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In a world filled with wonder and possibilities, people are captivated by ancient mysteries and otherworldly phenomena. Those who love pondering the big questions about the universe may find mystical names fascinating. Whether they come from stars and planets, old stories about gods, or tales passed down through generations, these magical names grab your attention. Picking a mystical name for your child might symbolize your connection to something spiritual and your respect for ancient wisdom. Below, we’ve gathered a list of mystical names for you to explore.
Key Pointers
- Luna, Bellatrix, Lyra, and Virgo are enchanting celestial names full of mystery and grace.
- Orion, Merlin, and Osiris offer powerful mythical options with deep roots in legend and magic.
- Amor, Phoenix, and Mitra are mystical, nature-inspired names that work well for any gender, evoking wonder and strength.
300+ Mystical Names With Meanings
Here is a list of mystical names that transcend the earthly realm, evoking a sense of otherworldly beauty and grace. It includes unique names inspired by various mythologies and magical traditions from around the world to inspire and shape a child’s identity.
Unique Mystical Girl Names
Find the perfect name for your daughter from this compilation of mystical options, each carrying its own aura.
1. Acantha
Originating from the Greek word ‘Akantha,’ Acantha signifies ‘thorn or prickle.’ In Greek mythology, she was a nymph admired by Apollo.
2. Aegle
Derived from the Greek term ‘Aigle,’ this name denotes ‘light, radiance, or glory.’ Several characters in Greek mythology bore this name.
3. Aella
Aella means ‘whirlwind’ in Greek. In Greek myth, it was the name of an Amazon warrior slain by Herakles during his quest for Hippolyta’s girdle.
4. Aglaia
In Greek, Aglaia means ‘splendor or beauty.’ She was one of the three Graces in Greek mythology, also known as ‘Charites.”
5. Aino
Found in the Finnish epic Kalevala, Aino means ‘the only one’ in Finnish.
6. Alexandra
A feminine form of Alexander, Alexandra means ‘defending men.’ It is also a Mycenaean epithet of the goddess Hera,’ in Greek mythology. The spiritual connotation associated with this name is ‘generous’ (1).
7. Amalthea
Derived from the Greek term ‘Amaltheia,’ this name stems from the word ‘malthasso,’ meaning ‘to soften or to soothe.’
8. Andraste
According to the Greco-Roman historian Cassius Dio, Andraste, possibly meaning ‘invincible’ in Celtic, was a Briton goddess of victory invoked by Boudicca before her revolt.
9. Andromeda
Andromeda is derived from the Greek terms ‘aner’ meaning ‘man’ and ‘medomai’ or ‘medo’ meaning ‘to be mindful of, to provide for, or to think on’ or ‘to protect or to rule over.’ In Greek mythology, Andromeda was an Ethiopian princess rescued from sacrifice by the hero Perseus (3).
10. Angelica
A beautiful mystical name that comes from the Latin term ‘angelicus,’ meaning ‘angelic,’ and is also linked to the Greek term ‘angelos,’ meaning ‘messenger.’ It also makes for one of the best witch names for your baby.
Angelica, a blogger, shares the story behind her name. She says,” Have you ever read a book series called “The Legend of the Ice People” (‘Sagan om isfolket’ is the Swedish title)? My parents were both obsessed with the series (I think they still have all 47 books on their living room bookshelves). My father claims I’m named Angelica after the character ‘Sol-Angelica av Isfolket’ (Sun-Angelica of the Ice People), a witch. So there you have it, I’m named after a witch (i).”
11. Antiope
Comprising Greek elements ‘anti’ meaning ‘against, compared to, or like’ and ‘ops’ meaning ‘voice,’ Antiope was the name of several figures in Greek mythology, including a daughter of Ares who was one of the queens of the Amazons.
12. Aphrodite
Aphrodite, the name of a Greek goddess of love and beauty, was associated with ‘aphros,’ meaning ‘foam,’ as per the Greek myth of her birth from the sea foam.
13. Ariadne
Meaning ‘most holy,’ this name combines the Greek prefix ‘ari’ meaning ‘most,’ and the Cretan Greek term ‘adnos’ meaning ‘holy.’ In Greek mythology, the daughter of King Minos was named Ariadne.
14. Arista
Arista, meaning ‘ear of grain’ in Latin, is also the name of a star, Spica, in the constellation Virgo.
15. Atalanta
Originating from the Greek term ‘Atalante,’ meaning ‘equal in weight,’ this name is derived from the term ‘atalantos,’ a term associated with the word ‘talanton,’ which means ‘a scale or a balance.’ In Greek mythology, Atalanta was a swift maiden who refused marriage to any suitor unable to defeat her in a footrace.
16. Aurora
Latin for ‘dawn,’ Aurora was revered as the Roman goddess presiding over the morning.
17. Avalon
Inspired by the legendary island where King Arthur was transported upon his death. Its etymology possibly stems from the Welsh term ‘afal,’ denoting ‘apple,’ a fruit often symbolizing paradise.
18. Bellatrix
Latin for ‘female warrior,’ Bellatrix is the name for the star adorning the left shoulder of the Orion constellation.
19. Bellona
Deriving from the Latin term ‘bellare,’ meaning ‘to fight,’ Bellona was also the name of the ancient Roman goddess of war, often associated with Mars.
20. Brunhild
Rooted in Old German elements, ‘brunna,’ signifying ‘armor or protection,’ and ‘hilt,’ representing ‘battle,’ this name is renowned in Norse legend as Brynhildr, the queen of the Valkyries.
21. Calypso
Calypso was a nymph in Greek mythology known for her powers of concealment. This name hails from the Greek term ‘Kalypso,’ meaning ‘she that conceals.’
22. Cassandra
A name that originates from the Greek name ΚKassandra, potentially derived from the term ‘kekasmai,’ meaning ‘to excel or to shine,’ and ‘aner,’ meaning ‘man.’ In Greek mythology, Cassandra was a Trojan princess to whom Apollo granted the gift of prophecy.
23. Ceres
Ceres was venerated in Roman mythology as the goddess of agriculture. This name stems from the Indo-European root ‘ker-’ denoting ‘grow or increase.’
24. Chloe
With Greek origins, Chloe translates to ‘green shoot,’ symbolizing new plant growth in spring, and was also an epithet for the Greek goddess Demeter. This name has been popular since the 1900s and has seen increased demand since the 2000s (4).
25. Concordia
Concordia was worshiped as the Roman goddess embodying harmony and peace. This name means ‘harmony’ in Latin.
26. Cynthia
A Latinized rendition of the Greek term ‘Kynthia,’ meaning ‘woman from Cynthus.’ This epithet was associated with the Greek moon goddess Artemis.
27. Dalia
Originates from the Lithuanian word ‘dalis,’ denoting ‘portion or share.’ It was the name of the Lithuanian goddess overseeing weaving, fate, and childbirth.
28. Daphne
With Greek roots, Daphne signifies ‘laurel.’ Daphne, in Greek mythology, was turned into a laurel tree by her father to escape Apollo’s pursuit.
29. Delia
Greek for ‘of Delos,’ Delia was an epithet for the Greek goddess Artemis, commemorating her and her twin brother Apollo’s birth on the island of Delos.
30. Diana
Meaning ‘divine, goddess like,’ Diana was a Roman goddess associated with the moon, hunting, forests, and childbirth.
31. Doris
Derived from the Greek name ‘Doris,’ signifying ‘Dorian woman.’ Doris, a sea nymph in Greek myth, was Oceanus and Tethys’ daughter.
32. Elaine
Originating from an Old French form of Helen, Elaine denotes ‘torch’ or ‘corposant’ or ‘moon.’ In Arthurian legend, Elaine was the lover of Lancelot, daughter of Pelles, and mother of Galahad.
33. Enid
Likely derived from the Welsh term ‘enaid,’ meaning ‘soul, spirit, or life.’ Enid is a character in Arthurian tales, appearing as the wife of Erec in Chrétien de Troyes’ 12th-century French poem ‘Erec and Enide.’
34. Eos
Greek for ‘dawn,’ Eos was the name of the Greek goddess personifying the dawn.
35. Epona
Originating from the Gaulish term ‘epos,’ signifying ‘horse,’ coupled with the divine or augmentative suffix ‘-on.’ This deity was revered as the Gaulish goddess of horses and fertility.
