How To Impress Your Husband: 14 Tricks To Attract Him All Again

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Attraction is one of the major components of a marriage (1). Marriages last a long time when both spouses stay attracted to each other. But as the years pass by, attraction may start to fade, and you may notice a loss of spark and start wondering how to impress your husband. It does not necessarily mean that he doesn’t love you or you don’t love him — it could mean that you both have more responsibilities that take precedence over romance. A few romantic gestures here and there can keep the romance bubbling. To bring back the spark in your married life and make your husband fall in love with you all over again, you should combine thoughtful actions with emotional connection and shared experiences. Read on to find tips on how to impress and attract your husband.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • Achieving all five types of intimacy—physical, emotional, mental, experiential, and spiritual—can impress your husband.
  • To impress your husband, show a good appearance, be well-read, be independent, and take care of your health.
  • Cooking for him, taking interest in his interests, expressing love, and planning date nights can make him attracted all again.
  • You can also impress your husband by surprising him with intimate moments and enticing him with your actions.
  • Rekindle your bond with your husband by cooking together and spending quality time together.

Types Of Intimacy

Before we go into the details, let us learn about the five kinds of intimacy every couple may want to achieve. To impress your husband and get the spark back in your life, you need to have them all (2).

  1. Physical intimacy: It involves touch and physical gestures.
  2. Emotional intimacy: It is based on care, affection, and trust.
  3. Mental intimacy: It involves sharing interests and ideas and being receptive.
  4. Spiritual intimacy: It is based on shared values and beliefs as well as respect and appreciation.
  5. Experiential intimacy: It involves teamwork and shared experiences that create memories.

Now let’s reveal the secret.

14 Simple Ways To Impress Your Husband

Most men rate kindness, supportiveness, intelligence, education, and ambition as very important. A 2018 ‘Ideal Partner Survey’ by Clue in collaboration with researcher Tanja Gerlach at the University of Göttingen has revealed that the percentages of men who ranked each trait as very important were 85.5% for kindness, 84.4% for supportiveness, 72.2% for intelligence, 58.0% for education, and 55.6% for ambition.

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Traits that US men seek in long term partners

Source: Ideal Partner Survey

Surely marriages are made in heaven but you have to put in some extra effort here on earth to keep it going.

1. Show the gorgeous side of you

Woman in a lovely gown dazzles her man
Image: iStock

Maintain basic hygiene, comb your hair, smell nice, and wear fitted clothes. Dressing well will always have a positive impact. For instance, you can wear a dress your husband likes and get your hair and makeup done. Wearing clothes that complement your figure can not only make you attractive but also boost your self-confidence. You can also get regular grooming or salon procedures done if you are comfortable with them or invest in some good perfume.

2. Update your knowledge

A majority of men like women who are well-read and aware of what is happening in the world. If you can hold a discussion and have a view point on various topics, you can keep your husband hooked. Keep up with the world in a way that fits your lifestyle and read up on topics that interest you and your husband, be it politics or sports. You could even watch a documentary on a topic he is passionate about so you can have a conversation with him about it.

3. Be independent

Men are socially expected to be providers and protectors of the family (3). However, it can be draining on a man to be in charge of a household’s entire finances. If you earn your own money, you don’t have to depend on him for everything. That said, there may be circumstances when you are unable to earn—for instance, if you have a debilitating disability or you are a stay-at-home mom (SAHM). Do not feel guilty for such circumstances.

Besides finances, you can also try fixing small things around the house without asking for his help. Seeing you with screwdrivers and power tools may impress him. But remember, men like to come to your rescue sometimes. Be independent while still reminding him that you appreciate and need him.

4. Take care of your health

There’s nothing more attractive than physical fitness. Follow a fitness regime as exercise strengthens your immune system and improves stamina and concentration. It has an added advantage too: it will make your man admire your commitment and discipline. Seeing you taking care of yourself may inspire him, and he may want to join you as well, which can help you spend more time together. You can join a fitness program or go on morning walks or jogs together.

5. Wear your apron for your man

Woman cooking a special meal for her husband
Image: iStock

The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Cooking is an admirable quality. Your husband will feel special when you cook him his favorite meal or set up a special candle-light dinner for him at home. You need not be a great cook, but the fact that you made an effort to cook something, especially for him, matters. Also, cooking together is an awesome way to rekindle your bond.

6. Take interest in his interest

Whether it is joining him for a game, asking about his favorite cars or bikes, or watching his favorite movies, showing enthusiasm for his hobbies makes a big difference. He will appreciate your effort, feel closer to you, and enjoy the quality time you share together.

