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If you are inspired by druidismiA modern spiritual or religious movement that celebrates honorable relationships with landscapes, diverse people, and spirits. and wish to give your newborn a druid name, we have compiled a list of options and their meanings to help you get creative.
As a fantasy buff or fiction enthusiast, chances are you find druid names fascinating. According to Celtic scholar Nora K. Chadwick, the Druids were Celtic religious leaders who practiced magic, meditation, and mysticism (1).
Some ancient CeltsiAncient people from Europe with a distinct culture, language, and tribal societies followed druidism in a spiritual sense, while others considered it a religion. The term ‘Druid’ originates from ‘dru,’ a Celtic word meaning ‘oak,’ and ‘wid,’ an Indo-European word meaning ‘to know.’ A druid, therefore, is a ‘knower of the oak,’ also known as a forest sage.
Read on for some fascinating druid names that you could choose for your baby.
Cultural Significance Of Druid Names
Druids, an ancient intellectual class from Celtic culture, are known for their deep connection to nature, spirituality, and literature. Though details about their existence remain a mystery, Druids were believed to be spiritual guides and keepers of knowledge and wisdom. Likewise, Druid names carry a rich cultural and historical significance, rooted in Celtic mythology and natural elements. Many of these names also hold mystical qualities and religious links. For instance, Chulainn is the name of a legendary Irish figure and Dagda refers to the God of Earth and wisdom. Initially representing heroic or divine Celtic figures, these names have since evolved to reflect qualities of personality and nature, such as Kieran (‘little dark one’) and Erwan (‘yew’ or ‘archer’) (2) (3).
With the growing interest in ancient traditions, nature-based spirituality, and mythology, Druid names have gained notability in recent times. Their earthy, mystical charm continues to attract parents looking for striking and meaningful names for their children.
Druid Names For Baby Boys
1. Aodh
According to Irish mythology, Aodh is the prince of Daoine Sidhe and god of the underworld. Aodh refers to ‘fire’ or the ‘bringer of fire,’ and is derived from the Old Irish name Áed. In the fiction series ‘Avalon,’ Aodh is a druid and a native of Dun Dara.
2. Aglain
Aglain is known to be a powerful druid adept at the arts of healing. He is also the leader of the druids, as mentioned in the loreiTraditions and knowledge typically passed down through generations by word of mouth. of King Arthur. The origin of the name Aglain is not established, but it’s hinted that it is of Moorish origins and means ‘born again.’
3. Allanon
A druid master from the novel series ‘The Sword of Shannara,’ Allanon is a character who is often compared to Merlin of Arthurian legends. In the narrative, he is shown to guide his friends on their quest for greatness. The name is of Celtic origins and roughly translates to mean ‘strong-willed.’
4. Amergin
Amergin is known to be a bardiA professional storyteller or poet. and druid in the Irish mythologies. He is of royal parentage and served as the high judge in the Irish courts. This Irish baby name roughly translates to ‘birth from music’ and is a popular name in Ireland even in present times.
5. Ari

In Arthurian lore, Ari is a druid sorcereriSomeone who is believed to possess magical powers and performs sorcery or witchcraft. who is an ally with Morgana, the arch-rival of Merlin the sorcerer. Ari is a name of Nordic ancestry and translates to ‘eagle.’
6. Cathbad
One of the most famous Druid names, Cathbad, has old Germanic origins and belongs to a high-ranking druid mentioned in Irish legends. He was known for his wisdom and knowledge of herbs and potions and served as a counsel to King Conchobar.
7. Caílte
Caílte mac Ronain was a figure from the Fenian Cycle mythology and was the nephew of the epic hero Fionn mac Cumhall. It is described that Caílte got his powers after slaying werewolvesiA shapeshifting individual in European folklore that is human by day and a wolf by night. . Caílte is a Gaelic origin name and means ‘powerful.’
8. Cerdan
Cerdan is a warlockiSomeone who practices witchcraft. and a druid master. In the legend, he is executed by King Uther, the father of Arthur. The famous druid Mordred had apprenticed under Cerdan in his early days. Cerdan is of Spanish ancestry where it means ‘wise’ or ‘prudent.’
9. Chulainn
Chulainn is an Irish mythological figure and a power druid. He is a demigodiA mythological character with more powers than humans and lesser powers than God. and believed to be the incarnation of the god Lugh. The name is pronounced as ‘koo-lin,’ and in Celtic origins, it means ‘the powerful one.’
