25 Fun Halloween Games For Kids To Make It Memorable

Halloween is a time to dress up and enjoy tricks and treats with friends and family. So, if you are planning a party, adding interesting Halloween games for kids can be a great way to make your party more enjoyable and interactive. Children love the festival because they get to dress up as their favorite characters. However, just having a dress-up gathering with treats is not enough to make parties fun and memorable. To grab children’s attention and keep them engaged, it is important to plan some Halloween-themed games that encourage physical activity and allow children to interact. Our list includes fascinating Halloween games that are easy and exciting.

In This Article

The awesome halloween games for kids

1. String The Donut:

String the donut Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Donuts of different flavors
  • Strings

How To:

  1. Thread the yummy donut on a long piece of string. Make sure there’s ample space between each donut.
  1. Instruct the kids to run and eat the donut off the string, but only with their mouth. Anyone who uses the hand should be disqualified.

2. Apple Bobbing:

Apple bobbing Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Apples
  • A large tub
  • Water
  • Towel

How To:

  1. Fill the tub with water and place it on a low sized table.
  1. Add the apples, making sure that it does not overload the container.
  1. We’d suggest you to include small apples with leaves or stems to help kids grab it.
  1. Now let the bobbing begin. Isn’t this halloween game for kids funny?

3. Monster Letter Hunt:

Monster Letter hunt Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • 14 monster pictures
  • White Paper
  • Scissors
  • Marker or pen

How To:

  1. Write the words “HAPPY HALLOWEEN” or “I LOVE MONSTERS” on a white sheet.
  1. Now write one of the letters in ““HAPPY HALLOWEEN” or “I LOVE MONSTERS” on the back of each picture. Each image must match to the letter on the paper.
  1. Hide the pictures all over the house or room and tell the kids to search for the pictures.
  1. As they find the monster pictures, tell them to place on the matching letter on the paper.
  1. End the game when all the letters are covered. Reward the child who wins the game with a prize.

4. Pass The Pumpkin:

Pass the Pumpkin Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • A plastic pumpkin
  • A music player

How To:

  1. Make the kids sit in a circle. Give them a plastic pumpkin while you play the music on the music player.
  1. Children need to pass the pumpkin to the tempo of the music. You can even alternate between fast and slow pace. This will make the game more enjoyable.
  1. The kid who has the pumpkin when the music stops has to stand up and take a bow. You can also ask the child to tell a joke. Continue the game until just one kid is left.

5. Pin The Grin:

Pin the Grin Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • A white craft sheet
  • Crayons or sketch pens
  • Black construction paper
  • Reusable adhesive

How To:

  1. Make a neat diagram of Jack-o-lantern on a large piece of paper.
  1. Now make a large cut out of the mouth and eyes out of a black construction paper. Apply reusable adhesive on the back of the mouth and eyes.
  1. Blindfold the kids and give them turns to see if they can stick the cutout to the picture of the Jack-o-lantern.

6. Behind The Pumpkin Face:

Behind the Pumpkin Face Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Pumpkin cut out

How To:

  1. Cut out a neat shape of a Halloween pumpkin, complete with nose, eyes and a happy mouth.
  1. Make the children sit in a circle and ask all of them to close their eyes.
  1. Tap one kid on the shoulder and take him to sit with a caregiver. Put the Halloween pumpkin face cut out in front of the kid’s face.
  1. Ask the rest of the kids to open their eyes and sing together, “Who is behind the pumpkin face?” Nobody knows about it, except me”! Tell the children to take turns at guessing who is behind the cutout.
  1. If the child guesses correctly, reward him with candy or a pen or pencil
  1. You can also ask the winner how he guessed about the boy/girl behind the cutout. Was it because of their curly hair or color of the shirt? Isn’t this a fun halloween games for kids to try?