36. Eudora
Meaning ‘good gift’ in Greek, this name combines ‘eu’ meaning ‘good’ and ’doron’ meaning ‘gift.’ In Greek mythology, Eudora was a nymph, one of the Hyades.
37. Felicitas
Latin in origin, meaning ‘good luck or fortune.’ In Roman mythology, Felicitas was the embodiment of good luck.
38. Flora
Rooted in the Latin term ‘flos,’ meaning ‘flower.’ Flora, recognized as the Roman goddess of flowers and spring, was wedded to Zephyr, the west wind.
39. Fortuna
Latin for ‘luck.’ In Roman mythology, Fortuna personified luck.
40. Frig
An Anglo-Saxon equivalent of Frigg, meaning ‘beloved,’ derived from the Proto-Germanic term ‘Frijjō,’ rooted in ‘frijōną,’ meaning ‘to love.’
41. Gaia
Deriving from the Greek word ‘gaia,’ similar to ‘ge,’ denoting ‘earth.’ In Greek mythology, Gaia was the mother goddess overseeing the earth. Though many consider Gaia as one of the earthy baby names, it has a celestial quality that gives it a mystical vibe.
42. Goldilocks
Formed from the English words gold and locks, this name refers to blond hair. This is the name of a character in the English fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
43. Guinevere
This name comes from the Norman French rendition of the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar, which means ‘white phantom.’ In Arthurian legend, Guinevere was the beautiful wife of King Arthur.
44. Gwendolen
Potentially meaning ‘white ring,’ originating from the Welsh term ‘gwen,’ meaning ‘white or blessed,’ and ‘dolen,’ meaning ‘ring or loop.’ This name is found in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s 12th-century chronicles.
45. Hathor
Greek form of the Egyptian term ‘ḥwt-ḥrw,’ signifying ‘the house of Horus,’ derived from the Egyptian word ‘ḥwt,’ meaning ‘house’ combined with the god Horus. In Egyptian mythology, Hathor was the goddess of love, often depicted with a cow’s head.
46. Hebe
Originating from the Greek term ‘hebe,’ meaning ‘youth,’ this name was also used to refer to a goddess of youth in Greek mythology, serving as the cupbearer to the gods.
47. Hecate
In Greek mythology, Hecate was a goddess associated with witchcraft, demons, crossroads, tombs, and the underworld. The name comes from the Greek term ‘Hekate,’ possibly originating from ‘hekas’ meaning ‘far off.’
48. Helen
An English version of the Greek name ‘Helene’ it may have roots in ‘helene,’ which means ‘corposant’ or ‘torch,’ or it could be linked to ‘selene,’ meaning ‘moon.’ According to Greek mythology, Helen was Zeus and Leda’s daughter.
49. Hera
The meaning of Hera is uncertain, possibly stemming from Greek terms like ‘heros’ meaning ‘hero or warrior,’ ‘hora’ meaning ‘period of time,’ or ‘haireo’ meaning ‘to be chosen’; in Greek mythology, Hera was the ruler of the gods.
50. Hermione
Derived from the name of Hermes, a Greek messenger god, possibly from the Greek term ‘herma’ meaning ‘cairn, boundary marker, or pile of stones.’ Hermione, according to Greek mythology, was the offspring of Menelaus and Helen.
51. Hero
Derived from the Greek term ‘hestia’ meaning ‘fireside or hearth.’ Hero was the goddess of the hearth and domestic activity in Greek mythology.
52. Hydra
Meaning ‘water serpent’ in Greek, this name is related to ‘hydor’ meaning ‘water.’ Hydra, in Greek mythology, was a many-headed Lernaean serpent slain by Herakles. It’s also the name of a northern constellation and a moon of Pluto.
53. Ianthe

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Ianthe, originating from the Greek words ‘ion’ for ‘violet’ and ‘anthos’ for ‘flower,’ translates to ‘violet flower,’ and in Greek mythology, she was depicted as an ocean nymph.
54. Irene
Originates from the Greek name ‘Eirene,’ which comes from a word meaning ‘peace.’ It was used for the Greek goddess who symbolized peace.
55. Iris
Originating from Greek, Iris translates to ‘rainbow.’ In Greek mythology, Iris was the goddess representing the rainbow and acted as a messenger for the gods.
56. Isis
Isis comes from the Greek version of the Egyptian word ‘ ꜣst,’ possibly meaning ‘throne.’ In ancient Egyptian beliefs, Isis was the deity associated with the sky and nature.
57. Kalliope
Its roots lie in Greek, where ‘kallos’ means ‘beauty’ and ‘ops’ means ‘voice.’ Kalliope was revered as a goddess of epic poetry and eloquence among the nine Muses of Greek mythology.
58. Kallisto
Stemming from the Greek term ‘kallistos,’ which denotes ‘most beautiful,’ which in turn is derived from ‘kalos’ meaning ‘beautiful.’ In Greek myth, Kallisto was a nymph cherished by Zeus.
59. Kleio
The name originates from the Greek word ‘kleos,’ which means ‘glory.’ In Greek mythology, Kleio was one of the nine Muses, known as the goddess of history and heroic poetry, credited with introducing the alphabet to Greece.
60. Laima
Laima originates from Latvian ‘laime’ and Lithuanian ‘laima,’ both meaning ‘luck, fate.’ It belonged to the Latvian and Lithuanian goddess associated with childbirth, pregnancy, fate, and luck.
61. Lauma
In Latvian folklore, Lauma is recognized as a woodland spirit, sometimes associated with childbirth and weaving.
62. Lilith
This name comes from the Akkadian term ‘lilitu,’ meaning ‘of the night.’ In ancient Assyrian beliefs, Lilith was a demon figure.
63. Loviatar
In Finnish mythology, Loviatar, also known as Louhi, was worshiped as a goddess associated with death and plague.
64. Luna
From Latin, meaning ‘the moon.’ Luna was the Roman goddess symbolizing the moon, often depicted guiding a white chariot across the sky.
65. Lyra
Named after the group of stars in the northern sky, Lyra is believed to resemble the lyre of Orpheus. Lýra is an Icelandic form.
66. Maat
Originates from the Egyptian term ‘mꜣꜥt,’ and means ‘truth, virtue, or justice.’ In ancient Egypt, Maat personified truth and balance as a goddess.
67. Mari
The name Mari could have originated from Basque words such as ’emari,’ which means ‘donation,’ or ‘amari,’ meaning ‘mother.’ It belonged to a deity in Basque mythology associated with nature and fertility, revered as a goddess.
68. Matrona
Matrona, meaning ‘great mother,’ comes from Celtic origins with ‘mātīr’ signifying ‘mother’ and the suffix -on. Matrona was worshiped as a mother goddess in Gaulish and Brythonic traditions, lending her name to the River Marne.
69. Medusa
Derived from the Greek name ‘Medousa,’ it is rooted in ‘medo,’ meaning ‘to protect or to rule over.’ Medusa, one of the Gorgons in Greek mythology, was capable of turning anyone who gazed upon her into stone.
70. Melissa
Originating from Greek, Melissa translates to ‘bee.’ In Greek mythology, it was the name of a daughter of Procles and also an epithet for various nymphs and priestesses.
71. Mielikki
Derived from the Finnish term ‘mieli,’ this name means ‘mind or mood.’ Mielikki was revered as a Finnish goddess associated with forests and hunting.
72. Milda
According to 19th-century sources, Milda was the name of a Lithuanian goddess of love.
73. Minerva
Potentially originated from the Latin term ‘mens’ meaning ‘intellect,’ or of Etruscan origin. Minerva was the Roman goddess associated with wisdom and warfare.
74. Mulan
From Chinese, ‘mùlán’ means ‘magnolia.’ In legend, Mulan was a female warrior who disguised herself as a man to take her father’s place in the army.
75. Mut
Originating from the Egyptian term ‘mwt’ denoting ‘mother,’ Mut was revered as a mother goddess in Egyptian lore, sometimes portrayed donning a headdress adorned with vulture wings.
76. Neith
Derived from the Egyptian ‘nt,’ potentially linked to ‘water,’ or ‘nrw,’ meaning ‘fear’ or ‘dread,’ Neith was an ancient Egyptian deity associated with weaving, hunting, and war. A variant of her name is Nit.
