25+ Romantic And Funny Love Poems For Him/Her

Being humorous adds to the fun element of a relationship. Most of us love it when our partners spontaneously break into funny love poems or jokes and have a witty, lighthearted approach to life. You may display your whimsical and comical side by sharing funny phrases and poetry with your loved ones to have bouts of laughter and fun together.

For those looking for fun love poem ideas, this post will help you discover some funny love poems for your significant other. Whether your goal is to make your partner laugh, lighten their mood, or express your feelings in a light-hearted way, this collection offers some fun poems to choose from. These poems capture the quirky and humorous aspects that make your love unique. So pick your choice and share it with your partner to spread smiles and cheers in the relationship.

In This Article

Funny Love Poems For Him

Love can be expressed in many ways. Whether it is through words or actions, it is essential to keep up the spark in the relationship. Show your funny side to the special guy in your life with any of these poems for him.

1. Handsome Man

My handsome and wonderful man, I love you,
I feel like my life is so fresh and so new.
Thank you for all that you do for me,
It’s because of you that I feel so very free.
You truly are the best man in town,
Now do me a favor and put the seat down!

— Unknown

2. Funny Love Poem

I tried to write funny poems

Image: Shutterstock

I tried to write funny love poems for you,
I attempted as well some cute and silly ones too.
But it seems I haven’t yet learned how to rhyme,
So, I beg of you, honey, please give me some time.
One of these days, I will figure it out,
Until then, I hope that you will not pout.
Trust me, my man, you really do inspire me,
I’m just not good with words, as you can plainly see.
It’s not that easy to come up with love poems, you know,
So, for now, I’ll just find another way for my love to show.

— Unknown

3. Roses Are Red

Roses are red
Violets are blue
He’s in love with me,
And not exactly for you.
And if you take my place,
I’ll take my plate and smash your face.

— Unknown

protip_icon Quick tip
You should make sure to avoid jokes that are too personal or sensitive. Stick to playful and lighthearted humor.

4. To My Valentine

More than a catbird hates a cat,
Or a criminal hates a clue,
Or the Axis hates the United States,
That’s how much I love you.

I love you more than a duck can swim,
And more than a grapefruit squirts,
I love you more than a gin rummy is a bore,
And more than a toothache hurts.

As a shipwrecked sailor hates the sea,
Or a juggler hates a shove,
As a hostess detests unexpected guests,
That’s how much I love you.

I love you more than a wasp can sting,
And more than the subway jerks,
I love you as much as a beggar needs a crutch,
And more than a hangnail irks.

I swear to you by the stars above,
And below, if such there be,
As the High Court loathes perjurious oathes,
That’s how you’re loved by me.

— Ogden Nash

5. I Know You Got a Thing For Me

I know you got a thing for me,
But there’s a few things I first must say.
If you really are interested in me,
Then you must know these things today.

I’m not the perfect girl,
I will annoy and anger you,
I’ll nitpick and complain,
Until my face turns blue.

I may yell and shout a lot,
And I’ll carry on for a while.
I’ll tell you to shut up sometimes,
And to wipe away that smile.

I may whine and kick and scream,
If I don’t get my way.
And remind you that you’re useless,
And even ask you if you’re gay.

I’ll tell you not to hang out with friends,
And forbid you from staying out late.
You’ll never get to hold the remote,
And I’ll do all sorts of things you hate.

Don’t forget you’ll have to go shopping,
And wait for me for hours,
I’ll make you do the laundry,
And require you to buy me flowers.
But don’t you worry, don’t you fear,
You already know I’m a catch by now,
I just wanted to remind you, honey,
I’ll put up with you somehow.

— Unknown

6. Valentine

Not a red rose or a satin heart.

I give you an onion.
It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.
It promises light
like the careful undressing of love.

It will blind you with tears
like a lover.
It will make your reflection
a wobbling photo of grief.

I am trying to be truthful.

Not a cute card or a kissogram.

I give you an onion.
Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,
possessive and faithful
as we are,
for as long as we are.

Take it.
Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring,
if you like.
Its scent will cling to your fingers,
cling to your knife.
— Carol Ann Duffy

7. You’re My Love

You are my love

Image: Shutterstock

You’re my love and angel,
You’re my sugar and honey,
You’re my jewel and treasure,
I’m broke and in need of money.

— Unknown

8. My Eyes

My eyes with tears chopping onions

Image: Shutterstock

My eyes are full of tears
That they can see no more
I wish you were here
To chop these onions for me.

— Unknown

9. Sweet Misery

When I fell in love with you,
it made a wreck of me.
I feel so dazed and dizzy
that it’s hard for me to see.
I get too hot and sweat a lot.
I hardly eat a bite.
My pulse beats like a kettle drum
and keeps me up at night.
My stomach hurts, and I go down
as if I’ve got the bends.
Love’s causing me sweet misery–
I hope it never ends!

