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India is diverse and houses people of different communities, beliefs, and religions harmoniously under the same roof. In light of this scenario, we have compiled a list of Indian Christian surnames for you to choose from. Several Christian communities have found a home in India. Namely, Lutherans, Catholics, Protestants, and Syrians. Christianity was introduced in India by St. Thomas, one of Christ’s disciples, who visited the coasts of Malabar. However, according to another tradition, Bartholomew the apostle introduced Christianity along the Konkan coast of the southern region. Most Indian Christian last names usually have Spanish, Latin, or Portuguese origins, while some have Western roots. These connections show the influence of European colonization on Indian culture and languages, enriching the historical contexts of Christian surnames. Read on for the list of such last names, along with their origin and meanings.
Key Pointers
- Indian Christian last names commonly have Spanish, Latin, Portuguese, and English roots.
- These surnames usually have Biblical origins and denote nobility, natural elements, and the grace of God.
- Some popular Indian Christian surnames are Gomez, Lopez, Martin, Varghese, and Xavier.
Popular Indian Christian Surnames Or Last Names
According to a Pew Research Center report, Christians in India are split among several communities, with 37% identifying as Catholic, 13% as Baptists, and 7% each identifying with the Church of North India and the Church of South India, respectively (1). Each community has its own cultures, languages, and customs, reflected in how they use their surnames. The following are some Indian Christian surnames with notable cultural and religious associations.
1. Agostinho
It originated from the Portuguese surname Augustine, derived from the Latin word augere, meaning ‘to increase.’ Saint Augustine of Hippo was a significant early Christian theologian who spread evangelism across continents (2).
2. Alberto
This Christian surname originated from the Spanish given name, Alberto is equivalent to the English Albert. It is derived from the Germanic Adalbert, containing the element Adal, meaning ‘noble’ and beraht, meaning ‘bright.’
3. Alfonso
It is derived from the given name Alphonso, which is of Old Germanic origin. Alfonso means ‘noble and ready.’
4. Alvares
This is a Portuguese and Galician surname that refers to the ‘son of Alvaro.’ It is related to Visigothic elements, alls, meaning ‘all’ and wars or wards, meaning ‘aware’ or ‘guard.’
5. Alves
It is a prevalent name in Portugal and derived from the first name, Alvaro. It holds the Visigothic meaning ‘all aware’ or ‘all guard.’
6. Amaral
Amaral is a toponymic surname of Portuguese origin, referring to a plantation of a variety of grapes known as Amaras.
7. Amorin
This Goan Christian surname is derived from a Portuguese surname. It is a toponymic surname from any of the several places and locations named Amorin or Amorim in Portugal.
8. Andrade
It is a Portuguese and Spanish surname, which emerged in the 12th century as the family name of the knights and lords from a small parish named San Martino de Andrade. It has Galician roots and is used by Christians in the Karnataka region of India.
9. Antunes
This patronymic surname of Portuguese origin refers to ‘son of Anthony.’ It is derived from the root name Antonius, which comes from Greek and connotes ‘praiseworthy.’
10. Arkanj
It is the Goan variant of the English word Archangel, which comes from Greek and means ‘chief angel.’
11. Batista

It is an Italian surname meaning ‘baptist.’ This refers to the one who administers baptism, and it is used in honor of John the Baptist (3).
12. Borges
This Spanish and Portuguese surname refers to Burgess, which means ‘of the town’ or ‘bourgeois’ in English. It was also a habitational name from Borges in Catalonia and Bourges in France.
13. Branco
It has its roots in the Portuguese language and means ‘white.’ This was used as a nickname for a man with fair hair or a pale complexion.
14. Cabral
This Indian Christian surname means ‘place of goats.’ It has Portuguese origin and originates from the word Cabra, which means ‘goat.’
15. Camara
It means ‘chamber’ and is a common surname in Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries. Camara is an occupational surname referring to ‘those who had access to private chambers of a king or noble.’
16. Campos
The Indian Christian surname, common in Goa, is of Spanish and Portuguese origin. It refers to ‘fields.’
17. Carneiro
This surname means ‘ram,’ and is a common Portuguese and Galician occupational surname for a shepherd. It is also a toponymic surname from any of the various places called Carneiro in Portugal.
