85+ Beautiful Poems For Daughters

Words are undoubtedly the most powerful way of communication. Poems can help you express your love and affection for anyone. And if you have a little princess, then reciting poems about daughters can brighten up their day smiles.

Your darling little girl will always be so precious, no matter how old she gets, and a poem, especially odes, is sure to fill her heart with the warmth of your love. So keep reading as we give a collection of beautiful lyrical rhymes for your daughter to convey your love.

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85+ Beautiful Poems For Daughters

Your daughter is the most wonderful person in your life. Show how much you love her with these beautiful poems for daughters that praise and affirm them.

My baby, poem about daughter

Image: Shutterstock

1. Prayer For My Daughter
I have walked and prayed for this young child an hour
And heard the sea-wind scream upon the tower,
And under the arches of the bridge, and scream
In the elms above the flooded stream;
Imagining in excited reverie
That the future years had come,
Dancing to a frenzied drum,
Out of the murderous innocence of the sea.

May she be granted beauty and yet not
Beauty to make a stranger’s eye distraught,
Or hers before a looking-glass, for such,
Being made beautiful overmuch,
Consider beauty a sufficient end,
Lose natural kindness and maybe
The heart-revealing intimacy
That chooses right, and never find a friend.

— W. B. Yeats, poets.org

This poem is a heartfelt prayer from a parent for their daughter’s future. It expresses their wish to see their daughter grow into a kind but strong individual.

2. May She Always Know (an ode to my daughter)
I want my daughter
to know her own strength,
to know love without borders,
and dream at great length.

I hope she is brave,
and I hope she reads books,
when people say she’s pretty –
she’ll know it’s more than her looks.

For she’s pretty smart,
and she’s pretty kind.
May she be heard for her voice,
and seen for her mind.

As she grows into a woman
I hope she stands strong.
For some will try to knock her,
but I hope she holds on.

Because her power is great,
and cannot be measured.
Her passion and vulnerability
should always be treasured.

May she know the difference
between right and wrong,
not because of some rules,
but what is in her heart’s song.

May she question the narrative,
make choices, speak clear.
May she never repeat herself
out of doubt or fear.

May she strive for big things
in a world that screams thin,
just as a man’s size does not define him.

I hope she sticks up for those who need it,
herself included, I hope she believes it.

May no one dim her light,
May it shine
May it grow
What a force that she is.

May she always know.

— Jessica Ulrichs, jessicaurlichs.com

This poem shares a mother’s heartfelt prayer for her daughter to grow into a strong, empowered woman who knows her worth.

3. My baby, my child,
I love everything about you.
I love you all the time,
Even when you act wild.

Even when you cannot love yourself,
I wish you happiness, love, joy, and health.
I worry about you because I cannot imagine a life without you,
Do not ever forget that no matter where this life takes you,
I will be here cheering you on, ready to love you with open arms.

— Anonymous

The love of a parent for their child is unwavering and steadfast. This heartfelt poem captures a parent’s unconditional love for their daughter, encouraging her to follow her dreams.

4. Born Yesterday
Tightly-folded bud,
I have wished you something
None of the others would:
Not the usual stuff
About being beautiful,
Or running off a spring
Of innocence and love —
They will all wish you that,
And should it prove possible,
Well, you’re a lucky girl.

But if it shouldn’t, then
May you be ordinary;
Have, like other women,
An average of talents:
Not ugly, not good-looking,
Nothing uncustomary
To pull you off your balance,
That, unworkable itself,
Stops all the rest from working.
In fact, may you be dull —
If that is what a skilled,
Vigilant, flexible,
Unemphasised, enthralled
Catching of happiness is called.

— Philip Larkin

Often, parents wish their child to be extraordinary, but this poem celebrates simplicity. It praises the value of ordinariness and encourages contentment with being unremarkable.

5. When you were little,
You and I always talked about your day.

Years later, though, it’s not every day,
We still talk about your day.

And I’m glad to hear you,
Just know, my sweet daughter,
I always love you.

— Anonymous

The bond between a parent and their daughter is constantly evolving. This tender poem describes how the bond changes, yet their love remains unchanged.

6. A Newborn Girl At Passover
Consider one apricot in a basket of them.
It is very much like all the other apricots–
an individual already, skin and seed.

Now think of this day. One you will probably forget.
The next breath you take, a long drink of air.
Holiday or not, it doesn’t matter.

A child is born and doesn’t know what day it is.
The particular joy in my heart she cannot imagine.
The taste of apricots is in store for her.

— Nan Cohen, poets.org

Celebrating the wonder of new life is this beautiful poem by Nan Cohen. It draws parallels between a baby and nature and highlights the joy and simple pleasures yet to be discovered.

7. My daughter is my everything,
She means the world to me.
She’s like a little flower,
And busy as a little bee.
Daughters are the sunshine,
That comes after the rain.
A bright beacon of hope,
When not much joy remains.
Daughters are blessings,
A rare coveted few.
And few love their daughters,
The way I love you.

— Anonymous

This poem displays a parent’s deep, unconditional love for their daughter. It shares how she brings joy, hope, and blessings to your life.

8. If I Ever Have A Daughter
If I ever have a daughter.
I will love her like she is prayer incarnate,
raise her to believe that her goodness is enough,
that she is already a glowing, amber God.
That the vivid embers that glitter in her eyes
come from the goddess Hestia’s divine fires.
And her diamond spine was created
in Hephaestus’ volcano forge.
And I swear, I will shatter this world like Hera herself
if it dares to teach her the same shame,
the violent and constant self-doubt
it taught me instead of loving my own worth.
And if she ever asks me what she can be,
I will tell her, “Anything you want. You are already a God.”

Nikita Gill

This empowering poem expresses a parent’s vow to raise their future daughter with unwavering confidence in her worth. It displays their promise to protect her from self-doubt.

9. Morning Song
Love set you going like a fat gold watch.
The midwife slapped your footsoles, and your bald cry
Took its place among the elements.

Our voices echo, magnifying your arrival.
New statue. In a drafty museum, your nakedness
Shadows our safety. We stand round blankly as walls.

I’m no more your mother
Than the cloud that distills a mirror to reflect its own slow
Effacement at the wind’s hand.

All night your moth-breath
Flickers among the flat pink roses.
I wake to listen: A far sea moves in my ear.

