12 Tips For Parents To Deal With A Disrespectful Teenager

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It can be challenging to deal with a disrespectful teenager who is in their rebellious phase. Although you may be worried about their behavior, it is a normal part of the physical and mental changes teenagers undergo while transitioning from childhood to adolescence. These changes may alter the brain’s structural attributes, contributing to mood and behavioral changes. You may also notice changes in their thought processes and views. These years of hormonal changes and growth could also be confusing for your teen, causing them to behave rudely. Therefore, you should try to be understanding and patient while dealing with their rebellious nature. Read on to learn how to deal with the disrespectful behavior of your teenager and things to avoid while doing so.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • Arguing, using offensive language, refusing requests are some ways a teenager may show disrespect.
  • Understanding teenage brain development, being a role model and allowing them to express themselves are a few ways to deal with such behavior.
  • To handle disrespectful teenagers gently, avoid fights, sarcasm, or nagging.

What Does Disrespectful Behavior Include?

Generally, when teenagers try to establish their position in this world, they are often questioned and criticized, making them moody and upset. If this continues for a while, the teenager concludes that no one understands them, and that is when they start exhibiting disrespectful or disobedient behavior.

Disrespectful or challenging behavior may entail (1)

  • Arguing and talking back
  • Name calling 
  • Being moody 
  • Aggressive or violent behaviour
  • Defiance

12 Ways To Deal With A Disrespectful Teenager

The following are a few practical ways to deal with disrespectful teenage behavior (2) (3) (4) (5).

1. Understand the teenage brain

Uneven brain development can make teens impulsive
Image: iStock

Studies suggest that as children reach adolescence, the circuit connecting the prefrontal cortex to the midbrain reward system starts developing.

As this region of the brain associated with reward is activated, teens tend to ignore the risks associated with certain actions and lean towards the rewards. Thus, they may indulge in risky behavior that is often troubling. The uneven brain development is also known to cause extreme mood swings and make them impulsive impulsive (6) (7).

To deal with the “teen brain,” it is essential for you to understand the biological development of your teenagers. You could also consider the advice of Tara Brown, a teacher and trainer, who says, “…if parents can just step back and go, “oh, okay, this is a brain that’s just a hot mess. It wasn’t anything personal. They didn’t even have time to think about what they were saying. It just came out.” Sometimes that can diffuse a situation (i).”

2. Focus on the behavior and not the person

Often, when your child is disrespectful or displays impolite or ill-mannered behaviors, it is a sign that they have emotional needs that are not being met. It is also a means to grab your attention. In such situations, sit with your teenager and tell them that you are available for them and are ready to listen to what they have to say. Assure your child that you love them unconditionally. Do not interrupt your child while they are sharing their thoughts with you. Listen first, before giving any advice.

While dealing with a discourteous or disrespectful teenager, it is easy to get caught up with your emotions. Understanding how to deal with disrespectful child behavior involves addressing the actions rather than taking things personally. This can lead you to take things personally and make the blunder of attacking the child and not the behavior.

When they show impudent behavior, avoid commenting on their character or personality. Instead, focus on the behavior. You could also widen your perspective as suggested by mom and blogger Lori K Walters. She writes, “Zoom out like a camera to take in more of the situation. Create a simple sentence that includes more of the truth. For example, instead of, “She left that mess to irritate me,” you might say, “Her messiness isn’t an attempt to irritate me; she’s having difficulty managing her time.” (You can help with that.) (ii)”

Understanding your teenager’s behavior can help you look into your child’s emotional needs and empathize with them.

protip_icon Quick tip
It is okay to clearly express your feelings occasionally. For instance, you could say, “I am very upset now. It is hurtful to be spoken to in that way, and I am sure you would feel the same if the roles were reversed.”

3. Be a role model

Always remember that your children consider you as their role model. As blogger and teacher Rebecca Deurlein puts it, “Teenagers may not seem to notice or care about your actions or words, but they are taking in way more than you think. Pay attention to your language, your tone, and your actions because whether you realize it or not, they are (iii).” So, whenever you are with your child, try to speak and act the way you want your teenager to speak and behave towards you. If you want your child to be respectful to everyone, adopt a respectful attitude towards people around you.

Try to be calm and patient towards them, and help them look at you and mold themselves.

4. Understand that your teenager is developing independence

Urge for autonomy, disrespectful teenager
Image: iStock

Developing independence is a vital step in growing up. You need to understand that some level of disrespect is a sign of your child becoming independent. Understand that your child is not young anymore, and it is essential for you to adjust your expectations and not treat your teenager as a child. At the same time, your teenager is not an adult either, and therefore, be prepared for some irrational behavior occasionally.

Dr. Frances Jensen, an author and chair of the Department of Neurology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, suggests it’s important to “Teach them about their brain — how it works for and against them. Make sure they understand that their ability to make quick decisions isn’t completely reliable. Give them the facts: as a teenager you’re a very fast learner but please remember that your frontal lobe isn’t really working for you yet’ when dealing with teens (8).”

When dealing with teens, it’s helpful to explain these facts and encourage them to see negative experiences as learning opportunities and avoid temptations and peer pressure.