10. Conan
Conan is one of the highly popular names in Ireland and Scotland, and it is of a Gaelic origin. The name has a mixed parentage and means ‘hound’ or ‘wolf.’ There were multiple druids named Conan as members of the warrior band called Fianna that followed the epic hero Fionn mac Cumhall.
11. Cumhall
Cumhall is an important druid figure from the Fenian Cycle mythologies and is the father of the famous Fionn mac Cumhall. He is known to be a leader of druid warriors, called the Fianna. Cumhall is pronounced as ‘koo-aal’ and means ‘strong’ in old Irish dialects.
12. Daegal
In Arthurian lore, Daegal was a young druid from the royal city of Camelot. He was known to be brave and selfless, having sacrificed himself to save his king. Daegal is of Anglo-Saxon origin and translates to ‘dweller by the lake.’
13. Dagda
Irish myths often identify Dagda as the God of manliness and wisdom. His name means ‘good god.’ In Irish legends, he is and often looked up to as a father-figure, leader of the Tuatha Dé Danann, and druid. He was known for his healing powers, which could also bring back the dead.
14. Dian
Dian is of Latin origin and is the male form of the popular feminine name Diana. Dian means ‘divine’ in Latin. Dian Cecht is a mythological figure known for his healing prowess. In some cultures, he is worshipped as the God of medicines.
15. Diarmuid
Diarmuid was a warrior and one of the fiercest members of Fianna, the followers of Fion mac Cumhall. He had many druidic powers, which he utilized in battles and wars. This masculine name is of Irish origin and is anglicized as Jeremy. It translates to ‘the one loved by all.’
16. Diviciacus
Diviciacus was a druid who lived in the Burgundy region. He belonged to the Aedui tribe, and his name means ‘avenger.’ It is said that he held the senator’s position and was an influential druid master.
17. Dubthach
Dubthach in Gaelic means ‘dark-skinned.’ In druidic lore, dark skin is often associated with strong sorcery prowess and the ability to wield uncommon skills. Dubthach also showed a gentler side, having a penchantiA strong tendency or inclination towards something. for music and poetry.
18. Emrys
Emrys is closely associated with druid lore since it was another name for the famous druid magician Merlin. It’s said that the elder Druids prophesied the birth of Merlin and referred to him as Emrys, meaning ‘the one without end.’ The name Emrys is of Welsh origin and translates to ‘immortal.’
19. Finn

Finn was another name of the legendary druid hero Fionn mac Cumhall. Finn was known to be brave and led his band of warrior followers known by the name of Fianna. In Irish, Finn means ‘fair’ or ‘gentle.’
20. Fintan
Fintan, also known as Fintan the wise, was a druid seeriA person with supernatural powers with the ability to predict future. , as mentioned in the Irish folktales. He is said to possess the ability to transform and shapeshift into animal forms. Fintan in Gaelic dialects means ‘the fair one.’
21. Fionn
The tales and legends of Fionn mac Cumhall are popular in Ireland and in Scotland and other parts of Europe. Fionn was a druid, a warrior, and an adventure seeker. It is Fion and his followers, known as Fianna, which form the prose literature called the Fenian Cycle. The name Fionn is derived from Gaelic and means ‘fair-haired.’
22. Golmac
Gilmac Morn was a member of the famous druid army, the Fianna. Although he followed the legendary hero Fionn mac Cumhall, he was at best an uneasy ally. The name Gilmac is of Gaelic origin and means ‘stronghold.’
23. Gwenc’hlan
Bretonian druid master Gwenc’hlan was a well-known bard who wrote the famous song ‘Diougan Gwenc’hlan.’ He was also referred to as Guinclaff in other parts of Europe. Gwenc’hlan in Celtic means ‘holy race.’
24. Iseldir
Iseldir was a powerful druid chieftain who guarded many druid secrets. As a seer, he was a gifted fortune teller. Iseldir aided King Arthur in keeping the realms in order. Iseldir is a Celtic boy name and roughly translates to mean ‘brave’ or ‘soldier.’
25. Kieran
The name Kieran is of Irish origin, meaning ‘little dark one’ or ‘dark-haired.’ It is a strong, timeless name often associated with wisdom and a deep sense of character.