One cry, and I stumble from bed, cow-heavy and floral
In my Victorian nightgown.
Your mouth opens clean as a cat’s. The window square

Whitens and swallows its dull stars. And now you try
Your handful of notes;
The clear vowels rise like balloons.

— Sylvia Plath, poetryfoundation.org

Something that many people do not talk about is the complexity of motherhood. This poem by Sylvia Plath captures the beauty of maternity and its vulnerabilities.

10. You laugh with me,
When I am hearty and happy.
My dear you cry with me,
When it is the smallest and saddest thing.

Thanks for being such a wonderful daughter that you are,
Always shine like the brightest star!

— Anonymous

This poem celebrates the deep connection between parent and daughter. It appreciates her positive qualities, such as empathy and support.

11. For My Daughter
When I die choose a star
and name it after me
that you may know
I have not abandoned
or forgotten you.

You were such a star to me,
following you through birth
and childhood, my hand
in your hand.

When I die
choose a star and name it
after me so that I may shine
down on you, until you join
me in darkness and silence

— David Ignatow, loc.gov

This poem expresses the enduring connection between a parent and their daughter. It asks for a star to be named after them, symbolizing their continued presence and love.

12. My Girl
She’s the air that I breathe.
She’s the beat in my heart.
She’s the tear in my eyes
when we’re apart.

She’s the pride that I feel,
with all she achieves.
I’m the one who gives hope,
in what she believes.

She’s a part of my body,
but now she’s all grown.
as she waves me goodbye,
to find a life of her own.

My beautiful girl,
you’ve grown up so fine.
So proud am I
to know that you’re mine.

— Toni Kane

The pride a parent feels when their daughter grows up and starts her own life is exceptional. This heartfelt poem captures this emotion perfectly.

13. She does everything without any reason,
She is just the same in every season.
She cares and does not make you feel,
She does everything for you with great zeal.
You do not have to tell her anything,
She is the sparkle of life, a very cute bling!

— Anonymous

A daughter is the greatest gift a parent can get. This poem playfully talks about her caring nature and how cute she is.

14. An Angel Left Her Wings
I have this little angel. For me she left her wings.
She has no idea how much happiness she truly brings.
She brightens up my days with her smiles and her laughs.
She helps me to remember all the blessings that I have.

Her face, it is so perfect, she’s sweet and soft and pure.
Sometimes she can be willful and sometimes she is demure.
She tries her very hardest to please and do what’s right.
She gives the greatest hugs from morning until night.

— Tina M. Marascia

Have you brought home a little angel? This warm poem describes how a daughter brings joy and light into your home.

15. Every time I look at your pretty face,
It reminds me of my old days.
It feels amazing to see my own image in front of me,
It is just that you are prettier than I could ever be.

You are beautiful, my dear, and so is your heart,
Your mind is even wonderful, so clean yet unbelievably smart.
I am so proud to see you grow into such a lovely woman,
You, dear daughter, are the best gift to me God has ever given.

— Anonymous

Do you feel love for your daughter every time you look at her? This beautiful poem expresses a parent’s pride and admiration for their daughter.

16. “B” (If I Should Have A Daughter)

If I should have a daughter, instead of mom, she’s going to call me Point B,

because that way she knows that no matter what happens,
at least she can always find her way to me.

And I am going to paint the Solar Systems on the backs of her hands,
so she has to learn the entire universe before she can say ‘Oh, I know that like the
back of my hand’

And she’s going to learn that this life will hit you,
in the face,
wait for you to get back up, just so it can kick you in the stomach
but getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs
how much they like the taste of air.

There is hurt, fear that cannot be fixed by band aids or poetry
so the first time she realizes that Wonder Woman isn’t coming
I’ll make sure she knows she does not have to wear the cape all by herself
because no matter how wide you stretch your fingers,
your hands will always be too small to catch all the pain you want to heal.

— Sarah Kay

A mother is one of the strongest women a daughter will meet. This powerful poem expresses a parent’s commitment to guiding their daughter through life’s challenges, teaching her resilience and self-reliance.

17. My Little Daughter And Me
We lay on the ground in the tall green grass
And looked at the blue, blue sky.
We watched the drifting of snowy clouds
My little daughter and I
Then I noticed a shape like a fleecy lamb
Among the mounds of white
I pointed it out to her searching eye
And heard her cry of delight.
Soon she was seeing many forms
In the clouds up over her head
A kitten, an angel, a ghost, a tree
A child and a funny shaped bed
Her imagination knew no bounds
And the discovery became a game
As the clouds drifted and shifted away
No shape remained the same
So life will change her path and mine
But always that memory will be
Clearly etched of that happy day
For my little daughter and me

— Marian Wheaton, poemist.com

A simple activity like cloudwatching can become a special memory. This poem talks about the boundless imagination of childhood and the lasting bond between a parent and their daughter.

18. A Treasure

A daughter is a treasure, that’s true
When you’re down and feeling blue
You look into her smiling eyes
And you will find your spirits rise.

She can give you a smile
That can make life worthwhile
She has a way
That makes your day.

Be thankful for this little one
She will bring into your life lots of fun
She will love and care for you
Because that is what daughters always do.

— Catherine Pulsifer

A daughter can bring joy, love, and comfort into your home. This poem discusses how a daughter can lift spirits and fill your home with joy, giggles, and timeless memories.

19. Grow up pretty and confident, my girl,
You have the will to go so far.
See the meanings of things that matter,
For those will take you where you are.

See positive insights in life,
That will help you to strive forever.
Try my girl if you have the wish to do,
Nobody can really stop you.

Just be who you want to be,
And life will be so merry.
You stay close to my heart and near,
I love you a lot, my daughter dear.

— Anonymous

Words of encouragement can motivate one to embrace life with positivity. This simple yet strong poem gives a daughter the confidence to move on, even during life’s most challenging times.

Short Poems About Daughters

Poems need not always be long and complicated. Tell your daughter how much you love her and praise her through these short paeans.

20. My Daughter’s First Week
the quietness
where the child is—seems uneven
within limits—of fragile lightshadows: emptiness!—for
the world Grows
in her—to Listen
to Itself
in its Fullness
22 January 1983

— Gennady Aygi, poets.org

The early days after a baby is born are among the most precious—filled with awe and tenderness. This poem captures a parent’s amazement as their daughter begins to carve out her own space in the world.