Mother and blogger Anika Makadaeg de Rosas writes about supporting her husband Touie, a triathlete, with his hobby. She shares, “My support isn’t only about tolerating my husband and his hobby. It is constant, and comes in many forms. I find ways to support Touie not only during triathlon weekends, but also during his training period… When I do our groceries, I make sure I include what Touie needs for nutrition in my list, including bananas, vitamin water, Gatorade, crackers and peanut butter. For triathlon weekends, I help him go over his checklist of things to bring the day before we leave, to make sure his stuff is complete.” She adds, “My support is also about listening…Touie is especially happy when I’m able to converse with him using his triathlon jargon. Believe me when I say that I don’t always understand what he’s talking about… But I make the constant effort to listen to what he tells me about triathlon. This way, he’ll continue to enjoy sharing these things with me (i).”

protip_icon Experts say
According to Andrew Christensen, professor of psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, not expecting or demanding your spouse to change will help ensure a happy and successful marriage (7).

7. Express your love

There are many ways to love your husband and show him how much he means to you. Show your love, every single day. Do something sweet or different for him, for example, write ‘I love you’ on the bathroom mirror for him, slip a small note with his lunch, or bake his favorite cake. Care for him in sickness and health.

8. Plan a date night

A surprise date night is one of the best ways to show your love. It will convey to your husband that you went out of your way to show how much you care for him. So, book a table for two in a fancy restaurant or plan it at home. Make your children sleep early, and spend time together, just the two of you.

9. Be authentic

Being yourself can bring your husband back because it helps him understand your true value. When you are genuine, you talk openly and resolve differences promptly. You will laugh at his jokes, share your dreams, and show your appreciation for his efforts. This makes a comfortable and happy atmosphere at home and makes your husband fall more in love with you.

If you thought that we were giving you just some platonic ideas, no, we are, actually, preparing you for the more physical (read: bolder) ones:

10. Take the initiative

You need not wait for your man to make the first moves in the bedroom (4). Let him know you need him, and show him you are waiting for these private moments to come. Flirt with him throughout the day — send him playful texts, brush up against him casually, or whisper something suggestive into his ear before he leaves for work so he knows what to anticipate next.

11. Give him a surprise

Surprise him with a naughty encounter whenever you get a chance. Do something mischievous when he is in the bathroom, in the kitchen, or when he is engrossed in his phone.

When the kids are asleep or are not around, wear an enchanting dress you bought without his knowledge and arouse him with your acts. This will leave him asking for more.

You may even try a sexy photoshoot like a blogger with the username Kat Transformed did for her husband. She tried to do something that would make her look hot. She says, “I’ve been frantically wanting to feel sexy again, to see that glint in my husband’s eye, and I thought maybe I could MAKE him see me that way again, through the lens of a photographer’s camera (ii).”

You may try such unconventional, surprising ideas to please your husband if you are up for it.

12. A warm bath can do wonders

Get into a shower with him. Seek his help to undress you and turn on the shower. Make the bath playful by rubbing his back while he caresses you. You can make the situation more intimate by lighting scented candles or decorating the bathroom with flowers. You can also run him a warm bubble bath, play soft music, and offer to wash his hair or massage his shoulders. It will become an intimate bonding experience.

13. Get a bit oily

Affectionate physical touch is one of the primary ways people communicate love in romantic relationships (5). So, what can be a better way to relax your husband after a tiring day? Pour aromatic oil on his back, and begin massaging him. Press his shoulders, so that he forgets everything about work and starts thinking about the task ahead.

Being touchy makes things interesting between you and your husband. You need not have to wait for a time and place. Simply steal a moment. And if you do it the right way, a simple gesture like a kiss on his ear can be followed by a long story.

14. Engage in role-play

Role-play is a simple and fun way to add spark to your marriage. Engaging in role-play helps you fulfill your fantasies and build intimacy with your partner. So, talk to your partner, decide on the roles you want to play, and spice things up in the bedroom. These playful moments will make your husband fall in love with you all over again.

What Not To Do To Impress Your Husband

While trying to figure out how to impress your husband is a sweet gesture, going overboard may not be a good idea. Less is more, so here are a few ways to ensure your efforts feel natural and meaningful.

1. Don’t be someone you are not: Don’t change your personality or pretend to like things you do not. He fell in love with the real you, so be your genuine self.

2. Don’t make over-the-top gestures: Big, expensive surprises or grand romantic gestures can look forced and may overwhelm your husband. Simple yet thoughtful actions like cooking his favorite dinner can often mean more.

3. Don’t try to look “perfect”: Perfection is subjective, and it is impossible for a person to always look attractive. Don’t overdo makeup and fashion or try to fit an “ideal” just to impress. Be confident and comfortable in your own style. Remember that an emotional bond is more important than physical perfection.

