Image: Shutterstock
Halloween is all about fun and costumes. Kids enjoy this festival to bits and are always curious to learn more about it. In this post, we bring to you some spooky and fun toddlers Halloween games for kids. Halloween has become a children-friendly celebration over the years where they can engage in activities like dressing up in fancy costumes, trick or treating, or special parties. As a parent, you must ensure that your child is aware of the reason behind celebrating Halloween. So here, we have curated a couple of incredibly interesting and spooky games for the little ones. Get ready to be creative with your little ones and give the best Halloween memories to your kids that they can cherish forever. Read on to learn more.
Key Pointers
- Halloween is an occasion for enjoyment, costumes, and trick-or-treating.
- Toddlers are often intrigued by Halloween and dressing up.
- Young children can have fun playing games like pop the balloon, pumpkin toss, ghost hunt, and spook-e-do.
- Halloween games are an excellent way to celebrate the day and make lasting memories.
25 Must Try Halloween Games For Toddlers
1. Donut eating race

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- A long string
- Donuts
How To:
- Hang several donuts from a sturdy rod or tree.
- Blindfold the tots and on a count of three, have each tot try to eat the donuts.
- Make sure they do not use their hands for eating the donut. Anyone who uses the hands should be disqualified.
- The child who finishes the donut first will be the winner.
2. Skeleton relay race

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Poster board or cardboard.
- Pen or marker.
- Scissors.
How To:
- Draw a skeleton on the cardboard or poster board. Cut out the bones separately. Make sure you draw enough skeleton cutouts so that each team has full skeleton parts.
- Divide the players into teams.
- Place a set of bones at the end of the yard.
- As you call out ‘go,’ the first player of each time has to grab the piece of the skeleton, run back and tag the next player.
- The first team to assemble the skeleton will be the winner. The fun halloween games for toddlers you shoud try with your children.
3. What is in the bowl?

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Grapes
- Spaghetti
- Jelly
- 3 bowls
- Black and orange felt
How To:
- Fill one bowl with grapes, one with cooked spaghetti and one with jelly. You can use any food product that you feel will look gross and slimy.
- Now wrap the bowl nicely with orange and black felt so that no tot can peek what’s inside the bowl.
- Tell every tot to put his or her hands in the bowl and guess what food item it is.
4. Apple bobbing

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Round, shallow bucket
- Apples
- Table
How To:
- Fill the bucket with apples.
- Now ask the tots to pick the apples from their mouth. Remember, no hands allowed.
- The tot who manages to pick the maximum number of apples after bobbing for apples will be the winner.
5. Pin the wart on the witch

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Black cardboard.
- A large poster of the witch.
- Scarf to blindfold the tots.
- Tape or play dough.
- Marker.
How To:
- Make the wart on the witch’s face using the black marker.
- Draw and cut the wart out of the black cardboard.
- Now hang the witch on the door or wall. Make sure there is lots of space around it.
- Now blindfold the players, one at a time and give them a piece of the wart with play dough stuck at its back.
- Spin the player around and tell him/her to stick the wart on the witch’s original wart spot.
- The player who fixes the wart closest to the real spot will be the winner. You should definitely try this halloween fun for toddlers.
6. Find the pumpkin

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- A crayon.
- Ten pieces of white paper.
- Five pieces of yellow paper.
- Scissors.
- Five pieces of orange paper.
How To:
- Draw five yellow pumpkins, ten white pumpkins, and five orange pumpkins and cut out all of them.
- Give each pumpkin a funny and wacky face. Find some unique carving pumpkin ideas for kids and help them in carving.
- Write number 1 on the back of the white pumpkin, five on yellow pumpkins and ten on the back of the orange pumpkin.
- Now hide all the pumpkins in the backyard.
- As you call out ‘go’ the tots have to find the pumpkins. Set an assigned time or call out ‘stop’ to end the game.
- Now add up the numbers on the pumpkins of each participant.
- The player with the most points will be the winner.
7. Walk on the witch’s hat

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- A big picture of a witch’s hat.
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Tape
- CD player
How To:
- Tape the large picture of the witch’s hat on the floor before playing the game.
- If you don’t have the hat, then make one from a brown bag. Cut out a brown bag and open it out flat.
- Draw the hat on the brown paper and cut it out.
- Then ask the players to stand in line and close their eyes. You can even blindfold the tots to make sure that no one peeks. Also, appoint a leader. He will make sure that no one looks. Whoever peeks should be out of the game.
- Now tell the leader to start and stop the music. When the music is played, the tots have to start walking in a circle just around the hat.
- When the music stops, the tots standing on the hat will be out of the game. The last player to circle the hat will be the winner.
8. Trick or treat