21. I love your enthusiasm, your joy, and bright smile,
With you in my mind, I can go for miles and miles.
I love you so much, there’s no need to be coy,
I love you so much; you’re my pride and my joy.

— Anonymous

What would someone say if someone asked a parent what they loved about their daughter? This poem answers this question succinctly.

You are my star daughter

Image: IStock

22. A Daughter Is
A daughter is a friend
one who sticks with you to the end.
A daughter is thoughtful and kind
one who helps when you are in a bind.

A daughter is an inspiration one
who has a sunny disposition.
A daughter is a gift from above
one whom we will always love.

— Catherine Pulsifer

This wonderful poem celebrates the positive qualities of a daughter. It discusses how her kindness and loyalty can inspire others to embrace resilience and empathy.

23. You are full of so many colors,
It always fills me with so much wonder.
Red as a rose, blue as a bird,
Yellow as straw, white as the sky.
So many colors make you who you are,
In my eyes, you are my star.

— Anonymous

What are the different ways to show your love for your daughter? This poem compares her to a spectrum of colors, expressing admiration for her diverse traits that make her a star.

24. If It Be A Daughter
If it be a daughter,
Teach her to be as gentle as the dew at dawn
Settling on a blade of grass;
Show her the grandeur in a ragged leaf.
And in a winding road,
And in a single star.
Teach her to be forgiving, tolerant and kind;
For kindness is lovelier than any glittering gown
Or any silver slipper.

— J. B. Cohan

A daughter is considered the epitome of grace and kindness. This thoughtful poem shares the importance of inner values rather than external adornments.

25. On the day you were born,
You were the cutest thing,
In my life.
And as you got older,
You were still my cutie pie.
No matter what you did,
I still loved you,
And to this day, I feel the same.

— Anonymous

From the moment your daughter is born, she has received unconditional love and undivided attention. This cute poem talks about how a parent loves their daughter through the years.

My darling, girl

Image: Shutterstock

26. Dear Daughter Of Mine
Dear daughter of mine
Let’s spend time down by
the lake, and watch the frogs
hop from place to place, and
giggle at the geese as they
make their noisy honks
and eeks. And know that I will
always love you.

— Alek Mielnikow, hellopoetry.com

This poem describes the joy and peace of spending a lovely day with your daughter. The simple yet charming poem shares how simple things can create great memories.

27. My darling girl,
I love you more than words can tell.
And each day as you grow,
My one desire is for you to know,
That all who meet you wish you well.

— Ruth Haskins, ruthhaskinsmd.com

A parent often hopes their daughter will encounter only the best opportunities in life. This simple poem shows the endless hope of a parent with a wish for their daughter’s happiness.

28. You are an angel, my dear, an angel you’re to us,
An angel who has been sent from heaven on earth.
You were wrapped in silver paper and placed in a beautiful basket,
You looked like this lovely jewel or a diamond placed in a casket.
God sent you to us, and we promised him we’ll treat you right,
Because you were a gift sent to us under the stars in moonlight.
We love you, little daughter, for you’re an angel from heaven.

— Anonymous

If you have a daughter, you know what a blessing she is. Comparing her to an angel sent from heaven might not be wrong.

Your smile brightens my day daughter

Image: Shutterstock

29. Seasons

A mother and daughter go through the seasons of life together,
Both of them growing making each better
Sharing the ups and downs,
Fooling around, acting like a clown.
Experiencing life’s highs
And, at times a few sighs
But nothing can come between these two
There is a bond that is solid and true.

— Kate Summers

Seasons may come and go, but the bond between a mother and daughter remains the same. This poem captures this enduring connection that is rooted in love and growth.

30. Your one smile brightens up my whole day,
I really don’t have any words to say.
You came into my life at a time when it was dark,
You have added a new spark.
It’s lovely to have a daughter like you,
I think I am like the blessed few!

— Anonymous

A simple smile from your daughter can make your day. This short yet thoughtful poem expresses the joy and light a daughter brings to her parent’s life.

31. Untitled
when my daughter is living in my belly
i will speak to her like
she’s already changed the world
she will walk out of me in a red carpet
fully equipped with the knowledge
that she’s capable of
anything he sets her mind to.

— Rupi Kaur

Parents believe in their child’s potential even before birth. This empowering poem expresses a parent’s vow to instill confidence and strength in their child, preparing her for life’s challenges.

32. Oh, what a lovely daughter I have,
I am so proud of you.
Do you even have a clue?
That you are my life.
Oh, what a pretty daughter I have,
Thanks for coming into my life!

— Anonymous

Express your pride in your daughter with this short yet lovely poem. It talks about a parent’s gratitude for the joy their daughter brings to their life.

protip_icon Quick tip
Surprise your daughter with a beautiful handwritten poem, which you can present at a family gathering. She will treasure these memories for the rest of her life.

33. The Bond
The bond between a mother and daughter cannot be broken.
It remains strong despite the time or distance.
It is pure, unconditional, and true.
It is a love that will forever continue to bloom

— Anonymous

The bond between a mother and daughter is one of the purest in the world. This short poem beautifully conveys their enduring love and faith in each other.

34. When you were small,
You used to cry in vain.
I used to comfort you,
Even in small pain.
You would say mom, please hold me tight,
I would take you in my arms to calm your fright.
Now you have grown up to be so wise,
Without you, I won’t survive.
Love you, my daughter!

— Anonymous

From comforting her daughter to being comforted by her, this poem poignantly describes a mother’s journey. She talks about her love for her daughter through all ages.

35. Ode To My Daughter
You bring joy to my life
You inspire me to become a better man
–that changed my life–
And become the best version of myself
Without you, joy would not have entered
So suddenly
When I needed it the most.
So this is why when I think of you,
Joy of my life,
I smile

— AHA, freemindsbookclub.org

This poem shares a dad’s gratitude towards his daughter for bringing so much love and joy into his life. She has inspired him to become the best version of himself.

36. In good times,
You used to come to me with a smile.
When you were sad,
You used to cry for a while.
But I have seen, you have grown over a period of time.
I am so glad that you are mine,
My pretty daughter!

— Anonymous

Being a parent of a daughter brings forth a myriad of emotions. This warm poem discusses a parent’s pride and joy in their daughter’s growth.

