Sharing memorable and romantic one-liners with your significant other might help you attract them and fuel your emotions. When your beloved is feeling low, romantic poems or lovely intimacy quotes can lift their spirits and strengthen the affection you share. You may even send a thoughtful message in the morning to brighten their day. We’ve compiled a list of deep intimacy quotations for your partner in this post to make it easier for you. Choose the relatable ones and share your heart with them to get an inch closer and express your deepest admiration.
Intimacy Quotes For Him
Deepen your bond and add spice to your love life with these intimacy quotes, perfect for your boyfriend, husband, or fiance.
- “Waiting for you is like getting touched the same way this wind does to every inch of my body.” – Yansi Keim
- “Intimacy is the candle that lights up the darkest nights.” – Anonymous
- “He wore the words of her. He wore them without washing and never thought about ironing them. For him, they were nothing more than an intimate soul mate.” – Bibhuti
- “He showed me his scars, and in return, he let me pretend that I had none.” – Circe Madeline Miller.
- “Your hands around my waist, dancing together close to each other’s chest. Song is romantic, feelings are authentic. Your eyes staring at my lips so that we can end up with a kiss.” – Semi Soni
- “Both were physically mute, and kiss became their first word.” – Dhawal Borot
- “A loving touch can heal wounds and nurture intimacy.” – Anonymous
- “If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to tell you I love you.” – DeAnna Anderson
- “If a girl lets you dive deep in her, it doesn’t mean she loves you, it means she finds you intimate enough to guide her through dark times or make her shine a bit vibrant.” – Yash Anand.
- “When you find real love – protect and preserve the sweetness and intimacy of your gift.” – Bryant McGill
- “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” — Maya Angelou
- “Intimacy is the deep connection, where your souls and skins are one distance, age, silence and the like fails to ravage.” – Priya Lakshmi
- “Intimacy is not something that just happens between two people; it is a way of being alive.” – Geneen Roth
- “You’re always the first and the last thing on this heart of mine. No matter where I go, or what I do, I’m thinking of you.” – Dierks Bentley
- “I don’t wanna close my eyes, I don’t wanna fall asleep, cause I’d miss you baby, and I don’t wanna miss a thing.” – Aerosmith
- “Love is love’s reward.” – John Dryden
- “ It is not time or opportunity that determines intimacy. It is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others.” – Jane Austen
- “More than kisses, letters mingle souls.” – John Donne
- “My love for you is past the mind, beyond my heart, and into my soul.” – Boris Kodjoe

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- “I became an author when I scribbled her naked back with my fingers, and she portrayed her understanding on my lips.” – Satyakam Saha
- “For you see, each day I love you more
Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.” – Rosemonde Gérard - “Through me, I see you. Through you, I see me.” – Tehya Sky
- “In short I will part with anything for you but you.” – Mary Wortley Montagu
- “You’re nothing short of my everything.” – Ralph Block
- “An intimate game of love, starts in kiss, and ends in bliss.” – S Roses S
- “True love is not a hide and seek game: in true love, both lovers seek each other.” – Michael Bassey Johnson
- “My heart is and always will be yours.” – Jane Austen
- “Your love shines in my heart as the sun that shines upon the earth.” – Eleanor Di Guillo
- “Love understands love; it needs no talk.” – Francis Havergal
- “In a healthy relationship, vulnerability is wonderful. It leads to increased intimacy and closer bonds.” – Christina Enevoldsen
- “Love stretches your heart and makes you big inside.” – Margaret Walker
- “There is a magic to intimacy, a world built of sighs and skin that is thicker than brick, stronger than iron. There is only you, and him, so impossibly close that nothing can come between.” – Jodi Picoult
- “Love brings to life whatever is dead around us.” – Franz Rosenzweig
- “I taste her, and I realize I have been starving.” – Jodi Picoult
- “Every intimacy carries secreted somewhere below its initial lovely surfaces, the ever-coiled makings of complete catastrophe.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
- “You are my heart, my life, my entire existence.” – Julie Kagawa
- “It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together… and I knew it.” – Tom Hanks, Sleepless In Seattle
- “Integration arises from intimacy with our emotions and our bodies, as well as with our thoughts.” – Sharon Salzberg
- “The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.” – Marilyn Monroe
- “Love and truth are intimately connected. You cannot have pure love without pure truth and you cannot have pure truth without pure love.” – Molly Friedenfeld
- “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that’s what you’ve given me. That’s what I’d hoped to give you forever.” – Nicholas Sparks
- “True intimacy is the courage to be your authentic self.” – Anonymous
- “To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything.” – T. Tolis
- “We’re all princes and princesses, at 5, 50, or 100! It’s never too late, we’re never too old to rock the world and contribute! Reaching for intimacy in all relationships? Delicious.” – Pamela Taeuffer
- “I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.” – Leo Christopher
- “Don’t we touch each other just to prove we’re still here?” – Ocean Vuong
- “I would rather spend one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.” – J.R.R Tolkien, Lord of the Rings
- “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.” – Angelita Lim
- “I watched him with wonder like the stars watch the moon, falling in love with every crescent, dark side, and dream.” – Piper Payne
- “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” – Emily Brontë
- “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss
- “Because that’s intimacy, Buckaroos. Somebody who understands exactly how weird you are, and you understand exactly how weird they are, and you’re in a sort of mutually beneficial hostage situation.” – Allie Brosh
