215 Cute And Funny Jokes About Love

If you feel your romantic life is turning stale and you need some humor in it, our list of love jokes can come to your rescue. Sharing some random jokes with your partner or spouse over text or in person can make them laugh and enliven the spirits of your relationship. Also, when you enjoy and have fun together by pulling each other’s legs and cracking jokes, your arguments can get resolved in a jiffy. This silly banter is sure to result in a lot of sweet little chuckles and lots of hearty enjoyment.

So, keep reading our post for some flirtatious one-liners, marriage jokes, and other funny romantic stuff that you would love to share with your significant other and tickle them.

In This Article

Jokes About Love

Here are some jokes about love to accelerate your romance. Ping your sweetheart and give them a surprise by teasing them with a crazy joke.

  1. Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day? Yes, it is February 14th.
  1. What did one boat say to the other? Are you up for a little row-mance?
  1. What’s the difference between love and marriage? Love is blind. Marriage is an eye-opener.
  1. You’re like a dictionary; you add meaning to my life.
You add meaning to my life, love jokes

Image: IStock

  1. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  1. I was in the shop looking for a jacket to buy a present for my girlfriend. I couldn’t decide which one to get, so I asked the salesman, “If you were buying a jacket for your girlfriend, which one would you get? He said, “A bulletproof one. I’m married.”
  1. What happens when you fall in love with a chef? You get buttered up.
  1. Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.
  1. What do you call two cupids who fall in love? A match made in heaven.
  1. Roses are red. Violets are blue. If you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you.
  1. Why did the lion break up with his girlfriend? Because she was a cheetah.
  1. How to get a farm girlfriend, like you? Ride a tractor.
  1. Why did a food-holic woman marry a chef? So he can cook all her favorite dishes at home.
  1. What happened when the candle went dating? It found the perfect match.
  1. Do you love me? There are 101 reasons why I love you, shall I describe?
  1. What do you say to your single friends on Valentine’s Day? Happy Independence Day!
  1. A couple are on a date at a fancy restaurant. The woman tells the man to say something to her that will get her heart racing. He replies, “I forgot my wallet.”
  1. There were two antennas who met on a roof, they fell in love and decided to get married. The ceremony was nothing fancy, but you could tell that they had a strong connection.
  1. Love is when I walk to the other side of the classroom to sharpen my pen just so I can see her. And then I realize that I am holding a pen.
  1. If loving you is a crime, I’d be ready to serve a life sentence but the jail must be in your heart.
  1. My girlfriend told me she was leaving me because I keep pretending to be a Transformer. I said, “No, wait! I can change.”
  1. My girlfriend is always stealing my t-shirts and sweaters… But if I take one of her dresses, she says, “we need to talk.”
  1. I realized why they say “love is blind”, because you shine too bright.
  1. If Shakespeare had made me Romeo, and you, my Juliet, I would have refused to die at the end of the script, I’d rather end it with you “Happily Ever After.”
  1. Confucius says,‘Love one another.’ If it doesn’t work, just interchange the last two words.
  1. I used to date a girl that reported the weather. We’d have a stormy relationship.
  1. My prince is not coming on a white horse. He’s riding a van, and definitely lost.
  1. Definition of Honeymoon: a man’s last holiday before he starts working for a new boss.
  1. I broke up with my girlfriend at a restaurant. She started crying. Everyone thought I proposed to her so they started clapping.
  1. Real astronomers are in our family. First, mother who showed the moon in childhood. Second, father who used to show the whole universe in one scolding. Third, wife who shows stars during the day. This NASA is just confusion.
  1. More or less, every husband is like a movie; produced by mother and directed by wife!
  1. How the word “Wife” was invented? They took the first two and last two letters of “Wildlife”!
  1. Two golden rules of a happy marriage: 1. The wife is always right. 2. When you feel she is wrong, read rule number 1 again.
  1. I was a dude before marrying. Banta: And what are you now? Santa: Now I’m subdued!
  1. Why did the bicycle fall in love with the lamppost? Because it was lights-on!
  2. I asked my wife if she wanted to renew our marriage vows for our wedding anniversary. She said, “Wasn’t it on auto-update?”
  3. The other day, I told my wife she drew her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.
