The lives of pirates have been brought to light by movies such as “The Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Treasure Island.” If you are fascinated by their adventure and grit, you could consider naming your child after pirates. This post delves into a collection of cool pirate names, each featuring its unique meaning and backstory.
Pirate names are unique, and each name has a history. Although the names may sound uncanny, pirate names are a cool pick for your baby. They are becoming popular among millennial parents due to their unique appeal and versatile meanings. Pirates are known for their courage, navigating skills, and combat abilities, and it’s a no-brainer to name your child after them if you’re a pirate buff.
Keep reading for some interesting pirate names that would be perfect for your child.
Key Pointers
- Pirate names often carry an adventurous spirit and appeal to parents looking for distinctive names.
- Many of these names originate as toponyms, like Adrie, Aegea, and Apulia.
- Pirate names are often associated with marine life. Examples include Marina, Pearl, Caspian, and Coral.
Famous Female Pirate Names For Your Baby Girl
1. Adrie
It is derived from the name ‘Adriana’ that is a feminine form of Adrian. The name ‘Adrian’ comes from the Old Roman name ‘Hadrianus’ meaning ‘from Hadria.’ Hadria is the old name of the northern Italian town of Adria.
2. Aegea
It originates from Greek and means ‘from the sea of Aegean.’ It is a toponymic name that referred to someone who lived along the Aegean sea, which served an important function in trade and war
3. Apulia
It has Latin origins, and means ‘from Apulia.’ It is a toponymic pirate name referring to someone who belonged to the region called Apulia in southern Italy. The name Apulia likely originates from the Greek name ‘Iapudes,’ that refers to those who lived on the other side of Adriatic Sea.
4. Augusta
This is a feminine version of ‘Augustus.’ The name comes from the Ancient Roman name ‘Augustus’ that means ‘exalted,’ ‘venerable,’ or ‘great.’ It is believed that the name was common among Roman queens and princesses.
5. Azure
The name originates from the Persian word ‘lajvard’ that refers to the color Azure or lapis lazuli – a type of bright blue-colored, semi-precious rock.
6. Belle
It is the French word for ‘beautiful.’ The name is also used as a short form for names ending with ‘belle,’ like Isabelle, Maybelle, Anabelle and more.
7. Bertha
It comes from the Old German word ‘beraht’ that means ‘famous and bright.’ It is believed to have been made popular by Normans during their conquest of England in the 11th century.
8. Careen
The name is considered to be a combination of the names Caroline and Irene. Caroline comes from an Old German word ‘Karl’ meaning ‘man’ while Irene comes from the Greek word ‘Erini’ meaning ‘peace.’ The name Careen thus could mean ‘free man’ or a ‘man at peace.’ The name was quite popularly used by the novelist Margaret Mitchell in her book, ‘Gone with the Wind’ in the year 1936.
9. Cataline
It is a variant of the name Katherine. The name ‘Katherine’ comes from the Greek word ‘katharos’ meaning ‘pure.’ Other versions of the name are Catherine and Caitlin.
10. Celeste
It comes from the old Roman or French name ‘Caelestis,’ which originally came from Late Latin and meant ‘heavenly’ or ‘of the sky.’ Other variants of the name are Celestina or Celestine.
11. Coral
It comes from the name of a sea polyp, a type of sea creature known for its colorful calcium carbonate secretions that form coral reef. The name coral is said to have originated in Ancient Greek word ‘korallion.’
12. Cordelia
This name likely comes from the Latin word ‘cor’ meaning ‘heart’ thus making the name a reference to someone who is close to the heart. Another origin of the name could be the French phrase ‘coeur de lion’ meaning ‘heart of a lion.’ The phrase refers to someone who is courageous or brave.
13. Daria
It is a feminine form of the ancient Greek or Roman name Darius. The name Darius likely originates from the Persian aristocratic name ‘Darayavahush’ that means ‘ someone who has good qualities’ or ‘someone who is good or genial.’
