100 Most Popular Hispanic Boy Names With Meanings

Picking Hispanic boy names for your children is a great way to connect with your roots and showcase your love for the Spanish language and culture. Hispanic refers to the Spanish-speaking Latin Americans living in the US. It is also used as a broad term to refer to the culture or traditions connected with Spain or Spanish-speaking countries. Hispanic culture is rich with customs and traditions that are also reflected in their names. We bring you some adorable Hispanic boy names with their meanings in this post.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • The term Hispanic denotes Spain, the Spanish language, the Spanish-speaking people, and worldwide nations where Spanish is spoken.
  • To honor your ‘God’s gift,’ you can explore naming options such as Domingo, Doroteo, and Mateo.
  • Popular Hispanic names such as Demetrio and Demas are associated with the natural elements.
  • You can also explore names such as Prospero, Elpidio, and Fernando that symbolize happiness and hope for your little one.

Hispanic Naming Traditions

As per Hispanic culture, many children are named after saints or religious figures, such as José (St. Joseph) or Ildefonso (St. Ildefonso) celebrating their santo or name day, which corresponds to the feast day of their namesake saint. Composite names, combining two separate names into one given name, are also common for boys, such as Juan Carlos or José Luis.

For surnames, traditionally, the paternal surname precedes the maternal surname, but some countries now allow parents to choose the order of surnames for their children. Typically, individuals have two given names followed by two surnames: the first from their father (paternal surname) and the second from their mother (maternal surname). For example, a person named ‘Héctor González López’ has ‘González’ as the paternal surname and ‘López’ as the maternal surname. Spanish naming conventions differ from other naming conventions, and blogger Carlos Alós-Ferrer says, “Spanish and Valencian/Catalan names simply do not follow Germanic/Anglic conventions, by which I mean the strange (sorry) tradition to completely drop the mother’s surname and even expect that the wife will renounce her surname. Those two conventions are quite strange for us. We keep both family names, that of the father and that of the mother. That means that my name is Carlos, my first family name (which comes from my father) is Alós, and my second family name (which comes from my mother) is Ferrer…. And, by the way, when Spaniards marry, nobody changes his or her name. The husband keeps his two family names, the wife keeps her two family names, and the children receive as first family name their father’s first family name and as second family name their mother’s first family name. So all family names survive at least two generations (i).”

100 Most Popular Hispanic Boy Names

Hispanic boy names often carry deep cultural significance and are rooted in a rich blend of Spanish and indigenous influences. Following are some names you may like to consider for your son.

1. Aaron (Ah-ah-ROHN)

The moment your baby boy was born, your life became a little brighter. Aaron means ‘light bringer’ – that’s exactly what your son is, isn’t he? It is a biblical name that belonged to the oldest son of Amram and Jochebed (1). Award-winning American actor Aaron Paul is a famous namesake known for featuring in the hit TV series Breaking Bad

2. Alarico (Ah-lah-REE-ko)

Looking for a masculine name? Try Alarico. It means ‘all powerful and one who is a ruler of all.’ 

3. Amador (Ah-mah-DOR)

A lover of life, of art, of nature – let your baby discover and fall in love with all that is beautiful in this world. Name him Amador, which means ‘lover’ in Spanish. Venezuelan actor Amador Bendayán is a famous name bearer. 

4. Amancio (Ah-MAHN-thyo)

What is the one thing you feel when you see your newborn son? Irresistible love, right? Amancio is a great name for your cherished baby. It means ‘loving.’ Spanish businessman and founder of the renowned fashion brand Zara, Amancio Ortega is a noteworthy namesake.

5. Andres (Ahn-DREHS)

Because everyday life is filled with battles
Image: Shutterstock

One doesn’t need to go into war to be a warrior. Everyday life is filled with battles that need to be won. Andres means ‘warrior’. The renowned Spanish classical guitarist Andrés Segovia is a notable namesake.

6. Aureliano (Ow-reh-lyah-NO)

Your baby is the golden boy of your family. Call him Aureliano, which means ‘golden’ in Latin.

7. Armando (Ahr-MAHN-do)

A popular Hispanic name, Armando means ‘a bold man’, a quality you’ll surely want in your child!

protip_icon Trivia
Armando Christian Pérez, known by his stage name Pitbull, is a popular American singer and rapper.

8. Amidio (Ah-MEE-dyoh)

Amedio means ‘demigod’. A wonderful name for your baby, but do make sure your baby knows that he is not really a god!