26. Lir
The name Lir is believed to be derived from the Old Irish name Ler, which means ‘the sea.’ According to Irish legends, King Lir is the name of the Sea God. As per an old legend titled ‘Oidheadh Chlainne Lir,’ also known as ‘The Children of Lir,’ the children of King Lir were transformed into swans by his jealous wife Aoife.
27. Lochru
Lochru in gypsy dialect means ‘a druid seer.’ In Arthurian legends, Lochru was a druid who saved Merlin from a fatal wound. Lochru was good with potions and herb lore. However, he stayed neutral and did not take sides in the war between Arthur and his nemesis.
28. Lugh
Lugh, in Irish mythology, is the other name for the Sun God. It translates to mean ‘bright’ or ‘shiny.’ In Irish Fenian mythology, Lugh was a shy herb master and druid, good at healing and creating obscure potions.

29. Manannán
Manannán, also known as Manannán mac Lir was the ‘son of the sea.’ The name is believed to be derived from the Celtic term ‘moniyo,’ which refers to a ‘mountain.’ Irish legends name him as the ‘guardian of the Otherworld.’ It is also believed that Manannán has a magical boat name ‘Sguaba Tuinne,’ which he uses to transport souls to their afterlife.
30. Merlin
Merlin is a legendary mythical figure who appears alongside the legend of King Arthur. He is considered a powerful and wise wizard who uses his gifts for the good of mankind. The lore of Merlin is of Welsh origin, and the name means ‘fortress near the sea.’ Merlin belonged to the order of druids and trained under them before becoming a successful wizard.
31. Mogh
Mogh Ruith is a druid character in Irish mythology. What set him apart was that he was blind but wielded enormous power. He was said to have the ability to grow to a monstrous size with his magical abilities. The name is also spelled as Mug Ruith, and it translates to ‘slave to the wheel.’
32. Myrddin
Myrddin is of Welsh origin and means ‘stronghold by the sea.’ It was the original name of the famed sorcerer Merlin in his early years. Myrddin or Merlin is considered one of the strongest druids and sorcerers who ever lived, and his legends are re-imagined to present times in the forms of TV shows and novel series.
33. Oisin

Oisin was a famous druid, bard, and poet who contributed to the literature of the Fenian cycle. His works are celebrated across Ireland and Scotland and shed light on the ways of the druids. Oisin is an Irish origin name and means ‘a small deer.’
34. Oscar
Oscar is a druid figure of the Fenian cycle works of Irish mythologies. He is the grandson of the epic hero Fionn mac Cumhall and is a fierce warrior and warlock. Oscar is a Latin derived that means ‘spear of the almighty.’
35. Ruadan
The male name Ruadan is of Irish ancestry and means ‘red-haired.’ Druids saw red hair as early sign of magical prowess, and as such, the name was popular. Ruadan was a druid warlock who was in alliance with the enemies of King Arthur.
36. Simon
Also known as Simon the Sorcerer, Simon Magus was a druid and a religious figure. Simon was considered a powerful sorcerer who could levitate at will. The name Simon is of Greek origin and means ‘flat-nosed.’
37. Siodhachan
In ‘The Iron Druid Chronicles’ Siodhachan O Suileabhain, also known as Atticus O’Sullivan is a 2000-year-old Irish Druid known for his attractive physical appearance. He does not have his own powers but has the ability to draw and convert power from the earth. The Old Irish name Síodhachán means ‘peaceful’ or ‘place inhabited by otherworld beings.’
38. Tadg
Tadg mac Nuadat was a druid mentioned in the Fenian Cycle legends of Irish mythologies. Tadg possessed the power to foresee glimpses of the foresee and used that power to advise kings and rulers. Tadg, also spelled as Tadhg, means ‘poet’ or ‘bard’ in the old Celtic dialects.
39. Taliesin
Taleisin was a druid who was more popular as a bard and poet and has performed in the courts of kings. In Arthurian legends, he is also portrayed as a brave warrior who accompanies King Arthur in his adventures. This Welsh originated name means ‘shining forehead’ and means someone fortunate and looked after.
Druid Names For Baby Girls
40. Aoife
Aoife is a highly popular Irish name and is pronounced as ‘ee-faa’. The name goes back to centuries and means ‘beauty’ or ‘radiant.’ It was common among the warlocks and druids to name their daughters Aoife at par with local tradition.
