How To Make Him Jealous And Want You More

Some men take things for granted and stop making efforts when they fall into a relationship or marriage. In such situations, making him jealous can be an effective way to wake him up from slumber and make him feel the need not to lose you. But are you wondering how to make him jealous? Reading our post can help you with some useful tips. A dose of jealousy can do wonders in a monotonous relationship. Studies suggest that a little jealousy, when conveyed healthily, can enhance love and relationship stability by fostering deeper feelings of commitment and connection between partners (1). However, jealousy can be a double-edged sword, so it’s essential to approach it with care. Consider healthy communication as an alternative to address relationship issues constructively.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • Make your partner long for you by igniting feelings of jealousy when he starts to become distant.
  • You may spend more time with your friends to make him miss you.
  • You may start dressing flirty or fake your interest in other men to stir up curiosity.
  • Be careful not to go beyond limits that could risk your bond with him.

Will Jealousy Work?

Jealousy is one of the most primal instincts in us. It is one of the most intense feelings in a romantic relationship. Even the most romantic of partners will feel jealous although they don’t express it explicitly. At times, you may feel the spark in your relationship is missing. You may wonder how to keep him interested, and teasing your partner could be a potential way to win back the lost love and attention.

However, making your guy jealous can be a dangerous game. If played correctly, you may win, but, if this tactic is used continuously, you may end up pushing your partner away.

Sydney-based relationship counselor Ronald Hoang says, “Teasing and mild jealousy can show affection and foster attachment. However, the line is crossed when it becomes hurtful, manipulative, or disrespects boundaries. If teasing or jealousy causes emotional pain or insecurity, it’s no longer playful.”

Always remember to put yourself in your partner’s shoes before you play the game. If you feel you are doing something that can damage your relationship, stop immediately , and take a step back.

27 Ways To Make Your Man Jealous

We have listed a few ways to make your man jealous. Some are naughty, some are nice, and some are outright wicked. Hope these tips will lure him back and help you rediscover the magic of romance in your relationship.

Go out with your girlfriends to make him jealous
Image: Created with Dall·E

1. Go out with your girlfriends

Men feel jealous when their girl goes out with her gang. They don’t know what takes place on these outings since they are not with you and they may wish to spy. This makes them feel insecure. Dress up sexy and go out for a date night with your friends. When you hang out with your friends, do not answer your man’s calls immediately. Answer after 3–4 calls, and talk to him briefly. Keep the call going to let him know that you are having a great time without him. This trick will also work if you want to know how to make him miss you.

2. Dress up

You do not need a special occasion to dress up, put make-up on and fix your hair. Take some time out for yourself and put on a sexy dress. If you don’t have anything in your wardrobe, go out shopping and buy yourself a dress you wouldn’t normally wear. Your partner will notice the changes and feel curious. He will feel intrigued and may try to find out the reason behind the changes, try not to explain too much. Be mysterious and give him a tantalizing smile. Your enigmatic smile will exude confidence and might make him jealous and keep him guessing.

3. Ignore his texts and calls

Ignoring him might draw his attention. Avoid texting or calling him. If you receive text messages from him, try to be unmoved and do not reply immediately. Instead, you can text him every once in a while. Similarly, ignore his calls a few times before answering. Let him know that you have your own life, and you actually enjoy spending time with other people. You can be active on social media. If you’re thinking about how to make him chase you, this will surely help and he will give you his undivided attention. Be unavailable for some time but do not ignore him for long.

protip_icon Quick tip
Update your social media status stories with what you are up to, hinting that you are busy having fun.

4. Laugh at his friend’s jokes

Even if it is his best friend, laughing at their jokes may not go down well with your partner. If he is a person who wants to be the funniest man in the room, then laughing at his friend’s joke can make him feel a pang of jealousy.

5. Flirt with a person he doesn’t know

Indulge in some harmless flirting with your co-worker. When you lightly flirt with a man he doesn’t know, it might cause him heartburn. The other guy could be a stranger or your co-worker. Intentionally start up a conversation with this person when you know your partner is watching, you can even do some light flirting, like laughing out loud or lightly brushing your hand against the person’s arm.