7. Guess The Ghost:

Guess the Ghost Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • A white sheet of paper

How To:

  1. Make the kids stand or sit in a circle. Send one of the kids in another room.
  1. Now take a large sheet and make one kid stand underneath it.
  1. Mix up the remaining kids in the room and call the kid inside whom you sent to the other room. The child now has to guess the ghost by the process of elimination.
  1. The ‘ghost’ goes out of the room, and a different child becomes the new ghost. Repeat until all the kids get turns at being the ghost.

8. Halloween Chocolate Matching Game:

Chocolate Matching Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • 10 matching tags with cute Halloween pictures
  • 10 matching tags with Halloween words
  • 10 Hershey’s sweetheart chocolate or any other candy of your kid’s choice

How To:

  1. Punch the tags using a ¾ inches round paper punch and stick to the bottom of the candy.
  1. Put the candies or chocolates in random order and ask kids to match the chocolates with the Halloween pictures.
  1. After the game is over, allow the kids to eat the chocolate pieces.

9. Toss The Ring Around The Witch’s Hat:

oss the Ring around the Witch's Hat Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Colored foam base
  • Black poster board
  • Four rings in different colors (you can purchase from the nearby toy store or make yourself using electric wires and duct tape. Pool diving rings will also work.
  • Chart paper of the same color as the ring
  • Black party hats

How To:

  1. Cut out large circles from the black poster board. Make sure all the circles are about the same size.
  1. Cut out three buckles from the colored chart papers. All the buckles should be of different color. Stick each buckle at the center of the hats.
  1. Now hot glue the hats onto the black circles. Affix the cones on a colorful foam base.
  1. Now ask the kids to take turns and toss the ring on the witch’s hat. The kid who tosses the highest number of rings successfully is the winner.

10. Balloon Popping Game:

Balloon Popping Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • 4-by-5 ½-foot piece of foam board
  • Duct tape
  • 2 yards of burlap
  • Removable hooks
  • 35 12-inch balloons
  • Confetti
  • Push pins or darts
  • Pump, for balloons
  • Small and thin candies
  • T-pins
  • Ribbon
  • Green paper
  • Balloon template

How To:

  1. Cover the foam with burlap and secure with duct tape. Stick to the wall with hooks.
  1. Fill the balloon with candies and confetti. Leave a few of the balls to add to the suspense.
  1. Inflate the balls with the help of a pump and tie with a knot.
  1. Attach the balloons to the board with the pins. Get popping. One of the wonderful halloween game ideas for kids you should try.

11. The Name Game:

The Name Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • 3x 5 cards
  • Marking pen, medium or broad point
  • Safety Pins

How To:

  1. Print out the name of a few people or character associated with Halloween on the card. Make sure you write a different name on each card. And make enough cards for the guests. It’s a fun game, so more and more kids would want to participate in it.
  1. Use a safety pin to stick one card on each kid’s back.
  1. Now ask the kid to guess whose name is on his back. Only a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is the answer. No facial expressions or laughing is allowed.
  1. You can give another nametag to the kid who guesses the answers too quickly.

12. Pumpkin Golf:

Pumpkin Golf Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • A large sized pumpkin
  • Cardboard
  • Ramp
  • Tape

How To:

  1. Carve out a pumpkin carefully (you need to be good at this). Make the mouth of the pumpkin extra-large.
  1. Now build a cardboard ramp, at least two feet from the ground to the pumpkin’s mouth.
  1. Tape the ramp to the floor for support and stability. You wouldn’t want a shaking golf course.
  1. The starting point should be a few feet from the ramp.
  1. Allow each kid to hit the golf ball thrice.
  1. Reward the kid with chocolate and candy each time he hits the ball into the pumpkin.

13. Scary Stories:

Scary Stories Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Nothing

How To:

  1. Make the kids in a circle in a dimly lit room. Hand a flashlight to the kid sitting in the middle.
  1. Ask one kid to start the game by saying “Once upon a time” and add a few sentences on his own. The kid sitting beside him has to add a couple of lines to the story.
  1. Examples: Once upon a time, a lady resembled a witch…


Make the setting as scary as possible. You can play strange noises or hide a prankster in the room and tell him to jump out at the right moment.

