110+ Powerful Prayers For Husband's Protection And Health

Marriage and family are a critical part of every woman’s life. If you are blessed to have a good husband, offer prayers for husband and ask for his long life and success.

Every woman desires to have a loving, caring, and understanding husband. And if she is lucky to get one, she considers that a blessing and offers prayers on his behalf so that he is protected and has a wonderful life.

Praying for your husband can help him face any hurdles and give him the strength to keep your family strong and prosperous. This post brings you a compilation of prayers for your husband that will help you bring a powerful message to his life.

In This Article

110+ Prayers For Husband

Recite these prayers, with sincere devotion and supplication, any time of the day and find a positive difference.

Prayers For A Future Husband

Prayers can be powerful tools if you believe in them. So, when you pray for your future husband, it can help in developing a spiritual connection with them. You bring your needs, anxiety, and qualities you value about your future husband near God. This can help you prepare to know your own needs and bless your future with your husband.

Abigail Proffitt, a blogger, shares her insight on how praying for a future husband helps her. She says, “As I develop the habit of praying for him, I’ve noticed two things… Prayer connects my heart to him in a way nothing else ever could…It’s like I already know him because I can talk to the One who does.

“Praying for my future husband not only (I hope) strengthens him, but it’s a faith builder for me, and my love for him grows as a result. I’ve searched my own heart—not just to see what I desire in a spouse, but to examine prayer requests of my own, so I can adapt them into prayers for my future husband (i).”

If you wish to find a caring and loving husband, you may read these prayers.

  1. Dear Lord, I desire to get married, bless me with a faithful man. Prepare me for a healthy relationship and give me the patience to wait for him.
  1. Lord, I pray for my would-be husband. Whoever and wherever he is, be with him and protect him from evil. And Prepare him to be a good partner.
  1. Father, I feel lonely. My friends are in committed relationships, and I wish I were in one such relationship. Help me have patience.
protip_icon Point to consider
Praying for your future husband before dating him will only add to your habit of praying for his well-being after marrying him.
  1. O Heavenly Father, I am alone. Help me remember that you are there for everything I need. Give me comfort, peace, and strength.
  1. God, guide me to find someone who could be the best partner for me.
  1. God, I want to marry and experience a blessed marriage. I ask you for a loving life partner to share my life.
  1. Jesus, help me be patient and confident. You know I desire to get married, bless me with a good husband.
  1. Lord, there is someone who loves me, but I am doubtful of commitment. Is there any better person for me? Is he good for me? O Lord, you know everything. Please guide me towards the right path.
  1. O Heavenly Father, I fear that I will never get married. I am longing to get a husband, but as time passes by, I think you have planned something different for me. Lord, I hand over all my worries to you. Help me to be at peace with your decisions.
  1. God, people are pressuring me to get married soon. Give me the wisdom and self-control to take my time and help me get rid of the negativity around me.
  1. Loving Father, guide me to become a good wife. Help me grow in character and mature in my thoughts.
  1. Dear God, I pray for my future husband. Please give him confidence, knowledge, and a loving heart as you direct him towards me.
  1. Dear Lord, I’m praying for my future husband to keep him safe and surround him with your blessing. May we meet each other at the right time you’ve chosen for us.
  1. Heavenly Father, I pray for my future husband. Give him patience and endurance as he follows your will in his life.
  1. Dear God, I pray to bless my future husband. Bless him with your love and wisdom, and prepare both our hearts for marriage.
  1. God, I pray for my future husband. Give him strength and courage to face the difficulties of life, and help him make good choices.
  1. Lord, bless the man who will become my future husband. Fill his life with purpose and happiness, and may our story reflect your unconditional love for us.
  1. Heavenly Father, I pray for the spiritual growth of my future husband. Lead him on his path of faith and bring us together when the time is right.
  1. Dear God, as I wait for my future husband, I pray that you are shaping us for marriage and responsibilities. Help us to trust in your timing and the purpose you have for us.
  1. Lord, I commit my future husband into your hands. Watch over him, protect him, and guide his steps. May our love be a testament for others to believe in you.
  1. Heavenly Father, I pray for the happiness and well-being of my future husband. Prepare our hearts to cherish and support each other in our life’s journey together.
  1. Dear Lord, I surrender my future husband in your mighty hands. Give him patience and endurance and guide him in his path toward me at the right time.