14. Doria
It is a feminine form of Dorain, a name that came from ‘Dorians,’ an ancient Greek tribe. Another origin of the name could be the Greek name Dorothea meaning ‘gift of god.’
15. Echo
It comes from the Greek word ‘ichos’ meaning ‘sound.’ The name ‘Echo’ also features in Greek mythology where it is the name of a nymph.
16. Evalyn
It is a variant of Evelyn, which is an English variant of the French name, ‘Aveline.’ The name Aveline comes from Ancient German name ‘Avila’ that means ‘desired’ or ‘wished-for child.’
17. Flora
It comes from the Latin word ‘flos’ that means flower. According to mythology, it is the name of a ninth-century Spanish martyr saint and it is also the name of the Roman goddess of springtime.
18. Freeda
It is a variant of the name ‘Frida.’ This name uses the Old Germanic element ‘frid’ that means ‘peace.’
19. Gilda
The name was originally an Italian form of Teutonic (Germanic) name ‘gild’ meaning ‘sacrifice’ or ‘value.’
20. Hulda
It comes from the Old Norse word ‘hulda’ meaning ‘hidden’ or ‘secret.’ Another source could be the old Swedish word ‘huld’ meaning ‘gracious,’ ‘sweet,’ or ‘lovable.’ The name Hulda could also be a variant of the name ‘Huldah’ that means a ‘mole’ or ‘weasel’ in Hebrew.
21. Iona
The name likely comes from the name ‘Jonah’ that comes from Hebrew and means ‘dove.’ Iona is also the name of an island off the coast of Scotland. The name ‘Iona’ in this case comes from the Old Norse word ‘Ey’ that means ‘island.’
22. Isla
It is the Spanish word for ‘island.’ The name ‘Isla’ could also be a derivative of ‘Islay,’ an island off the west coast of Scotland.
23. Isola
It comes from the Italian word ‘isola’ meaning ‘island.’ The name could also be a derivative of the name ‘Isolda’ that comes from Old Germanic name ‘Ishild’ meaning ‘iron battle.’ ‘Isola’ could also be a toponymic name referring to someone from the town named ‘Izola’ in Italy.
24. Jade
It comes from the name of the precious stone. The name Jade originates from the Spanish name for the stone, which was ‘piedra de la ijada’ meaning ‘stone of the flanks.’ Flanks are the exterior area around the kidney. In ancient times, the stone was considered to cure the ailments of kidneys
25. Kaia
The name is likely a diminutive version of ‘Katherine’ that comes from the Old Greek name ‘katharos’ that means ‘pure.’ The name could also be a derivation of the name ‘Kai,’ which is the Hawaiian word for ‘sea.’
26. Laverne
It comes from the French word ‘vern’ that refers to the ‘Alder plant.’ Another source is ‘vernus,’ which in Latin means ‘spring.’ The name Laverne is also closely related to Laverna, which is the name of a Roman goddess.
27. Lucia
It is the feminine form of ‘Lucius’ that comes from the Latin word ‘lux’ meaning ‘light.’ During Roman times, the name was often given to the baby girl born at dawn. Lucia is also the name of the fourth-century saint and martyr.
28. Lucy
It is diminutive of Lucia, which is derived from the Latin word ‘lux’ meaning ‘light.’
29. Marina
It is a feminine form of the Ancient Roman name ‘Marinus’ that was derived from Latin and means ‘man of the sea’ or ‘mariner.’
30. Maris
It comes from Latin and means ‘of the sea.’ It is a derivative of the Latin phrase ‘Stella Maris’ which means, ‘star of the sea.’
31. Marissa
It is a modernized version of the name ‘Maris.’ It also refers to ‘of the sea,’ and can be spelled as Merissa, Marrisa or Marisa.
32. Meredith
It is a derivative of the Welsh names Maredudd or Meredydd. These names are compromised of the Welsh elements ‘mor’ meaning ‘sea’ and ‘udd’ meaning ‘lord.’ ‘Meredith’ thus means ‘sea lord’ or ‘protector of the sea.’