14. Wrap The Mummy:

Wrap the Mummy Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Loads of toilet paper rolls

How To:

  1. Divide the kids into pairs and pick a ‘mummy’ for each time.
  1. Have the other team member wrap his partner in toilet paper. Ensure that the kid is covered well but has enough room for the nose, mouth and eyes.
  1. Now switch the partners, with the mummy wrapping the other participant. The first pair to finish wins the game.
  1. You can also offer prizes for the funniest mummy or the best-wrapped mummy.


Expect a lot of‘ ‘redo’ in this game. The toilet paper can tear rather easily, as the little monsters will discover, over the course of the game.

15. Mystery Bowl:

Mystery bowl Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • 3 large sized bowls
  • Peeled grapes
  • Cold pasta
  • Bags of pudding
  • Black felt
  • Table

How To:

  1. Fill one bowl with bags of pudding, one with cold pasta and one with peeled grapes.
  1. Cover the bowls with black felt and place on the table.
  1. Blindfold the kids and ask them to stick their hands into the bowl.
  1. Tell the kids to feel the different body parts in each bowl.


Take the snaps of the children’s expression as they reach into the bowls and try their hands at different “body parts”. Send the images as party favor after the party is over. Coolest games for kids halloween party!

16. Monster Tag:

Monster Tag Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Nothing

How To:

  1. Arrange the kids in a circle and pick the first monster. It would be better if you toss a coin to choose the beast.
  1. Now blindfold the monster and ask him to catch one of the players.
  1. Tell the other players to stay within the circle as monster wanders around to catch the players.
  1. Whenever the monster growls or moans, the players must also growl back or moan.
  1. The player whom the monster tags become the next predator.

17. Halloween Balancing Act:

Balancing act Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Toy Spider
  • 2*4 inch wooden board

How To:

  1. Lay the wooden board over a few layers of green tulle or cheesecloth.
  1. Toss a few of toy spiders on the ground near the plank. The more spiders you put, the ickier the swamp looks.
  1. Now challenge the little guest to walk the plank without falling into the marsh.
  1. You can also allow the kids to practice tiptoeing beforehand.
  1. The kid who crosses the plank fastest, without falling into the swamp is the winner.

18. Make The Mask:

Make the Mask Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Colored cardstock papers
  • Felt pens
  • Markers
  • Glue
  • Rubber String or yarn
  • Decorations like googly eyes, stickers, glitters

How To:

  1. Cut out the mask shape by holding the paper up to each child’s face. Use a marker or a pencil to mark the area. Cut the eyeholes on each mask.
  1. Give children all the things they need for decorating the masks. Do not try to monitor the kids. Let them use their creativity and make the mask in the best way possible.
  1. Reward the child who makes the most beautiful mask with a few candies or a stationary set. You can also give chocolates or candies to the rest of the participants.

19. Pumpkin Scavenger Hunt:

Pumpkin Scavenger Hunt Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Mini pumpkins
  • Paint in three different colors or construction paper in three different colors
  • Scissors

How To:

  1. Paint the mini pumpkins in three different colors. The different colors will denote the different numbers of points. Alternately, you can also cut out the shape of pumpkins from colored construction paper.
  1. Hide the pumpkins in the garden or backyard and have the kids find them before the time runs around.
  1. When the time is over, add the numbers and the kid with the most point wins.

20. Pumpkin Ring Toss:

Pumpkin Ring Toss Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • A cluster of pumpkins in different sizes and shapes
  • Large sized rings (the rings should be twice bigger than the pumpkins). You can also make the rings using electrical cable and duct tape.

How To:

  1. Carve out all the pumpkin and place on the ground.
  1. Make the kids stand a few feet from the pumpkin, depending on the age of the kids.
  1. Give the rings to the kid and ask him to toss over the pumpkins.
  1. Award one candy for the kid who puts a partial ring and two if the kid manages to put the ring around the pumpkin. A kid friendly halloween party games your little ones would love.

