Image: Midjourney/ MomJunction Design Team
The arrival of a baby completes a family. The little human brings so much joy to your life and also makes you a responsible person. If you are looking for newborn baby wishes, we have got you covered. The birth of a baby calls for a grand celebration. As your loved one has become a father, mother, or grandparent, you would want to congratulate them and let them know how delighted you are with the news. A heartfelt birthday note or a text can convey your happiness to the new parent. In this post, we have combined several heart-touching and joyful messages to celebrate the birth of your little one. Read on.
Key Pointers
- Heartfelt wishes and quotes to celebrate the arrival of a newborn are a thoughtful addition to gifts.
- Share a sweet message to congratulate the new parents and express your joy.
- You may also wish them good health and a bright future while sharing valuable parenting tips.
- Send wishes for their grandchild to the grandparents via email or text.
Wishes For A Newborn Baby Boy
A little prince has arrived, and you are extremely happy for the new parents. Congratulate them and send lots of love to their bundle of joy through these newborn baby boy wishes and blessed with baby boy quotes.
- “As soon as I saw your baby boy, he gave me a big smile. Then itself I realized he is a splitting image of you. Congratulations buddy.”
- “Hey there, new mom! Congratulations on the arrival of the little guy. Heard he is the cutest baby in the hospital and the nurses couldn’t stop gazing at him with adoration. Cannot wait to see him.”
- “Hey sister! Cannot believe he is here already. It’s my good fortune to become an aunt of a wonderful child. I would pamper and spoil my nephew and be called the cool aunt. Hugs and kisses to the baby.”
- “Hai son! Just heard the news and I am so happy for you. It was like only yesterday you were a baby in my hands, and now you are a father. God bless my grandson.”
- “Congratulations on the arrival of your son! At last, all your wishes came true. May the little guy be blessed with good health, happiness, and prosperity throughout his life.”
- “Welcome to the latest addition to the family. He is the first boy in the family, and we cannot wait to pamper and spoil him with all our love.”
- “Hey sis, did you know? All nieces and nephews are brilliant, beautiful and obviously take after their uncle. Congratulations on becoming a mommy.”
- “I know you couldn’t wait to see your baby boy, and finally he is here. Congratulations on becoming a mom to such a cute little boy.”
- “Congratulations on becoming parents; he is indeed a cute and healthy boy.”
- “Buckle up for those sleepless nights, diaper changes and the endless joy of parenting. Welcome to the club and congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy.”
- “Finally, the day has come and your baby boy is in your hands. I am sure you will be extremely happy holding the heavenly angel in your arms. Congratulations and hope to see the little prince soon.”
- “Your family picture is complete with the arrival of your baby boy. We know how much you anticipated his arrival. Congratulations and God bless the little man.”
- “Just heard the news, congratulations and all the best to you both. May your little boy grow up to be great and successful.”
- “Today will remain a special day for the rest of your life, as today you became a mom for the cutest little boy. Congratulations and may God bless him.”
- “Sending you loads of good wishes and endless love for your little prince. Congratulations on becoming a father.”
- “No wonder your baby boy is so cute as he got a handsome father and a beautiful mother. Congratulations on becoming parents.”
- “Hooray! It is a baby boy. I am so happy for you guys and cannot wait to see the little guy. Congratulations!”
- “So little, so precious. Now your days will be filled with his smiles and innocent giggles, and you cannot stop talking about him. Congrats dear and welcome to motherhood.”
- “I am sure the moment you got to see your precious little boy, all your pain might have vanished. Congrats on becoming a mother and all the best.”
- “He is a splitting image of you, and can only imagine how proud you are. Congrats on becoming a father. It is time you learned to play baseball.”
- “By divine grace and miraculous blessing your baby boy has finally arrived, and I cannot think of two more deserving people to look after him. May your little man grow up and bring you joy and happiness.”
- “Congratulations bestie! You are also a mommy now! Now even our children get to become best friends. Cannot wait to share the joy of motherhood with you.”
- “A son is a mom’s little angel and a daddy’s little helper, congrats on the birth of your baby boy.”
- “Hello my dear nephew, I cannot believe you are finally here, and I cannot wait to see you. Lots of hugs, and kisses from your aunt.”
- “We are so happy for you. Congratulations on becoming the proud parents of a cute and handsome baby boy.”
- “Congrats on the arrival of your baby boy! Now you are entering into a new chapter in life. All the best to your family.”