77. Nemesis
Coming from Greek, Nemesis embodies the concept of ‘distribution of what is due’ or ‘righteous anger.’ In Greek mythology, Nemesis symbolized vengeance and justice.
78. Nephthys
Evolved from the Egyptian ‘nbt-ḥwt,’ meaning ‘lady of the house,’ this name comes from ‘nbt’ for ‘lady’ and ‘ḥwt’ for ‘house.’ Nephthys was an Egyptian goddess linked with the air, death, and mourning.
79. Nerthus
Described by the Roman historian Tacitus in the 1st century, Nerthus was a Germanic fertility goddess. Her name possibly stems from the Proto-Germanic term ‘Nerþuz,’ speculated to have Indo-European roots meaning ‘strong’ or ‘vigorous.’
80. Nike
Rooted in Greek, Nike signifies ‘victory.’ Nike was worshiped as the Greek goddess of victory.
81. Nox
Originating from Latin, Nox translates to ‘night.’ In Roman mythology, Nox represented the goddess of the night.
82. Nut
This name comes from the Egyptian word ‘nwt’ meaning ‘sky.’ In Egyptian mythology, Nut was venerated as a goddess presiding over the sky and heavenly bodies.
83. Olwen
Meaning ‘white footprint,’ this name derives from the Welsh ‘ol’ for ‘footprint or track’ and ‘gwen’ for ‘white’ or ‘blessed.’ In Welsh legend, Olwen was a beautiful maiden, the beloved of Culhwch, and the daughter of the giant Yspaddaden.
84. Pandora
Formed from Greek roots ‘pan’ for ‘all’ and ‘doron’ for ‘gift,’ Pandora translates to ‘all gifts.’ The first mortal woman in Greek mythology was Pandora.
85. Pax
Rooted in Latin, Pax translates directly to ‘peace.’ In Roman mythology, Pax was revered as the goddess of peace.
86. Penelope
Potentially originates from the Greek term ‘penelops’ representing a duck, or from ‘pene’ meaning ‘threads or weft’ and ‘ops’ meaning ‘face or eye.’ Penelope was the wife of Odysseus in Homer’s epic, the Odyssey.
87. Persephone
The origin of Persephone’s name is uncertain, potentially predating the Greek language. It could be linked to the Greek words ‘pertho’ and ‘phonos,’ meaning ‘to destroy’ and ‘murder,’ respectively. Persephone, according to Greek mythology, was the child of Demeter and Zeus.
88. Phoebe
A Latinized form of the Greek name ‘Phoibe,’ derived from Greek ‘phoibos’ meaning ‘bright’ or ‘pure.’ In Greek myth, Phoibe was a Titan associated with the moon.
89. Phyllis
Rooted in Greek, Phyllis means ‘foliage.’ In Greek mythology, Phyllis was a woman who, out of love for Demophon, took her own life and was transformed into an almond tree.
90. Polyxena
Latinized from Greek ‘Polyxene,’ derived from ‘polyxenos’ meaning ‘entertaining many guests’ or ‘very hospitable,’ itself from ‘polys’ for ‘many’ and ‘xenos’ for ‘foreigner’ or ‘guest.’ In Greek legend, Polyxena was a daughter of Priam and Hecuba, beloved by Achilles.
91. Pomona
Stemming from the Latin ‘pomus,’ which denotes ‘fruit tree,’ Pomona was the Roman goddess overseeing fruit trees.
92. Psyche
Derived from the Greek term ‘psycho’ meaning ‘to breathe,’ Psyche translates to ‘the soul.’ In Greek mythology, Psyche was a beautiful maiden loved by Eros.
93. Rhea
The etymology of Rhea remains uncertain, possibly connected to ‘rheo’ for ‘to flow’ or ‘era’ for ‘ground.’ In Greek myth, Rhea was a Titan, wife of Cronus, and mother of the Olympian gods.
94. Rigantona
An unattested Celtic name speculated to mean ‘great queen.’ Rigantona was possibly an ancient Celtic goddess associated with fertility and horses, akin to the Gaulish Epona.
95. Selene
The name means ‘moon’ in Greek and refers to a Greek goddess of the moon, who was a Titan. She was occasionally associated with the goddess Artemis.
96. Seraphina
Seraphina is the feminine version of the Late Latin name Seraphinus, which comes from the biblical term seraphim. This word originated from Hebrew and means ‘fiery ones.’ Seraphim are described in Isaiah’s biblical text as angels with six wings.
97. Taweret
Originates from the Egyptian ‘tꜣ-wrt,’ which translates to ‘O great female,’ Taweret was a deity associated with childbirth and fertility and is depicted as an upright hippopotamus in Egyptian mythology.
98. Thalia
A name of Greek origin, Thalia stems from ‘thallo,’ meaning ‘to blossom.’ Thalia, in ancient Greek mythology, was one of the Muses responsible for overseeing comedy and pastoral poetry.
99. Tyche
With its roots in Greek, Tyche signifies ‘chance, luck, fortune.’ In Greek mythology, Tyche was revered as the goddess overseeing fortune, luck, and destiny.
100. Vega
Named after a star found in the Lyra constellation, Vega’s etymology traces back to Arabic, meaning ‘the swooping (eagle).’ Additionally, it signifies ‘meadow, plain’ in Spanish, originating from the title of the Virgin Mary. It’s also associated with speed and momentum in Sanskrit.
101. Vellamo
Originating from the Finnish word ‘velloa,’ this name means ‘to surge or to swell,’ Vellamo was worshiped as a sea goddess in Finnish mythology.
102. Victoria
Latin in origin, Victoria translates directly to ‘victory.’ In Roman mythology, Victoria was the goddess embodying victory.
103. Virgo
Latin for ‘maiden or virgin,’ Virgo represents both a constellation and the sixth zodiac sign.
Cute Mystical Boy Names
Let’s take a look at a selection of mystical boy names, ideal for adding a hint of magic to any child’s character.
104. Achilles
Originating from the Greek name ‘Achilleus,’ the etymology of this name remains uncertain. It is possibly linked to the Greek term ‘achos’ for ‘pain’ or the Achelous River. This figure features prominently in Homer’s Iliad as a legendary warrior.
105. Adonis
In Greek myth, Adonis was the mortal lover of Aphrodite and Persephone, celebrated for achieving immortality.
106. Agni

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Sanskrit for ‘fire,’ this name represents the ancient Hindu deity of fire, often depicted with distinct characteristics like red skin, three legs, seven arms, and two faces.
107. Ailill
Irish in origin, meaning ‘elf,’ this name has been historically borne by multiple early Irish kings.
108. Ajax
Derived from the Greek ‘Aias,’ possibly linked to Greek terms like ‘aiastes’ for ‘mourner’ or ‘aia’ for ‘earth or land.’ In Greek mythology, two heroes by this name fought for the Greeks in the Trojan War.
109. Alastor
Greek for ‘avenger,’ the name is used as an epithet for Zeus and various other figures in Greek mythology.
110. Alexander
Latinized form of the Greek ’Alexandros,’ signifying ‘defending men,’ this name combines the Greek terms ‘alexo’ for ‘to defend, help’ and ‘aner’ for ‘man.’ Apart from being associated with the hero Paris in Greek myth, it’s also found in the New Testament.
111. Alf
Originating from the Old Norse term ‘alfr,’ this name means ‘elf.’ It is known from Norse legend as the name of a king pursuing a maiden named Alfhild, who eventually marries him after being impressed by his strength.
112. Altair
The name ‘Altair’ comes from Arabic and means ‘the flyer.’ It refers to a star found in the constellation Aquila. Additionally, there exists a Spanish variation of this name, which is ‘Altaír.’
113. Alvis
Alvis comes from Old Norse Alvíss, which means ‘all wise.’ In Norse mythology, Alvis is a dwarf who was supposed to marry Thrud, Thor’s daughter.
114. Amon
From the Greek form ‘Ammon,’ corresponding to the Egyptian term ‘jmn’ meaning ‘the hidden one.’ Originally, Ammon was an Egyptian deity linked with creativity, air, and fertility. Over time, he merged with Ra to form Amon-Ra, the preeminent solar deity.
115. Anil
From Sanskrit ‘anila’ meaning ‘air, wind.’ It is also an alternate name for Vayu, the Hindu god of wind.