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Paper bags
- Candies
- Pen
How To:
- Hand each toddler a bag filled with candies.
- Write the participant’s name on each bag so that the bags are not mixed up.
- Now decide on the time limit. You can even keep the game going on the entire time. It will keep the tots busy.
- The primary objective of the game is to catch the people sang these words – Pumpkin, Candy, Halloween, Witch, Ghost, Pumpkin, Party.
- We’d recommend you to write the words on a piece of paper and hand one copy to each participant.
- If the player finds any other players saying any of these words, then he has to give a piece of candy from his bag.
- The person who has the most number of candies will win the game.
- Let the tots keep the candies left in their bag.
9. Put the face on the pumpkin

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Poster board
- Orange, black and yellow paint.
- Paintbrush
- Straws
- Double-stick tape
- Scissors
How To:
- Cut out two pumpkin shapes out of the poster board, one for each team. Now color the pumpkin in orange.
- Create two eyes, a mouth, stem, teeth, nose and leaves for each pumpkin. These are the pieces that tots have to put on the pumpkin board.
- Place a double-stick tape on the area/s where you want the tots to put the pieces.
- Tell the children to pick the pumpkin pieces with the help of straws and place it on the wall.
- The team that arranges the pieces first will be the winner.
10. Pop the balloon

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Balloons
- Candies
How To:
- Add a candy inside each balloon and blow it up. Tie the balloon. Make sure you have three balloons for each tot.
- Now scatter the balloons on the floor and tell the player how many they can pop.
- The tots have to pop the balloon by bouncing or sitting on them. They cannot prick the balloon.
- The tot who manages to pop the maximum number of balloons will be the winner. This can be the fun halloween games for toddlers party.
11. Melt the witch

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- A bucket of water
- A moveable chalkboard
- Sponges
- Colored chalk
How To:
- Draw a witch or the witch’s head on the chalkboard.
- Fill the bucket with water and sponges.
- Have the tots stand close to the board and hit the witch’s drawing with a wet sponge.
- Make sure every child gets the chance to throw sponges and melt the witch down.
- As the witch becomes wet and water starts dripping down the board, it will appear as if she is melting.
- Make sure the tots are squeezing out the sponges before throwing them on the board.
- There will be no winner in the game.
12. Pin the nose on the jack-o-lantern

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Poster board
- Black construction paper.
- Yellow crayon
- Rolled tape
- Scarf to blindfold.
How To:
- On a white or orange poster board, draw and cut out the image of the jack-o-lantern. Make sure it’s without a nose.
- Now cut several triangles from the black construction paper. The triangles will represent the nose.
- Number the nose with the yellow crayon.
- Put up the image of the jack-o-lantern on the wall. Make sure it’s on the tot’s eye level.
- Place a piece of rolled tape at the back of each triangle.
- Now blindfold the tot, hand him the ‘nose’ and make him take turns at pinning the nose at the jack-o-lantern. You can even spin the tots, but lightly.
- The tot who places the nose closest to the jack-o-lantern will be the winner.
13. Who’s behind the pumpkin face

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Black marker
- Orange construction paper.
How To:
- Cut out the pumpkin shape from the orange construction paper.
- Draw the nose, eyes and a happy mouth on the pumpkin. The game is for the preschoolers, so make the cut out as attractive as possible.
- Now have the tots sit in a circle and make every player close the eyes.
- Tap one tot on the shoulder and she will become the ‘it’.
- Now put the pumpkin face in front of him or her face. Now have the tots open their eyes and sing together:
Who’s behind the pumpkin face?
Nobody knows but me!
Who’s behind the pumpkin face?
Nobody knows but me!
I won’t tell you,
You will have to guess!
If the answer’s right,
I will tell you YES!
- Let the tots take turns at guessing who is behind the pumpkin face.
- After a child has correctly guessed the answer, ask him how he knew it was that baby behind the cutout.
14. Pumpkin toss

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Pumpkin of various sizes
- Metal rings or embroidery hoop
How To:
- Line up the pumpkin in a backyard.
- Mark the line where the children have to stand.
- Now have each tot toss the ring over the pumpkin.
- The tot who can throw the ring over the most number of pumpkins will be the winner.
- In this halloween party games for toddlers, we’d recommend you to reward all the participants, not just the winner.
15. Pass the witch’s broom

