25+ Poems About Dad, Filled With Love And Gratitude

A father is the most special man for his children. He is their source of inspiration, and children idolize him and try to emulate his actions to prosper in life. So, express your love and admiration for your dad with these special poems for dads shared in this post. These poems are beaded with words to let the daughters and sons express their love, appreciation, care, and gratitude for their fathers. In this post, we bring a few beautiful poems that have been carved with thoughtful words and stanzas to describe a child’s emotion for their dad and the special bond they share with him.

In This Article

Dad Poems From Daughter

Looking for a poem on father? Here are a few poems by daughters describing their emotions and the special bond they share with their father till eternity.

1. Daddy’s Little Girl

As I look back to see
I remember times spent on your knee

When it came to my biggest fears
you came along to wipe away my tears
But as years started rushing by
I’ll have to say with a sigh

You needed me just as bad
and those times were so sad

But now we’re a family once more
and I know there’s so much in store

You always seem to know when I need a smile
especially when you haven’t seen one in a while

We seem to always be on the same page
even though there’s a big difference in age

We know how to make each other laugh
and it makes time fly past

Daddy, that’s why I’m so thankful for you
I would never ask for anyone new

I love you so very much
because you help me with all my problems and such

I know you wish you could give me the world
but I’m proud enough with my title
“Daddy’s Little Girl”

— Heather Leanne Fleming

2. Life Lessons

You may have thought I didn’t see,
Or that I hadn’t hear,
Life lessons that you taught to me,
But I got every word.

Perhaps you thought I missed it all,
And that we’d grow apart,
But Dad, I picked up everything,
It’s written on my heart.

Without you, Dad, I wouldn’t be
The person I am today;
You built a strong foundation
No one can take away.

I’ve grown up with your values,
And I’m very glad I did;
So here’s to you, dear father,
From your forever grateful kid.

— Joanna Fuchs, poemsource.com

3. Daddy’s Girl

Daddy's girl, poems for dads
Image: iStock

Hello, Daddy!
Time to play,
I missed you,
off at work all day.

We’ll seek and hide
and skip and jog,
and when we’re done
we’ll look for frogs.

Today I helped Mommy
sweep the rugs,
maybe after dinner
you can help me catch bugs.

Maybe I’ll help
out in the yard,
fixing the truck
won’t be so hard.

I cherish this time
you share with me,
I love you, Daddy,
I know you love me.

— Leila Devlin

4. My Father, My Friend

For my father, my friend,
This to me you have always been.
Through the good times and the bad,
Your understanding I have had.
A gentle man at heart,
This sets you apart
From the others I’ve seen.
You mean so much to me.
The laughter we have shared
Cannot be compared.
The tears I have shed,
As you lovingly nodded your head.
You have always been there,
With a smile and a hug,
A precious gift from our God up above.
The times that I have been down and sad,
Your silly ways could always make me glad.
You gave me strength to carry on,
Even when all hope seemed to be gone.
The lessons in life that I have learned
Are from your genuine love and concern.
With deep appreciation for all you have done.
You, Dad, Are my number one.
With all my love, Your Daughter, Your Friend.

— Peggy Stewart

5. The Gift

To pull the metal splinter from my palm
my father recited a story in a low voice.
I watched his lovely face and not the blade.
Before the story ended, he’d removed
the iron sliver I thought I’d die from.

I can’t remember the tale,
but hear his voice still, a well
of dark water, a prayer.
And I recall his hands,
two measures of tenderness
he laid against my face,
the flames of discipline
he raised above my head.

Had you entered that afternoon
you would have thought you saw a man
planting something in a boy’s palm,
a silver tear, a tiny flame.
Had you followed that boy
you would have arrived here,
where I bend over my wife’s right hand.

Look how I shave her thumbnail down
so carefully she feels no pain.
Watch as I lift the splinter out.
I was seven when my father
took my hand like this,
and I did not hold that shard
between my fingers and think,
Metal that will bury me,
christen it Little Assassin,
Ore Going Deep for My Heart.
And I did not lift up my wound and cry,
Death visited here!
I did what a child does
when he’s given something to keep.
I kissed my father.

— Li-Young Lee, poetryfoundation.org

6. Everything Dad

A little girl needs her daddy
To love her with manly charm,
To soothe her when she’s hurt,
And keep her safe from harm.