33. Mizuko
It has a Japanese origin and is a composite of the Japanese words ‘mizu’ meaning ‘water’ and ‘ko’ meaning ‘child’. The name means ‘water child’s and indicates someone of a pure character.
34. Morgana
It is a feminine form of the name ‘Morgan.’ The name ‘Morgan’ comes from the Old Welsh name ‘Morcant’ composed of old Welsh elements ‘mor’ meaning ‘sea’ and cant meaning ‘circle’ or ‘completion.’
35. Nadia
It is a French form of the name ‘Nadya.’ The name comes from ‘Nadezhda’ that means ‘hope’ in Slavic.
36. Nagisa
It comes from Japanese and means ‘beach’ or the ‘seashore.’
37. Nahla
It means ‘a drink of water’ in Arabic. The name could also be related to the name ‘Nala,’ which in Sanskrit means ‘stem.’
38. Nerissa
This name comes from the Greek name ‘Nereis’ that means ‘sea nymph.’ The name Nerissa is considered to be created by William Shakespeare for the name of a character in his play ‘The Merchant of Venice.’
39. Nineve
It has its origin in Old English and in an Arthurian Legend. The meaning of the name is ‘the lady of the lake.’
40. Oceane
It is a French name that means ‘Ocean.’ The name is also related to the Greek name Oceanus who was ‘god of the open sea.’
41. Ophelia
It originates from the Greek word ‘ophelos,’ which means ‘help.’ This was used as a name for Poloniuss daughter who loved Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play, ‘Hamlet.’
42. Orabelle
The name likely comes from Latin and means ‘prayerful.’ The name originates from the Latin word ‘orabilis’ that means ‘invocable.’
43. Pearl
It comes from the English word Pearl, the precious jewel sourced from the shell of a mollusc.
44. Regina
It is the Latin word for ‘queen.’ The name means ‘queen’ in several other languages, for instance in Italian and Romanian.
45. Serena
This is a derivative of the Late Latin word ‘serenus’ which means ‘tranquil,’ ‘calm’ or ‘serene.’ It was also the name of an early saint, Saint Serena of Rome.
46. Skye
The name comes from Isle of Skye, which is an island off the west coast of Scotland. The name ‘Skye’ is thus a toponymic one.
47. Ula
The name comes from the Celtic word ‘ula’ that means ‘gem of the sea.’ Another origin of the name could be that it is a variation of the name ‘Ursula’ that comes from the Latin word ‘ursa’ meaning ‘she-bear.’
48. Umiko
It is a fascinating name with a Japanese origin. This name means ‘a girl who loves to sail or swim.’ It also means ‘the child of the sea.’
49. Valerie
This has its origin from the Latin word ‘Valere’ that means ‘to stay strong.’ The name Valerie is the feminine version of the Roman name Valerius that has the same origin.
50. Vivien
It originates from the Latin name ‘Vivianus,’ which is based on the Latin word ‘vivus’ meaning ‘alive.’ Vivian is a more common variant of Vivien. It is an interesting name and easy to pronounce. Vivian Knits, a blogger, says how she changed her Chinese name and adopted the English name Vivian. She got the inspiration from from a character from Sidney Sheldon’s novel. Appreciating the name, she further says, “I’ve always liked my combined English name, simple, easy to pronounce, easy to spell, easy on the eyes (I like the ups and downs and dotting the i’s)(i).”
Best Pirate Names For Boys
51. Ace
It is derived from the Middle English word Ace that means ‘excellent’ or ‘highest rank.’ The name ‘Ace’ could also be a diminutive version of the name Alexander, which comes from the Greek name ‘Alexandros’ meaning ‘defender of men.’
52. Alek
It is a Scottish variant of Alex, which comes from the name Alexander. The name means ‘defender of men’ in Greek.
53. Alistair
It is also a variant of the name Alexander – ‘defender of men.’ The name ‘Alistair’ is an anglicized form of Scottish-Gaelic name ‘Alasdair.’