41. Aria
The Gaelic name Aria has a soothing tone to it. This short and modern-sounding name means ‘music’ or ‘song.’ Aria is a common name throughout Europe and was also used by druids as a feminine name.
42. Becuille
Becuille is a sorcerer and druid mentioned in the Greek mythologies. She is known as a kind-hearted warlock who joined forces with two other sorcerers to take on the evil ruler of her time. The name is of Greek origin and means ‘calm’ and ‘pleasant.’
43. Bertha
Bertha was a common and popular name in the Arthurian era, and as such not uncommon for druid families to name their female child as one. Bertha is a name of Anglo-Saxon origin, meaning ‘bright one.’
44. Birog
In Irish folklore, Birog is a druidess who is known for her goodness. She is considered part spirit and part human who guides the king in making the right decisions for the sake of the kingdom’s future. Birog is a name of gypsy ancestry whose origins are vague but are agreed to mean ‘large’ or ‘strong.’
45. Bodhmall
Bodhmall is a druidess who finds mention in the Irish mythologies. She is described as a healer and a brave warrior in the legend of Fionn Mac Cumhill. The name is of gypsy origins and means ‘bright star’ or ‘guiding light.’
46. Boudicca
Boudicca in Latin means ‘victory’ and used to be a popular first name for female warriors. In druid literature, Boudicca was a member of the warrior clan Fianna that continued long after the death of the founder Fionn mac Cumhall.
47. Camma
Camma is a variant of the Latin Camilla, which means ‘religious person.’ Camma, as a mythological figure, was a Celtic druidess who assisted the druid master Tadg. The name is rare and is mostly used as a nickname.
48. Caoimhe
Caoimhe is of Irish origin and pronounced as ‘keeva.’ She is the daughter of the epic hero Fionn mac Cumhall and known for being a druidess with healing powers. The meaning of the name is ‘gentle’ or ‘precious.’
49. Dornoll

Dornoll was a famed druidess known for training young druids and warlocks. Some of the students she trained went on to become epic heroes serving the great King Arthur. Dornoll is a Gaelic origin name, which means ‘brave’ or ‘courageous.’
50. Ella
Ella is a diminutiveiA word that conveys the smallness of an object. of Eleanor and is of German ancestry. It translates to mean ‘bright light.’ The name is highly popular in Scotland and Ireland and was a common nickname even among the druids of yore.
51. Emma
Emma Restall is a modern-day druid and author. Her works, such as ‘Druid Priestess’ have inspired many to follow in her footsteps, embracing a spiritual life. Her interpretation of druid culture in the modern day focuses on the care of plants and animals and guiding people through difficult times. The name Emma is of Germanic origins and means ‘of the earth.’
52. Flidais
A druidess and a goddess, Flidais is akin to the Roman Artemis. She is known for her affectionate temperament and wisdom. As a druidess, she wields the power of invisibility. Flidais in Irish translates to ‘beautiful flowing hair.’
53. Freya
Freya is a character in the legend of Merlin, the magician. She is known to have a soft corner for Merlin, whom she helped escape from fellow warlocks. She was named the ‘Lady of the Lake’ after she died on the shores of Avalon Lake. Freya from Norse origins means ‘noble.’
54. Guinevere
Guinevere is a respected figure in Irish lore and mythology. She begins from humble origins but achieves great power as the wife of King Arthur. Guinevere in Welsh roughly translates to mean ‘fair one.’
55. Isolde
Isolde is a highly popular and revered name in Irish localities. The name means ‘ice ruler,’ and people associate it with the epic character Princess Isolde of the play ‘Tristan and Isolde.’
Isolde was a druidess in the Forgotten Realms saga and was known for her benevolence.
56. Jenny
Jenny is a diminutive of the name Jennifer. It is a Welsh origin name that means ‘soft.’ Being a common name, both Jenny and Jennifer continue being popular. In Irish folktales, multiple minor characters have been found with the name Jenny, making it one of the most popular female Druid names.
57. Joyce
Joyce is a name of Latin origin and means ‘joy,’ but it can also mean ‘the Almighty’. The name became highly popular in the Breton region and later in Ireland. There has been mention of a druid named Joyce by St. Patrick in the Irish lore of olden days.