116. Antares
A name of Greek origin, traditionally interpreted as ‘opposing Ares,’ denoting the brightest star in the Scorpius constellation.
117. Anubis
Latinized form of ‘Anoubis,’ from the Egyptian term ‘jnpw,’ possibly meaning ‘royal child, prince’ or from ‘jnp’ meaning ‘to decay.’ Anubis led the dead to the underworld and was depicted with a human body and a jackal head in Egyptian mythology.
118. Aodh
From Old Irish ‘Áed,’ meaning ‘fire.’ This name was extensively used in early Irish history and mythology.
119. Apollo
From Greek ‘Apollon,’ with an unknown etymology, possibly linked to the Indo-European root ‘apelo-’ meaning ‘strength’ or associated with the Anatolian god Appaliunas. In Greek myth, Apollo was the multifaceted deity governing music, art, prophecy, medicine, law, beauty, and wisdom.
120. Ares
Possibly derived from the Greek term ’are’ for ‘bane or ruin’ or ‘arsen’ for ‘male,’ with early appearances in Mycenaean Greek as ‘a-re.’ Ares was the aggressive god of war in Greek mythology.
121. Argus
Greek for ‘glistening or shining,’ the name is attributed to characters in Greek mythology, including the builder of the Argo and a giant possessing one hundred eyes.
122. Aries
The Latin term for ‘ram,’ It’s the name of a constellation and the initial sign of the zodiac. According to Roman legends, the ram in this constellation supplied the Golden Fleece pursued by Jason.
123. Arjuna
A name of Sanskrit origin meaning ‘white or clear.’ It is also the name of a hero in Hindu texts, son of the god Indra and princess Kunti.
124. Arthur
The central figure in tales of Arthurian legend, Arthur was a king of the Britons during the 6th century, known for resisting Saxon invaders. The origin of the name Arthur remains uncertain, possibly stemming from Celtic roots, with elements like ‘bear’ and ‘man’ or ‘king.’
125. Ask
The name comes from Old Norse ‘askr,’ which means ‘ash tree.’ According to Norse mythology, Ask and his wife Embla were the first humans made by the gods.
126. Asmodeus
Asmodeus is derived from Greek and Hebrew origins, possibly meaning ‘wrath’ and ‘demon’ respectively. This name likely originated from Avestan roots, reflecting its association with wrathful spirits.
127. Atlas
A name that may mean ‘enduring’ in Greek. In Greek mythology, Zeus punished Atlas, a Titan, by asking him to shoulder the weight of the heavens as punishment for his actions.
128. Atum
Originating from Egyptian, Atum’s name is linked to ‘completion’ or ‘totality.’ In ancient Egyptian belief, Atum was a prominent creator god, venerated particularly in Heliopolis during the Old Kingdom period.
129. Auster
With its roots in Latin, Auster means ‘south,’ stemming from the Indo-European term for ‘dawn.’ Auster was the Roman deity representing the south wind.
130. Baihu
From Chinese origins, Baihu translates to ‘white tiger,’ symbolizing the White Tiger associated with the West and the autumn season in Chinese mythology.
131. Bala
The Sanskrit name Bala translates to ‘young’ and is associated with a minor Hindu goddess.
132. Balder
Originating from Old Norse, Balder means ‘hero,’ ‘lord,’ or ‘prince.’ In Norse mythology, Balder was the handsome son of Odin and Frigg.
133. Bedivere
Derived from Welsh, Bedwyr possibly signifies ‘birch man.’ In Arthurian legend, Bedivere was among the original companions of King Arthur.
134. Belenus
Latinized from Gaulish, Belenus possibly means ‘bright’ or ‘strong.’ Belenus was a Gaulish deity revered in ancient times.
135. Beowulf
Possibly derived from Old English, Beowulf could mean ‘bee wolf’ or ‘battle.’ Beowulf is the protagonist of the anonymous 8th-century epic poem, renowned for his heroic deeds.
136. Betelgeuse
The name Betelgeuse comes from Arabic, meaning ‘the hand of Jawza,’ referring to its position in the constellation Orion. Betelgeuse is a star marking the right shoulder of Orion.
137. Bharata
Bharata, in Sanskrit, means ‘being maintained..’ It’s the name of Agni, the Hindu god of fire. Bharata is also the name of Rama’s brother in the Hindu epic, the Ramayana.
138. Bhaskara
Derived from Sanskrit, Bhaskara means ‘shining,’ reflecting its association with the Hindu sun god Surya.
139. Bors
Originating from French, Bohort or Bors was one of King Arthur’s knights in medieval Arthurian tales, known for his quest for the Holy Grail.
140. Bragi
From Old Norse, Bragi signifies ‘first’ or ‘foremost,’ particularly associated with poetry. Bragi is revered as the god of poetry in Norse mythology.
141. Brahma
Stemming from Sanskrit, Brahma denotes ‘growth,’ ‘expansion,’ or ‘creation.’ According to Hindu belief, Brahma is the deity who creates and ensures balance in the universe.
142. Bran
Derived from Irish, Bran means ‘raven.’ In Irish mythology, Bran mac Febail was a legendary mariner on a quest to find the Otherworld.
143. Caishen
From Chinese, Caishen means ‘god of wealth,’ combining the terms ‘wealth’ and ‘god.’ Caishen is venerated as a deity of prosperity in Chinese culture.
144. Cassiel
Originating from the Hebrew term ‘Qaftzi’el,’ its exact meaning remains uncertain. Proposed interpretations include ‘leap of God,’ ‘drawn together by God,’ or ‘wrath of God.’ This name refers to an angel in medieval Jewish, Christian, and Islamic mysticism.
145. Cerberus
Coming from the Latinized version of the Greek ‘Kerberos,’ this name means ‘spotted.’ In Greek myth, this name belonged to the three-headed dog that protected the entrance to the underworld, Hades.
146. Cian
In Irish, it signifies ‘ancient, enduring.’ In Irish mythology, Cian was recognized as the father of Lugh Lámfada, a supernatural entity.
147. Conall
Meaning ‘rule of a wolf’ in Old Irish, derived from cú (wolf) and fal (rule). This name is associated with several figures in Irish legend.
148. Cormac
Stemming from Old Irish Cormacc or Corbmac, its precise meaning is uncertain. It might derive from corb (chariot, wagon) or corbbad (defilement, corruption) combined with macc (son). Cormac is the name of several characters in Irish folklore.
149. Cupid

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Derived from the Latin Cupido, this name means ‘desire.’ In Roman mythology, Cupid was the god of love, depicted as a winged, blindfolded boy carrying a bow and arrows.
150. Dagda
Signifying ‘the good god’ in Old Irish, this name is formed from dag- (good) and día (god). In Irish myth, Dagda, also known as The Dagda, was a powerful deity associated with the earth, knowledge, magic, abundance, and treaties.
151. Damon
Originates from the Greek ‘damazo’ meaning ‘to tame.’ According to Greek legend, Damon and Pythias were friends in Syracuse during the 4th century BC.
152. Devaraja
From Sanskrit, it translates to ‘king of gods,’ combining deva (god) and raja (king). This name is another reference to the Hindu god Indra.
153. Dinesha
Meaning ‘day lord’ in Sanskrit, this name comes from dina (day) and īśa (lord). In Hindu texts, Dinesha is used as an epithet for the sun.
154. Dismas
A name derived from the Greek term ‘dysme’ meaning ‘sunset.’ Tradition assigns this name to the repentant thief crucified beside Jesus.
155. Eoghan
Eoghan may mean ‘born from the yew tree’ in Old Irish, combining ‘yew’ and ‘gan.’ Several legendary or semi-legendary Irish figures carried this name forth.
156. Fenrir
From the Old Norse ‘fen,’ this name means ‘marsh or fen.’ In Norse mythology, Fenrir was a fierce wolf, the offspring of Loki and the giantess Angrboða.
157. Fergus
Signifying ‘man of vigor’ in Old Irish, this name comes from ‘fer’ (man) and ‘guss’ (vigor, strength, force). This name appears frequently in Irish legend.
158. Fintan
Possibly denotes ‘white fire’ or ‘white ancient’ in Irish folklore. Legend attributes this name to the sole survivor of the great flood in Irish mythology.
