Image: Shutterstock
Grandpas play a pivotal role in keeping the family close-knit and making all family gatherings fun. Grandpas give us all sorts of funny nicknames in childhood, but how about finding some equally hilarious and cute nicknames for grandpa? Grandpas are always jovial and friendly by nature and narrate some interesting stories from their life stories. Dive into this post for a list of cool, endearing, and special nicknames for your beloved grandfather.
Key Pointers
- Grandpa and grandchildren share a friendly relationship, so you may give an adorable or funny nickname to him.
- You may either pick gaming names such as ‘James Bond’ or ‘Skywalker,’ or traditional nicknames such as ‘Gampa’ or ‘Popsy.’
- Choose a nickname that goes with your grandpa’s personality.
400+ Nicknames For Grandpa
Relationships with grandfathers are built on love and sharing simple moments. Choosing a nickname for Grandpa that reflects your loving relationship and your grandpa’s personality is a great way to honor your bond.
Gramps, Pop-pop, Popster, and Big Chief are some classic examples you may consider. You can even pick something from your linguistic background, like Papi in French or Ojiisan in Japanese. Remember, young kids can sometimes mispronounce certain sounds, so keep the nickname as simple as you can.To be safe, use consonant sounds that develop early, like B, P, M, D, N, T, G, and S, like Gampa, Opa, or Baba, compared to sounds that develop late, like L and R (1). Here is our collection of grandpa nicknames from which you can choose or take inspiration.
Traditional Grandfather Names
Old is gold. These classy names are evergreen and can match the personality of almost any grandpa. Moreover, these nicknames are easy to pronounce and can make chit-chatting with Grandad more interesting. Choose a classic name that suits your grandfather’s personality.
- Grandpa
- Grampie
- Granda
- Gramps
- Great Dad
- Grandpa … (Add last name or first name)
- Grandmaster
- Papa
- Grand Mentor
- Pa
- Paps

- Pops
- Pappy
- Poppy
- PawPaw
- Big Pops
- Sir Grand
- Big Poppy
- G-Pa
- G-Dad
- G-Daddy
- Gramps
- G-Pops
- Granddaddy
- King Grandpa
- Grandadu
- Grand Popsicle
- Granddad
- Grand Old Man
- Gampa
- Lord Grandfather
- Beloved Sage
- Gampaps
- Gamps
- Gammy
- Learned Sage
- Gramps
- Pop-Pop
- Poppy Love
- Popsy
- Grandpop
- Grandpups
- GrandPal
- Grandpapa
- Grandpappy
- Grandpoppy
- Grandpaps
- Da-Pa
- Da-Da
- Drampaw
- Grand Dada
- Old Wise Man
- Pap Pap
- Papzo
- Nonno
Modern Grandfather Names

Grandfathers of today’s generation have a modern outlook towards life. They enjoy social networking and hanging out with loved ones just like us. Yes, they may act strict, but they always have a soft corner in their hearts. For the respectful and caring grandpa, we have listed some modern names. Pick the one that best suits your modern G-dad.
- Grampsicle
- Popsicle
- Ace
- Grandpère
- Addy
- Popsi
- Dadaz
- Old Sage
- Big Daddy
- Grandy
- Big Dad
- Grand Dude
- Big Man
- Grandizzle
- Big Mayne
- Grand Papi
- Big Poppa
- Silver Fox
- Biggie
- Grand Pops
- Big Popzy
- Popz
- Buster
- Papa Cool
- Busty
- Boppa
- Buzz
- Bo-Bee
- Banzo
- Boss
- Captain
- Chief
- Commander
- Chieftain
- Champ
- Super Gramps
- Cheetah
- Big Chief
- Coach
- Silver Sage