37. Daughter brings joy to your life,
She gives you inner peace.
Looking at her face,
All the tensions do cease.
Proud to have you in my life,
Without you, how will I survive?
Love you, sweetheart!

— Anonymous

What can a daughter bring to your life? The poem expresses a parent’s deep love and gratitude for a daughter, cherishing the joy and peace she brings.

Affectionate Poems For Daughter

Your daughter is always there for you, with constant affection and support. Express your love to her through one of these beautiful verses.

38. You are my sun, my moon, and my stars.
You light the sky with your fabulous style.
Your smile melts my heart away,
You captivate audiences with that gleam in your eyes.
You move monsters with your gentle spirit. I love you, my daughter!

— Anonymous

Comparing your daughter to celestial wonders is one of the best ways to express your love for her. This poem shares how a daughter illuminates her parents’ lives.

39. To A Daughter More Precious Than Gems
If I could have prophesied such longing,
I would have stayed with you,
gazing on you constantly
as into a shining mirror.

I gaze out over the fields of Tadaka
seeing the cranes that cry there incessantly:
such is my longing for you.

— Otomo no Sakanoue no Iratsume, loose translation by Michael R. Burch

A parent’s love is deep and unending for a daughter, both precious and irreplaceable. This poem conveys the devotion of a parent and their longing to be close to her.

40. If I could tell you one thing over and over again,
It would be that I love you,
And I love you so much.
You light my world up at the end of a dark day.
You give me hope, with your child-like faith.
I love you, my daughter.

— Anonymous

If there is one thing you will never tire of, it is saying how much you love your daughter. This poem expresses a parent’s adoration for their daughter.

41. The Birthday Present

When I heard your first cry,
My joy was immeasurable.
I then thanked God
You’ve been my greatest treasure.

I carried you in my arms
Crooned you to sleep.
I was so vigilant
My words and acts of love, in your heart to keep

When you went to your first school
I was there at the door.
Peeping if everything was fine
In life, I wanted you to learn more.
Years passed by
Your world’s become wider
Accompanied by circles of friends
Then one day, you found your lover.
You’ve got your own decisions
Mine here is merely to guide
But how can I always be there for you
When some secrets you learned to hide.
I just wish I could have been
Still your best friend, confidant and mentor
In good and the bad times
I’d run quick as your savior.
As I look forward to my birthday
The time just like I heard your first cry,
Anticipating your loveliest present for me
That makes me the happiest, not sigh!

— Ethel Mendoza Agbay

As a daughter grows and navigates life, her parent’s love for her remains unchanged. This poem shows the bittersweet feeling of caring for a daughter while allowing her to be independent.

42. For A Daughter Who Leaves

A woman weaves
her daughter’s wedding
slippers that will carry
her steps into a new life.
The mother weeps alone
into her jeweled sewing box
slips red thread
around its spool,
the same she used to stitch
her daughter’s first silk jacket
embroidered with turtles
that would bring luck, long life.
She remembers all the steps
taken by her daughter’s
unbound quick feet:
dancing on the stones
of the yard among yellow
butterflies and white breasted sparrows.
And she grew, legs strong
body long, mind
Now she captures all eyes
with her hair combed smooth
and her hips gently
swaying like bamboo.
The woman
spins her thread
from the spool of her heart,
knotted to her daughter’s
departing wedding slippers.

— Janice Mirikitani, poets.org

Watching a daughter leave her childhood home to move into a new stage of life is a bittersweet experience. This poignant poem conveys the emotions of a mother trying to balance the act of letting go and holding on.

43. I loved you before I met you.
I loved you when you gave me morning sickness.
I loved you when you kept me up at night screaming.
I loved you when you had nightmares.
I loved you when you took your first steps, when you scraped your knee, when you said you hated me.
I will love you through your heartbreaks, through your hardships, and through your hard-headed moods.
I will love you forever, and a day more.

— Anonymous

A mother’s love for her child begins the moment she discovers she is pregnant. This poem captures a mother’s steadfast love for her daughter through all the ups and downs in life.

44. In Your Heart
He was so proud of his little girl.
It was her very first day of school.
He walked with her to school that day,
And she held his hand all the way.
They walked together quiet and sad,
A little girl and her loving dad.
Into the school her father led,
But he almost cried when she said,
“Daddy, Daddy, please don’t go.
Don’t leave me here all alone.
I’ll miss you if you go away,
And I might need you; can’t you stay?”
“Little Daughter, please don’t cry.
You’ll be okay, so dry your eyes.
You have our memories in your heart.
We’re together though we’re apart.”

— Thomas S. Carver

The first day of school is one of the greatest testing times for both the parents and the child. In this poem, a father talks about how love and understanding could help him and his daughter overcome challenges.

45. No matter how old you are,
Or what you have done.
No matter what goals you’ve set,
Or how many things you’ve won.
You’ll always be my baby,
My cherished little girl.
I love you more than anything,
More than all the world.

— Anonymous

No matter how much a daughter grows, she is always a child to her parents. This poem expresses the timeless love a parent has for their daughter.

46. I Am Yours To Keep

You are a princess in my heart,
and I care for you so much.
I love the fondness in your eyes,
and your tender little touch.

I looked at you when you were born,
and knew then straight away,
that I would be fore ever here
to watch you grow and play.

You bring to me a heart of joy,
and memories so great,
and a powerful sense of fatherhood
that no one can debate.

I watch you sleep and dream of things
that I can only wonder.
That innocent look upon your face
just makes my heart grow fonder.

I see you run and jump and shout
and calling out my name.
No love that I have ever known
could ever feel the same.

No suffering or tragedy
nor deeply seated pain
could ever over shadow
the bond that we retain.

And so my little princess
before you go to sleep,
Remember I am your daddy,
and I am yours to keep.

— Mike Qyinn

A daughter is one of her parents’ greatest joys. This poem highlights a father’s unconditional love and protective feelings for his daughter as he watches her grow.

47. My sweet girl,
You are a blessing.
The most wonderful part of my life,
And the one person,
I love above all others.

You are my light, my world,
And the reason to exist.
As you grow,
I pray you’ll know,
I love you so.

— Anonymous

This warm poem expresses a parent’s deep affection for their daughter. It celebrates her existence and cherishes the joy she brings into the parent’s life.