4. Don’t try to buy his love: Do not constantly give him gifts or spend money to impress him. Love, connection, respect, and quality time matter more than materialistic things.

5. Don’t act overly agreeable: Avoid saying “yes” to everything or agreeing with all his opinions to impress him. A healthy relationship requires honesty, so remember that your opinions matter.

6. Don’t overload him with attention: If you are too clingy or constantly seek his validation, it can backfire on you. Give him the space he needs.

7. Don’t change just for him: If you drastically change your habits, interests, or lifestyle to impress him but not because you genuinely want to, those changes will not be sustainable.

8. Don’t make it a competition: Avoid trying to impress him more than he impresses you. Love is not a competition, so appreciate each other’s efforts equally.

A Right Touch To Turn Him On

Couple cuddling in bed
Image: iStock

Know how to touch him. There are many places where men would like to be touched to get into the mood:

  • Ear: Kiss him behind his ear or whisper sweet nothings into his ear while also using your tongue a little. Biting the top of the ear lobe lightly or breathing deep behind his ear will drive him crazy.
  • Neck: Give pecks on your man’s neck, or nibble on the nape of his neck. The neck is a very sensitive area, it has several nerve endings, and that does the trick.
  • Back: Massage his shoulders and back tenderly. His blood circulation will be improved, and he will become more relaxed. In between massage sessions, kiss his back.
  • Back of his head: Caress the back of his head while kissing him softly.
  • Chest: Stoke his chest gently. Play with his chest hair.
  • Bottom: Arouse him with a light smack on it. Or massage his bottom after you are done with his shoulders and back.
  • Foot: A foot massage will relax him, and kissing the foot or biting the toe will arouse him.
  • Inner thigh: While your husband’s genital organ is obviously the most erogenous place of his body, explore the area around it to maximize pleasure.

You need to be confident and bold enough to make the first move and impress him sensually. And for that, you have to take care of your attractiveness.

How To Be Attractive For Your Husband

One of the best ways to impress your husband is to dress up and look pretty for him. Granted, he finds you beautiful regardless of how you are dressed, but if you take the time to give a special visual treat occasionally, it can help keep the spark alive in your marriage. Try the following tips to attract your husband.

  1. Get your beauty sleep: No matter how much you focus on skincare or make-up, you cannot look attractive unless you have enough sleep. A tired face or red eyes do not look appealing. Therefore, sleep for eight hours every day.
Woman enjoying her beauty sleep
Image: iStock
  1. Smile: A slight humor and an adorable smile can send signals that you are friendly, approachable, and in a good mood. Smiling is appealing and attractive.
  2. Be polite: Show kindness, talk to him softly, and answer him politely. This will make sure the mood at home is calm. Do not pounce on him if he forgets to switch off the light in the bathroom or leaves his wet towel on the bed.
  3. Stand tall: By standing or walking tall, you begin to feel confident and comfortable. This will show on your face and a confident woman attracts her partner closer. So, keep your head up, and body straight.
  4. Maintain eye contact: Look into your husband’s eyes when you are talking with him. Give him time to understand that you are listening to him and are interested in the conversation.
  5. Be feminine: Men like taking care of their girls. They want to feel needed. Show them your delicate side from time to time or let your partner assist you. Men want to be with women, who look up to them for advice and support.
  6. Chill out: Give your man some space when he needs to relax. If he works long hours, leave him alone when he is watching his favorite match on the TV or working on his hobby. Don’t repeatedly call him when hanging out with his friends either.

Again all platonic? Here is something juicy, then.

Ways To Be Alluring In Bed

Sexual intimacy is a major component of marital satisfaction. Research indicates that men experience significantly less sexual intimacy than women, which suggests that men are less satisfied with their sexual experiences compared to women (6). So, if you are wondering how to impress your husband, you may want to improve his experience in the bedroom. Here are some tips that can help.