- “But we loved with a love that was more than love.” – Edgar Allan Poe
- “There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
- “You can’t find intimacy—you can’t find a home—when you’re always hiding behind masks. Intimacy requires a certain level of vulnerability. It requires a certain level of you exposing your fragmented, contradictory self to someone else. You run the risk of having your core self rejected and hurt and misunderstood.” – Junot Díaz
- “Love is friendship that has caught fire.” – Ann Landers
- “Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eyes.” – H. Jackson Brown
- “To be deeply in love is, of course, a great liberating force.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh
- “And let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love…” – Mother Teresa
- “Sound crazy? It may well be, but it is precisely in relationships of intimacy that your craziness (and mine) will be hardest to conceal. p.215” – Stephanie Dowrick
- “Immature love says: ‘I love you because I need you.’ Mature love says, ‘I need you because I love you.’” – Erich Fromm
- “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn
- “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu
- “When we are willing to explore our own experiences, we open the doorway to deeper connection and intimacy.” – Sharon Salzberg
- “To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.” – David Viscott
- “It’s love when someone can touch you without using their hands.” – Faraaz Kazi
- “Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Franklin P. Jones
- “ When an individual trusts another sufficiently to expose the true self–the deepest fears, the hidden desires–a powerful intimacy is born.” – Sarah Pekkanen
- “As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words.” – William Shakespeare
- “If you wish to be loved, show more of your faults than your virtues.” – Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
- “We are afraid to be known because at some deep level we fear that the truth about us, when out in the open and reflected back to us through someone else’s eyes, will be shocking to ourselves.” – Sheila Walsh
- “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.” – Robert Frost
- “A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.” – Ingrid Bergman
- “You’d be surprised how much power there is in respect, and how much respect comes back, and how much intimacy there is when you empower someone instead of overpower them, and how much more love.” – Merle Shain
- “Love is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise.” – Samuel Johnson
- “He’s more I than I am.” – Emily Bronte
- “I’ve given myself to you. You may have my body, soul, everything. Time passes, and all I want is the intimacy that slows, defeats, and confounds it. Love, that’s what it is.“ – Mark Helprin
- “The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.” – Ferdinand Foch
- “Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul, that you never knew was missing.” – Torquato Tasso
- “Maybe there are entire worlds where there are no fences, where feeling bears you like a tide.” – Jodi Picoult
- “I love that feeling of being in love, the effect of having butterflies when you wake up in the morning. That is special.” – Jennifer Aniston
- “Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow.” – John Lennon

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- “The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” – Mother Teresa
- “A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea.” – Honore de Balzac
- “Love knows not distance; it hath no continent; its eyes are for the stars.” – Gilbert Parker
- “His yellow eyes gazed at me possessively. I wondered if he realized that the way he looked at me was far more intimate than copping a feel could ever be.” – Maggie Stiefvater
- “Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is growing up.” – James A. Baldwin
- “We lie in each other’s arms eyes shut and fingers open and all the colors of the world pass through our bodies like strings of fire.” – Marge Piercy
- “The art of love is largely the art of persistence.” – Albert Ellis
- “Each bump or challenge in our intimate connections offers us a perfect opportunity to deepen our level of intimacy, while allowing us to grow and evolve both individually and together.” – Tracie Sage
- “There is no remedy for love but to love more.” – Henry David Thoreau
- “Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
- “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” – A.A. Milne
- “ It’s in giving yourself that you possess yourself.” – Lou Andeas-Salome
- “If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love.” – Princess Diana
- “That is a terrifically intimate thing, you know? Letting a stranger light your cigarette. Leaning forward so he can hold a flame to your lips. Pausing to breathe in before you pull back again.” – Elizabeth Wein
- “Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart, and the senses.” – Lao Tzu
- “There’s this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It’s the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me.” – Gretchen Kemp
- “Touch seems to be as essential as sunlight.” – Diane Ackerman
- “The soul that can speak with its eyes can also kiss with a gaze.” – Unknown
- “I like not only to be loved, but also to be told I am loved.” – George Eliot
- “Intimacy is about sharing something with your spouse that you don’t share with anybody else. It’s letting him in. It’s laughing together. And it’s also feeling that deep hunger for each other!” – Sheila Wray Gregoire
- “The opposite of loneliness is not togetherness, it’s intimacy.” – Richard Bach
- “Eye contact is way more intimate than words will ever be.” – Faraaz Kazi
- “We can only learn to love by loving.” – Iris Murdoch
- “The miraculous intimacy we shared did not have the time to generate into resentful emotional bondage” – Josephine Hart
- “Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible- it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.” – Barbara De Angelis
