Image: Midjourney/ MomJunction Design Team
“I can live for two months on a good compliment.” – Mark Twain.
Compliments make most people smile and blush. However, some people feel confused about how to respond to a compliment appropriately. Compliments may come from a close one or an acquaintance, and they often focus on your appearance, talents, possessions, or achievements (1). While there are no set rules for how one should respond, one aspect you should never miss out on is responding to a compliment. When you do so, you acknowledge the giver. You tell them how much you appreciate their efforts to notice and highlight your qualities.
Key Pointers
- Acknowledge and express gratitude for the compliment.
- Respond with a simple and sincere compliment in return.
- Avoid deflecting the compliment, but do not be overly humble.
- Refrain from dismissing the compliment as false or unimportant.
This mutual appreciation helps build self-esteem and stir positive feelings in the receiver and the giver. However, if you stay mum, you may appear unconfident. Furthermore, it is likely to disappoint the person who complimented you and discourage them from complimenting you and others in the future.
Although receiving recognition can sometimes be uncomfortable, a survey has revealed that most individuals react fittingly. Roughly 81 percent of adults respond with a gracious “thank you,” the most commonly accepted response to a compliment. A mere 7 percent of adults reply with self-critical statements, such as “I thought I looked awful.” It also seems that women are somewhat more at ease with being praised than men.
If you classify yourself as a person who can’t befriend words to respond to a compliment, we’ve got your back. In this post, we bring you several different ways to respond graciously to compliments and remarks of admiration, including specific ones and those from specific people in your life.

How adult males and females respond to compliments
Source: Most Teens And Adults Respond Appropriately To Compliments, Survey Finds; TODAY/AOLHow To Respond To Compliments
Giving or receiving compliments can sometimes cause stress or embarrassment. When compliments come your way, respond gracefully. Learning how to respond to compliments can enhance communication and build confidence. Here are a few things to remember when you respond to compliments.
1. Say thank you

Let’s suppose your colleague comes up to you and compliments you on your coding skills or another person compliments you on your new hairstyle or the beautiful dress you’re wearing. Always smile and say the two most powerful words, “Thank you.” When someone compliments you for anything – from a sexy hairdo to professional skills – look at them, smile, and say, “Thank you very much.” There are many ways to say thank you, but the one said with a smile is the most preferred one. Smiling doesn’t cost a penny. It also shows your respectful nature.
In his book How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie writes, “Action speaks louder than words, and a smile says, “I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you.”
“I’m glad you liked it.”
“I appreciate you saying that”
“That’s very kind of you.”
2. Be sincere
When you receive a genuine compliment, say thank you sincerely. You should receive compliments from the bottom of your heart. For instance, whether you receive praise for your teamwork skills during a project or compliments from a friend for your creativity in organizing a party, respond with gratitude and appreciation. Always remember that a sincere compliment is a verbal gift, worth more than any materialistic gift.
3. Accept them at face value
Accept compliments at face value and do not read too much into them. In other words, accept compliments as they are without reading too much into them. For example, if a colleague praises your presentation, simply express gratitude without overanalyzing their intention or becoming overly proud.
4. Make eye contact
When responding to a compliment, make eye contact, smile, and use open gestures to reinforce your message. Acknowledge it, accept it, and respond wholeheartedly. The best way to express interest without breaking social rules is to maintain eye contact when responding to a compliment.
5. Respond positively
Sometimes people hear compliments and think: “What do they mean when they say my shoes look good with this outfit? I don’t know if my shoes look bad?” “I don’t like my hair this way.” “Oh, you are just saying that; I look awful.” Such negative thoughts can deter you from responding positively.
When you get a compliment, respond positively, and never harbor negative thoughts. If you feel shy or have a hard time receiving compliments, it may reflect your low self-worth. When someone compliments you, and you receive it wholeheartedly, there is a positive exchange of energy.
6. Mention their name
The name makes the individual special and unique. When responding to a compliment and being thankful, remember to mention the name of the giver. Realize that the name is owned by the person. When remembering names, be like Napoleon – despite his royal duties, he still remembered the names of everyone he had met.
7. Pay attention to your tone of voice
Your tone of voice should reflect happiness and gratitude.
Just embrace the moment, accept the compliment with humility, and express gratitude. When you show appreciation for receiving compliments, you establish a strong connection with people. It allows others to know that what they do is essential to you.
Tailor your response based on your relationship with the person giving the compliment. In professional settings, be respectful and thankful, but return the compliment casually when among friends.
8. Give a hug