48. She Is Awake
She is awake
The day starts
No matter if I have been up for hours
I have had my time
She is awake
The day starts
My heart walking around sleepily
Pajama pants dragging
Hair wild
Eyes closed as she stumbles and falls onto the couch
The dramatics of a ten year old
Are adorable
She is awake
The day starts

— Jenny Justice

This charming poem captures the sweet everyday moments of a parent’s morning with their daughter.

49. From the day that you were born,
And I held you very close,
I knew in my joyful heart,
That you’re my very precious rose.

My life changed for the better,
I felt it in my heart.
I just knew, for the rest of my life,
We’d never be apart.

Months and years have passed,
And I watched you mature and grow,
I promised myself, forever,
My love for you, I’ll show.

I wish you a beautiful life,
Filled with joy and infinite bliss.
I’ll always be your mother,
And my precious rose, I kiss.

— Anonymous

This poem captures a mother’s deep and unconditional adoration for her daughter. From the moment she was born to the years ahead, the mother-daughter bond is a journey full of joy and hope.

50. Darling Daughter
I have loved you my darling daughter
Before I saw you on a screen
Before I felt you in my tummy
Before I saw your light beam

I have loved you in the ether
Before I was placed upon the earth
I have loved you as I walked my path
Awaiting your divine birth

I have loved you before I knew
The weight of what your life would bring
Before I held you against my chest
And heard your little lungs scream

Before my Oma placed you in my arms
The night we met inside of a dream
I have loved you then and now
And every moment in between

— Rachel Rouse

This poem talks about a mother’s unending love for her daughter. It shares how a mother loved her child even before she was born.

51. You are the beat of my heart,
You have been special right from the start.
You are the sun that shines,
You are the light of the moon.
You are so kind,
You are my beautiful daughter,
You are one of a kind!

— Anonymous

This heartwarming poem celebrates the unique love a parent has for their daughter. It compares her to the sun and the moon that brighten her parents’ lives.

protip_icon Quick tip
Spend an evening with your adorable daughter reading poems. You could even be inspired to compose one together!

52. A Father’s Poem To His Daughter
Beneath the sky’s wild coastline,
where waves of clouds
crash and froth,
You, my daughter, my light within my light
I return to your playground,
that was your youth,
where your hope sang and danced on the tips of your toes.

You frolicked in the fields that bloomed with inspiration,
the sweet fragrance of resilience heralded the spring,
love’s sweet slurpee filled your cup.

The swing set soared like a bird in flight,
propelling you
to new heights of wonder,
and the slide was a slippery slope
climbing the ladder to see what lay at the peak. How far your eyes could see.

— Francis Lee

This tender poem from a father to his daughter talks about the joy and hope he feels because of her. He uses the imagery of nature and playfulness to convey his emotions.

53. I wished for a sweet daughter,
And God gave me a little angel.
My daughter, you are my life,
You are my world.
I really can’t stay a day without you,
You are my everything.
Do you have a clue?
I love you so much!

— Anonymous

How do you feel when your dearest wish comes true? This poem captures the feelings of parents who have longed for a daughter.

54. First Fall

I’m your guide here. In the evening-dark
morning streets, I point and name.
Look, the sycamores, their mottled,
paint-by-number bark. Look, the leaves
rusting and crisping at the edges.
I walk through Schiller Park with you
on my chest. Stars smolder well
into daylight. Look, the pond, the ducks,
the dogs paddling after their prized sticks.
Fall is when the only things you know
because I’ve named them
begin to end. Soon I’ll have another
season to offer you: frost soft
on the window and a porthole
sighed there, ice sleeving the bare
gray branches. The first time you see
something die, you won’t know it might
come back. I’m desperate for you
to love the world because I brought you here.

— Maggie Smith, poetryfoundation.org

This poem celebrates the special bond a parent shares with their child. It talks about a parent’s feelings when watching their daughter grow up too quickly through the seasons.

55. My sweet little angel, I love you so,
And, I just want you to know,
That you are so special in my life.
Without you, it is hard to strive,
My daughter, my sweetheart, you are the best.
Stay blessed and happy with loving zest!

— Anonymous

What better way of expressing your love to your daughter than reciting a poem to her? This heartfelt poem shares how essential she is to her parents.

56. A Daughter Through The Eyes Of A Father
A daughter is beauty at its finest.
Heart of an angel, soul so pure, and sweet.
Daughters are one of God’s most precious gifts that he has bestowed upon the world.
Angels in Heaven do not compare to thine beauty, and grace my ever so beautiful, and lovely daughter.
Seeing you at birth brought more joy to me
than all the money in the world could ever do.
You are morning, bright, and shining,
you are noon, you reside at the highest point in my heart,
you are the dew kissed night.
You are my daughter, heart, and soul.

— Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson

This touching poem highlights a father’s feelings for his beloved daughter—a gift from God he cherishes throughout life.

57. Little Wishes
Little wishes on great big stars.
Daughter, I make wishes for you.
Keep on growing and keep on smiling.
And I’ll keep loving all that you do.

Little dreamers wishing big things.
The world is your stage to display.
You can sing and you can dance.
Enjoy all that comes your way.

Little hopes in a great big world.
Nothing can stop your free spirit.
Make some noise, play a beat.
It’s beautiful music when I hear it.

Little kisses from my now big girl,
You’re growing up so fast it seems.
Pretty soon you’ll leave the nest
And fly after all of your dreams.

Little girl I love you,
And I love you even more.
Because I made a wish once,
And you’re what I wished for.

— Casarah Nance

This lovely poem expresses a parent’s love and pride for their daughter. It celebrates her growth and dreams and wishes her the best for the journey ahead.

58. I am so fond of you because of your innocence,
I am fond of you because you are so wise.
Don’t have much to express my girl,
As you are so complete and nice.

You make my world so bright,
With you, things are just so right.
I know that you can never do something wrong,
I know that you are so strong.

I am so lucky to have you as my daughter,
Who is so adorable to all might.
Stay as you are your chubby best,
May you succeed in your every test!

— Anonymous

This heartfelt poem reflects a parent’s love for their daughter. It speaks of her innocence and praises her wisdom and strength.

A heartfelt poem for my daughter, to show her how much I love her. A reminder of my unconditional love and support, no matter what.

Proud-Of-My-Daughter Poems

As a parent, you are bound to be proud of your daughter and her accomplishments. Express your joy and pride through these wonderful poems.