Prayers For An Alcoholic Husband

If your husband is addicted, recite these prayers and find strength.

  1. Heavenly Father, my husband is into alcoholism, and his condition is getting worse day by day. Please guide him to understand that his body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Help him put his family first before his worldly pleasures.
  1. O King of Kings, my husband is trapped, and it has adversely affected my family. Free him from alcoholism and guide him towards the right path. Give him the courage to fight this addiction.
  1. Mighty Lord, I am on my knees praying for my husband to end his alcoholism. I believe that you have the power to improve his condition and restore my family’s happiness. Please break his ties with alcohol and set him free.
protip_icon Point to consider
Even if you don’t notice an improvement in your husband’s behavior, don’t stop praying and trusting God. Do not start hating your husband but have faith in your prayer.
  1. Dear God, my husband is addicted and damaging his life. I pray to you to help him recall the roles of a husband in a family. Open his eyes to see the good side of life.
  1. O Sovereign Lord, my husband is bound by alcoholism. Help him set free and get away from the thoughts of alcoholism. Make him surrender you and hold his hands till he is on the right path.
  1. Lord, my husband’s weakness is alcoholism. Please take away his evil thoughts about alcoholism from his mind. God, change his ways, character, and attitude, and be his strength.
  1. My dear Lord, I humbly seek your help in dealing with my alcoholic husband. Give us the strength to fight against alcoholism. Save my husband and help him keep his body pure.
  1. Holy Lord, I trust your greatness, nothing is impossible for you. I pray to you to renew my husband’s soul. Set him free from the spirit of agony.
Lord, renew my husband’s soul

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  1. God, I ask you to loosen the grip of alcohol from my husband. I pray to you to refresh his thoughts and make him think about his family and relationship with you.
  1. Lord in heaven, I pray to you to help my husband overcome the tough times so he can become a better husband and father. Please guide him in the right direction.
  1. Dear Jesus, I have come to you in deep sadness as my husband is suffering from alcohol abuse, and it is affecting our family. Shower your love and care on him and make him break the bondage of alcohol addiction.
  1. Dear Lord, I pray for my alcoholic husband. Please give him the strength to overcome this addiction and seek help.
  1. Heavenly Father, I lift my husband to you, knowing that only you can break his chains of addiction. Please surround him with your guidance and those who can guide him to recovery.
  1. Lord, I give my husband’s alcoholism into your hands. Help him see the need for change and provide him with the determination to seek treatment.
  1. Dear God, I pray that you heal my husband’s alcoholism. May he find the strength to confront his addiction and determination to seek professional help.
  1. Heavenly Father, I ask for your help in healing my husband’s battle with alcoholism. Shower him with your love and lead him towards recovery.
  1. Lord, I pray for my husband’s healing from the grip of alcoholism. Please guide him to the support he needs to overcome this addiction.
  1. Dear God, I place my alcoholic husband at your feet. Please give him the clarity to see the destruction his alcoholism is causing to him and help him find the healing.
  1. Heavenly Father, give my husband’s battle with alcoholism to you and believe that only you can provide strength and healing. Surround him with loving people who can help him on his road to recovery.
  1. Lord, I pray for my husband’s recovery and our family’s reunion. Give him the awareness to recognize his addiction and the determination to pursue recovery.
  1. Dear God, I commit my husband’s alcoholism to your care and pray for his recovery. Bless us with the courage and patience needed to confront this struggle together and rebuild our lives in recovery.
  1. Dear Lord, I surrender my husband and his alcoholism in your mighty hands. Help him overcome this addiction and come into your presence. Give our family strength and patience to stay strong together through all those trials.