  4. My girlfriend kept calling me immature and childish. So, I asked her to leave my fort.
  5. Why do scientists compare relationships with chemical reactions? Because they know that wrong elements paired together can cause an explosion.
  6. Why do genius mathematicians fare terribly in relationships? Because they’re always trying to find your X!
  7. What do you call people who fall in love at a bakery? Dough-mantic!
  8. I asked my wife of 20 years, does she still fantasize about me, and she said, “Yes, about you doing the dishes!”
  9. On her birthday, my wife told me she wanted to feel like a princess. So, I put her in a tower and left her there for the rest of the day.
  10. On her birthday, my wife said she wanted a fairy tale romance. So, I again locked her in a tower and waited for her prince to rescue her. Not sure why he never showed up.
  11. What’s a relationship full of secrets known as? A confidential affair!
  12. My girlfriend said she wished I was like her ex. So, I dumped her.
  13. My wife said she was tired of seeing me imitate a flamingo. I had to put my foot down.
  14. Why did the computer break up with the internet? Because it couldn’t establish a strong connection with it.
  15. I asked my wife where she’d like to go for a vacation. She said, “Let’s go to the fridge, where all the good stuff is.”
  16. I asked my wife if she wanted to go on a date to the gym. She said, “Aren’t we already married?”
  17. Why did the math book dump the history book? Because it had too many problems with the past!
  18. My wife and I were happy for twenty long years, living life to the fullest. Then we met.
  19. My girlfriend kept saying she needed space and time. So, I got her a telescope and a watch for her birthday.
  20. How did the barista propose to their crush? By saying I like you a latte!
  21. What did the stamp say to its ex envelope? I’m still stuck on you.
  22. Why was the marriage counselor trying to acquire a fishing license? To be able to reel in some clients.
  23. What’s the difference between a wife and a girlfriend? A wife will tell you what to do. A girlfriend will ask you what you want to do, and then say ‘no.’
  24. What’s the difference between a boyfriend and a husband? A boyfriend takes you out for dinner and a movie. A husband makes dinner and watches a movie with you.
  25. Relationships are similar to a deck of cards. It starts with a heart and a diamond, a few years later, it becomes all about a club and a spade!
  26. I wanted to make a pun about relationships, but I figured it was too corny. I think I’m just too a-maize-d by love!
  27. Why did the laptop need couples therapy? It had too many unresolved issues with its motherboard!
  28. Why did the couple who met online get married? Because they clicked instantly.
  29. Why don’t scientists trust atoms in a relationship? Because they can make up anything!
  30. Why did the broom and the mop call off their marriage? They realized they couldn’t sweep their problems under the rug anymore!
  31. In a marriage, a man and woman become one. The trouble starts when they try to decide which one.
  32. My wife and I have been married for so long that our anniversary is now a part of the history syllabus.
  33. Compromise is essential for a marriage. That’s why, my wife decides where we go on vacation, and I choose the radio station to listen to on the way there.
  34. Oh her birthday, I asked my wife what gift she wanted for her birthday. She said, “Nothing would make me happier than a diamond necklace.” I got her nothing.
  35. A newly married man looks happy and everyone knows why. But when a ten-year married man looks happy, everyone wonders why.
  36. Marriage is full of love, affection, surprises and asking each other, “Do you have to do that right now?”
  37. Why doesn’t anyone want to marry a tennis player? Because love means nothing to them.
  38. What is love? It is telling someone to go to hell and then worry about them reaching there safely.
  39. Whenever I want to remind my wife who’s the boss in the house, I simply hold a mirror to her face.
  40. Wife: What do you want for dinner? Husband: What are my choices? Wife: Yes and no.
  41. Husband: “Why do you always check our marriage license?” Wife: “I’m still looking for the date of expiry.”
  42. For a woman, the only one of her children who does not grow up and move out is her husband.
  43. Ask your husband to cook and he will treat you like a God. He will place burnt offerings before you every night.
  44. What butterflies? When I am with you, I feel the entire zoo in my belly.
  45. Neighbor: Why are you sad? Me: My wife ran off with my best friend last week. Neighbor: That’s awful! Me: Yeah, I miss him a lot.
  46. I was married by a judge. Too bad I didn’t ask for a jury with it.

