261+ Emotional Quotes On The Husband-Wife Relationship

The relationship between a husband and wife is one with mutual love, care, respect, and responsibility, but of course, there will be fights and misunderstandings too. We’ve compiled some emotional quotes on husband-wife relationships that will remind you of the love and commitment that brought you together These quotes might help you cope with challenges in your marriage.

Things change with time, and problems can arise when the couple stops nurturing and protecting their love for each other. Despite the challenges, misunderstandings, and arguments, it is important to be emotionally supportive of each other. Are you facing emotional challenges and dealing with emotional outbursts and feel your relationship is derailed? If yes, keep scrolling as we share some thought-provoking husband-wife quotes that can inspire heartfelt conversations and deeper connections between you and your partner.

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261+ Emotional Quotes On The Husband-Wife Relationship

Every relationship has its ups and downs, and during challenging times, sharing meaningful quotes can help reignite the spark between partners. Here are some heartfelt quotes for husbands and wives that can strengthen your emotional connection and guide you through tough situations.

Romantic Quotes On Husband-Wife Relationship

  1. “We loved with a love that was more than love.” – Edgar Allan Poe
  2. “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss
  3. “You and I, it’s as though we have been taught to kiss in heaven and sent down to earth together, to see if we know what we were taught.” – Boris Pasternak
  4. “A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers.” – Ruth Bell Graham
  5. “Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.” – Tom Mullen
  6. “When asked his secret of love, being married fifty-four years to the same person, he said, ‘Ruth and I are happily incompatible.’” – Billy Graham
  7. “When we got married, I told my wife, ‘If you leave me, I’m going with you.’ And she never did.” – James Fineous McBride
  8. “The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.” – Charles Dickens
  9. “It feels good to think about you when I’m warm in bed. I feel as if you’re curled up there beside me, fast asleep. And I think how great it would be if it were true.” – Haruki Murakami
  10. “But I must admit, I miss you quite terribly. The world is too quiet without you nearby.” – Lemony Snicket

The bond of all companionship is conversation

  1. “Love doesn’t make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  2. “We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” – Sam Keen
  3. “You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet one person and your life is changed forever.” – Margaret Watson
  4. “And I knew exactly how old Walt Disney’s Cinderella felt when she found her prince.” – Elizabeth Young
  5. “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” – When Harry Met Sally
  6. “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” – Emily Bronte
  7. “When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.” – Arrigo Boito
  8. “I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” – John Green
  9. “He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began.” – Leo Tolstoy
  10. “Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.” – Loretta Young
  11. “I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.” – A.A. Milne
  1. “That’s how you know you love someone, I guess, when you can’t experience anything without wishing the other person were there to see it, too.” – Kaui Hart Hemmings
  2. “We were together even when we were apart.” – Shannon A. Thompson

