400+ 'How Well Do You Know Me' Questions To Ask Your Partner

It feels like a blessing when your partner knows and understands all your moods and mood swings. But sometimes, you need that extra reassurance to feel sure about it. In such cases, you may consider asking ‘how well do you know me questions,’ some of which may be quite a conundrum. You may also answer these interesting quiz questions about your partner.

Knowing your partner’s likes, dislikes, and personality traits brings you closer than you were before. You may use these questions on various occasions and circumstances, strengthening your bond further. Communication is essential for building trust and understanding. Open-ended questions and honest conversations encourage empathy and a stronger connection (1). Regularly learning new things about your partner is valuable, even in long-term relationships. Here are some fun ‘how well do you know me’ quiz questions to ask your boyfriend and girlfriend to know them better.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • These questions deepen the understanding of your relationship.
  • They cover the partners’ various personal or professional aspects, including childhood memories and plans for the future.
  • These evoke a genuine interest in your partner’s likes, dislikes, opinions, and feelings.
  • They encourage communication and strengthen your emotional bond.

‘How Well Do You Know Me’ Questions For Couples

‘How Well Do You Know Me’ questions for couples are a fun way to grow closer. They help you learn more about each other’s thoughts, feelings, and quirks while having a good time together. Listed below is a wide range of questions, from lighthearted to personal, suited for any mood or occasion. But before you proceed further, here’s an important tip from an expert.

Sydney-based relationship counselor Ronald Hoang advises, “Approach your questions with genuine curiosity. People can sense the intention behind your words, so frame your questions in a way that feels more like an invitation to share, rather than an interrogation. For instance, rather than asking, ‘Why did you choose that job?’ try, ‘What drew you to that field?’ This shifts the focus to understanding their experiences and passions, fostering a more open and relaxed conversation.”

Personal ‘How Well Do You Know Me’ Questions For Couples

These questions are perfect for couples to uncover unique details about each other’s lives, preferences, and memories. They add excitement to your relationship while fostering greater understanding and appreciation.

