The Earth is the most beautiful planet in the universe. Nature and its magnificence convince the staunchest of contrarians that this claim is not so farcical. Nature provides us with all the resources we need to live; air to breathe, water to drink, land to stay, and food to eat.
So, if you are a nature-lover who wants to inspire your little one with a dash of dazzling nature, why don’t you share our nature coloring pages with him? Let your child’s creativity go wild with Momjunction’s collection of coloring pages filled with plants, animals, and other stunning splendors of nature.
27 Beautiful Nature Coloring Pages
1. Alaskan Wildlife
The raw and bold beauty of Alaska’s mountains, forests, mountains, sea, and valleys serves as the glorious backdrop for its wildlife. Grizzly bears, wolves, and mountain goats survey the majesty of the Alaskan landscape, while beluga whales, polar bears, and sea otters dot the sea. This coloring page features the Alaskan Brown bear catching fish from a river and the bald eagle soaring high in the sky. Children can also draw a few birds or some of their favorite animals in the backdrop. Ensure your child uses bright and bold colors to bring these animals alive.
2. Birds
Our beautiful earth is home to thousand species of birds. From the Andean condor, with a wingspan of 11 feet, to the tiny teeny hummingbird, weighing less than an ounce, birds come in all shapes and sizes. This coloring page shows little birds satiating their thirst by drinking water from a bird bath. It seems that it’s summer, and the heat has got the better of the birds. You can even teach your child to keep a bowl of water on the gallery, garden, or terrace, during the summers for the birds to drink. Can your child guess the species of the bird by looking at the diagram?
3. Earth Day
It may be hard for many people to believe, but the earth is really in a sad state. There is an island of plastic garbage in the Pacific Ocean twice the size of Texas. As your child colors the page, explain to them how our actions can affect the planet and what they can do to reduce the global warming and carbon footprints. Tell them to switch off the lights, computers, and other electronic appliances and devices when not in use. Instruct them not to waste water. Turn off the tap when not in use. Recycling can go a long way. Every ton of recycled paper saves around 17 trees.
4. American Wildflowers
This coloring page displays the variety and beauty of America’s most popular wildflowers. As the name suggests, the wildflower is a flower growing in the wild. It means these flowers were not intentionally planted or seeded. They grow by themselves. And, they appear very different from other flowers. The term can even refer to the flowering plants, even when not in bloom. Ask your child to name the species of this flower. If he is stumped, show him a picture of the flowers. He can use it as a reference for coloring the page.
5. The Arctic And Antarctic Life
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word Arctic and Antarctic? Cold and frozen lands with mountains of snow and ice, right? While the Arctic and Antarctic may be devoid of human life, but there is no denying the fascination they hold. This coloring page features the Emperor penguin. Among all the birds, the emperor penguin is unique. It is the only species to breed along the Antarctic Continent’s edge and the only species of penguin to lay eggs in the seemingly foreboding circumstances of the Antarctic winter.
There are several other species of animal endemic to the Arctic and Antarctic, which are not included in the coloring page like baby harp seals, humpback whales, sea snails, gray wolf, and Atlantic puffins. So you can ask your child to draw a few of these animals in this coloring page.
6. Birds Of America
America is home to a large species of animals like the great blue heron, wood duck, purple finch, blue jay, ruby-throated hummingbird, and 46 other species of birds. This dynamic coloring page features the American robin, the state bird of Connecticut. Robins are one of America’s favorite songbirds. They are also the state symbols of Wisconsin and Michigan. The abundance of flowers around the bird displays the symbiotic relationship between flowers and birds. And the fine lines in this coloring page will improve your child’s fine motor skills too! If you reside in America, take, your child in the backyard, and you’ll most probably find robins pulling up earthworms.
7. Layers Of Earth
Kids, which part of the Earth is the crust? Where do you find the ocean? We’re sure most elementary school kids will be bewildered by these questions. And, if your child finds it hard to pay attention to geography, hand him this coloring page for a quick lesson. The diagram features the earth’s layers and will make learning easier for him. Here’s a short note on the layers of earth.
The earth is composed of four different layers- the crust, the mantle (upper and lower mantle), the inner core, and the outer core. Geologists believe that as the Earth cooled, the heavier and denser materials sank to the center, and the lighter materials rose to the top. It’s because of this reason the crust is made of the lightest materials like granites, basalts, and rocks.
8. Layers Of Rainforest
We’ve included a similar coloring page for the rainforests too. The images of trees will help your child learn about the rainforests.
The rainforest has four layers- the emergent layer, the canopy layer, the understory layer and the forest floor. On the emergent layer, you will find trees towering as high as 200 feet. The canopy layer is the primary layer of the woods. It forms a roof over the two of the remaining layers. Not enough sunshine reaches the understory layer, so the plants rarely grow more than 12 feet. You will find almost no plants on the forest floor as the sun hardly reaches it.