You’ve chosen to look beyond the imperfections

  1. “I will return. I will find you. Love you. Marry you. And live without shame.” – Ian McEwan
  2. “Affection is when you see someone’s strengths; love is when you accept someone’s flaws.” – One Day
  3. “The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” – Rumi
  4. “Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is Eternity.” – Kahlil Gibran
  5. “To love or have loved, that is enough. Ask nothing more.” – Victor Hugo
  6. “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” – Maya Angelou
  7. “Two souls with but a single thought; two hearts that beat as one.” – John Keats
  8. “True love is never blind, but rather brings an added light.” – Phoebe Cary
  9. “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” – Maya Angelou
  10. “If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.” – Jane Austen
  11. “Your wide eyes are the only light I know from extinguished constellations.” – Pablo Neruda
  12. “It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other.” – Good Will Hunting
  13. “You make me want to be a better man.” – As Good As It Gets
  14. “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.” – Moulin Rouge
  15. “But the heart’s not like a box that gets filled up. It expands in size the more you love.” – Her
  16. “Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.” – Franz Schubert
  17. “There is no greater happiness for a man than approaching a door at the end of a day knowing someone on the other side of that door is waiting for the sound of his footsteps.” – Ronald Reagan
  18. “When my husband holds me in his arms it makes me feel -even if just for those moments- that all else is well in the world.” – Fawn Weaver
  19. “One of the most beautiful things in the world is a woman’s heart. It is fragile yet strong. Delicate yet resilient. When a woman gives you her heart, she gives you her most prized possession. If you love, nurture, cherish and protect it, she’ll give you the world.” – Fawn Weaver
  20. “You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how.” – Gone With the Wind
  21. “To me, you are perfect.” – Love Actually
  22. “Right beside you is where I belong, from this moment on.” – Shania Twain
  23. “At last my love has come along, my lonely days are over and life is like a song.” – Etta James
  24. “Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours.” – Ludwig van Beethoven
  25. “For true love is inexhaustible; the more you give, the more you have.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  26. “Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  27. “If I get married, I want to be very married.” – Audrey Hepburn
  28. “Morning without you is a dwindled dawn.” – Emily Dickinson
  29. “Loving you never was an option. It was a necessity.” – Truth Devour
  30. “You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope…I have loved none but you.” – Jane Austen
  31. “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever.” – Lord Alfred Tennyson
  32. “Each time you love, love as deeply as if it were forever.” – Audre Lorde
  33. “For all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you.” – Andrew McMahon
  34. “I have for the first time found what I can truly love. I have found you.” – Charlotte Brontë
  35. “One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love.” – Sophocles
  36. “In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.” – Janos Arany
  37. “A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years.” – Rupert Brooke
  38. “The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it. You and you alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men it is said have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough.” – George Edward Moore
  39. “Give me a kiss, and to that kiss a score; Then to that twenty, add a hundred more: A thousand to that hundred: so kiss on, To make that thousand up a million. Treble that million, and when that is done, Let’s kiss afresh, as when we first begun.” – Robert Herrick
  40. “I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you till China and Africa meet and the river jumps over the mountain and the salmon sing in the street.” – W. H. Auden
  41. “Oh, if it be to choose and call thee mine, love, thou art every day my Valentine!” – Thomas Hood
  42. “When I sleep, I dream of you, and when I wake, I long to hold you in my arms. If anything, our time apart has only made me more certain that I want to spend my nights by your side, and my days with your heart.” – Nicholas Sparks
  43. “Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love.” – William Shakespeare
  44. “You have made a place in my heart where I thought there was no room for anything else. You have made flowers grow where I cultivated dust and stones.” – Robert Jordan
  45. “And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.” – Kiersten White
  46. “I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
  47. “In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.” – Mignon McLaughlin
  48. “Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold.” – Zelda Fitzgerald
  49. “Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.” – Albert Einstein
  50. “Oh the heart that has truly loved never forgets, But as truly loves on to the close.” – Thomas Moore
  51. “You are every reason, every hope and every dream I’ve ever had.” – Nicholas Sparks
  52. “Soul meets soul on lovers’ lips.” – Percy Bysshe Shelley
  53. “The groom always smiles proudly because he’s convinced he’s accomplished something quite wonderful. The bride smiles because she’s been able to convince him of it.” – Judith McNaught
  54. “Marrying a man is like buying something you’ve been admiring for a long time in a shop window. You may love it when you get it home, but it doesn’t always go with everything else.” – Jean Kerr
  55. “I love you more than coffee, but please don’t make me prove it.” – Elizabeth Evans
  56. “I love being married. It’s so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” – Rita Rudner
  57. “True love is the greatest thing, in the world, except for a nice MLT — mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe.” – The Princess Bride
  58. “For you see, each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.” – Rosemonde Gerard
  59. “I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you, not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me.” — Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  60. “Walking with your hands in mine and mine in yours, that’s exactly where I want to be always.” – Fawn Weaver
  61. “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.” – Joan Powers
  62. “By my soul, I can neither eat, drink, nor sleep; nor, what’s still worse, love any woman in the world but her.” – Samuel Richardson
  63. “You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die.” – Marc Norman
  64. “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” – Judy Garland
  65. “A good marriage is one that allows you to be an idiot in private.”
  66. “But I will still tell you one thing. We’re better together.” – Jack Johnson
  67. “I hope you don’t mind that I put into words. How wonderful life is, now you’re in the world.” – Elton John
  68. “Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.’” – Genesis 2:18
  69. “For as a young man marries a young woman, so shall your sons marry you, and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.” – Isaiah 62:5
  70. “Love is like a friendship caught on fire.” – Bruce Lee
  71. “I don’t wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.” – Javan
  72. “When you make the sacrifice in marriage, you’re sacrificing not to each other but to unity in a relationship.” – Joseph Campbell
  73. “I am my beloved and my beloved is mine.” – Song of Solomon 6:3
  74. “Love me when I least deserve it because that is when I really need it.” – Swedish Proverb
  75. “As God by creation made two of one, so again by marriage He made one of two.” – Thomas Adams
  76. “Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life.” – Leo Buscaglia
  77. “Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy, you must have somebody to divide it with.” – Mark Twain
  78. “You know it’s never fifty-fifty in a marriage. It’s always seventy-thirty, or sixty-forty.” – Jodi Picoult
  79. “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin
  80. “A good marriage is one which allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love.” – Pearl S. Buck
  81. “To find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness.” – Robert Breault
  82. “Marriage is the highest state of friendship.” – Samuel Richardson
  83. “The real act of marriage takes place in the heart.” – Barbara De Angelis
  84. “There’s a big difference between falling in love with someone and falling in love with someone and getting married.” – Dave Grohl
  85. “Love at first sight is easy to understand; it’s when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.” — Sam Levenson