A girl needs her dad
To show her a man who’s good,
To help her make right choices,
As only a father could.

A woman needs her father
Just to be aware,
He’ll always be there for her
To sustain her and to care.

You’ve been all these things, Dad.
I hope that you can see
How much I treasure you;
You mean everything to me.

— Joanna Fuchs, poemsource.com

7. Special Hero

When I was a baby,
you would hold me in your arms.
I felt the love and tenderness,
keeping me safe from harm.
I would look up into your eyes,
and all the love I would see.
How did I get so lucky,
you were the dad chosen for me.
There is something special
about a father’s love.
Seems it was sent to me
from someplace up above.
Our love is everlasting,
I just wanted you to know.
That you’re my special hero
and I wanted to tell you so.

— Christina M Kerschen, familyfriendpoems.com

8. In Her Eyes

The depth of a father’s love shows in his daughter’s eyes.
What’s known is what’s shown from sunset to sunrise.
A foundation built on more than just what is spoken.
It’s commitments kept and promises that go unbroken.
An emotion so immense that nothing in this world can erase.
The permanent impression of love is tattooed upon her face.
A relation so peculiar that only the two can understand,
Yet so immaculate it’s obvious that, by God, it was planned.

I believe it all began when she would sleep upon your chest.
Now you’re her number one, her favorite, you’re the best!
You move and she watches so closely it’s as if she’s in a trance.
The fact that she can repeat you, exactly, isn’t just by chance.
From wrestling, racing, jump roping to being made up like a doll.
Both playmate and best friend, you’ve done some of it all.

— Michelle W. Emerson, familyfriendpoems.com

9. Daddy’s Little Girl

As a child, I was daddy's little girl
Image: iStock

As a child, I was daddy’s little girl,
To me,
You hung the moon.
You never really realize,
How special,
A bond really is,
Between a father and a daughter.
You were there when I was born,
Through good times and bad,
You’re my daddy,
Till the end.
You were there,
When I cried for my dear,
You were better than batman,
And smarter than Einstein.
To me, you’re always,
My superhero.
Not long ago,
You walked me down the aisle,
Though you gave me away,
I’m always your little girl.
Now that I’m grown,
I know you don’t have magic powers,
But still, deep down,
You’re my hero.

— Tiffany N. Evans

10. To My Father

There was a time
When not so long ago
A newborn had cried her first tear
As she entered into a strange new world.

A man held her with a certain strength
As tears of confusion ran down the newborn’s face.
He knew in his heart this girl was special,
And with that he vowed to give this child a place in his heart.

As time went by,
The girl had began to grow.
She had learned to talk
And she learned how to walk.

With each step the girl took,
The man had been by her side,
To guide her when she didn’t know where to go,
To comfort her whenever she fell.

His mission every day
Was to make this girl smile,
To hear her young, innocent laugh,
To make her giggle.

More years had come and gone
As the girl was in her first year of middle school.
There were days where she would come home with tears in her eyes
That would send a sad, cold knife through the man’s heart.

He would sit there and console her for as long as needed
And had wiped salty tears from her cheek
As he told her that it would be okay,
That it wasn’t the end of the world.

— Kaylee Kowch

11. A Father And Daughter

Dad is her hero, her guiding light,
Teaching her to be strong and brave, no matter the fight,
He shows her the way, to strive for her goals,
And helps her navigate life’s twists and turns, no matter the tolls.

With his love and care, he gives her the strength,
To face any challenge, no matter the length,
For all the times he’s been there, day by day,
A daughter’s love for her dad will never fade away.

— Olivia Loukides, homemade-gifts-made-easy.com

12. Daddy’s Little Girl

The day she was born
all my hopes went away
my dreams of being his baby again
went down the drain
now I’m not blaming
for how he has been treating me
he did that all his own
he has thrown me to the side
like a rag doll lost in a pile of other forgotten things
with hopes that she would bring peace
she brought tragedy
now I’m not blaming her
for his stupid mistakes
he stopped thinking of me when she was born
she consumed his attention
now once again, I’m not blaming her
I do not resent her
I just want to present the facts
he doesn’t see me even though I’m standing right there
he won’t hear me even though I’m yelling in his ear
he doesn’t love me even though that’s what I’m here for
I still want to be daddy’s girl
but in the end, she still has his undivided attention

— Taylor Farrie

13. Family Circle

When I am born, you are here,
In your eye, I see a tear.
Time flies and already I’m two
“Look, Daddy, I can tie my shoe!”