  1. What is my zodiac sign?
  2. What is my favorite color?
  3. Which foods do I hate to eat?
  4. What is the name of my high school best friend?
  5. What is my favorite vacation place?
  6. What is the color of my eyes? (say without looking into my eyes)
  7. What dress am I most comfortable in?
  8. What was the name of my high school?
  9. How many first cousins do I have?
  10. What is my favorite restaurant?
  11. What was the name of my first dog?
  12. What is my favorite TV show?
  13. Who is my favorite actor?
  14. Which flowers do I like?
  15. Who is my favorite superhero?
  16. Am I an extrovert or an introvert?
  17. Which season do I like the most?
  18. What is my comfort food?
  19. Which outfit looks best on me?
  20. What is the first thing I do as soon as I wake up?
  21. What is my brand of deodorant?
  22. What is the color of my toothbrush?
  23. What is the registration number of my car/bike?
  24. Which part of my face do you find attractive?
  25. What is my favorite sports team?
protip_icon Quick tip
Even if you’re surprised or shocked by their answer to any of the questions, don’t pick a fight or argue with them. If you are bothered by it after the game too, talk about it later in a polite way
  1. What is my favorite song?
  2. What is my favorite sleeping position?
  3. Which habit of mine annoys you the most?
  4. What did I want to be when I was a child?
  5. What is my favorite breakfast?
  6. What is my favorite dessert?
  7. How do I like my coffee?
  8. What is my favorite alcohol?
  9. What do I like the most, pizza or pasta?
  10. What is the best gift I gave you so far?
  11. What is the one word that describes me?
  12. Do I prefer hot or cold showers?
  13. What is a pet peeve that I have?
  14. How many birthmarks do I have?
  15. Do I sing in a shower?
  16. Do I snore in bed?
  17. What is the nicest thing that I have done for you?
  18. Who is my favorite writer?
  19. What is my favorite book?
  20. Do I like to read newspapers?
  21. What’s my favorite thing to do on the internet?
  22. Do I look like my mother or father?
  23. What is my natural hair color?
  24. What is my shoe size?
  25. Do I ask strangers for directions when I am lost?
  26. Do I have a sweet tooth?
  27. Am I a morning person or a night owl?
  28. Do I love watching the sunrise or sunset?
  29. How many aunts do I have?
  30. When I look at a woman, what is the first thing I notice?
  31. What is my favorite sport?
  32. What is the last book I read?
  33. How many credit cards do I have?
  34. In which banks do I have my accounts?
  35. Which is my favorite ice cream flavor — vanilla or chocolate?
How do I like my coffee?
Image: Created with Dall·E
  1. How tech-savvy am I?
  2. Am I organized or messy?
  3. What is my favorite dog breed?
  4. What are my allergies?
  5. From which college did I graduate?
  6. What do I want to do after retirement?
  7. How many languages can I speak?
  8. What is my dream car?
  9. Where were my grandparents living when I was a child?
  10. Who is my favorite author?
  11. What is my height?
  12. What is my weight?
  13. What was my first job?
  14. How many people have I dated before you?
  15. What is the worst trouble that I got into as a child?
  16. In which city/ place did I live as a child?
  17. What was my favorite subject at school?
  18. Who was my favorite teacher?
  19. What is my salary?
  20. Who do I like more? Mother or father?
  21. Can I dance?
  22. Can I change the tire of my car?
  23. How do I like my coffee — hot or cold?
  24. Do I prefer to eat out or at home?
  25. What are my favorite pizza toppings?
  26. What is my favorite meal of the day?
  27. What is my favorite outfit of yours?
  28. How did my last relationship end?
  29. What is my middle name?
  30. Do I like store-bought gifts or handmade ones?
  31. What is my sexual fantasy?
  32. Who is a better cook, you or me?
  33. Do I like to go on road trips?
Perfect date
Image: iStock
  1. Who eats more? Me or you?
  2. What position do I sleep in?
  3. What is my favorite cosmetics brand?
  4. Where was I born?
  5. What are my parents’ first names?
  6. Am I skilled with any musical instruments?
  7. Indoors or outdoors – what do I prefer?
  8. What type of touch do I appreciate?
  9. How do I celebrate achievements?
protip_icon Point to consider
Use the game to know each other well, and don’t let it slip into an interrogation session.
  1. Do I possess any unique habits?
  2. Do I possess any hidden talents?
  3. Planner or spontaneous – which one am I?
  4. Which exercise do I prefer the most?
  5. What social event appeals to me?
  6. Which is my favorite weather?
  7. What unique tradition do I often suggest we follow as a couple?
  8. Which designer bag do I own?
  9. What is my favorite scent or fragrance?
  10. What skill do I want to learn?
  11. What is the significant family tradition I follow?
  12. What movie style do I dislike?
  13. How do I spend my leisure time?
  14. What is a fashion trend I don’t get?
  15. Which is my favorite app and why?
  16. What’s my favorite video game type?
  17. How do I relax using technology?
  18. Which artwork resonates with me the most?
  19. What makes me smile?
  20. What health goal do I have?
  21. Describe a self-care practice I find beneficial.
  22. How do I pamper myself?
  23. What podcast or social media content do I enjoy?
  24. What’s a TV show or movie I can watch repeatedly?
  25. What is a career achievement I’m proud of?
  26. How do I like to celebrate birthdays?
  27. What’s my cherished holiday tradition?
  28. What’s a landmark or monument I’d like to see in person?
  29. Which was the first pet I ever had?
  30. What’s a memorable family vacation from my childhood?
  31. Urban or rural – what lifestyle do I prefer?
  32. Modern or vintage – which aesthetics attract me?
  33. How do I deal with jet lag?
  34. What is my favorite time of the day?
  35. What is my favorite kitchen gadget?
  36. How do I adapt to new situations?
  37. What or who do I consider my spirit animal?
  38. Which exotic animal would I want to make my pet?
  39. How do I use tech to connect with others?
  40. How do I balance work and life?
  41. What milestone do I never miss to celebrate?
  42. How do I stay organized?
  43. Which daily routine matters to me the most?
  44. How do I make new friends?
  45. Which is my favorite room at home?
  46. Which is a place I’d love to volunteer at?
  47. What is my future retirement destination?
  48. What’s my favorite movie night snack?
  49. What is a weird food combination I enjoy?
  50. How do I unwind after a long day?
Public display of affection
Image: iStock
  1. What’s a childhood habit that I still have as an adult?
  2. Which technology I can’t live without?
  3. What’s a tech skill I’m proud of?
  4. What quote do I often use?
  5. How would my personalized emoji look?
  6. What’s my dream house like?
  7. What is the exotic food I wish to try?
  8. If I could possess any animal’s ability, which one and for what reason?
  9. Is there an unusual superstition or ritual I secretly hold belief in?
  10. If I could enroll in a fictional school or academy, which one would I pick, and what field would I specialize in?
  11. If I could immediately master a skill, what would I choose?
  12. If my life were a book, what title would I choose, and which genre would it fall under?
  13. What’s a phrase I overuse without realizing it?
  14. If I had to choose a vehicle from a movie or TV show, which would I pick?
  15. What’s a past fashion trend I secretly hope would make a comeback?
  16. If I opened my restaurant, what cuisine would I want to serve?
  17. What creative DIY project have I wanted to try but haven’t started yet?