59. A Head Of Curls

I remember the day
It was special in every way
My darling little girl
Born with a head of curls.

I could see the princess in you
The day you made your debut
So tiny and small
You were like a perfect doll.

We watched you grow
We were so proud we glowed.
Our precious little girl
With that head full of curls.

The years have gone too fast
We realize as we look back to the past
You have made us proud
We say this out loud.

Our daughter, our treasure
Always remember
You are a special girl
And you still have your curls!

— Kate Summers

This poem perfectly exemplifies how you can use your daughter’s unique traits to praise her. It instills the daughter with confidence and promotes self-love.

60. My little girl is now grown and steady,
I am so proud of the beautiful lady.
You are so wise,
And with so much strength.
My love for you has no bounds,
It has no limit and no length.

— Anonymous

As your daughter grows, so does your love for her. This poem discusses a parent’s pride in their daughter’s unparalleled qualities.

61. Daughter Of My Heart
You turned out even better
Than I often dreamed you’d be;
You’re more than I had hoped for;
You’re a sweet reward to me.

You grew up to be a mother
Full of wisdom, warmth and love,
A good and fine role model,
A blessing from above.

I couldn’t be any prouder
Than I am today of you;
You’re my daughter and my friend,
And a wonderful person, too.

— Joanna Fuchs

This poem expresses a parent’s love and pride for their daughter, celebrating the joy of seeing her grow into an admirable mother.

62. My daughter is amazing,
She’s bright and really smart.
She’s really good at singing,
And really great at art.

She has a gorgeous spirit,
So sweet and really kind.
She really is the greatest daughter,
I could ever wish to find.

— Anonymous

This delightful poem is a tribute to daughters, celebrating their talents and kindness.

63. Will You Tie My Shoes When I Grow Old?
I laugh
about that day
you first tied your shoe.
We tried and tried
to get that rabbit
in that hole
and you finally did it.
You pointed your toes
for everyone to see
how proud you were.

I am proud too,
of my writing
and my drawing,
of my needlework
and my cooking.
But my hands are beginning to ache
and my fingers will not bend.
I will lose the things
that make me proud
except for you.
Hopefully not you.
Will you let me
brag on you?
Even tell wild stories
that are a bit beyond the truth?
Will you be proud of me too?

— Rachel Kovacs, poetrysoup.com

This touching poem evokes a parent’s joy and vulnerability as they watch their daughter grow. It captures the emotional depth of witnessing her transformation into a wise, loving individual.

64. My sweet and gentle daughter,
You make your father proud.
You stand for what you believe in,
And sing your song aloud.

I love you, oh so dearly,
My amazing girl!
You make your daddy teary,
When you shine out in the world.

— Anonymous

This lovely poem radiates love and admiration. It reflects a parent’s pride in her daughter’s strength and brilliance.

65. My Beautiful Daughter Ella Rose
She was a miracle conceived out of sweet adoration,
I’ve always been grateful for her God-given creation.
No comparison is she to other children I know,
admiring her strength and watching her grow.

— Lu Loo, poetrysoup.com

This poem expresses a father’s gratitude and admiration for her daughter. The parent celebrates her uniqueness, acknowledging her unparalleled spirit.

66. My daughter is truly,
A spectacular girl.
Whose intelligent strength,
Can take on the world.
And make human life better,
Because she’s the best.
And by being her parent,
I simply am blessed.

— Anonymous

This poem expresses a parent’s pride in their daughter’s remarkable qualities—her intelligence, strength, and ability to impact the world positively.

67. Daddy’s Little Girl
I’m proud of my little girl
For the woman you’ve become
Always keeping in your heart
The place where you came from
But you must go live your life
To the beat of your own drum.

— Elijah Johnson, poetrysoup.com

This short poem is a reminder of the everlasting connection between a father and daughter.

68. Whom should I thank?
God or my destiny?
For the gift of a lovely daughter in my life,
You are an angel to me now.
I don’t think without you,
I will be able to survive.
Thanks for coming in my life!

— Anonymous

This short poem expresses endless gratitude to a daughter. It celebrates parents’ joy of having an angel in their lives.

69. My Light
My little daughter, my shining light
Through the darkest hours
Through life’s storms
You always shine so bright.
You are my joy
You are my pride.

— Anonymous

This simple yet powerful poem shows a daughter’s role in a parent’s life. It cherishes her existence as a beacon of hope and joy.

70. Do you know my love?
What you mean to me?
I may not be able to say,
That you mean the world to me.
You are the apple of my eyes,
You are perfect and so nice.
Proud of my daughter!

— Anonymous

This tender poem displays the parents’ affection for their daughter. It showcases the pride a parent has in their princess.

71. I Dare You
I dare you to truly lean in to your dreams.
I dare you to walk that in all it means.

I dare you to hold your head high with confidence & pride.
I dare you to also find humility just on the other side.

I dare you to stand for all that is right & just.
I dare you to speak loud with conviction when you must.

I dare you to walk the road less traveled by.
I dare you to be “too much” in someone else’s eyes.

I dare you to feel both highs & lows.
I dare you to find ways to let your passions flow.

I dare you to know your worth in all that you do.
I dare you to accept that importance in you.

I dare you to be mindful & take it all in.
I dare you to be grateful in loss or in win.

I dare you to believe in what you can’t touch or see.
I dare you to shine in the light of all you can be.

I dare you to persevere especially when it’s tough.
I dare you to know in your heart you’ll always be more than enough.

— Heather J. Lottman, ozofe.com

This empowering poem motivates a child to embrace their potential. It encourages them to follow their dreams and chase their passions unapologetically.

72. A daughter knows what you think,
She gets you what you want before you blink.
She understands the feelings so pure,
When you feel down, she is there to assure.
A daughter understands you in and out,
She shares your feelings if you have any doubt.
A daughter is the best gift in life!

— Anonymous

This beautiful tribute to a daughter captures the deep parent-daughter connection. It shows her intuition, support, and understanding, which she shares with you.

73. So Proud of You Daughter
My daughter, of you we are so proud-
The future holds such promise and joy for you;
You worked hard and today the results show –
A day of celebration and best wishes too!

Climbing this mountain of knowledge,
Studying and taking each step ahead;
Your constant focus has met with success –
Today allows you to build dreams instead!