159. Fionn
Originates from the Old Irish word Finn, meaning ‘white, blessed.’ It is a common name in Irish history and legends, notably borne by Fionn mac Cumhaill, a central figure in Irish mythology.
160. Freyr
It means ‘lord’ in Old Norse. Freyr is a Norse god associated with prosperity, sunshine, and fertility.
161. Fuxi
A combination of the Chinese terms ‘fú’ meaning ‘prostrate or lying down’ and ‘xī,’ referring to the god himself. Fuxi is considered the first mythical emperor of China, a Taoist deity, and a member of the Three Sovereigns in Chinese mythology.
162. Gabriel
A name derived from the Hebrew name ‘Gavri’el,’ composed of ‘Gavri’ meaning ‘man-like,’ and ‘el’ meaning ‘God,’ thus conferring the ‘meaning ‘God is my strong man’ (5). Gabriel is an archangel in Hebrew tradition, often depicted as a messenger of God.
163. Gaheris
It is likely a variant of Gaheriet. In medieval Arthurian tales, Gaheris is portrayed as a brother of Gawain and Gareth, originating from the same source as Gareth.
164. Galahad
It possibly originated from the Old French rendition of the biblical site named Gilead, which signifies ‘heap of witness’ in Hebrew. In Arthurian tales, Sir Galahad emerges as the offspring of Lancelot and Elaine. Galaad presents itself as an alternate form.
165. Gandalf
The name is derived from Old Norse and translates to ‘wand elf.’ It combines ‘gandr,’ which means ‘wand, staff, magic, or monster,’ with ‘alfr,’ meaning ‘elf.’ It is one of the most-loved magical baby names for boys.
166. Ganesha
Translates to ‘lord of hordes’ in Sanskrit, formed from ‘gana’ denoting ‘horde or multitude’ and ‘isha’ connoting ‘lord or ruler.’ This name designates the Hindu deity symbolizing wisdom and fortune, offspring of Shiva and Parvati.
167. Gareth
The etymology of this name remains uncertain, possibly originating from Welsh, such as Gwrhyd signifying ‘valor’ or Gwairydd meaning ‘hay lord.’ It appears in Thomas Malory’s compilation ‘Le Morte d’Arthur’ as the appellation of a knight, Gareth, also known as Beaumains, portrayed as Gawain’s brother.
168. Geb
Deriving from the Egyptian term ‘gbb’ meaning ‘earth,’ this designation belonged to the deity governing the earth and agriculture in Egyptian mythology.
169. Gemini
Signifies ‘twins’ in Latin and is the name of the third sign of the zodiac.
170. Gonggong
The moniker of a Chinese water deity, typically depicted as a serpent with a human head. Usually articulated through the Chinese characters ‘gòng’ for ‘together’ and ‘gōng’ for ‘work.’
171. Govinda
Meaning ‘cow finder’ in Sanskrit, this name is a combination of ‘go’ denoting ‘cow’ with ‘vinda’ meaning ‘finding.’ It is another name attributed to the Hindu deity Krishna
172. Gunther
Rooted in the Old German name Gundahar, this name stems from ‘gunda’ meaning ‘war’ and ‘heri’ denoting ‘army.’ This name pertains to a semi-legendary 5th-century Burgundian ruler.
173. Gwendolen
Potentially signifying ‘white ring,’ this name originates from the Welsh term ‘gwen’ for ‘white or blessed’ and ‘dolen’ meaning ‘ring or loop.’ It is featured in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s historical accounts, with Gwendoline presenting as an alternative form.
174. Hades
Derived from the Greek term ‘Haides,’ which in turn comes from ‘aides’ meaning ‘unseen.’ In Greek mythology, Hades personifies the god of the underworld, a realm often referred to as Hades as well.
175. Hama
Coming from Old English ‘ham’ meaning ‘home,’ it refers to a Gothic warrior portrayed alongside his companion, Wudga, in certain Anglo-Saxon narratives.
176. Hari
Sanskrit for ‘brown, tawny, or yellow,’ with extensions to ‘horse, monkey, lion.’ This name serves as another epithet for the Hindu deities Vishnu and Krishna.
177. Hector
Hector is the Latinized version of the Greek name ‘Hektor.’ It comes from the Greek word ‘hektor,’ which means ‘holding fast.’ This word originates from ‘echo’ in Greek, meaning ‘to possess’ or ‘to hold.’ In Greek mythology, Hector was renowned as one of the Trojan champions who battled against the Greeks.
178. Heimdall
Originating from Old Norse Heimdallr, this name is formed from ‘heimr’ meaning ‘home or house’ and ‘dallr,’ possibly signifying ‘glowing, shining.’ In Norse mythology, Heimdall serves as the guardian of the Bifröst, the bridge linking Asgard to other realms.
179. Helios
Greek for ‘sun,’ this name refers to the youthful Greek sun deity, a Titan, who traverses the sky each day in a chariot drawn by four horses.
180. Hermes
Likely stems from the Greek term ‘herma’ meaning ‘cairn, boundary marker, or pile of stones.’ Hermes represents the Greek god linked with speed and good fortune.
181. Hildingr
Denoting ‘chief or warrior,’ it is a derivative of Old Norse ‘hildr’ meaning ‘battle.’ This name corresponds to a character within the Norse saga, ‘Frithiof’s Saga.’
182. Hoel
As per Geoffrey of Monmouth’s chronicles, this name is associated with a ruler of Brittany, allied with King Arthur. It is a Breton version of the name Hywel, derived from Old Welsh Higuel, meaning ’eminent, prominent.’
183. Horsa
Originating from Old English or Old Saxon ‘hors’ meaning ‘horse.’ Medieval accounts attribute Horsa and his sibling Hengist as leaders of the initial Saxon settlers arriving in Britain.
184. Horus
Latinized form of ‘Horos,’ the Greek adaptation of Egyptian ‘ḥrw,’ possibly derived from ‘ḥr’ meaning ‘above or over’ or ‘ḥrj’ meaning ‘distant.’ In Egyptian mythology, Horus embodies the deity of the sky and light, typically depicted with the head of a falcon.
185. Iah
Iah comes from the Egyptian term ‘jꜥḥ,’ which means ‘moon.’ In ancient Egyptian beliefs, Iah was revered as the deity of the moon, later equated with Thoth.
186. Icarus
Derived from the Greek ‘Ikaros,’ its meaning remains uncertain. In Greek mythology, Icarus, the offspring of Daedalus, was imprisoned alongside his father within the Labyrinth by Minos. Escaping using wings fashioned from wax, Icarus tragically plummeted to his demise after flying too close to the sun.
187. Ilmarinen
Stemming from the Finnish word ‘ilma,’ this name signifies ‘air.’ Ilmarinen stands as an immortal blacksmith figure in Finnish folklore.
188. Indra
Signifying ‘possessing drops of rain’ in Sanskrit, this name is formed from ‘indu’ denoting ‘a drop’ and ‘ra’ meaning ‘acquiring, possessing.’ In Hindu mythology, Indra, the revered warrior god of the sky and rain, holds a prominent role as the chief deity in the Rigveda.
189. Ing
A name rooted in the Germanic term ‘Ingwaz,’ possibly denoting ‘ancestor.’ This deity was an enigmatic figure in Germanic mythology, revered as a fertility god and regarded as the progenitor of the Ingaevones tribe.
190. Inti
This name means ‘sun’ in Quechua, the language of the Inca Empire. Inti was venerated as the god of the sun among the Inca civilization.
191. Jarl
In Old Norse, Jarl means ‘chieftain’ or ‘nobleman,’ resembling the English word earl. According to Norse mythology, in the poem Rígsþula, Jarl is depicted as the son of the god Ríg and the progenitor of the warrior lineage.
192. Jasper
Originating from the Latin Gaspar, Jasper possibly comes from the Biblical Hebrew term ‘gizbar,’ meaning ‘treasurer,’ with roots in Persian ‘ganzabara.’ This name traditionally belonged to one of the wise men, also known as the Magi or three kings, who reputedly visited the infant Jesus.
193. Jimmu
In Japanese, Jimmu signifies ‘divine warrior,’ combining the characters ‘jin’ for ‘god’ and ‘mu’ for ‘military’ or ‘martial.’ Legend has it that Jimmu was the founder of Japan and its inaugural emperor, purportedly reigning in the 7th century BC.