- Cute Papa
- Grampykins
- Cutie Pops
- The Great Provider
- G-Paw
- Old Geezer
- Paw-Paw
- GrandBuddy
- Grand-dude
- PapaCool
- Grand-Man
- Mr. Grampy
- Opa
- Papaw
- Popso
- PopStar
- Pappop
- Popssi
- HipsterPops
- Popozee
- Poppa Daddy
- PopRock
- Popster
- Rocky
- CoolCat Grand
- Rockie
- Beloved Gramps
- Skipper
- Grand Palski
- Smartie
- Sabby
- Papa Chill
- Sparky
- Pop Fashion
- Toppop
- Grand Hip
- Toddy
International Grandfather Names
People across the globe respectfully greet their grandpas by calling them cute names. You can use the one most prevalent in your culture or ask your grandpa how he’d like to be addressed.
Retired priest Rev. Dr. Charles Eric Funston shares how he’d like to be called in a way that honors his Irish heritage. He writes, “Last night, a friend asked, “What will you be called?”… “As a grandfather,” he clarified, “what will you be called as a grandparent?
“Good question. Is it really up to me? Do I get to say, “I want to be called [something]”? If so, I’d like to be called by one of the Irish nicknames: “Daideó” (pronounced “DAH-doe”) or “Móraí” (pronounced “MO-ree”) or “Papaí” (pronounced “PAH-pee”) (i).”
These names generally hold strong cultural connotations. Once you learn these international granddad names, start calling them with a new nickname.
- Albanian: Gjyshi
- Amharic: Wenidi āyati
- Arabic: Jid
- Bangla: Dadu, Thakurda
- Chinese: YeYe, YehYeh, or JeJe (paternal); Gong Gong or Wai Gong (maternal)
- Dutch: Grootvader
- Filipino: Lolo, Ingkong, Lelong, Abwelo
- Flemish: Bompa, Bompi, Opa, Opi
- French: Grand-père, Grand-papa, Pépère, Papy, Papi
- French–Canadian: Pépé, Pépère, Papi
- German: Opa
- Greek: Pappous, Pappoo, Papu, Papou
- Hawaiian: Tutu Kane, Kuku Kane
- Hebrew: Saba, Sabba
- Hindi: Dada (Paternal), Nana (Maternal)
- Italian: Nonno, Nonnuccio, Nonnino, Nonnetto
- Irish: Seanáthair, Daideó, Móraí
- Indonesian: Kakek
- Japanese: Ojiisan, Sofu, Jiji

- Korean: Haraboji, Harabeoji, Halaboji, Halabeoji
- Polish: Dziadek, Dziadziu
- Portuguese: Avô, Avozinho, Vovô, Vo
- Russian: Dedushka, Deda, Dedulya
- Spanish: Abuelo, Abuelito, Lito
- Somali: Awoowe
- Swahili: Babu
- Yiddish: Zayde, Zaydee, Zaydeh
Fun Grandfather Nicknames
Grandpas can be fun, and they don’t mind us pulling their legs once in a while. However, we should always be respectful while talking to our grandparents. A fun nickname for your grandpa can also arise from an inside joke or fond memory.
Jorge Garcia, a blogger, shared how meaningful and playful interactions with grandparents can really shape the bond between generations. He writes, “My grandpa was “Bente.” “Bente” was named by my sister. I believe it came from my grandpa trying to call her over “Vente! Vente!” (Come here.)
“So for us and my cousins it was always Abuela and Bente. In fact because it was so close to the Spanish number “veinte” sometimes cards we got from them would be signed “Abuela and 20.” (ii)“
These are a few nicknames you could use to call your grandpa. Pick one that matches your grandpa’s personality and taste.
- Abba
- Doc
- Grumpus
- Papa Smurf
- Grampalooza
- Buzzy
- GrumblePops
- Grampalooza
- Afo
- Grandpa Giggles
- Popcorn
- Avo
- Grampy Chuckles
- Grandpoopsie
- Baba
- Gramps McTickle
- Captain Cranky
- Babu
- Poppin’ Chuckles
- Grumpkins
- Beeba
- Whippersnapper Wrangler
- The Gigglemeister
- Biggie
- Giggleosaurus Rex
- Chuckleberry
- Biggu
- Grandpappy Chucklepants
- Laughing’ Larry
- Biggzy
- ChuckleChops
- Pops the Clown
- Bobo
- Giggly G-Pa
- Grin Machine
- Babuz
- Chuckle Nugget
- Silly Socks
- Ege
- Laughin’ Legend
- Guffaw Grandy
- Em
- Jolly Geezer
- Happy Wrinkles
- Fitz
- Grinny McWrinkle
- Chuckleberry Finn
- Fizzy
- Gigglesworth
- Goldy
- Grandpa Chucklehead
- Hammy
- Laughmaster
- Hammu
- Guffaw Guru
- HeeHaw
- The Chucklin’ Sage
- Huggy
- Sir Chuckles-a-Lot
- Dictionary
- Grandpappy Laughsalot
- Librarian
- Belly Chuckler
- Mr. Goggles
- Chucklesaurus Rex
- Chef
- Pops the Jester
- Pappu
- Snicker Pops
- Robo-Bobo
- Chuckle Commander
- RooRoo
- Guffaw Kingpin
- Grinzilla
- Teenie
- Chuckles McGee
- Chucklemeister
- T-Dad
- The Giggletician
- Umpapa
- Jiggle Pops
- Gramps Gigglefit
Superhero Names For Grandfather
Our grandfathers are the real superheroes. They might be old, but they have done a lot for society. Most grandpas have seen the world changing from the 1950s and 1960s. They have achieved success and led the family toward prosperity.
Our brave and respectful grandpas are no less than Hollywood superheroes. Give them an existing superhero name, or try to create one of your own. Try using “Captain,” “Man,” or “Daddy” with the surname of your granddad and see what superhero name you can come up with. It’s going to be fun. Try it!
- SuperGramps
- Agent Zero
- GrandHero
- Spidey
- Batman
- Power Pops
- Black Panther
- Iron Gramps
- Spider-Man
- Avenger
- Iron Man
- Hawkeye
- Captain America
- Super Poppy
- Thor
- Grand Guardian
- Captain Legacy
- Hulk
- Heroic Grand