— Susanna Rose

10. Proper Treatment

You came into my life, love poem

Image: Shutterstock

I thought love had it in for me,
it didn’t treat me nice.
It kicked my butt and ran me down
and crushed me in its vice.
Love would do me in, I knew.
What saved me from that fate?
You came into my life, of course,
and now love treats me great!

— Susanna Rose

11. You and Me

You, me, we
Two souls stuck together, like a piece of meat
You, me, us
My love shines bright for you, like a big yellow bus
You, me, us two
My love for you can be smelled for miles
Like an old stinky shoe

—- Unknown

12. Let Me Count the Ways I Love You

Let me count the ways I love you.
First you bring me flowers, then a mug of tea,
you let me see my favorite shows no need to even plea.
I can tell you love me it is plain to see
just like that pimple just behind your knee.


13. I Chose to Love You

Some roses are red
Some violets are blue
Some say love is blind
And I know this is true
If you think this is a lie
Just look at me and you
I could have dated myself
But instead I chose to love you


14. My Love

I have gotten to know you so very well
I’ve even noticed when you start to smell
You share almost everything with me
When we gossip, you say “spill the tea”
You have become my best friend
That is no lie
We can giggle together
We laugh till we cry
Even when you can be a little gross
You are the man I love the most


15. Our Love, It Has Grown

Our love, it has grown
Similar to your age
We have come so far
And have been through ups
And through downs.
Hopefully you can take
One more year of me being a clown.


16. X-Ray Of My Head

My dear, I’ve got some important news,
Please know it’s nothing bad,
But today I had to X-ray my head,
And your picture is all it had!


17. Don’t hate my love

You make me snort and laugh at the same time,
Even your cheesy jokes, to me, seem fine.
It is because I love you with all my soul,
I admit, on your pants, I’m the one who burnt that hole.

Funny Love Poems For Her

If your girl is angry or upset with you, or you simply want to express your ardent love for the special girl in your life and bring a smile to her face, read these entertaining poems. Send her these poems to make her fall in love with you all over again.

18. Honey, if you’ll please recall

Honey, if you’ll please recall,
The day we met, I was not smooth at all,
So please give me another chance right now,
To hit on you again and make you say wow!

I need a map because I’m lost in your eyes,
I must have won a contest, and you must be my prize!
Can I take a picture of you to show Santa what I want?
You look so delicious you must own a restaurant!

Look at you with all those curves and me with no brakes,
I’ve gotta ask if you want some fries with those shakes.
Roses are red, and violets are blue,
Be my Cinderella, because the shoe fits you.

I must be dead, cuz I see an angel right now,
You’re so gorgeous you should take a bow.
Oops, I lost my phone number, could I have yours?
So you’re the reason for all of those wars!

Apart from being beautiful, what do you do for a living?
Would you like to be a queen, so I can be your king?
I was taught to pursue my dreams, so I’m gonna chase you, okay?
Your feet must hurt from running around in my mind all day.

I’m sorry I forgot all these pick-up lines when we first met,
But if you’ll recall, that’s cuz of all my drool and sweat!

— Unknown

19. The time has come to pop the question

The time has come to pop the question,
Will you spend your life me?
And before you answer, I want you to know,
A “yes” comes with a shopping spree!

— Unknown

20. Your Love Is So Crisp

Your love is so crisp
As wafer in the pack
You know your love is
My favourite snack
Oh, Please I was just kidding
Now, you don’t need to smack.
Lol.. Love you so much.

— Unknown

21. If You Feel Cold

If you feel cold
I can warm you up
If you are sad
I can cheer you up
If you are hungry
We can share an egg cup
But if you need money
Sorry, I have to shut up.

— Unknown

protip_icon Point to consider
It’s important to choose the right moment for a funny romantic poem. Sending it during a serious conversation or sensitive time could feel out of place and may not be appreciated as much.

22. Whenever I See

Whenever I see your eyes
There is something that I feel
You look so sleepy
As a bear after a meal.

— Unknown

23. I Can Rise And Shine

I can rise and shine, but not at the same time,
You’ll have to pick one, or you’ll miss all the fun.
It’s the wrong side of the bed or the pounding in my head,
It must be all that beer, but there’s nothing to fear.
For despite my bad smell, I plead you not to yell,
And though I am lazy, please don’t get all crazy.
After all, I’m a man; I’m a male, just a guy,
And you knew what you were getting into when you gave us a try!

— Unknown

24. Did You Notice

Woman asking questions to man

Image: Shutterstock

Did you notice I remembered to put the seat down?
And that I washed all the dishes last night?
Were you aware of how attentive I was,
When you came home in such a fright?
You may have noticed; I’m doing so well,
Listening to all the things you request.
I’m adapting myself and becoming a better man,
I even massage you when you are stressed.
Remember the day I took the trash out,
And wiped down the counter so well?
If you’ll recall I made breakfast in bed,
I’m trying so hard, can’t you tell?
And just in case you hadn’t noticed,
This poem is especially for you.
And if you don’t like it, my darling angel,
Well, sorry, there’s just nothing I can do.