Before you know it, I’m five,
Every day you thank God I’m alive.
Pretty soon, I turn eight,
You tell me I’m never allowed to date

I’m already twelve in my preteen years
Which means you’ll help me with all my new fears.
Now fourteen with my permit to drive,
Waiting to hit the big one-five

Too early comes sixteen, with my license now
It went by too fast, you just ask how.

You want to meet my boyfriend when I’m eighteen,
I pray to God that you’re not too mean.
The same guy two years later asks for my hand
I’m relieved when you say “that’s just grand!”

About a year later, you walk me down the aisle
Through all the tears, you bare a smile.
Three years later, you’re gonna be a grandfather,
You show love and pride for your new granddaughter.

— Melissa G. Nicks

14. Daddy, I Love You

Daddy, I love you
Image: iStock

Here in my heart
my daddy will stay.
He nurtured and cared
he held me tight when I was scared.
my best friend, my teacher in life
I saw the tears in my daddy’s eyes
when I said I love you
I meant it so deeply
you always carried me to bed
whenever I got sleepy.
You tried to do my hair
and got it tangled every time
but I never cared
playing the guitar, strum at a time
while I danced around you
You never once sighed
I’m your little girl, and I always will be
Even when I forty, I’ll still sit on your knee
This day is yours I want to say
I love you dearly!

— Janetta

15. My Dad

If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I’d write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.
My dad, he was no hero
Known around this world.
He was everything to me,
For I was his baby girl.
I’d write about the lessons.
He taught me right from wrong.
He instilled in me the values
That one day I’d be strong.
He taught me to face my fears,
Take each day as it comes,
For there are things that we can’t change,
He would say what’s done is done.
He would say hold your head up high,
Carry yourself with pride.
Thanks to him, I am somebody,
I will never run and hide.
If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I’d write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.

— Vicki Frye

16. A Little Girl Needs Daddy

A little girl needs Daddy.
For many, many things:
Like holding her high off the ground
Where the sunlight sings!
Like being the deep music
That tells her all is right
When she awakens frantic with
The terrors of the night.

Like being the great mountain
That rises in her heart
And shows her how she might get home
When all else falls apart.

Like giving her the love
That is her sea and air,
So diving deep or soaring high
She’ll always find him there.

— Sanjeev Nanda, poemhunter.com

17. Silent Strong Dad

He never looks for praises
He’s never one to boast
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most

His dreams are seldom spoken
His wants are very few
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken too He’s there….

A firm foundation
Through all our storms of life
A sturdy hand to hold to
In times of stress and strife

A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad.

— Karen K. Boyer, theinspirationalvoice.com

18. Hard Man With Gentle Eyes

Hard Man With Gentle eyes

My father is a black man…
Skin leathered by the sun
penetrated with motor oil
covers his short, stocky body
like canvas over boulders.
He sweats gasoline and morning dew.

My father peals his mind for me…
Discarding seeds,
bearing the fruits of his wisdom
in calloused hands;
a reminder of freedom sacrificed
for my freedom,
my future.

My father is a hard man…
With gentle eyes,
Thick-framed glasses never hide immortality
dancing in them on my reflection.
In them, I am perfect
and if not,
they are forgiving.

—Jessica Ann Corbin

19. As We Look Back

As we look back over time
We find ourselves wondering
Did we remember to thank you enough
For all you have done for us?
For all the times you were by our sides
To help and support us
To celebrate our successes
To understand our problems
And accept our defeats?
Or for teaching us by your example,
The value of hard work, good judgement,
Courage and integrity?
We wonder if we ever thanked you
For the sacrifices you made.
To let us have the very best?
And for the simple things
Like laughter, smiles and times we shared?
If we have forgotten to show our
Gratitude enough for all the things you did,
We’re thanking you now.
And we are hoping you knew all along,
How much you meant to us.