 Inspirational Quotes On Husband-Wife Relationship

When we want to have more roses, we must plant more roses

  1. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison
  2. “One advantage of marriage is that, when you fall out of love with him or he falls out of love with you, it keeps you together until you fall in again.” – Judith Viorst
  3. “Your gift to me is uninsurable. No appraiser can put a value on it… It’s like fruit of the month or a lifetime subscription – a perpetual-motion happiness machine. It starts off fresh and brand new every day, shining up my whole world…” – Ronald Reagan
  4. “Husbands are like wine; they take a long time to mature.” – Letters to Juliet
  5. “Marriage is like a tense, unfunny version of Everybody Loves Raymond, only it doesn’t last 22 minutes. It lasts forever.” – Knocked Up
  6. “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” – The Beatles
  7. “All you need is love, love. Love is all you need.” – The Beatles
  8. “Hey, you remember where we first met? Okay, I don’t remember where we first met. But hey, admittin’ is the first step. And hey, you know ain’t nobody perfect.” – Kanye West
  9. “I wouldn’t want to marry anybody who was wicked, but I think I’d like it if he could be wicked and wouldn’t.” – L. M. Montgomery
  10. “Even a pain in the ass needs someone to take care of them.” – 28 Days
  11. “Marriage is like a tense, unfunny version of Everybody Loves Raymond, only it doesn’t last 22 minutes. It lasts forever.” – Knocked Up
  12. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu
  13. “Before we met, I was as lost as a person could be and yet you saw something in me that somehow gave me direction again.” – Nicholas Sparks
  14. “Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is the conversation.” – Oscar Wilde
  15. “I love you, but you don’t know what you’re talking about.” – Moonrise Kingdom
  16. “To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.” – David Viscott
  17. “The hottest love has the coldest end.” – Socrates
  18. “One never realizes how different a husband and wife can be until they begin to pack for a trip.” – Erma Bombeck
  19. “Me and my wife are happy. At least when we are not together.” – Jarod Kintz
  20. “Let husband and wife never speak to one another in loud tones, unless the house is on fire.” – David O. McKay
  21. “Being a husband is for me as big a priority as being a father.” – Roger Federer
  22. “It takes an entire life to say goodbye.” – Unknown
  23. “You start out as soulmates, but through laughter and tears, you become something more. The quiet moments in between help you find each other.” – Unknown
  24. “Sometimes you need to forget what you want in order to understand what you deserve.” – Unknown
  25. “People who quickly move out of your way are those who you never stick by your side.” – Unknown
  26. “Assumptions make a relationship hollow.” – Unknown
  27. “Weddings are important because they celebrate life and possibility.” – Anne Hathaway
  28. “Marriages, like a garden, take time to grow.” – Darlene Schacht
  29. “You will find, as you look back upon your life, that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.” – Henry Drummond
  30. “The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they’re too old to do it.” – Ann Bancroft
  31. “Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards.” – Benjamin Franklin
  32. “Two people can never be friends once they break up.” – Unknown
  33. “Marriage has no guarantees. If that’s what you’re looking for, go live with a car battery.” – Erma Bombeck
  34. “When a man opens a car door for his wife, it’s either a new car or a new wife.” – Prince Philip
  35. “Great love affairs start with champagne and end with tisane.” – Honoré de Balzac
  36. “A man doesn’t know what happiness is until he’s married. By then it’s too late.” – Frank Sinatra
  37. “Love, gratitude, compassion, because sometimes every man or every woman will drive their partner crazy.” – Goldie Hawn
  38. “Saying goodbye to your partner is like jumping off the edge.” – Unknown
  39. “You can’t control the outcome of relationships.” – Unknown
  40. “To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow—this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
  41. “When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” – Paulo Coelho
  42. “Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.” – Oscar Wilde
  43. “It is love that makes the impossible, possible.” – Indian Proverb
  44. “We were married for better or worse. I couldn’t have done better and she couldn’t have done worse.” – Henry Youngman
  45. “If we look at the world with a love of life, the world will reveal its beauty to us.” – Daisaku Ikeda
  46. “The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keep out the joy.” – Jim Rohn
  47. “It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses, we must plant more roses.” – George Eliot
  48. “For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.’” – John Greenleaf Whittier
  49. “Real love amounts to withholding the truth, even when you’re offered the perfect opportunity to hurt someone’s feelings.” – David Sedaris
  50. “Marriage is like twirling a baton, turning a handspring, or eating with chopsticks: It looks easy until you try it.” – Helen Rowland
  51. “I hope one day you will realize and regret why you let it end.” – Unknown
  52. “I used to love you more than anything, but now I find no reason to continue those feelings.” – Unknown
  53. “I will keep waiting for you until the day you realize how true was my feelings for you.” – Unknown
  54. “Once you lose someone, there’s no one to replace them.” – Unknown
  55. “Relationship ends when you stop doing the cute little things.” – Unknown
  56. “It’s caused by the absence of you.” – Ashleigh Brilliant
  57. “The highest happiness on earth is the happiness of marriage.” —William Lyon Phelps
  58. “The very essence of romance is uncertainty.” – Oscar Wilde
  59. “Love is a lot like a backache, it doesn’t show up on X-rays, but you know it’s there.” – George Burns
  60. “Being a good husband is like being a stand-up comic. You need 10 years before you can call yourself a beginner.” – Jerry Seinfeld
  61. “If you can stay in love for more than two years, you’re on something.” – Fran Lebowitz
  62. “The ideal husband understands every word his wife doesn’t say.” – Alfred Hitchcock
  63. “We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” – Dr. Seuss
  64. “An archeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets, the more interested he is in her.” – Agatha Christie
  65. “I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love.” – The Vow
  66. “I’m feeling alive, and with every breath that I take, I feel like I’ve won. You’re my key to survival.” – Secondhand Serenade
  67. “To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die.” – The Smiths
  68. “What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life — to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?” – George Eliot

