200+ Best Never-Have-I-Ever Questions For Teens

One of the interesting question games to break the ice at a party or get together is never-have-I-ever questions for teens. This game is quite useful in initiating a conversation and helps know the thoughts and personalities of people. Moreover, it could grab the attention of teens as they get to know what others have done or not yet done in their lives. It can also be a good conversation starter. Challenge your friends to a game of never-have-I-ever, and make it fun by trying to guess your friend’s answers. In this post, we have listed interesting never-have-I-ever questions that could aid in beginning fun interactions in teens. You may also include a few self-crafted questions to create your own quiz format.

In This Article

Benefits Of Playing Never-Have-I-Ever For Teens

Never-have-I-ever game is an icebreaker game that offers several benefits to teens. It helps you (1) (2)  

  • get comfortable in new situations.
  • initiate conversations.
  • learn people’s names.
  • know about your friends’ thoughts and personalities.
  • share experiences.
  • build connections.
  • set a positive atmosphere.
  • relax and loosen up.

This game is best for sleepovers to add to the late-night fun, family gatherings with teens for some lighthearted interaction, and long journeys to keep the group engaged and entertained. It can also be played at school and college orientation events, summer camps, and team-building youth camps for teens to break the ice and get comfortable with new people.

How To Play Never-Have-I-Ever For Teens

The rules of the never-have-I-ever game are pretty simple and can be customized as per the convenience of the players involved. Here’s one way of playing it.

  • The players take some candies with them, sit in a circle, and take turns stating something that they have never had or done.
  • The sentences should start with the phrase, “Never have I ever.” For instance, “Never have I ever tried Kayaking.”
  • The rest of the group who have tried kayaking must have a bite of the candy.
  • If only one person has tried kayaking, you could ask them to provide you with details.
  • In the end, the winner is the person who eats the most number of candies.

How To Select Never-Have-I-Ever Questions For Teens

Before you play this game, you must gather enough and appropriate questions. Here is a list of factors you should keep in mind when selecting never-have-I-ever questions for teens.

  • Choose themes that are appealing to teenagers—sports, movies, pop culture, studies, etc.
  • Consider a few questions about life experiences, family, friendships, and relationships.
  • Avoid personal questions and those on sensitive topics. Stick with fun and lighthearted themes.
  • Take inspiration and suggestions from popular websites on teens, social media trends, and trending topics to frame interesting questions.

200+ Never Have I Ever Questions For Teens

These questions are meant to spark open conversations, bring laughter, and help teens get to know each other in a fun, relaxed way. Depending on the topics you are comfortable with, pick any question from this list.

Funny Never Have I Ever Questions

With this set of funny questions, you can expect your friends to laugh out loud.

1. Never have I ever eaten food that fell on the floor.

2. Never have I ever accidentally spelled my name wrong.

3. Never have I ever slept in regular clothing.

4. Never have I ever worn my shirt inside out in public by mistake.

5. Never have I ever pretended to laugh at a joke I didn’t get.

6. Never have I ever watched the Ghostbusters remake.

7. Never have I ever eaten a bug.

Never have I ever questions for teens about bugs
Image: Shutterstock

8. Never have I ever watched SpongeBob SquarePants.

9. Never have I ever caught someone picking their nose.

10. Never have I ever eaten what I knew was someone else’s food.

11. Never have I ever made dumb faces at myself in the bathroom mirror.

12. Never have I ever used a public bathroom.

13. Never have I ever cried during a Pixar movie.

14. Never have I ever laughed so hard I wet myself.

15. Never have I ever dressed as the opposite gender.

16. Never have I ever accidentally called a teacher “Mom.”

protip_icon Quick tip
You can also use these questions while playing truth and dare games but need help finding questions for asking the truth.