Prayers For Husband’s Protection

Here is a list of prayers that you can follow to protect your husband from any troubles or accidents.

  1. Heavenly God, protect my husband from accidents, dangers, diseases, and evil influences. Keep him safe wherever he goes.
  1. My dear Father, I pray to you to guard my husband’s steps as he walks. Hold him by your mercy if he slips off the path. Help him walk safely and protect him from falling into danger.
  1. Almighty God, be my husband’s shield and provide him strength. Take him under the shadow of your wings.
protip_icon Quick tip
Create a monthly prayer calendar with these prayers and keep it close to where you spend most of your day. It will ensure that you don’t forget to pray everyday.
  1. Lord, save my husband from the negative things happening around him. Please save him from the evil plans of the enemy.
  1. God, be my husband’s strength as he steps out today. May the evil spirits remain far away from him, and may he come back safely by your grace.
  1. Father in heaven, protect my husband from diseases and sickness. Be the source of his happiness and fill his life with your blessings.
  1. My dear God, protect my husband’s life so I can grow old with him and watch our children grow.
  1. Father, whenever my husband feels disheartened and burdened, let him know you are with him as a shield. Remind him of your holy presence.
Father, remind my husband of your holy presence

Image: Shutterstock

  1. Jesus, stay by my husband’s side all day and envelop him in your love so that no danger can touch him.
  1. My dear Lord, I pray you send your angels to remove insecurities from my husband’s life. Keep him safe and happy.
  1. Holy Father in heaven, whenever there is a danger, protect my husband and guide him to the right path.
  1. Dear God, I humbly pray for your protection over my husband as he goes about his daily life. Surround him with your care, shield him from every harm, and guide his steps.
  1. Heavenly Father, I submit my husband in your mighty hands for his well-being and safety. Whether he’s at work, on the road, or traveling, watch over him and guard him against all dangers.
  1. Dear Lord, I surrender my husband to you for your continuous protection. Give him strength and protect him from all physical and spiritual warfare. Grant him your blessing through the challenges of life.
  1. Today, Lord, I ask for your glorious protection over my husband. Keep him safe from harm, and guide him in everything he does with your assistance.
  1. Heavenly Father, I place my husband’s health and happiness in your loving care. Protect him from harm, look over his steps, and provide him with your constant protection.
  1. Dear God, please cover my husband with your guardian angels and keep him safe as he goes about his day.
  1. Lord, I pray for my husband’s safety wherever he goes. Please watch over him and protect him from harm or negativity.
  1. Father in heaven, I call on you to keep your protective hand on my husband and keep him safe from all dangers and illnesses.
  1. Almighty God, I bring up my husband’s safety to you, as I know you’re capable of protecting him from any danger or unfortunate event he may face.
  1. Lord, put your love and protection around my husband. As he goes about his day, give him confidence and peace.
  1. Dear Lord, please keep my husband safe and guide him as he faces challenges in life. Give him courage and perseverance in your mighty name.

Prayers For Husband’s Health

These prayers can give you the strength to keep your husband healthy.