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart

  1. “Sexiness wears thin after a while, and beauty fades. But to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, now that’s a real treat.” – JoAnne Woodward
  2. “All my friends are getting married. I guess I’m just at that age where people give up.” – Amy Schumer
  3. “You can’t put a price tag on love. But if you could, I’d wait for it to go on sale.” – Jarod Kintz
  4. “If you can stay in love for more than two years, you’re on something.” – Fran Lebowitz
  5. “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi
  6. “I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.” – Marilyn Monroe
  7. “The older I get, the less time I want to spend with the part of the human race that didn’t marry me.” – Robert Breault
  8. “The difference between an ordinary marriage and an extraordinary marriage is in giving just a little ‘extra’ every day, as often as possible, for as long as we both shall live.” – Fawn Weaver
  9. “Enjoy the little things in life… For one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.” – Robert Breault
  10. “When you compromise your beliefs for the sake of gain, that is a lack of integrity. When you compromise your beliefs for the sake of greater understanding with your spouse, that’s called wisdom.” – Fawn Weaver
  11. “The doors of happiness remain locked. When they are unlocked, they swing open quickly and widely but close right behind them. They must be reopened throughout each day and there is but one key that fits that lock: Gratitude.” – Fawn Weaver
  12. “Marriage is like watching the color of leaves in the fall; ever changing and more stunningly beautiful with each passing day.” – Fawn Weaver
  13. “Remember, we all stumble; every one of us. That is why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.” – Emily Kimbrough
  14. “When in a relationship, a real man doesn’t make his woman jealous of others, he makes others jealous of his woman.” – Steve Maraboli
  15. “I believe love is always eternal. Even if eternity is only five minutes.” – Sandra Cisneros
  16. “Only one is a wanderer; two together are always going somewhere.” – Vertigo
  17. “If you’re thinking of getting married, you might as well learn right now that you have to let women be women.” – Hello, Dolly
  18. “Marriage is a commitment– a decision to do, all through life, that which will express your love for one’s spouse.” – Herman H. Kieval