— Catherine Pulsifer

This heartfelt poem is adorned with pride, love, and encouragement. It inspires a daughter to celebrate her accomplishments and pursue her passions.

74. A sweet daughter like you is hard to find,
A daughter like you, so kind.
You are pretty beyond your soul,
And you do play the most important role.

I wish that you shine brighter than the star.

A daughter like you is like the light,
Making my world so bright.
Love you my dear daughter,
There is no one like you or other!

— Anonymous

These simple lines are the most beautiful expressions of love and admiration for a daughter from a parent. They talk about her kindness and inner beauty while making her feel special.

Birthday Poems For My Daughter

It is a joyful feeling to see your daughter grow up in front of your eyes. Wish her happy birthday with any of the poems given below. You may add a poem to a birthday card or frame one and present it as a gift.

75. Happy Birthday, Daughter
Many are the joys in life.
I’m blessed with quite a few.
Still, most of all I’m grateful
To have a daughter just like you.

I remember well when you were born,
The joy that filled my heart.
When I first held you in my arms,
I loved you from the start.

It was always such a pleasure
To see your precious life unfold.
Learning new things every day
Brought happiness untold.

The child in you, I still can see.
A glimmer here and there.
The smile when you anticipate,
A tugging at your hair.

Though no one knows the future,
What each one has in store,
I know whatever happens
I couldn’t love you more.

So on this special day of yours,
Know the love that’s there for you.
Not just today, but every day,
Will last a lifetime through.

— Alora M. Knight

On your daughter’s birthday, this poem will make her smile. It talks about the depth of love a parent has for their daughter right from birth.

76. I never thought a part of me,
Could be a separate part.
She has my eyes and chin,
And, of course, she has my heart.
I’m talking about my daughter,
My precious little girl.
She’s my little princess,
My gem, my tiny pearl.
Happy Birthday!

— Anonymous

This lovely poem expresses a deep parent-daughter bond. It shares how she is your reflection while bearing her individual traits.

77. Sweet Sixteen
Happy Sweet Sixteen, my dearest teen.
Here she is, already sixteen!

My pretty little girl grew up too fast,
And little girl memories are now in the past.

A hug, a kiss, and a warm embrace
For my little darling with the cutest face!

My little princess is now sixteen,
But in my heart always my queen! Love, Dad!

— Vinny Vintila

The sixteenth birthday of a daughter is a momentous moment even for a parent. This poem expresses a parent’s joy in watching their little one grow up into a woman.

78. My dearest daughter, my favorite person,
You make this life all so worth it.
I love your smile and the way you are,
I’ve watched you grow, and you’ve come so far.
I’m proud of you and all that you’ve done,
Now let’s celebrate, and have some fun.

— Anonymous

This short poem conveys your love and pride in your daughter. Write it on a card and give it to your daughter on her birthday to make her feel extra special.

79. Our Precious Daughter
We celebrate your birthday, as you turn six today,
but we have got the gift, just the perfect gift,
that on this very special day, God gave away,
a gift of love from up above, so unique and so rare

God has specially made you to the very tip of your nose,
as precious as a flower, as tender as a rose.
Fulfilled and blessed our lives we have and all because of you,
as sweet as honey, so innocent and pure

The twinkle of your eyes is brighter than any star,
the smiles you leave behind keep our days bright,
though our laps you have outgrown, y
you will never outgrow our hearts

— Caroline Falzon, familyfriendpoems.com

This poem discusses how a six-year-old can entirely transform a parent’s life. It uses nature’s imagery to show how she always carries a piece of your heart.

80. Here’s to you, my little lady,
Dressed in grey, and black, and navy.
Hair that’s bouncy and so wavy,
It’s your birthday, let’s get crazy!
I’ve watched you grow and watched you blossom,
I’m proud to say that my daughter is awesome.

— Anonymous

A vibrant poem that suits the celebratory tone of a birthday perfectly! This little rhyme makes it ideal for a birthday celebration.

Happy birthday daughter poem

Image: Shutterstock

81. Happy birthday to my favorite girl,
You are my life, my entire world.
You bring me joy with all that you do.
You make my day, and I love you.
So happy birthday, let’s have some cake,
It’s your day to enjoy, it is what you make!

— Anonymous

This sweet birthday poem creates the perfect balance between warmth and lightheartedness. Its rhyming couplets make it catchy and a great choice to read at birthday parties.

82. Daughter Birthday Poem
Since you came into this life,
My reality has never been the same
Even after the nine months,
I could hardly believe that you’d came

Your eyes bright with this innocent light
And like a flower you continue to bloom, a star glowing as bright as the moon
And for you, my daughter, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do

Watching grow has been a dream come true
And I want you to know, that I’m the only thing you will never lose

Thinking of your smiles and giggles is what gets me through, tough days,
Never getting me to move, my heart, away from yours, for they are one

And on this special day, you are my fame, my life and my all.
Ever since you came into my life,
My reality has never been the same.

— Lindor Hlongwa, ozofe.com

This heartfelt poem captures the power of a daughter’s presence in her parent’s life. She has changed your world for the better, and you want her to know this on her birthday.

83. Happy birthday,
Beautiful daughter of mine!
When I look at you,
Your eyes always shine.

Your personality,
I truly admire,
Your love for life,
Is here to inspire.

It’s been another,
Absolutely wonderful year,
That I’ve been blessed,
With you, my dear.

Countless birthday wishes,
I would like to share,
With a daughter like you,
That is special and rare.

— Anonymous

This birthday poem is full of warmth and affection. It shares how a daughter is the best part of parents’ lives.

84. Another Poem On My Daughter’s Birthday
There must be soft words
for an evening like this, when the breeze
caresses like gentle fingertips
all over. I don’t know

how not to write darkly and sad.
But it’s two years today since
my little girl was born, cut safely
from the noose.

We meant nothing but hope;
how near death is to that.

Only children, only some children,
get to run free from these snags. She
was born! She lived and she grows
like joy spreading from the syllables

of songs. She reminds me of now
and now and now.
I must learn
to have been so lucky.

— Craig Morgan Teicher, poets.org

This poem has great emotional depth as it juxtaposes the fragility of life with growth. It reflects the parents’ gratitude to their daughter for being in their life despite many challenges.