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Broom
- Foam
How To:
- Cover the broom’s handle with foam.
- Now make the tots stand in a circle or sit in chairs. Tell them to pass the broom at a steady pace, until the music stops.
- The tot who has the broomstick when the music stops has to ride it around the backyard or room. Clap with the other children while the little Harry Potter roams around on his broom. Here’s the song:
“Pass the witches broomstick round and round the room.
While the music’s playing, quickly pass the broom.
Anyone is out if the broomstick drops,
Or the one who has it when the music stops!”
The last player with the broom will be the winner.
16. Ghost hunt

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Two ghost figures or.
- White construction paper.
- Tape
How To:
- Cut out white construction paper in 4 inches* five inches.
- Roll the papers to form tubes. These will work as the ghost callers. Ensure that you make one for each child.
- Show the two ghosts cut outs to the tots. Now make the tots shut their eyes and hide the ‘ghosts’.
- Make the tots open their eyes and at the count of three, let the hunt begin. The tots who find the ghost have to come back to you and ask for the ghost caller.
- The tots have to make strange ghost noises with the tube. The noise will make the ghosts come out of their hiding place.
- Continue the game until all the children make the ghost sounds.
17. Create the spider web

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- A ball of yarn
- Black construction paper.
- Scissors
How To:
- Draw and cut out a spider shape from the black construction paper.
- Make the tots sit in a large circle. Make an adult sit beside the tots.
- Take a ball of yarn and make the tots throw at each other.
- Tots have to continue throwing the yarn back and forth until they create a giant spider web.
- Now put a paper spider in the center of the ‘web’ and tell the tots to lift up without making the insect fall off.
- Repeat the game if the spider falls off. Aren’t these Halloween games for toddlers and preschoolers amazing to hear?
18. Toss the ball

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Orange and black poster board.
- Cardboard box
- Craft knife
- Spray adhesive
- 8 to 10 orange table-tennis balls.
- Black marking pen
How To:
- Draw and cut out three circles of different sizes from the orange cardboard paper.
- Cut 9 small triangles from the black poster board. These triangles will be the eyes and nose of the pumpkin.
- Glue the triangles on the pumpkin’s face (two triangles for the eyes and one for the nose).
- Tape one end of the box shut. Cut off the flaps from the opposite end.
- Attach the black cardboard paper to the front of the box.
- Attach the pumpkins to the front of the box. Begin with the largest pumpkin, and then stick the medium pumpkin over the large pumpkin and the smallest one on top.
- Use the craft knife to make the pumpkin’s mouth. It should be around 8 inches in size. You have to cut both black and orange cardboard paper.
- Now draw the pumpkin faces on the balls and let the game begin.
- Have the tots throw the ball into the pumpkin’s mouth from a certain length. The child who manages to toss the highest number of balls will be the winner.
19. The zombie game

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Nothing.
How To:
- Assemble the tots in the backyard. Make one person ‘it.
- The other players have to lie, stand or sit like expressionless and motionless zombies.
- The ‘it’ has to do anything to make the zombies smile or giggle but without touching them.
- The child who giggles has to join the ‘it’ to make the other zombies laugh.
- The last zombie will be the winner.
20. Eyeball hunt game

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- White ping-pong balls.
- Cooked spaghetti noodles.
- A large bowl.
- Red and black marker.
How To:
- Make a black circle at the center of the ball.
- Use a red marker to make the eye veins.
- Write the points at the back of the ping-pong balls. Ten will be the highest and 5-second highest.
- Fill a large bowl with the cooked spaghetti noodles and bury the ping-pong balls.
- Set the time limit for 1 minute.
- At the call of ‘go’, the tot has to find out the most ‘eyes’ at the set time.
- After all the tots have had their turn, count the points earned by each player.
- The child with the highest points will be the winner.
21. Candy wrapper race

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Wrapped candy for each player.
- Mittens for each player.
- White ribbon.
How To:
- Mark a start and finish line. You can use the white ribbon to mark the line on the ground.
- About 20 to 30 feet away from the starting line, place the wrapped candies.
- Make the tots wear the mittens.
- At the call of ‘go’, the tots have to run to the candy and pick a piece.
- Then they need to run back to the starting line, unwrap the candy and put it in their mouth.
- Then they must take off their mittens and hold their hands over their head.
- The first tot to follow the method of the game correctly will win the game.
22. The wink game

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Nothing
How To:
- Make the tots sit in a circle. Now choose the ‘killer’. Make sure the other tots do not get to know about it.
- The ‘killer’ has to wink at a victim.
- The victim then has to wait for 5 seconds and then die. He can choose his way of falling.
- If another player thinks that he has identified the ‘killer,’ then he has to say, “I accuse you.”.
- If the player has made the correct guess, then he will choose the next “it” by tapping on the shoulder. And if he is wrong, then both the players will be dead.
23. Pumpkin patch hunting game