- “Your boy is such a cute little one; he already stole many hearts. Congrats on becoming parents.”
- “The moment I looked at him, he gave me a sweet smile, and then I saw his cute dimples. He sure is your spitting image. Congrats dear.”
- “Even though we are not around to share your joy, we want to send our blessings to the newest addition of the family.”
- “Just heard the amazing news, congrats! I am sure you will be a great father.”
- “Sending loads of wishes for the new parents. Your baby boy is really lucky to have become a part of such an amazing family.”
- “It is difficult to say who is more blessed? Your baby for having you as his parents or you for being blessed with such a cute and cuddly boy. Congratulations!”
- “We wish you a lifetime of happiness with your baby boy. Congrats to both of you.”
- “This is such good news! Your little bundle of joy has arrived safe and sound. Congratulations and we cannot wait to see him.”
- “After waiting for nine months, the little prince has arrived. We cannot keep calm and are eagerly waiting for him to come home.”
- “Becoming parents is the most wonderful, exciting and life-changing event. May you cherish each and every moment of it with your little boy. Congrats.”
- “Congratulations! We just heard the news that your baby boy has arrived safe and sound. May you find parenthood to be a breeze and be able to create fond memories with your cutie.”
- “Congrats on becoming parents for the first time. It is common to feel overwhelmed, but it will be a worthwhile experience.”
- “The most amazing part of becoming a parent is being blessed to see a little of yourself in your baby boy every day.”
- “Congrats you are now a mommy! And get ready for the rollercoaster ride, which will be totally worth it.”
- “Your little miracle has arrived safe and sound; we remember how much you waited for this moment. May he be blessed with good health and a bright future.”
- “Good wishes for you and your family on the birth of your baby boy.”
- “Congratulations! May God bless, guide and watch over you and your baby boy.”
- “There is nothing more beautiful than the birth of a child. Cheers to the cute mom, handsome dad and the prettiest boy in the world.”
- “A hearty welcome to the little prince.”
Wishes For New Born Baby Girl
If your dear one is blessed with a baby girl, let them know your joy by sending some heartfelt new born baby girl wishes.
- “Finally the princess has arrived. I still remember how anxious you were to meet her and I am also sure she will become your best friend. Congrats!”
- “A baby girl is a mother’s best friend and a daddy’s little princess; she will be adored and cared for by all. Congratulations on the arrival of your baby girl.”
- “You are one of the luckiest people to hold an angel from heaven in your arms, and I am sure she is going to make your home a paradise. Congrats dear.”
- “Congratulations on becoming a proud father for such an adorable baby girl.”
- “Get ready to chase boys away; your baby girl is sure to steal quite a few hearts.”
- “Hearty congrats on becoming a father. May your days be filled with joy and happiness as your little girl will grow up to become a fine lady.”
- “It is time to stock up teddy bears and Barbie dolls as you have been blessed with a baby doll, congrats.”
- “Your little princess with cute dimples is here. Congratulations on the arrival of your baby girl.”
- “All I can say is congrats on becoming a proud mother. I am proud of you for going through this long journey with patience.”
- “May your life become colorful and filled with happiness and joy because today your God-given best friend for life has arrived. Congrats on the birth of your baby girl.”
- “Congrats brother! You are now a father to a cute little angel.”
- “The long wait is done, and your baby girl is in your hands. Never miss a moment of her life, as they are the epitome of charm, joy, and happiness.”
- “Daughters are always special; she will also be a daddy’s little girl and mommy’s best buddy. Congrats on being blessed with such an angel.”
- “Start the magical journey of parenthood with your baby girl, cherish every second with her. Congratulations on becoming parents.”
- “Get ready for the journey of a lifetime. Becoming parents for a baby girl is the most blessed experience. Congrats to you and your family.”
- “Wonderful news about your new baby girl! I am sure she will bring tons of joy and happiness in your life. Congratulations and lots of love to the little princess.”
- “An angel from heaven has arrived, she will bring you lots of love, and she will forever hold a special place in your heart. Congrats darling on becoming a mother.”
- “Hey sister! Congrats and thank you for making me an uncle, I cannot wait for her to grow up so that I can teach her how to ride a bike and kick any guy who messes with her.”
- “So happy to hear the arrival of your baby girl, we are excited to be able to watch the little girl grow up and become a remarkable woman. Congratulations once again.”