194. Kama
Denoting ‘love, desire’ in Sanskrit, Kama is worshiped as the winged god of love in Hinduism, and is regarded as the offspring of Lakshmi.
195. Khnum
Originates from the Egyptian term ‘ẖnmw,’ which is derived from ‘ẖnm’ denoting ‘to unite.’ Khnum was an early Egyptian deity associated with fertility, water, and the Nile, often depicted with the head of a ram and occasionally depicted alongside a potter’s wheel.
196. Khonsu
The word ‘Khonsu’ originates from the Egyptian term ‘ḫnsw,’ which means ‘traveler,’ derived from ‘ḫns,’ indicating ‘ to cross or traverse.’ In ancient Egyptian belief, Khonsu held significance as the deity associated with the moon.
197. Krishna
Meaning ‘black, dark’ in Sanskrit, Krishna is a significant deity in Hinduism and is believed to be an incarnation of Vishnu.
198. Leigong
Translating to ‘lord of thunder’ in Chinese, this name comprises ‘léi’ denoting ‘thunder’ and ‘gōng’ meaning ‘lord, prince.’ Leigong is worshiped as a thunder god in Chinese mythology.
199. Loki

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Of uncertain meaning, it is possibly linked to the Germanic root ‘luką,’ meaning ‘lock.’ In Norse mythology, Loki, a mischievous deity associated with magic and shapeshifting, features prominently in various tales.
200. Lucifer
Signifying ‘bringing light,’ this name is derived from the Latin ‘lux,’ meaning ‘light,’ and ‘ferre’ meaning ‘to bring.’ Initially referring to the morning star, Venus, Lucifer later became associated with the angel who rebelled against the divine rule in heaven.
201. Lugus
Potentially originating from Indo-European roots such as ‘lewk-’ meaning ‘light or brightness,’ ‘lewg-’ meaning ‘dark,’ or ‘lewgh-’ meaning ‘oath.’ Lugus was a Celtic (Gaulish) deity revered for commerce and craftsmanship.
202. Magni
Derived from the Old Norse term ‘magn’ meaning ‘strength or power.’ In Norse mythology, Magni is portrayed as the son of Thor and the giantess Járnsaxa.
203. Mars
Possibly connected to the Latin term ‘mas’ meaning ‘male.’ In Roman mythology, Mars held dominion as the god of war.
204. Melchior
This name comes from the Hebrew components ‘melekh’ meaning ‘king’ and ‘’or’ meaning ‘light.’ Melchior is traditionally one of the names attributed to the Magi, wise men who visited the newborn Jesus.
205. Mentor
Speculated to be linked to the Greek term ‘menos’ meaning ‘mind, force, or strength.’ In Greek mythology, Mentor, the son of Alkimos, was a significant figure.
206. Merlin
The moniker Merlin finds its roots in the Welsh name Myrddin, thought to originate from the Romano-British settlement Moridunum, formed from the Celtic term ‘mori’ meaning ‘sea’ and ‘dūnom’ meaning ‘rampart or hill fort.’ In the tales of King Arthur, Merlin plays a significant role as a magician and assumes various other key positions.
207. Midas
The name Midas has obscure origins. In Greek mythology, Midas was the ruler of Phrygia in Asia Minor. He received a wish from the deity Dionysos, asking that everything he touches turns to gold.
208. Montu
This name is derived from the Egyptian term ‘mnṯw,’ translating to ‘nomad.’ In Egyptian myth, Montu was revered as the god of war, often depicted with the head of a falcon or bull.
209. Mordred
Originating from Welsh as Medraut, it is potentially influenced by the Latin term ‘moderatus’ meaning ‘controlled or moderated.’ In the tales of King Arthur, Mordred, sometimes depicted as the illegitimate son or nephew of King Arthur, plays a crucial role.
210. Morpheus
Derived from the Greek term ‘morphe,’ which signifies ‘shape,’ alluding to the forms seen in dreams. In Greek mythology, Morpheus was the deity governing dreams.
211. Myles
Likely stemming from the Greek word ‘myle,’ this name means ‘mill.’ Myles was the name of a king in Greek mythology hailing from Laconia.
212. Narcissus
The Latinized version of the Greek ‘Narkissos,’ likely stemming from ‘narke’ meaning ‘sleep or numbness.’ Narkissos, a beautiful youth in Greek myth, met his demise by becoming fixated on his own reflection, leading to his transformation into the narcissus flower.
213. Nestor
It means ‘returner or homecomer’ in Greek, from ‘neomai’ meaning ‘to return.’ In Homer’s Iliad, Nestor was the king of Pylos, known for his wisdom and long life, advising the Greek allies.
214. Njord
From the Old Norse term ‘Njǫrðr,’ which might have originated from Proto-Germanic ‘Nerþuz,’ linked to the Indo-European root ‘hnerto-’ meaning ‘strong or vigorous.’ Njord was revered in Norse mythology as the god associated with the sea, sailing, fishing, and fertility.
215. Nodens
This name may be derived from the ancient Celtic root ‘snowdo-’ meaning ‘haze or mist,’ or alternatively linked to the Indo-European root ‘neud-’ meaning ‘to acquire or to use.’ Nodens is a Celtic deity associated with healing, hunting, and fishing.
216. Nu
Originated from the Egyptian term ‘nnw’ meaning ‘primeval water.’ In Egyptian mythology, Nu was the god personifying the primeval waters from which the earth emerged.
217. Odin
It’s the Anglicized form of Old Norse Óðinn, derived from óðr meaning ‘ rage, inspiration, frenzy,’ evolving from the Proto-Germanic term ‘Wōdanaz.’ In Norse mythology, Odin reigns as the supreme deity, governing war, wisdom, and death.
218. Odysseus
Possibly derived from the Greek term ‘odyssomai,’ meaning ‘to hate.’ Odysseus, a legendary figure in Greek mythology, was one of the heroes who participated in the Trojan War.
219. Orion
The etymology of Orion is uncertain, possibly connected to the Greek ‘horion’ meaning ‘boundary, limit,’ or alternatively stemming from Akkadian ‘Uru-anna’ meaning ‘light of the heavens.’ In Greek legend, Orion was a renowned hunter who met his demise at the hands of a scorpion sent by Gaia.
220. Orpheus
Potentially linked to the Greek ‘orphne’ meaning ‘the darkness of night.’ In Greek myth, Orpheus, a talented musician and poet, ventured into the underworld to rescue his deceased wife Eurydice.
221. Orvar
Originating from Old Norse, Orvar means ‘arrow.’ Orvar Odd is a legendary hero in Norse mythology, featured in a 13th-century Icelandic saga.
222. Oscar
Possibly derived from the Old Irish term ‘oss’ which means ‘deer’ and ‘carae’ meaning ‘friend,’ ultimately meaning ‘deer friend.’ In Irish legend, Oscar was the son of the poet Oisín and the grandson of the hero Fionn mac Cumhaill.
223. Osiris
A Greek rendition of the Egyptian term ‘wsjr,’ with an unknown meaning, possibly related to ‘wsr’ meaning ‘mighty’ or ‘jrt’ meaning ‘eye.’ In Egyptian mythology, Osiris served as the god of fertility, agriculture, and the dead, and presided over the underworld.
224. Pan
Pan possibly comes from the Indo-European root ‘peh-,’ which means ‘shepherd, protect.’ In Greek mythology, Pan was a god who was half-man, half-goat and associated with shepherds, flocks, and pastures.
225. Pangu
Derived from Chinese ‘pán’ meaning ‘tray or pan’ and ‘gǔ’ meaning ‘old or ancient.’ In Chinese mythology, Pangu was the first living being.
226. Paris
The origin of this name is uncertain, with possible roots in Luwian or Hittite languages. In Greek myth, Paris was the Trojan prince who initiated the Trojan War by abducting Helen.
227. Pegasus
Pegasus comes from the Greek ‘Pegasos,’ possibly meaning ‘strong’ or ‘from a water spring.’ In Greek mythology, Pegasus was the winged horse born from Medusa’s blood after her demise by Perseus.
228. Perseus
Potentially derived from the Greek ’pertho’ meaning ‘to destroy.’ Perseus, a legendary hero in Greek mythology, was credited with founding the ancient city of Mycenae and was the offspring of Zeus and Danaë.