Emotional ‘How Well Do You Know Me’ Questions For Couples

Emotional questions are crafted to uncover your partner’s deeper feelings, personal values, and inner thoughts. They help strengthen your emotional bond by encouraging heartfelt discussions and fostering empathy.

  1. What is the best thing about me?
  2. What is the biggest relationship deal breaker for me?
  3. What is one thing I adore in you?
  4. Am I a dog person or a cat person?
  5. Which habit of yours irritates me?
  6. What is my weakness?
  7. What is my strength?
  8. What are the three things I like about you?
  9. What is my worst nightmare?
  10. What are the three things you like about me?
  11. What are the three things you least like about me?
  12. How do you know when I am angry?
  13. How do I handle my anger?
  14. When do I get jealous?
  15. How do you know I am upset?
  16. What are the things I do not share with others?
  17. How do I show if I love someone?
  18. How can you tell when I am having a bad day?
  19. Where do I prefer to go if I’m sad or angry?
  20. What is my idea of a perfect date?
  21. What is the most ridiculous rule that I follow?
  22. What was the worst fight we had till now?
  23. Do I like public displays of affection?
How well do you know me questions
Image: iStock
  1. Do I curse a lot?
  2. What is the worst date I have been on?
  3. Which unconscious gesture reveals that I feel uncomfortable with the situation or conversation?
  4. Do I finish my work ahead of time or procrastinate?
  5. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me?
  6. When was the last time I was admitted to a hospital?
  7. Do I have any fears?
  8. How do I feel most loved?
  9. How do I cope with stress?
  10. How do I like showing affection?
  11. How do I approach decision-making?
  12. What’s a cherished memory from my childhood?
  13. Which movie made me cry at the theater?
  14. How do I like receiving feedback?
  15. How do we communicate during conflicts?
  16. What makes me feel loved and valued?
  17. How do I react when excited?
  18. What kind of gift would touch my heart?
  19. What is my concept of love?
  20. Describe my ideal Valentine’s Day.
  21. What travel mementos do I prefer?
  22. How do I like to receive apologies?
  23. What’s my preferred way to communicate when we’re apart?
  24. What was my first impression of you?
  25. Which smell triggers memories for me?
  26. What do I do to stay connected despite my hectic schedule?
  27. How do I handle regrets?
  28. How do I approach meeting new people?
  29. How do I like to relax?
  30. If I could witness a historic event, which one would it be?
  31. What’s the most amusing miscommunication I have had with someone? Who was that someone?

Fun ‘How Well Do You Know Me’ Questions For Couples

Here’s a playful way for couples to learn quirky and light-hearted details about each other. They add joy and lightness to the relationship while enhancing mutual understanding.