  1. Lord, you are the healer. I pray to you to keep my husband healthy.
  1. Father, I know our body is the temple of the holy spirit. I ask you to help my husband make healthy food choices and stay away from addictions.
  1. God, I pray to you for my husband’s spiritual health. Let him not forget your teachings. Give him the wisdom and knowledge so that he understands his first duty is to obey you.
  1. Dear Lord, I pray to you to keep my husband in good health. I pray to you to keep him surrounded with positive thoughts.
  1. Holy Father, help my husband not to stress and worry about the things that are not in his control. Lord, make him free from anxiety and offer him peace of mind.
  1. Lord, I pray for my husband’s physical health today. Heal him from the pain he is suffering from. Be his shield and protect him from dangers.
  1. I pray to you, Jesus, to offer spiritual health to my husband. May his confidence be rooted in you.
  1. Jesus, I pray to thee for my husband’s mental health. May he be unhesitant to seek help from you. Please, Father, protect him from suffering and pain.
  1. Dear Lord, please guard my husband’s heart and mind. Protect him from the temptations and fill his soul with the good things.
  1. Jesus, I know you have the power to heal deep wounds. I pray to you to heal the scars of my husband. Help him inside and out.
  1. Lord, be my husband’s strength. Whenever he is weak, give him strength. Guide him to have trust and confidence in you.
  1. Dear Father, I pray for my husband’s health and well-being. Provide him with your healing touch to treat any physical or mental issues he may be experiencing.
  1. Lord, I place my husband’s health in your loving hands. Please grant him good health, refresh his strength, and keep him safe from every illness.
  1. Dear God, I bring my husband’s health to you. I pray for your protection over him against all sickness and discomfort. Give him the wisdom to put above his health to live a life of joy and fulfillment.
  1. Heavenly Father, I pray for the health and well-being of my husband. Please give him the strength, energy, and understanding he needs to make healthy decisions.
  1. Lord, I give up my husband’s health to you. Give him your merciful healing to ease any difficulty he may be feeling.
  1. Dear God, bless my husband with physical and emotional health. Give him the courage and strength to face any health issues he may have.
  1. Dear Heavenly Father, I place my husband’s health in your capable hands. Please lead him towards a healthy lifestyle and protect him from illness and damage.
  1. Lord, I pray for the continuous good health of my husband. May he receive your miraculous healing and live a life full of strength and happiness.
  1. Dear God, help my husband prioritize his health and well-being. Bless him with the determination to make good decisions for a better living.
  1. Father in Heaven, I ask for your protection over my husband’s health. Grant him the courage he needs to overcome mental or physical health issues.
  1. Dear God, please look over my husband’s physical and emotional health. May he be blessed with good health and happiness for the rest of his life.

Morning Prayers For Husband

Are you wondering how to greet your husband in the morning? Follow these morning prayers to seek divine blessings from God.

  1. My dear husband, as you wake up this lovely morning, I pray to God to bless you with success.
  1. May the Divine Lord bless you, my husband. May he fulfill the desires of your heart.
  1. My husband, God has given me you as a blessing. May he always be with you wherever you go. I pray to God to protect and keep you safe.
  1. Dear husband, it’s a wonderful day the Lord has given us. May this day be the luckiest day of your life.
  1. Good morning, dear hubby, I pray to God to guide you in the right direction. May he shower peace and joy on your new day.
Lord, I pray for my husband’s physical health today