‘I Love You’ Jokes

Say three magical words in a funny style. Tell your partner about your deep love, but first, make them laugh crazy. Go share a special ‘I love you’ joke with your special one. These jokes are sure to add a little fun and frolic into your relationship.

  1. What did one light bulb say to the other? I love you watts and watts.
  2. Why shouldn’t you fall in love with a pastry chef? He’ll dessert you.
  3. What do you call two birds in love? Tweet-hearts!
Two birds in love

Image: IStock

  1. What did one volcano say to the other volcano? I lava you.
  2. What did one raspberry say to the other? I love you berry much.
  3. Let’s commit the perfect crime together. I’ll steal your heart and you can steal mine.
  4. Hey girl, your smile reminds me of McDonalds, because I’m loving it!
  5. How did the telephone propose to its girlfriend? It gave a ring.
  6. I said, “I love you so much. I could never live without you.” My girlfriend giggled and asked, “Is that you talking or the beer?” I said, “It’s me talking to the beer.”
  7. Why do painters always fall for their models? Because they love them with all of their art.
  8. What did one watermelon say to the other? You’re one in a melon!
  9. Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas? I love you so much.
  10. You can fall from the sky and you can fall from a tree, but the best way for you to fall is to fall in love with me.
  11. What did the astronaut’s girlfriend say to him when he proposed in outer-space? “I can’t breathe!”
  12. What do you call two ants sharing a slice of pizza in Italy? Romance.
protip_icon Point to consider
Tailoring your jokes to your partner’s sense of humor may deepen your connection and create shared laughter.
  1. I love you more today than I did yesterday. But that’s because yesterday I was really mad at you.
  2. I’m still clueless in deciding who the real copycat is, between you and the rainbow; you’re glowingly beautiful, dear.
  3. A successful marriage is based on give and take: It starts with money, gifts, dresses, and then goes with advices, lectures, and tensions!
  4. Husband and wife had a fight. Wife called mom: He fought with me again, I am coming home. Mom: No dear, he must pay for his mistake, I am coming to stay with you at your home.
  5. Do you want to know why I plan on no longer using Google anymore? Because after all this time that I have spent searching, I have found the love of my life and it is you.
  6. Knock knock. Who’s there? Olive. Olive who? Olive you!
  7. Funny equality law: The time taken by a wife when she says I will be ready in 5 minutes to go outside is exactly equal to the time taken by a husband when he says “I will be home in 5 minutes.
  8. Funny quote written on a husband’s t-shirt: If all are devils, my wife is the queen of them.
  9. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Love never crossed my mind
    Until I came across you.
Roses are red, love jokes

Image: IStock

  1. If I met you as a space traveler, the only gravitational force that would keep me on the surface of the moon would have been your smile radiating from the earth. Keep smiling, darling!
  2. There are only two kinds of people I know; the lover and the loved, and you happen to have acted both persons to me.
  3. I am a mathematician and you are my numbers. I love you even when you are irrational.
  4. You’re my favorite playlist, and every song reminds me of you.
  5. I love you so much that if you were a vegetable, I’d call you cute-cumber!
  6. You’re the cheese to my macaroni, the sauce to my fries, and the punchline to my jokes. I love you!
  7. I love you because you are my GPS when I’m lost and my free wi-fi when I’m out.
  8. Is your smile a broom? No, why? It just swept me off my feet.
  9. Me: “I love you.” You: “Aww, it’s the wine talking” Me: “No. It’s me talking to the wine.”
  10. Knock, knock. Who’s it? Amish. Amish who? Yes, Amish you too!
  11. How does a squirrel express his love? He says, “I’m so nuts about you!”
  12. Even if we were in space with no gravity, I’d still fall for you.
  13. How does a romantic baker propose to his lover? By saying, “I knead you!”
  14. I haven’t spoken to my wife in quite a few years. Why? I just don’t like to interrupt her.
  15. I always thought my mirror was true to me, until I saw myself in your eyes.
  16. I thought about you so hard that my colleagues could see in my eyes.

Short Love Jokes

Love has different flavors. Try all flavors in these short love jokes listed below. Some jokes are really tangy and spicy, scroll down to check them. The cheerfulness of these hilariously romantic jokes will uplift your mood instantly and bring a smile to your face.