  1. Beach vacation or skiing in the snow, which one would I pick?
  2. Which insect terrifies me the most?
  3. What is that one thing about me that only you know?
  4. What is my favorite weekend pastime activity?
  5. When we are together, what is one thing I love to do?
  6. Describe my work in two sentences.
  7. Who is a picky eater among the two of us?
  8. If I was stranded on an island, what are the three things I would miss the most?
  9. If I could get a tattoo, what/where would it be?
  10. What was my nickname in high school?
  11. Would I rather live in a big city or a farm?
  12. Do I prefer to go out on a Saturday night or stay at home?
  13. What do I find hilarious but most people don’t find funny?
  14. What’s my favorite thing to shop for?
  15. How long have we been in a relationship?
  16. Which animal do I remind you of?
  17. If I ask you to give me a nickname, what would it be?
  18. What was one occasion you knew I lied to you?
  19. Do I like seashores or mountains?
  20. Do I keep a journal or a diary?
  21. What are the three things you will find in my handbag?
  22. Do I have your picture in my wallet?
  23. Do I watch cartoons?
  24. Name two things on my bucket list?
  25. Have I ever shoplifted?
  26. What is one household chore that I hate to do?
  27. What was the first movie you watched with me?
  28. Which genre of movies do I prefer — horror or comedy?
  29. What do I like to do on a rainy day?
  30. Would I go for my high school reunion?
  31. Where would I go if I could get on a plane to anywhere in the world?
  32. Do I like you with a beard or clean-shaven?
  33. If we had to pick a couple to go on double dates with, who would I choose?
  34. If I could travel back in time, what would I change?
  35. What do I love to do, but never admit in public?
  36. What was the first meal I cooked for you?
  37. When do I get into the fight mode and when into the flight mode?
  38. Do I take a long time to get ready?
  39. If I could eat one food for the rest of my life, what would it be?
  40. What are my favorite baby names?
  41. What wouldn’t I be willing to do for a million dollars?
  42. If I won the lottery, what would I buy first?
  43. What cuisine do I enjoy the most?
  44. What music genre resonates with me?
  45. Am I fond of surprises?
  46. What are my three favorite movies?
  47. What’s my typical Starbucks order?
  48. Board games or card games – what’s my choice?
  49. What outdoor activity do I enjoy?
  50. Texting or calling – what do I prefer?
  51. Which art form captivates me?
  52. What have I recently checked off my bucket list?
  53. What is a hobby I’d like to try?
  54. What is my most cherished moment with friends?
  55. Which is a breathtaking place I’ve been to?
  56. What is the one adventure activity I’m curious about?
  57. Solo travel or group travel – which appeals to me?
  58. What’s my preferred travel mode?
  59. Which technology trend excites me?
  60. Which online content captivates me?
  61. If I could have a superpower, what would it be?
  62. If I could be an animal, which one?
  63. What is my go-to dance move?
  64. What fictional character do I relate to?
  65. If I had a job for a day, what would it be?
  66. What is my specialty when it comes to cooking?
  67. What is my favorite activity on the beach?
  68. What is my go-to cocktail?
  69. What’s a movie that never fails to make me laugh?
  70. What is my most recent purchase I keep bragging about?
  71. If I could time travel, where and when would I go?
  72. What’s my preferred social media platform?
  73. What childhood game did I enjoy?
  74. What’s a memorable night out with friends that I cherish?
  75. Who would it be if I could have dinner with any historical figure?
  76. If I could showcase a talent, what would it be?
  77. What’s a random fact about me that surprises most people?
  78. If I could become an expert, what topic?
  79. If I could revive a childhood show, which one would it be?
  80. What would be my version of our meet-cute if we were characters in a romantic comedy?
  81. If I could have any historical figure’s wardrobe, what would it be and why?
  82. If I could invent a gadget, what would be its purpose?
  83. If I could have futuristic tech, what would it be?
  84. What’s a funny childhood story that my family often brings up?
  85. What is the joke I keep repeating?
  86. If I could swap roles with any movie villain, who would I choose, and how would I change their story?
  87. If I could create a brand-new holiday, what would it celebrate?
  88. What catchphrase would define me if I were in a sitcom?
  89. If I were to create a band, what name would it go by?
  90. What unique skill would I possess if I were a video game character?
  91. What’s my hilarious go-to trick at parties that never fails to amuse?
  92. If I hosted a themed party, what theme would I choose?
  93. Which one would I opt for when spending a day with a mythological creature?
  94. If I were a participant in a game show, which one would it be and why?
  95. Is there a joke or pun that consistently brings me laughter, regardless of how often I’ve heard it?
  96. In a talent show scenario, what act would I present?
  97. What unique item would I collect if I had a secret collection?
  98. If I were a flavor of ice cream, what unconventional name would I have, and what ingredients would make me?
  99. What would its title and topic be if I were to host a podcast?
  100. In a fairy tale, what role would I play as a character?
  101. What’s a song lyric that I always hilariously sing incorrectly?
  102. What’s a cringy, funny childhood photo of mine that always makes me laugh?
  103. What creative invention have I dreamed up that would make life more entertaining?
  104. If I could win an unusual world record, what record would I aim for?
  105. What’s a funny prediction I’ve made that turned out to be true?
  106. If I were to have a personal robot assistant, what tasks would I want it to handle?
  107. What’s a fictional sport or game I’d love to see become a reality?