Image: IStock

  1. My dear hubby, the Lord is with you, and I know he will turn every obstacle into an opportunity for you.
  1. Dear Father, I thank you for giving me such a loving husband. On this beautiful morning, lift his spirits high in everything he does.
  1. Dear husband, I pray that the Almighty bestows his love and joy over you. May he direct you and lead you on to the right path.
  1. My love, as you have given me strength, support, and unconditional love, I pray that the Lord gives you the same love now and forever.
  1. I thank God for giving me one more day with such a wonderful man, my love. Dear God, please be with him during hard times when I am not with him.
  1. My dear hubby, I am grateful to have you in my life as a blessing. I pray to the Almighty to give you joy and happiness always.
  1. Dear God, I thank you for this new day and pray for my husband’s health. May your blessings be with him on his everyday journey.
  1. Lord, this morning, I offer up my husband to you. Provide him with your direction and protection throughout the day. Give him mental clarity, success in his endeavors, and a peaceful heart.
  1. Dear God, as the sun rises, I pray for my husband’s safety, health, and happiness. May your light shine on him and guide his way.
  1. As a new day begins, Dear Father, I pray for the strength and well-being of my husband. May he comply with your love and advice all day.
  1. Lord, I pray for your protection and favor over my husband this morning. May he be inspired by you and succeed in all his endeavors.
  1. Dear God, I entrust my husband’s day to your care this morning. Give him knowledge, patience, and endurance in the face of hardship.
  1. Dear Lord, I begin my day this morning by praying for my husband’s safety and well-being. Bless him with courage, knowledge, and a joyful spirit to face all the difficulties and possibilities ahead.
  1. Lord, I hold up my husband in thanksgiving and love as the sun rises. May his actions be guided by your presence.
  1. Dear God, I pray for my husband’s day to be positive and productive. May you provide him with the strength he needs to complete his tasks.
  1. Dear Father, I begin this day with a heartfelt prayer for my darling husband. Bless him with good health, strength, and a pleasant heart as he continues his routine.
  1. Dear God, this morning, thank you for my husband’s presence. May you look over him throughout the day, granting strength, knowledge, and a heart full of your love.
  1. Dear Lord, thank you for keeping us alive to see this new day. I start this day with a grateful heart and pray for my husband. Lord, be with him throughout the day, help him in his work, and give him strength and a peaceful heart to go through all the challenges he faces today.
My dear hubby, I am grateful to have you in my life

Image: IStock

Illustration: Powerful Prayers For Husband&039s Protection And Health

prayer for my husband_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can my prayers change my husband?

Praying for your husband may bring about a change in your heart more than in your husband’s behavior. You may be able to understand him better and why he responds in certain ways. Further, when he realizes that you pray for him regularly, his heart will be filled with gratitude. He will be inspired to take up the role of a husband with gratitude and become a better person for you.

2. Why is it important to pray for my husband?

If you believe in a higher power, praying for your husband can be your way of ensuring protection over him even when you are not around. If you are going through a rough patch in your relationship, praying over it may change both of your hearts and help you understand each other better.

3. What are some ways to incorporate prayer into my daily routine for my husband?

Memorize a prayer passage so that you don’t need to look for it when you pray. It will be ideal to begin your day by offering a prayer. Maintain a prayer journal. Spend some time every day writing your prayers for your husband’s well-being on it. You can also designate some time before meals or before sleeping to say your prayers.

4. How can prayer help to strengthen my relationship with my husband?

Prayers help people reflect on their deeds and behavior. You can express your deepest emotions through them. This, in turn, makes you improve your current behavior and forge a deeper understanding with your husband. Since you are praying for your husband’s well-being, you wouldn’t take actions that will hurt him directly or indirectly. So this will naturally bring harmony to your relationship.

Prayer is a way to connect with the Lord and ask for blessings. Praying regularly will help you have faith and trust in the almighty and enable you to express your deep adoration and reverence, besides strengthening your bond with your husband and spreading good vibes in the family. So, pray every day and bring prosperity to your relationships. If you need the right words for your prayer, you may refer to the different prayers for husbands that we have listed in this post. You should also encourage your husband to pray for his growth, family, and well-being. Also, praying together can strengthen your bond to navigate through life’s journey.

Infographic: Faithful Prayers For Your Husband’s Well-Being

Prayer is powerful as it brings your wishes and gratitude to God. God is omnipresent, and so is His protection. Therefore, when your husband goes out, pray to God for his protection and guidance over your husband. Check out the infographic below for some strong, short prayers you can do for your husband.

strong prayers of protection and good health over husband (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Just as a husband protects his wife, a wife must protect her husband.
  • Prayers for the success and longevity of your husband will strengthen your bond.
  • When your husband is prosperous and healthy, your family will also flourish.
  • A simple yet heartfelt prayer can be powerful.
  • Prayers are a form of meditation and are calming chants for the mind.

Discover the transformative power of prayer in your husband’s life. Unveil a potent prayer in this concise video.

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Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

Read full bio of Shikha Thakur
Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

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