9. Alejo (Ah-LEH-ho)

Let your baby grow up to be emphatic and kind. Teach him to be on the team of the weak and the downtrodden. You can use the name Alejo, which means ‘defender.’ Cuban writer Alejo Carpentier is a noteworthy namesake.

10. Agapito (Ah-gah-PEE-to)

A melodious name for a handsome Hispanic baby! Agapito means ‘beloved’ in Latin. 

11. Fernan (fehr-NAN)

Spread love and peace! That is what the world today needs. Fernan means ‘ardent for peace.’ 

12. Geraldo (heh-RAHL-doh)

You may have heard this name a thousand times but it never grows old. Geraldo means ‘spear ruler.’

13. Fonsie (FON-see)

Your little prince deserves the best! Call him Fonsie. It means ‘noble and ready.’ Fonsie is considered a diminutive of Alfonso, a name borne by multiple Spanish and Portuguese kings throughout history.

14. Florencio (flo-REHN-thyoh)

A classic name with a cute meaning! Florencio is a good option if you don’t mind mixing sensitivity with the masculine. The name means ‘blossoming.’

15. Gilberto (heel-BEHR-toh)

Another classic Hispanic name, Gilberto means ‘pledge bright’. Brazilian footballer Gilberto Silva, is a noteworthy namesake known for his defensive skills and leadership on the field.

16. Goito (GOY-toh)

An interesting name, Goito means ‘watchful and vigilant’. It is a short name with an interesting meaning.

17. Gualtiero (gwahl-TYEH-roh)

Do you want your son to become a leader when he grows up? Name him Gualtiero, which means ‘ruler of the army.’ Gualtiero is the Italian variant of the Germanic name Walter

18. Hermenegildo (ehr-meh-neh-HEEL-doh)

Being kind is a virtue. But not many are willing to empathize and be generous in today’s world. It is up to you to teach your son the joy of sharing. This exotic but beautiful name means ‘all giving.’

19. Hernando (ehr-NAN-doh)

A beautiful name with an even more beautiful meaning! Hernando means ‘dedicated to peace.’ This name gets an A+!

20. Horacio (o-RAH-thyoh)

Horacio is a common name but awesome nonetheless! It means ‘one who has good eyesight.’ The Roman poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus famously known as Horace was one of the most famous literary figures of ancient Rome.

protip_icon Did you know?
Horacio is derived from the Latin name “Horace,” which means “timekeeper” or “man of time.”

21. Basilio (bah-SEE-lyoh)

So, has the center of power shifted at your home? That is but expected! A baby becomes the ruler the minute he smiles! Basilio is the perfect name for his little highness. It means ‘king.’

22. Benedicto (beh-neh-DEEK-toh)

Your little boy is a blessing from heaven above. Benedicto means ‘blessed’ and will be perfect for your bundle of joy. 

23. Benito (beh-NEE-toh)

Another name that means ‘blessed’, Benito is a great option for parents looking for a good Hispanic name that is not too complicated. Mexican president Benito Juárez is a famous namesake known for his efforts in modernizing and reforming Mexico in the 19th century.

24. Balduino (bahl-DWEE-noh)

A friend is someone we all need. But to find a good friend, we need to be a good friend first. So, teach your son to be a true friend. Name him Balduino, which means ‘brave friend’.

25. Carlos (KAHR-lohs)

Do you want a name that is truly macho? Carlos will be the perfect choice for you. This popular name means ‘man.’ King Carlos I of Spain, also known as Charles V, is a famous namesake known for ruling over one of the largest empires in history.

26. Cayo (KAH-yoh)

A sweet little name with a royal meaning! Cayo is the name for you if you want to keep things uncomplicated. It means ‘lord.’ The name is not common in the modern world but it was once a noteworthy name attached to Cayo Julio César, better known as the historical Roman figure Julius Caesar. 

27. Celino (seh-LEE-noh)

Your little one’s smile is no less than divine! The name for your baby boy means ‘heaven.’ This rare name can be a great alternative to more common names like Celestino or Celeste.

28. Celestino (seh-lehs-TEE-noh)

Here’s another name that fits your angelic child’s personality. Try Celestino, which means ‘heavenly’ in Latin. The name has a distant religious connection as it is considered a variant of Celestine, which was popular because of Pope Celestine V of the Papal States. 

29. Clemente (kleh-MEHN-teh)

It is time we said goodbye to gender stereotypes. Not all boys need to be all-macho! Allow your son to embrace all facets of his personality. Clemente means ‘gentle and merciful.’ Noteworthy personalities include the early bishop of Rome, Saint Clement I, and baseball legend Roberto Clemente.