Deep ‘How Well Do You Know Me’ Questions For Couples

Discuss your core beliefs, past experiences, and feelings. These questions help you connect on a deeper level by fostering honest and meaningful conversations.

  1. What is my long-term aim in life?
  2. Name three important people in my life.
  3. How much do I love you?
  4. What is my dream destination?
  5. How much have I changed from the day we got married?
  6. What is that one thing that can make me weak in the knees?
  7. When did I begin to fall in love with you?
  8. When did you begin to fall in love with me?
  9. What was the moment when you decided I was the one?
  10. Between the two of us, who is better with money?
  11. What is the one thing you would change about me?
  12. Name some of my insecurities?
  13. Of all the people near to me, whom do I respect the most?
  14. What is one of my biggest regrets in life?
  15. What is that one event that has changed the course of my life?
  16. What do I have a hard time with but most people find quite easy?
  17. Am I a rebel or a rules person?
  18. Do you think I have ever lied to you?
  19. How many kids do I wish to have?
  20. Am I happy with our relationship?
  21. Do you consider me romantic?
  22. Where do I feel the safest?
  23. Do I like my life to be simple or luxurious?
  24. Would I rather have a lot of money and not talk to my family or be poor but be close to my family?
  25. What is the one thing that I want to accomplish before I die?
  26. What makes me different from you?
  27. Do I think men and women can just be friends?
  28. What is something I don’t like about my childhood?
  29. How close am I with my siblings?
  30. How do I feel about your parents?
  31. What do I think is the greatest weakness in our marriage?
  32. Something that I always wanted when I was a child but never had?
  33. Do I argue too much?
  34. What do I wish we could do more?
  35. Do I believe in saving or spending?
  36. Tell me about my hometown.
  37. What job have I always dreamt of?
  38. How do I generally show gratitude to others?
  39. What’s my stance on commitment?
  40. Am I a leader or follower by nature?
  41. What is the biggest challenge I overcame?
  42. What do I admire about my parents?
  43. What challenge am I currently facing?
  44. What is my philosophy about life?
  45. What is the name of the song whose lyrics I find most meaningful?
  46. Do I believe in soulmates?
  47. Which skill do I want to enhance?
  48. What do I like about my job?
  49. What is the job I’ve considered switching to?
  50. Share a motto or guiding principle of mine.
  51. What’s my solid personal value?
  52. Who was my childhood inspiration?
  53. What’s a lesson my parents taught me that I value?
  54. What’s a guilty pleasure of mine?
  55. How has travel changed me?
  56. What would my dream house be like?
  57. What kind of book have I always wanted to write?
  58. What topic do I love discussing?
  59. What is my comforting mantra?
  60. What’s a recent change in my perspective?
  61. How would I describe myself?
  62. What’s a childhood ambition of mine?
  63. What’s a belief I hold about destiny and fate?
  64. What is a social or political cause I’m passionate about?
  65. How do I give back to the community?
  66. What’s a belief I hold about integrity?
  67. What’s my idea to stay curious and keep learning?
  68. What’s a wild dream I’ve had that I’d love to come true?
  69. What’s a daring dream I have that’s far from my comfort zone?
  70. If I could advise my younger self, what would it be?
  71. If I had to pick a single word to represent my entire life, what word would that be?
  72. How does my past affect our relationship, and how can we address it together?
  73. What is one thing about myself that I haven’t shared much about?
  74. What is a personal struggle I rarely talk about, and how can I deal with it?