Supportive Quotes On Husband-Wife Relationship

Marriage is the highest state of friendship

  1. “Each divorce is the death of a small civilization.” – Pat Conroy
  2. “Marriage, ultimately, is the practice of becoming passionate friends.” – Harville Hendrix
  3. “To get divorced because love has died is like selling your car because it’s run out of gas.” – Diane Sollee
  4. “They say it takes a village to raise a child. That may be the case, but the truth is that it takes a lot of solid, stable marriages to create a village.” – Diane Sollee
  5. “I am convinced that if we as a society work diligently in every other area of life and neglect the family, it would be analogous to straightening deck chairs on the Titanic.” – Stephen Covey
  6. “Being in a long marriage is a little bit like that nice cup of coffee every morning – I might have it every day, but I still enjoy it.” – Stephen Gaines
  7. “A happy marriage doesn’t mean you have a perfect spouse or a perfect marriage. It simply means you’ve chosen to look beyond the imperfections in both.” – Fawn Weaver
  8. “A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.” – Dave Meurer
  9. “In a marriage, each partner is to be an encourager rather than a critic, a forgiver rather than a collector of hurts, and enabler rather than a reformer.” – H. Norman Wright
  10. “A good marriage is where both people feel like they’re getting the better end of the deal.” – Anne Lamott
  11. “Once we figured out that we could not change each other, we became free to celebrate ourselves as we are.” – H. Dean Rutherford
  12. “A long-lasting marriage is built by two people who believe in -and live by- the solemn promise they made.” – Darlene Schacht
  13. “Marriage is a commitment– a decision to do, all through life, that which will express your love for one’s spouse.” – Herman H. Kieval
  14. “There are few things more frightening to a man than giving away his heart. And there are few things more comforting to a man than to know the woman he gave his heart to, will protect it with her life.” – Fawn Weaver
  15. “Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate.” – Barnett R. Brickner
  16. “Look, you want to know what marriage is really like? Fine. You wake up, she’s there. When you come back from work, she’s there. You fall asleep, she’s there. You eat dinner, she’s there. You know? I mean, I know that sounds like a bad thing, but it’s not.” – Everybody Loves Raymond
  17. “My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and the courage to accept the love in return.” – Maya Angelou
  18. “Marriage is a mosaic you build with your spouse. Millions of tiny moments that create your love story.” – Jennifer Smith
  19. “Happiness in marriage is a moment by moment choice. It’s a decision to love, forgive, grow and grow old together.” – Fawn Weaver
  20. “Don’t ever confuse a great marriage with a perfect one. A great marriage is attained through daily effort, love and investment of time. A perfect marriage doesn’t exist because it involves the union of two imperfect people.” – Fawn Weaver
  21. “The greatest marriages are built on teamwork. Mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration, and a never-ending portion of love and grace.” – Fawn Weaver
  22. “People stay married because they want to, not because the doors are locked.” – Paul Newman
  23. “Marriage, ultimately, is the practice of becoming passionate friends.” – Harville Hendrix
  24. “Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you.” – Walter Winchell
  25. “I really take pride in the relationship that I have with my husband.” – Julie Benz
  26. “A real partner is the one who walks into your life when everyone has stepped out.” – Unknown
  27. “Your kind effort can clear all the misunderstanding and mistrust.” – Unknown
  28. “No one can go back and change how it started but a new future for any marriage can begin the moment one person begins to invest in it.” – Fawn Weaver