- Superman
- Dark knight
- Vision
- Grand Dynamo
- Ant-Man
- Storm
- Super Sire
- Atomic Gramps
- Wolverine
- Guardian Grandpa
- Aquaman
- Grand Crusader
- Titan
- Doctor Strange
- Thunder Grand
Gaming Names For Grandfather
If you and your grandpa love playing PlayStation or video games, giving him a gaming nickname would be apt. We have listed some of the popular gaming-character names that best suit the personality of grandfathers.
- Grand Gamer
- Atlas
- Gaming Grandpa
- Bumblebee
- Joystick Pops
- Cabba
- Grand Leveler
- Captain Price
- Controller King
- Captain Pa
- Pixel Pops
- Cyborg
- Arcade Grand
- Comet Man
- Grandmaster Gamer
- Draxxy
- Retro Player
- E. Honda
- Game Overlord
- Captain Cold
- Button Mash Grand
- Gandalf
- Dungeon Master Pops
- Goku-Pa
- VR Grandpa
- Hawkman
- Boss Battle Grand
- James Bond
- Gamepad Guru
- Master Roshi
- Console Commander
- Mister Fantastic
- Grand Raid Leader
- Nova
- Gamer Sage
- Skywalker
- LAN Party Grand
- Yamato
- Grand Strategy Master
- Yoda
Disney Grandpa Names
Grandparents are extraordinarily cute. They are the best at narrating cartoon stories in their modulated voice. Choose a Disney grandpa name from the list below.
- Grandpa Beagle (Beagle Boys)
- Pops Goofy
- Grandpapa Simba
- Grumpy Grand
- Captain Hook
- Grandpère Beast
- Grand Ol’ Rafiki
- Grandpa Mickey
- Humperdink Duck (Donald Duck’s Grandpa)
- Mr. Poppins
- Jolly Jiminy
- Grand Merlin
- Papa Scrooge
- Prince Grand Charm
- Captain Buzzard Bones (Jake and the Never Land Pirates)
- Grand Master Yoda
- King Triton
- Carl (Up)
- Pops Baloo
- Grand Duke Eric
- Mr. Gold (Once Upon a Time)
- Gramps Geppetto
- Grand Sultan
- Grandpa Louie (Dinosaurs)
- Grandfather Fa
- Grand Lumière
- Grandpa Clyde (Phineas and Ferb)
Rapper Names For Grandfather