  1. I’m no photographer, but I can picture us together.
  2. If you were a potato, you’d be a sweet one.
  3. We’re not socks. But I think we’d make a great pair.
  4. Love is in the air? What about the Oxygen!
  5. You are like my asthma. You just take my breath away.
  6. On a scale of 1 to 10, you are the only 1 for me.
  7. Just went on a date with a welder. Man, the sparks were flying!
  8. If kisses were snowflakes, I’d send you a blizzard.
  9. If your wife laughs at your funny jokes. It means you either have a good joke or a good wife!
  10. My wife is so sweet, every day she asks me what I want to have for dinner and then tells me to get it packed on the way back home!
  11. Arguing with a woman is like getting arrested. Everything you say will be used against you!
  12. I know it is going to sound cheesy, but I think you’re the greatest.
  13. I just saw two zombies on a date. And they say romance is dead.
  14. Make love, not war, and If you want both… Get married.!
  15. I’m in a long distance relationship. My girlfriend is in the future.
  16. I must be a snowflake because I’ve fallen for you.
  17. I’m so glad to have your beards right above my head whenever I’m wrapped in your arms, they give me an opportunity to tender a garden so close to me.
  18. Is your name WI-FI because I’m sensing a strong connection?
  19. If a woman is cold as a fish, a man has to be as patient as a fisherman.
  20. Are you a florist? Because ever since I met you, my life has been rosy.
Ever since I met you, my life has been rosy

Image: IStock

  1. My girlfriend isn’t talking to me. She said I ruined her birthday. I’m not sure how. I didn’t even know it was her birthday.
  2. My girlfriend left a note on my PS4 today. My heart stopped beating because it said: “This isn’t working.” Imagine my relief when I turned it on and it worked just fine.
  3. What is the true purpose of Valentine’s Day? To remind single people they are single.
  4. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and me together.
  5. What happened when the two vampires went on a blind date? It was love at first bite.
  6. How did the lightbulb flirt with the switch? It said, “You know how to turn me on.”
  7. Tell me, are you French? No, why? Because Eiffel for you.
  8. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Frank. Frank who? Frank you for loving me.
  9. Tell me, are you a cat? No, why? Because I’m feline a connection with you.
  10. Are you a vegetable garden? No, why? Because I love you from my head tomatoes.
protip_icon Caution
When telling a love joke, it’s safest to avoid anything that could be seen as disrespectful or offensive. Ensure your jokes are free of stereotypes or generalizations.
  1. You must be a banana. No, why? Because I find you too a-peeling.
  2. Do you have a band aid? No, why? Because I fell for you and now I have scraped knees.
  3. Do you know what material I am made of? Boyfriend/girlfriend material.
  4. I thought Disneyland was the happiest place on earth. Until I made my way into your heart.
  5. Were you my lab partner? No, why? Because we have such great chemistry.
  6. Charizards are red, Squirtles are blue. Look at me handsome/beautiful, coz I still choose you!
  7. Were you in Star Wars? No, why? Because Yoda is one for me!
  8. What did the pig say when his lover wanted to leave him? Darlin’ you are bacon my heart!
  9. Are you Dunkin? No, why? Because I donut want to spend another day without you.
  10. Like Mexican food? Yes. Great! Because I will wrap you in my arms and make you my BAE-ritto.
  11. Is there an airport nearby? No, why? Oh, then it’s just my heart taking off at the sight of you.
  12. My boyfriend always carries a ladder with him? He’s heard that relationships have ups and downs.
  13. My girlfriend carried a ladder to our date? Why? Because she wanted to take our relationship to the next level!
  14. You know you are like my Wi-Fi connection – sometimes you are strong, and other times, you just won’t connect.
  15. My wife is a real multi-tasker. She can text and ignore me at the same time.
  16. What is a girlfriend who is always right known as? A miracle.

Random Love Jokes

Bring some witty and humorous feelings in your serious relationship. Make your adorable partner laugh out loud with the interesting and funny jokes about love.