- “Intimacy makes you feel unique. Intimacy makes you feel as though you have been singled out, that someone in the world believes you have special qualities that nobody else has.” – Heather O’Neill
- “Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do.” – David Wilkerson
- “When we are in love, we seem to ourselves quite different from what we were before.” – Blaise Pascal
- “Our intimacy is the source of my solace.” – Anonymous
- “Blind passion was one thing, all-knowing intimacy a rarer commodity.” – Stacy Schiff
- “For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love.” – Carl Sagan
- “I think of you, therefore I exist.” – Ljupka Cvetanova
- I wished he would hold me. I wished I could bear it.” – Samantha Shannon
- “Only divine love bestows the keys of knowledge.” – Arthur Rimbaud
- “A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve.” – Joseph Joubert
- “By keeping on being what we most intimately are, we can continually redefine ourselves so that we become what we have not been able to be. If we live this way, we surprise ourselves.” – Anne Truitt
- “Love is the attempt to form a friendship inspired by beauty.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero
- “Tell me, he whispered. Tell me what you refuse to say aloud. What you think every night before you go to sleep. Tell me the words you say in dreams when no one can hear you.” – Keri Lake
- “The inner reality of love can be recognized only by love.” – Hans Urs von Balthasar
- “You’re like a madness inside me, a fever I can’t cure.” – Sara Craven
- “Passion lingers on a state of bliss, Love loves you more when you kiss.” – Munia Khan
- “Intimacy and romance are not synonymous.” – Diana Gabaldon
- “Love is the energy of life.” – Robert Browning
- “Fantasy says, “This is who I want you to be”. Intimacy says, “This is who I am.” – Harmony Dust
- “Stolen kisses are always sweetest.” – Leigh Hunt
- “If it is your time, love will track you down like a cruise missile.” – Lynda Barry
- “I am the flower in the garden at the center of your desire.” – Julie Cox
- “Love possesses not nor will it be possessed; for love is sufficient unto love.” – Kahlil Gibran
- “The measure of intimacy achieved ought to be the touchstone of all experience.” – Glenn Haybittle
- “Love is metaphysical gravity.” – R. Buckminster Fuller
- “Where love is deep, much can be accomplished.” – Shinichi Suzuki
- “To love is to admire with the heart; to admire is to love with the mind.” – Theophile Gautier
- “You need consent only when it’s not love.” – Amol Gade
- “Love is not about finding someone who completes you, but about finding someone who accepts and loves you for who you are.” – Hani Hakkam
- “There is no limit to the power of loving.” – John Morton
- “And in her smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars.” – Beth Revis
- “Intimacy calls for listening and speaking both. Listening to a person’s changing emotions and speaking about your own emotions. Intimacy flourishes by knowing and being known.” – Drishti Bablani
- “Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.” – George Sand
- “The richest love is that which submits to the arbitration of time.” – Lawrence Durrell
- “But you are the only person I can show myself to. You always made my rough edges feel real.” – Jodi Lynn Anderson
- “Down on your knees, and thank heaven, fasting, for a good man’s love.” – Euripides
- “You can’t be loved when you aren’t known.”– Julie Rodgers
- “Pains of love be sweeter far than all other pleasures are.” – John Dryden
- “Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries.” – Truman Capote
- “In the honesty of our words, we cultivate true intimacy.” – Anonymous
- “Love is the word used to label the sexual excitement of the young, the habituation of the middle-aged, and the mutual dependence of the old.” – John Ciardi
- “Prose should be a direct intimacy between strangers with no appeal to what both may have known.” – Henry Green
- “People happy in love have an air of intensity.” – Stendhal

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- “Love is an energy which exists of itself. It is its own value.” – Thornton Wilder
- “Love is a game that two can play and both win.” – Eva Gabor
- “True intimacy comes from vulnerability, and vulnerability comes from authenticity.” – Vanessa Ooms
- “Love is space and time measured by the heart.” – Marcel Proust
- “Love is the greatest gift that God has given us. It’s free.” – Taraji P. Henson
- “Faith makes all things possible… love makes all things easy.” – Dwight L. Moody
- “Always remember we are under the same sky, looking at the same moon.” – Maxine Lee
- “Your words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me.” – Sarah Bernhardt
- “He said my name with such intimacy. As if he weren’t a creature capable of killing monsters made from nightmares.” – Sarah J. Maas
- “Love is a friendship set to music.” – Joseph Campbell
- “Love is the greatest refreshment in life.” – Pablo Picasso
- “Love is the power to see similarity in the dissimilar.” – Theodor Adorno
- “A gentle touch can convey more intimacy than a thousand words.” – Anonymous
- “Love cures people – both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.” – Karl A. Menninger
- “In the warmth of your embrace, I find my refuge of intimacy.” – Unknown
- “He was the wall I broke myself against. As I tried to tear down his walls, I was freed from my own.” – Jacqueline Simon Gunn
- “Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition.” – Alexander Smith
- “I didn’t know it was possible to fit so perfectly inside someone else’s arms.” – Tomi Adeyemi
- “Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
- “In the softness of a kiss, we discover the essence of intimacy.” – Anonymous
- “We love because it’s the only true adventure.” – Nikki Giovanni
- “At this time, I imagined intimacy as a kind of literal entanglement, which perhaps explains why, when the thrill of an intimacy newly forged wore off, my first and most powerful desire was to run.” – Miranda Popkey
- “Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.” – Zora Neale Hurston
- “He touched my soul long before I knew what his hands felt like.” – Nikki Rowe
- “The greatest barrier to intimacy is fear — fear of being known, fear of being rejected, fear of facing the truth about ourselves.” – Sheila Walsh
