How Often Should You Text A Girl To Keep Her Interested?

Building a romantic relationship online may seem to be an easy task as you get the time to think over the things before saying them through texts. But how often should you text a girl to keep her interested? If you like a girl and want to keep her vested in you, you need to know the correct way to do it, as it can make or break your game. For example, you should know that texting her too often might make you look desperate or annoy her, and not texting her at all might portray you as uninterested. Knowing when and how often to text is key to maintaining her interest while respecting her personal space. After all, texting is an acquired skill and a huge part of modern relationships. It has been seen that the more couples use texts to discuss issues and express affection, the fewer conflicts they experience during face-to-face interactions (1). So, if you like a girl, read on to find out the right ways to text a girl and hold her interest.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • Ensuring the girl you like stays interested in you is tricky but possible.
  • Irrespective of how you two got acquainted, if you took to her, don’t overthink about sending a message, as making her wait too long is not good.
  • Keeping texts short and avoiding sexting soon after meeting the first time are a few of the dos and don’ts to follow.

How Often Should You Text A Girl To Keep Her Interested?

Keep the conversation flowing in the initial dating phase to keep her interested
Image: iStock

The timing and frequency of your messages depend upon your relationship with the girl. Here are a few tips based on how long you have known her.

1. Dating app match 

    If you have started interacting with a girl online or on a dating app, you must keep your interactions limited until you meet her in person. Bombarding her inbox regularly with your texts can make you look desperate while disappearing on her after a couple of messages will ruin your chance of ever meeting her. Instead, text her an interesting opening line and wait for her reply. Continue the conversation as per her response. Do not double-text to get a reaction from her.

    2. New acquaintance 

      Do not fall for the ‘three-day rule’ to message a girl you have just met. If you are interested in her, message her the same day after receiving her number. Do not make her wait too long or else she might think you are playing games with her. Also, do not worry as it won’t make you look desperate but will give her a clear sign that you are interested in her.

      3. Initial dating 

        During the initial dating phase, you are likely to be excited and may want to text her and talk to her all day long. It is fine as long as you do not overdo it. If the conversation is flowing, reply as and when you can. Do not reply right away, and do not delay your response. Reply within an hour or else she might feel you are too busy to give her attention.

        4. After the date 

          If your date went well and you would like to go on another date, message a couple of hours after the date or the next day itself. Do not wait beyond a day. Also, do not act pricey. Keep it simple. Start the message by telling her how much you enjoyed the date and ask her if she would like to go on a second date with you. Or you can also suggest a place and ask her if she would like to go with you.

          protip_icon Point to consider
          Your date may have gone great, but that does not mean you give a verbose review of it in your text. Rather, mention it in one line, as lengthy messages about your experience can be off-putting for a girl.

          5. Dating for a while 

            If you are in a relationship and understand your girl, you can gauge the number of messages you send depending on her reaction. If she loves texting, indulge her with timely responses to her texts. If she is not much into texting, follow her and text every once in a while. After all, it all depends on individual needs and the relationship dynamics. What is more important to the satisfaction of the relationship is how you text, not how often. Couples who are more in sync with the kinds of messages they send each other, whether it is something romantic, funny, or serious, are more satisfied with their relationship (2)

            16 Tips On How You Should And Shouldn’t Text Her

            Apart from the timing and frequency, there are some etiquettes and points you need to keep in mind when texting a girl.

            Dos To Follow When Texting A Girl

            Wait till she is comfortable before asking her out
            Image: Shutterstock

            Texting is a form of communication with many pitfalls because a person cannot hear your tone or understand your intentions. So, to ensure effective communication with a girl over text, keep these tips in mind.

            1. Address her by name

              When texting her for the first time or just after a date, mention her name in the message. Failing to mention her name might make her feel you forgot her name. Also, if you gave her a nickname on the date, you can use that, provided the nickname is one she approves of.

              2. Mind the gap

                Keep a gap of at least 10 to 15 minutes between your replies and occasionally extend it to an hour. Try to keep the responses within an hour or two. It is okay to make her wait for your reply, but do not frustrate her too much by messaging continuously, or she might lose interest.

                3. Wait before you ask her out

                  If you haven’t met this girl yet, wait before you ask her out on a date. Observe your conversations and ask her for a date only when you feel she is comfortable enough with you and may not decline the suggestion.

                  4. Replicate her style

                    When you are not sure of how to text her, copy her texting style. For example, if she replies in an hour, you too reply in an hour. If she sends you two texts in a day, you too send her two texts in a day. If her messages are one-liners, restrict your replies to single lines. But do these only in the initial stages of dating or until you understand her better.