54. Archer
It is the English word for a ‘bowman.’ The root word for Archer is the Latin word ‘arcus’ meaning an ‘arch’ or a ‘bow.’
55. Augie
It comes from the Latin name Augustus, which means ‘majestic,’ or ‘grand.’
56. Bastian
It is the short form of the name ‘Sebastian.’ This name has its origin in Latin and means ‘from Sebastia.’ The place word ‘Sebastia’ comes from the name of a place in Asia that the Greek called ‘Sebastos’ meaning ‘venerable.’
57. Benno
It is derived from the Old Germanic word ‘bern’ meaning ‘bear.’ The name would have likely referred to someone who was ‘bear-like brave and powerful.’
58. Cael
It comes from the Old Gaelic word ‘caol’ meaning ‘slender.’ Cael was the name of an angel from Cancer zodiac, and also a warrior in Irish mythology.
59. Caspian
It is related to the name of Caspian Sea, a land-locked sea in Asia. The name of the sea comes from the name of an old tribe called Caspi, who once inhabited the region around the water body.
60. Castor
It comes from the Greek name ‘Kastor’ that originates from the Old Greek word ‘kekasmai’ meaning ‘to excel’ or ‘to shine.’
61. Cedric
This name is likely of Celtic origin and means ‘bounty.’ It was invented by Sir Walter Scott for the name of a character in his novel, ‘Ivanhoe.’
62. Cole
It is derived from the Old English word ‘cola’ that means ‘swarthy’ or ‘coal-like black.’ It is a popular name in the United Kingdom.
63. Conley
This name is known by different meanings in several origins. The Gaelic meaning is ‘a hero’ and the Irish meaning is ‘virtuous’ or ’wise.’
64. Cutler
It is an occupational Old English name for a ‘knife-maker’ or a person who makes cutlery.
65. Dax
It is a toponymic name referring to someone who came from a French town of the same name. The name is considered quite old and dates back to Roman times.
66. Emmett
It is the masculine version of the name ‘Emma.’ The name Emma comes from the Old German element ‘ermen’ meaning ‘complete,’ ‘whole,’ or ‘universal.’
67. Fabian
It is derived from Old Roman clan name ‘Fabius’ that originated from Latin word ‘Faba’ meaning a ‘bean.’ The name could thus be an occupational one and could have referred to those who worked as bean farmers.
68. Fenix
It is a variant of the word ‘Phoenix,’ which is the name of the mythical bird. The name ‘Phoenix’ comes from the Greek word ‘phoinix’ that means ‘dark red.’
69. Finlay
It is a shorter version of the name Gaelic name ‘Fionnlagh’ meaning ‘white warrior’ or ‘fair-haired warrior.’ The name is composed of the Gaelic elements ‘fionn’ meaning ‘white or fair’ and ‘laogh’ meaning ‘warrior.’
70. Finn
It is a derivative of the Irish word ‘Fionn’ meaning ‘white’ or ‘fair. It was the name of the name of a popular mythical Irish warrior who was known for his generosity and wisdom.
71. Flynn
It is a diminutive of the Irish name ‘O Floinn,’ which means ‘descendant of Flann.’ Flann is a common Irish name meaning ‘blood red,’ ‘crimson,’ or ‘dark red.’
72. Galen
It comes from the Greek name Galenos. This name originates from the Greek word ‘galene,’ which means ‘calm.’ Galen is the anglicized name of Claudius Galenus, a famous Greek physician and writer in the Roman Empire.
73. Gawain
This name has Scottish and Welsh origins and means ‘little falcon’ or ‘white falcon.’ Gawain is likely derived from the Old Welsh word ‘gwalch’ meaning a ‘hawk’ or a ‘falcon.’
74. Hadrian
The name comes from an Old Roman name ‘Hadrianus’ that means ‘from Hadria.’ The word ‘Hadria’ is the old name of a town called Adria in northern Italy.
