Why Is Sleeping On Back Considered Best For Babies?

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Knowing about safe sleeping positions for babies is important in ensuring a safe sleep environment and preventing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). SIDS falls under the category of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDIiSudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) is a baby's sudden death from an unknown cause. ) and is majorly linked to the position in which the baby sleeps. Thus, knowing what positions are safe for your baby to sleep in is important to help prevent unexpected situations. Also, knowing a few tips that will help reduce the risk of SIDS helps go a long way (1). One example of such a position of safe sleeping in babies is the supine position, in which the baby, who is less than a year old, is made to sleep on their back. Read on to know more about safe sleeping positions for babies and tips on sleep safety.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • Practicing safe sleeping positions is important as they may lower the occurrence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
  • The supine position is considered the ideal sleeping position for babies.
  • Babies should not be made to sleep on their sides and stomachs because doing so could increase their risk of SIDS.
  • It is important to avoid making the baby sleep on soft surfaces and keep the crib free from objects.

The Good And Bad Positions For A Baby To Sleep

It is essential to learn about the safe and unsafe sleeping positions for a baby to deal with the above risks (2).

1. Sleep on back

Sleep on the back lowers the risk of SIDS
Image: Shutterstock

Healthy babies born full-term should be placed on their backs for naps, short periods of rest, and sleep at night.

  • ‘Sleep on the back’ or supine position was found to lessen the risk of SIDS in babies, as it keeps airways open.
  • The US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHDiEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. ) labeled this as the best sleeping position for babies (23).
  • Since the American Academy of Pediatrics made the ‘back-to-sleep’ recommendation in 1992, the SIDS rate has dropped more than 50%. The ‘back-to-sleep’ recommendation was later campaigned as ‘safe to sleep’ (3).

Risks Involved In ‘Sleep On Back’ Position

It is a common concern that babies sleeping on the back are more likely to wake up frequently. However, it is important to note that the likelihood of sudden awakening of babies from sleep is equal in every sleep position. Therefore, it is more the reason why a baby should be placed on their back for sleeping than side or belly sleeping (4).

Another risk involved with infants sleeping on their backs for a long time is that it may lead to ‘positional plagiocephalyiA condition in infants in which certain parts of their heads take an unusually flattened shape and look. ,’ a case of flattened or misshapen head and ‘brachycephalyiAlso known as flat-head syndrome, this disorder is characterized by a flattened region near the rear of the skull. ,’ the flattening of the back of the skull (4). The shape will become normal by the time they turn one year and rarely requires any treatment. Simple repositioning techniques may be employed to avoid such conditions. They include:

  • Increasing ‘tummy time’ of the baby when awake
  • Making the baby rest on the other side of the head rather than the flat side.
  • Cutting down the time spent by babies in carriers or car-seats.
  • Getting more ‘cuddle time’.
  • Changing the direction of the baby in the crib so that they do not always view the same things, and in one direction always.

2. Sleep on stomach

Baby Sleeping On Stomach
Image: Shutterstock

Several theories discourage parents from making a baby sleep on the stomach because:

  • It could put pressure on a baby’s jaw, reducing the airway and restricting breath.
  • If the baby sleeps on the stomach, i.e., in the prone position, they may be lying with the face very close to the sheets and breathing the same air.
  • The baby may suffocate while sleeping on the stomach if the mattress is very soft.
  • The baby may also breathe in microbes present on the mattress.
protip_icon Did you know?
Premature babies are placed on their stomachs temporarily until they are in the NICUiNeonatal Intensive Care Unit . Once they become medically stable, they are placed on their backs (6).

When Can Babies Sleep On Stomach?

In rare cases, due to a medical condition, doctors may advise parents to make the baby sleep on the stomach rather than the back.