                    5. Keep your compliments in check

                      Some women love being flattered, but only to a specific limit. If you shower her with incessant compliments, she is certain to roll her eyes and dismiss you for trying to butter her up. So, when you compliment, ensure it is genuine and rare.

                      protip_icon Quick tip
                      Try to give her a unique compliment. For instance, if she has beautiful eyes, she has probably been complimented on them before. Instead, praise her intelligence or personality but make sure it is heartfelt.
                      Send her flattering texts but be genuine
                      Image: Shutterstock

                      6. Keep it short and sweet

                        Keep your texts short and to the point. Do not get into too many details when she asks you something. For instance, if she asks you, ‘What have you been up to lately?’ and if your answer is a detailed description of how you have been spending each day working on a new project, know that she may not reply.

                        7. Ask good questions

                          Ask open-ended questions that require more than a yes or no. These can include questions like “What is your ideal weekend like?” and “What are you most passionate about?” Such questions can signal that you are interested in learning more about her, make her share more about herself, and keep the conversation going.

                          Don’ts To Remember When Texting A Girl

                          Too many people mess up their relationships in the beginning because of how they choose to text. You have to be interesting and be interested in her to grab her attention. So, if you like her, here are some don’ts you should remember when texting her.

                          8. Don’t be too eager

                            Do not text too quickly when you first receive her message. You must be anxious and nervous, but try to distract yourself or keep yourself busy now and then. Replying instantly gives her a hint that you were eagerly waiting for her message and have nothing else to do apart from thinking about her.

                            9. Don’t drag a joke

                              If on your last date, something funny happened, and you both had a good laugh, mention that funny incident after the date to make her smile. But do not drag it too much. Repeating the same incident or joke more than once ruins the fun and eventually gets annoying.

                              protip_icon Do remember
                              Anything she mentioned on the date can be used as a conversation starter. For instance, if she likes Italian food and you see an ad for an Italian restaurant, click a picture of it and send it to her asking if she would like to go with you.

                              10. Don’t be generic

                                If you want her to take an interest in you, refrain from sending general messages such as ‘Hi’ or ‘What’s up?’ Try to come up with something different that will compel her to reply to you. Try an opening line that is interesting enough for her to appreciate your effort behind the unique message.

                                Keep the conversation interesting to prompt her to reply to you
                                Image: Shutterstock.

                                11. Don’t send nudes

                                  Do not ever send her your bare-chested photos. You may have worked hard on your body, but that does not mean you have to force her to see it. Any unwarranted skin show will tell her you are a creep, and she will block you the very next moment. So, be patient and avoid sending revealing images of yourself.

                                  12. Don’t sext her

                                    No matter how well you get along with her or how tempting it gets, do not jump onto sexting right away. At least not until you have met over a couple of dates and are extremely comfortable with each other.

                                    13. Don’t use SMS language

                                      Do not send her texts in lazy SMS language where you shorten words unnecessarily. Words such as ‘5n’, ‘gr8’, ‘2day’, and so on should be avoided at all costs. Write complete words and check your grammar before sending it to her. The last thing you’d want is to get dismissed for poor texting skills.

                                      14. Don’t be boring

                                        Being friend-zoned is a threat that looms large on those who waste a lot of time in idle talk. You can start by being her friend, but make your intentions clear eventually. Give her a cute nickname or tease her for her innocent quirks. If you stick to general questions such as ‘How are you?’ or ‘What are you doing?’ she might feel too bored to reply to you after a point. Instead, ask, ‘How are you? My day went really bad because of a goof-up at work. I hope yours is going better than mine.’ Add something different that will make her reply to you.

                                        15. Don’t ask too many questions

                                          If you want her to like you back, limit the number of questions you ask her. Yes, you may only be trying to get to know her better, but avoid asking questions frequently, as it makes anyone feel as if they are being interrogated. So, make a rule of asking only one or two questions per day.

                                          Avoid asking too many questions when texting a girl
                                          Image: Shutterstock

                                          16. Don’t double-text her

                                            No matter how desperate you feel to talk to her, do not spam her inbox consistently, hoping she will react to you. If she doesn’t reply, then do not get angry and accuse her unnecessarily. Respect her decision, and do not coax her to talk to you. Try not to sound like a know-it-all person, instead praise her and be respectful.

                                            How To Recognize Texting Signals And Adapt

                                            So, you have figured out how and how often you should text a girl to keep her interested and you’ve been texting her for a while now. Depending on the type and frequency of your interaction, you may be able to draw some conclusions and adapt accordingly. Here are some things to look out for.

