Role Of A Husband: How To Face The Changing Phases And Growing Responsibilities

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A husband’s role is of a protector, provider, and lover. But this is not as clear as it may sound. There are many complexities that a husband and wife go through. The journey should resemble a partnership, given its fair share of ups and downs, and a husband’s duty towards his wife and family is to share all the responsibilities. When two individuals choose to marry, get into a commitment, and offer devotion and teamwork, they can pull through the good and bad times. In this post, let us understand the multiple roles of a husband and how one can prioritize to make life simpler for everyone in the family.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • A husband needs to show leadership qualities and protect and love his family unconditionally.
  • According to the Bible, a husband should care for his wife with perseverance.
  • A husband’s role increases when his wife is pregnant.
  • As a father, the husband should be a strong role model for his children.

Role As A Husband

Your role goes beyond merely providing and running the family. To be a good husband, you need to keep your wife and family happy. Here is how you can contribute:

  • Be a leader: When you are a leader, you automatically know how to take charge of the house. Possessing leadership qualities lets you understand that there is a natural flow of things and ideas. And, a good leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. But, remember not to be bossy.
  • Protect her: This is your prime responsibility. You must protect your wife from all dangers, and violence – both physical and mental. She must feel secure in your presence and not otherwise.
Protect her, role of a husband
Image: Shutterstock
  • Love unconditionally: The best way to love unconditionally is to ensure that you satisfy her emotionally. Assure her, let her know that you respect her, love her, and value her, and also show these in your actions.
  • Fulfill needs: The primary needs (food, shelter, clothing) have to be fulfilled. Besides, understand if she has any other needs and meet them. She will have different needs at various stages of her life.

MS Akbar, a caring husband and father, reflects on the adjustments he made to ensure his wife’s well-being. He says, “While juggling two jobs, I recognized the importance of being present for my family. It would have been disheartening for my wife if I solely prioritized financial matters. My wife appreciates my presence, especially when I work from home, as it provides her with a sense of security and support.

“The turning point came when my wife experienced postpartum syndrome just one week after giving birth. At that moment, I made the difficult choice to resign from my primary job and devote myself to my company. However, what mattered most at that time was being there for my wife and son, as it was both important and urgent. I realized that I wouldn’t have been able to focus at work if my wife wasn’t feeling well, given the fragility of a newborn. I discovered that my wife couldn’t soothe the baby alone, so I had to step in and hold him to allow her some rest. I should feel the struggle and act kindly to give her the best comfort (i).”

protip_icon Do remember
Needs does not mean only materialistic things. There will be times when your wife will need your care and support. So stand by her through thick and thin and foster your bond.
  • Be patient: Your wife can ‘nag’ and go overboard sometimes, but she has your well-being at the top of her mind. Accept her as she is, and if you do not like something about her, check why it is bothering you and let her know subtly instead of criticizing her upfront. Don’t dislike her for small things. Instead, focus on the positive things that you like in her. Being a little patient can go a long way in cementing your relationship.
  • Be available: You vowed to be there for her and love her in sickness and health. That precisely sums up your responsibility. Do not leave her to deal with her problems all alone. Let her know that you are there for her no matter what the problem is. Your presence will be a source of empowerment and strength to her.
Be available, role of a husband
Image: Shutterstock
  • Show good behavior: Be a gentleman and show it in your behavior. The way you talk or address a situation speaks volumes about you. Also, remember that if you have children, they will learn from your behavior. So, don’t involve yourself in calling names, criticizing, yelling, or abusing your wife.
  • Spend some us-time: A good husband will do more than just provide for the family. You should spend some quality time with your wife by taking her out, having clear communication, engaging in intimacy, and discussing shared goals and dreams.
  • Involve: Get into a habit of being actively involved in household duties. Research shows that when household tasks are divided and shared more effectively among spouses, it leads to greater marriage satisfaction (1). So, be it grocery shopping, gardening, cleaning the house, or settling accounts – involve yourself in all the activities. This takes away a substantial burden off your wife.
protip_icon Quick tip
Your wife may be a stay-at-home mom, which does not mean she has nothing to share with you. Ask her how her day went or if she had any trouble with the kids. Listen to her patiently and offer her help. Let her know that you care for her as much as she cares for you and the family.
  • Be the gatekeeper, but in the right way: A husband must be firm if the wife indulges in things such as gossip or mud-slinging. He must be the gatekeeper of the relationship and must stop any behavior that proves detrimental to it.
  • Respect her: You must refrain from talking about your wife’s private matters with friends and family. You need to build trust by respecting her, upholding her dignity, and showing her empathy.
  • Take her opinion: You should include her in decision-making, whether big or small. By doing so you show her that she is important and her opinion is valuable to you.
Husband involves his wife in budgeting and accounting
Image: iStock
  • Balance: You should maintain a good balance between being a parent and a husband. Most often when couples become parents, their focus shifts entirely from their relationship to the child. Avoid that because your wife still longs for your attention.
  • Maintain a work-life balance: As a husband, you should identify your priorities at work and home and understand what truly matters to you and your family. Avoid bringing work home or allowing work-related activities to intrude on personal time. Communicate openly with your spouse about your work commitments and schedule. Also, you can consciously spend quality time with your family. Responsibilities will always be there. They tend to increase or decrease depending on the situation and phase you are in.
  • Manage your emotions: As a man and the head of your family, you may feel that you need not express your emotions, for fear of being perceived as weak. However, you need to learn how to process your feelings, especially negative ones, in healthier ways. Not doing so will lead you to develop negative coping mechanisms, like withdrawing from your home and family, working longer hours, or behaving violently (2). Studies have shown that managing negative emotions is more crucial to marriage satisfaction than expressing positive ones. Husbands who show high levels of negative emotional expression experience more difficulty in marriage, regardless of how expressive their spouses are (3).