  • According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), premature babies might need to be kept on their stomachs, but it is only recommended while in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). As soon as they are medically stable, they should be placed on their back again to help them get used to sleeping on their backs (6).
  • It is also believed by a few that sleeping on the stomach could be good for babies with severe gastroesophageal reflux or certain upper-airway malformations like Pierre Robin Syndrome, which lead to acute airway obstruction episodes. However, no recent study supported or refuted the benefits. Healthcare providers should consider the potential benefits and risks before recommending this position. In fact, the AAP recommends. “Back sleeping is the best way to reduce the risk of SIDS and is the recommended position until babies can roll over fully on their own ― even for babies with reflux (7).”
  • The danger of vomiting was the most important argument for making the baby sleep on its stomach. This is because of a belief that it would be dangerous if the baby vomits while sleeping on the back. They argued that babies might choke on their vomit, due to lack of enough strength to turn their head. However, babies sleeping on their backs may not have as much difficulty turning their heads and vomiting the contents of the stomach out. AAP suggests that babies naturally cough up or swallow spit-up or vomit because of their gag reflex, which helps prevent choking (7). Back sleeping in babies further ensures that the protective reflexes of infants, including gagging, arousal, and swallowing, are working well and their airways are clear (8).
  • Additionally, you may make a baby with colic sleep on the stomach to relieve them of gas. However, do not do it immediately after feeding them. Let there be some gap between the feed and the sleep time. However, AAP suggests that placing a baby on the tummy for colic relief should be done when the baby is awake, and preferably you should tummy-down the baby across your knees while using one hand to support the neck and gently rubbing their back. Once the baby falls asleep, place them in their designated sleeping place on their back (9).

Talking about the changes in her baby’s sleep position during the night, a mother and ardent blogger who goes by the name ‘The Wandering Pram’ says, “When she was little, it was much simpler; she always slept on her back, and the only variation was whether her head was to the left or right and whether her left or right arm was raised beside her head.

“Since she got mobile, bedtime is a much more wriggly affair. Her favorite sleep position is on her front with her face to one side and her arms cradling her head or tucked into her side… I always start putting her on her back, and sometimes she falls asleep like that, but she often turns before I’ve even left the room. I’m not sure what the sleep experts would say to some of the positions she finds herself in, but I am careful to check her face isn’t covered (i).”

 3. Sleep on the side

It is unsafe for babies to sleep on the side
Image: Shutterstock

It is unsafe for babies to sleep on the side because they may end up on the tummy, increasing the risk of SIDS. Babies sleeping on the side can also accidentally roll onto their stomachs, which can lead to breathing difficulties (10).

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a total of 1529 known deaths occurred due to sudden infant death syndrome in 2022 (13). Dr. Nilong Vyas, a board-certified pediatrician and sleep consultant from New Orleans, Louisiana, says, “If babies are gassy, holding them on their left side when awake is okay to help eliminate the gas. It is unsafe for babies to sleep on their side; however, if they roll to the side, it is safe to keep them there. It is always best to place the baby on their back to sleep.”

In addition to the good and bad sleeping positions, you must also know about the sleeping practices that could lead to a sudden unexpected death in infants.

Sleeping Practices That Could Lead To Sudden Unexpected Death In Infancy (SUDI)

SUDI includes both SIDS and other fatal sleeping accidents. Here are a few practices that could lead to SUDI (11):

  • Making the baby sleep on the stomach or side.
  • Putting the baby to sleep on soft surfaces such as mattress, sofa, waterbed, pillow, or lamb’s wool, either with or without a parent around.
  • Covering the baby’s head or face with bedding, which may cause accidental suffocation and overheating.
  • Co-sleeping
  • Disruption to normal routines before ‘the last sleep’
  • Altered sleeping arrangements when in holiday or staying relatives

Additionally, other factors such as smoking during pregnancy or after childbirth, and substance abuse and alcoholism of parents, neglect and domestic abuse, overcrowding in the house, and mental illness of parents are also known risk factors of SUDI. Preterm babies and babies with low birth weight (weighing less than 2.5kg) are also at increased risk of SUDI (11).

SIDS can be a significant risk and should be considered when you follow certain steps to ensure that your newborn sleeps safely.

11 Tips For Safe Baby Sleep

For babies who are healthy and under one year of age, back sleeping is the ideal position.