— Clare Jones, rosycompany.co.uk

20. To My Father

A giant pine, magnificent and old
Stood staunch against the sky and all around
Shed beauty, grace and power.
Within its fold birds safely reared their young.
The velvet ground beneath was gentle,
and the cooling shade gave cheer to passers-by.
Its towering arms a landmark stood, erect and unafraid,
As if to say, “Fear nought from life’s alarms”.

It fell one day.
Where it had dauntless stood was loneliness and void.
But men who passed paid tribute – and said,
“To know this life was good,
It left its mark on me.
Its work stands fast”.
And so it lives. Such life no bonds can hold –
This giant pine, magnificent and old.

— Georgia Harkness

protip_icon Quick tip
Choose a poem that deals with topics your dad relates with and reflects the relationship you share with him. Read it out or share it with him on Father’s Day to make the occasion extra special.

Dad Poems From Son

A son learns so many things from his father while growing up, and these poems reflect those emotions. Scroll through these verses and get inspired to pen down your thoughts.

21. Perhaps we’ll never understand each other…..

Perhaps we’ll never understand each other.
Loving doesn’t mean that we agree.
If that were so, then I would say, why bother?
But there are things I know I’ll never see.
I’m sure your heart knows what I don’t yet know:
The pain of loving a reluctant son;
The anger, coming fast and building slow,
Of being helpless to control someone.
You want only that I grow up right,
But you know what right is, and I still don’t.
I have to learn to wield my inner light,
And if I follow yours, well, then I won’t.
I’m sorry for the anger in the air;
Though we fight, my love is always there.


22. My Daddy Is The Greatest

My daddy is the greatest;
The best dad there ever was.
He always brings me lots of joy;
He’s my very own Santa Claus.

My daddy can do anything;
He’s smart as smart can be.
I love to walk and hold his hand
To show he belongs to me.
I love my daddy!

— Karl Fuchs, poemsource.com

23. Real Dad

You are the only daddy this child will ever know
Image: iStock

Though you’re not his father as far as bloodlines go,
You are the only daddy this child will ever know.
You’ve held his hand and guided his path,
Creating a bond that forever will last.
There is no escape from his watchful eye,
Whatever you do, you know he wants to try.
He wouldn’t do this with just anyone,
This is a special game shared between a father and a son.
It doesn’t make a difference whose blood courses through his veins,
You know in his heart he loves you just the same.
He is your little buddy following you around,
A love stronger than his could never be found.
You’ve taken the place of the sun, moon, and stars in the skies,
You are his father in his precious little eyes.
By the times you’ve shared and the experiences you’ve had,
It’s easy to see you are his REAL DAD.

— Bertha C. Blankenship

24. If Everyone Had A Father Like You

If everyone had a father
Who was more like you,
There’d be more laughing, joy, and singing;
Fewer people would be blue.

There’d be much more understanding;
Crime and hate could not prevail.
We’d all be so contented,
We wouldn’t need a jail.

If everyone had a father
Who was more like you,
The whole world would be blessed,
Just as I am blessed with you.

— Karl Fuchs, poemsource.com

25. Daddy Is A Soldier

Tiny fingers and tiny toes
Image: iStock

Tiny fingers and tiny toes
Tiny little head and a button nose
These are the things that you now miss
On their forehead, you used to kiss
Trading binkies for bullets and bottles for boots
You are always proud of them, and now this time, they are proud of you
You are their daddy and their hero
Every night we count the days right down to zero
Please be strong, and please stay safe
We need you home with us where you make this a happy place!

— Stacy Roberts

26. Those Winter Sundays

Sundays too my father got up early
and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,
then with cracked hands that ached
from labor in the weekday weather made
banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.

I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.
When the rooms were warm, he’d call,
and slowly I would rise and dress,
fearing the chronic angers of that house,

Speaking indifferently to him,
who had driven out the cold
and polished my good shoes as well.
What did I know, what did I know
of love’s austere and lonely offices?

— Robert Hayden, poetryfoundation.org

protip_icon Point to consider
Consider sending a handwritten poem instead of a text message or a post on social media. Your handwriting will add a special touch and make your words seem more warm, sincere, and impactful.

