Babies Sleeping On The Side: Risks And Prevention

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Experts recommend that pregnant mothers sleep on their left side to ensure more nutrients flow to the baby. However, after birth, what are the risks of babies sleeping on the side? Babies have different sleep patterns, and many may prefer to sleep on their sides. Although sleeping on the side is harmless in adults, it may cause adverse effects in babies. If babies regularly sleep on their side, they may develop health conditions such as flathead or a tilt in the neck which increases their risk of choking. Brooklyn-based board-certified pediatrician Dr. Edward Kulich says, “We recommend infants sleep on their back until they are one. Once a baby starts turning to the side, it’s fine, and we usually don’t recommend turning them back.” This post explains why babies should not sleep on their side, how sleeping on one side can affect infant health and wellness when babies can sleep this way, and what to do when they roll to one side. It also provides tips to prevent babies from rolling to one side.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • Medical experts advise against side-sleeping in babies due to potential risks such as flathead, neck tilt, and choking.
  • The safest sleeping position for infants is on their back, as it reduces the risk of fatal medical conditions and respiratory illnesses.
  • Avoid using support structures, sleep positioners, and wedges, as they can be dangerous or increase the likelihood of side sleeping.
  • Infants should only sleep on their side after 12 months when their breathing and digestive systems are better developed.

Is It Safe To Make The Baby Sleep On One Side?

Philippines-based board-certified pediatrician Dr. Maria Carmela Villania-Mamauag says, “The best sleeping position for infants under 12 months of age is the supine position, meaning lying on their backs on a firm, flat mattress with nothing surrounding the baby—not even pillows or wedges. This practice helps prevent the risk of conditions like sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), choking, and bone (flat head) and muscle (torticollis) abnormalities, which may potentially cause lasting consequences.”

If you’re curious about whether newborns can sleep on their side, it’s important to note that it’s not recommended. This sleeping position could potentially lead to health complications as mentioned below:

1. Harlequin color change

The medical term for harlequin color change is unilateral erythema, and it affects nearly 10% of newborn babies(1). It is usually seen in the first week of birth. In this condition, the sleeping side of the infant’s body turns pink or red with a clear demarcation running through the central axis of the baby’s body. This means the baby’s body will be half red and half normal-colored. The color will change spontaneously when the infant sleeps on the side for hours.

But the condition is completely benign and does not cause any lasting health issues. Switching the position of the baby makes the red color fade away within minutes.

Medical experts do not know the precise reason for this phenomenon, but they suspect it occurs due to the immature blood vessels in the skin. It may also be associated with polycythemia (a dark red baby due to the increased red blood cells in the body). The color indicates a possible accumulation of red blood cells, due to gravity, among the cutaneous blood vessels (blood vessels close to the skin). This could happen due to the immature blood vessels in babies.

Treatment: Harlequin color change is a harmless condition and disappears on its own.

2. Flatheads

Preventing flatheads in babies sleeping on the side
Image: iStock

The bones of a baby’s skull remain soft and malleable to allow the skull to expand at the same rate as the brain. The soft bones naturally pose a risk of developing flatheads. Flathead happens when the baby’s head is placed in a single position repeatedly to the extent that pressure builds up at a single spot on the skull. The bones of the skull at that point sink and go concave or flatten. It is basically a skeletal anomaly but can lead to stuntediImpeded growth and development. brain growth due to less cranial spaceiThe area formed by the bones of the skull and contains the brain. for the brain to expand. This may hamper the baby’s cognitive abilities later in life. The medical term for a flathead is plagiocephaly.

According to a report by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the incidence rate of deformational plagiocephaly is estimated to be about 20-50% in six-month-old babies (13).

Flatheads also occur if the baby sleeps straight but puts his head to the side, and due to prolonged sleeping on one side (2). A neck condition called torticollis could also lead to flatheads.

A more rare form of plagiocephaly is due to abnormal bone formation in the skull, which has to be surgically corrected.


  • When diagnosed on time, flatheads can be corrected using head braces called baby helmets since the baby’s skull bones are still soft enough to reposition themselves.
  • The head braces are prescribed by the doctor and made by certified medical manufacturers or hospitals.
  • If the baby’s condition is not severe, the doctor will recommend repositioning your baby’s sleeping side to rectify the flathead

protip_icon Did you know?
Infants’ skulls are moldable and soft until they are around four months old (4).