18. Carvalho
Carvalho is a surname found commonly among Christians and Catholics in Western India, particularly Goa. The name has Portuguese origins and means ‘oak,’ referring to a person who lives near an oak tree.
19. Chavara
Chavara is a variation of Chavarria, a name derived from Spanish Echeverría. This name is derived from Etxeberria, a Basque name for a place, where Etxe means ‘house’ and berria means ‘new.’ Chavara is also a village name in the Kollam district of Kerala.
20. Cherian
Cherian is a form of the Hebrew name Zechariah, which is used as a surname by Malayalam-speaking Saint Thomas Christians. It means ‘God remembers.’ A famous personality with this surname was Accamma Cherian, an Indian independence activist called the Jhansi Rani of Travancore (4).
21. Coelho
This is a Portuguese surname meaning ‘rabbit.’ It is derived from the Latin element cuniculus and was initially a nickname for someone who resembled a rabbit but later became an occupational name for a rabbit hunter or seller. In India, the surname is used by Konkani Catholics.
22. Correia
It is a Portuguese and Galician name for ‘leather strap,’ and is a surname formerly spelled as Correa. It was an occupational surname for those who worked with leather.
23. Daaveed
This Indian Christian surname is from the common given name, David of Biblical origin. It refers to a figure of central importance in the Bible and means ‘beloved’ in Hebrew.
24. D’Costa
This surname is a form of Da Costa and a variant of Costa. It means ‘slope’ or ‘riverbank’ in Portuguese, Italian, and Catalan.
25. D’Cruz
It is a variant of Cruz, a Spanish and Portuguese cognate of Cross. The name Cross is derived from the Latin Crux and denotes ‘one who lived near a cross symbol.’
26. D’Cunha

It is a variant of Cunha, which is a toponymic name from any of the several locations with this name. Cunha comes from Portuguese and means ‘wedge.’ The word means ‘hill’ in Galician.
27. D’Kabral
A form of Cabral, this is a common Indian Christian surname among Marathis. It has its origin in Portuguese and means ‘goat.’
28. D’Mello
It is a variant form of Mello and is derived from the Portuguese Melo, meaning ‘blackbird.’ It is likely a toponymic surname referring to someone who belonged to a place called Melle.
29. D’Sa
This surname is a form of De Sa and a variant spelling of Saa. It is a toponymic Sephardic Jewish name referring to someone from several places named Saa, in northern Portugal and Galicia.
30. D’Silva
It is a variant of Silva, which means ‘forest’ in Spanish and Portuguese. Besides India, the surname is also used in Portugal and Brazil.
31. D’Souza
The form of De Souza refers to ‘of Sousa’ in Portuguese. It refers to the river Sousa that flows in northern Portugal. The surname also originates from Latin Saxa, meaning ‘stone’ or ‘rock,’ or Salsus, meaning ‘salty.’ This surname’s variant, De Souza, is famously associated with Wilfred Anthony De Souza, three-time Chief Minister of Goa (5).
32. Fernandez
It means ‘son of Fernando’ in Spanish. The Portuguese variant of this name is Fernandes. The name Fernando comes from the German name Ferdinand, which means ‘brave traveler.’
33. Ferreira
Ferreira is a common surname among Goan Catholics and is of Portuguese origin. It comes from a word meaning ‘iron,’ making it a toponymic surname for someone who resided near a forge or iron ore mine. A famous Indian bearer of this name is Michael Ferreira, a three-time World Amateur Billiards Championship winner.
34. Figueira
This Portuguese surname has a toponymic origin and refers to someone who lived near a fig tree. It is eventually derived from the Latin Ficaria, meaning ‘fig tree.’
35. Geevarghese
This last name comes from the given name, Geevarghese, which is commonly used by Malayalam-speaking Syrian Christians in Kerala. It is a Malayalam form of George, which means ‘farmer’ in Greek. Geevarghese Mar Gregorios was the first Indian to be named a Saint (6).
36. Gomez
This Christian surname originated from the given name Gomes, a common Portuguese surname. It is derived from the Visigothic element guma, meaning ‘man.’
37. Gonsalves
This last name is a variant of Goncalves and is common in Western India. It is of Portuguese origin and means ‘son of Goncalo.’ Anthony Gonsalves was a famous namesake, a prolific Indian music composer in the 1970s.