- “Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination.” – Voltaire
- “Love is being stupid together.” – Paul Valery
- “Work, among all its abstracts, is actually intimacy, the place where the self meets the world.” – David Whyte
- “There’s nothing more intimate in life than simply being understood. And understanding someone else.” – Brad Meltzer
- “Intimacy is the bridge that connects two hearts as one.” – Unknown
- “In your presence, I am home in the arms of intimacy.” – Anonymous
- “The married are those who have taken the terrible risk of intimacy and, having taken it, know life without intimacy to be impossible.” – Carolyn G. Heilbrun
- “Once properly aligned with your mate, everything will happen naturally. If you are alive and breathing, you are very capable of experiencing cosmic connectivity with explosive intimacy.” – Shalom Melchizedek
- “Intimacy is not purely physical. It’s the act of connecting with someone so deeply; you feel like you can see into their soul.” – Reshall Varsos
- “A stolen kiss is the language of intimacy.” – Anonymous
- “Intimacy is not measured by proximity but by the depth of connection.” – Anonymous
- “Two people making love, she once said, is like one drowned person resuscitating the other.” – Anatole Broyard
- “Each moment of self-honesty builds intimacy, trust, and compassion. The more you look, the more you’ll love.” – Vironika Tugaleva
- “What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller
- “There are people one knows and people one doesn’t. One shouldn’t cheapen the former by feigning intimacy with the latter.” – Tony Horwitz
- “In the absence of judgment, intimacy can truly blossom.” – Anonymous
- “The deepest moments of intimacy occur when you’re not talking.” – Patricia Love
- “Love is like breathing. You take it in and let it out.” – Wally Lamb
- “Push too far into intimacy and we get afraid of losing ourselves in it and head the other way. It is the ongoing interplay between independence and intimacy.” – Donna Goddard
- “In each other’s gaze, we discover the treasure of intimacy.” – Anonymous
- “Intimacy is a totally different dimension. It is allowing the other to come into you, to see you as you see yourself allow the other to see you from inside, to invite somebody to that deepest core of your being.” – Osho
- “Happiness requires love, being in a relationship, compassion, intimacy as well as freedom. ” – Awdhesh Singh
- “Intimacy is the capacity to be rather weird with someone – and finding that that’s ok with them.” – Alain de Botton
- “Perhaps there was an intimacy which did not need words.” – Iris Murdoch
- “Intimacy doesn’t have all that much to do with backseats of cars. Real intimacy is brushing your teeth together.” – Gabrielle Zevin
- “ We invest ourselves in moments that remind us of intimate connections, and then we suffer because we are not experiencing it for ourselves.” – Faheemah Isaacs
- “The need for love and intimacy is a fundamental human need, as primal as the need for food, water, and air.” – Dean Ornish
- “A shared smile can bridge the gap to intimacy.” – Anonymous
- “They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
- “I can feel the heat blossoms on your skin.” – Helen Humphreys
- “My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.” – Maya Angelou
- “That intimacy is nice, too – knowing that you know so much about someone.” – Tim Relf
- “Passion is the quickest to develop, and the quickest to fade. Intimacy develops more slowly, and commitment more gradually still.” – Robert Sternberg
- “No matter where I went I always knew my way back to you, You are my compass star.” – Diana Peterfreund
- “Intimacy is the gift we unwrap with our hearts.” – Unknown
- “That’s what intimacy is, I think. That’s love. Knowing the smell of someone else’s head.” – Rachel Harrison
- “The promise of intimacy is also its risk: the more intimacy two people share, the more power they give to each other to cause hurt.” – Karen J. Prager
- “You have pierced my soul, I’m half agony half hope. I’ve loved none but you.” – Jane Austen
- “I need you like a heart needs a beat.” – Anonymous
- “It wasn’t a thing I had consciously missed, but having it now reminded me of the joy of it; that drowsy intimacy in which a man’s body is accessible to you as your own, the strange shapes and textures of it like a sudden extension of your own limbs.” – Diana Gabaldon
- “I loved the way I could feel him deep in my soul.” – Jacqueline Simon Gunn
- “Real intimacy is only possible to the degree that we can be honest about what we are doing and feeling.” – Joyce Brothers
- “When two people respect each other, the ability to be vulnerable and to reveal hurt feelings can create a powerful emotional connection that is the source of real intimacy and friendship.” – David D. Burns
- “Intimacy is the journey of two souls discovering each other.” – Unknown
- “Intimacy is never separated from external elements, without which it could not be signified. Where we think we have caught hold of the Grail, we have only grasped a thing, and what is left in our hands is only a cooking pot.” – Georges Bataille
- “Real intimacy was a delicate cloth of shared experiences stitched together by tiny accretions of time, mutual trust and support. It wasn’t something that could be folded, put away and shaken out when the need presented itself.” – Hannah Rothschild
- “I search his eyes. He searches mine. I guess he found what he was looking for. His face lit up like a candle in the darkness.” – Luna. J
- Apart from the feelings of love and hate,There is a place ,where heaven is green and blue,where sun kisses the sea and lighted the mountain peaks , where birds cheering for us, and nature claps for us , meet me there.” – Nalin Dhiman
- “There is intimacy in looking closely into someone’s eyes. It matters not the age, gender, hue, or race. Communication with someone, eye-to-eye speaks without speaking and says so much.” – Kevin Deeny
- So powerful will be our intimacy, that words, mere words, would do it great injustice.” – A.D. Aliwat
- “I know what you feel for me the moment you touch me.” – Anonymous
Intimacy Quotes For Her
She’s yours, but she needs your love and care. Send her some deep intimacy quotes to make her feel special.