- “The boss lady has arrived! Can’t wait to see her grow up and take over the house. She will be the apple of our eyes.”
- “Now you will wake up to your baby’s cooing noises and her sweet innocent smile. Cherish each and every moment with her as in a blink of an eye she will be going away to attend college. Congrats on becoming parents.”
- “A little one has joined you both; life must have been great when it is only the two of you. But now it is going to be even better with your little angel.”
New Baby Wishes For Grandparents
When a newborn baby has arrived, it is not only the parents but also the grandparents who will be happy to see their future generation. Baby quotes and sayings for newborns can be used to wish such proud and happy grandparents.
- “Becoming a grandfather is such a joy in life. You can experience the joys of parenthood again, only this time it is less pain and more fun. Congrats on becoming grandparents.”
- “I know you would make the best grandma. You will love the baby more than anyone, and she will be your best friend. Congrats, grandma.”
- “Congrats on becoming grandparents. Now your days will be filled with joy and laughter. Enjoy this new phase of life.”
- “Just heard the arrival of your grandchild. I know she is lucky because she has got the best grandparents in the world.”
- “A grandchild brings out the inner child in you, that you never knew you had. Congrats on the arrival of the newborn baby.”
- “A grandparent’s job is to pamper, spoil and cuddle, and I am pretty sure you will do a good job. Congrats on becoming a grandparent.”
- “Now your peaceful retirement life will be filled with the squeals, laughter and little feet running all around. Congrats on becoming grandparents.”
- “Becoming a grandparent is like getting an opportunity to give lots of love and wisdom. I am glad to hear of the arrival of your grandchild.”
- “Grandparents are like the roots which nourish the children with wisdom and knowledge. Congrats to the new grandma and grandpa.”
- “Get ready to experience your childhood once again through your grandchild. Congratulations.”
- “Your grandchildren’s hand-prints on the walls of your house will remind you of all the fun you had with them. Congratulations on becoming grandparents.”
- “The most anticipated moment has arrived, and you have become a grandparent. May you have tons and tons of fun with your grandchild.”
- “Becoming a grandparent is having the privilege of being the one who gets to spoil the child. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride filled with more fun and less hassle.”
- “Congrats on becoming a grandparent. Enjoy every moment with them by passing along all your great stories, wisdom, and values.”
- “Congratulations on becoming a grandfather for a precious little one; I hope you have many fun-filled days with your grandchild.”
- “Congratulations on starting a new inning in your life. The bundle of joy will fill your retirement days with excitement and happiness.”
- “And you thought your retirement days would be boring and lifeless; the best is yet to come. Get ready for the carefree parenting days, as now you have become a grandparent.”
- “You are among the lucky few who can witness the next generations. Congrats on becoming a grandparent.”
- “Congratulations on becoming grandparents, I cannot wait to see your little bundle of joy.”
- “With your grandchildren running around in the house, you will feel like a child again. Enjoy this new phase in life and embrace all the changes it brings.”
- “Congrats buddy! Now you are a grandfather. Do you know what it means? You now have a best friend who can wrap you around her little finger.”
- “Watching your grandchildren grow up in your lap will be such a joy to witness, and I am glad that you have got that opportunity. Congrats!”
- “It’s time to buckle up for the new job, in which you will be paid in cute hugs and some of the best memories. Congratulations to grandma and grandpa.”
- “We are so happy to know that you have become grandparents. All the best and may God bless the little one with abundant health and happiness.”
Humorous Newborn Wishes
If you have a close relationship with the family and new parents, send them a funny and light-hearted wish.
- “Congratulations on getting a new alarm clock! I mean, baby! Get ready for sleepless nights and endless cuddles—I’m sure you will rock this.”
- “Greetings from the diaper duty and baby spit-up club! Remember that coffee is your new best friend now, and ‘sleeping in?’ What is that?”
- “Looking at him, I can already tell he is going to keep you on your toes! Just wait until he starts crawling—life will never be the same but in the best way possible!”
- “Remember there was a time when weekends were for sleeping and lazing around! Say goodbye to that! But trust me, her sweet face will be totally worth all the effort.”
- “Wishing you all the best for your new boss! Prepare yourself for non-stop demands and attention all the time. Enjoy the endless love and laughter benefits!”
- “Welcome to parenthood, a new level in life. Equip yourself with diapers, lullabies, and all the tricks and magic. You’re about to discover 1000+ talents you never knew you had.”
