Image: Midjourney/ MomJunction Design Team
It may feel nerve-racking to start a conversation with someone you meet on a dating app. You would need some of the best opening lines for online dating that can impress the person and help you get on the right track with them. The opening lines are crucial as they can either get you a date or leave you upset.
Hence, you should try and make a lasting impression. In fact, these opening lines should serve as a hook to grab the person’s attention with whom you want to get along. Read on our post for some interesting lines that could help you strike a good conversation.
Important Tips Before Sending A Message

Let’s have a look at some cues to get an idea on starting a conversation on a dating app.
- Before you send a message to a stranger, check their profile thoroughly and get basic information such as their likes and dislikes. This can help you make a more meaningful introduction and establish a connection with the person.
- Note any peculiar or unique quality of theirs mentioned in their profile and start a conversation on that. For instance, if their picture shows them doing a full split, you could leave a query about the amount of time it took to master the skill.
- In most cases, sending a question can earn you a response as compared to a clichéd ‘hi.’
- You can also use humor in your opening line to set a lighthearted and playful tone to your conversation.
- An effective icebreaker is to ask about shared interests. If you find common interests, start asking something related to that. For instance, you see they have an image of reading a book. If you like reading too, you can ask them for a book recommendation. You can connect on your shared common interest. Hannah Richardson, a student and writer, shares how she found success on Bumble using questions based on the interests of her matches. She says, “Then came the scary part, initiating contact. How to go about it? ‘Hey!’ seemed to be a tad basic, so I tried a few of the suggested opening lines. By-passing the more flirtatious ones, I settled for harmless questions based around their goals, their bucket lists or their preferences. Unfortunately, these didn’t always hit the spot, and due to the high ratio of messages being ignored, I changed my tactics.
“As profiles had played an important role in my selection of the candidates for my heart, I decided to focus on these instead, personalizing each opening message to the recipient. This had me scouring their profiles for hints of their favorite series, whether they were intrepid voyagers, or the nature of their work/studies. Some of these profiles even warranted the most important question of all: What is the name of your dog? This approach proved much more effective, and I soon had a list of contenders (i)!”
- Sending a funny line can be risky because you don’t know how it might be received. So, try sending a sarcastic or funny line only if you are entirely sure that it will make the person smile and respond to you.
- Engage them with a quick quiz, asking them to choose between two options. Put them in a hypothetical situation and ask them to make a choice. This will help clue you into their thought process, and you will learn more about them.
- Avoid using cheesy, clichéd pickup lines. It can prove to be a disastrous move on a dating app.
- When you are confused about what to ask, try talking about food, which is a safe and common topic to start on with any person.
When it comes to love, dating apps can play a pivotal role in helping you find the right partner. However, with so many online dating apps available, finding an app that best suits your requirements can be tricky. So what do market trends suggest?
According to a Statista Global Consumer Survey study, Bumble leads the market, with 36% of dating app users stating they used it in the past year. Tinder, Badoo, and Ashley Madison are the other most popular online dating apps among users after that. Here’s the graph depicting the market share of each app as of 2022.

Popular dating apps in the US in 2022
Source: The Most Popular Dating Apps in the U.S.; Statista Global Consumer Survey150 Best Opening Lines For Online Dating
Now that you know the basics of online dating etiquettes, let’s look at some examples of opening lines you can send online.
- “[Insert a Gif of an ice tray cracking] Now that the ice is broken, nothing should stop us from having a good conversation.”
- “Looks like you love adventure sports. Any specific reason why you like it so much?”
- “In case you were wondering, I too love chocolates and do not mind sharing it with the one willing to tell me more about themselves.”
- “Your book collection looks amazing. Which book would you suggest for a non-reader like me who wants to get into reading?”
- “One question: Do you like French fries with or without sauce? No pressure, I’m just curious to know if we could get along.”
- “I have this rule of asking strangers what kind of book they prefer? So, paperback or hardcover?”
- “Don’t mention it to anyone, but I judge a person by their Netflix queue. So, what shows are on your to-watch list?”
- “When your friends advised you that you deserve better, I think they were talking about me.”
- “Someone told me that flattery could make anyone smile. So, did you know that you look a lot like [celebrity name]?”
- “I, too, love BTS. My favorite is ‘Butter.’ What about you?”