These questions will help your partner to open up. Choose the right time to get the desired outcome.

Tips To Handle Surprises Or Disagreements That Arise From The Answers

Relationship coach Jola Jovani opines, “If you approach a conversation with genuine curiosity and openness, people are less likely to feel defensive. Try to avoid showing a strong reaction to their response, even if it doesn’t completely align with you. In doing so, you show them that you won’t be quick to judge and that there is space for them to feel understood.”

Here are some tips for handling surprises or disagreements from ‘How Well Do You Know Me’ questions with your partner.

  • Stay calm: If something surprises you, take a moment to breathe and stay quiet. It’s okay to learn new things about each other.
  • Listen carefully: Listen to your partner’s response instead of getting upset. They may see things differently, which is perfectly fine.
  • Share your feelings: If you’re surprised or hurt, gently express how you feel without blaming your partner.
  • Don’t take it personally: Just because your partner’s answer is different from what you expected doesn’t mean they care less about you.
  • Take a pause: If things get too tense, take a short break and return to the conversation when you both are calm.
  • Ask for clarification: If you don’t fully understand their answer, ask your partner to explain. This can clear up any confusion.
  • Use humor: Light humor can help ease tension and relax the conversation.
  • End positively: Regardless of the discussion, thank your partner for sharing and learning more about each other.

‘How Well Do You Know Me’ Questions And Relationship Dynamics

Here’s how to adjust ‘How Well Do You Know Me’ questions based on relationship dynamics.

  1. Cultural awareness: Understand that different cultures have different values, communication styles, and family roles. Ask questions that show interest in each other’s cultural background, like about traditions or celebrations.
  2. Relationship stage: Early on, keep questions light and fun. As your relationship grows, you can ask deeper questions about emotions, values, and plans, adjusting the depth based on where you are in the relationship.
  3. Communication style: Match the questions to how you both talk. If you’re comfortable being direct, ask more detailed questions. If your partner is more sensitive, ask questions gently that don’t feel too invasive.
  4. Comfort level: Start with easy, lighthearted questions. As you become more comfortable with each other, gradually move to more serious and meaningful topics.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you play “Who knows me better”?

“Who knows me better” is a two-player game that allows you to test how well you know your companion. First, one player can ask questions while the other must guess and write down the answers. They get the point if the response is correct; otherwise, no. Repeat the same with the other players and vice versa. A whiteboard or a blank notebook is required for each player.

2. What are some juicy questions to ask your friends?

Be it at a sleepover or casual friends’ outing, ask some juicy ‘who knows me better questions’ to friends to dig out secrets, solve an old mystery, or to simply make an interesting conversation. Some interesting questions to ask friends include – What was the last thing you Googled? Would you ever steal from a luxury store? Would you date someone older if they offered you $100 million?

3. What are ice-breaker questions?

Ice-breaker questions are used as conversation starters or prompts, especially in group settings or when meeting new people. They are intended to ease the initial discomfort or tension and foster a more laid-back and welcoming environment. Ice-breakers frequently involve humorous, uncontroversial, and simple inquiries that encourage sharing personal information and establishing common ground.