17. Never have I ever had a crush.

18. Never have I ever pulled a push door.

19. Never have I ever rubbed someone else’s toothbrush in something other than toothpaste.

20. Never have I ever tried to see how many marshmallows can fit into my mouth.

21. Never have I ever worn my parents’ clothes.

22. Never have I ever “cleaned up” by piling everything into a closet.

23. Never have I ever been arrested.

24. Never have I ever hidden food under my bed.

25. Never have I ever stayed up until three in the morning.

26. Never have I ever run into a sliding glass door.

27. Never have I ever sung karaoke.

28. Never have I ever gone without a bath or shower for more than a week.

29. Never have I ever done something so bad in public that I still cringe when I think about it.

30. Never have I ever eaten chalk.

31. Never have I ever tripped and fallen in public.

32. Never have I ever dropped my phone in the toilet.

33. Never have I ever baby talked to someone who wasn’t a baby.

34. Never have I ever watched the “Gangnam Style” music video.

35. Never have I ever been electrocuted.

36. Never have I ever shoplifted.

37. Never have I ever got high.

38. Never have I ever made silly faces on my parents and teachers.

39. Never have I ever dyed my hair and regretted it terribly.

40. Never have I ever been afraid of a shadow.

41. Never have I ever pretended to know a stranger.

42. Never have I ever broken something expensive because I was angry.

43. Never have I ever used the gents’ room in a club because the line for the ladies’ room was too long.

44. Never have I ever been called out for having dandruff.

45. Never have I ever sung miserably in a bathroom.

46. Never have I ever worn sleepwear and pretended it was clothing.

47. Never have I ever spilled a drink on a stranger.

48. Never have I ever shared my utensils with my dog.

49. Never have I ever snuck in somewhere.

50. Never have I ever shaved my eyebrows off.

51. Never have I ever danced in front of a mirror.

Never have I ever danced in front of a mirror
Image: Shutterstock

52. Never have I ever said “excuse me” when there was no one around.

53. Never have I ever worn my underwear inside out.

54. Never have I ever scared myself in a mirror.

55. Never have I ever dyed my bathwater.

56. Never have I ever partied for more than 12 hours.

57. Never have I ever practiced a speech in front of the mirror.

58. Never have I ever pulled out my loose teeth and shown them to others.

59. Never have I ever missed a high five.

60. Never have I ever tried out to be an extra in a movie.

61. Never have I ever sung in the shower.

62. Never have I ever been chased by a dog.

63. Never have I ever broken into someone’s yard to use their pool.

64. Never have I ever wondered how it is to be a dog.

65. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo.

66. Never have I ever been attacked by a goose.

67. Never have I ever secretly wished I were a wizard at Hogwarts.

68. Never have I ever dressed like a monster.

69. Never have I ever done something impolite because of peer pressure.

Never Have I Ever Questions For Friends

Ask these juicy never have I ever questions to your friends and see what their answers are. They will surprise you.

70. Never have I ever cheated on a test.

71. Never have I ever disliked the opinion of others.

72. Never have I ever been out of the country.

73. Never have I ever taken part in a protest.

74. Never have I ever jumped into a pool with all my clothes on.

75. Never have I ever eaten raw fish.

76. Never have I ever used a swear word.

protip_icon Point to consider
Teenage is a period of physical, mental, and emotional changes. These questions will help teenagers understand that what they are experiencing isn’t unusual or weird.