Responsibilities will always be there. They tend to increase or decrease depending on the situation and phase you are in.

The Role Of A Husband According To The Bible

The Bible guides various aspects of life, including the roles and responsibilities within a marriage. The Scriptures mention, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way, husbands should love their wives as their bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.” According to the Bible, God has placed the husband in a position of responsibility, and husbands ought to care for their wives and family with perseverance. According to Paul the Apostle, “The husband is head of the wife as Christ is head of the church (4).”

Responsibilities Of A Husband During Pregnancy

Responsibilities Of A Husband During Pregnancy
Image: iStock

During pregnancy, a woman is overwhelmed with emotions. Along with the happiness of seeing a baby, come some not-so-pleasant things such as nausea, morning sickness, fatigue and more. At this stage, she can use all the help she can get – both physically and emotionally. Studies show that wives whose husbands are more involved during their pregnancy experience much less workloads, use more health services, and are less likely to suffer from postnatal depression (5). A husband’s involvement in prenatal care is also associated with increased intimacy in the couple (6). So, besides taking care of her health, you could also do these:

  • Pregnancy can be frustrating sometimes. So, let her voice her concerns and anxieties to you. Provide emotional and physical support and reassure her that you are there for her. Help her deal with her worries. You could also talk to the doctor to get an idea of how you could contribute to her well-being.
  • Help her with household chores, especially in the first and third trimesters. Don’t wait for her to ask you to do the chores. Do the best you can.
  • Read pregnancy-related books to get an idea of things. You should be as prepared as she is for labor and delivery. You could talk to a few friends and their partners, who have been pregnant, to get information. Also, speak to the gynecologist to clarify any doubts, and read up on prenatal depression (7).
  • You could opt for a maternity photo shoot to cherish the wonderful memories of pregnancy.
  • Take her out to shop for maternity and baby clothes. There is nothing like ‘retail therapy’!
protip_icon Quick tip
If she cannot go out shopping, surprise her by buying maternity clothes for her. Choose clothes in her favorite color and are comfortable too.
  • Women are obsessed with their weight. Just tell her not to worry about it and promise her that you will help her lose weight, when the time is right.
  • Make her feel special being pregnant. Hold her bump, talk to the baby, and tell her how beautiful she looks with the bump.
  • Sign up for a Lamaze class. It’s one of the best and fun ways to socialize with other couples who are pregnant. It also helps both of you prepare well for the baby.
  • Make yourself available. No matter how busy you are at work, make time to accompany her for her monthly checkups as this keeps you updated about her and the baby’s health, and it makes her feel special.
  • Accept and acknowledge the changes in her body. Let her know that she is beautiful the way she is.
  • Go for romantic walks, as they serve the dual purpose of keeping both physically active and fuelling romance.
  • Be patient with her temper. She will be agitated and moody because pregnancy can be uncomfortable at times, and her hormones are going through a sea of changes. Do little things such as feeding her, watching pregnancy movies, and pregnancy humor. Do all you can to make her laugh.
  • Be sensitive! If you want to have sex with her, let her know about it but don’t impose it on her. Get her in the mood. However, if she is tired or not in a mood to have sex, then respect her feelings instead of forcing her.
  • Plan a surprise! Take her on a babymoon. No matter how tired she is, she will like it and appreciate your gesture.
  • Watch her eating habits. You have to be cautious about this as it directly impacts her and the unborn baby’s health. Make sure she eats a healthy diet, and keep your kitchen stocked with healthy foods and snacks.
  • Remind her about her medications and keep them handy or pin-up a to-do list on the refrigerator so that she will not miss out on them.
  • Pregnancy means cravings! So you may have to let her indulge even in the middle of the night! Do keep a watch on what she is eating, but do not be overbearing.
  • As the pregnancy progresses, it can get difficult for her to get good sleep due to the growing weight of the baby and pressure in her lower back. Cramps can also make her feel restless. So, give her a back and leg massage now and then so that she gets some sleep, and feels relaxed.
  • As the delivery day draws close, be prepared to go to the hospital any time for delivery. Keep a bag ready with your wife’s clothes, baby’s clothes, mobile, charger, snacks, and anything else that may be required
  • It’s natural to panic when your wife goes into labor, but understand that ‘labor is natural too.’ Stay calm and composed, talk to her, and be by her side throughout. If there is any last-minute intervention, seek an explanation from the obstetrician. Keep track of her contractions and medical history since you may have to share them with the doctor.