Dr. Vyas recommends, “For SIDS prevention, it is ideal for the babies to sleep on their backs, not the side, chest, or stomach. However, if babies transition independently, leaving them in the same position is okay unless there is distress.” However, some extra measures would be helpful to ensure safe sleep for your baby (1).

  1. Avoid loose bedding: It is advisable to use a firm mattress rather than an overly soft mattress, waterbed, or sofa for your baby. Experts suggest against the usage of bumper pads, pillows, fluffy bedding or stuffed animals around the baby in the crib. In simple words, anything that could cover a baby’s head or face during sleep is not recommended.
  2. Keep the crib simple: Do not use wedges, quilts, or comforters under an infant in the crib. Let the infant sleep with the feet touching the bottom of the crib so that he can’t wriggle down under the bedding. Using a firm, clean mattress that fits the cot well and tucking in the bedclothes securely can ensure crib safety. In addition, the sides or ends of the crib should be high enough to prevent the baby from climbing out or crawling out.
protip_icon Be watchful
Do not use weighted blankets, swaddles, sleepers, or other objects near your baby (6).
Keep the crib simple
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Avoid covering the baby’s head: Blankets should be covered only up to the chest of the baby with arms exposed, to avoid the shifting of the blanket onto the head and thereby preventing suffocation. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends using ‘sleep sack’ or ‘baby sleep bag’ as a type of bedding to keep him warm without covering the head. Sleeping bags with a fitted neck and armholes and no hood are considered the safest. Wrapping a baby in lightweight cotton or muslin also helps in preventing him from rolling onto the tummy during sleep.
  2. Avoid overheating: Infants should be clothed lightly for sleep. Avoid over-swaddling and check if the baby is not hot to touch.
  3. Good sleep environment: It is important to maintain a considerably cool sleeping environment with a temperature of around 20 degrees Celsius for the baby (12).
  4. Vaccination: An investigation done on diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunization and potential SIDS association by the Berlin School of Public Health has concluded that increased DTP immunization coverage is associated with decreased SIDS mortality (5). Current recommendations on timely DTP immunization should be emphasized and followed to prevent not only specific infectious diseases but also potentially SIDS.
Vaccination can prevent diseases
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Use a pacifier (at sleep times): The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) considers pacifiers could prevent the risk SIDS significantly (14). However, do not force the baby if they do not want it or if it falls out of the mouth. If you are breastfeeding, wait until it is well established before beginning to use a pacifier. It usually takes around three to four weeks of age for the baby to get comfortable with breastfeeding.
  2. Use technology: If you are worried about the baby’s sleeping position, especially when they are in a separate room, use Wi-Fi baby monitors, app-powered thermostats, or small alarms to monitor the sleep position as well as vitals of your baby.
  3. Avoid use of products that claim to prevent or reduce SIDS. This is crucial as scientifically, there is no known way to prevent SIDS. Safety and efficacy of wedges, infant sleep positioners, or other such products that claim to prevent SIDS are not proven. On the contrary, various incidents have been reported in the Federal Food Drug & Cosmetic (FDA) reports where these products have been associated with injury and death when used in the baby’s sleep area (15).
  4. Share the same room: Room sharing with your baby may make a convenient setup for breastfeeding and contact. The crib or bassinet in which the newborn sleeps, should be closer to the parents.
protip_icon Point to consider
Parents who smoke can share their room with the baby if they do not share the bed and keep the room smoke-free (16).
  1. Avoid sharing the bed: Experts suggest that infants ideally should not share the bed with parents, adults, siblings, or other children. Twins or multiples may be made to sleep separately. Avoid co-sleeping with your baby, especially if you or your partner have been drinking, smoking, or taking medications or drugs that could induce deep sleep. Smoking and the use of a substance like drugs or alcohol significantly increase the risk of SIDS and suffocation in babies, if the bed is shared(6).
Sleeping positions for babies
Image: Shutterstock

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What if the baby rolls onto the stomach while sleeping?