58. Kara
Kara was a female druid who is said to have been the childhood love interest of the famous druid Mordred, also known as ‘the young druid.’ She is well known for hating King Arthur and Merlin the magician and her attempts at killing them. The name Kara is of Italian and Latin ancestry and means ‘caring’ or ‘beloved.’
59. Keyleth
Keyleth is a druidess who also happens to be a half-elf. Keyleth is a character from the show Critical Role but has its origin in numerous druid lords of Ireland and Scotland. The name is from a made-up elven language where it means ‘courage.’
60. Liath
Liath is a member of the Fianna, who were a group of warrior druids that followed the epic hero Fionn mac Cumhall. She is in fact the foster mother and mentor of Fionn. Liath in Celtic means ‘grey’ and is often associated with wolves.
61. Lynet
Lynet, the healer, is a druidess in the fantasy series Redwood Realms. She is known for having a vast knowledge of herbs and potions. Lynet is Celtic origin name that means ‘grace.’
62. Morgana
Morgana is a name of Welsh origin and is the feminine form of the name Morgan. The name can be translated to mean ‘sea dweller’ and other similar meanings. In druid lore, Morgana is the antagonist to the great wizard Merlin, from whose hands she is finally killed.
63. Morgause
In the old Welsh and English legends and mythologies, Morgause is the half-sister of King Arthur. Morgause and her son Mordred are portrayed as the chief antagonists to King Arthur and his counsel Merlin the magician.
64. Muirne
Muirne is a female druid, as mentioned in the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology. She is described as the mother of the famous druid warrior Fionn mac Cumhall. Her father was the famous druid warlock Tadg mac Nuadat. This female Irish name means ‘high-spirited.’
65. Niamh
The Irish name Niamh means ‘bright’ or ‘radiant’ and is pronounced as ‘Neev.’ The name is highly popular in Ireland and Scotland. It was common for Druid families to name their female child Niamh as it had the mystical sound, as favored by the druids and warlocks. If mystical names intrigue you too, this might be a good choice for.
66. Oriana

Oriana is a Roman-originated name that witnessed popularity in present-day Italy. The name was popular among the gypsy communities, who were known to practice the druidic arts and sorcery. The name in Latin is translated to mean ‘dawn.’
67. Relbeo
Relbeo was a druidess of Greek origin. Her name in Greek translates to mean ‘red fierce,’ which was appropriate for her prowess at handling fire. In some legends, she is said to be of royal parentage and heir to the Greek throne.
68. Sadhbh
The feminine first name Sadhbh is of Irish origin and pronounced as ‘swayd.’ It can mean ‘sweet’ or ‘goodness.’ Also spelled as Sadb, the figure is admired in mythologies and described as a druid with knowledge of plants and herbs. She is also admired for her beauty and grace.
69. Sefa
Sefa, though not originally an Irish name, probably got introduced through the gypsy clans. In Irish mythology, Sefa was the handmaiden to Queen Guinevere and happened to possess druidic powers though not fully trained. The name Sefa is a diminutive of Josephine, which in Jewish means ‘pure.’
70. Sloane
Druidic lores have inspired many modern interpretations, Druid Dreams chronicles being a popular one. Sloane is the protagonist of the book series and is a druidess warrior. Sloane is of Gaelic ancestry and means ‘little raider.’
71. Tlachtga
The name Tlachtga, though found in Ireland, has its origins in the nomadic gypsy communities. The word roughly translates to mean ‘power of the earth.’ Tlachtga, in druid lore, is the daughter of druid master Mug Ruith. She was red-haired and feared by her nemesis due to her adeptness in the arts of magic.
72. Tuirne
In the Fenian Cycle mythologies from Ireland, Tuirne was the sister of druidess Muirne and aunt to Fionn mac Cumhall. Tuirne is also called ‘Uirne’ in literature. The name is of Celtic origins and means ‘thorn’ or ‘strength.’
73. Wynna
Wynna is a Welsh origin name and means ‘fair or pure.’ The name is a diminutive of the name Winona and is often shortened to Winnie too. A druidess named Wynna has been mentioned in the early literature of druidic lore.
Gender-Neutral Druid Names
74. Amaris
Amaris is a beautiful and modern-sounding name of Hebrew origin, meaning ‘gifted by God.’ The druid Amaris is a minor character and a member of the warrior band Fianna. However, Amaris quits Fianna and leaves behind the druidic life.
