun party game that involves a lot of shaking and jumping!
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: An empty tissue box, a belt or waistband/rope, glue or tape, at least eight ping pong balls, and space for players to move
This game needs preparation beforehand. You will need to attach the empty tissue box to the waistband, belt or rope, to make it look like a waist pouch bag or bum bag. Remove the plastic from the tissue box so that there is a clear opening.
How to play:
- This is like a minute to win it game that can be played by one person at a time.
- Put the ping pong balls in the tissue box tied to the belt.
- Ask the player to tie the belt around the waist, such that the box is tied to their back.
- The players get one minute to shake their body and let the balls out of the box.
- The person who can get all the eight balls out of the box in a minute wins a prize.
16. Movie Buff
Movie buff is a game in which teens can show off their movie knowledge by sharing fun and interesting trivia about the movie.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: A bowl full of chits containing names of teen movies, teenagers with good knowledge about movies
How to play:
- Divide the players into two groups.
- A member of any team picks a chit. Taking turns, both teams have to share as many interesting facts about the movie as possible.
- The team that fails to come up with a trivia loses a point to the opposing team.
17. Ping-Pong Fun

The classic game is loved by adults and teens as well. The only difference here is that there is no alcohol involved.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: A long table, six cups, some ping-pong balls
Ensure the cups are half-filled with water so that the cups do not get displaced when the ping pong balls are thrown in.
How to play:
- Divide the players into two teams.
- Ask each team to stand at the opposite ends of the table and in front of their end arrange the cups in a triangle shape.
- The aim here is that each player has to hit the ball in the gap between the two sets of cups in such a way that it ends up in one of the cups of the opposite team.
- Each time a ball falls into a cup, that cup will be removed from the game.
- The team that removes all the cups of the opposite team wins. Or if a time limit is set, the team with the maximum number of cups left by the end of the time limit wins.
18. How’s It Hangin
How’s It Hangin is yet another fun teen party game that you can organize at home.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: A hula hoop, a long piece of string, a banana, and an orange
Tie the string to the banana – it has to be at least 12 inches long.
How to play:
- This is a minute-to-win game played by one player at a time.
- Tie the string with the banana to the front of the jeans or trousers of the person.
- Adjust the chain’s or string’s length such that the banana touches the ground.
- Put the orange at one end of the room and the hula hoop at the other.
- The player has to move the orange into the hula hoop with the help of the banana within a minute.
- The player who manages to get the fruit into the circle with a strategy wins a prize.
19. Images Scavenger Hunt
Teens who love clicking pictures on their phones might enjoy this game.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: A cellphone with a camera for every player, an envelope with a clue
How to play:
- If there are many players, they can be divided into teams of two players each.
- Every team is handed an envelope that contains the first clue. For instance, the clue can be ‘the thing protects you from getting drenched in the rain.’ The answer is a raincoat or an umbrella.
- The players have to click an image of what they think is the answer to the description and text it to the host. If their answer is correct, they get their next clue through a text sent by the host.
- The team or the individual who gets all the clues correct first and reaches the final spot first wins the game.
20. Stack ’Em Up
Stack’em Up is a skill game that your teens can play at a party.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: Chocolate ding dong cakes or sandwich cookies
How to play:
- In this simple game of stacking and balancing, the player has to bend backward and start stacking the ding dong cakes or sandwich cookies on their forehead.
- They have to stack as many as they can balance.
- If the stack falls off the forehead, the next person gets a chance to try it
21. Twister
Twister is a classic game that cannot go out of fashion. It is also a great way to test your teenager’s flexibility.
Number of players: 4 or more
You will need: Twister board
How to play:
- Spread out the twister board in the backyard or the living room.
- If there are many players, they can be divided into two teams and can compete with players from the other team in each round.
- The team that wins the maximum number of rounds wins the game.
22. Act It Out