You are the one she looks up to for strength. So be by her side even after childbirth. If you are a first-time father, gear up for your new role as a father.

Role As A Father

Spend quality time with the child
Image: Shutterstock

The love and care of a father is heart-warming. A father’s role in parenting cannot be undermined as it influences the personality of the child. Here is how you can fulfill the role of a father:

  • Be there: You being there with the newborn can make a world of difference. Studies show that fathers who are involved in parenting in early childhood reported having kids who are emotionally healthy, socially competent, good problem-solvers, and academically brilliant (5).
  • Provide safety: You needn’t be a superhero, but providing a safe environment for your kids is a must. This could include babyproofing the house, teaching, warning children about good and bad touches, etc., as it becomes appropriate.
  • Protect the family: As a father, it is your primary responsibility to care for your children, and they should look up to you to seek protection. They should feel safe and secure in your presence. At the same time, you should teach them the importance and boundaries of being independent.
  • Set an example: Children learn a lot by imitating. You need to behave the way you want your children to behave. More importantly, your relationship with your children influences the kind of relationships they would have in the future. Be a role model of the best father to your children so that they too may turn out to be good fathers.
  • Provide emotional support: Father plays an important role in the emotional health of a child. Children who bond well with their fathers have fewer behavioral problems later in life, even in adulthood (5) (8).
  • Be your child’s playmate: Kids love to play with their dads – be it arm wrestling, scrabble, cricket, or sitting up on daddy’s shoulders. So, play with them and spend time with them. This way you can earn their affection and respect.
  • Be a teacher: Just as a mother, you should also teach your children life and survival skills. Discipline them, if required and warn them of the dangers they could face in their life.

Common Challenges Faced By Husbands

The role of a husband comes with its own set of challenges alongside the responsibilities. These setbacks come in different stages of marriage and could arise from cultural expectations, societal pressures, etc.  

Challenges as a new husband

1. Financial management: As a newly married man, you will often have disagreements over budgeting, spending habits, and financial goals, which can lead to stress and misunderstandings. Discuss financial expectations and establish financial objectives with your spouse. 

2. Balancing work and family time: Failing to strike a balance between professional responsibilities and family time can lead to feelings of neglect. Set clear work-life boundaries to ensure you can dedicate uninterrupted time to your wife. Also, discuss your workload and time commitments with your partner and negotiate flexible work hours to manage expectations.

3. Household responsibilities: Differences in expectations regarding the division of household tasks can lead to feelings of unfairness. Discuss and divide household tasks based on preferences and time availability. However, be willing to adjust roles as needed based on the circumstances. 

4. Family dynamics: As a newlywed, it is not easy to manage relationships with in-laws and extended family members while integrating family traditions. Your spouse is your priority, so establish clear boundaries with the extended family members who make your spouse uncomfortable. 

5. Intimacy: If you haven’t spent a considerable amount of time getting to know each other, you may have differences in expectations of physical intimacy. Discuss sexual desires, expectations, boundaries, and concerns without being judgmental. 

Challenges during pregnancy

1. Emotional adjustment: Husbands, when becoming fathers for the first time, may experience stress, anxiety, or feelings of exclusion during their partner’s pregnancy. Read books and watch videos to learn about pregnancy and anticipate your wife’s needs. You may also attend all prenatal appointments and prenatal classes with her to feel involved. 

2. Supporting partner’s well-being: You may feel out-of-depth trying to support your partner’s physical and emotional changes during pregnancy. Be present and offer your emotional support as needed. Help her prepare for the new baby’s arrival, and do the household chores more often than usual. 

3. Financial pressures: A baby brings with it a lot of financial responsibilities. This can cause stress and anxiety for new fathers-to-be. To keep expenses in check, create a financial plan to manage the new upcoming costs. Start saving up early for baby-related expenses. 

4. Relationship changes: The dynamic between you and your spouse may shift during the pregnancy. It is important to maintain your bond as a married couple during this time, so engage in activities that strengthen your bond. Share your feelings and concerns openly and prepare for the new member’s arrival as a team.