- “You don’t stop loving someone just because you hate them.”― Hanif Kureishi
- “If you wish, I will be your desire. If you desire, I will be your hunger.” – Amol Gade
- “To grow in our ability to love ourselves we need to receive love as well.” – John Gray
- “We’re a mess you and I, but the truth is, you captivate me in ways no soul ever will.” – Perry Poetry
- Love talks with better knowledge, and knowledge with dearer love.” – William Shakespeare
- “This is what intimacy does to us over time. That’s what a long marriage can do: It causes us to inherit and trade each other’s stories.”― Elizabeth Gilbert “
- “He showed me his scars, and in return he let me pretend that I had none.” – Madeline Miller
- “In intimacy, we are clasped into one another, and the invisible bonds are liberating shackles. this clasping is imperious: it demands exclusivity. to share is to betray. ” – Pascal Mercier
- “When a girl is in love, you can see it in her smile. When a guy is in love, you can see it in his eyes.” – Unknown
- “If you love a person and live the whole life with him or with her, a great intimacy will grow, and love will have deeper and deeper revelations to make to you.” – Osho
- “I hate waking up with you on my mind and not in my bed.” – Unknown
- “You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had.” – Nicholas Sparks
- “Intimacy is the canvas where trust paints its masterpiece.” – Unknown
- “I realize that this is what it means to be lovers: using the same words to speak of the same things though one has never heard the other use them; these random similarities, this remarkable intimacy.” – Philippe Besson
- “If I could have anyone in the world, it would still be you.” – Anonymous
- “You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known and even that is an understatement.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
- “Waking up next to the person you love is one of the best feelings in the world.” – Unknown
- “Intimacy is the fragrance of love that lingers on the skin.”– Unknown
- “This is my skin. This is not your skin, yet you are still under it.” – Iain Thomas
- “In the world of masks, intimacy is the freedom to be real.”– Unknown
- “I dream about you not just while sleeping but when I am awake toooo.” – Unknown

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- “Honesty is the highest form of intimacy.” – Unknown
- “Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person.” – Erich Fromm
- “I wonder if this is how people always get close: They heal each other’s wounds; they repair the broken skin.” – Lauren Oliver
- “In the quiet moments, we discover the power of intimacy.” – Unknown
- “The paradox of real love is that our capacity to sustain intimacy rests on our capacity to tolerate aloneness inside the relationship.” – Terrence Real
- “You’re like a madness inside me, a fever I can’t cure.” – Sara Cravem
- “In your smile, I find the reflection of our shared intimacy.” – Unknown
- “I’m loaded with work, but I just can’t stop thinking about you.” – Unknown
- “I was hers. She was mine. My body was her chariot, and she drove it into the sun. Her body was my river, and I became the sea.” – Gregory David Roberts
- “I just laid in bed for the last hour thinking about you, guess what I was doing.” – Unknown
- “Intimacy is being seen and known as the person you truly are.” – Amy Bloom
- “He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began.” – Leo Tolstoy
- “What creates a steady foundation upon which intimacy and all else thrives is significantly dependent upon how well you’ve mastered the energetics of DESIRE.” – Lebo Grand
- “The sweetest intimacy is found in moments of vulnerability.” – Unknown
- “The conversation between your fingers and someone else’s skin. This is the most important discussion you can ever have.” – Iain Thomas
- “Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.” – Zelda Fitzgerald
- “.. I can forget my very existence in a deep kiss of you.”– Byron Caldwell Smith
- “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride.” – Pablo Neruda
- “To have someone understand your mind is a different kind of intimacy altogether.” – Farraz Kazi
- “Without the wetness of your love, the fragrance of your water, or the trickling sounds of your voice ― I shall always feel thirsty.” – Suzy Kassem
- “You don’t talk here, but even if you did, the words would fail you, language insufficient to reflect the intense mess of being this intimate with another.” – Caleb Azumah Nelson
- “A girl is happiest when she knows that you make her your everything, in front of everyone, every time.” – The Coach
- “Hopefully not by sad experience, you will find that some interactions most private, can be the coldest and most closed off, and some interactions seemingly common or casual can be the most intimate.” – Michael Brent Jones
- “There’s so much intimacy in understanding. Someone who doesn’t understand you is not going to know how to love you, because they don’t know who you are.” – Unknown
- “In the presence of intimacy, walls crumble, and hearts open wide.” – Unknown
- “I see these lights, every time I look into your eyes. It crosses my heart, and make me fall in love.” – Jayson Engay
- “Real intimacy is a product of solitude.” – Sunday Adelaja
- “You don’t fall in love with a body, you fall in love with a soul. And once in love with a soul, everything about that body becomes a beautiful appreciation.” – Unknown
- “Beautiful. Crushingly so. You look like the rest of my life.” – Beau Taplin
- Those minutiae calcify into the bones of our intimacy.” – Jac Jemc
- “Intimacy is not just physical; it is the deep bond of knowing.” – Unknown
- “The first thing you should know about me is that I’m not you. A lot more will make sense after that.” – Unknown
- “I don’t know what they’re called, the spaces between the seconds, but I think of you always in those intervals.” – Salvador Plascencia
- “I feel a thrill of excitement at this first tiny glimpse of self-revelation, of intimacy.” – J.P. Delaney
- “Intimacy transcends the physical. It is a feeling of closeness that isn’t about proximity but of belonging. It is a beautiful emotional space in which two become one.” – Steve Maraboli