27. Dad

You were there
I never called
You gave your life
I threw it all away

You were perfect
I could have changed
You gave your love
I didn’t care

You were so strong
I never realized
You gave me the world
I took it for granted

You were my only dad.
I was your only son
You gave me life
I gave you nothing at all

— William

28. Star Dad

I love you, Dad, and want you to know,
I feel your love wherever I go.
Whenever I’ve problems, you’re there to assist,
The ways you have helped me would make quite a list.

Your wisdom and knowledge have shown me the way,
And I’m thankful for you as I live day by day.
I don’t tell you enough how important you are,
In my universe, you’re a bright shining star.
— Karl Fuchs, poemsource.com

Note: The poems in this collection are not original works of MomJunction but have been sourced from various authors. No claim of ownership is being made by us. Credit has been given wherever the details were available. If you are the original author of any poem and wish to have it credited or removed, please contact us. We value the creative rights of authors and will address your request promptly.

Tips On Using Poems For Dads

Sharing poems for dads with your pops can be a heartfelt way of expressing your love, gratitude, and gratefulness. Here are a few creative ways you can use them.

  1. Social media posts: Share your favorite poem with a picture of you and your father to express your love for him. You can create a special post for his birthday, Father’s Day, etc.
  2. Greeting cards and letters: You may choose one of the poems listed above or write your own and share it on a greeting card or letter. This special touch will make your wishes more unique and memorable.
  3. Recitation: Whether it’s your dad’s retirement party or birthday, you may recite one of these poems to show your appreciation for everything he has done for you and to celebrate him.
  4. Personalized gifts: Choose a poem that resonates with you and add it to a mug, canvas print, wooden plaque, or photo frame to create a beautiful gift for your father that he can cherish forever.

Illustration: Poems About Dad Filled With Love And Gratitude

poems for dads_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What advice can I give to those who want to write meaningful poems for their dads?

To write a meaningful poem for your dad, it’s essential to find inspiration online but try to write an original poem yourself. Include memorable instances, stories, and narratives, or mention things that matter to your father to make the poem more meaningful. These unforgettable reminiscences or recollections will add much meaning to your poem.

2. What are some tips for finding the perfect poem to express my feelings to my dad?

When searching for the perfect poem to express your feelings to your dad, look for the diction or themes that you want to mention in the poem. For example, if you want to convey how much you respect your father, search for poems or odes about respecting fathers that resonate with your feelings.

3. What are some benefits of writing and reading poems for dads?

Writing a poem can help you express your feelings in a refined and lyrical way. When your father reads your heartfelt poem, he will see the thought and effort you put into showing your love for him. Reading poems can also be a way to connect with your dad and appreciate the beauty of language and emotion.

4. What occasions are best for sharing poems with my dad?

Poems can be shared on various occasions, such as Father’s Day, your father’s birthday, or as a thoughtful surprise on his wedding anniversary. They also provide a meaningful way to express gratitude or offer comfort during difficult times.

You may not be able to give back your father’s unconditional love for you, his sacrifices, and his efforts. However, little gestures of appreciation and love are sure to make him happy and melt his heart. So if you are looking for ways to thank him, the above thoughtful poems for dads can help you express your feelings better and sweeter. You can also share these poems on Father’s Day along with suitable Father’s Day quotes or Father’s Day messages on a greeting card. These poems about love and gratitude will brighten his day, and he will cherish them forever.

Key Pointers

  • Fathers are cherished role models who inspire their children.
  • Poems for dads provide a heartfelt way to express love and appreciation.
  • Including personal memories enhances the emotional connection and significance of the tribute.

Dads work tirelessly to protect and give the best life possible to their sons. Watch this heartfelt poem that perfectly captures this father and son bond.

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Vinita Agrawal is an accomplished poet hailing from Indore, India. She has garnered significant recognition for her poetic endeavors, including winning the prestigious Proverse prize in Hong Kong in 2021 for her collection of poems titled "Twilight Language.

Read full bio of Vinita Agrawal
Sravani Rebbapragada
Sravani RebbapragadaMSc (Biotechnology)
Sravani holds a post-graduate degree in Biotechnology from SRM University, Chennai. Being an avid reader, she keeps herself up to date with research. Her interest lies in teaching new things to children in creative ways. For MomJunction, she covers literature and information/ facts articles for kids.

Read full bio of Sravani Rebbapragada
Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

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