- “Congratulations on your little bundle of joy and beautiful snooze-stealer! Buckle up for some sleepless nights filled with endless cooing, giggles, and smiles.”
- “Look who has traded their country songs and wine refineries with jingles, lullabies, and milk bottles! Congratulations to the new Mama and Pa in town.”
- Congratulations on your promotion and a hearty welcome to the coolest club in town! Be ready to become a pro at solving Guu-Guu Ga-ga mysteries and answering infinite repetitive questions a day!
Tips For Writing Personalized Newborn Wishes
Sending the new parents personalized wishes is a thoughtful way to congratulate them and share their happiness. It can be of great emotional and sentimental value, as such wishes show your genuine effort. Here are some tips to help you write a personalized wish for the new parents.
- Family’s or parent’s name: You can start by congratulating the family or the parents by their names or family name.
- Baby’s gender and name: If you already know the baby’s name and gender, include them in the wish to add a personal touch.
- Family background: You can also add wishes that resonate with the sentiments of the family. For instance, if they are a Christian family, you can add a Bible verse to make it more personal. Similarly, if the newborn baby girl is a beautiful addition to an all-boys family, add a heartfelt wish that specifically shares the joy of a baby girl.
- Personal anecdotes: You can also mention a suitable memorable time or shared memory with the family or parents in the wishes.
- About the parents: Highlight the strengths and qualities of the new parents that will make them great parents.
- Appropriate tone: Depending on the closeness with the family and parents, you can also add a bit of humor to your wishes.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How should I write a congratulatory message to the new parents?
You may write a sweet congratulatory greeting with a touch of motivation and praise for the new parents’ accomplishments. You can include short poetry and newborn baby wishes in the message as your sincere and honest congratulations to the new family member.
2. What can we say to a newborn baby?
You may give your best wishes for a newborn baby by saying beautiful phrases such as “I love you,” “Welcome home,” “God bless you,” “You are adorable,” and “You made us parents” when a baby is born.
3. What should I write on a newborn card?
When writing a message on a newborn card, it’s important to convey your warm wishes and heartfelt congratulations to the new parents. You can also add heartfelt messages and blessings and personalize them by using the baby’s name and the parents’ names when appropriate. These messages will help you express your happiness and partake in the joyous celebration of the newborn’s arrival.
4. What are some cultural differences in the way people wish for newborn babies?
Cultural differences can significantly influence the way people wish for newborn babies. However, common to many societies worldwide, people usually inquire about the baby’s name and meaning, offer blessings and wishes, and celebrate the arrival of the newest member of the family with specific cultural or religious customs.
5. What are some things to avoid saying in newborn baby wishes?
Refrain from making negative or critical comments about the baby’s appearance, weight, or physical attributes. Also, avoid offering unsolicited advice on parenting or suggesting what the parents should or should not do. And lastly, be cautious of any comments, opinions, or wishes that might reflect personal biases, stereotypes, or cultural insensitivity.
6. Can wishes for a newborn baby have a positive impact on their life?
When parents receive heartfelt wishes and congratulations for their newborn, it can uplift their spirits, boost their confidence, and provide emotional support during the transition into parenthood. Moreover, the positive intentions behind the wishes, the emotional support they convey, and the relationships they help nurture can have long-term impacts on the child’s development, self-esteem, and sense of belonging.
7. How can I send newborn baby wishes creatively?
You can share your wishes through a thoughtful card, a heartfelt text, or a personalized video message. Other unique ideas include sending a voice recording, making a digital collage, or pairing your message with a small meaningful gift.
Someone you know just had a baby, and they are ecstatic. Be a part of their happiness and wish them the best using these heartfelt newborn baby wishes. These wishes have the right blend of words to express your sincere feelings. You can use these wishes or messages as it is or tweak them to suit your feelings. Write these greetings on a card and deliver it to the new parents along with a lovely gift. If you cannot greet the new parents in person, you can also send your congratulations via text or email.
Infographic: Newborn Wishes For Twins And Triplets
The birth of twins or triplets fills the parents’ hearts with double or triple excitement and joy. If someone you know is blessed with twins or triplets, the single baby newborn greetings might need an update.
Wondering how to do that? Our infographic below lists a few beautiful greetings for the parents of twins and triplets. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Celebrate the arrival of a new life with heartfelt wishes in this video. Shower love, blessings, and best wishes upon the precious addition to the family. Celebrate this beautiful moment!

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