75. Horace
It is a derivative of an old Roman family name ‘Horatius’ that comes from the Latin root word ‘hora’ meaning ‘time’ or ‘season.’ Horace was the name of a famous Roman poet.
76. Hugo
It is the Latinized version of the name ‘Hugh,’ which comes from the Old Germanic word ‘hug’ meaning ‘heart,’ ‘mind’ or ‘spirit.’
77. Ivan
It is derived from the Slavic name ‘Ioannu’ which is a derivative of the name ‘John.’ The name ‘John’ traces its origins to the Hebrew name ‘Yochanan’ meaning ‘Yahweh is gracious’ or ‘god is gracious.’
Caroline Schofield, a mother, recounts how she and her husband, Matthew, decided to name their son, born with syndactyly, Ivan. She recalls one of the reasons being her husband saying, “He needs a strong name because he’ll need to be a strong person.”
Schofield highlights her strong personal connection to the name. She says, “Ivan is the Russian John; John like his brother Joshua John, like his dad John Matthew, like his grandfathers John and Brinley John, and so importantly to me like his great grandfather. A man who was the ultimate in strength and pride.
“Ivan means god is gracious or a gift from god. Ivan is a gift. He was a gift for me and Matthew; a gift we gave each other. A gift created out of love. A love that grew when Ivan was born a love that made me stronger, more determined and more proud (ii).”
78. Johann
It is the German form of the English name ‘John’ that comes from Hebrew and means ‘god is gracious.’
79. Jude
It is a variant of the name ‘Judah.’ This name comes from the Hebrew name ‘Yehudah’ that means ‘to give praise’ or ‘thanks.’ Judah was a name of the one of the tribes in Israel according to the Bible.
80. Kasper
It is the Scandinavian version of the name ‘Jasper.’ The name Jasper comes from the Hebrew word ‘gizbar’ meaning ‘treasurer.’ Jasper is a Biblical name since it was the name of one of the Three Wise Men who got gifts for the newborn Jesus.
81. Laszlo
It is the Hungarian version of the Russian name ‘Vladislav.’ This name is composed of the Slavic elements ‘vladeti’ meaning ‘rule’ and ‘slava’ meaning ‘glory.’ Laszlo thus means ‘glorious rule.’
82. Lorcan
The root word for the name is ‘lorcc’ meaning ‘fierce.’ This name Lorcan means ‘little fierce one.’ It is a popular name among the Irish kings.
83. Luke
This is the Anglo-French and Middle English form of ‘Lucas’ that is from the root ‘lux’ meaning ‘light’ in Latin. Another origin of the name could be the Greek name ‘Loukas’ meaning ‘from Lucania.’ Lucania was a historic region that is now part of Southern Italy.
84. Lysander
It originates from the Greek name ‘Lysandros’ that means ‘liberator.’ In ancient history, Lysander was a Spartan naval and military commander, and a character in Shakespeare’s ‘A Midnight Night’s Dream.’
85. Max
This name has its origin in English, Latin, and Ancient Roman. The name means ‘greatest’ and could be the short form of other names that begin with Max, namely Maxwell or Maxmilian.
86. Nico
It is a diminutive version of the name ‘Nicholas.’ This name comes from the Greek name ‘Nikolaos’ meaning ‘victory of people.’ It has the Greek elements ‘nike’ meaning ‘victory’ and ‘demos’ meaning ‘population.’
This name is of Russian origin and a variant of the name ‘Nicholas’ meaning ‘people of victory.’ A popular bearer of the name was Saint Nicholas of the 4th century who is regarded as the patron saint of Greece and Russia.
88. Oscar
It is probably a derivative of the Old Norse word ‘Asgeirr’ meaning ‘god’s spear.’ Other variants of the name are Oskar, Ossie or Ossy.
89. Percy
It is an English toponymic name derived from the name of an old Norman town called ‘Perci.’ The name referred to someone who belonged to the town.