- “With you, I’ve discovered the beauty of true intimacy.”– Anonymous
- “Intimacy requires courage because the risk is inescapable.” – Rollo May
- “Dancing, at its best, is independence and intimacy in balance.” – Donna Goddard
- “The beauty of being human is the capacity and desire for intimacy. Yet we know that even those who are most intimate remain strange to us. Like children, we often “make strange” with each other.” – John O’Donohue
- “If you only knew how much those little moments with you mattered to me.” – Unknown
- “Sometimes shadow are even precious but every time her single glimpse flows me away.” – Raveen Paudel
- “I want to paint a love poem, all over the sheets and you.” – Trudi Paraha
- “Intimacy is the fire that fuels our passion.” – Anonymous
- “If the feelings are mutual, the effort will be equal.” – Unknown
- “My bounty is as boundless as the sea. My love as deep; the more I give to thee. The more I have, for both are infinite.” – William Shakespeare
- “Take her like it’s the first time and the last time every single time.” – JmStorm
- “This sort of quiet gazing, which was like a feeding of the heart, was something I had not experienced with any other woman.” – Iris Murdoch
- “She’s been through hell and came out, an angel. She does not want your sympathy nor did you break her, darling. You don’t own that kind of power.” – Unknown
- “Cuddle me with comfort.” – Unknown
- “Love is quivering happiness.” – Khalil Gibran
- “What I hate with women generally is the intimacy, the invasion of my innermost space, the slow strangulation of my art.” – Sebastian Horsley
- “I don’t crave an intimacy that involves a touch of a hand, but instead, one that causes a flame to burn in my soul in a lifelong familiarity.” – Unknown
- “If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.” – Haruki Murakami
- “Our skins reach outward, like magnets, long deprived of their opposite charge.” – Gayle Forman
- “There’s a rare and beautiful kind of intimacy that sparks when someone understands your mind.” – Steve Maraboli
- “Take a lover who looks at you like you are magic.” – Frida Kahlo
- “Your few days together have been spent doing nothing really, which is something, is an intimacy in itself.” – Caleb Azumah Nelson
- “I want to touch a soul rather than just someone’s skin.” – Marisa Donnelly
- “Intimacy is the melody of hearts singing in perfect unity.” – Unknown
- “The way you slam your body into mine reminds me I’m alive.” – Naval Ravikant
- “Every time I feel, I feel you” – Aditya Raosahab
- “And in the middle of my chaos, there was you.” – Unknown
- “I wish I could explain your eyes, and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your smile makes my heart skip a beat and how every time I’m with you, I feel the love and warmth so complete.” – Unknown
- “Intimacy reveals gentleness in brutes and brutality in gentlemen.” – Augusto Branco
- “I waited for you my entire life and you were worth every minute.” – Mark Anthony
- “Intimacy is the language of the heart, spoken without words.” – Unknown
- “My body aches for the memory of an intimacy from which it cannot recover.” – Lebo Grand
- “Every cell in my body is telling me that you are my happily ever after.” – C. J. English
- “When I hold you close, it’s like love’s own scent, lingering sweetly.” – Unknown
- “Sharing the same passionate love with another person, gives a feeling of being alive! The experience of something real, is unforgettable.” – Ellen J. Barrier
- “I love you, not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.” – Elizabeth Barret Browning
- “Those who have never known the deep intimacy and the intense companionship of happy mutual love have missed the best thing that life has to give; unconsciously, if not consciously, they feel this and the resulting disappointment inclines them towards envy, oppression, and cruelty.” – Bertrand Russell
- “You make my heart beat faster the moment our eyes get locked.” – Unknown
- “Every breath she breathes feels like a love letter.” – Becky Albertalli
- “When you belong to someone, it’s the sincerest form of intimacy and empathy.” – Unknown
- “There is no person more intimate than the person who makes you feel good.” – Bhuwan Thapaliya
- “My favorite place is inside your hug.” – Unknown
- “You will never know anyone more intimately than yourself. Love yourself and be good to yourself.” – Bryant McGill
- “I choose you. And I’ll choose you over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.” – Unknown
- “Intimate moments are only possible if we’re paying attention to something outside of ourselves. A sunset. A painting. A tree. A song. And they only occur when two people agree that the “something” is nameless.” – Jill Szoó Wilson
- “In you, I’ve found the love of my life and – closest, truest friend.” – Unknown
- “We come here (literally) reaching for intimacy and love. But it seems soon after our arrival, we’re made to believe that they’re luxuries not necessities.” – Rashod Ollison
- “So, this is what real love feels like.” – Unknown
- “He wanted to take her in his arms, he wanted to be utterly revealed to her, he wanted her to understand.” – Iris Murdoch
- “Cuddling can be just as intimate as anything else.” – Unknown

Image: Shutterstock
- “She cherishes small intimacies. A head resting against a shoulder, lips caressing against a nose, kissing on the neck, a hand reaching out for her.” – Unknown
- “I wanted to wear her as you would a piece of clothing, to fold into her ribs, be a stone in her mouth.” – Hisham Matar
- “Chemistry is you embracing my mind and setting my body on fire.” – Unknown
- “I have looked at you in millions of ways and I have loved you in each.” – Unknown
- “Intimacy was not about maintaining the idealistic charade of courtship; it was about embracing and adoring the flaws.” – Josiah Bancroft
- “I crave you in the most innocent form. I crave to say goodnight and give you snuggling forehead kisses and to say that I adore you when you feel at your worst. I crave you in ways where I just want to be next to you and nothing more or less.” – Unknown