77. Never have I ever re-gifted a gift card.

78. Never have I ever smoked.

79. Never have I ever cut my own hair.

80. Never have I ever cried in public.

81. Never have I ever traveled out of state by myself.

82. Never have I ever fallen asleep in public.

83. Never have I ever lived alone.

84. Never have I ever shaved my head.

85. Never have I ever skipped class.

86. Never have I ever flown in a helicopter.

87. Never have I ever lied to my teachers.

88. Never have I ever watched TV the entire day.

89. Never have I ever swum with dolphins.

90. Never have I ever tried sushi.

91. Never have I ever spoken to my crush.

92. Never have I ever been on stage in front of a crowd.

93. Never have I ever lost my wallet.

94. Never have I ever broken a bone.

95. Never have I ever been to a concert.

96. Never have I ever eaten an alligator.

97. Never have I ever stalked a crush.

98. Never have I ever sung in public.

99. Never have I ever faked sickness to miss school.

100. Never have I ever hosted a Halloween party.

101. Never have I ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend.

102. Never have I ever thought about what type of dog I would be.

103. Never have I ever played a musical instrument.

104. Never have I ever been to Mexico.

105. Never have I ever shaved my legs.

106. Never have I ever watched children’s cartoons.

107. Never have I ever gone snowboarding.

108. Never have I ever unfollowed a friend on social media.

109. Never have I ever touched a snake.

Never have I ever questions for teens about snakes
Image: Shutterstock

110. Never have I ever finished a Sudoku puzzle.

111. Never have I ever forgotten the sunglasses that I was already wearing.

112. Never have I ever gone skiing.

113. Never have I ever given a speech in front of a crowd.

114. Never have I ever picked up a spider.

115. Never have I ever lied to a friend to avoid a greater evil.

116. Never have I ever locked my keys in my car.

117. Never have I ever traveled to a foreign country.

118. Never have I ever run a marathon.

119. Never have I ever tried a recipe from the Internet.

120. Never have I ever stolen money from my father’s wallet.

121. Never have I ever not tipped at a restaurant.

122. Never have I ever learned a foreign language.

123. Never have I ever lifted weights for a workout.

124. Never have I ever ridden an elephant.

125. Never have I ever taken alcohol without the consent of my parents.

126. Never have I ever given money to a homeless person.

127. Never have I ever played truth or dare

128. Never have I ever gone viral online.

129. Never have I ever worked in a fast-food restaurant.

130. Never have I ever played spin the bottle.

131. Never have I ever tried to look at the sun.

132. Never have I ever texted or taken a call at the movies.

133. Never have I ever passed out.

134. Never have I ever bungee-jumped.

135. Never have I ever donated an organ.

Clean Never Have I Ever Questions

Ask your friends these clean and good never have I ever questions and get to know more about them.

136. Never have I ever saved someone’s life.

137. Never have I ever donated blood.

138. Never have I ever met someone famous.

139. Never have I ever had surgery.

140. Never have I ever lied to a law enforcement officer.

141. Never have I ever made a recipe from a blog.

142. Never have I ever auditioned for a talent show.

143. Never have I ever bet on something.

144. Never have I ever jumped out of a plane.

145. Never have I ever gone vegan.

146. Never have I ever seen a famous person on the street.

147. Never have I ever run away from home.

148. Never have I ever flown in a plane.

149. Never have I ever made a wish at a fountain.

150. Never have I ever used a fake ID.

151. Never have I ever told a lie to my best friend.

152. Never have I ever been chased by a wild animal.

protip_icon Do remember
These questions are great for parties and gatherings and also work well as icebreakers if you’re meeting someone for the first time and keep everyone engaged.