3. Torticollis

Torticollis may occur due to side sleeping
Image: Shutterstock

Torticollis is an abnormal tilting of the neck in one direction due to the severe shortening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle that connects the lateral side of the head to the clavicleiThe curved lone bone connecting the shoulder blade and breast bone. . Torticollis can occur due to several reasons, one of them being the poor positioning of the baby while sleeping (4).

Since babies’ muscles are tender and growing, the sternocleidomastoid muscle may shorten due to repeated sleeping on the side or turning the head to the side while sleeping on the back. This condition will not just affect the growth of the muscle but also cause abnormal bone growth.

Babies with torticollis turn their head side-to-side while sleeping.


  • Physical therapy will help release the stiffness in the muscles (3).
  • The doctor may recommend wearing a recovery harness wrapped around the baby’s body with a soft pad near the neck. This pad pushes the head in the opposite direction, gradually returning the neck to its normal position.
  • The doctor will also give you some safe sleeping techniques to improve the baby’s condition.

4. Risk of choking

Sleeping on the side creates torsioniTwisting of a part due to an applied force in the windpipe (trachea) that can make breathing difficult for the baby. Also, it can result in the accumulation of regurgitated foodiSwallowed food brought back from a person’s stomach to their mouth around the tracheal opening, posing a choking hazard. This also happens during tummy sleeping – a position to which your baby may topple during side-sleeping. These positions increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) (5). Moreover, a safe and exclusive sleep environment is crucial for babies; co-sleeping or bed-sharing may increase the risk of SIDS.


  • Do not allow the infant to sleep on their side to prevent choking and SIDS.
  • Additionally, providing the baby with a pacifier during sleep may lower the likelihood of SIDS.
protip_icon Research finds
Around 3,500 babies in the United States die every year suddenly and unexpectedly while sleeping, mainly due to SIDS (6).

These repercussions, some long-term and some temporary call for the need to prevent your baby from sleeping sideways.

How To Prevent Your Baby From Side-Sleeping?

You can take some easy precautions to prevent your baby from sleeping on his side:

1. Place your baby on the back during sleep time

Baby sleeping on the back
Image: iStock

The simplest precaution is to place your baby on his back when putting him to sleep in his crib or cradle. Research has proven that the back sleeping position is the best way of preventing fatal medical conditions such as SIDS (6). The AAP also recommends that the safest sleeping position for infants is on their backs until they turn one year old (7). This position also reduces upper respiratory issues and infections.

2. Do not place unnecessary support structures on the bed

Do not place support structures on the crib or the bed of the baby. These structures could be anything from home pillows to specially-made crib bumpers that have no proven record to provide any benefit or safety to the sleeping baby. Certain support structures like pillows may even cause the baby to roll over to the side in case he moves during his sleep (6).

3. Never use sleep positioners or wedges

Sleep positioners are not safe for babies. In fact, some are designed to ensure that the baby sleeps on the side while some encourage the baby to sleep on the back. Avoid both such positioners. Sleep positioners have been proven to pose a suffocation hazard (8).

4. Swaddling may increase the risk of roll over

If you swaddle your baby you automatically increase the risk of him rolling over to the side. This is because swaddling creates a smooth cylindrical surface around the baby that makes it easy for him to roll over. In fact, swaddling could increase the risk of SIDS (9).

5. Keep altering the baby’s sleep positions

If your baby sleeps on his back, then switch the position of his head every alternate night. For example, if he sleeps on his back with his head resting a bit towards the left side then the next night gently shift his head to the right side. This will help prevent the development of flatheads. Also, put your baby to sleep in a separate crib or cradle in the same room where you sleep. Do not put unnecessary bedding or padding in the crib that will make the baby slip into side-sleeping position. Ensuring crib safety is crucial in reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). One effective measure to prevent SIDS is to use a sleeping bag that fits your baby correctly, as it helps keep their head and face uncovered (12).