- “I am a professional mood changer. If you ever feel low, shoot me a message, and I will turn your frown upside down.”
- “Which is that one topic that you can chat about for hours and not get tired?”
- “I have arrived all the way from the future to give you the message you sent me with, and that is ‘Don’t think so much. Just talk to this person because they can make you the happiest person alive.’”
- “I am a Potterhead too. Which Hogwarts house do you belong to?”
- “Let’s skip the trivial and get to the main question: pizza or hotdog?”
- “Where do you wish to see yourself five years from now?”
- “[Insert a few interesting emojis] This was my story in short. What’s your life story? Through emojis only.”
- “What is the first thought that comes to you when you wake up in the morning?”
- “I like to binge-watch romantic movies over the weekend. Will that be a problem?”
- “Pick one: dogs or cats.”
- “What do you find prettier: the morning sun or the evening moon?”
- “I went to Hawaii last summer and loved Hanauma bay. What did you like best in Hawaii?”
- “Today must be my lucky day. Your profile tells me you are a pasta aficionado. Any idea, which places in the city, serves the best spaghetti pasta?”
- “The weather forecast indicates a bright and sunny weekend. What do you think is the best way to enjoy it?”
- “You are so pretty/handsome. I wonder if you are friendly too?”
- “Nice to know you like [artist’s name]. There is an exhibition of them later this week. Do you want to join?”
- “That’s an awesome sneaker collection. I wonder which one would be your favorite? I guess it’s the red one.”
- “[Insert a cute gif] Look who’s here to tell you that you have a cute smile.”
- “Serious question. Who do you think Hermione should have ended up with eventually?”

- “What is the worst line someone has ever used on you?”
- “Do you want me to talk first or cut the formalities and take you out on a romantic date?”
- “One simple question: Does your dog like men with beards? If yes, then I think we should meet up first before I become best friends with your beloved doggo.”
- “Before I say anything about myself, know that I am willing to get rid of every spider that crosses your path.”
- “Riverdale is awesome. Which is your favorite season?”
- “[Insert author name] is great, no doubt, but [insert another author name] is also an amazing thriller writer you shouldn’t miss reading.”
- “Favorite Game of Thrones character, actor, and episode? Start!”
- “What’s your idea of the perfect date?”
- “I heard you like bad boys. You will be glad to know that I am bad at everything. “
- “Just so you know, I too shipped Bella and Jacob over Edward.”
- “If you are stranded on a deserted island, what are the three things you would want to have with you?”
- “Which romantic movie story would you like to be your own?”
- “Our banter is adorable. I message, you read, and then forget to reply.”
- “What is that one secret you wouldn’t mind sharing with a non-judgmental stranger?”
- “I am dreaming about you. Do not wake me up.”
- “You swiped right. Any special reason other than my cute picture?”
- “[Insert a funny Gif] This Gif describes me most appropriately. What Gif would represent you?”
- “If your star sign is [insert their star sign], then we must talk to each other because the stars have aligned to make us meet.”
- “[Image of a sweet lime] Now that’s what I call a sweet opening lime.”
- “Argh! I was waiting for you to swipe me right.”

- “I solemnly swear I messaged you because… [leave it incomplete. Let them get curious to know what you want to say].”
- “If your life was a movie, what would you name it?”
- “What’s the smartest thing you have ever done in your life?”
- “I was going to send you my best opening line, but you are so beautiful that I completely forgot what I was going to send.”
- “If you lower your standards a tad bit, you might find me there waving out to you.”
- “Identify the lies: you are pretty/handsome, I would like to talk to you, and the sky is yellow.”
- “What’s the most interesting detail about you that Google also knows?”
- “Imagine how cool it will be to tell our grandchildren that we met on [app name].”
- “My battery is about to die, but I messaged you, hoping your response will revive my phone and me.”
- “You will never have to worry about breakfast or dinner because I have great cooking skills.”
- “This is a survey for good-looking people: what is your name? What kind of a person would you like to date? Do you find my profile interesting?”
- “What would you do if you won 10 million in a lottery?”
- “Tell me two truths and one lie about yourself. If I win, you tell me your name, and if I lose, I’ll give you my number. Deal?”
- “Name three movie characters that combine to describe you the best.”
- “Is there a particular nickname that you would like to be referred to as, or how would you prefer others to greet you?”
- “What is your most embarrassing childhood memory?”
- “You have only one day left on Earth. What would you do?”
- “When making an entry at a party, did you ever want a particular song to be played as your entry song?”