— Unknown

25. My One True Love

In a world where feelings are expressed through a meme,
Love affairs are quick to lose steam.
My love for you transcends digital walls,
In my heart, you are my one and only queen.
In digital language, you are the emoji that makes me smile,
Now hold my coffee, I’ll be back in a while.

— Unknown

26. Preheat the Oven of Love

Preheat the oven of love
With plenty of secrets and hugs
Mix in giggles and laughs
That make your sides split in half
Bake with the love and care
And all the things you both should share
Decorate with the frosting of trust
This is really a must
Enjoy the cake do not eat it fast
Just like your new love make it last.

— Unknown

27. I Love You More

I love you.
I love you more.
I’ll love you forever.
I’ll love you until the end of time.
I love you more than anyone in the entire universe.
I love you more than coffee.
I love you more than chocolate.
I love you more than my parents.
I love you more than your parents.
I love you more than Game of Thrones.
I love Game of Thrones more, sorry babe!


28. You and I Are in Love

You and I are in love
So when you laugh
I laugh
You cry, I cry
You scream, I scream
You run, I run
You smile, I smile
You jump off a bridge
I’m going to miss you.


29. Beauty and the Beast

You must hear the shock and awe
when we walk down the street
as people, loudly say,
“Why that’s Beauty and the Beast!”
What a strange pair,
What a weird sight,
A lovely, bright flower
and a creature from the night,
I know you hear them
’cause I do, too,
I don’t understand
how they can say that about you!


30. Ever Since

Ever since I laid my eyes on you
I have been wanting to ask you something
Something that has been eating me up
I knew I had to ask it when I got the chance
Are you on twitter?
So that I can follow you


Note: The poems in this collection are not original works of MomJunction but have been sourced from various authors. No claim of ownership is being made by us. Credit has been given wherever the details were available. If you are the original author of any poem and wish to have it credited or removed, please contact us. We value the creative rights of authors and will address your request promptly.

Illustration: Romantic And Funny Love Poems For HimHer

funny love poems_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can a love poem make me laugh and feel love at the same time?

Yes. Love poems can make you laugh, and feel love at the same time since love is an emotion that is capable of bringing about different emotions, from happiness to laughter and even sadness, at the same time.

2. How do poets balance comedy and romance in their love poems?

Poets balance comedy and romance in their love poems by using smart wordplay, playfulness, and humorous metaphors. They also use different elements in a jocular or hilarious manner, such as sarcasm, irony, and emotions of desire, to create the perfect harmony of love and humor.

3. Can a funny love poem be just as meaningful as a serious one?

Yes. A funny love poem or verse can be just as meaningful as a serious one, as poets often choose to represent precious and important moments and aspects of a relationship in a fun and jolly way to keep the readers engaged.

4. Can funny love poems help people connect better?

Yes, humor and laughter can bring people together, irrespective of their differences. A funny love poem can pave the way for a cheerful and lively connection between two individuals. These poems remind us not to take everything too seriously and can improve a relationship by fostering joy.

5. How can I use funny love poems effectively in my relationship?

You can use funny love poems in many ways, such as to lighten up the mood, as an icebreaker in awkward situations, as playful messages, or even on special occasions to make memories filled with laughter.

Poems can help you express your deepest feelings and emotions. They can effortlessly convey things that you often can’t say in words and help you make your loved one feel special. So share these romantic and funny love poems with your partner to display your love with some light-hearted fun. These funny and endearing poems will add humor to your relationship and will make your partner smile, if not laugh. So, pick a few poems you like and read them with your partner to spend affectionate, joyful, and quality time together.

Key Pointers

  • Humor is important in any romantic relationship, and funny love poems help keep the humor alive.
  • Humor and love are the best combination to surprise and make your partner smile.
  • Personalize a love poem by adding a line or two reflecting upon memorable shared experiences or appreciating the special qualities of your partner.
  • Use smart wordplay, humorous metaphors, and emotions of desire to create the perfect balance of humor and love in the poem.
  • Experiment with different poetry styles before selecting the best style for you.

A funny love poem about wanting someone you can’t have. Watch this heartwarming video to find out what happens next!

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Adam Levon Brown is an author of 15 books of poetry and the winner of 2019 Blue Nib Chapbook Award. He was shortlisted for the Erbacce Prize for Poetry thrice. His poetry works have been translated into Spanish, Albanian, Arabic, and Afrikaans.

Read full bio of Adam Levon Brown
Sravani Rebbapragada
Sravani RebbapragadaMSc (Biotechnology)
Sravani holds a post-graduate degree in Biotechnology from SRM University, Chennai. Being an avid reader, she keeps herself up to date with research. Her interest lies in teaching new things to children in creative ways. For MomJunction, she covers literature and information/ facts articles for kids.

Read full bio of Sravani Rebbapragada
Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

Read full bio of Akshay Nair