In the initial months, the babies do not move much. But once their mobility improves, it could be difficult for you to make him sleep on the back. So, for how long should you make an effort to make him sleep straight?

When Can Babies Sleep On Their Side?

Safe age for babies to sleep on the side
Image: iStock

Proper sleeping positions for babies are necessary for a safe and restful sleep. Babies should be made to sleep on his back till they complete 12 months, after which he can sleep on his side (10). By this age, your baby’s esophagusiA muscular tube that passes food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach. , tracheaiA tube connecting the voice box and lungs and overall breathing mechanism are fairly developed. Thus, it is now safe for him to sleep on his side.

What If The Baby Rolls To Side In Sleep?

Putting the sleeping baby on their back
Image: iStock

At around six months of age, your baby could roll over to his tummy or the side from the back position. Rolling over is a natural part of your baby’s development. If your newborn rolls to the side while sleeping or over to the tummy on his own, then you can let him sleep in that position (10).

Generally, a baby will be sleeping on the stomach or on the side only when their muscles are strong enough to let them do so. If he can roll over on his own then it is an indicator that the baby has stronger internal organs and is at a lower risk of choking himself during sleep.

However, if your newborn rolls to the side to sleep, then you must put him in the back position again (12).

protip_icon Caution
Stop swaddling your baby once you find them rolling over in their sleep (9).

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What if the baby is not comfortable sleeping on their back?

If your baby is not comfortable sleeping on the back, try to identify the cause. Check their bedding and the room temperature to ensure they are convenient for your baby. Try to swaddle your baby before bedtime. You may also try placing them on the bed after falling asleep.

2. Is it okay for a newborn to sleep on the back with their head to the side?

No. Sleeping on the side could increase the baby’s risk of developing a flat head. Hence, even if the baby is placed on their back, with the head turned to the side, they might still be at risk of developing a flat head (2).

3. What age does the risk of SIDS reduce?

SIDS is common among babies between one month and twelve months. The risk of SIDS reduces as the baby grows older and learns to gain control of their movements (5).

4. Can babies sleep on their side if supervised?

No, sleeping on the side can raise the chances of SIDS in infants. Hence, it is recommended that babies should always sleep on their backs, both during naps and nighttime, to minimize the risk of SIDS, even if they are being watched (12).

Babies sleeping on their sides have an increased risk of developing a flathead or suffering from torticollis which results in abnormal tilting of the head. However, if your baby naturally rolls into a side sleeping position, do not change their stance, as it is a part of their development and will not lead to any complications. Making your baby sleep in a sideways position also increases the risk of choking. Remember to make your baby sleep on their backs and keep altering the positions of their heads on alternate days to prevent flatheads.

Infographic: How To Stop Babies From Sleeping On Their Side

Side-sleeping increases the risk of suffocation and other sleep-related problems in babies. Therefore, preventing your baby from side-sleeping when you put them to sleep is necessary. Scroll through the infographic below to learn tips to avoid side-sleeping in your little one.

ways to prevent your baby from side sleeping (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Ensure your baby’s safety and well-being with this video on Infant Safe Sleep Practices. Learn valuable insights on creating a secure sleep environment for your little one.

Illustration: Babies Sleeping On The Side: What Happens If They Do & How To Stop It

Babies Sleeping On The Side_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. Judy Tang et al.; (2010); Harlequin colour change: unilateral erythema in a newborn.
  2. Paediatr Child Health; (2001); Preventing flat heads in babies who sleep on their backs.
  3. Flat Head Syndrome (Positional Plagiocephaly).
  4. Plagiocephaly (Flat Head Syndrome).
  5. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
  6. How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe: AAP Policy Explained.
  7. Infant Sleep Position and SIDS.
  8. Sleep Positioners: A Suffocation Risk.
  9. Swaddling: Is it Safe?
  10. Safe Sleep.
  11. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About SIDS and Safe Infant Sleep
  12. Ways to Reduce Baby’s Risk.
  13. American Academy of Pediatrics Releases Clinical Report: Differentiating Infant Head Shape Abnormalities.
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Dr. Kondekar Santosh is a Mumbai-based pediatrician and specializes in child health, nutrition, and growth, respiratory and neurological issues. He graduated from King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College in 1998.

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