4. What are couple-related questions?

Conversation starters geared toward couples or individuals in a love connection are called couple-related questions. These inquiries are meant to strengthen their bond and understanding and prod them to discuss various facets of their union. Couples can explore their relationship dynamics, goals, and shared experiences using these questions as springboards for deep conversations.

5. How do I prepare a tricky question?

Preparing a tricky question requires careful planning and creativity, frequently involving unconventional twists. Employ wordplay, riddles, or puzzles to create a query with hidden clues. Do not ask questions to mislead, humiliate, or degrade the respondent. The objective should be to positively and constructively engage and challenge their thinking using interesting yet thought-provoking questions.

6. When to use ‘How Well Do You Know Me’ questions?

Consider the closeness of your relationship and your partner’s mood to navigate the best time for asking questions. Treat the session as a fun activity rather than a serious interrogation to keep the conversation enjoyable and positive. You can ask these questions during relaxed and fun moments like date nights, road trips, or cozy evenings. Avoid bringing them up during stressful moments or arguments, as it can cause discomfort.

7. What are some benefits of asking ‘How Well Do You Know Me’ questions?’

Asking intriguing questions to your partner can open up new layers of your relationship, leading to deep and meaningful conversations. Furthermore, these questions can help strengthen your emotional bond and reveal each other’s preferences and values.

The list of How well you know me questions is a great icebreaker and an incredible way to learn more about anyone, be it a stranger or a date. These fun trivia and essential questions are exciting and will keep the listener engaged in the conversation till the very end. So use any of these questions, get to know the people around you better, and share your thoughts and feelings so that it doesn’t become an investigation session or a boring quiz show.

Infographic: Questions To Avoid Asking Your Partner

You want to grow closer to your partner, and hence you may ask several questions to get to know them better. However, while asking questions is a healthy part of a relationship, you may consider avoiding specific questions that could leave your partner in an uncomfortable situation. Are you aware of the questions to avoid asking your partner in a relationship?

In this infographic, you may explore the questions that are best not asked in a relationship.

what you must not ask your partner (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Elevate your relationship with this enjoyable couples quiz! Explore the depths of your knowledge about each other and uncover if you’re the perfect match!


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  1. Cultivating Trust: 8 Essential Components for Relationship Success
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Mary C. Ray
Mary C. Ray has 33 years of clinical experience in dealing with people and healing their traumas. She supports couples and individuals in opening up to their problems and supports their transformation from conflicts to growth.

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  • Jola Jovani
    Jola JovaniBA Jola Jovani is a personal and relationship coach with expertise in conflict resolution, healthy communication, trust building, and boundary setting. She holds a Coaching Certification from The Transformation Academy, in addition to a degree in Economics and Management Science from Toronto Metropolitan University. Jola has built her practice working with clients from all corners of the world.
    Jola Jovani is a personal and relationship coach with expertise in conflict resolution, healthy communication, trust building, and boundary setting. She holds a Coaching Certification from The Transformation Academy, in addition to a degree in Economics and Management Science from Toronto Metropolitan University. Jola has built her practice working with clients from all corners of the world.
  • Ronald Hoang
    Ronald HoangDiploma in Counselling, Relationship & Family Counselor Ronald Hoang has over a decade of experience in clinical counseling. The Sydney-based psychotherapist holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from Macquarie University and a postgraduate degree in counseling from the Australian College of Applied Professions.
    Ronald Hoang has over a decade of experience in clinical counseling. The Sydney-based psychotherapist holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from Macquarie University and a postgraduate degree in counseling from the Australian College of Applied Professions.
sanjana lagudu
sanjana laguduBPharm, MBA
Sanjana did her graduation in Pharmacy from Andhra University and post graduation in management from GITAM Institute of Management. It was during her first job, she recognized her skills in writing and began working as a freelance writer.

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Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

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Shinta is a biotechnologist who is highly intrigued by science and technology. She holds a master's degree in Biotechnology from Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences and a PG Diploma in cellular and molecular diagnostics from Manipal University.

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