- “What three words would your friends use to describe you?”
- “What is your ideal vacation spot: beach or mountain?”
- “Ever been on a date where you wanted to run home as soon as possible.”
- “Which category opening line would you like me to use: Harry Potter or Game of Thrones?”
- “What are you most proud of about yourself but feel shy to share it with anyone?”
- “How many K-pop bands can you name in one breath?”
- “What would you do if you had the power to be invisible for an entire day?”
- “Hey! So how is Monday going for you?”
- “Hey there, I could not help but be drawn to your smile in your profile picture.”
- “Do you believe in love at first swipe?”
- “Let’s make a deal — if you can guess my favorite ice cream flavor, I’ll buy you a cone.”
- “I see that we have [shared interest] in common. What about it do you like the most?”
- “What destination would you choose if you could go anywhere in the world right now?”
- “I could not resist swiping right when I saw your profile.”
- “What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?”
- “What is your favorite song to sing at karaoke?”
- “I have to know, what is your all-time favorite movie?”
- “If you were stranded in the middle of a desert and could bring three things, what would they be?”
- “What do you think is the best cuisine for a first date?”
- “If we were characters in a book, what genre would we be in?”
- “I have a feeling we are going to get along just like [favorite food pairing].”
- “What is something on your bucket list that you are yet to cross off?”
- “I have been trying to perfect my [shared hobby]. Any tips for a newbie like me?”
- “If you could have lunch with a famous figure, who would it be?”
- “What is your spirit animal?”
- “Netflix or hiking trails? Which one do you choose?”
- “I bet I can guess your favorite TV show character. Ready for the challenge?”
- “If we were at a coffee shop right now, what would you order?”
- “What is the most interesting place you have ever visited?”
- “I am a firm believer that [quirky belief]. What is something unique you believe in?”
- “What is your guilty pleasure when it comes to music?”
- “Do you think it is acceptable to eat pizza with a fork and knife?”
- “I’m planning a road trip soon. Any must-visit places you recommend?”
- “What is your idea of a perfect Sunday morning?”
- “I have a feeling we would make an awesome team in a game of [favorite board game].”
- “What is your go-to order at [favorite local restaurant]?”
- “Are you a morning person or a night owl?”
- “If you could have any superpower, what would it be?”
- “I’m a sucker for [favorite type of cuisine]. Do you enjoy cooking it?”
- “What is the last book you could not put down?”
- “Do you have a favorite motivational quote or mantra?”
- “I have to admit, your profile intrigued me. Tell me more about [something from their profile].”
- “If you could meet any living celebrity, who would it be?”
- “What is the most spontaneous thing you have ever done?”
- “I am a firm believer in trying everything at least once. What are the things on your ‘try it’ list?”
- “If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?”
- “What is your go-to dance move when no one is watching?”
- “If you had to describe yourself in three emojis, which ones would you choose?”
- “If we were to plan a spontaneous road trip tomorrow, where would you want to go?”
- “I’ve been binge-watching [my current favorite TV show]. Any suggestions for the next series or movie that I should start watching next?”
- “What is your favorite type of cuisine to cook at home?”
- “If you could have dinner with a fictional character, who would it be?”
- “I love a good story. What’s the most interesting thing that has happened to you recently?”
- “What is your go-to comfort food when you are feeling down?”
- “I heard you are a fan of [favorite music artist]. What is your all-time favorite song by them?”
- “What is your favorite way to stay active?”
- “I’m curious, what is your Hogwarts house?”
- “Do you have a favorite board game for game nights?”
- “What was the last concert or live event you attended?”
- “If you were a character in a book, what would your backstory be?”
- “What is the most adventurous dish you have ever tried?”
- “I have a soft spot for [favorite hobby]. Do you enjoy it too?”
- “What’s the most spontaneous trip you’ve ever taken?”
- “I have a theory that [funny or unique theory]. What do you think about it?”
- “If you could travel back in time to any era, which one would it be?”
- “I am a big fan of [favorite book genre]. Do you have a favorite book in that genre?”
- “What is your favorite type of coffee or tea?”
- “Do you prefer outdoor adventures or cozy indoor activities?”
- What is your favorite way of relaxation after a long and tiring day?”
- “I heard you’re a fan of [favorite sports team]. How did you become a fan?”
- “What is the most memorable trip you have ever taken?”
- “If you could dine with any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you talk about?”
- “I enjoy [favorite movie genre]. What’s your favorite movie in that genre?”
- “What’s your favorite type of art or artistic medium?”
- “I love a good adventure. What’s the most exciting thing you’ve done recently?”
- “Do you have a quote that resonates with you?”
- “If you could have any job in the world for a day, what would it be?”
- “I am a foodie at heart. What’s your favorite dish to cook or eat?”
- “Do you have a favorite place you go to when you need some alone time?”
- “I have a soft spot for [favorite childhood book]. What’s your favorite childhood book?”
- “What is the most unique or exotic food you have ever tried?”
- “I love a good debate. What is a topic you are passionate about?”
- “Which language you always wanted to learn and why?”
Illustration: Best Opening Lines For Online Dating