- “It’s funny; in this era of e-mail and voice mail and all those things that even I did not grow up with, a plain old paper letter takes on amazing intimacy.” – Elizabeth Kostova
- “No matter how painful distance can be, not having you in my life would be worse.” – Unknown
- “In our busy lives, intimacy often becomes a set piece –we sit down and make time for discussions, for togetherness, for sharing. But sometimes the most intimate parts of ourselves –our desires, our fears, our needs, and sensitivities –are revealed most strongly in the course of our mundane routines.” – Mathew N. Schmalz
- “You take my breath away the moment you hold me in your arms.” – Unknown
- “You will never have a great relationship until you learn to truly appreciate the wonder of another person. And you will never experience the depths of intimacy until you grow to be thankful for the opportunity.” – Matthew Kelly
- “There’s a place in your heart where nobody’s been. Take me there.” – Rascal Flatts
- “I wished I could spend the rest of my life being slightly crushed by someone who loved me.” – Gail Carson Levine
- “ Intimacy is about truth. When you realize you can tell someone your truth, when you can show yourself to them, when you stand in front of them and their response is ‘you’re safe with me’, that’s intimacy.” – Taylor Jenkins Reid
- “Intimacy with one person could do this-empty the world of friendships, give a distaste for women’s kisses and their bright chatter, make the ordinary world a little unreal and very uninteresting.” – Graham Green
- “Let’s meet in our dreams tonight.” – Unknown
- “A physical attraction is often desired above many things, but you’ll discover it to be short-lived. Find yourself someone who gets under your skin, seduces the dusty corners of your heart, and provides you with a mental connection. That is when you’ll know true intimacy.” – M.J. Abraham
- “There are no accidental meetings between souls.” – Unknown
- “Intimacy, finally, had got the better of us.” – Andrew Miller
- ” Intimacy is not who you let touch you. Intimacy is who you text at 3 A.M. about your dreams and fears. Intimacy is giving someone your devotion when ten other people are asking for it. Intimacy is cherishing the person always in the back of your mind, no matter how distracted you are.” – Unknown
- “Being apart was wrong. Simply lying side by side did more for a relationship than words. A warm bed, a nest of animal intimacy. Words could be misunderstood, whereas loving companionship bred trust.” – Michel Faber
- “I fell in love with his soul before I could even touch his skin. If that isn’t true love, then please tell me what is.” – Unknown
- “Intimacy is a risk. It should not be taken lightly, but we must take it. No man or woman can live a full life without being known by at least one person. Intimacy is a prerequisite for all those who wish to live the abundant life.” – Matthew Kelly
- “I love when you text me first, cause then I know you’re thinking about me.” – Unknown
- “What is the greatest need of human beings? What is it they seek from me always? Intimacy. I listen with all my being, I am completely interested. I seek momentarily a full communion of eyes, feelings, thoughts.” – Anaïs Nin
- “Words can’t describe the tenderness that runs through my body when I’m missing you.” – Unknown
- “Terrifying, that the loss of intimacy with one person results in the freezing over of the world, and the loss of oneself.” – James Baldwin
- “You were amazing last night! Now imagine what it would be like if it wasn’t just a dream.” – Unknown
- “A heartfelt conversation is the pathway to deep intimacy.”– Unknown
- “Maybe that’s what intimacy was. A sense of dread at what could go wrong, a stifling of fear, a baring of the vulnerable self to the judgment of someone else.” – Gregg Hurwitz
- “Intimate relationships cannot substitute for a life plan. But to have any meaning or viability at all, a life plan must include intimate relationships.” – Harriet Lerner
- “I wonder if this is how people always get close: They heal each other’s wounds; they repair the broken skin.” – Laren Oliver
- “For a knowledge of intimacy, localization in the spaces of our intimacy is more urgent than determination of dates.” – Gaston Bachelard
- “You know what intimacy is? It’s into-me-you-see … it’s allowing someone to know who you are when you have all these defenses to keep them from knowing.” – Martin De Maat
- “You’re the closest to heaven, that I’ll ever be.” – Goo Goo Dolls
- “A book is the only place in the world where two strangers can meet on terms of absolute intimacy” – Paul Auster
- “Seek acquaintance with the wise, intimacy with the good.” – Xiphilinus
- “To hold the courage to let another witness our tears, while refuting fears invitation to shield face, is to grant the most privileged of all loving intimacies to them.” – Ged Thompson
- “I would love holding your hands and kissing you, today and forever.” – Unknown
- “Patience and trust fuel the fires of intimacy” – P.J. Bayliss
- “I’m certain that most couples expect to find intimacy in marriage, but it somehow eludes them.” – James Dobson
- “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” – Robert A. Heinlein
- “If fear is the great enemy of intimacy, love is its true friend.” – Henri Nouwen
- “Real intimacy is a sacred experience. It never exposes its secret trust and belonging to the voyeuristic eye of a neon culture. Real intimacy is of the soul, and the soul is reserved.” – John O’Donohue
- “We tend to associate intimacy with closeness and closeness with a certain sum of shared experiences. Yet in reality, total strangers, who will never say a single word to each other, can share an intimacy. An intimacy contained in the exchange of a glance, a nod of the head, a smile, a shrug of a shoulder.” – John Berger
- “Life is cold. People stay warm through the intimacy of a story.” – James Altucher
- “The intimate space of your personal life should be reserved for amazing, beautiful, radiant souls – good, wholesome and loving people.” – Bryant McGill
- “Real connection and intimacy is like a meal, not a sugar fix.” – Kristin Armstrong