  1. Splurge a bit on fancy lingerie: Wearing a bright red lacy negligee or sensual corset may make your husband fancy you. Wear things that suit and accentuate your body.
  2. Wear his clothes: Nothing is more enticing to a man than seeing his beautiful wife wearing his clothes. Wear stunning lingerie with a loose, oversized shirt from your husband, and leave the buttons open. Casually do your chores without making them look too obvious.
Woman wearing her man's shirt
Image: iStock
  1. Talk dirty (if your husband likes that): Tell him what you want him to do to you in bed. Use your finger to write imaginary words on him. Drive him crazy by whispering sweet nothings into his ear. But before doing this, make sure that is what he likes.
  2. Lather on oil: Body oil makes your skin look smoother and shiny and makes you smell good. And that’s alluring for a man.
protip_icon Experts say
Chris Kraft, Director of Clinical Services, Sex and Gender Clinic, Department of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, says, “What’s most important to couples, especially to many women, is to connect and be intimate. Being intimate can be as simple as talking and cuddling or affectionately touching.”
  1. Set the stage: Bring on the mood by creating an intimate setting with nice music, dim lights, or scented candles. You can also fill the bathtub with warm water and sensuous bath salts, a few rose petals, and two glasses of wine. Waiting for him in the tub will be all the more enticing.
  2. Add flirtation and sensuality to your romance: Men like being flirted with. They find it mysterious and exciting, even if you have been married to your man for years.
  3. Have some foreplay: Sometimes, a prelude before getting intimate is more enjoyable. The anticipation of what will happen next will make your husband want you more.
  4. Take the initiative: Want to know how to attract your husband? Then, get a little bossy in bed. Tell him what you want and what turns you on. You control the moment; men crave it.
  5. Tie him up: If you want to know how to attract your husband in bed, here’s an idea. Take control! Some men get excited by the idea of their woman taking control of the situation. Use some comfortable and soft scarf or his tie and tie him to the bed or sofa. Put a comfortable cushion or pillow below his head.
  6. Go slow: Being physically intimate with your lover is not like having fast food. There is no way you can feel satisfied with a quickie. You need to enjoy what you are doing.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I impress my husband in daily life?

Simple things such as cooking his favorite dish, planning a surprise date, watching his favorite movie, going together for a walk, and lending ears to him could impress your husband daily and eliminate the rough turns you might come across in marriage.

2. How to impress my husband in a long-distance relationship?

Planning a surprise visit, sending his favorite chocolates, ordering his favorite food once in a while, booking a travel package, and playing games are a few exciting ways to keep the spark alive in a long-distance relationship.

3. How often should a wife please her husband?

Impressing your husband keeps the connection between you strong. Moreover, he starts feeling valued and satisfies your need for validation, too, thus, leading to a happy relationship. However, there is no fixed frequency to please your husband. As long as he is in a good mood and both are ready for fun and intimacy, you can impress your husband whenever you want.

4. Can I impress my husband after years of marriage?

To impress your husband even after several years of marriage, keep communication channels open and spend as much quality time as possible with him. Physical intimacy also plays an important role. Take care of yourself and be self-confident. He will be impressed by you.

5. What are some common mistakes wives make when trying to impress their husbands?

Wives generally start neglecting self-care and looking only after their husbands and homes. This may lead to a loss of interest from the husband’s side, while the wife may start feeling resentful, and the relationship may deteriorate.

6. Is it possible to go overboard when trying to impress your husband? If so, how can I avoid this?

Yes, it is quite possible to go overboard while impressing your husband. Remember to stay true to yourself while impressing him. Also, recognize that you and your husband are unique individuals, so you need to find common ground to bring him closer and have a happy marriage. Set clear boundaries when you think of ways how to make your husband happy and do not forget your values and individuality.

A relationship needs effort and time from both partners. So if you are wondering about ‘how to impress your husband,’ this list of tips and tricks might just work for you. At times you can go that extra mile for him to show him that you care and are glad to have him in your life. These little things can strengthen your relationship and make it work in the long run. So take a few tips, plan things, and give him a memorable experience to impress him.

Infographic: Simple Ways To Impress Your Husband

It doesn’t matter how long you have been married; it is important to keep the romantic flame burning with the same intensity as it was in your honeymoon phase. So, to help make your man fall for you again, we offer some exciting tips. Read on!

how to grab your husbands attention (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: How To Impress Your Husband: 14 Tricks To Attract Him All Again

How To Impress Your Husband_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Discover 17 proven ways to attract your husband emotionally and rekindle the spark in your marriage! Explore some proven techniques on how to make your husband feel loved and appreciated through this video.

Personal Experience: Source


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. James K. McNulty et al.; (2008); Beyond Initial Attraction: Physical Attractiveness in Newlywed Marriage.
  2. Types of Intimacy.
  3. Marital Life and Role Expectations.
  4. Keep the Spark Alive in Your Marriage.
  5. Agnieszka Sorokowska et al.; (2023); Love and affectionate touch toward romantic partners all over the world.
  6. Abraham P. Greeff et al.; (2001); Intimacy and Marital Satisfaction in Spouses.
  7. What Playfulness Can Do for Your Relationship.
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Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-GoyenaPhD (Counseling Psychology)
Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena is a board licensed therapist in the USA and Puerto Rico with a specialty in couples, families, and relationships. Dr. Carlos possesses a PhD in Counseling Psychology granted at the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico.

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Kalpana M
Kalpana MMA (English)
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