38. Henriques
This common Indian Christian surname is of Portuguese origin, meaning ‘son of Henrique,’ referring to the name Henry, meaning ‘home ruler.’ It is equivalent to the Spanish Enrique and Italian D’Enrico.
39. Kolan
Also spelled as Colon, this common Christian surname is a Spanish form of Colombo. It refers to a ‘dove-keeper’ and is of Italian origin. Besides Indian Christians, the surname is also used by Sri Lankans.
40. Kurien/Kurian/Kuriakose
Kurien/Kurian/Kuriakose is a surname and personal name derived from the Latin Cyriacus, meaning ‘of the lord.’ It is used primarily by Saint Thomas Christians and Syro-Malabar Catholics in India. Dr. Verghese Kurien, the father of the White Revolution in India, was a famous bearer of his surname (7).
41. L’Costa
It is a form of La Costa, and common among Indian Christians. Costa means ‘slope’ or ‘riverbank’ in Portuguese, Italian, and Catalan.
42. Lopez
It means ‘son of Lope,’ and is of Portuguese and Spanish origin. The name Lope comes from the Latin word lupus, meaning ‘wolf.’
43. L’Silva

It is a form of La Silva and a variant of Silva. The name Silva means ‘forest’ in Spanish and Portuguese.
44. Mariam/Mariamma
Christian girl names are beautiful and have several variations, even as surnames. Mariam, an Indian Christian name, is the Aramaic form of Mary, referring to the mother of Jesus (8). Another variant is Miriam, derived from Moses’s namesake prophetess and sister (9). Mariam/Mariamma is also used as a surname, especially by Syrian Christians.
45. Martin
This surname is derived from the Latin name Martinus, meaning ‘war-like’ or ‘warrior.’ The variant Martins is also used as a surname by some Indian Christians.
46. Mathaai
It is from the English given name, Matthew. In the Bible, Matthew is one of the original disciples of Jesus Christ and means ‘gift of Jehovah.’ It is a common belief that Matthew wrote the first book of the New Testament, called the Gospel of Matthew (10).
47. Medeiros
This Goan Catholic surname is derived from the Portuguese word Medeiro, referring to ‘a place where shocks of maize are gathered.’ It essentially refers to a ‘haystack,’ derived from the Latin word meta, meaning ‘pyramid.’
48. Mendonca
It is a Portuguese and Galician surname, derived from the surname Mendoza, meaning ‘cold mountain.’ The name ultimately has a Basque origin.
49. Menezes
Also spelled Meneses, this is a Portuguese toponymic surname referring to someone who lived in a region named Montes Torozos in Tierra de Campos, Spain. A famous bearer of the surname was Luis de Menezes Braganca, “the Tilak of Goa,” a Portuguese anti-colonial activist who actively opposed the colonization of Goa (11).
50. Mikaayel
If you are looking for stylish Christian boy names, then here is one more. Mikaayel is a form of the English name, Michael, from the Bible. It means ‘who is like God?’ in Hebrew.
51. Morais
Morais is a variant of Moraes, and is a Portuguese name referring to ‘mulberry trees.’ It is an occupational name for a person who farmed these fruits in ancient times.
52. Nascimento
This popular Catholic surname and first name is derived from a Portuguese word, which means ‘birth.’ Many Christians prefer giving it as a first name for babies born on December 25th, the day of Christ’s birth.
53. Nazareth
The surname comes from the town of Nazareth, where Jesus spent his childhood. It is a center of Christian pilgrimage (12). The name means ‘to watch’ or ‘to guard’ in Hebrew.
54. Noronha
The last name is common in the former Portuguese colony of Goa and parts of western India colonized by the Portuguese. It is a habitational surname for someone who is from Norena town in Asturias, Spain.
55. Oliveira

It is a variant of De Oliveira, meaning ‘of the olive tree.’ This Portuguese surname is common among Goan Christians.
56. Ouseph/Ousepachan
This surname’s English form is Joseph, which is a given name derived from the Hebrew Yosef, meaning ‘God will add.’ Joseph is also used as a surname by Indian Christians, Kendriya Sahitya Akademi Award-winning Malayalam author Sarah Joseph being one of them.