6. Be active on social media

Being active on social media may make him jealous
Image: iStock

Post pictures of you and your friends doing crazy and interesting stuff. Show off to your man how popular you are amongst your friends. Show that life can be exciting even without him. The idea is to make him miss your attention and see that you are giving it to others. Stay active on social media to let your partner know where you are, but sometimes withhold the details. Be ready for lots of love and attention when you get back.

A study has shown that 23% of adults feel jealous because of how their partners interact with others on social media. As the graph shows, many young adults between 18 and 29 felt the same. In addition, their partners’ use of social media elicited jealousy in married adults and adults in a relationship.

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Percentage of people jealous or insecure over their partner

Source: Dating and Relationships in the Digital Age; Pew research Center

7. Have a male best friend

Male best friends can make your boyfriend or husband feel insecure.If you are in regular contact with your male best friend, it is most likely that your partner will try hard to keep you close to him. But you should know where to draw the line.

8. Be the center of attention

You don’t have to hold your partner’s hand all the time. In social gatherings, play hard to get and mingle with other friends at the party. Be confident and stay poised. Let your partner wait for your attention while you are having a fun time with your acquaintances. If your partner has not been available for you for some time, this will make him jealous enough to realize his error and shower his attention on you.

9. Do things without his help

Men usually feel protective of their women and try to be in control of the situation. To make them jealous, you need to show them you can do things by yourself. So stop relying on him and be independent. For instance, you may seek your friends’ help when you are moving house. Your guy may feel offended that you didn’t ask for his help.

10. Notice well-dressed men

When out with your partner, call attention to well dressed men. Talk about fashion or how to dress well for a while. This will be enough to trigger that jealous instinct.

11. Tell him you are receiving attention from other men

If someone at work is flirting with you or you are getting attention from someone you met online, make sure you mention it to your partner. This will make him jealous and ignite that protective instinct inside him.

12. Start sharing your celebrity crushes

As teenagers, we all had celebrity crushes at some point. If you want to grab his attention, talk about your teenage dream of marrying your favorite celebrity and be unconcerned about what he thinks of it. He may just say he never liked your celebrity crush.

13. Talk about a childhood friend

Talk about a childhood friend and the good times you had. The fact that you had a good time before your man came into your life can make him jealous.

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You may also catch up with a friend you haven’t met for a long time and send him pictures of you two having fun.

14. Ignore him when he flirts

Ignore his flirting to make him jealous
Image: Shutterstock

Flirting is a game both can play. If you flirt with other guys, chances are your man will do the same. Be unaffected by his flirting and show him that you are not really worried about it. If anything, it will make him wonder why.

15. Leave in the middle of a conversation

Pretend to be uninterested when discussing something with your partner, especially if he has initiated the conversation. Get up and leave before the conversation is over. The moment your guy senses that you are not interested in what he’s saying he will feel jealous.

16. Ask your friend to speak for you

If you want to make your man feel jealous, ask your best friend to talk to your partner about how popular you are among your circle. You need to plan this carefully so that it doesn’t appear contrived or unnatural. Tell your friend to ease into the conversation and watch your partner’s reaction.

17. Do not agree to last-minute plans

If your man is well-known for making last-minute plans and expects you to play along, let him know for once that you will not. Make some amazing plans for yourself, or if you do not wish to do so, tell him that you have plans for the day and treat yourself to some much-deserved me time. Either way, do not automatically agree to his plans this will keep him wondering why you aren’t accompanying him. This will have two outcomes. One, he will stop announcing things at the last minute and expect you to tag along. Two, he will feel jealous of your “plans” as he can never be sure what you might do without him.

18. Get a new hobby

Try to spend time away from him by indulging in a new hobby. If you suddenly start pursuing your hobbies, he might feel jealous as you will seem to be unbothered by his absence. The thought that you have other important things to do will make him want to spend more time with you.

19. Withhold physical connection

Stop giving in to his demands. Say you are tired or just not interested. This will trigger his jealousy, and he won’t understand why you refuse sex. When you seem to be unapproachable for making physical contact, he will try harder by showering you with love and attention to get you closer to him.

20. Buy yourself a gift

Gifting yourself and being independent may make him feel protective
Image: Shutterstock

If you are used to your boyfriend or husband buying you gifts, it is time you took control of things. Go shopping and buy something you want with your money. If you are in the mood, get something for him too. When your partner notices that you are independent, he may feel overly protective and try to prove that he is capable of giving you your favorite things.