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are some common mistakes to avoid in opening lines for online dating?
When writing or sending opening lines for online dating, do not start with too generic or boring lines; however, at the same time, don’t use a pick-up line that is too cheesy or too aggressive or sexual. Speed dating questions may also be used sparingly as opening lines. Make sure, however, that they are not very forward.
2. How can I flirt and charm without being too forward in my opening line?
If you want to be engaging in your opening line for online dating without sounding aggressive or cheap, be confident, sincere, and respectful through your words. Read their profile carefully, but do not make assumptions or judge their character. Rather find their interest or something you have in common to strike up an engaging conversation. Catchy text conversation starters make sure you are on neutral ground while also expressing your interest.
3. How can I stand out and make a memorable impression with my opening line?
Being creative and original, yet respectful with your opening line can help you to stand out and make a memorable impression. Also use good humor, a bit of wittiness, or a unique outlook to capture their attention.
On an online dating app, where you meet virtually, initiating a conversation with a good opening line is half the job done. Consider analyzing the other person’s profile, likes, dislikes, and other unique qualities to come up with an interesting opening line that would appeal to them. Sometimes, a humorous opening line may be just what you need. However, there is no guarantee that your opening line will always work. Nevertheless, don’t lose hope. Keep trying, and you may hit the bull’s eye someday!
Infographic: Best Opening Lines For Online Dating
In this current era where everything and anything is going online, the dating arena is catching up to it as well. But one thing you need to remember about online dating is that if you don’t start it right, it might not continue as long as you want it to. So, to ensure that you have the right things to say and start the conversation, we bring you this infographic with unique opening lines. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Key Pointers
- Read the person’s profile carefully to understand their likes and dislikes to create an interesting and personalized opening line.
- Notice the most distinctive factor in their profile, like a particular skill or interest, and start a conversation to make your message stand out.
- If you share a common interest, use that as a topic to start a conversation. It is easier to speak about a topic you are aware of.
- You can also use humor to break the ice. However, use it carefully and avoid risky or offensive jokes that might annoy the person.
- Avoid using old and clichéd pickup lines. Instead, focus on being unique and respectful to create a good impression.
A great first impression lets you start a flowing conversation with the girl of your dreams. Here are some fantastic pickup lines to get you moving right away.
Personal Experience: Source
MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Bumbling along;https://medium.com/@h.richardson888/bumbling-along-42a00b7c52d1

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