  29. “Marriage has the power to set the course of your life as a whole. If your marriage is strong, even if all the circumstances in your life around you are filled with trouble and weakness, it won’t matter. You will be able to move out into the world in strength.” – Timothy Keller
  30. “Even a pain in the ass needs someone to take care of them.” – 28 Days
  31. “I don’t know where I’d be without you here with me. Life with you makes perfect sense. You’re my best friend.” – Tim McGraw
  32. “When the darkness rolls in, I’ll be there through thick and thin.” – Hilary Duff
  33. “Never take me for granted. Unlike other women, I can straightly walk away from your life.” – Unknown
  34. “The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.” – Bob Marley
  35. “It’s not easy to keep waiting for something that you are never going to get.” – Unknown
  36. “Relationships – of all kinds – are like sand held in your hand.” – Kaleel Jamison
  37. “Only married people can understand how you can be miserable and happy at the same time.” – Chris Rock
  38. “There are only three things women need in life: food, water, and compliments.” – Chris Rock
  39. “Not all days are good days. You have to go through bad days and sorrows in order to value the real happiness.” – Unknown
  40. “The best way to get into a long-lasting relationship is to have zero expectations. It is the place to give, not a place to take.” – Unknown
  41. “Love fades in a relationship when you start changing your partner as you like.” – Unknown
  42. “You need more mentors than critics in your relationship.” – Unknown
  43. “If ever I have to live my life without you, your memories will keep me going.” – Unknown
  44. “Your attitude either damages or strengthens your relationship.” – Unknown
  45. “A breakup is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it alone than hurt yourself trying to fix it.” – Linda Randall Wisdom
  46. “A married life dies down when both the partners stop sharing their feelings with each other.” – Unknown
  47. “Sometimes distance tells us who is worth keeping in our life.” – Anonymous
  48. “I wish I could have told you how much I love you. But now I feel it’s too late.” – Unknown
  49. “I hate myself coz I’m still in love with you.” – Unknown
  50. “Now there is a new person in your life. I wish that the person could be me.” – Unknown
  51. “Some people are going to leave, but that’s not the end of your story. That’s the end of their part in your story.” – Faraaz Kazi
  52. “Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationships with others.” – Stephen R. Covey
  53. “It’s amazing how someone can break your heart, and you can still love them with all the little pieces.” – Ella Harper
  54. “There is one pain, I often feel, which you will never know. It’s caused by the absence of you.” – Ashleigh Brilliant
  55. “It hurts being so close to you, yet so far.” – Unknown
  56. “Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source.” – Anaïs Nin
  57. “Tears come from the heart and not from the brain.” – Leonardo da Vinci
  58. “It hurts to leave a light on for nobody.” – Graham Foust
  59. “Let brotherly love continue.” – Hebrews 13:1
  60. “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.” – Corinthians 13:7
  61. “A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.” – Andre Maurois
  62. “Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.” – Simone Signoret
  63. “You know she’s not perfect, but she tries so hard for me. And I thank God that she isn’t ’cause how boring would that be.” – Brad Paisley
  64. “Faith makes all things possible. Love makes all things easy.” – Dwight Moody
  65. “Love is not something you feel. It is something you do.” – David Wilkerson
  66. “Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” – Corinthians 16:13
  67. “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” – Corinthians 13:13
  68. “I’ll never let you down. No matter what you do.” – Neil Young
  69. “A marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s the way you love your partner every day.” – Barbara De Angelis
  70. “Love is our true destiny. We do not find meaning of life by ourselves alone—we find it with another.” – Thomas Merton