5. Ignore mild forms of disrespect

As per experts, it is best to avoid starting arguments or nagging your teenager. You can also ignore little things such as shrugs or the rolling of eyes if your teenager behaves in an acceptable way (1). However, the apparent rudeness should not be tolerated, as ignoring it might lead to an escalation of such behavior.

That said, do not let your child grow up in an environment where the balance of power lies solely with you or where they are surrounded by rules and expectations. In such an environment, the child may feel powerless and distressed, resulting in them talking back and getting into arguments with you.

Let your child express themselves and convey their ideas, and listen to them actively without judging, mocking, interrupting, criticizing, or offering advice.

6. Set clear boundaries

One of the most common causes of disrespect in teenagers is the absence of boundaries. Therefore, it is necessary to be firm with a few rules and regulations at home. Such firm rules include studying at a specific time every day, sleeping at the same time every night, and playing at regular timings.

It is also essential for both parents to be consistent with the rules and boundaries. Inconsistency arises when one parent is strict and the other is lenient. In such a situation, teenagers can exploit the inconsistency and turn parents against each other.

Here are a few tips on how to establish clear boundaries.

  • Set the boundaries after considering your teen’s strengths and limitations.
  • As per experts, you should involve your teenager when setting boundaries (1). Discuss the boundaries and rules with your teenager, and make sure you both agree to them. This way, they are more likely to follow them through.
  • Write down the rules and boundaries so that there is no confusion.
  • Do not set unrealistic rules.

7. When you set consequences, follow them through

It is always good to acknowledge your teenager’s good behavior. Likewise, you have to set consequences for their bad behavior and follow through with the consequences. Many parents make the common mistake of threatening the child with consequences during the heat of the moment and failing to act on them.

Following through with the consequences makes the teenager understand boundaries. Your child will trust you because you stand by your words. Most importantly, they will learn that the behavior in question is unacceptable.

Follow these tips while setting consequences for bad behavior.

  • Set consequences for the short term. This will help the teenager to learn quickly and move on.
  • Ensure the consequences are not too harsh. As blogger and parenting coach Mark Hutten suggests, “Don’t overreact or under–react. Moms and dads can often be too intense (e.g., make the consequence too long or difficult) or too permissive (neglect to follow through on giving a consequence) (iv).”
  • Do not be too strict, or the teenager might turn rebellious and resentful.
  • Do not criticize or insult them when something goes wrong; instead, state the facts and the consequences as agreed.
  • Do not use overbearing statements such as “This was bound to happen,” “I warned you,” and “Look at the consequences now.” Let the consequence speak for itself. These statements will further arouse feelings of anger and resentment.

8. Avoid unnecessary arguments

Let the teen speak when they feel comfortable
Image: Shutterstock

Engaging in an argument will never have a positive outcome. On the contrary, arguments tend to spiral out of control. Remember that as an adult, you may not always know how to deal with teenage attitude, but you surely know how to handle your emotions better than a teenager. Additionally, experts state that it is best to defuse heated arguments and be calm and clear when speaking to your child (1).

If your child wants some space, never force them to talk at that point in time as it might result in a huge argument. Wait for some time or end the conversation by saying that they can approach you when they feel comfortable speaking. In this crucial phase, always try to be available for your child.

protip_icon Point to consider
If there is a lot of tension between the teen and one parent, the other parent or any other trusted adult can try to talk to the child.

9. Avoid using “you are” and “you should” statements

When dealing with your child’s defiant or obstinate behavior, avoid using statements such as, “You are such a lazy/rude/selfish/careless/bratty/uncooperative person.” Such negative comments always result in arguments and tend to make teenagers more stubborn and rude.

Always use statements that focus specifically on the behavior, such as “When you ignore me/don’t listen to me/yell at me, I feel disrespected, and it hurts me.” 

This might help your teenager understand their behavior, and it opens up the possibility of change in their behavior.

10. Praise your teenager

When your child does something good, always appreciate them. This can build up their confidence and even bring them closer to you. Be vocal about their achievements or with the work they do. If your teen is interested in sports, artwork, or other activities, sign up with them and go to their events. This will help them understand that you are aware of their values and interests.

11. Use humor

Humor can help deal with a disrespectful teenager
Image: iStock

Always remember that shared laughter can resolve conflicts and bring you closer. Humor can offer a different perspective on a tense situation or lighten the tone of the conversation. Experts recommend that you reduce the tension in an argument with your teen by using humor to change the tone of an argument. However, avoid mocking or sarcastic language (1). 

You can also make humor work by following the example of mom and blogger, Denise Williams. She recalls, “One memorable moment in our family came when my son tried to cook spaghetti for the first time and accidentally dumped the whole box into the pot. We ended up with a mountain of pasta and laughed about it for days. Moments like these remind me that it’s okay to embrace the chaos — it’s part of the journey (v).”

12. Shift to deeper thinking

When parenting teenagers, you need to understand what your child is going through. Have conversations with them and analyze the mood they are in. Humility and transparency are the main aspects that might lead to a turnaround.