                                            1. Response time

                                            If she responds quickly, it may indicate she is enthusiastic or attentive, but if her responses are constantly delayed, it may mean she is distracted and disengaged. It can also mean she is busy, so be understanding when she needs to be away from her phone to prioritize other tasks.

                                            1. Text length

                                            One-word responses or short replies signal disinterest or preoccupation with other tasks, while longer, well-thought-out answers reflect interest and effort. However, short texts may not necessarily mean she is uninterested. Perhaps she prefers calls or face-to-face conversations.

                                            1. Tone and emoji use

                                            If her texting tone is warm and expressive and she uses emojis, it indicates positivity and affection, but if she is formal or neutral, it may signal that she wishes to keep her distance. Try to match her energy depending on how she texts. If her texts are short and formal, don’t overwhelm her with long texts.

                                            1. Balance of initiation

                                            If you are always the one initiating text conversations, it suggests an imbalance in interest or effort. But, if both of you are equally initiating conversations, you may both be interested in one another. Eventually, as the relationship progresses, you may favor voice calls or face-to-face communication.

                                            1. Changes over time

                                            If you notice a sudden change in the frequency of her texts or a shift in her tone—for instance, she texts you more often than usual or her words sound more positive—it may signal growing closeness, whereas the opposite may suggest declining interest. If the texting patterns change, address it gently and try to understand the reason behind the shift.

                                            Frequently Asked Questions

                                            1. What should I text a girl to keep her interested?

                                            A few ways by which you can keep a girl interested in you over texts is by asking open-ended questions and sharing honest compliments with her. You may also have fun debates and follow up on something she said earlier. You may also share what you are up to and take her opinions.

                                            2. When should I stop texting a girl?

                                            If a girl asks you to stop texting her, you should do it immediately. Also, if she has been ignoring your messages and giving bland replies, it might be a sign that she is not interested in texting anymore and that you should stop trying.

                                            3. Is it clingy to text a girl every day?

                                            If the girl responds to your texts and seems eager to talk to you, texting her daily is fine. However, texting her every day might seem clingy if she doesn’t seem interested or doesn’t respond to your initial messages. You should understand the signals before you proceed.

                                            4. What is dry texting?

                                            Dry texting means sending one-word replies to messages. Messages like ‘K,’ ‘LMAO,’ WYD,’ “ROFL,’ and so on also come under the dry texting category. In other words, these messages ensure that there is no way the conversation can be continued.

                                            5. How often should I text her without seeming desperate?

                                            If you have just met someone and are unfamiliar with her, you can text her twice a week without seeming desperate. You can text her twice or thrice daily if you are in a relationship. But do give her time to respond.

                                            6. How important is timing when it comes to texting a girl?

                                            Timing is important while texting a girl. If you text too soon, you may appear needy, but if you leave it off too long, you may seem disinterested. So it is essential to strike a balance.

                                            7. What are the signs I’m texting her too much?

                                            If you send multiple texts and she replies only once after three to four texts, it means you are texting too much. Other signs include dry texting, no response, turning off “Read” receipts, blocking you, or switching off her phone. In some cases, she may explicitly tell you to stop messaging or may take an inordinate amount of time to respond.

                                            These are some general tips on how often you should text a girl to keep her interested. Note that these tips only intend to help you understand and analyze the suitable time. However, since each woman is different, there is no specific answer to this question. Hence, you must try to read between the lines, grasp the emotion of the conversation, and then choose to text them as per your analysis. Follow the texting etiquette and see how they respond. If they text you as enthusiastically as you do, they may also like you. However, if you haven’t received any reply from her, respect her boundaries and understand that she might not be the one for you.

                                            Infographic: Tips On How You Should And Shouldn’t Text Her

                                            You like a girl, and she has given you her number to take things forward. But there are a few things that you need to note to keep the conversation texts going. Check out the following infographic that presents the dos and don’ts to follow while texting her.

                                            dos and donts of texting a girl (infographic)

                                            Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

                                            Illustration: How Often Should You Text A Girl To Keep Her Interested?

                                            how often should you text a girl to keep her interested_illustration

                                            Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

                                            Unlock the secrets of igniting the curiosity of your girl with these simple tips! Keep her engaged with fun conversations, thoughtful compliments, and playful banter.


                                            MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
                                            1. Josh Novak et. al.; (2016); Impact of texting on perceptions of face to face communication in couples in different relationship stages.
                                            2. It’s Complicated: Our Relationship With Texting.
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