Give them a warm hug to express your gratitude. If you aren’t close, or you know they don’t like hugs, reach out and shake hands to suit their preference and make them smile.
9. Don’t downplay
Do not belittle or dismiss someone’s warm gestures. Show sincerity and avoid phrases such as “Oh, it’s no big deal” or “Thank you, but it’s nothing.” For instance, when someone says, “Your dress looks great on you.” You should not say, “Oh, this is an old dress.” Instead, try to say: “I’m glad you like it. Thank you.” When you downplay compliments, you may feel humble, but the person who praised you may feel rejected.
In her blog, Bonnie Smithies, a cheerful girl from New Zealand, shares how she, too, tends to deflect compliments as she struggles to accept them. However, Smithies adds, “This is something that I’m having to learn. Me trying to be modest and deflect the compliment is undermining the compliment or insulting the giver. When you devalue a compliment, you can send the message that you have low self-esteem, aren’t confident in your work, or don’t respect the opinion of the person who gave you the praise (i).”
10. Watch your body language
Body language is a powerful communication tool. When you get compliments from others, lean forward slightly and smile. If you cross your hands, especially in the workplace, it can create a hostile atmosphere.
Avoid sending out wrong non-verbal cues such as casual postures, crossed arms, awkward pauses, and lengthy silences. Also, do not turn your body away from the person who compliments you. It makes a huge difference when you show your genuine acceptance and thankfulness for receiving the compliment.
You must always accept awards, citations, or trophies with both hands and keep your right hand free to shake hands with the presenter. The first step in receiving an award is to say, “I’m honored to receive this recognition/ I am humbled to receive this award/ Thank you, that’s very kind/ I’m honored you chose to bestow this award on me.”
Responses To His/Her Compliments

Whenever you receive praise from your special someone (SO) and don’t know how to respond, use the following tips to accept the compliment easily.
- Your SO: “Honey, those shoes look good on you!”
You: “Thanks, sweetheart! These are my new favorites.”
- Your SO: “You look smart in that nice shirt/ You’ve got a wonderful jacket/ Those shoes are so cute/ I love your new hairstyle/ You look handsome.”
You: “Oh, thank you. I just got it yesterday/Thanks, dear. These shoes make me put my best foot forward/The stylist is amazing. Thanks.”
- Your SO: “You look dapper in that suit. It’s brilliant!”
You: “Thank you, my sister bought it for me.”
- Your friend: “That cologne smells wonderful!”
You: “Thanks, that’s kind of you.”
When Compliments Come From Your Boss

- “Thank you for recognizing my efforts.”
- “Thank you for trusting me with added responsibility. It means a lot.”
- “Thank you for noticing my efforts. A lot of thought went into completing the project.”
- “Thank you for your encouragement and support. It means a lot.”
- “Your notes in the client presentation were helpful.”
- “Your guidance helped me in achieving this goal. I’m overwhelmed by your compliment.”
- “I am happy to receive your appreciation. Your kind words are encouraging and motivating.”
- “Your compliments have greatly elevated my spirits. Thank you for your encouraging words.”
- “I sincerely thank you for recognizing my efforts. Your compliments encourage me to do better.”
You can also ask some questions about your performance and seek advice.
If the compliments result from a cooperative team effort, rather than just accepting compliments, share the compliments with coworkers and thank them for their efforts — compliments when shared feel more special and valuable. Make sure to give credit to those who helped you in your accomplishment.
- If it’s teamwork, share the compliment with your colleagues and say: “I couldn’t have completed the task without the efforts of my coworkers.”
- “Thank you! I thank everyone who participated in it. Without your contribution, all this is impossible. All of you are valuable to me.”
When Someone Compliments Your Kids
Our children are little versions of ourselves. When someone compliments your child by saying, “Your child is incredibly gorgeous,” or “Your child is smart,” you respond with, “Thank you!”
- “Thank you for saying my son is polite. That is the best thing you can say to mom!”
- “Thank you! She has been practicing a lot lately. He will be delighted to hear you notice his hard work.”
Funny Responses To Compliments