Admit if you have made some mistakes and apologize. By seeing this, your teen might learn the same and apologize if they are arrogant or disrespectful towards you. Such behavior helps them know that they don’t have to do everything correctly and that it’s okay to be wrong or commit mistakes sometimes. If they see that you treat them with understanding, care, and love, the arrogance and disrespectfulness can begin to melt.

Also, keep in mind that this is just a phase. The majority of the teens grow out of this phase with positive outcomes. It might take a longer time for a few, while for others, it might be shorter; but in the end, they come out of this as more robust and independent adults.

protip_icon Things to know
Avoid labeling your child for their disrespectful behavior. Labeling affects the way a teen sees themselves and limits their potential (9).

Things To Avoid While Dealing With A Disrespectful Teenager

Avoid doing the following things while dealing with a disrespectful teenager.

  • Arguing: When we get angry, we tend to say thoughtless things that we don’t mean. As an adult, you need to calm yourself and avoid arguments. If there is a need for any conversation, give yourself some time and then talk. This will help you avoid arguments.
  • Nagging: This might increase frustration at both ends, and your child might just switch off. No teenager wants to listen to the same conversation repeatedly. It is essential to either explain things at another time and in a different scenario or wait till they act upon what you told them. When you nag your teenager, they might feel you don’t trust them.
  • Being defensive: Never take things personally. Remind yourself that your child is trying to assert their independence.
  • Being sarcastic: This will undoubtedly create resentment and increase the distance between you and your child. Always draw a line between humor and sarcasm.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What causes a teen to be disrespectful?

Disrespectful behavior in teenagers is a part of normal development. Your teen’s disrespectful behavior could be due to an inability to handle disagreement, a lack of privacy, changing feelings and emotions in teenagers’ brains, or stress and anxiety. Your teen may also exhibit an uncivil or disrespectful attitude to impress others or due to the influence of their peers.

2. What are the signs of ungrateful teens?

Common signs of an ungrateful or disrespectful child include the inability to tolerate denial, refusal to follow the rules, refusal to offer help, and frequent tantrums.

3. How do I punish a disrespectful teen?

Punishing, nagging, or arguing with a disrespectful child may aggravate the situation. When considering teens’ punishment strategies, it’s more effective to stay calm and discipline the child by establishing clear family rules. Talk to them about the consequences of being rude or disrespectful to others (1).

While handling a disrespectful teenager might be bothersome, keep in mind that this behavior is often the consequence of physical and mental changes that teens go through as they move from childhood to adolescence. You may see that your teen has become demanding, arguing back and ignoring your demands. In such cases, instead of arguing with your child and becoming inconsiderate or defensive, try to understand their changes and communicate with them. You should also be wary of your actions and words in your teen’s presence and should employ humor and compliments for forming deeper ties. Getting through the teenage years takes patience and a balance of firmness and understanding. These strategies can help parents create a respectful and supportive environment for everyone.

Infographic: How To Communicate Better To Understand Teen Behavior?

Communication is the key to modulating teen behavior. Take help from the infographic below that provides tips on communicating with your teen effectively and helping them express themselves freely.

building an empathetic approach to communication (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: Tips For Parents To Deal With A Disrespectful Teenager

Disrespectful Teenager_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Navigating the teenage years can be tough. This video shares key strategies for dealing with your teen’s disrespectful behavior. Get tips on how to stay calm and communicate effectively.

Personal Experience: Source


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.

1. Challenging behaviour – teenagers; The Royal Children’s Hospital
2. Dealing with Disrespectful Teenage Behaviour; Parenting Today’s Teens
3. Keeping Your Cool When Parenting Teens; Stanford Children’s Health
4. Toughing out the Teenage Years; University of Utah Health
5. How can parents tell the difference between normal teenage mood swings and possible mental illness?; Tufts University
6. The adolescent brain: Beyond raging hormones; Harvard Health Publishing
7. From Neurons to Neighborhoods; The Science of Early Childhood Development; National Academy of Science
8. The Teenage Brain (And What It Means for Parenting); Child Mind Institute
9. Avoid labeling your child; University of Nevada, Reno

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Dr. Neema Shrestha is a pediatrician with a special interest in the field of neonatology. She has an overall experience of five years working in the field. Currently working in Kathmandu, Nepal, she completed her MBBS from Kasturba Medical College, Manipal in 2008, Diploma in Child Health from D.

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Trisha worked as a schoolteacher for three years before taking up professional writing in 2021. She completed her masters in English from the University of Calcutta and bachelors in Education from the University of Burdwan.

Read full bio of Trisha Chakraborty
Dr. Ritika Shah is a certified lactation counsellor (CLC) from iNational Health Care Academy, Singapore and a dental surgeon with more than seven years of clinical experience across various cities in India. She did her graduation in Dentistry from KM Shah Dental College.

Read full bio of Dr. Ritika Shah
Dr. Joyani Das
Dr. Joyani DasM.Pharm, PhD
Dr. Joyani Das did her post-graduation from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra and PhD in Pharmacology. Previously, she worked as an associate professor, faculty of Pharmacology, for two years. With her research background in preclinical studies and a zeal for scientific writing, she joined MomJunction as a health writer.

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