9. The Water Cycle
Why does it rain? How do clouds form? Does your child ask you these questions? If you nodded along, then why don’t you feed his curiosities by urging him to complete this coloring page? The earth has a limited amount of water. It may seem unlimited considering the seven vast oceans on the earth. But in reality, the water keeps going and coming around in what we call the water cycle. The water cycle is made up of four main parts- evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. You can even write the description of each step in the cycle for your child’s better learning.
10. Freshwater Habitat
Ponds, rivers, lakes, streams, marshes, and swamps, all are freshwater habitats. Together, they contain all the salt-free and unfrozen water accessible to humans. Freshwater habitats may make up less than 0.5% of the water supply of the world but are extremely vital to humans and animals.
This coloring page is a great way to teach your child about the importance of preserving the freshwater ecosystem. And, he will even get to color a lake habitat filled with animals of different shapes and sizes. There are just a few freshwater animals in this coloring image, but your child can add a few of his favorites too like dragonflies, piranhas, and shrimps.
11. Snowflakes
A snowflake is a fascinating natural phenomenon. It’s either a single flake or an aggregation of ice crystals falling through the atmosphere of the earth. Snowflakes begin as a snow crystal, and further, acquire a pattern when the cloud droplets freeze. A snowflake comes in several shapes and sizes, which is well documented in this coloring page. These shapes emerge as flakes and acquire a unique form through humidity and temperature legions. Whether your child wants to use bright rainbow colors or snowy colors, these snowflakes are sure to shine brightly. Kids can even print out this coloring page to enjoy with a hot cup of cocoa.
12. Rainbow
Do you have a preschooler at home who you want to introduce to colors while staying in tune with nature? Then give him this rainbow coloring page. A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon caused by refraction, reflection, and dispersion of light through water droplets, which results in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. As your child colors, ask them about the different shades that make a rainbow. You can even ask them to label the colors of the rainbow. Then tell them to count the colors of the rainbow. It will strengthen their counting skills as well.
13. The Solar System
This solar system might fit into this cool coloring page, but in reality, the dwarf planet Pluto is 3.7 billion miles from the Sun. It consists of a star; which is the sun, the nine planets- Venus, Mercury, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. We even have numerous asteroids, comets, meteoroids, satellites of the planets, and the interplanetary medium. Everything in our solar system revolves around the sun. Children can color the details any way they like. But, it would be better if you showed him an image from the internet and let your child paint the picture. It would help him in his school project also.
14. Desert
The wild west is full of coloring fun for children. This dry biome, getting less than 25 cm of rainfall of a year is home to different and somewhat strange types of animals and vegetation. Your child will enjoy coloring the cactus as much as the desert animals and unusual natural formations in this coloring page. When your child is coloring, discuss with him the different kinds of ecosystems that exist and the various kinds of plants and animals living in the desert. Tell them how the desert animals survive of chilly nights and hot days. And do let him know about the largest desert in the word, that is the Sahara Desert.
15. Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals that appeared during the Triassic period; around 231.4 million years ago. Dinosaurs were the dominant vertebrates for over 135 million, starting from the Jurassic until the end of the Cretaceous. This coloring page features two dinosaurs ready to attack each other. But, why are they fighting? We think we should leave it to your child to decide. Tell them to write a story as they color this intense scene full of sharp teeth and claws.
Fact- Although dinosaurs are one of the most prehistoric animals, many other creatures predate them. Among these creatures were reptiles living in the Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic Period.
16. Weather
A weather coloring page is an excellent way to introduce your child to hurricanes, fog, tornadoes, and other atmospheric conditions. You can teach your child about global wind patterns thunderstorm formation, and ocean currents. This coloring page is entertaining, enlightening, and fascinating for kids eager to learn about the meteorological phenomenon. When your child colors, you can also discuss the cause and effect of rainbow and lightning.
17. Forest
There is something mystical about walking through a forest. It is quiet, dark, full of musty smells, and earth. The forest is not just beautiful. It is home to a variety of woodland creatures, including butterflies, birds, owl, deer, and many more.
Coloring pages are a great way to teach your children about forests, especially, if you cannot take out time to visit it with your child. This coloring page showcases the beauty of the forest effectively. Imagine how beautiful it will look when colored.
18. Nature In The Backyard
You do not have to venture far to witness nature’s beauty. You can find the beauty and bounty of nature in your backyard as well. The diagram features a little girl enjoying herself in the botanical garden. The flowers are as excited to see her, and the girl is. Full of neat detailing, this coloring page is sure to give your child’s fine motor skills a boost. Children can even draw cute crawlies like tiny caterpillars, buzzing bees and fluttering butterflies hovering around the flowers. You can even ask them to name the flowers on this coloring page.