Around four to five months of age, babies begin to roll over onto their stomach from their back (17). This can be alright as the SIDS risk generally lowers by this time. Let the baby find a comfortable sleeping position; they may be able to turn the face to the side to keep the mouth and nose free for breathing when sleeping on the stomach. In any case, always place the baby on the back when you put them down on the bed to sleep.

Elizabeth Ko, MD, internist and an assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health says, “Once your baby is able to turn over by himself, which happens at about six months, his brain is developed enough to alert him to breathing problems. Rolling over is an important part of his development and he should be allowed to do so. You should continue to place him on his back when you put him down to sleep, but according to guidelines published by the National Institutes of Health, you don’t need to return him to his back when he turns over (18).”

Note that the SIDS risk is at a peak between one and four months of age, but it remains a threat until babies are 12 months old. So, follow other precautions to reduce the risk of SIDS all through your baby’s first year.

2. Why does my baby sleep in fencing reflex while in the back-to-sleep position?

Babies exhibit many involuntary movements as they grow. One such move is the Fencing Reflex or Tonic Neck Reflex (19). When placed on the back-to-sleep position, the baby’s head turns to one side with the arm and leg of that side extended, while the other arm and leg are flexed. This is called the fencing position, which helps prevent a baby from rolling over onto the stomach before the body is ready for it. This is one more reason for putting your baby to sleep on the back. This involuntary movement will disappear anytime between three to six months of age.

3. When can the baby be on its stomach?

The baby may be put on the stomach, but under supervision, when awake. Giving tummy time for babies is a good way to strengthen their stomach, back, and neck muscles. However, when it comes to baby sleeping on stomach, it’s important to be cautious.

According to Dr. Karen Sokal-Gutierrez, clinical professor, community health and human development, University of California Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program, SIDS risk is lowered with babies spending more tummy time when they are awake (20). Moreover, the baby would develop upper body strength needed to lift the head and roll over in sleep.

4. Can I use infant sleep positioners for my baby?

There is no US FDA approval for infant sleep positioners to reduce or prevent the risk of SIDS in babies.

5. What if babies throw up when sleeping on the back?

There is a lower risk for healthy babies to choke on vomit when made to sleep on their backs than on their sides or tummies. But do not put the baby to bed with a bottle propped for feeding. If your baby throws up, turn their head to the side. Clean up the vomit and change the bedding before you put the baby back to sleep again.

6. What to do if my baby has difficulty sleeping on the back?

A few infants may not have a deep sleep in the back-to-sleep position. Some may even become fussy when placed on the back.

The baby may not feel comfortable sleeping on the back if they have a congested nose. In such a case, place a humidifier in the baby’s room to moisten the air and loosen the congestion. The best sleeping position for a baby with a stuffy nose can be elevating the head slightly to minimize the discomfort.

7. What are the best sleeping positions for preterm babies?

According to a research study, preterm infants are at a higher SIDS risk, and they are to be placed in the back-to-sleep position (21). However, in a highly monitored inpatient setting, sleep on stomach position may be appropriate in case of acute respiratory disease in preterm infants.

8. How long should my baby sleep on the back?

Sleeping on their back is possibly the best and safest way to sleep for infants from birth until they are one year old. According to experts, sleeping on the back could reduce the risk of SIDS, breathing in food or objects, and even choking (22).

9. Is it normal for my baby to sleep with arms up?

Like adults, babies change position while sleeping, including sleeping with arms up. As long as the baby is comfortable, this sleeping position is normal and not a cause for concern.

10. Will my baby get choked while sleeping on the back?

Studies have shown no increase in deaths from choking among babies who sleep on their backs (16). Ideally, when a baby is placed on their back, their choking risk is considered low as their airways are less likely to be blocked. However, it is essential to ensure that the baby’s sleeping area is free from objects, such as soft bedding and soft toys, that could cause suffocation.

In the first few months, you need to be extra careful with your baby and their habits, including their sleeping position. Learning about the right sleeping positions for babies holds great importance in ensuring their safety and preventing any unfortunate events such as SIDS. What may seem like a normal harmless position, such as sleeping on the side and the stomach or sleeping on too soft surfaces, can increase the risk of the condition. So consult your doctor to know about the safe sleep guidelines for your baby and follow the precautionary tips to help your baby have a safe and comfortable sleep.