Challenges as a new father

1. Bonding with the newborn: As a new father, you may find it difficult to establish a connection with your baby, especially if you feel excluded from early caregiving activities. Actively take a role in feeding, changing, and soothing the baby and take care of your wife as her body heals from giving birth. 

2. Sleep deprivation: As new parents, you will often experience sleep disruptions. Share night duties with your partner while alternating timings so both of you can get some sleep. Rest when the baby sleeps to compensate for lost sleep and maintain a balanced diet with exercise to boost your energy levels.

3. Balancing work and parenthood: Trying to juggle professional responsibilities with parenting duties can be overwhelming. Try to discuss paternity leave, flexible hours, or remote work arrangements with your employer. Prioritize more important work tasks to reduce stress and try to delegate the rest. Also, create a schedule that allows you to dedicate time to both work and family.

4. Mental health: Alongside new mothers, new fathers also experience postnatal depression and anxiety and struggle with the transition (9). Do not take on the pressure to be a “perfect parent,” and realize it is okay to make mistakes. Talk to your partner about your feelings and struggles, and take professional help when things become difficult to handle. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should a husband not do?

Do not criticize, demean or humiliate your wife, do not stop showing that you love her, and do not betray or be disloyal. Other things a husband should not do are compare your wife to other women or try to control.

2. What does a wife expect from her husband?

Understanding what women want in a relationship is about emotional connection, mutual respect, and a deep sense of partnership. A wife would expect her husband to be chivalrous, have a sense of humor, and a pleasant temperament. She would expect him to treat her with respect, be honest, give her a safe feeling, express love for her, and occasionally surprise her.

3. Who is a disrespectful husband?

Lack of honesty, failing to take note of your needs, comparing the wife to other women, not caring about or listening to feelings, not supporting, making unreasonable demands, unwilling to make compromises, and constantly criticizing are a few signs of a disrespectful husband.

The role of a husband in a relationship and in running a family is vital and diverse. The question ‘How to be a good husband?’ is often profound and sensitive. Being a husband and a father requires lots of hard work, patience, and undying love. Ideally, you should be there for your family, fulfilling their needs and maintaining a healthy balance between work and relationships. You are the leader for your wife and kids, love them unconditionally, be a trustworthy protectant and support them in all situations. Put in your best efforts, and they will reflect in your relationships. You will indeed have a cherishable, long-lasting relationship with your wife and children. Remember, it’s the small daily actions that contribute to a thriving relationship.

Infographic: A Loving Husband For A Happy Family

As husbands and fathers, men take up these important roles that shape them into more responsible and caring individuals. So, whether you’re married or contemplating marriage, this infographic can guide you to becoming a loving partner to your wife and a caring dad to your child(ren).

being a good husband (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: What Is The Role And Responsibilities Of A Husband?

Role Of A Husband_illustration

Image: Dall·E/MomJunction Design Team

The role of a husband encompasses a multitude of responsibilities in a relationship. In this video, we delve into the valuable insights shared by the esteemed Dr. Myles Munroe shedding light on the multifaceted role of a husband.

Personal Experience: Source


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. Yan Sun et al.; (2023); Research into the Relative Influences of Spouses Doing Housework, Family decision-making, and Physical and Mental Health on Chinese Family Marital Satisfaction.
  2. Men and emotions.
  3. Amy J. Rauer et al.; (2005); The Role of Husbands’ and Wives’ Emotional Expressivity in the Marital Relationship.’_and_Wives’_Emotional_Expressivity_in_the_Marital_Relationship
  4. What does the bible say about a husband’s role and responsibilities in marriage?
  5. Scott Behson et al.; (2016); The Effects of Involved Fatherhood on Families, and How Fathers can be Supported both at the Workplace and in the Home.
  6. Maryam Deshiri et al.; (2023); Effects of Husband Involvement in Prenatal Care on Couples’ Intimacy and Postpartum Blues in Primiparous Women: A Quasi-Experimental Study.
  7. Supporting a pregnant woman or person.
  8. Jieun Choi et al.; (2021); Long-Term Effects of Father Involvement in Childhood on Their Son’s Physiological Stress Regulation System in Adulthood.
  9. Fathers – Understanding the Vital Role That Fathers, & Father Figures, Play in Children’s Emotional Development.
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Jessica JeffersonMA, MS, LMFT
Jessica Jefferson is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a certified perinatal mental health professional who is trained to help clients suffering from mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. She graduated with a Bachelors in Psychology from the University of Miami, a Masters in Psychology in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and a Masters in Family Therapy from Nova Southeastern University.

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Kalpana MMA (English)
Kalpana Nadimpalli graduated in English Literature and Psychology. Her fascination for the corporate world made her do a Masters in Business Administration from Andhra University. Being a mother of two boys, she could naturally fit into the shoes of a writer at MomJunction.

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Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

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