- “Intimacy without commitment, like icing without cake, can be sweet, but it ends up making us sick.” – Joshua Harris
- “Physical intimacy isn’t and can never be an effective substitute for emotional intimacy.” – John Green
- “It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.” – John Joseph Powell
- “Your love gives me strength each day.” – Unknown
- “The highest form of love is the love that allows for intimacy without the annihilation of difference.” – Parker J. Palmer
- “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” – Yoko Ono
- “For you, a thousand times over.” – Khaled Hosseini
- “Successful relationships are those relationships where conflicts are successfully resolved, and, in fact, people’s intimacy, closeness, and love are enhanced through the resolution of conflicts.” – Stefan Molyneux
- “The only thing I have never known is true intimacy with a man. I absolutely wanted to discover that before dying.” – Jane Fonda
- “Intimacy is sharing the journey to become the best version of ourselves with another person. It is a mutual self-revelation that takes place gradually, cannot be rushed, and can only be realized by the commitment of time.” – Matthew Kelly
- “I am lost.. lost in the way you see me, hold me, and talk to me.” – Unknown
- “The simple lack of her is more to me than others’ presence.” – Edward Thomas
- “Love alone can rekindle life.” – Henri Frederic Amiel
- “Souls tend to go back to who feels like home.” – N.R. Heart
- “Love starts as a feeling, but to continue is a choice. And I find myself choosing you, more and more every day.” – Justin Wetch
- “I love that you are my person and I am yours, that whatever door we come to, we will open it together.” – A. R. Asher
- “Intimacy is the only shield against insanity. Intimacy, not knowledge. Intimacy, not power.” – Eliot Schrefer
- “For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.”– Stephanie Perkins
- She had a wild, wandering soul but when she loved, she loved with chaos, and that made all the difference.” – Ariana Dancu
- “You are all the colors in one, at full brightness.” –Jennifer Niven
- “Each time you happen to me all over again.” – Edith Wharton
- “Call me by your name and I’ll call you by mine.” – André Aciman
- “I could start fires with what I feel for you.” – David Ramirez
- “But you’ve slipped under my skin, invaded my blood, and seized my heart.” – Maria V. Snyder
Illustration: Deep Intimacy Quotes For Him And Her

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is true intimacy?
True intimacy in a relationship can be defined as the feeling or stage where both partners have respect for each other and trust each other with their vulnerability. It is when two people understand feelings that are not expressed and can perceive the other’s pain by just looking at them. True intimacy is a kind of closeness you haven’t experienced before.
Mabe, a wife and a writer, shares her experience about it. She says, “In the beginning of most relationships there is caution and tension. You never want to reveal too much at once. You do the ‘romantic’ things. Unplanned weekend getaways, dinner, movies, flowers…Some of these things carry over into marriage, maybe even some carry on if you choose to have kids. And then one day, you discover a closeness you didn’t have before. This happened more slowly than I would’ve imagined for me. I honestly didn’t realize we could be closer. It just happened. My husband has seen me go through sickness, and health, better and worse. He’s experienced these same things, we’ve experienced it all together (i).”
2. What are the four types of intimacy?
The four types of intimacy are:
- Physical intimacy
- Emotional intimacy
- Intellectual intimacy
- Spiritual intimacy
3. Why is intimacy important?
Having intimacy is essential in a relationship as it helps build a strong foundation and acts as an anchor that provides security and keeps the partners in unity while going through tough times. In fact, intimacy is the basis of a relationship that helps lovers bond and touch one another’s souls.
4. How can I use intimacy quotes?
You can share these quotes through text, write them in a sweet love letter, or mention them during a romantic dinner. Adding something personal, like your own thoughts or special memories, can make the gesture even more meaningful and help strengthen your bond.
Intimacy is a personal experience that people define differently. As lovers, you convey your sentiments to one another via intimacy to strengthen your bond. Sending your loved one some intimacy quotes may help you express your fondness in a unique way. For example, tell your partner how intense your love for them is or how pleased and satisfied you are to have them by your side. Thus, for a joyful and long-lasting love life, remain loyal to your partner and add a pinch of intimacy and adoration to your relationship with these beautiful quotes.
Infographic: Intimacy Quotes For Him And Her
Intimacy is not only felt through touch but also through an emotional connection. It is this feeling that keeps the romance and chemistry alive. So explore some of the most poetic and thoughtful quotes about intimacy that give shape to your deepest thoughts and share them with your partner. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Key Pointers
- Intimacy is a personal experience, varying between individuals and couples.
- Loyalty, intimacy, and admiration are essential for maintaining a joyful and long-lasting relationship.
- Sharing romantic one-liners can help attract your partner and deepen your emotional connection.
- Intimacy quotes or romantic poems can lift your partner’s spirits, especially during low moments.
- Expressing love and fondness through intimate messages strengthens the bond in a relationship.
Discover the power of love with this inspiring video on great proverbs and sayings about love. Learn wise quotes and deep thoughts to help you appreciate the beauty of love.
Personal Experience: Source
MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. True intimacyhttps://mabewithlove.wordpress.com/2014/03/05/true-intimacy/

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