Compliments can brighten your day. Although praise is a positive thing, it can be unnerving for some people who don’t want to appear overconfident or ungrateful. You can generously accept compliments and respond with courtesy in a way that makes the communication go smoothly.
Instead of the mere “thank you,” you can express your appreciation with a witty one-liner. For example, if your friend compliments your new hairstyle, you can say, “Thank you. The only problem is that the dog next door suddenly became friendly.”
- “Thank you! Yeah, I felt really good about this today,”
- “This is the result of not taking a shower for several weeks.”
- “I don’t know if this will fool anyone.”
- “It isn’t easy to achieve such perfection.”
- “You are wise beyond your years.”
- “What took you so long to notice?”
- “Is that your best?”
- “Enough, it’s not funny anymore!”
- “Yes, isn’t that great? My favorite designer works in this little store in … What else do you like about me?”
- “I can’t believe you said that!”
- “Are you serious? Thank you, but that’s weird, and I want to say the same to you.”
- “It’s refreshing to meet someone with a similar taste in …”
- “You can’t keep your thoughts to yourself, can you?”
- “My comb and mirror are my other two big fans.”
- “It is my responsibility to spread beauty in the world. (Oh, then you must be Adonis or Aphrodite.)”
- “Well, it’s in the genes.”
- “It isn’t easy to achieve such perfection.”
- “Are you always so honest?”
- “Yeah, I get that a lot.”
- “Mind repeating that?”
- “I think we are in a complimenting mood because I believe you are pretty incredible too.”
- “Thanks, if you can see me, I’m blushing!”
- “I needed to hear that.”
- “It truly made my day, and it hasn’t even really started yet.”
- “Thanks for the compliment; strangely, my boyfriend/girlfriend said the same thing.”
- “The genie finally granted me a wish.”
- “The vote has been taken. The motion has been passed!”
- “Gosh! Tell me something I don’t know.”
- “My grandmother tells me: ‘Be more original.’”
- “My aesthetic doctor said the same.”
- “Well, a small botulinum toxin can indeed do wonders.”
- “I second that.”
- “Thank you, my hairdresser is fantastic and takes excellent care of my tresses.”
- “Tell me a secret.”
- “I have that effect on people.”
- “Oh, this? It might be my eyelash extension.” (If someone compliments you on your beautiful eyes)
- “I have been fine from the beginning of the lockdown until now.”
- “It looks like we have something in common.”
- “Thanks! I have been practicing a lot lately.”
- “If every compliment I got so far gave me a dollar, I would be Bill Gates or Warren Buffett.”
- “Thank you for observing me so carefully. Flattery will take you everywhere. “That’s why I became friends with you. Just kidding.”
- “Thanks, I am actually stupid; I study hard.” (When someone compliments your academic achievement)
- “Glib is better than smart. I never know what I’m talking about, but I’m excellent, am I not?” (When someone compliments your eloquence)
- “I have beaten anorexia.” (when someone praises your weight loss)
- “I am five feet six inches, but my ego is about six feet six inches.” (if someone compliments your height)
- “I am not strong enough to play football, and not tall enough to play basketball, so I go out to play chess.” (when someone compliments your intelligence)
- “Thank you! My hairstylist convinced me. Where do you fix your hair?”
- “Thank you, my stylish clothes overshadow my personality.”
- “I am visiting a plastic surgeon to change every feature on my face. No one will recognize me, but at least this way, I’d get a fresh start.”
- “You’re about four levels above me in terms of intelligence.”
- “Thank you, but if you want me to give you my phone number, you will need to do better.” (If a stranger compliments the color of your eyes)
- “Thank you. I can now focus on beautifying my kitchen!” (If someone compliments your taste in furniture)
- “I am grateful. I hope to do it at the big departmental meeting next month.” (If someone compliments your public speaking skills)
- “Thank you! I will apply what I have learned to new clients.” ( if someone compliments your marketing activities)
- “Thank you, and vote for me in the next election.”
Reflecting on his journey to responding to compliments and building connections with those who offered them, blogger Kent Beck shares, “When I began offering connections with compliments, I frequently stumbled. I was uncomfortable and vulnerable. It was easy to fall back on judgments. I stuck with it, though. I practiced. Over time, it got easier. That thing I feared, outright rejection, was so rare I could ignore it (ii).”
Flirty Responses To Compliments
Flirting is about how you convey your message without directly saying things. Keep the game interesting and friendly, and make it clear that you are being fun. Here are some flirty one-liners that will come in handy.
- “Could you grab some chicken nuggets on your way to my house?”
- “It was on sale, so I have an extra $25. Can I buy you a drink?”
- “Thank you very much. I chose this dress for you.”
- “Thank you! I think you are handsome.”
- “You know you miss me.”
- “I bet you wish I were sharing these casseroles with you.”
- “Stop distracting me. I’m busy. How about we move this conversation to IRL?”
- “If I said ‘come over,’ what would you say?”
- “You’re at the top of my wish list.”
- “I have so much to do, but I keep getting distracted thinking about you.”
- “Just worked out. Ready to hit the showers!”