153. Never have I ever worn a weird costume to school.

154. Never have I ever accidentally eaten a bug.

155. Never have I ever lied about my age.

156. Never have I ever pulled an all-nighter during school.

157. Never have I ever cooked.

158. Never have I ever put candy on pizza.

159. Never have I ever tried to open someone’s phone.

Never have I ever tried to open someone’s phone
Image: Shutterstock

160. Never have I ever had chickenpox.

161. Never have I ever made up a story to impress someone.

162. Never have I ever slept with my pet.

163. Never have I ever been behind the wheel of a car.

164. Never have I ever read a single Harry Potter book.

165. Never have I ever cut in line on purpose.

166. Never have I ever cheated on a test.

167. Never have I ever been to the circus.

168. Never have I ever hidden some important piece of information from the person who should know.

169. Never have I ever been inside of a library.

170. Never have I ever blabbed something I swore to secrecy.

171. Never have I ever unshared my location with a friend.

172. Never have I ever built a snowman.

173. Never have I ever given money to a homeless person.

174. Never have I ever had a cavity.

175. Never have I ever tried a fad diet.

176. Never have I ever been on a cruise ship.

177. Never have I ever watched the TV upside down.

178. Never have I ever broken a bone playing sports.

179. Never have I ever seen an elephant in real life.

180. Never have I ever snooped through a friend’s room, cabinet, or property.

181. Never have I ever made up a story about someone that wasn’t real.

182. Never have I ever given a peck to my pet.

183. Never have I ever misplaced a valuable possession of mine.

184. Never have I ever been to Disney World.

185. Never have I ever had friends with benefits.

186. Never have I ever baked my own bread.

187. Never have I ever ridden a motorbike.

188. Never have I ever been jealous of my friends.

189. Never have I ever bought clothing online.

190. Never have I ever been in a talent show.

191. Never have I ever thrown a surprise party.

192. Never have I ever made someone cry by giving them a present.

193. Never have I ever cried in the school bathroom.

194. Never have I ever spent hours watching funny videos on YouTube.

195. Never have I ever gotten stitches.

196. Never have I ever complained about a roommate.

197. Never have I ever tried pet food.

198. Never have I ever been late to class.

199. Never have I ever thought a movie was better than the book.

200. Never have I ever been scuba diving.

Fun never have I ever questions
Image: iStock

201. Never have I ever slept in my roommate’s bed.

202. Never have I ever tried baby food as an adult.

203. Never have I ever had frostbite.

204. Never have I ever had a foodborne illness.

205. Never have I ever hit a parked car.

Illustration: Best Never-Have-I-Ever Questions For Teens

never have i ever questions for teens_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Never-have-I-ever questions for teens can add life and laughter to any party. These questions can help you get to know some funny and deep secrets your friends have kept from you. Choosing non-offensive and friendly questions is the key to making this game fun. Hence, we have compiled this perfect list of never have I ever questions for teens to use at birthday parties, vacations, night outs, or other social gatherings. You can use these questions to help break the ice or just to know your friends better. And in case you are on the lookout for more question games, you may check out these would you rather questions for teens and truth or dare questions for teens.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which topics can teens explore when asking “Never Have I Ever” questions?

When playing or asking “Never Have I Ever” questions, you can explore various topics, such as hobbies, interests, embarrassing moments, daring moments, relationship-based questions, and student life experiences.

2. How can parents and adults use “Never Have I Ever” questions with teens?

Never Have I Ever questions can be a good way for parents and adults to start a conversation with their teens. You can also use these questions to know about your teen’s lives and what is happening with them. The questions may also provide you an opportunity to share your life experiences with them while bonding.

3. How can “Never Have I Ever” questions be used to promote healthy communication among teens?

Never Have I Ever is a popular game among teens that can be played at parties, events, trips, and other occasions. It is one of the best icebreaker games for teens and can help them build trust and engage in healthy conversations. The game also allows teens to discuss sensitive topics and playfully discuss their opinions.

4. What are the potential risks of asking “Never Have I Ever” questions for teens?

While “Never Have I Ever” questions can be fun and entertaining to ask each other, sometimes, it may also lead to disputes and arguments as this activity requires people to somehow confess. Moreover, asking deep and sensitive questions might hurt someone’s feelings, or differences in opinions may lead to indifference and tension in the group. Additionally, if an incorrect answer is provided, someone might call out the bluff or the bluffer’s answer, which could escalate the tensions further.

5. What safety considerations should we take into account when playing “Never Have I Ever” with teens?

Given the potency of this game to create disputes and misunderstandings among teens, certain rules and guidelines should be established when playing. Ensure the questions do not make anyone feel uncomfortable, use questions on sensitive topics, such as politics and race, carefully, and do not force anyone to answer.

Infographic: Never Have I Ever Questions For Teens

What better way to know about your friends’ most profound and darkest secret than a game of Never Have I Ever? To help you double the fun with your peers, we have created a list of questions in the following infographic that you can use as your wild card when others seem to be running out of questions.

teen edition of never i have ever questions (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Never Have I Ever is a fun icebreaker game that can promote conversations among teens.
  • Include a wide range of topics when choosing questions so that the game remains engaging and relevant for all the participants.
  • Make a rule to not pressure anyone to answer a question they do not feel comfortable answering.
  • Do not ask questions based on sensitive topics that can hurt someone or make them uncomfortable.
  • Adults can also play this game with their teens. It can be an interesting way to connect better with them and learn more about their lives.

Join the laughter-filled party game “Never Have I Ever” with hilarious questions. Test your friends and have a blast in this interactive and entertaining video!


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. Using Ice Breakers to Help Young People Build Trust and Camaraderie.
  2. Icebreakers Team Building Activities and Energizers.
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Dr. Holly Schiff is an experienced clinical psychologist with around nine years of experience in the field. She did her Doctorate of Psychology in School and Community Psychology from Hofstra University and graduated from Fordham University.

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Sravani Rebbapragada
Sravani RebbapragadaMSc (Biotechnology)
Sravani holds a post-graduate degree in Biotechnology from SRM University, Chennai. Being an avid reader, she keeps herself up to date with research. Her interest lies in teaching new things to children in creative ways. For MomJunction, she covers literature and information/ facts articles for kids.

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Harshita Makvana
Harshita MakvanaB.Com, PG Dip
Harshita is a graduate in commerce and holds a PG Diploma in Patent and Copyrights Law from NALSAR University. She has also pursued CA and has more than three years of internship experience in auditing. Her love for travelling has taken her to various parts of the world, and writing the travelogues was what brought out her love for content writing.

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Apoorva K
Apoorva KMSc (Counseling Psychology)
Apoorva is a certified psychological counselor and NLP practitioner. The assistant professor-turned-writer believes that her experience as a teacher, psychologist, and researcher enables her to guide MomJunction readers on child development and mental health.

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