21. Do not contact him first

Women tend to message or call their man if they do not hear from him regularly. If you are one of those, stop doing it. It gives your partner a sense of power. He will be disappointed if he knows that you will contact him no matter how much he ignores you.

22. Be super-sweet to him

Whenever you meet, make sure you go out of your way to be sweet to him. Buy him gifts and pamper him. However, stop all this the moment you leave. Do not contact him. If he works really hard to get you, grant him a good time again and then stop. This way, you will keep your man on his toes and make him eager to see you again.

Men usually think of their women as a trophy, so this works well if you want to keep your boyfriend pining for your attention.

23. Learn things that are typically done by him

Engage yourself in learning his habits, such as washing the car or changing light bulbs, and excel at them. When your man sees you doing these things, he will feel a little insecure that you don’t rely on him anymore. Watch him put in the extra effort while doing household chores the next time around.

24. Prioritize yourself

Both partners need space. Take some time off for yourself. Book a spa appointment or go to a library. Do not take your partner along. When you return feeling fresh and relaxed, he might get jealous because you had a good time without him. Prioritizing yourself also means that you seem happier and more confident, which may unknowingly be an excellent way to make him crazy about you.

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Spoil yourself, silly. You may also go shopping, catch up with your girlfriends, or head on a solo trip.

25. Text your friend while he is talking

Using your phone while he talks may prompt him to work harder for your attention
Image: Shutterstock

Your man wants your complete attention when he is talking to you. If you start texting your friend in the middle of the conversation, he may not like it. This may prompt him to work harder for your attention.

26. Start doing something you love

Some women stop doing things they love because men disapprove. If you love doing something and it brings you happiness, you should definitely do it. It boosts your confidence and independence. When your man sees you engrossed in an activity of your choice, he may feel jealous because you are not devoting him enough time. This might make him protective and loving.

27. Ask your friend to praise you

Ask your best friend to compliment you on something he cannot do. It could be cooking, upkeep of the house, coding, or research. Ask your friend to consistently talk about how good you are at it. Your partner will grow jealous of your capabilities. He will either try to match up to those skills or start praising you as well. Either way, you get some love and TLC that you deserve.

Tips To Make Your Boyfriend Jealous Over Text

A touch of jealousy can captivate your boyfriend’s attention but do so playfully to maintain curiosity without making him feel overshadowed.

1. Give him subtle hints of fun plans

To make him jealous, imply that you are engaging in plans without revealing specifics. Send a mysterious text mentioning your plans but maintain an air of secrecy, leaving him curious and guessing.

2. Send him a photo

You can gain his attention by texting a charming photo of yourself with any of your guy friends. This message may make him feel jealous.

3. Do not reply instantly

Keep him in suspense by deliberately delaying your responses, making him wonder about your whereabouts. You can hint at being occupied and let his curiosity about your company grow.

Things To Remember Before You Go Ahead

While these jealousy tactics might seem harmless, they could have damaging consequences if not handled properly. Italy-based life coach Rodolfo Parlati opines, “Playful teasing should never feel like manipulation or create lasting doubts about your commitment. Open communication and being attentive to your partner’s responses can help you recognize when the teasing crosses the line. Ultimately, it’s crucial to prioritize your partner’s emotional well-being over any jokes or playful antics.”

Here are some possible risks of using jealousy in a relationship.

  • Breakdown of trust: Your partner may feel betrayed or deceived due to your actions, causing the breakage of trust in the relationship. This could lead to suspicion and paranoia.
  • Insecurity: Your actions might cause your partner to feel inadequate, which could make them doubt their self-worth. They may look for constant validation, which could promote toxicity in the relationship.
  • Conflict: Constant jealousy can foster emotional exhaustion, doubt, and tension, leading to frequent misunderstandings and arguments.
  • Toxic behavior: Your partner might try to control your life and monitor your every move. Their possessiveness can create an unhealthy environment, which can result in emotional and physical abuse. Such actions might also cause a power imbalance and a lack of mutual respect.