19. Flower Garden
A stroll through the botanical or flower garden refreshes the spirits and dazzles the senses, and this coloring page does the same. It features a beautiful garden full of flowers on a bright sunny day. The highlight of this coloring page is the swarm of bees collecting honey from the flowers. Your child may be baffled seeing a bumblebee carrying a bucket and fluttering above a flower. So, you can take it as an opportunity to explain the symbiotic relationship between bees and flowers. When the bees land on a flower, they get some pollen on their body. And when they land on the next flower, the pollen from the bee’s body rubs off, pollinating the plant. This relationship benefits both flowers and animals. The bees get food, and the flowering plants get to reproduce.
20. African Plains
The African plains are home to many animals, including the popular ones in your nearby zoo. Coloring pages documenting the flora and fauna of the African plains will thrill nature lovers and thrill coloring page enthusiasts alike. This coloring page depicts wild animals in their African habitats. It includes an African elephant, a giraffe, and a monkey hanging from the tree. You can introduce your child to these animals while he is coloring.
21. Rain
“The rain is raining all around;
It falls on field and tree,
It rains on the umbrella,
And on the ships at sea.
This nature scene coloring page is sure to delight your little coloring enthusiasts. It shows two little children enjoying the rain and marveling at the ship floating on the river.
22. Gardening
Is there anything more blissful than gardening with your child? At least, we can’t think of any! The father-son duo is having a great time gardening and planting seeds in their field. But if your child wants to make this field even more beautiful, ask him to add some colors to this diagram.
You can teach your child everything about gardening as he colors. It will go a long way in cultivating an interest in nature. and will promote respect for the farmers in their hearts. During the weekends or vacations, do some gardening with your child. Do not forget to carry the gardening gear.
23. Insects
You must have noticed the diversity in the insects. Some are tiny, harmless looking, while some appear sinister. Some have three body parts while some have four. It’s this unusual color pattern and unique physical characteristics that have made them objects of wonderment for children.
This coloring page features not one, or two, but four insects- dragonfly, firefly, cricket, and cockroach. It also includes a small trivia of these insects. Both firefly and dragonfly have four wings, and both cricket and cockroach have antennae and six legs.
24. Butterfly
Butterflies are the favorite insects of children. They are popular not just for their beautiful patterns and colorations, but for their miraculous metamorphosis.
This coloring page features these delicate and beautiful creatures. Ensure that your child uses bright colors for decorating these wondrous insects. He can even combine different colors to fill the coloring page. You can even ask the kids to draw some flowers beside the butterflies. So can then explain how butterflies feed on the nectar from the flowers.
25. The Magnificent Ocean Life
Ocean life is truly spectacular. Scientists believe that life on Earth began in the ocean, around 4 billion years ago. And just 500 million years ago, life emerged from the ocean to the land. So life in the ocean existed eight times longer. Even today, although living things exist in every part of the Earth’s surface, the ocean continues to be critical to life on Earth.
Help your child explore the sea and ocean life on this coloring page. This realistic nature coloring page depicts the splendor of underwater life. It has piranha, sea cone, starfish, and of course, octopus.
26. Volcano
Children love everything about volcanoes, right from the idea that they could erupt anytime, to the thought how boiling lava cools and hardens. This coloring page will probably have your kid exploding with questions about the volcanic activity. Here’s a short trivia on the volcano.
A volcano is formed when the rock, ashes, and gasses escape from the opening in the earth’s surface. As the volcano erupts, it spills lava that flows down and hot gasses and ash are thrown into the air. When the volcanoes covered with snow and ice erupt, melted ice and snow mix with volcanic ash and mud and flow down the mountain. The volcanic flow is called lahars.
27. Trees
Do you have a tree climber in the family? Then teach him the importance of trees with this coloring page. It features beautiful scenery with a small fact. Trees provide natural erosion control and bank stabilization along with lakes and rivers. But this is not the only surprising fact about trees. Being the biggest plants on the planet, trees give xylem, stabilize, store carbon and give life to the world’s wildlife. Besides, trees also provide us with the materials for shelter and tool.
You know what the best part of these coloring pages is. They are entirely free of charge! So print out as many coloring pages you like and encourage your child’s creativity. After your child has done coloring these pages, you can ask your child to join you on a nature walk so that both of you can admire the real thing. Or you can set up your kid outside and let her work on these coloring pages of nature. This way, she’ll get to work while she is surrounded by nature. And do not forget to tell us which of this coloring page your child liked the most!

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