229. Phineus
The meaning of this name is uncertain, with a possible connection to the Greek term ‘phinis,’ a variant of ‘phene,’ meaning ‘vulture.’ According to Greek mythology, Phineus was a king of Thrace visited by Jason and the Argonauts.
230. Pluto
Pluto is the Latinized form Plouton, a Greek name which is derived from ‘ploutos’ meaning ‘wealth.’ This was an alternative name for Hades, the god of the underworld, and also denotes a dwarf planet in the solar system.
231. Poseidon
Poseidon possibly comes from the Greek words ‘posis’ meaning ‘husband, lord’ and ‘da’ meaning ‘earth.’ In Greek mythology, Poseidon was the tumultuous god ruling over the sea and earthquakes, and he was Zeus’ brother.
232. Ptah
From the Egyptian term ‘ptḥ’ meaning ‘opener, creator.’ Ptah was an Egyptian deity associated with creation and artistic endeavors.
233. Ra
Originating from the Egyptian ‘rꜥ’ meaning ‘sun’ or ‘day.’ Ra was a significant Egyptian sun god, often depicted as a falcon-headed figure crowned with a solar disc. Re is a variant.
234. Raiden
Derived from the Japanese ‘rai’ meaning ‘thunder’ and ‘den’ meaning ‘lightning.’ This epithet is associated with the Japanese god Raijin, the deity of thunder and storms.
235. Raijin
A name stemming from Japanese ‘rai’ meaning ‘thunder’ and ‘jin’ meaning ‘god, spirit.’ Raijin is the name of the god (or gods) governing thunder and storms in Japanese mythology.
236. Rama
This name means ‘pleasing or beautiful’ in Sanskrit. In Hinduism, Rama is an incarnation of the god Vishnu.
237. Ramiel
Possibly from the Hebrew name ‘Rami’el,’ meaning ‘thunder of God.’ Ramiel is identified as an archangel in the Book of Enoch.
238. Ravi
A name that signifies ‘sun’ in Sanskrit. Ravi is a Hindu solar deity, sometimes identified with Surya.
239. Raziel
Raziel means ‘my secret is God’ in Hebrew. This name is associated with an archangel in Jewish tradition.
240. Regulus
A Roman cognomen meaning ‘prince or little king,’ derived from the Latin term ‘rex,’ which means ‘king.’ It also refers to a star in the Leo constellation.
241. Rigel
Derived from Arabic ‘al-Rijl,’ this name means ‘foot.’ Rigel is the name of a star forming the left foot of the Orion constellation.
242. Samael
A name meaning ‘venom of God’ in Hebrew. Samael is an archangel in Jewish tradition, depicted as a destructive angel of death.
243. Scorpio
Originating from the Latin term for ‘scorpion,’ which comes from the Greek word ‘skorpios.’ Scorpio is linked to the eighth zodiac sign and the Scorpius constellation. Notably, Eddie ‘Scorpio’ Morris, a musician, bears this name.
244. Serapis
This title belonged to a syncretic deity merging Greek and Egyptian elements, introduced by Ptolemy I Soter in the 3rd century BC to foster unity between native Egyptians and Greeks in the Ptolemaic Kingdom. It’s a compound of Asar and Apis (the revered bull of the Egyptians).
245. Shiva
Rooted in Sanskrit ‘shiva,’ meaning ‘kind’ or ‘auspicious,’ Shiva represents the Hindu deity associated with both destruction and restoration and is the spouse of the mother goddess Parvati.
246. Siegfried
Derived from Old German components ‘sigu,’ signifying ‘victory,’ and ‘fridu,’ translating to ‘peace,’ Siegfried is a legendary hero in German folklore.
247. Sigmund
Comprising the Old German elements ‘sigu,’ denoting ‘victory,’ and ‘munt’ or ‘mund,’ meaning ‘protection,’ Sigmund, according to Norse legend, is Sigurd’s father and wields the mighty sword, Gram.
248. Sigurd
Originating from Old Norse as Sigurðr, derived from ‘sigr’ meaning ‘victory’ and ‘vǫrðr’ meaning ‘guardian,’ Sigurd is renowned as the protagonist in the Norse saga, the Völsungasaga.
249. Simon
With its roots in Greek ‘simos’ for ‘flat-nosed,’ Simon was the name of one of the Telchines, demigods in Greek mythology and the original inhabitants of Rhodes.
250. Sindri
In Old Norse, Sindri translates to ‘sparkle.’ In Norse mythos, Sindri was the name of a dwarf, also known as Eitri.
251. Sirius
This name is linked to a brilliant star in the Canis Major constellation, derived from the Greek word ’seirios,’ meaning ‘burning.’
252. Sobek
From the Egyptian term ‘sbk,’ possibly stemming from ‘sbq,’ which means ‘to impregnate,’ Sobek was an Egyptian deity depicted with a crocodile head, associated with fertility and the Nile River.
253. Suijin
In Japanese mythology, Suijin refers to the water deity, with ‘sui’ meaning ‘water’ and ‘jin’ meaning ‘god’ or ‘spirit’ in Japanese.
254. Susanoo
Susanoo, the name of a figure in Japanese mythology, is possibly interpreted as a ‘wild male’ or ‘impetuous male.’ He is the god of storms and the sea, and the rival of the sun goddess Amaterasu.
255. Tadhg
Originating from Old Irish ‘Tadg,’ signifying ‘poet,’ Tadhg is a name linked to Irish mythology, specifically as the grandfather of Fionn mac Cumhaill.
256. Taranis
Derived from the ancient Celtic root ‘toranos,’ meaning ‘thunder,’ Taranis was worshiped as the Gaulish god of thunder.
257. Taurus
Latin for ‘bull,’ Taurus is the name of a constellation and the second zodiac sign.
258. Thor
From Old Norse ‘Þórr,’ meaning ‘thunder,’ Thor is a prominent figure in Norse mythology, associated with storms, thunder, war, and strength, and is the son of Odin.
259. Thoth
Thoth, from the Greek interpretation of Egyptian ‘Djehuti,’ is an Egyptian deity associated with the moon, science, magic, speech, and writing, typically depicted with the head of an ibis.
260. Tiw
Tiw is the Anglo-Saxon form of ‘Tīwaz.’ It is used to refer to the Germanic god of war.
261. Tohil
This name comes from the Classic Maya term ‘tojol,’ meaning ‘tribute.’ Tohil was the name of a K’iche’ Maya fire god.
262. Toutatis
Believed to stem from the ancient Celtic root ‘toutā,’ signifying ‘people’ or ‘tribe,’ Toutatis was a Gaulish god possibly revered as the protector of the people or tribe.
263. Tristan
The name Tristan comes from 12th-century French tales. It may have been influenced by the Old French word ‘triste,’ meaning ‘sad.’ It may also be from the Celtic name Drustan, which is a diminutive of Drust, a Pictish name possibly derived from the Celtic root ‘trusto-’ meaning ‘noise, tumult.’
264. Triton

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Likely associated with the sea, Triton could be linked to the Old Irish word ‘trethan,’ meaning ‘the sea.’ In Greek mythology, Triton is depicted as a merman, part human and part fish. The largest moon of Neptune bears his name.
265. Ukko
The Finnish term ‘Ukko’ translates to ‘old man.’ In Finnish mythology, Ukko is revered as the god of the sky and thunder.
266. Uranus
Derived from the Greek ’Ouranos,’ Uranus was the spouse of Gaia and the progenitor of the Titans in Greek mythology. The name means ‘the heavens.’ It also refers to the seventh planet in the solar system.
267. Uther
Uther comes from the Welsh name Uthyr, which is derived from the Welsh word ‘uthr,’ meaning ‘terrible.’ In Arthurian legend, Uther was the father of King Arthur.
Derived from the Avestan term ‘Vərəthraghna,’ signifying ‘breaking of defense, victory.’ In Armenian mythology, Vahagn is revered as the heroic god of war.
269. Vishnu
Likely meaning ‘all-pervasive’ in Sanskrit, Vishnu is a prominent Hindu deity, depicted with four arms and blue skin, known as the protector and preserver of the universe. He is regarded as the supreme god by some Hindus.