85. Another Year
I’m wishing you another year
Of laughter, joy and fun,
Surprises, love and happiness,
And when your birthday’s done,

I hope you feel deep in your heart,
As your birthdays come and go,
How very much you mean to me,
More than you can know.

— Joanna Fuchs, poemsource.com

This heartfelt poem captures the essence of a birthday wish with its sincere tone. It conveys the hope for joy and love a parent has for their daughter.

86. So delicate and tiny is your little hand,
So adorable is the way you try to stand.
So gentle and sweet is the sound of your voice,
So is that smile of yours when you are playing with your toys.

My darling little daughter, I love you so,
You are too small to even let you know.
But I just can’t wait to watch you grow,
Because you will be the most beautiful girl, I ever know.

Happy Birthday!

— Anonymous

Tender and sincere, this poem discusses the emotions of a parent in their daughter’s early years. It can bring a smile to her lips on her birthday.

87. Perfect Birthday
On your birthday
I wish you much pleasure and joy;
I hope all of your wishes come true.
May each hour and minute be filled with delight,
And your birthday be perfect for you!

— Joanna Fuchs, poemsource.com

Every parent wants their daughter’s birthday to be the best day of her life. This simple and cheerful poem is the perfect present for a daughter on her birthday.

Tips For Personalizing Poems For Daughters

Creating personalized poems for daughters is a great way to cherish your love and bonding. Here are some ways you can make a poem truly special.

1. Focus on her unique qualities

Highlight her personality traits, talents, or quirks. Pick anything that is uniquely her and use it in your poem. For instance, if she is good at drawing, mention how her creations brighten your home. If she has a positive vibe, describe how her spirit lifts the gloomy hearts.

2. Use shared memories

A bond between a parent and child can be brought forth using shared memories. These memories are unique to both of you and bring warmth and meaning. Memories of a wonderful vacation or how you giggle at a silly joke can become beautiful additions to a poem.

3. Add details

Adding her name or nickname makes a poem just for her. Moreover, you can add her hobbies, interests, and likes to show how much you care. For example, if she likes reading, you can write, “Dear daughter, I know how much you love reading. That is why I wrote something you might like to read.”

4. Include aspirations

Share your bright hope for her future by adding aspirational notes or quotes. These positive affirmations give her a boost to perform well in life. For instance, if she is trying to get into a particular school or sport, wish her good luck. Pen down an inspirational poem, reminding her of the strengths that will help her achieve all her aspirations and dreams.

You can write these poems on greeting cards or use them as notes on gifts. You can also make jewelry with these poems. Another common idea is to write a poem on the back of a beautiful photograph.

You can use these poems to create thoughtful gifts like photo albums for your daughter or take inspiration from them to write I love you messages for your daughter. According to Monica Lee, a mother and a blogger, ”I created a beautiful album for my stepdaughter using the poetry in “Letter to My Daughter.” It was written by Maya Angelou or possibly Pamela Redmond Satran. I found photos from throughout my step-daughter’s life directly or vaguely related to each line and created a 30-page 12-by-12 photo book…The final result is meaningful and beautiful. And unlike anyone else’s album. Perfect for my stepdaughter (i).”

Note: The poems in this collection are not original works of MomJunction but have been sourced from various authors. No claim of ownership is being made by us. Credit has been given wherever the details were available. If you are the original author of any poem and wish to have it credited or removed, please contact us. We value the creative rights of authors and will address your request promptly.

Illustration: Beautiful Poems For Daughters

poems about daughters_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a daughter poem?

It is a poem that expresses your emotions as parents. It could be anything about how your little princess is growing fast or how brave she is. You may even share a sad or proud moment with your daughter through beautiful, heart-touching lines and strengthen your Mother-Daughter or Father-Daughter relationship.

2. What is the theme of the poem ‘For My Daughter?’

The poem, ‘For My Daughter,’ by Weldon Kees, has many themes, including imaginations, fears, and negativities. The speaker shows that the world is not the right place for her daughter to live. To sum up, it is a sorrowful poem.

3. What is the poem ‘For My Daughter’ about?

The poem expresses a father’s contemplation about how fearful it is to have a daughter. He shares how difficult it is to spend a life in such a dark world surrounded by death. Though the speaker has no daughter, he doesn’t want to have one for his fears.

4. Why do poems for daughters matter?

Writing poems for daughters, sons, or any other family member or friend is a powerful and intimate gesture of love. Poems for daughters can help you express deep and complex emotions that are difficult to articulate in a simple and effective manner. They can help you connect with her and remind her that you hold her dear. Poems can also help you celebrate your child’s milestones, give them advice, inspire them, and tell them how proud you are of them.

Sending your little princess some poems about daughters is a great way to show your affection and unwavering support for her. If you cannot convey your feelings and emotions verbally, poems will help you express them more clearly and deeply. Use any of the poems listed above whenever you feel your daughter needs motivation and reassurance; there’s no need to wait for a particular occasion. Alternatively, you could draw inspiration from these poems and write your own inspirational quotes for your daughter to express your gratitude for her existence, pride in her actions and accomplishments, and admiration for her character.

Infographic: Simple Ways To Express Your Love For Your Daughter

Daughters are the apple of their parents’ eyes. Along with the poems we have provided above, there are simple actions you can do in your day-to-day life to express love to your daughter. In the following infographic, we list a few tips for conveying your love to your daughter and bringing a smile to her face.

tips for conveying your love to daughter (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • A daughter remains precious no matter how old she gets; poems, particularly odes, can fill her heart with warmth and love.
  • If you struggle to express your emotions verbally, poems can help you communicate your feelings clearly and deeply.
  • Sending poems to your daughter is a meaningful way to show affection and unwavering support.
  • You can also draw inspiration from existing poems to write quotes expressing gratitude, pride, and admiration for your daughter.

Personal Experience: Source

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Ashley Baldwin
Ashley BaldwinLicensed Professional Counselor
Ashley Baldwin is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) who specializes in Perinatal Health. After her Master's in Counseling, she did certifications in Perinatal Mental Health and is a Certified Addictions Counselor (CACII) with around 13 years of counseling experience.

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Shivank Joshi
Shivank JoshiBA (Mass Communication)
Shivank is an experienced professional with a passion for writing, editing, and research. With a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication from IEL, Dehradun, he previously worked as a production editor. Shivank transitioned into a writer/editor, contributing to various publications as a freelancer.

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