30. Custodio (koos-TOH-dyoh)

Your son is the custodian of your heart. And you’ll never find a cuter person to hold your heart! Custodio means ‘guardian or keeper.’ Not a very common name, Custodio is often linked to guardian angels. 

31. Humberto (oom-BEHR-toh)

Humberto means ‘bright support.’ It is a beautiful name that will hopefully inspire your son to become a better person. King Umberto I of Italy is a famous namesake known for expanding the Italian empire to a large extent during his reign. 

32. Iago (YAH-goh)

Iago means ‘supplanter.’ It is a short name but has a nice ring to it. The name is popular in fiction works. It is best known from Shakespeare’s Othello, where Iago is the antagonist’s name. The name also features in the popular fantasy series Aladdin, in which Iago is the name of a parrot.

protip_icon Trivia
Iago is the antagonist in the Shakespeare play Othello. It was later immortalized by Jafar’s parrot in Aladdin.

33. Hieronimo (yeh-ROH-nee-moh)

Are you religiously inclined? Then Hieronimo will be a good fit for your family. It means ‘holy name.’ The name gained much popularity as it featured in Thomas Kyd’s famous play ‘The Spanish Tragedy.’ Hieronimo was the name of the knight marshal of Spain and the father of Horatio.

34. Ildefonso (eel-deh-FON-soh)

As a mother, it is your responsibility to equip your son to fight the battles of life. Ildefonso means ‘battle ready.’ Also written as Ildephonsus, the name was borne by the 7th-century theologian Saint Ildefonso of Toledo, one of Spain’s most revered saints in the Catholic Church. He is honored as a Doctor of the Church (2).

35. Injgo (EEN-yoh)

No matter how much your son grows up, he’ll remain your baby. Injgo means ‘my little one.’

36. Jaime (HY-meh)

The name Jaime means ‘supplanter.’ It may not have a great meaning but it does sound nice! The name’s popularity reached new heights following the success of the TV series Game of Thrones, which featured a crucial character named Jaime Lannister. 

37. Jenaro (heh-NAH-roh)

Was your son born in January? Then you can name him Jenaro, which means ‘January’ in Latin.

38. Jesus (heh-SOOS)

If you are religious, this will be the perfect name for your son. Jesus means ‘God is salvation.’ The name is extremely popular in Spanish-speaking countries but not widely used in English-speaking cultures.

39. Jorge (HOR-heh)

Jorge is a popular hispanic boy name
Image: Shutterstock

Jorge is a popular name and means ‘farmer.’ Famous Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges is a noteworthy namesake.

40. Josue (ho-SWEH)

Another religious name, but this one sounds more exotic! Josue means ‘God is salvation.’ The name is the Spanish form of the biblical name Joshua, referring to the leader who succeeded Moses.

41. Demetrio (deh-MEH-tryoh)

Are you someone who loves nature? Then you’ll hope the same from your baby boy. Name him Demetrio, which means ‘one who loves the earth.’ The name is associated with Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture.

42. Diego (DYEH-goh)

There is so much we can learn from children! Diego means ‘teaching’. It is a popular name with an amazing meaning. The famous Spanish painter is a noteworthy namesake Diego Velázquez.

protip_icon Fun fact
Diego is a popular character in the children’s show Dora the Explorer. He is Dora’s cousin and often helps her in her adventures.

43. Dimas (DEE-mahs)

Dimas – such a lyrical name! It means ‘sunset’ in Latin. The name is important to the Christians as it was the name of one of the repentant thief crucified alongside Lord Jesus (3).

44. Domingo (doh-MEEN-goh)

Children are God’s greatest gifts! Name your son Domingo. It means ‘one who belongs to the Lord.’

45. Doroteo (doh-roh-TEH-oh)

Every time you see your baby smile, you can’t help but send a prayer of thanks to the heaven above. Doroteo is a beautiful name and means ‘gift of God.’ Revolutionary leader Doroteo Arango, better known as Pancho Villa, was a famous namesake. 

46. Donato (doh-NAH-toh)

The name for your baby boy means ‘given by God.’ If you are looking for a religious and uncommon name, Donato could be a good choice. 

47. Desiderio (deh-see-DEH-ryoh)

Desiderio is a beautiful Hispanic name and means ‘longing.’ 