- “My dog misses you too.”
- “Stop thinking about me so much!”
- “I thought you would be glad to get rid of me.”
- “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
- “Why? Did you throw something at me?”
- “Would you mind emptying your pockets – I believe you’ve stolen my heart.”
- “Don’t drive me crazy; I’m close enough to walk.”
- “I am surviving on food, water, and your compliments.”
- “Your mirror is lucky. Every time you look into the mirror, it gets the pleasure of looking back at you.”
- “You are giving me the most inappropriate ideas.”
- “Take my number and queue up already.” (This is useful when people try to flirt with you by praising you unnecessarily.)
- “Do you want to meet up for a walk or join my workout sessions?” (This is a perfect response for compliments on the loss of weight.)
- “You can belly dance at any size.” (This is an ideal response for compliments targeting your sexy figure)
- “By the way, I am wearing the smile you gave me.”
- “I am not good with girls. I don’t think I have the seduction gene.”
- “I wish I could say that I am unique, but I am not. I am an ordinary person, and my tastes are generally lousy — I like girls, beer, and cars, in no particular order.”
- “It’s so weird, but I think I’m addicted to you — it seems to give me such a high.”
- “I don’t know why, but being with you always makes me feel happy.”
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why are compliments important?
Expressing appreciation and gratitude is essential to keep up morale. Further, compliments bring joy and make people feel valued and good about themselves.
2. How do I gracefully accept a compliment at work?
When you receive compliments at work, remember to smile and have a positive body language. Be modest and humble, and acknowledge others who have contributed. Also, add a few lines on the task or project completed while expressing your delight and gratitude for the compliment.
3. Why is it important to acknowledge a compliment?
Acknowledging a compliment is a humbling experience for both the giver and the receiver. Properly acknowledging a compliment can make the opposite person feel welcomed and content. At the same time, it will boost the receiver’s self-esteem, create a congenial atmosphere, and pave the way for a good friendship between two people. Acknowledging and returning compliments creates a positive and supportive environment where people feel comfortable expressing appreciation and praise.
4. What are some tips for responding to compliments in a positive way?
Saying thank you, making eye contact, mentioning their name, maintaining open body language, and complimenting them back are some of the ways to accept compliments positively.
5. Is there a way to acknowledge the compliment while still deflecting attention away from myself?
You may accept the compliment gracefully by thanking the giver and then complimenting them in return. You may then shift the focus off of you by not indulging in the topic further and talking about something else.
6. Are there any misconceptions about workplace compliments?
A common myth about praising someone at work is that you don’t need to compliment them if they are paid for their services. Another myth is that people already know their strengths and don’t need reminders, which might make them arrogant. However, genuine compliments about an individual’s behaviors or traits help build trust and connection and motivate workers (3).
Knowing how to respond to a compliment helps you acknowledge the person for their gesture. Although there are no rules on the ways to respond to a compliment, most people are confused about giving the proper response. For example, you may say thank you for making eye contact and respond to them positively. You can also give a hug in response to a compliment. Be sincere and never downplay someone’s warm gestures in a way that can hurt them. You may also have a positive tone of voice and body language.
Infographic: Why Should You Learn To Accept Compliments?
Accepting a compliment without feeling awkward may be difficult for most of us. But it is essential to learn to humbly accept people’s appreciation not only for them but also for our self-esteem and happiness. So if you are one of the many who tend to downplay a compliment, here is why you should stop and learn to accept it. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Illustration: How To Respond To A Compliment: 101 Clever And Funny Ways

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Handling compliments may not be easy for everyone. Some people feel embarassed and do not know how to react to it. Let’s have a look at this video to understand how to respond to compliments without feeling awkward.
Personal Experience: Source
MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. How to respond to a compliment: A Helpful Guide;https://blessingsofbonnie.blogspot.com/2016/09/how-to-respond-to-compliment-helpful.html
ii. Productive Compliments: Giving, Receiving, Connecting;
- Compliments.
https://pragmatics.indiana.edu/speechacts/compliments.html - Denise C. Marigold et al., (2007); More Than Words: Reframing Compliments From Romantic Partners Fosters Security in Low Self-Esteem Individuals.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6524609_More_Than_Words_Reframing_Compliments_From_Romantic_Partners_Fosters_Security_in_Low_Self-Esteem_Individuals - 5 Myths About Giving Praise.

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