Infographic: Tips To Make The Baby Sleep Safely

Creating a safe sleeping environment for your baby is essential to reduce the risks of SIDS and other sleep-related mishaps. To assist you in doing so, we have compiled a list of tips for safely putting your baby to sleep. Follow these guidelines to ensure your baby has a safe and restful sleep.

tips to help avoid sudden infant death syndrome (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: Sleeping Positions For Babies: What Is Safe And What Is Not?

sleeping positions for babies_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

It is of prime importance that your baby sleeps in the correct position. Watch this informative video to learn tips on the right way for your baby to sleep.

Personal Experience: Source


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. Rachel Y. Moon et al., Sleep-Related Infant Deaths.
  2. Infant Sleep Position and SIDS.
  3. Safe to Sleep
  4. Putting Back-Sleeping Concerns to Rest.
  5. Jacqueline Müller-Nordhorn et al., Association between sudden infant death syndrome and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunisation: an ecological study.
  6. How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe: AAP Policy Explained.
  7. What is the safest sleep solution for my baby with reflux?
  8. Sudden unexpected death in infants (SUDI and SIDS).
  9. Colic Relief Tips for Parents.
  10. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): Common Questions & Concerns.
  11. Sudden and Unexpected Deaths in Infancy (SUDI) Prevention.
  12. What Is the Best Room Temperature for a Sleeping Baby?
  13. Data and Statistics for SUID and SIDS.
  14. E.A. Mitchell et al., Should Pacifiers Be Recommended to Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?
  15. When is a Baby Product Regulated by the FDA as a medical device?
  16. Safe to Sleep Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
  17. Important Milestones: Your Baby By Four Months.
  18. Ask the Doctors – Should I worry if my baby rolls over while sleeping?
  19. Newborn Reflexes
  20. Preventive Health and Safety in the Child Care Setting.
  21. J.M.D Thompson et al., Are the risk factors for SIDS different for preterm and term infants?
  22. Infant Sleep.
  23. Healthy Native Babies.

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Dr. Rajeev Ranjan is a senior neonatologist and pediatrician at the Nidan Mother And Child Care Clinic in Noida, India. He completed his MD from Tsma-Tver Medical University, Russia, in 2005, DCH from Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College (Mumbai), and FCH, MCH (Delhi) in 2004.

Read full bio of Dr. Rajeev Ranjan
  • Dr. Nilong Vyas
    Dr. Nilong VyasMD Dr. Nilong Vyas is a pediatrician, public health specialist, and board-certified sleep expert. She did her MD and Pediatrics Residency Program at Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and Master of Public Health in epidemiology at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. She has 15 years of experience as a pediatrician and sleep expert.
    Dr. Nilong Vyas is a pediatrician, public health specialist, and board-certified sleep expert. She did her MD and Pediatrics Residency Program at Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and Master of Public Health in epidemiology at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. She has 15 years of experience as a pediatrician and sleep expert.
Swati Patwal
Swati PatwalM.Sc. (Food & Nutrition), MBA
Swati Patwal is a clinical nutritionist, a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) and a toddler mom with more than a decade of experience in diverse fields of nutrition. She started her career as a CSR project coordinator for a healthy eating and active lifestyle project catering to school children.

Read full bio of Swati Patwal
Rohit Garoo
Rohit GarooBSc, MBA
Rohit Garoo is a writer-turned-editor with over 9 years of experience in content writing, editing, and content marketing. He did his bachelors in Science at St. Xavier's College, Hyderabad, and masters in Business Administration at Osmania University.

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Vidya Tadapatri
Vidya TadapatriMSc (Biotechnology)
Vidya did her post-graduation in Biotechnology from Osmania University, Hyderabad. Her interest in scientific research and writing made her pursue a career in writing, in which she now has over five years of experience. She has done certified biotechnology-related training programs under renowned organizations such as Centre For Cellular & Molecular Biology and Department of Biotechnology.

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