48. Edmundo (ehd-MOON-doh)

A popular and trendy name, Edmundo means ‘protector of prosperity.’ The name is a good choice for your little one. It is the Spanish form of Edmund and is famously associated with the Brazilian footballer Edmundo Alves de Souza.

49. Enrique (ehn-REE-keh)

Even before Enrique Iglesias made the name popular in the rest of the world, the name Enrique was topping popularity charts in Latin America. The name means ‘home ruler.’

50. Emigdio (eh-MEEG-dyoh)

Emigdio means ‘demigod – the perfect name for the divine being you call your son! 

51. Ladisloa (lah-dees-LOH-ah)

With the hope that your son will go on to become a great leader in the future, name him Ladisloa. It means ‘one who rules with glory.’

52. Leocadio (leh-oh-KAH-dyoh)

Babies are pure and untouched
Image: Shutterstock

Babies are pure and untouched. Your baby is like a clear drop of water. Name him Leocadio, which means ‘bright clear light.’

53. Leoncio (leh-ON-thyoh)

Looking for a masculine and strong name? Go for Leoncio, which means ‘lion-like.’ This unique name has a poetic and serene quality that makes it memorable. 

54. Macario (mah-KAH-ryoh)

All children are blessings. So is your son. Give him the name Macario. The name means ‘blessed.’

55. Manolete (mah-noh-LEH-teh)

There is nothing bigger than faith to keep you going in life. Let your baby boy live with the same faith. Call him Manolete. It means ‘God is with us.’ Legendary Spanish bullfighter Manolete is a famous namesake known for his bravery and influence on the sport (4).

56. Marcio (MAR-syo)

Marcio means ‘defense.’ It is an easy to spell name and will help your little boy fit in anywhere in the world.

57. Mario (MAR-yo)

Looking for a popular Hispanic name? Mario is the name for you. It means ‘man.’ The name became famous worldwide because of Italian actor Mario Lanza and the popular video game character Mario from Super Mario Bros.

58. Mateo (ma-TE-o)

Mateo is a beautiful name and means ‘gift of God.’ Go for it if you want your son to shine in a crowd. The name has gained immense popularity over the last decade, often appearing in the top 100 baby names (5).

59. Maximiano (mak-see-MYA-no)

No matter what your little baby does in life, for you he’ll always be the best. Maximiano means ‘the greatest.’ 

60. Maximino (mak-see-MEE-no)

Maximino is a variant of Maximiano and also means ‘the greatest.’ Parents love this name for its strong meaning and traditional sound. 

61. Elpidio (el-PEE-dyo)

Let your son be the hope for a better, more beautiful tomorrow. Elpidio means ‘hope.’ The 6th President of the Philippines Elpidio Quirino is a known personality associated with this name.

62. Essua (es-SOO-a)

A popular Hispanic name, Essua means ‘God is salvation.’ It sounds trendy but is a very traditional name.

63. Eugenio (ew-HE-nyo)

Your baby may not have royal blood but for him you are royalty! Eugenio means ‘well born.’ The Mexican actor and comedian, Eugenio Derbez has added to the popularity of this name.

64. Eulalio (ew-LA-lyo)

Teach your son the joy of language, of the spoken word. Eulalio means ‘well spoken.’

65. Fausto (FOWS-to)

We are sure your son is lucky for you. So name him Fausto, which means ‘lucky’ in Latin.

66. Federico (fe-de-REE-ko)

Federico means ‘peaceful ruler’. It is a traditional-sounding name but has its own charm. It is the Spanish version of Frederick and was famously borne by Spanish poet Federico García Lorca, a leading figure in 20th-century literature.

67. Fermin (fer-MEEN)

As your little baby grows up into a young man, make sure he has the character that helps him achieve greatness. Fermin means ‘steadfast and firm.’ Saint Fermin is the patron saint of Pamplona, Spain, and is honored during the famous Running of the Bulls festival.

68. Fernando (fer-NAN-do)

Let your son be the source of happiness for not just you, but the whole world. Fernando means ‘messenger of peace’. It is a popular name in Latin America. This royal name was famously held by King Fernando II of Aragon, who, with Queen Isabella, shaped Spanish history.

69. Gonzalo (gon-SA-lo)

Gonzalo means ‘battle genius.’ It is an interesting name, worth consideration. The name was popularized by Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, a 15th-century Spanish general known as ‘El Gran Capitán’ for his military skill.