270. Wayland
Stemming from Old English Weland, likely derived from the Germanic root ‘wīlą,’ meaning ‘craft, cunning.’ In Germanic folklore, Wayland was a skillful smith and craftsman.
271. Woden
The Anglo-Saxon rendition of Wōdanaz, a Proto-Germanic name from which Odin is derived.
272. Yeruslan
Originating from Tatar ‘Uruslan,’ possibly derived from the Turkic word ‘arslan,’ meaning ‘lion.’ Yeruslan Lazarevich is a hero in Russian and Tatar folklore, with tales possibly influenced by Persian narratives of their hero Rostam.
273. Zadkiel
The Hebrew name Zadkiel means ‘God is my righteousness.’ In Jewish and Christian tradition, Zadkiel is an archangel associated with mercy, often credited with preventing Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac.
274. Zephaniel
Rooted in Hebrew, Zephaniel combines ‘tzafan,’ meaning ‘to hide,’ with ‘el,’ signifying ‘God.’ In medieval Jewish mysticism, Zephaniel is recognized as an angel.
275. Zephyr
Originating from the Greek ‘Zephyros,’ this name means ‘west wind.’ The Greek god of the west wind was named Zephyr.
276. Zerachiel
Possibly signifying ‘command of God’ in Hebrew, Zerachiel, in the Book of Enoch, is named as one of the seven archangels. His name is occasionally rendered as Sarakiel.
277. Zeus
Zeus is the name of a Greek god. It’s related to the old Indo-European god ‘Dyēws.’ The root ‘dyew-’ means ‘sky’ or ‘shine.’ In Greek mythology, Zeus was the highest of the gods.
278. Zhulong
Combining the Chinese characters ‘zhú,’ meaning ‘candle, light, torch’ with ‘lóng,’ meaning ‘dragon,’ Zhulong was a giant scarlet serpent in Chinese mythology, also known as the Torch Dragon.
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279. Ailbhe
This name originates from Old Irish Ailbe, potentially stemming from the ancient Celtic root ‘albiyo-’ signifying ‘world, white, light’ or Old Irish ‘ail’ meaning ‘rock.’ In Irish folklore, it was attributed to a female warrior within the Fianna. Ailbe serves as a variant.
280. Amor
Originating from Latin, it translates to ‘love.’ This name was used interchangeably with the Roman deity Cupid. Additionally, it carries the same meaning in Spanish and Portuguese, and when used as a feminine name, it can directly denote affection.
281. Ananta
Rooted in Sanskrit, it signifies ‘infinite, endless.’ It represents both the masculine form, ‘Ananth,’ which is an epithet of the Hindu god Vishnu, and the feminine form, ‘Ananta,’ which is an epithet of the goddess Parvati.
282. Aruna
This name means ‘reddish brown, or dawn’ in Sanskrit. Aruna in Hindu mythology, is the charioteer steering the sun god Surya across the sky.
283. Bala
Rooted in Sanskrit, Bala means ‘young.’ It is a transcription for both the masculine form ‘Bal’ and the feminine form ‘Bala,’ a Hindu goddess.
284. Chandra
Rooted in Sanskrit, it translates to ‘moon,’ derived from ‘chand’ meaning ‘to shine.’
285. Guiomar
Possibly originated from the Germanic name ‘Wigmar,’ formed from the terms ‘wig,’ meaning ‘war, battle,’ and ‘mari’ meaning ‘famous.’ In medieval tales like the Lancelot-Grail Cycle, Guiomar holds a minor role as a cousin of Guinevere, who banishes him upon his affair with Morgan le Fey.
286. Hordad
Derived from Middle Persian, this name represents the Middle Persian form of Haurvatat, conveying ‘health, perfection, wholeness’ in Avestan.
287. Inari
Rooted in Japanese, it signifies ‘carrying rice,’ derived from ‘ina’ meaning ‘rice’ and ‘ri’ meaning ‘carry.’ Inari is associated with rice, prosperity, and foxes in Japanese tradition, represented as both female and male.
288. Jaya
Originating from Sanskrit, ‘jaya’ means ‘victory’ and serves as a title for the Hindu deity Durga.
289. Kamala
Rooted in Sanskrit, this name means ‘lotus’ or ‘pale red.’ Additionally, it serves as another name for the Hindu goddess Lakshmi.
290. Khurshid
Originating from Modern Persian, it represents the Modern Persian form of Avestan ‘Huuarə Xshaēta,’ signifying ‘shining sun.’ In Zoroastrianism, it was associated with a Yazata, a holy being linked to the sun.
291. Marama
Maram is a Maori name meaning ‘moon.’ This name pertains to a moon deity in Maori mythology.
292. Metztli
Derived from Nahuatl, it translates to ‘moon.’ Metztli was the name of the Aztec god (or goddess) of the moon, with Meztli serving as a variant.
293. Mitra
Originating from Sanskrit, Mitra means ‘friend.’ It is also possibly associated with Mitr, the Hindu deity of friendship and contracts mentioned in the Rigveda.
294. Khordad
Originating from ancient Avestan as Haurvatat, Khordad signifies ‘well-being, completeness, and soundness’ in Modern Persian. Historically depicted as male during the Middle Persian period.
295. Mohana
Translated from Sanskrit, Mohana stands for ‘captivating, enchanting, and irresistible.’ This term encompasses both genders, representing epithets of prominent Hindu deities such as Shiva, Krishna, and Kama.
296. Nanda
With roots in Sanskrit, Nanda translates to ‘happiness’ and is attributed in Hindu scriptures to Vishnu and the nurturing figure of Krishna, among others.
297. Padma
Rooted in Sanskrit, Padma conveys the imagery of a ‘lotus.’ It’s referenced in Hindu mythology for deities like Lakshmi and Rama.
298. Phoenix
Borrowed from Egyptian and Greek lore, the Phoenix symbolizes an immortal bird reborn from its own ashes every 500 years. Its name, derived from the Greek word ‘phoinix,’ denotes a ‘dark red’ color. If aesthetic names are your jam, then add Phoenix to your shortlist.
299. Puck
Originating from Old English puca, the etymology of Puck remains uncertain, possibly tracing back to Germanic or Celtic origins. In English folklore, Puck is a playful spirit, famously depicted in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
300. Shyama
Deriving from the Sanskrit term ‘shyama,’ meaning ‘dark, black, or blue,’ Shyama represents the consort of the Hindu deity Shiva and is revered as a Jain goddess.
301. Sushila
Composed of Sanskrit elements ‘su’ meaning ‘good’ and ‘shila’ meaning ‘behavior or disposition,’ Sushila signifies ‘well-tempered and affable.’ Notably borne by the wives of Hindu gods Krishna and Yama.
302. Uttara
Stemming from Sanskrit, Uttara signifies ‘north.’ Found in the Mahabharata, it pertains to characters like King Virata’s son and daughter.
303. Vijaya
Derived from Sanskrit, Vijaya translates to ‘victory.’ It’s associated with figures such as Indra’s grandson, Krishna’s son, and the goddess Durga.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the cultural influences on mystical names?
Various cultures have their stories and beliefs that inspire the names they give to mystical beings, gods, and events. For instance, in Hindu culture, names like Shiva and Krishna come from Hindu mythology. In Celtic culture, names like Merlin and Morgan are inspired by Celtic myths and mysticism.
2. Do people use mystical names in everyday life?
Some people might use mystical names in everyday life, while others only for special spiritual or ceremonial occasions. It all depends on individuals’ beliefs and personal preferences.
In conclusion, delving into mystical names uncovers various captivating options from multiple cultures and eras. Mystical names such as Luna and Phoenix carry a certain aura that sparks curiosity and wonder. As we conclude our exploration of these mystical baby names, let’s simply appreciate their unique charm. Whether we adopt or draw inspiration from them, these names hold significance beyond mere words. They serve as reminders to keep exploring and learning throughout our lives.
Infographic: 8 Mystical Names Drawn From Mainstream Culture
Mystical names from popular culture are gaining popularity among parents who want to honor their favorite characters or fictional universes. Be it Arya from Game of Thrones or Draco from Harry Potter, these names evoke a sense of wonder. In the following infographic, let’s explore eight mystical names inspired by popular culture and their meanings.

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
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1. The Get To Know Me Tag.

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