  1. You are like dandruff because I just can’t get you out of my head no matter how hard I try.
  2. Why should you never break up with a goalie? Because he is a keeper.
  3. Relationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?
  4. What did the snake say to his girlfriend? Give me a little hiss.
  5. Why did the banker break up with his girlfriend? He was losing interest.
  1. Did you hear about the notebook who married the pencil? She finally found Mr. Write.
  2. What do you get when you kiss a dragon? Burnt lips.
  3. And in her smile I see something tastier than the grilled burger.
  4. I always wanted to marry an Archeologist. The older I would get, the more interested she would become!
  5. This man was really lonely, so he posted an ad on a popular website. The ad said, simply: “Wife wanted.” He was surprised the next morning to find he had over a hundred replies in his inbox. Unfortunately, they all said the same thing: “You can have mine.”
  6. Ever since I met you, I started sleeping on the cloud with the sun, moon, and the stars as my gist partner every night, you know what, they love hearing a lot about you.
  7. I got lost in your eyes. But I also get lost in most department stores, so I wouldn’t read too much into it.
  8. What did the guy with the broken leg say to his nurse? I got a crush on you!
  9. My boyfriend and I met on the internet. My mother asked him what line he used on me and my boyfriend replied, “I just used a modem.”
  10. Wife: “In my dream, I saw you in a jewelry store and you bought me a diamond ring.”
    Husband: “I had the same dream and I saw your dad paying the bill.”
In my dream I saw you in a jewelry store

Image: IStock

  1. Wife: “How would you describe me?”
    Husband: “ABCDEFGHIJK.”
    Wife: “What does that mean?”
    Husband: “Adorable, beautiful, cute, delightful, elegant, fashionable, gorgeous, and hot.”
    Wife: “Aw, thank you, but what about IJK?”
    Husband: “I’m just kidding!”
  2. Me: Would you like to be the sun in my life?
    Her: Awww… Yes!!
    Me: Good then stay 92.96 million miles away from me
  3. Women are like telephones. They love to be held. They love to be talked to. But, if you press the wrong button, you’re disconnected.
  4. After a quarrel, a husband said to his wife, “You know, I was a fool when I married you.” She replied, “Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn’t notice.”
  5. My girlfriend asked me to pass her the Chapstick and I accidentally passed her the Glue Stick! She still hasn’t talked to me!
  6. This girl on Tinder asked me why I have an unlit cigarette in my picture… I told her I’m just looking for matches.
  7. I have never understood why women love cats. Cats are independent, they don’t listen, they don’t come in when you call, they like to stay out all night, and when they’re home they like to be left alone and sleep. In other words, every quality that women hate in a man, they love in a cat.
  8. What happens when cats get involved in a love triangle? It starts a meow-mance!
  9. Are you dentures? No, why? Because I can’t smile without you.
  10. Why did the square refuse to date the circle? He didn’t find her edgy enough.
  11. When a man opens the car door for his wife, it is very likely that either the car is new or the wife.
  12. They say be patient and the right person will come along. I think mine got lost.
  13. I sent the message “I love U” to my wife. She replied, “Aww, darling you mean it?” I said, “Of course. It’s my favorite vowel.”
  14. My dad once said, “Marry a girl with an embarrassing tattoo and ask her to marry you.” I asked why and he said, “She knows how to stick by her bad decisions.”
  15. Why am I still single on Star Wars day? I guess I have been looking in Alderaan places.
  16. Love is like amnesia as one forgets there are 1.2 billion other boys/girls in the world.
  17. You cannot buy love. But you can pay heavily for it.
  18. My husband often calls me ‘crazy.’ But he is the one who decided to marry me. So, who is more crazy now?
  19. Have you heard of the latest concept of Newton’s law? It states that for every idiot, there is an equal and opposite idiot. That’s the definition of a husband and wife.
  20. Once a woman called off her recent engagement. Her friend asked, “what happened? Wasn’t it love at first sight?” To which the woman answered, “Yes, but the second and third ones changed my mind.”
  21. A husband was aiming darts at his wife’s photo and missing the target. All of a sudden, his wife called to ask what he was doing. His reply was, “I am missing you.”
  22. Meeting you changed me completely. No, really. I now breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen.
  23. I saw a goldmine in you when I first saw you. And I became a self-appointed miner when I set my heart on you.
  24. It is better for you to learn CPR because each time I see you, you take my breath away.
  25. Are you aware of the secret to a happy relationship? Never go to bed angry. Stay up and argue all night!
  26. A happy relationship is not just finishing each other’s sentences but also about finishing each other’s leftovers.
  27. Love is not blind. It is like 20/20 vision. You clearly see each other’s flaws but choose to focus on the good stuff.
  28. The perks of a happy relationship is knowing your partner’s Netflix password.
  29. A happy marriage is when you both agree that your pet is the real boss of the house.
  30. You know you have found ‘the one’ when they are fine with you having their French fries without asking.
  31. Why did the boyfriend bring a compass on his first date? He wanted to find the right direction for his love.
  32. When a relationship matures, you don’t show your love just by saying, “I love you”; you also say, “Don’t forget to take your medicines?”
  33. How do you make an old couple laugh on their anniversary? By reminding them of the hairstyles they had when they first met.
  34. First love is like a rom-com. You laugh, you cry, and then you wonder how it will all end.