Love for music never dies. If your grandpa loves to groove on hip-hop music, give a flamboyant rapper name to your grandfather.
Creating a rapper name is not at all hard. Try using hip hop names such as “Snoopy,” “Lil,” “Yung,” and “Messy” with your Big Daddy’s surname. Some of the eye-catchy grandpa rapper names are:
- Missy Pa
- Grandpa Drake
- Kingsta Dad
- Rap Kingpin
- Papa Latifah
- Grand Rhymestein
- Lil + (Surname)
- MC Wisdom
- DJ + (Surname)
- Master of Beats
- Hip-Hop Grandpa
- Yung + (Surname)
- Poppin’ Rhymes
- Busta Pa
- Gramps the Beatboxer
- Papa Dogg
- Grandmaster Flava
- Papa Wayne
- Rhyme Sage
- Pathos
- Rap Scholar
- Thug Dada
- Grand Rapperito
- Dada Rhymes
- Old School Flow
- Gran Cena
- Rhyme Maestro
- Grannbo
- Grandpa Hip-Hop
- Crazy Dada
- Mic Dropper
- Papa Fly
- Funky Flow Grand
- Mistah Pa
- Rhythm Grandee
- Lion Man
- Grandmaster Groove
- Designerr
- Gramps Rhymezilla
- Rap Magician
- Gucci Pa
- Rhyme Architect
- Gucci Man
- Grandmaster Rapz
- Papa Lala
- Old Rhymesmith
- Em Grano
- Poppin’ Lyricist
- EL Grand
- Grandpa MC
- Fyah Man
- Hip-Hop Guru
- Swaggy
- Rhyme Professor
- Swagger Man
- Rap Doc
- Grand Flowmaster
- Zanky
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the purpose of giving grandparents nicknames?
While parents and family give names at birth, nicknames are associated with personal feelings towards a person. Therefore, giving nicknames to your jovial grandparents will reflect your bond and affection towards them. Nicknames can also be a way to honor and respect them or be a part of family traditions shared through generations, such as “Nana.”
2. Are there any cultural differences between giving nicknames to grandpas and grandmas?
Yes, nicknames for grandparents may differ across cultures. While some cultures allow specific nicknames for grandma and grandpa, nicknames in other households might be inspired by their characters, work, or role in the family. Depending on different cultures, the way of giving nicknames may also vary from formal nicknames to informal ones.
3. Do nicknames for grandparents reflect their personality or interests?
Yes, giving nicknames to grandparents based on their personality or interests is a common nickname tradition. Some of these nicknames include “Big Papa,” “Hopie,” “Big Mama,” “Granny Pie,” and “Choco Grandma.”
4. What are some tips for coming up with a good nickname for a grandpa?
When looking for a good nickname for your grandpa, consider his interests, hobbies, nature, personality, and appearance. You may also give him a nickname based on your feelings around him or the work you usually see him do. Otherwise, a traditional nickname is always an option.
5. How do nicknames for grandpas differ from nicknames for other family members?
Nicknames for grandpa often include the reflection of his age in the surname and a respectful tone. However, nicknames for other family members can be anything from a short form of their name to just a random word that describes them. Also, most grandparents are called by their nicknames in public, but other family members are often called by their names or relationships they have, such as uncle, aunt, brother, or sister.
Becoming a grandfather is a milestone many look forward to achieving after reaching a certain age. Once they do, they may be eager to find a name their little munchkin can call them. Though many go with the classic “grandpa,” some may want to explore more options and opt for a unique name. For example, if they want a cool, modern nickname, they could go with “Big Poppa,” “Chief,” or “Grand-dude.” Alternatively, if they want to introduce their little one to their culture or one they are fascinated by, they could opt for some international names for grandfathers. So go through our extensive list of nicknames for grandpa to find the perfect one!
Infographic: How People Around The World Call Their Grandfather?
A nickname for your grandfather can be your way of saying how special he is to you. So if you want to give a unique name to your grandpa, how about exploring what people around the world call their grandfather? This infographic has a compiled list of names for granddads from some popular languages across the world.

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Grandpa is often a child’s best friend with whom they share a close bond. It is your grandfather who may often take care of you when your parents are away for work or other errands. Grandpa is also your partner in crime and the savior who will always have your back. He will also leave no stone unturned to make you happy. So, show your love and care by giving him a cute and funny nickname that matches his personality. This will bring a smile to his face and further fortify your bond.
Illustration: Cool And Unique Nicknames For Grandpa

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Looking for other names to call your grandpa or grandma? This video provides you with a few nickname suggestions for your sweet grandparents.
Personal experience: Sources
MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Grandparental Nicknames – From the Daily Office – May 10, 2014;https://www.thefunstons.com/grandparental-nicknames-from-the-daily-office-may-10-2014/
ii. Grandpa Nicknames;

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