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Black marker
- Orange construction paper.
- Scissors
How To:
- Divide the tots into two teams. Make sure the team numbers are equal.
- Draw little pumpkins on orange construction paper. Now use the black marker to draw the face.
- Cut out the pumpkins. Make sure the number of pumpkin cut outs is an odd number.
- Now hide the pumpkin around the house. Instruct both the teams to look for the pumpkin in a set amount of time
- The team that gathers the most pumpkins will be the winner. One of the funniest toddler halloween party games.
24. Halloween hopscotch

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Orange poster board.
- Scissors
How To:
- Cut out pumpkin jack-o-lanterns from the orange poster board.
- Make the trails for jumping. For preschoolers, make a straight or a slightly curved path.
- Now have the tiny tots jump down from the path to path. You can even space out the jack-o-lantern cut out for a greater challenge.
- Now let the tots play hopscotch. Allow the tots to come up with new ways to play the game.
25. Spook-E-Do

Image: Shutterstock
You Will Need:
- Nothing
How To:
- Make the tots sit in a circle.
- Select a tot and sing with the other tot: “Hi (tot’s name) Spook-E-Do! What trick are you going to show us today? Will you spin, bend or wiggle?”
- Continue the game until all the tots get their chance to demonstrate their trick.
26. Halloween word search
You Will Need:
- Halloween-themed word search puzzles
- Pencils or markers
- Prizes for winners
How To:
- Hand out the word search puzzles and pencils/markers to each child.
- Set a timer for a specific duration
- Let the children search and circle Halloween-themed words.
- When the timer ends, check who found the most words.
- Reward the winner with a small prize.
27. Hat ring toss
You Will Need:
- Witch hats or cones
- Rings (glow-in-the-dark for extra fun)
- Prizes for winners
How To:
- Place witch hats or cones at varying distances.
- Line up children and give each a set of rings.
- Let each child take turns and toss rings onto the hats.
- Score points for each ring that lands on a hat.
- The child with the highest score wins a prize.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I modify traditional Halloween games to make them safer and more suitable for young children?
You may modify the steps, rules, and paraphernalia needed for the activity to ensure they are age-appropriate and safe. Some general guidelines for safe playing include providing adult supervision, avoiding sharp objects, ensuring that decors and wires are hidden away, and using hygienic party supplies and foods.
2. How can I make a Halloween scavenger hunt appropriate for young children?
You may play the scavenger hunt with child-friendly objects such as toys, balloons, candies, stickers, and baskets. In addition, have an adult tag along with each child to ensure that the children stay safe and do not get lost. Keep the hunt at a familiar location, free from threats such as choking hazards, sharp objects, and unfriendly animals.
3. What are some popular Halloween costumes for kids?
There are many themes for kids’ Halloween costumes, the popularity of which could vary based on current trends. Some popular themes used throughout the years include superheroes, princes and princesses, animals, TV or movie characters, supernatural characters such as ghosts and witches, occupations, historical figures, foods, and objects.
4. How can kids stay safe while trick-or-treating on Halloween night?
Trick-or-treating is a fun tradition that can be a lovely time for your child to show off their creativity and socialize with their peers. However, to ensure your child’s safety, accompany them, stick to familiar neighborhoods, encourage group participation, guide your child to follow traffic rules, be cautious of strangers, and inspect treats before consuming them.
5. How can kids create their own haunted house or spooky maze for Halloween?
To build a fun and thrilling spooky maze for Halloween, choose a suitable location and plan the layout, set a theme and storyline, decorate as per the theme by incorporating jump scares and surprises, and organize for volunteers to provide interactive experiences for participants. Design, plan, and execute the maze while ensuring participant safety. Finally, test the maze and make any necessary adjustments before using it.
Halloween is when you dress up as your favorite spooky character and go around the block collecting candies. And the most enthusiastic participants in this celebration are the little ones. With the help of this exciting list of Halloween games for kids, you will be able to keep your children engaged for hours and have a good time with them. Introducing these games to your little ones will add to their fun of the day and give them a memorable experience.
Infographic: Interesting Halloween-based Games For Toddlers To Play
Just before the winter comes Halloween, an exciting festival of spookiness and trick–o-treats. So, if you wish to include your toddlers in this festivity, check out the below infographic for some exciting games to double up the excitement of Halloween. All these games are tailored for toddlers and are not too scary.

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Illustration: Exciting Halloween Games For Toddlers To Have Fun

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Check out this video for the top 10 best Halloween games for kids! Fun and spooky activities for the whole family to enjoy!

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