Act It Out is a fun play-acting game that both boys and girls will love.
Number of players: 8 or more
You will need: Pen and paper, props – can use what is handy
How to play:
- Make paper chits with a scene, character, thing, or event that they can enact.
- You can create two groups with an equal number of players in each.
- Ask one person from a team to pick a chit. Or you, as the moderator, can pick one chit.
- Both the teams get one minute to recreate that scene or event like a wedding, movie set, mimic the character, or create the thing (like a car, a computer, etc.) using their bodies and props available around them.
- The judge decides who got it right, and the winning team gets a point. The game is similar to the classic charades.
23. Sing Out Aloud
Time for karaoke. Teens can sing to their heart’s content while also winning surprising gifts.
Number of players: No limit. Invite all the interested singers.
You will need: A karaoke machine or a regular microphone and a TV screen that plays music videos with subtitles will also do.
Make chits consisting of names of songs written in it.
How to play:
- Rent out or buy a karaoke machine. Or simply play the YouTube video of the song on your TV or computer with the captions on.
- Ask every teen to take turns picking a chit and singing the song they get.
- Every teen will be judged on their singing skills and how correct they are with the lyrics. The teen with the best complete performance wins.
- If there are more than ten, then pick the top three winners to make it more competitive.
24. Lip-sync Challenge
This one is for those who are not the best singers but know their songs very well.
Number of players: No limit. Invite all the interested singers.
You will need: Just a TV screen that will play music with captions/lyrics.
How to play:
- Invite any player to stand next to the TV screen. Ask them to pick a song they know very well.
- They can be holding a fake mike or even a hairbrush in their hand. Once the song starts, they have to mouth the lyrics as if they are singing it out aloud.
- The player who gets the timing of the song and the lyrics correct wins.
25. Fortune Teller Game
Fortune Teller is a fun slumber party game.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: Sheets of paper, pen
Make small chits of paper from each sheet. Make sure that the chits are of uniform size.
How to play:
- Each participant gets four chits or sacks of paper and a pen.
- Ask the kids to write down a name, a place, a number, and a profession. Let them write any name, place, number, and job they want on the chits to make the game more fun.
- Once all the players fill the chits, ask them to fold the chits and put the chits from each category into four different bags.
- Next, each player will take turns to pick a chit each from the bags.
- One of them will read the fortune. For example, Anna will be a professor, date Jake, live in Chicago (or a basement, the airport, etc.) and have (number) of children.
- The weirder the sentence, the more enjoyable the game would be.
26. Blind Wall
The blind wall is extremely easy to play and can make the teens have a fun time.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: Four walls
How to play:
- Have all the players in a room that is preferably empty.
- Mark a unique number on each wall.
- Now blindfold one player, and make them turn themselves around. After they stop, they have to try and catch any one of the other players in the room.
- When they catch the player, they have to guess which wall they are closest to. If they guess the right answer, they win a point.
27. Sleeping Beauty Game
Sleeping Beauty is a teen game you can try for some silly fun. It can be a great sleepover game and activity for teens.
Number of players: 5 or more
You will need: Nothing
How to play:
- Sleeping beauty is all about resilience and not giving in – but that’s the fun of it.
- Each player will take turns to be sleeping beauty – they will lie down on the bed as if in deep slumber and must not move, talk, or even flinch.
- The rest of the players should try to wake the beauty up and induce laughter in them without touching.
- Players can say all kinds of silly things to wake up the beauty, which makes this game so much fun!
28. Makeup Artist

This can be a fun game where teens can show off their makeup skills.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: Lipstick, powder, nail polish, perfumes, hairbrushes, hair accessories, blush, and cotton. Avoid items like mascara, eye shadow, and other things that can be dangerous when used by unsupervised teens. Also, use makeup that can be easily washed away with water.
How to play:
- Divide the kids into groups. Each player from each team can take turns to be the makeup artist or the model.
- But here is the fun part – the makeup artist will be blindfolded and will get two minutes each to get the model ready for a shoot.
- The other team members can guide the blindfolded makeup artist, and the team that gets the best makeup done takes the prize. Consider this game as a talent show of your teen’s makeup prowess or interest.
29. Catch The Ball
Catching a ball is not too difficult, but what if you don’t know you are supposed to catch the ball? Well, that’s what this game is about. Surprise is the key element in this game.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: A ball
How to play:
- Have the players stand in a circle.
- Pass the ball to one player. The player then has to scream a name while simultaneously throwing the ball toward the player whose name they just took.
- If the player drops the ball or is unable to catch it, they are out of the game. And if they catch it, they have to pass on the ball to any other player by calling their name loudly and throwing the ball simultaneously.
- The last player standing wins the game.
30. The Selfie Game
The Selfie Game celebrates a teen’s love for clicking selfies. Plus, they win a prize too.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: A cellphone with a front camera.
How to play:
- Set up a photo booth station or booth with changing backgrounds.
- Now, each time a player walks into the booth, they have to click a selfie based on the background image and the emotion decided by the host. For instance, the background is of a snow-clad mountain, the participant is asked to click a selfie in which they look over-excited or angry.
- The participant whose maximum selfies get a thumbs up from the judges wins.
31. Would You Rather
This is a fun way to ask teenagers some interesting questions.
Number of players: At least 3 – the more, the merrier
You will need: A set of interesting and appropriate questions for teenagers.
How to play:
- Ask the kids to arrange themselves in a circle.
- One player begins the game and asks a question starting with “Would you rather…” and give two options or scenarios to the player opposite them.
- The options can be silly, stupid, or downright gross, but not serious!
- For example, a player can ask –“would you rather be Taylor Swift’s boyfriend or Justin Bieber’s girlfriend?”
- The kids can play this game until the set of questions are complete.
32. Eat The Donut
This one requires the kids to jump high and get the donut!
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: At least a dozen donuts, string, clothesline
How to play:
- Tie a clothesline or a lengthy string along the length of the ceiling – you could do it in the open, but it has to be higher – 6 ft. or above, depending on the average height of the kids.
- Tie a string to each donut and hang it on the clothesline.
- Have no more than six donuts at a time – and set them a little apart so that the participants can have room to stand comfortably.
- Ask the participants to stand under a hanging donut – on the count of three, or when the moderator says “go”, the players have to eat the donut above them, without using their hands.
- The one to complete it first gets the points!
33. Bring Home The Watermelon
Bring home the watermelon is a game for water babies. It is best played in the summer.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: Two watermelons, petroleum jelly, and a swimming pool
How to play:
- Divide the participants into two teams.
- Cover the watermelon in a thick coat of petroleum jelly and place it in the pool.
- Players have to take the watermelon from one end to the other end of the pool and the one to reach first wins the round.
- Teams that win maximum rounds win the game.
34. Knockdown

Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: 25 Party cups or cans or tins, three lightweight balls
How to play:
- Arrange the party cups like a pyramid or any other structure that the kids cannot demolish easily.
- Make the player stand at a distance from the pyramid and give them a paper ball, a sponge ball or a ball that is lighter than a tennis ball.
- Players have to knock down all the cups or tins with as few balls as possible.
- Every player gets no more than three chances.
35. Blanket Ball
Blanket ball is a fun team game that involves every single member’s effort and contribution.
Number of players: 8 or more
You will need: 2 Blankets, 1 ball
How to play:
- Divide the players into two teams. Each team needs at least four players to hold the four edges of the blanket.
- The blanket should be held high by the four members and the ball will be thrown in the center of the blanket.
- The four members must bounce the ball and try to catch it on the blanket itself.
- The team with the maximum bounces within a pre-decided time wins. If the ball falls off the blanket, the round ends there.
36. Sock Wrestling
Sock Wrestling is a fun teen game that both boys and girls will enjoy.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: 2 Pairs of socks
How to play:
- Sock Wrestling is a fun wrestling match between two people with a silly goal – remove the socks of the opponent before your opponent takes off yours.
It is best to have an adult as a moderator or a referee for this game.
37. Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball is a minute-to-win party game that all teens will enjoy playing. This will also make them start bonding with one another.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: An extra-large stocking (big enough to fit a teen’s head), filled water bottles, and tennis balls
How to play:
- Wrecking Ball is usually a competition between two players or members of two teams.
- Put the tennis ball in the stocking – let it go to the bottom.
- Put the other end of the stocking to your head such that the rest of it is hanging in front of you, like a wrecking ball.
- The moderator will put at least seven water bottles in a row. You should have two such rows for a competition.
- On the count of three, the players should use their stocking as a wrecking ball and tumble all the bottles before their opponents do.
- If you don’t want a competition, have players knock down as many bottles as they can in a minute.
- The players with the highest number of fallen bottles win.
38. Speed Stacker

As the name says, Speed Stacker is a stacking game that lets your teens use their gray cells and have a little fun.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: At least 50 party cups or cans if possible, a table
How to play:
- Players get a minute each to stack as many cups as they can in under a minute.
- The player with the highest number of cups stacked is the winner.
39. Never Have I Ever
Share your wildest moments with the Never Have I Ever game, the perfect group activity for teenagers who are comfortable with each other.
Number of players: 3-6
You will need: Candies
How to play:
- Begin by distributing candies to everyone and selecting the first player.
- The game starts with the first participant stating, ‘Never have I ever…’ followed by something they’ve never done. For example: “Never have I ever been on a blind date,” “Never have I ever attempted to guess someone’s phone password,” or “Never have I ever experienced a super embarrassing moment right in the middle of class.”
- If any participant has experienced the mentioned scenario, they munch on a piece of candy.
40. Knees And Elbows
Knees and Elbows is a difficult game full of fun and entertainment. Teens up for a tough challenge might dig this game.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: Balloons filled with water or soft pillows with silk covers
How to play:
- Have the players stand in a circle.
- Give one player to hold either a large balloon full of water or a pillow with a silk cover. The player has to hold the item either between their knees or elbows.
- They then have to pass the balloon or pillow to the person next to them who can take the item only through their knees or elbows.
- If the balloon breaks or the pillow falls, the person receiving the item is out of the game or gets a punishment.
- The last person standing wins the game.
41. Dare To Spin