Alternatives To Making Him Jealous

Here are some strategies to improve relationships without resorting to jealousy

  1. Open and honest conversations: Share your thoughts and feelings openly, using a calm and understanding tone to avoid judgment. Express your feelings by saying, “I’ve been feeling a bit disconnected lately; how about we set aside some time just for the two of us?”
  2. Shared experiences: Dedicate time to doing things you both love, fostering closeness and rekindling your connection. Try cooking a new dish together, spend a day exploring a local museum, or take a weekend road trip for a refreshing change.
  3. Show appreciation: Make it a habit to acknowledge and value your partner’s efforts and unique traits. Say things like, “I truly appreciate all the effort you put into everything for us,” or surprise them with their favorite treat as a small gesture of thanks.
  4. Romantic surprises: Add a spark to your relationship with small, thoughtful acts like heartfelt notes or special date plans.
  5. Evolve together: Pursue common goals, try new activities, or focus on self-growth to strengthen your bond. Join a fitness class together, try a new hobby you’re both interested in, or plan for a dream vacation you both want to take.
  6. Celebrate memories: Revisit joyful moments from your past to spark positive emotions and remember your shared journey. Watch your wedding video, recreate a memorable date, or visit the spot you first met to bring back those special feelings.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What do I text a guy to make him jealous?

You can text him you are out with a guy and having a good time. You may also tell him about your childhood friend or a college senior you had a crush on. Another way to make him jealous over text is complimenting another guy you know or telling him how much you adore your celebrity crush.

2. How do guys act when they are jealous?

When a guy is jealous, he may get angry easily, be possessive about you, and also say mean things. While some may stop texting you and ignore you, others may desperately try to be overly charming.

3. Why does a girl try to make a guy jealous?

A girl may try to make a guy jealous to get his attention. She may be playing hard to get and trying to get the guy to chase her. A girl may also try to make a guy jealous to test if he has feelings for her.

4. Is jealousy healthy in a relationship?

Jealousy can be a complex emotion in a relationship, but it’s a natural response. A little jealousy can be healthy if it encourages better communication, a deeper emotional connection, and understanding. However, it can become toxic if it leads to self-esteem problems, trust issues, emotional and physical abuse, or restrictions. Thus, it depends on how the partners handle their feelings and if they communicate their issues openly and honestly.

5. How can I tell if I’m making him too jealous?

If you notice significant emotional and behavioral changes in your partner, they may be jealous or uncomfortable. Some noticeable signs include seeking validation or reassurance, constantly asking about your whereabouts, becoming passive-aggressive, acting distant or overly attached, getting defensive, questioning your loyalty, and expressing insecurity.

Jealousy can be used as bait to bring the spice back into your relationship. But before using this trick on your partner, you should know how to make him jealous smartly. Ignoring his calls, flirting with a person he doesn’t know, or being the center of attention can bring over a feeling of jealousy and may encourage him to get attracted toward you. However, be cautious, as this strategy may be tricky. If you drag on the jealousy game for too long, it may create distance between you and your partner.

Infographic: Ways To Make Him Jealous Over Texts

A little jealousy in a relationship can help strengthen your bond and bring you closer. But you should ensure that you do not go overboard while trying to make him jealous and, in turn, end up hampering the integrity of the relationship. That being said, here is an infographic containing a list of texts you could send him if you intend to make him jealous and have some fun.

texts to make him jealous (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team


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  1. Jealousy and Love: Are they Interconnected?
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Christina KyranisCertified Relationship Coach
Christina Kyranis is a Certified Relationship Coach who helps single moms heal past trauma and toxic relationships. With over six years of experience, she creates an empowering and confident mindset to attract ideal partners.

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  • Rodolfo Parlati
    Rodolfo ParlatiMBA Rodolfo Parlati is a professional life & executive coach and leadership trainer with over 17 years of expertise. After graduating in business administration and working in the related fields, Rodolfo got certified as a professional coach from Associazione Coaching Italia in 2020. He supports his clients in improving their communication skills, relationships, work-life balance, and productivity while reducing their stress.
    Rodolfo Parlati is a professional life & executive coach and leadership trainer with over 17 years of expertise. After graduating in business administration and working in the related fields, Rodolfo got certified as a professional coach from Associazione Coaching Italia in 2020. He supports his clients in improving their communication skills, relationships, work-life balance, and productivity while reducing their stress.
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