Why Humor Matters In Relationships

Humor makes a relationship strong and long-lasting. It can help diffuse tension and create a channel for open communication. Here are a few other reasons why having a sense of humor in a relationship is important.

  1. Humor helps deflect irksome remarks and negative or critical comments, helping avoid unnecessary quarrels.
  2. Sarcastic humor or a funny joke about love can make awkward situations funny and less stressful.
  3. Banter and witty exchanges can improve your communication and help you enjoy each other’s company years down the line.
  4. Making your partner laugh with a well-timed cheesy love joke can help improve their mood and boost your self-worth and confidence.
  5. A genuinely funny moment with your partner can remain in your mind for a long time, creating a shared memory for you to cherish.

Illustration: Cute And Funny Jokes About Love

love jokes_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do people enjoy hearing and telling jokes about love?

People find jokes about love funny because they can relate to them. For instance, husband and wife jokes can make light of serious marital problems that appeal to the listeners.

2. Can love jokes be used to diffuse tension in a romantic relationship?

Jokes are meant to relieve tension and promote happiness. A love joke can help make a crack in a tight situation, especially when a couple is having communication problems.

3. Can love jokes be an effective way to express affection for someone?

Love jokes can sometimes help put into words your inner feelings with a touch of humor. If your spouse knows you well, they will understand the true meaning behind the marriage jokes you make and how much you actually love them.

4. How can I tell a love joke without offending anyone or being inappropriate?

Avoid joking about a person’s appearance, health problems, or financial conditions, which can hurt their sentiments. Ensure your jokes are devoid of sexual undertones, sexist remarks, or racial comments.

5. Can love jokes be used to break the ice and start conversations with new people?

Love jokes can be a good conversation starter as people bond faster with others who share similar outlooks or problems. Or you can use these love jokes to tell your crush to simply start a conversation with them. Love jokes can also make your conversation better by making it easier to approach serious topics without anxiety.

A sense of humor can add a zest of excitement, friendship, and energy to a romantic relationship. Learning to make and take jokes about yourself and your loved ones can add a fresh jesting flavor to your relationship. You can share these love jokes in a text message or use them as funny love quotes to make your loved one laugh. Crack these jokes with your loved one to test their wit and make sure there is never a dull moment in your relationship.

Infographic: Short Jokes About Love

Love is kind, beautiful, and magical, but sometimes it needs to be funny too. So, why not share love-ly jokes with your partner to get them chuckling and create a fun mood? You can whisper the jokes in the infographic below into your partner’s ears and make them love you even more.

whats love without a good laugh (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • If your romantic life feels dull, using humor through love jokes can help revive it.
  • A sense of humor can bring excitement, friendship, and energy into a romantic relationship.
  • Sharing random jokes with your partner, whether through text or in person, can make them laugh and boost the mood in your relationship.
  • Light-hearted banter, teasing, or cracking jokes can help resolve arguments quickly.
  • Learning to joke about yourself and your partner can add a playful dynamic to your relationship.
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Shivank Joshi
Shivank JoshiBA (Mass Communication)
Shivank is an experienced professional with a passion for writing, editing, and research. With a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication from IEL, Dehradun, he previously worked as a production editor. Shivank transitioned into a writer/editor, contributing to various publications as a freelancer.

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Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

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