57. Pathappan
It is a common surname among Malayali Christians. It is derived from the given name Pathappan, which was used by Saint Thomas Christians. This surname is a form of Peter, meaning ‘stone’ in Greek.
58. Pathrose
It is a variant of the given name Peter. It was the name given to the apostle Simon by Jesus Christ and means ‘stone’ in Greek and Aramaic languages. Pathrose is a surname used by Syrian Christians in Kerala.
59. Paulose
It is derived from the given name Paul, which is common in ethnicities with a Christian heritage. This is a Roman family name, taken from the Latin adjective meaning ‘humble’ or ‘small.’
60. Peeri
Peeri is a Christian surname derived from the given name Peeri, used by Malayalam-speaking Saint Thomas Christians. It is also a derivative of the Biblical name Peter, meaning ‘stone.’
61. Pereira
It is a toponymic Portuguese surname referring to someone from a place called Pereira in Portugal. It means ‘pear tree’ in Portuguese. A famous bearer of the surname was Ronald Lynsdale Pereira, the ninth Chief of Naval Staff of the Indian Navy (13).
62. Pinto
Pinto is a common surname in western India, where Portuguese colonists brought it. It means ‘colorful’ or ‘painted’ in the Spanish and Portuguese languages. In Indian history, the name is associated with the Pinto Revolt of 1787, a rebellion against Portuguese rule in Portuguese Goa (14).
63. Quadros
It is derived from the Portuguese surname Cuadros, a Spanish toponymic name for someone who lived in Cuadros, a town in Leon province of Spain. This Indian Christian surname is used prominently by Goan Catholics.
64. Rebelo
Also spelled as Rebello, it is a Portuguese surname in western India. It signifies ‘one from the house of Rebelo.’ Luso-Indians, the descendants of Portuguese settlers in India, use this last name.
65. Rodrigues
Rodrigues is a patronymic name meaning ‘son of Rodrigo’ and is of Portuguese origin. Rodrigo is a form of Roderick, meaning ‘famous ruler’ or ‘famous power.’ The surname was associated with General Sunith Francis Rodrigues, Chief of Staff in the Indian Army and former Governor of Punjab.
66. Scariachan
The English form is Saccariah, a variant of Zechariah, a name meaning ‘God remembers.’ It has its origin in Persian and Hebrew languages. Its variant, Scaria, is also used as an Indian Christian last name.
67. Sequeira
It is a toponymic surname derived from any of the several places named Sequeira in Portugal. The name means ‘arid land’ in Late Latin.
68. Torres
It is also spelled Torrez and means ‘towers’ in Spanish and Portuguese. It is a toponymic surname referring to someone from any of the several towns named Torres in Portugal.
69. Thoma/Thommi/Thomachan
This surname is a version of Thomas, which means ‘twin’ in Aramaic. It is common among the Saint Thomas Christian families in Kerala. The name is also associated with the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church, also called the Mar Thoma Church, in the Malabar region of Kerala (15).
70. Varghese
It is derived from the given name Varghese and a diminutive form of Geevarghese, a Malayalam form of George. The name means ‘farmer’ or ‘earth worker’ in Greek.
71. Varughese
This surname is taken from the given name Varughese that is mostly used by Malayali Saint Thomas Christians. Varughese is also a form of the Biblical name George, meaning ‘farmer’ or ‘earthworker.’
72. Xavier

It comes from Basque and means ‘the new house.’ Xavier was the surname of the Jesuit priest and missionary Saint Francis Xavier (16).
73. Yesu
This surname is taken from Yeshu Masih, the Hindi and Urdu name for Jesus Christ. It is a common Christian first name and surname in many parts of India.
74. Yohanan
It is derived from a given name common among Malayali Saint Thomas Christians and Cochin Jews. Yohanan is ultimately derived from the Hebrew name John, which means ‘God is gracious.’
75. Yudaas
Yudaas originated from the English name Judas, and the Hebrew name Judah. It means ‘God is praised’ and is common even among Jews.
76. Zacharia
Zacharia is an Indian Christian last name used by Malayalam speakers. It is a variant of the Biblical name Zechariah and means ‘God remembers.’ Zacharias is another version of this surname that is also used in India.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. How did Indian Christian surnames evolve and develop over time?