75. Cian
Cian in Gaelic dialects means ‘enduring’ and ‘strong.’ Being a popular name for centuries, it is common to find many druids and bards bearing the name Cian. One of the popular bearers of the name was Cian, the son of Dian in the Fenian cycle mythology.
76. Dryad
In folklore, Dryads are spirits or nymphs that dwell in oak trees. The druids delved in all things magic and sorcery, and Dryads were of particular interest to them. It was common for druids to name their child as Dryad or sometimes Dryade.
77. Erwan
Erwan Berthou was a druidic bard and poet from the Breton region of France. His works on the druidic culture shed important light on the obscure practices of the druids. Erwan is an Irish origin name that refers to the yew tree and means ‘archer.’
78. Mordred
In druid mythologies, Mordred was a polarizing figure who, despite being good of heart, had to make some hard choices due to circumstances. Mordred is an important character in the legend of King Arthur. Mordred is derived from the Latin name Mordredus and means ‘brave.’
79. Nuada
Nuada, also known as Nuadat, is an important figure in Irish folklore. Nuada translates to ‘cloud maker.’ Nuada as a druid was revered as the first of the Nuadat family line and produced many famed druids and warlocks.
80. Ogma
Ogma is derived from the Greek name Ogham and means ‘roots.’ Ogma as a druid, was known to be well-versed in multiple languages and delved into poetry and craft. In some Welsh cultures, Ogma is also worshiped as the Goddess of literature and drama.
Druids are a fictitious clan of people belonging to high-ranking classes and were leaders of the Celtic religion. They were known for dealing with mystic crafts and magic and often resided in forests. Choosing a druid name for your child can be quite interesting, especially if you are a fantasy fiction buff. It will also help give your child insight into the world of magic, knights, and wizards as they learn about the meaning and origin of their name in the future.
Discover More Names
When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the origins of Druid names?
Druid names often have Celtic origins. They are deeply connected to nature and mythology. These names draw inspiration from trees, animals, and ancient gods. It is now believed that Druids were priests and scholars in Celtic cultures. Hence, these names are associated with wisdom and spirituality. In recent years, Druid names have become popular due to fantasy literary works and are often associated with magic and mystery.
2. How do Druids decide on their names?
Druids follow a spiritual or religious path that builds a connection between humans and nature. Therefore, Druids’ names are usually inspired by nature, culture, or spiritual beliefs (4).
3. How do Druids choose names that reflect their spiritual beliefs?
Different types of Druids differ in their conception of deity. Therefore, some Druids may name their babies after deities, while others may choose nature-inspired, ceremonial, or other names inspired by their spiritual journey (4).
4. Does everyone in a Druidic circle have the same name?
No. Like other cultures, Druidry individuals have their own naming culture and tradition. Their names differ significantly depending on the type of Druidism they follow (4).
5. Are Druid names still used today?
Yes. Many Druid names, including Finn, Merlin, Oscar, and Simon, are among the popular names for the baby. Also, if you’re looking for a unique yet meaningful name for your baby, consider one from Druid names. However, it is a good idea to learn the meaning and connotations of the name to make sure it aligns with your religious and personal values.
6. What is the importance of a Druid name?
Parents may give Druidic names to their children to honor their deity, reflect their customs, or it can be a symbol of their spiritual journey. Also, these names give a specific identity to children to know their origin and family customs.
Infographic: Meaningful Yet Cool Druid Names
Druids are known to have magical abilities; hence, a unique druid name can make your baby stand out in a crowd. In addition, these names have a distinctive sound and a mysterious feel, and some also have a deep meaning. Choose a lovely Druid name from the below infographic for your child. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Key Pointers
- Druid names draw inspiration from nature such as earth, trees, animals, and seasons.
- You can also find Celtic elements in Druid names.
- Druid names often have a soothing and flowing sound that is pleasing to the ears.
- Druid names are now commonly used in fantasy lore.
- Usually, these names are considered to convey mystery or magic.
- The Druids; Peter Ellis.
https://www.scribd.com/document/609201314/The-Druids - Druids: Cultural Background.
https://ecuip.lib.uchicago.edu/diglib/science/cultural_astronomy/cultures_druids-1.html - Finding Your Druid Name.
https://aoda.org/publications/articles-on-druidry/druidname/ - Druid Beliefs.

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