Illustration: Touching And Emotional Husband-Wife Relationship Quotes

emotional quotes on husband wife relationship_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What romantic things can I say to my husband?

Expressing your emotions and feelings to your husband is the best way to make him feel loved. Saying romantic things now and then can keep the spark of intimacy alive in your relationship. “Thank you for being mine,” “You complete me as a person,” “I smile every time I think of you,” and “you bring out the best in me” are a few romantic marriage quotes you can say to your husband and sweep him off his feet.

2. What does a husband need from his wife?

Trust, love, affection, fidelity, loyalty, compassion, and respect are among the crucial things that a man or a woman would want from their partner. These attributes bring a couple closer and strengthen the foundations of their union.

3. How can I win my husband’s heart?

Winning a man isn’t difficult, provided you understand him and his expectations clearly. So spend quality time with your husband and have an open and honest conversation. Ask him about his expectations and share your expectations from him for balance. Listen to him carefully and respond calmly. Take an interest in his likes and dislikes and participate in his hobbies. Express your adoration for him through warmth and endearment, especially when he’s going through a tough time. Be a friend, guide, and philosopher to him, and be by his side in every high and low of life. You can also explore love quotes for your husband to make him smile.

A husband and wife relationship is sacred. Some days may be difficult to get through, while others will be as bright as the sun. Regardless of the ups and downs, make sure you’re both happy together and have each other’s back. Even if you make a mistake, you should learn from it and continue to maintain your relationship. These emotional husband and wife quotes will inspire you to put more effort into your relationship. Also, share them with your spouse to help them understand you genuinely care about them and your marriage.

Infographic: Quotes On Love And Lovers

The husband-wife relationship should be of the closest friends and dearest lovers. It is one of the most challenging yet crucial associations of life. Read through this infographic to learn more lovable quotes penned by some well-known authors to share with your better half and cherish this lovely bond.

quotes on love from writings of popular authors (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • A successful husband-wife relationship relies on mutual love, care, respect, and emotional support, particularly in challenging times.
  • Couples must actively nurture their love, as stagnant relationships can lead to problems.
  • Emotional quotes on husband-wife relationships remind couples of the emotional support needed during tough times, highlighting the importance of understanding, communication, and compassion in marriage.
  • These quotes also emphasize that true love involves commitment, patience, and mutual growth, highlighting that every relationship requires effort to thrive.

Discover the top 21 secret quotes that will help strengthen your husband and wife relationship. Get ready to be inspired and motivated!

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Glenda Lux
Glenda LuxRegistered psychologist
Glenda is a registered psychologist in Alberta, Canada specializing in relationships, in particular, separation, divorce, and co-parenting. She has over 20 years experience helping families navigate the often difficult waters of relationship and family change which can be heart wrenching and difficult.

Read full bio of Glenda Lux
Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

Read full bio of Akshay Nair
Siddharth Kesiraju
Siddharth KesirajuMA, Certification in Relationship Coaching
Siddharth holds a certification in Relationship Coaching and a masters degree in communication and journalism from the University of Hyderabad. He has around seven years of experience in various fields of writing and editing.

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