Since the introduction of Christianity in India, many factors have played roles in the evolution and development of Indian Christian surnames, including the European colonizers, intermarriage with these colonizers, and the adoption of Indian children through missionary work. Also, many families accepted Christianity over time without changing their surnames. Therefore, almost every Indian surname has families and individuals who are Christians.
2. How do Indian Christian surnames reflect the cultural and religious identity of the community?
Many Indian Christian surnames represent the community’s cultural and religious identity because, despite being Christians, families continue to use their family and community surnames. Many Indian Christian families, however, take surnames derived from Biblical characters or a mix of Indian and European names after accepting Christianity.
3. How do Indian Christian surnames differ from other Christian surnames around the world?
Indian Christian surnames differ from other Christian surnames worldwide as they frequently continue to represent the Indian community’s cultural and religious identity even after embracing Christianity. Moreover, some surnames are a mix of various regions, depicting the history of Christian influence over time.
4. How do Indian Christian surnames reflect the social and economic status of the community?
There are no specific generalizations about the social and economic status of the community in Indian Christian surnames; however, different Indian surnames may reflect the caste, regions, and social status of families who adopted Christianity as per the standard Indian caste system.
5. What are some of the challenges faced by Indian Christians with non-Christian surnames?
Indian Christians with non-Christian surnames may face challenges regarding acceptance within the community and discrimination based on their surname. They may struggle socially within the Indian Christian community as a vast majority of surnames in India reflect people’s religious identity. Christians with non-Christian surnames can often be alienated, demonstrating the complex relationship between individual identity and familial heritage in Indian society.
6. What is the role of Indian Christian surnames in preserving family heritage?
Most Indian Christian surnames have historical connections and can be used to trace a family’s lineage through generations. Some Indian Christians use their fathers’ names as a basis for their surnames, known as patronyms, while others carry a family name and their grandfather’s name as a surname. For converted families, many retain their surname before conversion, which also maintains a link to their ancestral and cultural roots.
India is known for its diversity, where people of different religions and cultures reside with peace and integrity. Hence, finding someone with an Indian Christian surname, such as D’Cruz, Martin, Daveed, Henriques, or Alberto, is not surprising. These names have a distinct significance and diverse sources but are more common in Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries. These names have a toponymic and biblical origin, and most have stood the test of time and remained popular names for centuries, making them more special.
Infographic: Well-Known Indian Christian Surnames
Most of us might have heard the popular Christian surnames, including D’Silva and Pereira. Do you know that these Christian last names are quite popular in India? We bring you a few more famous Indian Christian surnames. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Illustration: Most Popular Indian Christian Surnames With Meanings

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
- 8 key findings about Christians in India.
https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/07/12/8-key-findings-about-christians-in-india/ - Augustine of Hippo.
https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/augustine/ - St. John the Baptist.
https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=152 - Accamma Cherian.
https://amritmahotsav.nic.in/unsung-heroes-detail.htm?54 - De Souza, Wilfred Anthony (1927 – 2015).
https://livesonline.rcseng.ac.uk/client/en_GB/lives/search/detailnonmodal/ent:$002f$002fSD_ASSET$002f0$002fSD_ASSET:380258/one - St. Gregorios Of Parumala – Metropolitan Geevarghese Mar Gregorios.
https://mosc.in/saints/st-gregorios-of-parumala-metropolitan-geevarghese-mar-gregorios/ - Dr. Verghese Kurien – The Father of the White Revolution.
https://www.dudhsagardairy.coop/about-us/our-mentors/late-dr-verghese-kurien/ - The Virgin Mary—What Does the Bible Say About Her?
https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/virgin-mary-immaculate-conception/ - Miriam: Bible.
https://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/miriam-bible - Matthew.
https://bible.usccb.org/bible/matthew/0 - Luis de Menezes Braganca.
https://amritmahotsav.nic.in/district-reopsitory-detail.htm?25539 - Biblical Israel: Nazareth.
https://cbnisrael.org/2021/11/23/biblical-israel-nazareth/ - Admiral R L Pereira PVSM AVSM.
https://www.siesoiop.in/admiral-r-l-pereira-pvsm-avsm/ - History of Goa.
https://www.goachamber.org/history-of-goa/ - Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar.
https://www.oikoumene.org/member-churches/mar-thoma-syrian-church-of-malabar - St. Francis Xavier.

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