If Spin the Bottle seems outdated for a teenager, try the game Dare to Spin. It is a challenging game that requires the players to take on some fun and exciting dares.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: An empty bottle, and a bowl full of chits containing creative dares.
Ensure the dares are fun and suitable for teenagers. Do not give dares that can be risky in any way.
How to play:
- Have the players sit in a circle.
- In the center, place a bottle and spin it to start the game. When the bottle stops spinning, the person facing the mouth of the bottle has to pick a chit from the bowl and perform the dare written in it.
42. Our Mummy
No, it’s not a game involving a parent. Here ‘mummy’ means the Egyptian mummy. Or at least similar to an Egyptian mummy.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: Several toilet tissue rolls
How to play:
- Divide the players into equal groups.
- As soon as the pre-decided timer starts, one player will be wrapped in toilet paper by their team members. They have to be fully covered in toilet roll.
- The team that finishes first or has best covered their player in toilet roll within a stipulated time wins.
43. Find The Gummy Bear
Teens with a sweet tooth are going to thank you for this yummy gummy game.
Number of players: 6 or more
You will need: Bowls of whipped cream, lots of gummy bears
How to play:
- Make the players sit on chairs in front of a long table.
- Place a bowl of whipped cream in front of each player. When the time starts, each player has to keep their hands behind and use their mouth to look for the gummy bears.
- Picking the gummy bears with their teeth, they have to collect the gummy bears by dropping them in the empty bowl kept beside the bowl of whipped cream.
- The player with the most number of gummy bears wins.
Tips For Choosing The Right Game
While games are a part of the party that makes it fun for teenagers, not choosing the right game may dull the ambiance. There are a few factors to consider when choosing the right game.
- Consider the interests, maturity level, and number of participants to ensure the games are suitable.
- Consider the type of event you are having to determine whether an indoor or outdoor game would be most suited.
- Factor in the available space and materials to avoid having limited and mismatched supplies.
- Consider how easy it would be for your group to understand the game.
- Ensure guests of different genders and ethnicities feel welcome to participate.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How to host a fun teen party?
Planning and careful implementation is required to throw an epic party for teens. Plan ahead, choose a venue, hire a decorator and caterer, pick an exciting theme, prepare a guest list, send out invitations, and set time for games and activities.
2. What is the best gift for a teen’s birthday?
Try to know what the teen likes or is interested in. If they are interested in photography, you may get a Polaroid camera. In case they are interested in exploring, a colorful backpack or a trip to their favorite destination could be great ideas. In general, a play station, books, or personalized gifts can be chosen.
3. Are there any party games that can be played without any equipment or supplies?
Hide and Seek, Charades, and Tag are some party games for teens that they can play without any equipment. I Spy, Simon Says, Hot Potato and Medusa are some other games your child can play with their friends without needing any piece of equipment.
4. What are some party game ideas for themed parties such as costume parties or movie nights?
You can organize a costume contest, wherein your guests can flaunt their costumes pertaining to a specific theme. Trivia and Charades can also be customized according to specific movies or movie scenes. A person can act out a movie scene while others can try to guess it. Apart from these, you can organize a spooky game for a Halloween-themed party. Some examples of such games are Witch Hat Ring Toss, Eyeball Pong, Shoot the Skeleton, and Spider Race.
Double the fun at your teen’s party by incorporating these exciting and engaging party games for teenagers. These games aid in enhancing their coordination skills while helping them bond with their friends and have a joyous time together. Some ideal games for a party include Wink Assassin, Balloon Stomp, Baby In The Air, and How’s It Hanging, which are all-time favorites. Pick the games based on your teen’s age and interests, and you could also modify them to fit the theme of the party. Your kid and their friends will surely have a gala time!
Check out this video for 14 fun party games! From Minute to Win It games to classic party favorites, you’ll find something for everyone!
Personal Experience: Source
MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Bloodlines – A Vampire Murder Mystery;https://themepartycentral.wordpress.com/2020/10/19/bloodlines-a-vampire-murder-mystery/#more-2845

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