70. Hernan (er-NAN)

Let there be peace! That’s the message you need to teach your son, who in turn will spread this peace throughout the world! Hernan means ‘ardent for peace.’ This name is linked to the renowned Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés, who led the expedition that brought down the Aztec Empire (6).

71. Miguel (mee-GEL)

We were all created in God’s image. The name Miguel is an homage to the divine within us and means ‘one who is like God.’ The name is linked to the renowned Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes, best known for his famous novel ‘Don Quixote.’

72. Nazario (na-SA-ryo)

The name Nazario means ‘of Nazareth’ referring to Jesus who was from Nazareth. It is a deeply religious name, fit for traditional families.

73. Natalio (na-TA-lyo)

Does Christmas Day hold special meaning in your life? Or was your son born on the 25th of December? The Natalio will be the perfect name for him. It means ‘Christmas day.’

74. Natanael (na-ta-na-EL)

Your son was the answer to your prayers. Natanael means ‘given by God.’ Parents looking for a spiritual name can opt for Natanael especially because their son is like a gift of God to them. 

75. Melchor (mel-CHOR)

Melachor means ‘king of light.’ It is a beautiful and unique name for your son. 

76. Moises (moy-SES)

Looking for a Hispanic name that will not drown in the many common Latin names? Opt for Moises. A beautiful name that means ‘drawn out.’ The name has a divine connection as it is the Hispanic form of the name Moses. 

77. Octavio (ok-TA-vyo)

The meaning of the name Octavio may not have much going for it, but it does sound pretty! The name means ‘eighth.’ If your son was born on the eighth, you can try this name.

78. Nicolas (nee-ko-LAS)

We are sure you have heard the name Nicolas several times. It is a very common name and means ‘victor of the people.’ The name is extremely popular across the globe, with figures like Nicolas Sarkozy and Nicolas Cage making it famous.

79. Modesto (mo-DES-to)

Modesto which means ‘sober’.’It is an interesting name among the cute Hispanic baby boy names category.

80. Nicodemo (nee-ko-DE-mo)

A very Hispanic name, Nicodemo means ‘victory of the people.’

81. Isandro (ee-SAN-dro)

Your son has set you free of many past demons and filled your life with happiness. Isandro is a pretty name and means ‘liberator.’

82. Ismael (ees-ma-EL)

Ismael means ‘God will hear.’ The name has strong links to the Abrahamic religions as it is the variant of Ishmael. In the Bible, Ishmael was the son of Abraham and Hagar (7). In Islam, he is seen as a prophet, the ancestor of the Ishmaelites, and the patriarch of Qaydār (8).

83. Jeronimo (he-RO-nee-mo)

Pay homage to the divinity within all of us by naming your son Jeronimo, which means ‘holy name.’

84. Joaquin (hwa-KEEN)

We can only pray and hope. It is God who plans everything. Jaoquin means ‘God establishes.’ It is a spiritual yet trendy name. American actor Joaquin Phoenix is a popular name bearer known for playing unconventional and dark characters. 

85. Juan (HWAHN)

Juan ranks among common Hispanic boy’s names that mean ‘God is gracious.’ It is the Spanish variant of the Hebrew name John.

86. Leonardo (le-o-NAR-do)

Now, for families who like to stick to traditional names, nothing can be better than Leonardo! It means ‘strong as a lion.’ It is listed among widely popular Hispanic boy names.

87. Leon (LE-on)

Leon, hispanic boy name
Image: Shutterstock

Leon means ‘lion.’ It is a short name but has a very strong meaning. A truly masculine name!

88. Lucio (LOO-syo)

Your baby is the light that can make even the darkest of moments worth living for. Name him Lucio, which means ‘light’ in Latin.

89. Luis (LWEES)

Give your son the best possible start to life with the name Luis. It means ‘famous warrior.’ The name is linked to several notable personalities including the renowned historical figure, Portuguese King, Luís I (9).

90. Manuel (ma-NWEL)

Allow the mercy of God to stay with your son all his life. Name him Manuel means ‘God is with us.’ Spanish composer Manuel de Falla is a noteworthy personality associated with this name.

91. Oscar (OS-kar)

If you don’t mind naming your son something very common, opt for Oscar. The name means ‘God’s spear.’ Even though most people think of the Oscars, this name also belongs to famous people like the Irish poet Oscar Wilde.

92. Osvaldo (os-VAL-do)

Osvaldo means ‘divine power.’ It is the perfect name for God’s beautiful gift – your son! 

93. Patricio (pa-TREE-syo)

Your little prince may not have a palace to live in, but for you he is no less than royalty. You can call him Patricio, which means ‘of noble birth.’