90. Ramsay
It is originated from Old English and means ‘low-lying land.’ This name is also known to derive from Old Norse elements ‘rammr’ meaning ‘strong’ and ‘ey’ meaning ‘island.’
91. Remi
It is the French version of the Latin name ‘Remigius.’ This name comes from the Latin word ‘remigis’ meaning ‘oar’ or ‘oarsman.’ The name Remi could be a toponymic name referring to someone from Rheims, a city in northeastern France.
92. Ronan
This is an Old Irish name derived from the word ‘ron’ meaning ‘seal.’
93. Shai
It comes from the Hebrew word ‘shai’ meaning ‘gift.’ The name Shai could also be a shorter version of the name Isaiah that has its roots in Hebrew and means ‘god is salvation.’
94. Sutton
This is originated from Old English with the meaning ‘southern settlement’ or ‘from the south town.’
95. Tarian
This name has its origin in Welsh meaning ‘shield’ or ‘coat of arms.’ Other variants of this name are Tarianne, Taraine, Taryanne, and Taryan.
96. Thane
This name originated from Old English and Scottish languages with the meaning ‘landholder.’ or ‘clan chief.’
97. Thelonius
It is the Latinized form of the name ‘Tielo.’ The name ‘Tielo’ comes from Old German and means ‘lord’ or ‘ruler of the people.’
98. Theo
It can be the short form of the name Theodore or Theobald. The name ‘Theodore’ comes from the Greek name ‘Theodoros’ meaning ‘god’s gift.’ The name ‘Theobald’ comes from Ancient German and means ‘brave people’ or ‘bold people.’
99. Thoreau
It is a French form of ‘Thorald’ and is also related to other variants Terry, Theodore, Thierry or Thor that all mean ‘ruler of the people’ or ‘thunder.’
100. Zachary
It comes from the Hebrew name ‘Zechariah,’ also spelled ‘Zekharyah.’ This name means ‘the lord is remembered.’ Other diminutive forms of this name are Zach, Zak, and Zack.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are there any specific qualities or traits associated with pirate names that parents might find inspiring for their child’s future?
Parents may find pirate names appealing as they evoke qualities like adventure, resilience, and independence. These names can instill a love for exploration and encourage adaptability and creativity in children, fostering a spirit of courage and resourcefulness for their future endeavors.
2. How can parents balance choosing a fun and adventurous name while ensuring it remains appropriate and respectful?
To strike a balance, parents should consider names that have positive associations, cultural sensitivity and are easy to pronounce. It’s possible to choose creative, offbeat, and adventurous baby names without being disrespectful. Seeking feedback from various sources and visualizing how the name would fit in different stages of life can help ensure that the chosen name is both exciting and appropriate for the child’s future.
3. How has popular culture, including movies and literature, influenced the names of modern pirates?
Popular culture, particularly through movies and literature, has significantly influenced modern pirate names. For instance, names like Cedric from the Harry Potter series and Nerissa from Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice evoke a sense of adventure and excitement. These names reflect the romanticized image of pirates today, as many contemporary pirate names are inspired by these cultural icons, blending historical elements with fictional narratives.
Naming your child can be an exciting experience, and you may get influenced by your fantasies and obsessions. If you have been an adventure enthusiast who loves the sea, ships, and sailors, it will be good to check the list for some cool pirate names with meanings. Check out our list of fabulous pirate-inspired names that sound unconventional and get inspired. However, before choosing the names for your baby, ensure that it suits their personality.
Discover More Names
When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.
Infographic: Pirate Names For Your Baby Girl And Boy
Pirate names from movies and books always have an enchanting touch that connects us more to their characters. So, if you have ever been fascinated by their names and thought of naming your child after them, here’s your chance. This infographic has all the popular pirate names for both boys and girls. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Illustration: Cool Pirate Names For Baby Boys And Girls

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Personal Experience: Sources
MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. What’s in a name;https://medium.com/@vknits/whats-in-a-name-7302d4548537
ii. What’s in a name;

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