21. Ghost In The Graveyard:

Ghost in the Graveyard Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Nothing

How To:

  1. Assemble all the kids in the backyard and select one player play the ghost. The ghost can hide anywhere in the yard. The other players have to stay together in a designated spot.
  1. Ask the kids to count loudly in unison, “one o’clock” up to “Midnight”. Now instruct the kids to go searching for the hiding ghost.
  1. The kid who spots the ghost has to yell “ghost in the graveyard” and then run along with the kids to the base.
  1. The ghost has to chase after the seekers and tag as many as he can before all of them reach the base.
  1. The last player tagged will be the next ghost.

22. Halloween Freeze Dance:

Halloween Freeze Dance Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Music player
  • Some spooky music

How To:

  1. Play the Halloween party music and ask the kids to play. Then ask the kids to freeze the moment the music stops.
  1. Whoever moves during the game is out of the game.
  1. The last person dancing is the winner.


  1. Tell the kids to pose in a Halloween character shape (pumpkin, black cat, bat, mummy or broomstick).
  1. Now you have a more challenging game for the kids.

23. Killer:

Killer Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Nothing


Make sure the children are old enough to wink to play this game.

How To:

  1. Make the kids sit in a circle with their eyes closed.
  1. Tap one kid on the shoulder. He will be the killer or ‘it’.
  1. Then ask everyone to open the eyes. Now ask the killer to wink at any other player, ensuring that no one else is watching him while he is winking. The kid who is winked at has to act as if he has died.
  1. The other kids now have to guess who the kid is. Anyone who guesses correctly gets a prize.


  1. Make chits for all the kids, but write Killer on one and Police on the other.
  1. Mix the chits up and ask the kids to pick one.
  1. The kid who gets the killer chit must wink at everyone to kill them, while the kid with the Police chit must catch him by calling his name out.

24. Left And Right Pumpkin Story:

Left and Right Pumpkin Story Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

• A real or plastic pumpkin

How To:

  1. Create a Halloween story using the words ‘left’ and ‘right’ repeatedly.
  1. Now make the kids sit in a circle and hand them a pumpkin.
  1. Kids need to pass the pumpkin to the player seated next to them the moment they hear the word ‘right; or ‘left’.
  1. Narrate the story quickly and see them giggle while trying to keep up with the directions.

25. Pin The Wart On The Witch:

Pin the Wart on the Witch Halloween game for kids pinit button

Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need:

  • Black cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Green felt
  • Tape, thumb tack or play dough
  • Markers and pens
  • Witch’s hat
  • Decorations like fake web and toy spiders

How To:

  1. Draw a witch’s outline on a black cardboard and cut out the outline. The shape does not need to be perfect, as most of the kids won’t pay heed to the drawing.
  1. Draw the creepy smile, googly eyes and long nose of the witch on the cutout. Dress the cutout with the witch’s hat.
  1. Stick the cutout on a pegboard or the ball. Decorate the board with fake web and toy spiders.
  1. Cut out a large wart from the green felt and stick a tape, thumb tack or play dough on the back of each wart.
  1. Blindfold the kids with a scarf and let them take turns sticking the green wart on the creepy witch’s nose. If you have older kids playing the game, spin them around to make the game more challenging.

Halloween is an exciting time when everyone gets to dress up as they want, and the children enjoy this time the most. You could invite your little one’s friends over to your place and host a fun celebration for all of them together. We have listed various fun Halloween games for kids that you could include in your celebration. These games are easy to play and can add a lot of fun and frolic to the celebration. So plan the day, prepare an enjoyable themed meal for everyone and get along to enjoy the games.

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Debolina Raja
Debolina RajaMA (English)
Debolina Raja came into the writing world while she was playing around with words and participating in various literary events. She found her writing interest in various genres such as health, wellness, parenting, relationship, and brand management and gained more than five years experience in it.

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