94. Pepito (pe-PEE-to)

Pepito means ‘God shall add.’ It is an interesting name for families who want something offbeat.

95. Primo (PREE-mo)

Is your son your first baby? Then you can call him Primo, which means ‘first’ in Latin. This name will be best suited for the first-born child in a family.

96. Placido (PLA-thee-do)

To stay calm amidst the chaos
Image: Shutterstock

To stay calm within the chaos of life is a trait your child should definitely develop. Placido means ‘calm.’ Spanish opera singer, Plácido Domingo is noteworthy namesake.

97. Prospero (PROS-pe-ro)

Your baby is so lucky to have parents like you! Name him Prospero, which means ‘fortunate’ in Latin. The name is closely associated with the character Prospero from Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

98. Quique (KEE-ke)

Your little baby boy rules the roost at home, doesn’t he? So give him a name that befits his new position! Call him Quique, which means ‘home ruler.’

99. Ramiro (ra-MEE-ro)

Amidst beautiful hispanic baby boy names, this name bestows greatness on your baby. The name Ramiro means ‘wise and famous’ in Latin. 

100. Ramon (ra-MON)

Among the popular and stylish boy names Ramon is the most sought after. It means ‘wise protector.’is the most sought after. It means ‘wise protector.’

Discover More Names

When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.

Illustration: Most Popular Hispanic Boy Names With Meanings

hispanic boy names_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some factors to consider when choosing a Hispanic boy name?

When choosing a Hispanic baby name, ensure it holds a good meaning, is appealing, has a rich history, aligns with your family heritage, and is socially acceptable.

2. How have Hispanic naming conventions evolved?

Hispanic names often draw inspiration from nature and indigenous languages. Naming children after saints is also popular due to the influence of Catholicism. Additionally, it is common for Hispanics to use two surnames—the paternal surname followed by the maternal surname. However, with evolving trends, some families now anglicize traditional names, adopt names from pop culture, or use a single surname or hyphenated double surnames.

3. How can I ensure my child’s Hispanic name is not mispronounced or misinterpreted?

When choosing a Hispanic name for the baby, parents must note that the name is easy to pronounce and spell. Giving your child a unique name is attractive, but it shouldn’t be strange or difficult to pronounce for others.

Spanish culture has a rich history and wide diversity. Therefore, if you want to name your baby boy after your culture, this list of names is the right one for you. This list of Hispanic boy names has been curated based on the culture and heritage of the language and the country. Giving your little one a unique name will also allow them to connect to their roots and appreciate their culture. The meanings of these names have also been provided to make the process easier for you.

Infographic: Amazing Hispanic Names For Your Little Prince

There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing a baby name, whether it’s a boy or a girl. So, if you are looking for a name that connects you with Spain, Hispanic names could be a great option. Look at the infographic below for some boy name suggestions of Hispanic origin with meanings.

best boy names of hispanic origin (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Have you been searching for a cute Hispanic boy name for a long time to no avail? This video features top 100 names. Uncover the best name for your child.

Personal Experience: Source


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. Aaron.
  2. Mary in the Writings of St. Ildephonsus of Toledo.
  3. Saint Dismas (1st century).
  4. Manolete: Biography.
  5. Popularity of name Mateo.
  6. Hernán Cortés.
  7. The Story of Ishmael in the Bible
  8. Ishmael.
  9. Luis I, King of Portugal.
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Alba Annie Allen
Alba Annie AllenSpanish Teacher/ Interpreter
Alba Annie Allen is a certified Spanish teacher/translator in the US states of Alabama and Georgia, with 25 years experience in a K-12 setting. She holds a Specialist Degree, EDS in Curriculum and Instruction and is currently an instructor at Coastal Alabama Community College.

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Arshi Ahmed
Arshi AhmedMA (English)
Arshi Ahmed did her graduation from Shri Shikshayatan College, Kolkata, and post graduation in English from Lovely Professional University. With nearly four years of experience, she specializes in writing baby names articles as she loves to help new parents find a name for their child.

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Srija holds an MA in English Literature from the University of Calcutta and a PG Diploma in Editing and Publishing from Jadavpur University. Her interest in editing ranges across niches, including academics, human psychology, and child development.

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Praven is an English literature expert. He did his bachelors in English from Delhi University and masters in English from Manipur University. Besides, he holds a certificate in multimedia design and content creation from NIELIT Imphal and presented papers at various national and international conferences.

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